
By L B

Published on Jun 19, 2007





I know this may sound rather absurd, but I have come to the conclusion that there is no other six-letter word in the English language that is as potent as PLEASE. You see, when adding this simple word to a request or inquiry, one feels more inclined or obligated to fulfill the inquisition. For example: one's Mother may ask, "Will you PLEASE take out the trash." And since Mother used the "magic word" as we are often told growing up, the request of the trash being taking out is completed. Webster's Dictionary defines please as..."to make happy or satisfied." So it is easy to notice why so many people often find it hard to say no when one is put in this situation, no matter how unusual the request may seem.

This story all started to unfold during my freshman year at Duke (the year before the scandal) after a hard day of lacrosse practice. I, Roger Johnston, began succumbing to the word PLEASE on many of occasions, and my roommate, Matt Greer, took full advantage!

First time...

As Matt and I were eating dinner in the student union, he began to complain about practice.

"Fuck man, what was coach's problem, he was riding my ass all throughout practice. Wouldn't give me a fucking break," whined Matt.

"Well dude what do you expect. He knows you're the best athlete on the team, and when you're not giving it your all, that's what happens," I replied.

"Whatever you say, but now my legs and lower back are killing me."

"Why didn't you stay after and get a massage or soak in the tub?"

"What and listen to coach yell at me, no fucking thanks!"

"Don't come complaining to me when you're all sore tomorrow because your bitch ass couldn't take a little yelling at."

"Thanks a lot dickhead...I won't!"

"Oh don't be a fucking baby, you know I was just fucking with you!"

"Yeah, I know."

We finally finished eating and headed to our dorm room and as soon as we were in the confines of the dorm, both of us striped down to our normal attire (shorts and nothing else) and flopped onto our beds. Even though I not gay, it was always hard not to stare at Matt's gorgeous tanned physique, not that I'm a troll. I don't have a problem getting dates. I stand 6'1" 170 lbs, green eyes and dark brown hair, normal athletic body that I shave (except for my pubes) every week to keep smooth, but fuck, I'm no Matt. He stands 6'3" weighing 195 lbs with blue eyes and light brown hair, and according to all the girls he has dated, he has the cutest little dimples. He also has a nice pair of guns that are extremely cut, a smooth chest and back that looks as if they were chiseled from a rock, a V-shaped torso with a happy trail leading into his shorts, and legs are nice with thighs and calves to die for. We started shooting the shit about other guys on the team, coach, classes, this coming up weekend, and of course girls and before we knew it a couple hours had past.

"Fuck man, it's 10:00 o'clock and I still need to do my reading for physiology class," I complain.

"Yeah me too, but I can't concentrate, I'm too fucking sore."

"I told you. You should've stayed after practice and gotten a massage or something."

"I know...I know, but who needs to stay after practice when I have the best roommate in all the land to give me a massage."

"Sorry dude, I'm not fucking massaging you."

"Come on dude, I would do it for you."

"Fuck you, no you wouldn't, besides I wouldn't need one because I would've stayed after practice and at least soaked in the tub."

"Not the point, and you know I would totally give you one if you really needed it."

"No dude."

"Come on Johnston?"

"No Matt."




"FINE! Just stop fucking whining."


"Get in the chair and I'll massage your shoulders."

"My shoulders don't hurt that bad, it's my legs and lower back that are really killing me, so I'll need to lie down."

"Seriously man?"

"Come on Roger, it is no big deal, PLEASE."

"Fine fucker."

So there I was making my way over to where my roommate was lying on his stomach shirtless, awaiting his massage, and for some reason I had a huge lump in my throat and my heart starting pounding faster and faster. I coughed a little trying to dislodge the lump as I climbed up on Matt's single bed. Trying to calm myself down, I quickly spread Matt's legs and slapped his ass; laughing and telling him he better not get a fucking boner. He just laughed and said he'll try not to. Wanting to get this over quickly, I swallowed again and then straddled him and gently sat upon his firm ass.

