
By D D

Published on Jul 3, 2023


Usual T's & C's apply. If you are offended by gay stories then leave now and hope you find a portal to take you back to the 1850's. You'll like it there.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here it is. Sorry about how long it has taken. So much has happened to me in the passed few months that I've hardly had time to breathe. On the plus side, thanks to all these things, I now have some really good material to work into the stories! Read on loyal reader...

Pizza 9 -- The Edge of Destruction: Part 1

Cock. Cock, cock, cock, cock, cock. When he was not playing with it, he wanted it and when he was bored, he was thinking about it. To Alex Lates, this dream world was absolutely necessary because, to him, if we had nothing to distract us from the shit and boring reality of real life, then we would all go mad and be jumping off the top of building at every available opportunity. The world as we know it would cease to exist. That is why we should keep dreaming because one day, when we least expect it, one of those dreams might just come true.

Some of Alex's dreams included; taking a ride in a sports car, having loads of money, seeing his oldest brother, Chris, again someday and getting hold of the boyfriend of the guy next door's cock. Ok so maybe some of them were a little farfetched but there was no harm in wishing, was there?

Alex was seventeen years old but was lucky enough to look much younger than he was. Some people even thought he was fourteen years old which made him smile.

As Alex sat outside his house on the doorstep with a cup of tea, the only dream going through his head was that guy's cock. He watched as Jack stormed down his garden path towards his boyfriend (or the "Sexy Fucker" as Alex liked to call him). It was hard to hear clearly what they were saying because Jack's parents were arguing among themselves -- which made a change as the arguing usually came from his house. He could just make out what they were saying, however.

"Hi, Jack! You didn't come and meet me after my shift last night so I just wanted to make sure that we are ok," he called. The boyfriend looked concerned, however, when he saw the hurt look on Jack's face. "Are you ok?"

"Why should there be anything wrong with me? Why do you always have to know everything and why do you think you know me so well?" Jack shouted.

"Ok, ok. You don't have to tell me," replied the boyfriend. "But if someone has upset you just remember what you said to me ages ago: "The only people that are different these days are the ones who have a problem with homosexuality.""

"Just leave me alone," Jack stormed off.

The boyfriend watched Jack walk all the way down the street and turn the corner. This seemed like a good chance for Alex to finally get to know this hunk.

"Boyfriend trouble?" he called over.

The hunk turned to face Alex. "How did you guess?"

Alex pointed to Jack's house next door. "I'm use to the arguing being in my house. It makes a change for it to be next door. I'm Alex by the way. You can come and sit down for a bit if you want to." Alex indicated a space next to him on the doorstep. The boyfriend accepted the invitation and walked over to Alex before sitting down next to him. "Here. Have this," Alex handed him the cup of tea. "It will make you feel better,"

He thanked Alex before taking a sip. "So...who are you?"

"Well, I'm Alex Lates of 16 Hedge Grove. I live here with my mum and dad who seem to enjoy arguing with each other all of the time. I also live here with two of my three brothers and I go to the high school around the corner. I'm also an Unchild. So what's up with Jack?"

"How do you know his name? And what the hell is an Unchild?" he asked in amazement.

"Well, an Unchild is someone who has sex before they are legally old enough. It's just a little word me and some lads invented at school. I know the name of your boyfriend, by the way, because that's who they are arguing over next door. I've also just heard that he came out to his mum last night and his dad's not taking it too well."

"Poor Jack," replied the boyfriend, staring at the grass, deep in thought. "Anyway, I better get going. It was nice to meet you, Alex," he said, handing the cup back.

"It was nice to meet you too," Alex replied, smiling, as the guy walked back to his car.

Alex watched as the hunk sat in his car, deep in though for a moment before revving up the engine and driving away. Once Darren was out of sight, Alex got up and went back inside.

As soon as Alex had gone through his front door, he was greeted by his 18 year old brother, Lewis, who was coming down the stairs. "Ah! There you are, you useless shit. Get ready, quick. We're going to the city. Mum wants a new batch of lighters to sell."

"Oh no," replied Alex shaking his head as he put the cup in the sink. "We're not blowing the back door off of a shop again, not after last time. It took ages for my eyebrows to grow back. Where do we get the explosives from anyway?"

"Shut up, Dickless," Alex's mum said who had appeared as though out of nowhere in the doorway of the kitchen. "I ask your dad the questions in this house. Where he gets them from is no one's business but mine. Now get to the city and bring me back some lighters. I want decent ones too."


Quarter of an hour later, Alex and Lewis were making their way through the train station after taking a cab to get there.

"I do it every time. I don't mean to but I do," said Alex, looking at the floor and heading towards the platforms.

