Please publish this as "Q sub

By Gregory Gordon

Published on Jul 29, 2024


It didn't take long for word to get around after a few guys saw my cage in the showers. My original thought would be to sneak in to take a shower when no one else was around, maybe even in the middle of the night. I mentioned it to Craig and he pretty much convinced me that since I want to become some man's slave, I should live like a slave most of the time. That's why he thinks I should stay naked in our room all the time.

"Fight that self-pride if you're serious about being a slave. Your Master would parade you around the public showers to further humiliate you and possibly even to attract other who might have Dom tendencies."

And so, right after he finished saying this, I grabbed a towel, slung it over my shoulder, and left the room, eyes down of course, and made my way to the showers. A couple guys said hi. A couple did the usual double-takes. One of them said "What the fuck?" to me but then just walked away. I tried not to pay attention to who was in the showers with me; there were a lot there this morning. Of course, keeping my eyes down directed my eyes right to the sight of the other guys' junk so I really had to be careful where to look. When I was actually showering, I mostly kept my eyes closed.

Sure enough, though, a guy named Steven came up to me when I was drying myself. "I've heard about you," he said. I said nothing in reply. "Got time to come to my room, just for a few minutes? I heard something else about you but I don't want to say it here," he said, looking around. With that, I nodded and followed him down the other corridor from mine to his room. This time I had the towel around me. I needed a break.

So anyway, he gets me inside. His roommate is already gone so we're alone. "Word's getting around about you but there seems to be an unwritten rule that no one's mentioning you by name. And you know how it is, how rumors get started and then get further and further away from the truth."

"You can say that again. Happened to me all the time in high school."

"Well it might be happening here too. Do you want me to tell you what I heard?"

"Sure. Don't worry. I can handle it."

"Well, they're saying that it was a guy who put it on you, not a bitch. He says it will help you become a better cocksucker."

I crack up laughing!

"Crazy, huh?" he says.

"No. Not crazy. True." There! Let them add that to the rumor mill. Shit! I just outed myself as the dormitory cocksucker. Holy shit!

Anyway, Steven asked me when I could have time to suck off him and maybe even his roommate. I made a date to do him at 5 pm.

"You sure it won't spoil your supper?" he asks, making me crack up. What he says after that sobers me up a bit. "Listen, kid, this isn't my first rodeo. In fact, there was this guy at home, I'd say around 30 years old, who would blow me once a week and give me a lot of money for it. He was loaded so it didn't matter to him. Anyway, that's what paid my tuition this year! I told my Dad I got a secret scholarship."

"Well I ain't gonna pay," I protested.

"I know. Subs like you always need someone to blow. Might as well be me. I can make that sacrifice for your continued development as a cocksucker."

"And slave," I admit to him, wondering what the reaction might be.

"don't know anything about that, but when you go down on me tonight you can be the slave to my cock. And hopefully I'll get to make you suck off Jeff my roommate as well."

"As you wish, Sir. See you at 5." And off I went shaking my head to myself at what just happened. I told Craig and he howled his fucking head off. "My roommate, the dorm cocksucker," he said.

More than once that day, someone would point me out to his companions, so I figured it saved me the hassle of having to advertise. I started getting a little nervous because there might be someone who would bully me like in the past. But there was nothing I could do about it.

I decided to call Danny after lunch. "You said I could call if there as something bothering me."

"Sure thing, Mikey. What's going down?"

"Well, I've been showering along with everyone else, not hiding anything. Some guy saw me and told him that some guy probably did it to me so I'd could be a better cocksucker."

"And that's definitely true, Mikey. You know that."

"Sure. But word is getting around all over the place. Some guy approached me this morning. I'm going to his room tonight to blow him and maybe his roommate. So that's cool. the problem is that I'm getting a little worried that I might get hurt by someone."

"Sure. Makes sense. And I'm glad you're not hiding anything, and that you're getting more opportunities to learn to suck cock better. As far as being in danger, yeah that's part of the package. It is for all of us no matter what we're into. You just have to get used to the risk and try not to get yourself into dangerous situations. Also if you suck off some guy, tell him about your concerns. You'll end up having a lot of dudes looking out for you. You'll be okay, Mikey. And one of my friends is an RA in that dorm. I'll let him know what's going on. Don't worry, He won't be a problem, except he might want you to suck him off as well, and he's a lot older than you babies over there."