"Fuck you weigh a ton!" Matt said laughing.


I leaned forward placing both my hands on each one of his shoulders and squeezed gently. I began to knead his shoulders a little rougher, trying to release the knots that I felt. Moans would escape Matt's mouth with every downward thrust of my hands. I would then allow them to roam all over his entire back, starting down the spine until I reached the waistband of his shorts and then pressing downward I would trace back up to his shoulders squeezing them again upon my return. Once more the moans would come, followed by, "Fuck yeah, that feels great Rog, do it a little harder on the way up." I continued this alternating pattern and couple more times, and finally on the last one, I slowly moved my entire body down his legs and simply stopped my hands at his lower back and began to knead it with my thumbs. Matt's little moans and groans were continual now and driving me fucking crazy as I was becoming aroused. And because of this arousal I was a little more adventurous with my thumbs. Not only did I continue to manipulate his lower back with them, I let them pull back on his waistband causing the top of his buttock to appear. Since I got no protest what so ever from Matt I began to massage his ass as well.

Matt just moaned "Oh...oh...yeah...fuck" over and over again. By the time I started on his legs, I was pitching the biggest fucking tent! A whole entire Boy Scout troop of twenty could've slept underneath it. I had him move up closer to the headboard so I would have more room. And I worked his legs over just as thoroughly as I did the rest of his body. I thought since I was having trouble keeping my hands off his ass, that I should start with his feet. So, I took each foot one by one and worked them over as well as I could with fingers, but Matt was a little ticklish, so I didn't spend that much time on his feet. Next were the "to die for" calves. Each one was rock solid and curved perfectly as to allow the illusion that each one was in fact a huge bicep. I gave each calf a deep penetrating massage. Finally came the hamstrings, and since they were covered mostly by Matt's shorts, it allowed me the opportunity to place my hands up his shorts. As my hands roamed and pressed up his shorts I finally realized that Matt was still wearing his jockstrap. I was on my knees behind him as to get some great leverage and would stroke both of his hamstrings by pressing down hard and move upward until my hands would make contact with the lower part of his ass. I would let my hand rest there a second and then press down hard again moving backwards, all the while Matt would release his moans and groans, again causing the enormous tent to build in my pants. For some reason I didn't want this to end, so I continued working this part for another good five minutes. My hard cock began to leak causing a wet spot to form on the front of my shorts. I knew I would have to stop soon or I would blow a load in my shorts, I also didn't want Matt to get too suspicious; so I slapped his ass really hard and replied,

"DONE! Unless you want to turn over and I can do your upper thighs?"

Before he responded I couldn't believe what I had just said. If he turned over, he would no doubt see the tent that was pitched.

" did an awesome job. I think I'm good to go, but thanks anyway."

He didn't even look at me, and right then and there I knew he had boned up just as I had. Not one to let a golden opportunity slip away, I slapped his ass again and laughing I replied,

"You don't have a boner do you Matt?"

", I'm just really tried now," his voice cracking the whole time.

I didn't want to be a complete dick because I myself had gotten hard, so I simply dropped it and headed into the bathroom to take a COLD shower. The cold shower definitely did its job. Once out of the bathroom I realized that all the lights were off and Matt was lying in bed; however, this time he had his back towards me as he faced the wall. Knowing that he was probably freaked out, I walked over to my bed, turned on my lamp and started reading the next chapter for physiology class tomorrow. I'm not sure when I had falling asleep because the next thing I knew the sound of Matt's alarm clock was filling the room, and I still had my physiology book in my lap. Just like last night, I was pitching a tent, but this tent had nothing to do with how turned on I was. So, I quickly headed to the bathroom to relieve myself, and while pissing, I began to think that things were going to be weird between Matt and me, but I guess a good night sleep helped him forget last night's events because when I came out the bathroom, Matt was standing there all smiles and saying "Good morning." The rest of the day and week for that matter went along as always: breakfast, class, lunch, class, practice, and dinner. But one thing did change; I gave Matt a massage every night before bed, and things always ended up like the first night, both of us boned (or at least I was) and me taking a COLD shower.

