Please publish this as "Q sub

By Gregory Gordon

Published on Jul 31, 2024


"You didn't have to chauffeur him back and forth. He's not a baby. He's perfectly capable of driving out there himself." Craig is pressing some kind of point with Jeffrey.

I walk in with my damp towel wrapped around my waist, surprised that Jeffrey arrived so early. And that he came up to my room. I don't even remember giving him the room number. "Hi, Jeffrey. Sorry I'm not dressed already."

"No problem. I'm early anyway. I wanted to come up and see your room. It's much smaller than our rooms at our place. Come here, Mikey." I walk up to him and Jeffrey releases my towel. "I'm glad I'm early. It givse me a chance to see you naked," he says as he reaches out and gently jiggles my cage. "How you doing with this, boy? Getting used to it yet? Any pain?"

"It's fine, Jeffrey. First night was rough but after that I'm okay. It's really hard in the showers though when other guys notice it."

"No kidding," interrupts Craig. "Word is out there that some kid's in a cage and he sucks dick. He's had a number of `special requests' as a result. It pays to advertise."

"Ouch. That could end up being dangerous in this school. We've heard that a lot of homophobes come here."

"There are a few, but they don't make any trouble. At least not so far," explains Craig.

It feels to me as if the two of them are continuing their discussion as if I'm not ever there. Not that I'm complaining, mind you! I like being treated that way—like I'm just some pet, or even a child. Definitely not an ordinary man. After all, with the cage and my faux collar, no one would accuse me of being an "ordinary man."

"Well I can assure you that he'll be perfectly safe over at Easterbrook. Just about everyone on my floor is gay."

"Anyway, to get back to what I was saying. I just don't understand why you decided to come get him and then bring him back on Sunday. The kid would be a lot safer if he had his own car there, so he could make a quick getaway if he gets spooked about anything or if anyone gets too carried away with him."

"to tell you the truth, Craig, I never thought of that angle. But it's probably because . . ." he raises his voice . . . "I know nothing's going to happen to scare him away or make him want to escape. And I'll give him a STOP EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW AND TAKE ME BACK HOME word to use, just in case. There's nothing to worry about. I'm very protective of the boys I take an interest in."

"It's easy to say that, dude. I don't know either of you, so you can say anything you think I want to hear. I just think the whole setup is kinda fishy. Like you want to have charge over him right until you bring him back Sunday night."

Now that fucking turns me on! Craig is so damn naïve he doesn't realize what he's saying. I had to fight not to giggle when he said that.

"But that's the whole idea, Craig. From here on in, I do have charge over Mikey here. I'm in control. Even you are concerned that the sub doesn't have any freedom. He doesn't. He agreed to it. And maybe you can't understand this, but Craig, this is what he's looking for, to give up control to a Dom or Master."

I'm blushing now and despite myself, end up nodding my head while looking into Craig's eyes. And shit, this whole conversation is helping me get into the right frame of mind for the coming adventure. Besides, I'd much rather have Jeffrey in control over me than Craig. And oh shit!!! Matt! ?????

"You're in control, only you?" I ask Jeffrey.

"Don't worry about Matt. We worked things out. Yes, I'm the one who owns you this weekend. I fully intend to share you with Matt and maybe even with a couple other guys, but I'm in control and everyone understands. And I'm going to give you an ultimate safety signal in case you get freaked out."

"He wouldn't need a signal if he could just get up and leave. And no fucking bondage!!!!!" Craig gets hot under the collar.

"Craig!" I have to interfere. Craig doesn't fucking own me. "You're sounding like my father making a fuss because I'm going on my first date with this guy and you don't know him well enough. You've not my fucking father, dude! Or my owner."

Jeffrey cracks up. "I was just thinking the same thing. You're only his roommate, Craig. You don't even let the kid sub for you, from what he tells me. Sorry if this comes off as rude, dude, but you don't know much of anything about our scene."

Craig waits before answering. I can tell he's trying to calm himself down. "Ok, okay. I don't know much about it. That's why I have some concerns."

"And I appreciate that, buddy," I tell him, "but I can handle myself and besides, everyone in that dorm knows Jeffrey, and knows Jeffrey wants to play with me. Play, Craig, play. We're gonna have a good time—at least I hope we will."