As usually, Danny gives a little lecture and I listen attentively, so grateful he's in my life even is he isn't interested in being my Master. I've beginning to realize that it's good to be on my own right now, not tied down at all. Well, at least tied down to a guy. I'm not ruling out bondage—with the right guy, of course, and making sure Danny knows where I am. And Craig. And maybe even Steven if he appreciates the blow job I'm gonna give him later.

The blowjob experience was really cool. Or maybe I should say hot'? He was alone and he even lit a scented candle for atmosphere (even though it's against the rules). Very nice. Only a night light was lit. He was already naked when I got there. He jumped up on the bed and spread his legs. "This is how I want it. Get up here on the bed on your knees and lean down over my cock. Lick the head cause I precum a lot. Then do your thing with it. Show me how much of a faggot you are, craving a cock like mine."

He was just a little bit bigger than I can take without gagging. I deliberately made myself gag just to find out what his reaction would be. No reaction at all. So every once in a while I'd dive down all the way and pull off after gagging. The last time I did it, he reached out and put his hand on the back of my head and gently pushed it back down on his dick. "Wow. it's turning me on, hearing you gag on my big cock. Keep going all the way down like that." And he pushed my head down.

A lot of time I concentrated on just the first two or three inches because I loved the way they felt in my mouth and I liked running my tongue all around his circumcision scar and it would get lots of heavy breathing out of him along with his hot moans. Finally he grabbed the back of my head and took total control of it, using me like a fleshlight, so I tightened my mouth around him and it didn't take long before he shot a mouthful of salty slimy semen into my mouth and ordered me to swallow it then lick his dick clean.

"I hope I wasn't too rough on you," he says, and I shake my head and shoulders `no,' "after what you told me I decided to treat you like my slave just for a little bit. That was fucking awesome!'

I smiled at him. "For me too, Steven. Thanks."

"Thanks for letting you suck my cock?" I shake my head yes. "Well then do it. Thank me for letting you suck my cock." He says it like it's an order.

"Thank you for letting me suck your cock, Sir," I say, completely sincerely, digging the humiliation of it all.

"Good boy," Steven says with a big smile. "If you're lucky, I'll let you do it again some time."

"Hope so, Sir," I say as I get up off the bed. He's a nice guy but I really don't want to let him be too affectionate. It might spoil the mood. Besides, I don't even know if this guy is gay. I decide not to ask. Let me have my illusions—although he worked his way into college letting older some dude suck him off, so he's no innocent little freshman. Damn. You meet all kinds.

Then a thought pops into my head while I'm walking back down to my room, still naked, still holding a damp towel over my shoulder, still keeping my eyes lowered when someone slows down when passing by to take a good look. I wanna brush my teeth to get the taste of his cum out of my mouth---still not used to it—then go have some supper.

Craig is there when I get back to the room, but he has his clothes on. He has a friend with him. He introduces me. Guy's name is Alec. I've seen him around before. Cute guy about my size, so a twink. Dirty blond hair. He hesitates to shake my hand—after all, I'm naked—but he does so then sits down still talking to Craig about one of their classes. I get my toothbrush and leave again.

When I get back they're still talking, I just go sit at my desk for a bit, and stay naked even though Craig isn't keeping up his part of the bargain. "You always do homework naked?" Alec asks me.

Craig answers for me. "He's naked because I told him I want him to be naked in the room even when someone else is over. After all, he's the cocksucker that everyone's talking about today. Hey, spread your legs, Gary. Let my friend here take a closer look at your dick in the cage."

I'm sitting on the bed now, so I just spread `em but Alec isn't really all that interested. But he is interested in something else. "So if I ask you to suck my dick, you'll actually do it for me?" he asks, testing the waters.

"Sure. Now? Here?"

Alex is a lltle surprised. "Go for it," Craig encourages him. "Never saw my roomie suck dick before. Wanna watch."

"Nah, that's okay. I've got to go, anyway. Maybe some other time." He gets up and leaves. It's obvious he's very embarrassed.

"You bastard!" I say to Craig, half laughing.