Second time...

It was Friday night, and after a long week of classes and practice, Matt and I decided to unwind a little bit. One of the seniors on the team was having a party at his apartment off campus. Since both Matt and I are eighteen and not all that experienced in drinking, we got pretty drunk quickly, and started trying to hit on some of the girls there. I guess neither one of us had game in our drunken state, and before we knew it, one of our sober teammates, Zach D., told us he would be taking our drunk-asses home. The ride on the way back to the dorm was full of laughter as Zach told us how idiotic we were acting. I tried to tell him it wasn't our fault, since neither one us really drank all that much. He started laughing again and replied, "No shit Sherlock!" As Zach pulled up to the dorm, Matt's intoxicated ass tried to speak,

"Dude...thanks for...driving our drunk-asses home. Hey Zach... you're a cool...fucking dude man...and I should...come in...and get one of...Roger's famous massages...they are so...awesome...that they make...your cock hard...I mean...HARD!"

Zach laughed and turned to look at me in the backseat, and all I could do was throw my arms up in the air and shrug my shoulders.

"Matt, I'm sure it does, but I'm going to have to pass on that one, but thanks!"

"Okay dude...but you don't...know are..missing."

"Dumbass...get out of the fucking car...Zach wants to go back home."

So with "good-byes" Matt and I headed up to our dorm room, and just like always once inside we shedded our shirts; however, Matt didn't stop there, he shedded everything off. I just stood there looking at his sexy bareass. He turned his head slightly to the right, made eye contact with me and then flopped on his bed. All I could do was stare. He must have felt my eyes on him because he finally broke the silence.

"Hey buddy, stop staring at me and get over here and give me one of your wonderful massages."

I finished shedding my clothes all the way to my green boxer briefs, and without saying a word headed over to my naked drunk roommate. Everything was going as normal except that Matt was at lot more vocal and animated, and at times while I was leaning forward and working on his shoulders, he would raise his bareass causing my hard cock to rub against it, and moans would exit both of our mouths. I finally reached where our massages usually end and of course I was completely rock hard. But this time Matt moaned and rolled over with a huge smile, and lo and behold, Matt was fully erect. His hand glided down his smooth torso and gripped his cock and staring into my eyes he said,

"I told you, HARD as always."

I just smiled and said, "I noticed."

Notice was an understatement. I was totally and completely mesmerized by the six and half inch mushroom on a stick. Matt detected my glare and continued to stroke his meat; all the while my eyes were transfixed. His moans were like music to my ears, and they seemed to call for me; however, I couldn't make myself reach out grab it. I wasn't Wyonna Rider; I couldn't just take things that didn't belong to me. Sensing I wasn't going to act without encouragement, Matt put his fingers through my hair and finally asked.

"Roger buddy, do you wanna help me out?"

I never took my eyes of his cock as I answered, "Help you out with what?"

"I don't know fucking cock Dumbass!"

" I've never done anything with another guy before."

"Oh okay, I just thought maybe since you know, you haven't stop drooling over my junk, you would like I don't know suck it a little."

" maybe," was all I could mustered, as I stayed captivated in my trace.

Matt's fingers were still playing in my hair so he gently pulled me closer to him as he leaned forward and whispered in my ear...

"Please Roger."

I could smell the beer on his breath, but I didn't care, I just licked my lips in anticipation, and Matt again whispered in my ear, "PLEASE." That was that, with the smell of his cock penetrating my nostrils, I went down on it so fast, you would've thought I was Tom Cruise declaring my love for Katie Holmes (or cock for that matter) on the Oprah Show. My inexperience was evident quickly as Matt yelled,

"Watch the teeth, take it easy."

