Plain Forward Blackmail

By george Robinson

Published on Feb 29, 2016


Plain Forward Blackmail ch three.1

Once Zac and Alexey were back in the house, Alexey gave Zac a pair of bright red shorts and a tee shirt with a drawing of an erect dick on the front and the words I LIKE THIS. and told him to put them on. At the prospect of actually having clothes on at home, Zac immediately thrust his legs into the garment only to find that it was a size too small. He looked at Alexey with pitiful eyes not knowing what to do. " well cunt...get the fuckers on so we can go to the park...bit tight but they'll do ...they belong to my 14 year old brother". Zac struggled to get the shorts pulled up but with that extra tug managed to get them in place. They were very tight so much so that there was no mistaking the oversized lump between his legs. It was possible to see his very large cock was lying to the right hand side and his balls were seriously constrained to the point where his voice was slightly raised and as for his arse, well, his arse cheeks were clearly trying to escape and it was only a matter time before the stitching, which was already under enormous strain, would fail with catastrophic results.

They all headed for the local park which was only a block or so away. Zac walked very gingerly feeling every step and dreading the possibility of the garment disintegrating before his very eyes. The lads started to have a kick about on the grass. The sun shone brightly and was delivering some serious heat which had the whole group sweating like pigs including Zac, who wasn't even playing. He was just as happy watching his abusers having fun without his participation for once. It was suddenly noticed by one of the lads that Zac wasn't joining in. " hey cunt come and join never might like it." retorted the lad. Zac made the effort to join in and started to feel good that he had be included in the activity. They had made a rough circle about thirty feet in diameter and were passing the ball to each other at increasing speeds. Zac was now enjoying himself,and just for moment he forgot about the tightness of the shorts with disastrous results. The ball was kicked to him with a little force and Zac over stretched his leg to block the ball when his nightmare became his reality. The stitching in the rear section of the shorts surrendered to the pressures that had just been placed on it and the sections of the garment parted company. The shorts were now open to the elements from the waist band to well below Zach's balls and in fact, one of his balls was on view to anyone to see. The lads fell about in hysterics as Zac tried to do the impossible and hide every last inch of skin from view. " One of the teens spoke" of course you know that this doesn't change our plans for you to buy us's just going to be more fucking interesting...your major task now is for you to keep your bollocks securely tucked away and I for one can't see how you're going to manage it" The laughter continued for some time to Zac's discomfort, but eventually stopped when one of the lads said " right ...let's fuck off and have lunch at richo's burger bar ...I'm fucking famished.". The gang made their way to the mall where the aforementioned burger bar was located. Zac struggled to keep his balls safely tucked away but experiencing extreme difficulty. His knackers appeared to have decided that they didn't want to be covered up and continued to attempt an escape. They reached the bar and sat at a table in the window. They waited for the waiter to come over to take their order and while they were all chattering to one another a voice said " hi lads...what can I get you....Is your friend ok" The teens looked at the waiter saying" fuck me ...if it isn't Barry innes,,,you working here now bas" exclaimed Colin. " yea I do it on a Saturday.. for a bit of pocket money... what's with Mr Byron " he enquired. " oh you don't know .... he's being blackmailed and has to do everything we say...he's our sex slave and every other type of fucking slave..and I mean he does every fucking thing we tell him to do ....Oh and we rarely call him Mr Byron...unless there's a teacher about.....he's cunt to us ...he's buying us lunch". " what sort of things have you made him do"asked Barry.." Well he's wearing what we told him like his tee shirt.....and we've fucked him loads of times and he gives good head in class when told too...oh and we use his house whenever we like" " he sucks cocks in class wow that is wild!!!!" exclaimed Barry. " wouldn't mind a piece of that action"..Colin took Zac's phone and asked Barry for his phone number so he ring him on Zac's phone and then he (Barry) could save Zac;s number in his phone and have Zac on call 24/7. With a grateful nod Barry took their order and disappeared,but it wasn't long before he was back with the lads order. "you sure it'll be ok to call him" asked Barry. " sure...anytime you want your cock sucked or you fancy a good fuck just ring him..he'll come to you and `if you want him naked when he arrives just tell him to be" said Colin. " WoW fuck I dreaming or something"said Barry. " look " said Colin " I'll send him to the toilets and you follow and he'll suck you off now...if that's what you want" replied Colin. " yea right you're on buddy" said Barry. Ryan whispered something in Zac's ear and told him to go to the bogs and wait for Barry and he had to obey Barry just as he obeys everyone else.

Barry entered the toilets to find Zac completely naked. " why are you fucking naked...are fucking crazy"exploded Barry " Ryan told me to strip as soon as I got into the toilets and I have to obey or else" whimpered Zac. " get in the disabled stall...I might as well fuck you now that your bollock naked. Barry dropped his pants and without any ceremony rammed his dry cock up Zac's dry arse. Tears formed in Zac's eyes at the onslaught of a not inconsiderable sized cock, and the best he could do was to just clamp his teeth together and take the pain though he couldn't stop all the sounds coming from his mouth. As the two of them emerged from the stall there were three young lads hanging around. they looked to be about 13 or 14 years old. "you just fucked him then" said one lad as he looked at a naked Zac and Barry adjusting himself. Barry was going to deny that he had done any thing of the sort but thought better of the idea incase he riled the lads and got reported to the owner of the burger bar. "well yea ..I have just had him but please don't say anything to my boss...he'll sack me" pleaded Barry. "yea no problem ... as long as he can be sent back into the stall with us three...if you know what I mean. Barry immediately agreed and told Zach To get back on the stall. The young teens satisfied their sexual urges and left the toilet thanking Barry for his co-operation.

In no time at all he was back at the table with his abusers and Barry was back to serving the customers, but he now had a contented glow on his face.

A good time had been had by all,well nearly all, and it was time to head home. Sunday was the lads time for a ly in, so Zac knew he would have Sunday morning to least that was his fervent wish.........

Next: Chapter 4

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