"What, the fuck, are you going on about?" asked Lewis glaring at him.

"I'm on about mum. I don't mean to, but I just seem to get on the wrong side of her all the time."

"Then stop acting like a dick and you won't have that problem."

"Do you have to swear all the time?" Now Alex was glaring at Lewis.

"Oh, fuck off. Come on, the train's over there."

As they boarded the train, Alex was sure he could hear someone screaming "Jack!" over the crowd but he just assumed that perhaps he was hearing things. After all, he supposed that maybe he was a little obsessed with Jack's boyfriend. With that conclusion, Alex boarded the train. He sat by the window facing the platform. When he looked out, he saw Darren charge passed the window. As the train gathered speed, he could see Darren loosing his race before dropping to his knees and screaming to the heavens.


"How could you forget the explosives?" Alex asked yet again as they returned back to the station with nothing. "I mean, we go all the way there and the first time you think to check your pockets is when we're stood in the rain, down a crappy dark alley."

"I know. Just stop reminding me for fuck sake," replied Lewis looking frustrated.

"Mum is gonna kill you."

"I KNOW!" Lewis's voice echoed around the train station.

It was just outside that Alex saw something that made him stop in his tracks. Darren was sitting in the rain on a bench staring into space.

"I've got it. My mate, Ian has got a dad that smokes like a chimney. I bet you anything that half the presents under the Christmas tree are lighters. All we have to do is...Alex?" Lewis realised that he had been walking and talking on his own as his brother had stopped a while ago. "What is it?"

"Just go home. I'll follow you."

As Lewis left for home, Alex walked over to Darren and sat down next to him. As the rain bounced off the ground, a small rumble of thunder could be heard in the distance. As Darren sat with no coat on, the rain water had made his white t-shirt go transparent showing off his muscle body. He was sat with his cell phone in his hands as though thinking about whether to use it for a call.

"I remember when it was raining like this about sixth months ago," began Alex. It was all he could think of to break the ice. "I, my mum and my brother Dean were sat in the house watching TV. I can't remember what Lewis was doing now but I know he was not in. Anyway, so we were watching TV like I said and this guy came on. He was supposed to be this real babe-magnet who could attract the women effortlessly and I said:

""What do the women see in him? If they were all going for his brother then I could understand because he's good looking but him? He's a dog."

""He's rugged, rich and does not give a fuck," my mum replied. "What is it to you anyway? You're not gay, are you?"

"I remember feeling cold rush through me as I saw them both turn to face me and I said through a dry mouth:

""No. Of course I'm not a dirty queer." As soon as I had said that, I kicked myself. I had thrown a prime opportunity to tell them away and even worse than that: I had just insulted us all."

"You're gay?" asked Darren, still sitting in the same position as though frozen to the spot.

"Yeah." Alex now started to stare into space listening to the sound of the rain hitting the ground. Two more rumbles of thunder could be heard before anyone started talking again. "You're the only one that I've ever told and only the second one to know."

"How did the first one find out? Did you get caught?"

"No, he worked it out. It was Dean. He worked it out that night. He could tell I was lying and when we went up to bed later on, he told me that it did not matter to him if I was gay. What did bother him was the fact that I could not tell him."

"That's a happy ending. Sorry this going anywhere?"

"Yes." Replied Alex, sounding a little insulted but continued none the less "That's not all. One day, Dean was at college and there was this girl, Kelly, who I suppose it quite good looking. Apparently, she was getting annoyed with all the brain dead and insensitive lads at school trying to get their way with her so Dean struck a deal with her. If me and her both pretend to be going out with each other, then the boys would leave her alone and my mum would never find out about me."

"Has she not guessed that you two are not having sex, yet?" For the first time, Darren moved. He turned his head to face Alex.

"We've solved that problem too. Every now and then, me and Kelly walk into my house. Then we both go upstairs to my room where Dean is waiting. They have loud sex and leave the used condom lying around for my mum to find. She thinks that I have had sex with Kelly and everyone is happy, although mum always tells me off for not being tidy of course."

"Everyone except you," replied Darren.

Alex did not have a reply. There was another long silence as a folk of lightning shot across the sky followed shortly by the loudest rumble of thunder yet. Alex noticed that Darren was shivering so he took his own jacket off and put it around Darren's shoulders.

