
By D D

Published on Jan 4, 2008


Yes that's right! Pizza's back!

Why is it back? Well I was watching some TV show for the 100th time the other day and I realised how annoyed I was at the writer for not continuing the story so, for fear of becoming a hypocrite, I'm writing more! I always had what happened next in my mind but I thought I would leave it at that point for other people to imagine what happens next. So, now that you have wondered and imagined, it's time for answers! ________________________________________________________________________________

Pizza's Back!

The heavy winter rain was pounding against the window. The howl of the icy wind could be heard outside at random intervals and even managed to break in whenever someone opened the door.

With Christmas fast approaching, this particular Friday in town was busier than normal and was the main reason why this particular cafe was full and bustling with custom. The three waitresses seemed hassled with all the commotion as they ran between the table taking orders as fast as their writing on a pad would allow.

In the centre of the cafe at a round table sat two young men. One was sixteen and the other had just celebrated his eighteenth birthday. These people were Jack and Darren respectively. They were tall and similar in build; however, Jack knew and had seen many times that underneath Darren's T-shirt he was sporting well defined and very hot abs and a six pack.

Darren and Jack had been seeing each other since June after Darren finally admitted his feelings towards Jack at Jack's School Leaver's Prom. Although it had taken Darren a while to do this, he secretly had liked Jack ever since their first encounter in a pizza restaurant.

"So we have just mine and your mum's Christmas presents left to get," said Darren as he ticked off the names on a list written on the back of an old envelope.

"Have you told your mum about us yet?" asked Jack.

Darren put the list down and stared at the cups of tea on the table. "No," he replied quietly.

"It's ok," said Jack putting a hand on Darren's knee under the table. "You know I love you. I can wait as long as you want to."

"You love me? How much?" replied Darren playfully, grinning.

If it was not for the loud humming made by everyone chatting excitedly, an unzipping noise would clearly have been heard coming from under Jack and Darren's table. It was also a mercy that a deep red table cloth had been draped over the table as anyone who had been looking in their direction would have seen Darren's flaccid cock poking out of his jeans. Jack wrapped his hand around Darren's cock and began to rub it. It was not long before Darren was sporting a seven inch erection in the middle of a busy town cafe.

"So what were you thinking of buying your mum?" asked Jack playfully as he moved his hand up and down Darren's thick shaft.

"I'm not too sure. I think I will just get her -- oh!" Darren groaned. He was trying his best to keep a straight face but the pleasure Jack was giving him was great! With every pump, Darren pulled an unusual face as the pleasure overruled his concentration.

"Sorry but I'm afraid I didn't quite catch that," Jack said as he increased the speed of his hand movement.

Pleasure began to surge through Darren's body. The only thing he could do to stop his body from moving was to grasp the sides of the round table. "Stop, Jack. I'm going to cum," he whispered over the table.

Darren had no intention of stopping. Instead, he speeded up driving Darren closer and closer to his orgasm.

"Stop, Jack. I'm gonna...I'm gonna..." Darren never finished what he was staying as his cock erupted firing hot cum under the table. "Oh god...oh god...oh god," Darren whispered as his body convulsed over the table with every shot of cum. He fired one, two, three powerful shots landing on the expensive brown carpet. Two weaker shots landed on Jack's hand. He wiped the come on the table cloth before putting Darren's thick cock back in his jeans.

"Thanks," Darren panted "but we've got to get out of here before someone notices."

Jack smiled before calling a waitress over for the bill.


Later, snow began to fall covering the ground with a light dusting of winter. As the sun began to set, casting a red glow over the early evening sky, Jack and Darren were stood inside a cloths shop looking for something to wear for their night out later.

"Hey, what about this?" asked Jack playfully holding up a large coat with a fluffy ring around the neck.

"Yeah I think I should go out tonight with a ferret around my neck," replied Darren before they both started giggling. Darren put the coat on. "What do you think?"

Jack mockingly nodded his head as two other young men watched them from the other side of the clothes rack, smiling. They both looked about twenty. The man on the left had long blonde hair, blue eyes and was about six feet tall. The one on the right was stood slightly behind the blond one and had short brown hair, green eyes and was shorter than the other man.

"Pass me that ferret handbag," Darren replied, pointing to a round fluffy hand bag. Jack passed Darren the handbag. He began to prance around on the spot swinging the handbag wildly in his arms. "Darling, I'm going to look fabulous in this outfit tonight," he mocked to a fit of giggles from all three men.

"You're completely mental," Jack said laughing. "Put them down and come and help me try these on in the changing rooms." Jack held up some black trousers and zipped and unzipped the fly.

"Oh yes," Darren said grinning, he dropped the fluffy outfit on the floor and walked into the changing rooms with his boyfriend.