"Fuck, dude, you should be thanking me for humiliating you in front of my buddy. He'll add all that to the rumors. The true rumors."

"They put you in a bad light, too, you know." I think he's missing the point.

"I know. fine with me. Some guys will cheer me on for the way I'm treating the fag."

How could I be angry with this fucker? He's fucking adorable. Besides, I'm eating it all up. This is better than actually having sex with him, although I still hope it happens some time.

"Put some clothes on," orders Craig. "Come on, let's go out for pizza. My treat." Like I said. Adorable. Now he's gonna make it up to me for embarrassing me. I can't say for sure he sees it that way, but I'm going to just keep thinking that unless he says anything different.

The place we go to is in a strip mall a few miles from campus. Craig discovered it when he was scouting out the area with his parents when they brought him up here for a tour. I have to say, it's really good. And it has a dining room so we can eat right there. We were the only ones in the room. Perfect. I told him a little bit about what's going on, and about Steven, and about being a little worried. Shit! I forgot to mention that to Seven.

"Anyone gives you even a tiny bit of crap you let me know, boy. I'd never let anyone in our room unless he's cool, so don't worry about that. But I must say, I enjoyed it before with Alec. I just want to make sure it's completely okay with you, my bossing you around. I find I like it, but if you're having any problems it will stop. Immediately. I'm not shitting you, Gary."

"Listen, I'm having a good time with this. If it ever gets to be too much I promise I'll let you know, but I'm fine right now. More than fine. The nakedness, everything. Making me put myself out there more. Hey, it's all paying off. And let's face it: the more people who see you and me and the way we interact, the better it will be. They'll be protective as well if they're your friends."

The pizza was great. Craig ordered one with sausages, mushrooms and extra cheese. He didn't bother consulting me. That's more than fine. I really like exploring this type of stuff with him because he's so damn safe. Actually, I'm better off that he doesn't want my ass or any part of me for sex. It makes the whole thing even safer, even if someone eventually lets him watch me in action.

Speaking of which, Craig says he'd bet that Alec will come back sometime and agree to go through with it, me sucking him off while Craig watches. I hope so. The way I see it is this: If Craig can actually see me at work on another guy's dick, it might help him realize that it's no threat to his supposed sexuality, especially considering the guy I'll be blowing is straight himself. Or so he thinks. Fuck! We're 18 fucking years old. We're supposed to be experimenting now. Thank God we've got the freedom to do that in our culture. A lot of LBGT people are afraid to be found out, even now.

I wish I could find a way to keep tabs on the guys I get it on with, to find out how they turn out by the time they're, say, 35 or 40. Would be interesting. Or even, how I end up turning out by the time I'm 40. Will I be someone's slave? Alone and miserable? Married and with three kids with my Lesbian wife? Hey, that might be cool as long as I'm content.

Craig got a phone call which is why I was able to continue ruminating. But suddenly, Craig snaps his fingers at me. "Gary, come back, duce. You're mind is wondering off some place."

"Well you were on the phone."

"Well I'm back now so pay attention to me or I'll spank your ass right here in the restaurant."

I guffaw. "No, dude, let's not go there. I'm not letting anybody spank me unless he's gonna fuck me afterwards."

Craig sticks his tongue out at me. "Really? You really think you'd go along with that?'

"won't know until it happens, Craig. Maybe this weekend."

"Listen, dude, you've fucking better check in with me. I want to know where you are. I want you to call me at least once a day."

"Yes, Daddy," I answer and then duck when he reaches out to slap my face. Not that I wouldn't like him to slap my face sometimes, but not here.

When we get back to the room there's a note on the door. A phone number and the words "need bj" and that's all. Craig turns to me and ruffles my hair. "Go help out the poor guy. Call him right now so you can take care of him. Just make sure you strip naked before you get down on your knees for him, boy."

Here we go!

So that's all for now. Hope you like how it's developing. My name's Greg. Write me any time, please?

I've selected pics to represent Danny, Jeffrey, Matt, Craig, and the sub. Tell me about your reaction to the story and I'll send a couple to you. The more you tell me the more pics I'll send.

I'm on Facebook as Gary X Gordon. Friend me.

I'm also on Telegram. Email me and I'll give you my account name.

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Next: Chapter 13

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