"Sorry, Gary. But I would just feel a hell of a lot better if you were taking your own car there."

Jeffrey surprises me by what he says next. "If it's that important to you, Craig, and I have to say I admire the way you're kind of protective of your roommate, okay. He can follow me out there in his own car. Besides, it will save me from having to make a round trip on Sunday."

"Good. Thank you. Sorry for being such a pain in the ass, but at least there's someone around here looking out for him, and I'm not doing it because he services me every night. He doesn't get to have my dick."

I guffaw.

"Get dressed, boy," Jeffrey says. "Gym shorts and T. No underpants."

I really don't want to have Craig hear me say "Yes, Sir" to Jeffrey. I just go get dressed without saying anything. Shorts and T. It doesn't even take a minute. And I look around for my flip-flops.

"Don't forget your keys," says Jeffrey. Shit! I almost forgot. I go to my dresser and take out the cage keys which are on a long black string. "Not those, boy. You don't need those. We're not taking that cage off your little dick," he says. Fuck! I was hoping maybe they would. Resigned, I put them back.

"I meant the car keys."

Shit. This idea sucks. I don't want to have to drive back from there alone on Sunday night. Anyway, I get the keys.

"Don't forget to check in. Around midnight tonight and Saturday. And let me know when you leave there to come back," says Craig.

"Yes, SIR," I say sarcastically, but then Jeffrey smacks my butt. "Goodnight, Craig. Have a nice weekend. And, hey, thanks for caring. It means a lot to me."

Jeffrey picks up the overnight bag he had told me to pack. He salutes Craig then leaves the room. I follow him. The elevator is empty when we get in. Right away, he slams me into the back corner. "I'll be goddamned I'm gonna let go of you on the way home. Fuck that. Go get your car and move it somewhere on campus where he won't see it. I'll follow."

I'm so fucking relieved. And turned on. "I was going to ask," I say but he kisses me before I could say anything else. And slaps my face. Fuck! This weekend is off to a good start already.

So I move my car and then get in his. He hands me a bit of food. "Eat this." It must be some strange form of gummy. After I've swallowed, he says, "Put the keys in my glove compartment. No sense carrying them around." Now I can say "Yes, Sir," and do what he ordered me to do.

"You'd better be worth the trouble, slaveboy," he says. "I really had to haggle with the owner of that slavemarket to get to try you out for a weekend. Like I say, don't make me regret it, or YOU'LL end up regretting it. Understand me, faggot?"

Fuck! He's starting to spin a fantasy for us. He's trying me out for the weekend before deciding whether or not he wants to buy me permanently. "yes, Sir."

Jeffrey reaches out and messes up my hair. "Matt is Sir. I'm Master. That's all you need to know. You're not allowed to speak to anyone else. Only us."

"Yes, Master," I say, loving how he coaxes me down into my subspace.

"Lose the shorts and keep your legs spread," Jeffrey orders. Interesting not being made to strip completely.

"If you ride bare-chested it might attract attention," he says. I never thought of that before. He goes on. "If you're a good boy, I'll stop for pizza on our way home Sunday. Oh, and Matt has a friend who's a Master. He gave Matt some special food for you, same stuff he gives his slave. Matt wants to see you eating from a dog bowl on the floor. I said it's okay. If you have any resistance to that, you've got a few hours to make yourself get ready to submit. It's non-negotiable. You will do it, slave. You are our slave this weekend. I'm in charge of how we're gonna train you. Just like I said over the phone. So if I want you to do something new, something you don't think you're ready for, you either call YELLOW or just talk yourself into submitting to my decisions. . . . Spread those legs farther," He adds, and then smacks my inner thigh. Hard. Right away I split my legs as far apart as I can.

He hits me again. "You should have spread them this way the first time I told you to. Don't play any fucking games with me, Mikey. I've got a built-in bullshit detector and I'm not afraid to discipline you hard when needed. I'm sure you'd much rather have me be sweet with you. Remember I told you that, boy: sweet and sour. Let me stay sweet. Don't make me have to get sour.

He holds out his hand, palm up. "Now kiss the hand that just punished you." Holy fucking shit. This act of submission tells him I'm grateful for the way he's teaching me—or, I should say, training me. And I am. Nervous as hell, but excited too.