The changing room, which was a large rectangle shape with small square cubicles lining the left and right sides, was guarded by a teenage female employee who seemed to enjoy chewing gum. A cubicle toward the back was empty which Jack went in to change. Darren patiently waited outside. Finally, Jack pulled back the curtain to reveal what he was wearing.

"What do you think?" he said grinning.

"You're wearing them all wrong. They're supposed to shop off your ass and cock and I can hardly see any of them," replied Darren.

"Oh, really? Then why don't you come in here and show me how it is done?"

Gladly obeying, Darren almost leapt into the cubical. As soon as Jack had drawn the curtain again, he was on his knees. He pulled down the zip on the trousers and put his hand inside. Darren slowly began to rub Jack's cock which grew hard almost instantly. He pulled his boxers and pulled Jack's cock out through the gap in the front of his trousers.

"I can see your cock much better now," Darren said while rubbing his hand up and down Jack's shaft. "I believe I still owe you one from earlier." With that, Darren put his lips round Jack's throbbing cock. It always felt good to have Jack cock inside him and Darren never minded which hole that was. He also loved the taste of his boyfriends cock. "There was no better taste in the world!" he thought, "Well...maybe cum is better!" With that thought, Darren began to bob his head up and down, faster and faster, taking Jack's cock all the way down his throat before letting it back out again, all the while licking Jack's cock head. The taste of Jack's pre-cum was great! Jack began to thrust his pelvis as his boyfriend found a rhythm that worked.

"Darren, I'm near."

Darren pulled the cock out of his mouth and began to wank it as fast as he could with one hand while holding out his other hand ready to catch Jack's cum. Jack felt the pressure build and build in his balls until he could no longer take it. He exploded. The first shot missed Darren's hand altogether and hit the side of the cubicle while Darren successfully caught the other six shots. With every burst, Jack's pelvis convulsed until his orgasm finally passed.

Jack looked down at his boyfriend and smiled. "You've got cum all over your hands now," he said.

"No I haven't," Darren replied and wiped his hand all the way down one of the trouser legs.

"Darren, I haven't bought them yet," Jack whispered.

"Take them off, get changed and get ready to run," Darren grinned as he left the cubicle. A few minuets later, Jack emerged with the trousers back on the hanger with a large white stain down one of the legs. Trying not to smile they walked down the room to the girl at the entrance.

"So are ya gonna buy `em or not?" she asked rather irritatingly.

"No thanks," replied Jack handing the trousers over so that the stained side faced away from her. They hurried out of the room as the girl turned them around before placing them on a rail. It was only when she looked again that he saw it.

"Security!" she bellowed from her post and pointed at Jack and Darren who were casually walking across the shop floor.

Without stopping to think, the boys ran for the exit, pushing people out of the way and leaping over display tables. Jack chanced a look back, but quickly wished that he had not as he crashed into a female manikin displaying a pick bra and knickers. He fell to the ground in a heap of broken limbs before being quickly helped back up by a laughing Darren.

"Come on, quick!" as he ran from the store holding Jack's hand, who had a bright pink bra dangling from his ear. "My car's on the corner!"

It was only when they were both safely driving home inside Darren's car that they started laughing out loud to each other.

"You know," said Darren "I really do love you but I don't think pink is quite your colour!" He picked the bra from Jack's ear and threw it out of the window. Jack could not say or do anything but laugh.


The sun had completely set by the time Darren had driven Jack back home, even though it was only 5:30pm. There were no stars in the sky due to the cloud which they were both thankful of. Clouds meant that it was most likely going to be a warm evening which was a bonus as they were both going out on the gay scene again that night. It would have been a peaceful night had it not been for some shouting coming from somewhere.

"Well, I'll see you at seven," said Darren, turning to face Jack and resting an arm on the steering wheel.

"At the train station?" asked Jack.

"Yeah...sorry but where is that noise coming from?" asked Darren, looking behind him.

"That noise is my new neighbours. They moved in last week and have done nothing but argue all the time. They've got three sons I think. I've seen them going in and out of the house. They're all a bit cute to be honest. Well two of them are but I think the third one is a bit young. The two look about eighteen and the third looks about fourteen."

"Hey, you randy thing. I don't want you running off with any stranger." Darren leaned over and kissed Jack.

"Don't worry yourself. As far as lookers go, I've got the best," replied Jack, grinning.

A knock at the window on Jack's side made both of them jump. Relaxing, Jack wound it down when he realised that it was Mel.

"Hi Jack. That was a coincidence. I've just come over to see how you're doing. Hi Darren, how's it going?"

"Fine thanks," he replied. "How's Carrie?"

"Well, she was weeping none stop when you dump her but she's doing fine now. It's a shame you don't work at the cafe anymore. I used to like working shifts with you. What job have you got now?"

"I've got a bit of bar work in the city. I can juggle college and late week nights at work now and keep my weekends free."

"Nice. I'm really happy for you. Jack are you gonna invite me in? It's freezing out here. Are you coming in Darren?"