After all the blood left my face from the embarrassment, I gently placed Matt's throbbing tool back into my mouth. I was so enamored by the taste and feeling of his cock at that moment, I knew the rest of the year was not going to be the same. I continued to manipulate his cock with my tongue. Licking up and down the shaft. Soon his cock was soaking wet from my tongue bath. He told me to lick and play with his balls, so I headed south without a second thought; getting his balls just as wet, all the while I stroked my newfound toy. Moans poured out of his mouth, about just as much as his pre-cum leaked from the faucet.

"Oh god...that feels so great. Fuck Roger if I knew you sucked dick like this I would've asked for a blowjob quicker."

Not wanting to release his cock, I simply moaned, but deep down I was thinking, "Fuck, I would've been on your dick quicker if I knew I would like it this much!" Matt interlocked his fingers together in my hair holding me steady and began to thrust his hips upward, causing his cock to go deeper and moans to escape once again. He continued to thrust faster and deeper. As Matt was fucking my face, I let my hands roam all over his smooth chest, stopping only to pinch his quarter-sized nipples. Getting tired of this position, I tap Matt on the legs telling him I wanted to lie down while he straddled me and face fuck me. He smiled and quickly obeyed my request, once his body was towering over mine; he started pounding my face as if it was a hot pussy.

With every thrust I feel his manhood make contact with the back of my throat, causing me to gag a little. His cock felt incredible in my mouth, as the heat coming off it continued to make my mouth water. Salvia began to drip from mouth, as I was totally lost in lust. Matt's low hanging balls were no longer hitting my chin, as they had begun to tighten, and I knew this could only mean one thing, he was ready to explode.

"Damn...I'm so fucking close...oh yeah...suck harder...use your tongue...oh god yes...that's it...that's it...FUCKKKKKKKKKKKK!"

Pulling his monster from my mouth, Matt lets loose the biggest load. His first blast flew over my head hitting his headboard; the next squirt was a bullseye directly between my eyes; the third shot landed on my chin, and the rest of his juices coated my chest. I started to feel his cum gliding down towards my nose, and as I was about to wipe it off, Matt leaned in and swiped it with his tongue. He just looked me in the eyes and smiles, saying

"Mmmmmm...thanks man."

All I could do was smile back as Matt reached for his shirt on the floor and started to clean me off. It was then that I realized my cock had gone completely limp, but I could feel that the front of my briefs were soaked. "Wow, I knew I was totally into sucking Matt off, but not even knowing I had creamed myself, that's fucked up!" After Matt finished cleaning me off, I hopped out of his bed and strolled over to mine, and immediately crashed. As hours past, I had this strange feeling that I was being watched, so I turned over and there was Matt stroking his cock.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"You didn't, but what the fuck are you doing?"

"I can't help it, every time I close my eyes all I can see is you on my cock. I've been hard for three straight hours."

I blush at his comment and begin to sit up as he heads for me, still stroking his lovely manhood. I'm more than willing to go at it again, but before I can say anything, Matt is standing in front of me with his hard cock pointing directly at me. He whispers. "Please." For some reason I didn't want him think I was too eager, so I reply, "I guess, but you at least have to give me a handjob this time around." I reached for his cock and began stroking it as I wait for an agreement. Once he nods his head, I place his wonderful cock in my hungry mouth. I begin to bob up and down on the entire length, stopping at time to lick his plump head, as he starts to moan and call out.

"Fuck yeah...just like that...just like that...yeah lick my fat head. You fucking like that don't enjoy going down on me don't you...oh yeah I can tell you do...oh yeah lick that pre-cum...Fuck me."

This only fueled the fire inside of me, and I began thrusting his cock harder and faster with my right hand into my mouth. His balls started to tighten and his breathe starting to increase, but I didn't want him to cum just yet so I let his cock fall out of my mouth with a huge POP!

"Damn Roger, I was about to unload."

