Playful Afternoon

By Sabrina Lopez

Published on Aug 1, 2003



Robert, Matt, Adam, and Jaime

This story contains sex between 3 consenting males. If it's illegal for you yo read it please don't. You must be either 18 or 21 years old to read. Plus all the other legal mumbo jumbo.

Playful afternoon. please only e-mail me for comments. Do not be offended if I don't return your mail. There will be a continuation of this story.

We were all friends, Robert, Matt, Myself, and Jaime. Jaime was Matt's sister. She was the oldest at 20 years old. The rest of us were all Seniors and were 18. We always hung out and basically had a good time together.

"Hey Adam!" said Robert

"Yeah?" I said

"You coming over today after school?"

"Yeah I'll swing by. What do you have planned?"

"not much, just want to ride. I invited Matt. Jaime isn't coming though, I wish she was... man I want to see her naked."

"yeah you're telling me. I wouldn't mind screwing her brains out"

"You think she'll want to be friends with benefits?"

"not really sure, we'll find out one day. We'll plan it"

"Alright, i'll see you after school then."

"Ok see ya"

The day went by pretty fast, I can't wait until we test out the new track we set up in Robert's backyard. Matt, Robert, and I hung out mainly because we went to the same school and had one major thing in common-- we rode BMX bikes. Matt's sister came along and rode a bit, but she wasn't as good as us. She mostly just watched. I think she had a crush on me and Robert. Finally the bell rang and I was out like a bat out of hell. I met up with Matt when I saw him in the hallway by the exit.


"Hey Adam whats up? You ready for some serious jumping?"

"Yup, I got some homework but fuck it. I can do it later."

"Should we wait for Robert?"

"Nah he knows where he lives."

"Ha ha... yeah thats true. Is your sister coming over?"

"No, she has to go do some cheerleader thing. I forget, she mentioned it at breakfast but i wasn't paying attention."

"Aww... I was hoping she would be there."

"You liker her or something?"

"Well... kinda. yeah i kinda like her."

"Ha ha ha you just want to fuck her don't you?"

"Hey now wait a minute, thats not entirely true. Well most of it is, but ..."

"Thats ok, I know she's good looking. Besides, i think she's got a thing for you."


"She's always talking about you man... it's annoying as fuck."

"I'll shut her up when i shove my dick down her throat"

"Thats sick man... she's my sister. I don't want to hear that shit."

"I'm only joking. When we do screw i just won't tell you."

"Alright enough already"

We arrived at Robert's house before Robert had gotten home. His mom wasn't home either, but they didn't mind us going in when they weren't home. I had a key that they had given me. We went into the side door and then out the back door to the backyard. Finally now we can get to some serious fun. I let Matt go first since I didn't know the course and he had helped build it. He went through the track in about 2 minute's time. Then i finally went around. After about 10 minutes Robert finally showed up, late as always.

"About fucking time, where the fuck have you been?"

"i was just dickin around after school"

"ha ha obviously, me and Matt got here about 20 minutes ago, we had to go through the side door"

"Thats cool.... I went inside to take a piss. My mom left me a note saying she wasn't going to be home until 10 tonight, she is taking my sister Melissa to see my Aunt."

"good, i hate your sister... Hey Since your mom isn't going to be here you wanna watch some porn?"

"Fuck yeah" we all said in unison.

After about 2 hours worth of riding around in his backyard, we decided to call it quits. It was a hot day and Robert's pool was looking really tempting. I went inside to take a piss and get a drink. When I got back outside Matt and Robert were already in the pool. They didn't have bathing suits on but they had stripped down to their underwear and were jumping in and out.

"hey faggots i see you guys are at it again" i said

"ha ha very funny, I didn't feel like going inside to get my suit and Matt didn't bring his along"

"Yeah..." I said to Robert, "fuck it, we're all guys... I just want to cool off a bit."

"Ok lemme get my clothes off then"

I started to strip down to my boxers. Luckily i didn't wear my tighty whities today. i was a little bit worried that my dick would come out because i had the boxers that didn't have a button on the flap. After I noticed that Matt and Robert also wore boxers so i wasn't too worried, chance is they have a similar situation. I was now ready to jump in and cool off. I got up and ran to the edge and did a canon ball into the deep end splashing everything within a 10 foot radius.