We're not even half an hour away from school and already I'm being trained as his slave. I'm flying through the air, but then probably pulled back down to earth because he attached a long chain to my slave collar. I dare speak to Jeffrey. "Imagine the terror a real slaveboy my age from way back in history—maybe back to the Romans-must have felt, naked and on display in a slave market."

Jeffrey smiles at me. "Okay, boy. You're a captured slaveboy just waiting for someone to purchase you body and soul. You're 18-year-old, with messed up black hair, naked hairless body, heavy collar around my neck, hands bound behind his back, already bearing marks from the Master who slapped before for not stepping up quickly enough. And by the way, Mikey, put your hands behind your back now and keep them there."

"I go to the owner and have a discussion. He agrees to rent you to me and my companion for a couple days. I chain you here in my chariot and I'm bringing you back to my quarters. While on the way I take liberties with your body. You resist nothing for fear of greater punishment. But then something happens to you. . . . "

"As I explore your body with my hand, touching, caressing, pinching, slapping, pulling on your nipples, lightly slapping your face, pulling your hair, instead of resisting or at least hating what I'm doing to you—no one has ever touched your body this way—you're not fighting it. No, thrills are going through your body and you realize that you actually want to submit to this man who's taking you back to his home. You want to learn how to be his slave, how to act so that you please him. Your heart is captured and along with that, your will, and you realize that you are nothing more than a possession, his slave, his property. And you realize that this is what you want. You want to be his slave. There must have been something in the food he gave you to eat."

We ride in silence for a while and I dwell within the fantasy he just stuck me in. It really is true, I realize. I've been looking forward to this all week. Jeffrey and I had a couple of hot phone conversations. I want this. I want to make him pleased with me so that he'll continue to have me from time to time. And even Matt. He turned me on, too, especially the way he took possession of my mouth, and the spit.

I know I'm gonna have to get used to gagging a lot if Jeffrey lets Matt fuck my face the way he did last time. Can't say I enjoyed all of it, but the idea is so fucking hot. Besides, I can just let go and trust that Jeffrey won't let things get out of hand. Then I remember: Jeffery and Matt have had discussions about what to do with me. Fuck. Discussions about using me. Nothing I have any input about.

"Put your shorts back on. We're almost home." As I pick them up off the floor of the car and get them up on my body, he gives me some instructions. "Like I told you, I'm Master and Matt is Sir and you may not speak to anyone else even if they ask you questions. One of us will be present at all times for your own safety, but don't expect to be treated like some fragile little girl. You're a fucking boy slave, actually a man slave. You'll be treated that way.

"We are the only ones who will discipline you. I set the limits. Use your safeword yellow before you ever have to get to red. However, I do expect you to expand your yellows—take more than before without weakening. I expect you to think a lot about just how much you deserve to be punished just because you're a submissive faggot not worthy to be called a man."

"When I give you to a friend for a while you must obey him. I'll put a stop to anything I don't want him to do to you. By the way, I know a few guys at your school who know how to treat a slave. I'll make sure they can find you."

"And one more thing: You will drink my piss before the weekend is over. Only mine. Get used to the idea. If your mind screams NO at you, get past it. Make me proud of you and I'll treat you better than any other man will ever treat you for all of your life. Disappoint me and I will break you. I'll use someone at your school to do the deed but you'll know it's because I ordered it. I'm not kidding."

When we get to his campus, after a lot of twists and turns he parks his car in a numbered space. After he turns off the engine he turns to face me. "Sometimes I'll want to make love to you," he says and then holds out his arms. I give myself into his embrace and it is more than I've ever experienced from anyone in my life, far more than I've ever had in my family or with other friends. He makes me feel like I'm the most important person in his entire life and that he worships and adores me.

I promise myself to be everything he wants me to be. His total slave. Like he said before, his property.

So that's all for now. Hope you like how it's developing. My name's Greg. Write me any time, please?

I've selected pics to represent Danny, Jeffrey, Matt, Craig, and the sub. Tell me about your reaction to the story and I'll send a couple to you. The more you tell me the more pics I'll send.

I'm on Facebook as Gary X Gordon. Friend me.

I'm also on Telegram. Email me and I'll give you my account name.

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Next: Chapter 15

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