"Sorry about that, my jaw was hurting." (Totally lied)

I coaxed him to fuck my face like he did earlier in the night, only this time I wanted him to stroke my hard cock as well. Without any hesitation, Matt's hand grabbed my piece and he began jerking me as my head nailed the headboard from the hard pounding he was giving my mouth. Within minutes we had a cadence going, ever backstroke of his cock leaving my mouth caused his hand to pile down on my cock, sending pure shock waves throughout my body. And on the return, his balls would hammer against my chin while he gripped upward towards the head of my cock. Both of our moans began to get louder with ever second, until finally we were both about to unleash our boy juices upon the other.

"Oh fuck Roger...I'm about to cum...Please Roger let me cum in your mouth this time...Please!"

Once he asked, I knew right then and there I wanted to taste him. I wanted his juices down my throat. Not willing to let his cock free from my hot wet mouth, I simply moaned my agreement.

"Good because here it comes...oh yes...yes...yes...take that hot load...oh fuck yeah...keep swallowing Rog...keep swallowing."

At that moment, I didn't think I really had much of a choice. Once Matt started shooting, I was afraid he would ever stop. Volley after volley smacked the back of my throat, almost filling me up completely, so if I didn't want to drown in cum the only option I had was to swallow. I didn't get a good taste of him until he pulled back a little and started milking his cock on my tongue. At that point I got my first taste of Matt, and I was absolutely hooked like Robert Downey Jr. on crack, and I blew my load all over Matt's back and ass. Filling drained, Matt collapsed his sweating body on top of me and I began to rub my cum all over his ass and back. Lifting his body off, Matt looked me in the eyes and said, "That was hot," and then he took his naked body and headed to the bathroom. I began to hear the shower running as I drifted off to sleep. The rest of the week was a total blur, the only thing I remember was Matt asking PLEASE followed by him feeding me his load at least twice a day.

Third time...

It seemed that neither one of us could get enough, but as most things in life progress; blowing Matt was about to take a backseat. It all started with our normal morning BJ, as Matt began pounding my face I soon felt his hands all over my ass. This wasn't the first time they had ever adventured there, but today their touch seemed to drive me crazy. I began thrusting my hips back and forth, allowing his hands to invade my smooth crack. Matt quickly caught on and he began to spread my ass cheeks. Soon moans were leaving my mouth in rapid succession.

"Oh with my ass...that feels fucking great."

" like that do you?"


"Stay on your stomach, I know something else you'll like."

With that, Matt was soon hovering over my ass. I could feel the heat from his entire body, but most of all the warmth coming off his cock. He knelt his head down to my right ear and gave it a playful bite. Then he began to kiss my neck all the while his hard cock glided in between my crack. The sensation was unfucking believable. My asshole seem to pucker up and give his cock head a kiss every time it made its way past. Matt increased his hip motion causing his cock to hit my bullseye every time, and I knew that if he continued this onslaught he would soon have me balls deep. Matt stopped without warning and again he started to bite my right ear. What happened next made me realize that Matt knew exactly how to have his way with me. I began to feel his lips form the letter "P" against my right ear, and soon I was greeted with... "Please" over and over again. I tilted my head to the right and reached behind me grabbing a hand full of his hair and brought his left ear towards my mouth whispering,

"Only if you get me nice a wet with your tongue first."

Before releasing his hair our eyes met and the burning desire filled them both, so I took a risk and I brought his lips towards mine, playfully biting his lower lip. He smiled and without a word began his journey with his tongue as he licked me the entire way towards my tight pink hole. His strong hands gripped my ass cheeks as he began spreading them apart. Soon his moist tongue made contact sending goosebump throughout my body. I was full of reckless abandonment and I couldn't help myself, so I grabbed his hair again, and drove his face further into my ass. Matt didn't seem to mind as he kept thrashing his tongue in and out of my manhole. It felt so right, like his tongue belonged there.

"Fuck yeah Matt, eat my hole...fuck me yeah...oh...oh...right there...right there. Oh fuck...I want you in me...PLEASE."

"PLEASE huh."


With one last deep plunge, Matt withdrew his tongue. He quickly went over to his desk and pulled out lube and a condom. He reached for my ass spreading me open and poured the lube on my virgin hole. He told me to get up on all fours and arc my back as best as I could, while he placed the condom on. He then took his index finger and began prodding my sphincter. I let out a tiny moan.

