Pleiades Hijack

By Leandro Da Cunha

Published on Jul 9, 2017


Pleiades Hijack

Damn... DamnDamnDamn... I whispered loudly.

I couldn't believe we were caught. After all the precautions, upgrades and stealth, my ship was no longer under my control. Instead we were being pulled towards a distant speck of bright light. The strange thing is, the bright light did not match the profile of a typical Uurk ship, and there was no communication from them either. I tried to contact again but got no response. The speck was now a clearly visible spaceship, but none that I had ever seen in the 28 years I've been alive nor the 10 years of flying out in space. That could be good or bad... My first mate Bryan sat to my right, reviewing info on the screen. He looked older than his 26 years, and we've been through a lot, flying together for the past 7 years. He turned to me and said what I had already realized.

That's not any ship we know of, Pete. I think its alien.

Alien meaning not of the three alien races humans had encountered before, not Uurk, Thales or fortunately, Duos. Uurks you never knew, mostly friendly traders, but have been known to hijack a human ship. The Thales hardly ever interacted with humans, as their needs and ours never overlapped, but the Duos, as we called them... Nasty angry race. Their actual name was unpronounceable by humans, so we called them Duos because they were a Siamese race. All of them were strange, the front was male, but when they turned around the back was the front of a female, a little over 5 feet tall, chameleon like skin that could change color and round vaguely human like heads with large eyes and a larger mouth. They had an appetite for human flesh, and would not hesitate to attack any human vessel no matter the size.

But this ship now pulling us did not match the profile of anything on record.

I gave up trying to communicate and sat back.

Call Roger and Josh here. I want to make sure we all stay together.

My two new hires came to the deck shortly, looking apprehensive.

Guys, take a seat, I said. We've been caught by an unidentified ship and are being pulled into it. Stay alert and do as I say.

They sat down and strapped on their harnesses. I could tell they were nervous. Just turned 21, and on their first mission out of the solar system they get hijacked by some strange race... Heck, I was nervous too... No idea what to expect.

The computers suddenly shut down and we were in the dark. No sound other than nervous breathing, mine probably, but it could've been the guys too.

A monitor lit up, showing a large hanger full of strange craft and an upright figure moving closer. The surveillance camera at least was working, I thought to myself.

The creature was not something I had ever seen or heard of before. It had two very long muscular legs, but where on a human the hips would be, was actually it's shoulder, as a barrel shaped body hung down between those large thighs, ending in two strong looking arms. A short neck and a remarkably human head perched on top of the hips/shoulders, with eyes, mouth, nose, even what looked like hair visible.

It was speaking but no sound was coming through.

Bryan leaned forward and fiddled with some buttons, and soon we could hear the alien.

Nothing it said made sense. The universal translator did not recognize the language.

Switch it to learn mode, I said.

Bryan flipped another couple of switches and as the being outside continued to talk, slowly some sense started to come from the speaker.

The more the creature spoke the more the translator learned and soon we could understand pretty much all that was being said.

I have tested your atmosphere and adjusted the interior of my ship to support you, the creature said. Exit your ship and communicate.

We mustn't go, said Josh, looking pale. It may want to eat us like the Duos.

The creature stopped speaking when it heard Josh's voice.

Damn, the communicator was open on the deck also.

I spoke up.

I am Captain Pete Morrison. And this is my ship and my crew. You have taken us from our scheduled course. We are from Earth doing a commercial run to the Pleiades. We can communicate without having to leave the ship. Please state what your intentions are.

Silence from the creature. Then it spoke again.

Welcome Captain Pete. I am Sao. I observed your ship and did not recognize it so I brought it in for identification. My intentions are not to harm you, your crew or your ship. I merely wish to communicate. I come from the Vas nebula, a scouting ship to identify new galaxies and other intelligent life forms...

I'd never heard of the Vas nebula, I thought, but then again I'd never encountered a life form such as Sao before. Regulations require any new interaction between races to be reported to Earth and a diplomatic committee would be dispatched, but there was no way I'd do that now, hundreds of secs from Earth. It would delay me enormously and lose me so much business. I felt I'd better communicate with this Sao creature... The sooner I'd do it, hopefully the sooner I could be on my way again.

Stay here guys, I'm going out.

No no don't, said Josh. He can't make us leave the ship, and we're safe inside.

How do you know that? I said.

Josh didn't respond.

Keep the communicator open, and record everything, I said, getting out of my chair and heading for the door.

At the exit bay I made sure my gun was loaded and then checked the external readings, seeing that it measured a comfortable 75F with a good breathable atmosphere.

I unlocked the door and waited for the sequence to complete before stepping out. Gravity was less than I was used to, so it took several steps before I adapted, taking large awkward steps towards Sao.

He was a big one! I was 6' 2", but he, I presumed it was a he, was seemed about two feet taller than me. Those shoulder/hips very muscular, legs like tree trunks, his face looking down at me extremely intelligent. The only clothing item I could see was a strip of what looked like red cloth wrapped around his left thigh. His skin was smooth, not human, not reptilian, but like a mixture of both, not revolting like the Thales fishy like flesh. His smell was strange, but honestly rather appealing, a warm smell like baking bread. The more I stood there, the more I wanted to get closer to him, to touch him.

Captain Pete. Thank you for trusting me. I see you have something that looks like a weapon... If it makes you feel better, I won't take it away, but it will have no impact on me. You can ask your crew to come out also. We can talk in my quarters. I've made it comfortable for your kind.

His voice was so relaxing and soothing. I didn't know if I could hear it or if it was coming straight to my brain, but I heard myself telling the other three to join me.

The guys were soon out next to me, looking up curiously at this new species. Sao turned around and led the way back into his ship, followed uncomplainingly by us.