"So this thing with Kelly is still going on," Alex continued, "but, back in September, I met this 16 year old lad called Craig. We met on the bus to college and we got on really well. I remember we were sat on the top deck at the back of the bus and there was no one else up here. We were just talking nonsense like you do and I had no idea he was gay or even liked me until he put his hand on my leg and started rubbing on it up and down. I must have had a smile right across my face as I slowly started to get hard. I was a bit nervous because that was my first time that I've ever done anything like this in public and I was not quite sure what to do. So I just copied him and started to rub his leg too but he stopped me and moved my hand up to his cock area. He was already hard which made me get rock hard then. I started to rub up and down his cock through his jeans which made him breathe deeply. I thought I would be the first to take it further so I slowly unzipped his pants and put my hand inside to feel his 7 inch meat inside. I remember he did the same to me before he sunk into the seat as he got comfortable. I sunk into my seat too as I was still just copying him. Then we started wanking each other. It was slow at first and felt really good as we squirmed a little with the pleasure. I could feel some pre-cum dripping out of the end of his cock and running down onto my hand which acted as a lubricant and I began to speed up. His breathing grew louder and faster and he started to speed up on my cock too. Oh it felt so good!

""I'm close!" Craig said, panting after a few more minuets of pleasure.

""Me too!" I replied and we both started to pump even faster. "Oh Craig. I'm gonna..."

"But I never finished what I was saying because he was about to do the same thing so. In a flash, he leaned over and pushed his cock inside my jeans as he shot a hot load all over my cock. With that, I could not hold on any longer and I shot too. There was so much cum down there -- I was loving it!

"Eventually, Craig collapsed back down into his seat and we both just sat there panting. I put my hand inside my jeans and smeared cum on it before I tasted it. We tasted so good together!

"So that was out first encounter with each other. I took his cell phone number and we started dating, without people knowing of course. The dates usually ended up with us fucking each other in some public place. We did it in a pizza restaurant, in a clothes shop, in a field, in a cinema, at the train station. It was as though nothing else mattered because we were together and so happy.

"Then, one day, he came around to mine and it just happened to be the time when Kelly and Dean decided"play" together. Craig knocked at the door and I answered it. He spotted a half-dressed girl walking down the stairs and jumped to conclusions. He thought I was a straight guy who had got a bit curious and as soon as I had done enough experimenting, I was going to dump Craig for Kelly. I tried and tried to explain but he just stormed off."

"Why did Dean not do anything?" asked Darren looking puzzled. He was actually getting into this story!

"Oh he was asleep upstairs. He's one of those that likes to fall asleep after sex."

Darren chuckled a little but stopped as soon as he saw the look on Alex's face. "Sorry." He said before returning to staring at the ground.

Alex smiled. "It's ok. I suppose it is a bit funny. I was crying at the time, though. When Dean finally woke up, I had a fierce argument with him. When He walked down the stairs into the living room, the first thing I said was:

""Oh, so Sleeping Beauty finally decides to wake up."

""What have I done wrong?" he asked looking puzzled as he stood in the doorway.

""You fell asleep and Alex lost his boyfriend," Kelly explained as she sat on the couch watching TV.

""You lost your boyfriend simply because I fell asleep?"


""Hey now, stop that. That it out of order. I'm doing this for you!" he replied raising his voice but not as loud as mine.


"I laid on my bed in my room and just cried. Dean tried to come in and comfort me but I just told him to fuck off.

"We went around the next day for him to explain. We were stood at Craig's front door and as we were explaining, another guy walked up the garden path.

""Craig, dear!" He said in an irritating voice "I've got the milk for the cereal!"

""Who's that!?" I asked in disgust

"There was a long pause as I looked at Craig, Craig looked at me, the boy looked at Craig and Dean just looked at everyone. I could tell that Craig did not actually have any idea who this guy was. Craig had probably sent him to the shop to buy milk so that he could lock the door and stop whoever this was from getting back in.

"The boy had worked this out too as he let out an unusual sound reminiscent of Michel Jackson. "Honey!" he said in his awful voice, "It Matthew. Do you remember? The dancing diva from the CQC!" He wiggled his hips here to demonstrate the fact he could dance.

"There was another awkward silence as Matthew," Darren noticed that every time Alex said Matthew's name, he said it as though it was an insult. "took in the situation.

""Oh! Oh honey! Oh sugar! Oh purple princesses!" he exclaimed. "Now I see what is going on here!" he put his hands on his hips in protest. "So Craig, this is your boyfriend and I'm guessing you two recently split up and now you, Craig, decided to fuck someone on the rebound!"

"Look, I'm really sorry," Craig said. I'm not sure if he was saying it to me or Matthew but Matthew assumed the apology was directed at him. He outstretched an arm. "Stop!" he squealed, "Don't go there, sister! You have upset Matthew and Matthew is not impressed." He folded his arms and stared up into the tree in more protest. Actually, he was probably looking at the pretty pink flowers in the tree. Anyway, so now Dean and I were staring at Matthew with our mouths wide open, Matthew was looking at nature and Craig was looking at us all.