"Try a relax and whatever you do try not to fight it."

"Yeah that's what I tell the girls I'm about to fuck in the ass."

Matt laughed and leaned forward and kissed the middle of my back. As he was kissing my back I felt the head of his penis at my backdoor. He pushed lightly but to no avail, then he pushed a little more violently and his mushroom head popped in. Right away my ass muscles attacked the new introducer and tried to force it back out as pain raced through my body.

"Take a deep breathe...that's it...get used to it...oh yeah...there you go."

Matt began to push a little more of his six and half inches in while I began biting on my pillow trying to relax as much as possible. With Matt's coaching and expert ass play, I wasn't feeling too much pain. Pain yes, but not mind blowing, take that huge cock out of my ass right now pain. Soon my ass muscles relaxed and inch-by-inch Matt drove his cock home until finally I felt his pubes rubbing against my ass. He pulled back just slightly and then forward again; pulled a little more back and forward again; pulled back until just the head was in and forward all the way; and then he pulled all of his manhood out of me and as quickly as he pulled it out, he drove it completely back in. He began to long fuck me over and over again, pulling all the way out and then driving all the way in.

"Oh FUCK YES!!" I cried out.

Matt really began to fuck me now as he pulled my hair. Six short quick strokes, followed by four long strokes, and then back to the short strokes as his balls slapped against my ass. Moans so loud that I thought the whole dorm would hear, but at that moment, feeling Matt inside of me I wouldn't have cared if our lacrosse coach walked in on us. Matt pulled out and told me to turn over and get on my back. Once on my back, he quickly placed my legs upon his shoulder and with using no hands drove his extremely hard cock back were it belonged. Deep inside me! He also took this time to stroke my cock as he continued to fuck me harder and harder.

"Yes Matt...fuck me...oh god...oh god."

"Damn you're so fucking tight...your ass feels so great on my fat cock."

The slapping sound of skin against skin began to have an affect on both of us and we were so into the moment that we started to kiss. Our tongues darting in and out of each other's mouth, as Matt's cock plowed deeper and deeper. At that moment I didn't think anything else could feel as wonderful as this. I began to tense up and knew I was about to cum.

"Harder...harder...harder...I'm about to cum...oh god...harder...fuck it it comes...oh FUUUUUCCCKKKKKKKKK!"

I shot the biggest load in my entire life, the first three landed over my head, then the next two landed on my face, followed by two more on my chest. As I was cumming I knew Matt had to love it because my ass muscles clenched around his cock even harder, making my ass ten times tighter.

"Oh god Rog...I'm going to cum...where do you want me to shot?"

"On my face Matt...on my face."

With a couple more deep pumps, Matt withdrew his cock leaving my ass empty; tossing off the condom he straddled my face. I reached out and placed it inside my mouth waiting for my reward.

"Yes...yes...suck it...I'm so close...oh fuck...fuck...oh shit...I'm about to cum...I'm cumming...I'm cummmiiiiiiinnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggggggg!"

Just as he was about to cum, Matt took his cock out of my mouth and shot his load all over my face, with some droplet falling inside my mouth. My tongue eagerly moving back and forth trying to caught anymore cum making its way out. As Matt's orgasm started to recede I place his cock back into my mouth getting the rest of his juices down my throat, soon Matt's legs began to tremble and he fell on top of me.

"We are so doing that again!" Matt called out.

I started to laugh and gave Matt a quick little peck on the lips. Even though we were both completely drenched of sweat neither one of us could move, and before I knew it we were fast asleep. Matt and I never did make it to class that day; in fact, the furthest we got was to the bathroom to take a shower. Now in our junior year, the word "PLEASE" has definitely changed our relationship.

To be continued...maybe

I hope you enjoyed this story and I would love to hear what you think. So please email me your comments at or

Thanks for reading my story!

Next: Chapter 2

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