"No, I'm gonna go home and get ready. Jack and I are going out tonight."

"That should be fun! Are you going to get out, Jack, or are you just going to sit there all night?"

"I would get out but you're stood in front of the door."

"Oh sorry." With that, Mel stepped aside to allow Jack out after he gave Darren another kiss goodbye.

Darren stayed long enough to watch Mel and Darren walk down the garden path, tracking his boyfriend's arse all the way. Anyone who did not know Mel well enough would think she was an awfully rude person but both he and Jack knew that she had a heart of gold and never meant anyone any harm, even if her presence was a lot to take in.

Just as Jack waved goodbye and closed his front door, the neighbour's door burst open. Darren guessed that the woman, who looked in her mid-30's and was wearing a red dress, storming away from the house was the mother but he was proven wrong as a 40 year old woman appeared in the doorway.

"Excuse me, love!" she called after the younger woman. "You forgot your bra!" She held up the offending item. "And next time, if you would not mind sneaking over to my house while I'm at work, I would be very grateful, you tart!"

The younger woman turned around and started to advance back down the garden path. "What did you call me?" she bellowed back.

"You heard! I said you're a tart who should learn to keep your legs shut and your hands off my husbands cock!"

"You bitch!" screamed the young lady and slapped the mother across the face. The mother grabbed the young lady by her blonde hair and dragged her to the ground where they began to roll around, kicking and screaming as they got covered in mud from the lawn. The bizarre spectacle was not complete yet for as Darren looked up at their window, he saw a man leaning on the window-sill. It was clear from the rigorous movement of his right arm that he was wanking over the two fighting women.

Resisting the urge to stay and watch the amusing entertainment, Darren drove away after seeing another reason why being gay seemed so much better.


What Darren had seen was an amusing story to tell when he and Jack were both riding the train to the city.


Darren and Jack had a very good time going round the gay scene of the city but it was in the final gay club of the night that the fun really happened. Everyone knew that the CQC (which stood for Cum Quick Club but obviously they were not allowed to display that outside) was the best club in the city and the fun always happened there. After wanking off the doorman, Jack was allowed inside.

It was about an hour into their dancing that Jack realised something.

"That guy over there had done nothing but stare at you since we arrived," he said to Darren, pointing at a man leaning against the bar.

It took a few looks before Darren realised that it was the same guy with brown hair that they had seen in the clothes shop. Being polite, Darren waved. His wave was returned. "He's only cruising. There's nothing wrong with that."

"He's really good looking and single and after you," commented Jack.

Seeing Jack concern, Darren held him close as they danced. "And I'm not so he's going to have no luck in this direction."

"Do you...fancy a trip to the gents?" teased Jack feeling horny for the third time that day. Holding his hand, he led Darren off of the dance floor and into the toilets where they found an empty cubical.

Darren barely had time to lock the cubical door before Jack pounced and started kissing him on the lips. Darren rubbed his hands over the bulge in Jack's trousers. He unzipped and pulled his trousers and boxers down to reveal a 6 inch throbbing cock. He paused for a moment to admire the sight before taking it deep in his throat. Up and down he went, tasting every inch of his boyfriends cock, tasting the pre-cum dribbling out of the end.

"I want you in me," said Darren, taking the cock out of hi mouth to talk and looking up into Jack's eyes. Jack pulled Darren back up and kissed him again. He undid Darren zip and pulled his pants down. "Turn around then," Jack said, grinning. Darren eagerly obeyed and turned around. He let out a sigh as he felt Jack push his throbbing meat inside him. Stating slow, Jack moved his cock in and out of Darren. Eventually, Jack began to speed up. Faster and faster he went ramming Darren's arse harder and harder. Jack let out a cry of appreciation with every thrust.

"Where do you want it?" Jack cried.

"Inside...inside!" Darren replied.

"Hold on then. It coming, I'm coming."

Jack and Darren let out cries as Jack exploded lining Darren's insides with hot cum. Jack shot again and again convulsing every time. Darren could feel Jack cock throb before feeling more cum entering his hole. Jack pulled out when he finally and, after pulling his trousers back up, sat on the toilet lid. Darren spun round and pointed his cock at Jack's face as he started beating. It did not take long for Darren to cum on Jack's face, showering him in sticky white love juice.

"Let's go rejoin the party," Darren said before kissing Jack and tasting his own cum.

Jack cleaned up using the toilet before going back into the bar with Darren. ________________________________________________________________________________

There it is! Thank you for reading this far and I hope you enjoyed it! I intentionally did not e-mail those that e-mailed me to tell up that Pizza was coming back. I wanted it to be a surprise -- hopefully a nice one!

A whole new story begins next time with Darren and Jack. More secrets, a new organisation...oh...and a pineapple!

Any comments, please e-mail me. I read them all!

Next: Chapter 7

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