We started playing sharks and minnows and I was it. I had to get out of the water and jump in trying to tag someone if I heard them splashing. If they got to the side I was it all over again.. When I got out i felt the cool air on my skin and i could feel my boxers sticking to my dick and ass, good thing i wasn't hard or else they would surely see it. I heard a noise and turned around to jump in. Matt was closest so i jumped towards him. I was about 2 inches from tagging him when i hit my shoulder on the side. So after both of them were at the side i got out again and turned around. I heard another noise and then I spotted Robert out of the corner of my eye. I made a mad dash in the water. I reached out and tagged him. When i made contact i felt something different than normal skin. I had accidentally slid my hand up his boxer shorts and my hand came in contact with his soft cock!

"you're it!" I shouted

"that doesn't count!"

"why the hell not??"

"because you grabbed my cock you fag"

"no i didn't, I just jumped in with my hand out in front of me. You're the one who spread your legs!"

"shut up it doesn't matter. Adam you just wanted to touch Robert's dick. Robert, Adam happened to be it when he grabbed it. So tough luck" Matt said

"hey shut the fuck up... I was just trying to tag him."


"whatever... c'mon Robert get out and play."

He finally agreed and got out. I couldn't believe i touched his dick. I felt weird to have touched another guys penis. I wasn't gay, but for some reason my dick started to get hard after i felt it. I kinda wished that i had actually wrapped my hand around it. It was a good thing that I was under that water because now my dick was at full staff under the water and was pitching a tent. I watched him as he got out and noticed that i wasn't the only person sporting a hard on. He wasn't fully hard, but it was hard enough to where he had a nice bulge showing. I wonder if he had liked it when i touched him. I'm sure that Matt had to see the outline of Robert's dick in his boxers.

I looked over to the side of the pool for some goggles. I reached out and grabbed them so that i could see everything under the water. When i put them on and Robert said go, I quietly went under. Matt was too absorbed in not making a sound that he didn't notice i had goggles on. When i went under and saw what he was doing i realized why. He had his penis sticking out of the front of his shorts and was stroking it with his right hand. My dick was now throbbing ... Matt stopped rubbing it and was now moving along in the pool. I passed close so that i could get a better view of his stiffy. He must have been really trying to be quiet beaus he was moving slowly. This worked out great because i got a good view. As I came up for air Robert was now turned around and Matt also. I was caught! No wonder Matt was going so slow.

"Enjoy your view?" Robert said.

I couldn't say anything in return.

"thats ok, Matt and I were kind of hoping you would take the bait."

"What are you taking about?"

I didn't really notice that Robert had his now fully erect penis out of his boxers because the sun was directly behind him. I was pretty dumbfounded and didn't know what to think.

"Well now that you've been caught you have to do what we say."


"get out of the pool. we're going to my room."

I didn't know why but i just did what they had said. We all got out and dried off in silence. Matt told me to go first into Robert's room and soon we were all inside still wearing our boxers. Then I was really shocked at what happened next.

"Ok Adam, since you like to look at our dicks we want you to get a better view." Matt said

"I uh uh.." was all I managed to say

"take off your boxers" Robert said

I quietly obeyed and pulled my wet boxers off and let them fall to the ground. My cock immediately got stiff when it came in contact with the air in the room.

"ha ha ha looks like he likes it so far" Robert said.

"Yeah" Matt said in agreement

"ok now that you're naked I want you to walk behind Matt and pull his boxers off."

I slowly walked behind Matt both of their dicks were rock hard and I could tell that they were enjoying this. When i got behind Matt i grabbed the side of his boxers and pulled them down. I knelt down as i took them off. What i was seeing was an awesome sight. Matt had spread his legs a bit and what a sight it was. I could see his balls hanging down between his legs.

"ok now do the same thing to me."

I got up and started to walk towards Robert. As i passed Matt i reached out and cupped his bare ass. wow it felt really good. I passed him and looked at his throbbing cock now dribbling clear precum. I got behind Robert and did the same thing but when i pulled down his boxers i pulled then from the back so that i could caress his ass on the way down. After his boxers were off, i stared at his hanging sack i reached in between his legs and cupped them. I could feel the base of his cock at the tips of my fingers. I let go and got up.