"I could not think of anything to say for a long time but eventually it came to me. I turned to face Craig. "You chose that over me!?"

"Craig opened his mouth but no words came out.

""What do you mean "that"?" Matthew shrieked, still staring at the tree. "I'm more than you, honey. I have a perfect body reminiscent of that of Posh Spice!"

""Will you just shut up and fuck off back to your pink palace!" I shouted before turning back to Craig. "Well, Craig. I hope you enjoy your flowery future with Princess Matthew because I'm going home. Goodbye, Craig." I turned and stormed down the garden path and out of his life.

"He tried so hard to say sorry. He sent me some flowers saying that he would rather have a flowery future with me. He even paid the train station announcer to announce it when I walked through one morning but I never backed down."

"Good for you," Darren said, smiling.

"Do you think? I've been with more guys since then and not one of them have made me as happy as Craig."

"Don't feel like that. He cheated on you."

"Because he thought I had cheated on him. I know you can not justify what he did but when you love someone it's just so complicated. I think with every love, there is always two cards that can be played once. The one where you just need the person you love to do something for you without question and then there's the one where you give someone a final chance and forgive them. I wish I had done that with Craig.

"Anyway, I know it has taken me a while to explain but what I'm trying to say is that Jack will do something that will upset you. But if you love him enough, you'll give him a final chance."

Darren looked shocked. "How do you know about Jack and what he's doing?"

"Oh, I saw him on the train with some guy. I said "hi" but he did not reply."

"Oh" was all Darren said. A long silence followed broken only by the occasional rumble of thunder. "You're shivering," Darren observed after a while.

Alex smiled. "That's because I gave some guy my coat. I'm nice like that."

"Yeah you are," Darren replied nodding. "You are going to need something to warm you up before you catch a cold. DO you fancy coming back to mine for a coffee or a hot chocolate?"

"Yeah, ok. I'd like that," They stood up. Darren handed Alex his jacket back before heading towards the car.


The journey to Darren's house was pleasant despite the torrential downpours and frequent loud rumbles of thunder. Darren retold his story to Alex, explaining to him why he and Jack had fallen out.


When they arrived back at Darren's house, Darren opened a bottle of wine for them to drink. They sat on a couch in the front room and talk. They talked about nothing in particular. They just talked and talked. The wine went down very well -- Alex thought Darren was drinking a little too well, probably trying to drown his sorrows. Alex has resisted the urge to ask a certain question all night but now that his confidence had been boosted by the alcohol, he just came out and asked.

"Where are your parents, Darren?"

Darren, who was slouched in the corner of the couch paused for a second before clumsily leaning forward towards Alex.

"Kiss me," he said. Alex did not need persuading. This is the guy he had fantasized about for ages and this was the moment he had waited for so long. He kissed Darren on the lips. Darren rubbed his hands on Alex's cock through his jeans which became hard almost instantly. Alex closed his eyes and enjoyed this for a moment before attempting to take hold of Darren's cock. It was then that Darren, overcome by the alcohol, fainted and collapsed to the floor. Alex sighed as he stared at Darren's pretty closed eyes. A perfect opportunity to fuck the guy he liked had just passed by thanks to a bottle of wine. It was when Alex looked lower down that he noticed something. He could see an enormous bulge where Darren was sporting a rock hard 7 inch cock. Alex could not help himself. He leapt from the couch and laid on top of Darren so that both of their hard cocks were. He began to rub their crotches. Yes this felt good. Alex knew now that he was the one for Darren. Alex put his hands down his jeans to wank himself. He knew how to show Darren a good time. He knew how to make him happy... It was then that Alex stopped what he was doing, instantly. He sighed a deep sigh as he realised what would make Darren happy. He decided to get off Darren, went upstairs and brought Darren's duvet down to cover Darren up on the floor so he did not get cold. As Alex looked back down at the boy he fancied, he could not help but admire the perfect sight. After a short pause, Alex switched off the lights and left because he knew how to make Darren happy and knew what he must do. He knew he had to find Jack.

There you have it. Another part bites the dust! The next part is going to be really interesting (or I might be really mean and save the interesting part for Pizza 11! Ha ha) Anyway, Pizza 10 or 11 will have someone coming back with a car chase and a few bullets flying as well as plenty of destruction (hence the title!) I'm not going to promise you when the next part will be ready with how hectic real life can get. It will defiantly be before the end of the year! Ha ha.

If you have any comment let me know! I love reading what you have got to stay and I read them all:

Next: Chapter 10

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