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By Gregory Gordon

Published on Sep 8, 2024



I was really afraid that Craig would be so grossed out when he saw that they did to me that he wouldn't want anything to do with me after that. No, sorry, I said that wrong. I should have said it this way: "Craig would be so grossed out when he saw the things I did when they ordered me to, when he saw just how much they had broken me that he would just decide to leave me in their hands for good."

He never said anything at all, no matter what they did to me, no matter how much I sobbed. At one point, I even started calling out his name, begging him to hold me. He sat and watched everything. He said nothing. He did nothing. He never moved.

Much to my surprise, however, after they gave me a bit of time to rest after licking the waiters clean, Craig finally stood up and began to speak. What he said freaked the fucking hell out of me.

"Thank you, Austin and Heinrich, for breaking this slave of all pride, for expertly showing it what it was meant to become and then for proving it by what you made it do. When I saw it sucking the boys' cum off their feet, I looked at it and realized that it was now where it's supposed to be. I promise you that I intend to make sure it never forgets what it is, how much it's meant to serve both men and boys and other slaves as well, for it is the lowest of the low and must remain that way forever. As a way of fulfilling that promise to you, Austin and Heinrich, from now on this lave's mouth will be a toilet for anyone who wants to use it that way. Do any of you guys need to piss? If so, feel free to be the first to make use of my slave as your toilet."

Holy fucking shit! He called me his slave. He'd finally taken possession of me. He invited them to use me as their fucking toilet! Only one of them took him up on his offer. Eddie. Fortunately, his piss was watery. He'd obviously been drinking a lot of beer. That was the night I finally learned why I would always be relieved when the guy who decided to use me as a urinal had been drinking a lot of beer! Welcome to my new life as Craig's slave. Welcome to my new life as a urinal for anyone who wanted to unload down my fucking throat.

It became clear to me that rather than frightening Craig away, what happened that night inspired him to WANT to be the type of Master who could keep a slave like me where it was meant to be. And that was that.

And do you know what? That was the night I fell even more deeply in love with him. That was the night I realized that despite everything, I was actually proud of Craig. Proud of what he had become. Proud that he could hold his head high among all the assorted Doms and Alphas in the world to which we now belong. I had no pride at all in myself; all that had been beaten out of me. No. All my pride was for my Master, for the one who owned me totally. For the one who had the guts to keep me down low. Lower than any other submissive we would ever meet.

From that night on, Craig never again raised a hand to me, never again did anything to feed me the pain for which I hungered so much. He gave me to others to do that. He had me disciplined and punished by men who cared nothing about me. He gave me to men who took their pleasure from my cries of pain and anguish, to men who would mix their cum with my tears and sometimes even their piss once they had broken me, to men who showed no mercy until Craig gave a signal and then they would drop their paddles and whips on the ground and walk away satisfied and fulfilled yet not the least bit interested in what would happen to me once they were done with me.

Little did they ever know what for me the very best was yet to come. Little did they ever know how Craig would tenderly put me back together again after everything that happened. Little did they ever find out how all the pain they had given to me was transformed into exquisite pleasure under Craig's skillful loving care. Little did they know that sometimes after-care lasted for days and days afterwards. Little could they ever have imagined the extent of Craig's love for me, or how deeply Craig understood what I truly needed and how Craig made every necessary provision to ensure that I never forgot even for an instant just how much he loved me. Little did they ever learn that only Craig would ever be the one to make love to me the way I needed. Only Craig. Always Craig. Always with Craig and for Craig.

There was only one thing Craig would never agree to do for me no matter how much I would beg. Craig would never agree have me branded with his name. Again and again, year after year, I would beg for it. Again and again, year after year, Craig would refuse. He denied me nothing I truly needed, even if it meant he had to make great sacrifices to make sure I never forgot that he owned me and would never give me up. Sometimes it would mean he would have to be without me for days and weeks on end when I'd be locked in solitary confinement or even delivered up to hard labor on one of the many slave farms that would spring up across the country when we were in our thirties and early forties.

There was only one thing I would come to fear, and as the years went on, I would fear it more and more: that some day Craig would die before me. That would have been the worst thing that could ever happen to me, and fortunately it never did. In my sixty-ninth year of life, disease had taken hold of me, an incurable wasting disease. Craig never left my side. And then one night, the very last night of my life, he held me in his arms and anointed me with his tears, and on that night, as I took my last breath, the very last thing I ever saw was his eyes looking down on me filled with a mixture of grief and agonizing love and at last, and then he nodded at me, letting me know it was time for me to pass over to whatever was waiting for me on the other side. With that kind nod, my Master gave me his permission and his blessing to depart. The time had come.

I thought I would pass into the realm of darkness. I was wrong. As my eyes closed for the last time, I was ushered by two angels named Billy and Alex* into a realm of endless light and peace and joy, and in a way I never could have been able to understand before it happened, Craig would always be with me. We would never be parted. And my slave's heart would sing forever the most beautiful song which would never end, a song my soul would sing forever to my Master, a song which had only one lyric, and that lyric was his name. Craig had been determined that I would never be alone. At the very moment I took my last breath and closed my eyes, he had passed over with me. My Master Craig would never let me go.


*Billy and Alex were the heroes of the first story I ever published, "The Alex Chronicles," published under the name Robert Halstead.

My next story is entitled "Rules for bois" and soon will be published soon under the name Robert Halstead. Look for it. And please write to tell me what you've thought of this story. Write either to or

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