"Now what?" I said

"I want you to get on your knees"

As soon as he said that i knew exactly what he wanted. I had never sucked dick before and I wasn't too sure of it. But my hormones were raging and my cock was rock hard and on the verge of blowing a load. Matt was idly pulling on his 5 inch prick. Robert was also stroking his slowly. His dick was about 6 inches long. I didn't say a word, but lowered myself down onto my knees. As soon as I hit the ground Robert walked in front of me and I reached out to grab his swollen member.

"No" he said

"I want to have some fun"

He then told me to keep my hands on my dick. Then he grabbed his dick and slapped my face with it. He then grabbed the sides of my head and was moving his cock all over my face. He pushed his cock upwards so that his scrotum was on my mouth. I opened my mouth and licked his sack with my tongue. Then I felt Matt's hands on my shoulders rubbing them gently. I felt him get up and rub his hard cock on my shoulders. Then he rubbed it on my naked back. I felt his precum on me and the sensation of his hard cock and pre cum was driving me mad. I was part of a boy sandwich, I looked up and saw that Matt and Robert were engaged in a deep tonguing session. I focused my attention back to what was in front of me. I was stroking my cock with my left while i reached up and grabbed Robert's shaft. I pointed his cock so that i could take in his dick. I opened my mouth and tasted cock for the first time. Robert started to fuck my mouth as I busily moved up and down his shaft. I took my hand and cupped his sack, rubbing it in my hand. After about 5 minutes of sucking his dick I then turned my attention to Matt's little prick. I kept my right hand on Robert's dick rubbing and tugging it while I opened my mouth to let Matt slide himself in. I took his whole dick in my mouth. I could feel his soft ball sack against my chin. I reached around with my left hand and massaged Matt's ass. His bare ass felt incredible. Matt kept on fucking my face and I kept sucking. I could feel his dick massaging the back of my throat. I took his cock out and licked the bottom of his head. I could taste his precum. Once Robert saw I let go of Matt's dick he moved in front of me again. Matt started to move away, but Robert stopped him.

"I want you to suck both our dicks at the same time"

With that he pressed his cock against Matt's member. I opened my mouth and could only manage to get their head plus a little bit more in my mouth. I slid my tongue in between their cocks. Tasting their juices. I could only imagine the feeling of another boy's dick against mine while in someone's mouth. While I worked on their dicks with my tongue, i was also playing with both of their balls. I was rubbing them and gently pulling them. Suddenly I felt Matt begin to tighten up. He pulled out his dick and and then started stroking his now ready to cum dick. I still had Robert's cock deep in my mouth. I tightened my grip on Matt's cock as I stroked it with a brisk pace. Then i felt it throb in my hand. Matt was having an orgasm. His cum was spraying out of his dick and he was covering my face. I continued to suck fervently on Robert's rod. As I went up and down i felt Matt's warm cum slide down my face. Some of it went on my mouth and got on Robert's dick. I opened my mouth and used Robert's dick to wipe Matt's cum around my face. Then I opened my mouth and tasted Robert's hard cum soaked cock. That sensation must have driven him off the edge because he was moaning loudly. I felt his cock swell up and then i felt his warm load splash against the back of my throat. Holy shit... i just swallowed his load. I looked over and saw that Matt was again at full staff. His body was flush and he was stroking his dick and pulling on his sack. Now that I had just sucked both of them off I was dying for attention on my throbbing cock. Robert told me to get up. Once I was up he moved closer and kissed my cum soaked mouth. My cock was rubbing against his stomach and I could feel his cock swelling up again. Robert then reached around and grabbed both of my ass cheeks. He squeezed them hard and spread them. He pressed his dick hard against mine. I could feel Matt's cum still on it. then Matt got to his knees and put himself between me and Robert.

"Wait" Robert said "Matt, I want you on your knees, but I also want your hands on the floor as well."

Matt shot him a contorted look.

"Adam, go to my drawer and get my KY jelly"

I got up and opened his drawer. Inside there were porn, a box of tissue, and his jelly. I took it out and started to hand it to Robert.

"It's for you. I want you to fuck Matt so I can watch."

I then moved behind Matt and squirted a generous portion onto my hands. Robert grabbed my hand and took the jelly into his. Then he massaged the jelly on my dick. Once he was finished jerking my dick, i placed my head at Matt's tight hole. Robert moved my dick and massaged some lotion on Matt's hole sliding his finger tip inside for a quick finger fuck. He grabbed my cock and guided it back to Matt's ass. I grabbed the sides of Matt and pulled closer. Robert then forced my dick to penetrate Matt. The feeling was incredible. I slowly slid my cock inside his tight hole. Matt made a few noises as i slide my 6 inch boyhood inside. I put it in as far as I could. Then I pulled out. I pushed my head back inside and began to fuck him. Slowly at first until he got used to my cock inside of him.

"Oh yeah, fuck him hard Adam."

I fucked harder and harder till i felt my balls slapping again't his ass. Robert watched as I slid my cock in and out. He then reached under and rubbed Matt's cock. Matt was moaning as i worked his asshole.

"Oh god... rub my balls Robert."

Robert then started to rub Matt's sack. I continued to pound away and then I saw Robert duck underneath Matt. He started to suck Matt's shaft. I couldn't see exactly what he was doing but then I felt my balls smacking something other than Matt. I opened my eyes to see them in a 69 position. Matt's head was bobbing up and down. My balls were smacking Robert 's head. I knew that he was sucking on Matt's balls because i was slapping against his forehead. Robert grabbed my ass and slowed me down. Matt moaned for more, but I felt Robert's tongue at the bottom of my sack. So he was working my sack while my cock was still throbbing inside Matt. I pulled out a bit and right after i felt Robert;s tongue at the bottom on my shaft. He was licking my cock. When he left my dick I assumed he was licking Matt's ass as well. I took my dick all the way out and placed it against Robert's chin. Then he opened his mouth and i pushed my cock all the way inside. I reached down and caressed Matt's balls as I slowly fucked Robert's mouth. Since he was laying on his back I took advantage of his straight throat. I pushed as far as I could. I was surprised that he took my whole shaft. I felt my scrotum rubbing on his nose. While i fucked Robert's face, i reached up and massaged Matt's asshole with my finger. I slid one finger in and the fucked him. Then I pulled out and slid a second inside I heard Matt moan with pleasure.

"Oh fuck yeah... fuck yeah Robert.. suck on my cock..." I screamed.

I felt my dick start to swell... I pulled my cock out of his mouth. Robert immediately began to continue on Matt's dick. I grabbed my cock and forced it back inside of Matt. I pumped in and out a few time and felt it swell again. I pulled out and started to shoot my load. My cum shot onto Matt's ass. I kept rubbing on it and milked my cum out. I pointed it down onto Robert's face and poured my juice onto him. He took Matt's dick out and began to suck my cock dry. I then started to rub my cum into Matt;s hole and finger fuck him some more. This invoked Matt's second orgasm. His cum shot onto Robert's face. I knelt down and licked licked Matt's balls. Then I started to kiss Robert, tasting the mixture of my cum and Matt's warm sperm. Robert moaned loudly again and he tensed up and shot his load into Matt;s hungry mouth. Matt busily sucked Robert's dick dry. When were were all finished we walked into the bathroom. What a mess.

"Ok time to clean up" Matt said

We got inside and Robert started the shower. While we were waiting for the water to heat up Robert began to rub my shoulders. I could feel him grinding his semi hard cock between my cheeks. I felt Matt cupping my soft cock and balls. He rubbed it in his hand only to stiffen my cock again. We all got up and got into the shower. This was a fairly larger shower in Robert's Mom's room. Once inside we began to rub each other clean. Robert, however, was rubbing his hard cock more and more into my cheeks. Matt turned around and got on his knees and began to clean my cock with his tongue. Robert reached down and started to rub my hole with his wet fingers. He spread my cheeks open and then inserted his finger inside. He knelt down so that he could get better access. Matt started to swallow my hard dick forcing his head back and forth over my cock. i could only lean against the wall in ecstasy. Then Robert spread my cheeks even more and put his face into them. I felt his tongue flick against my hole. I started to moan loudly.

"oh fuck yes.... fuck yeah... oh god"

Then I heard a noise by the door. FUCK!! It was Matt's sister Jaime. She was wearing her cheer leading outfit and had her mouth on the floor.

To be continued ...

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