The alien craft was made of some substance that again was very unfamiliar to us, soft to the touch under our feet as we walked, brightly illuminated by some hidden source. Eventually Sao opened a door and mentioned for us to enter.

He closed the door behind him as he came inside. The room looked vaguely like a bedroom, a large horizontal rectangular bed shaped object in the middle. The walls were smooth, seamlessly merging with the floor and ceiling, that bright light again from some hidden source. Sao sat on the bed, the torso between those huge thighs supported by the arms below.

Sao spoke again, this time individually first to Bryan, then turning to face Josh and Roger. At least, I presumed he spoke to them, because I couldn't make out anything other than a loud humming that matched the movement Sao's lips were making. They all visibly relaxed and then Sao turned to me. His lips moved and I heard him speak.

Captain Pete, you and your crew will stay and keep me company for a while. Our races need to communicate and understand each other. I told your crew you agree to this, and they are all willing to cooperate. You too will cooperate willingly in all I ask you to do. Be aware that my requests will not cause you harm, physical or mental. It is just a manner of becoming acquainted and getting to know each other. I have scanned you all physically and want to examine you in more detail. In return, you will be able to examine me too... But I do need you to hand me that weapon now, Pete.

Somehow, I felt very comfortable with this, and found his request reasonable and understandable, so I trustingly handed him my gun.

You all are wearing garments. Is that something you need for protection? Is the temperature not comfortable?

The temperature is fine. We wear the garments because, hmm, because we always have, said Bryan.

So you can remove the garments and you will still be comfortable?

Yes, as long as the temperature stays as it is now, answered Bryan.

So then I want you to remove those garments. I would like to inspect you without them.

Bryan started to remove his clothes, until he stood there naked, hands by his side.

I'd never seen my first mate naked before. He was in great shape, wide shoulders, narrow hips, muscular pecs and a perfect six pack. A thick stubby cut dick with a large mushroom head rested on his big balls. He was smooth all ov=

er, naturally or artificially clear of hair everywhere I could see.

Sao stood up and moved towards Bryan, towering over him. Those arms from underneath the torso reached out and touched his shoulder, stretched his arm out and let it drop to his side, played with his hair. Sao's hands had three finger-like appendages, flexible and very long, and he used it to explore Bryan's body, moving smoothly and lightly all over my first mate's muscular body. He gently turned Bryan around, and continued his exploring. I could see Bryan had an erection, and he did not seem embarrassed by it at all. Sao's hand paused briefly on Bryan's ass, before running down his crack. I could see Bryan do a little jump as a finger found his hole and worked its way up inside him. Sao's other hand slowly closed around Bryan's hard penis, making him gasp.

Even though this was totally unexpected, I didn't do anything to stop it, allowing the alien to continue exploring my first mate.

Sao pulled out the hand from that warm tight anus, released Bryan's dick, and held him by the armpits, lifting him up easily towards his face.

We watched, hypnotized, as Sao opened his mouth and pulled Bryan's mouth to his, and they kissed, tongue on tongue, moving, exploring urgently. Our attention was focused on the action up at Sao's head, so the three of us were shocked to see a long thick cylindrical shaft had risen from his torso! It must've been longer than my forearm, and wider too, a dark matte grey blue colour, like dirty felt, with a lighter grey tip, a point that wriggled independently like a monkey's tail. Waves of muscle pulsed along the shaft, regular rippling pulsing waves from the base to the tip. Sao lifted Bryan up higher, hooking his heels against those muscular shoulders, then lowering him down slightly while at the same time raising his own torso, that wriggling, pulsing shaft pointing towards Bryan's open hole.

We watched as the shaft slowly started to enter, bit by bit, until amazingly, it had all disappeared inside my friend. Bryan seemed oblivious to the activity happening on his ass, his face planted onto Sao's, their mouths open, pink tongue flashing against yellow, low moans escaping his lips. We could see the base of Sao's dick, I guess it's what it was, pulsing strongly, moving Bryan up and down as though he was riding on a huge screw, which, apparently, he was.

Sao pulled him up, Bryan's legs falling from his shoulders to hang down limply, then Sao pushed him away from his face, breaking the kiss, letting go of Bryan and leaning back on the bed. My first mate hung there, impaled by his ass on the enormous throbbing dick, his head rolling sideways, mouth open, eyes glazed, arms and legs moving as he was bounced up and down like a puppet. His erection was enormous, and slick and shiny with precome.

As we watched, Bryan's dick slapped against his stomach, white cum jetting up, hitting his chest, then dripping down his smooth sweaty body. But his dick remained hard, even after his orgasm.

Sao's dick started to throb harder. We could see the base pulsing stronger, Bryan was bouncing higher, still held up by that huge thick dick stuck up his ass, his arms and legs jerking about with every jolt.

Looking at Bryan, I saw a creamy paste running from his anus and down his thighs. At first I thought Bryan had crapped, but it didn't really look like poop. It must be the alien's cum, I guessed. As I watched, that alien dick slowly started to deflate, and more of the creamy paste oozed out from Bryan's ass. Sao's arms reached out and pulled Bryan up off his cock, and a flood of the gooey creamy paste poured out, his anus so wide open I could see the red inside, his own dick now also limp, bouncing against his balls, as Sao put him down on the floor.

Interesting, Sao's voice was in my head. Not many other species I've encountered could pass that test... Very satisfying. I'll get a lot of money selling you four at the market on Naotes.

I couldn't believe what I heard.

What do you mean, sell us... I managed to say.

There's a huge demand for new strange creatures such as you... You will be very popular sex slaves. Naotes is my galaxie's biggest market for sexual pleasure of all kinds. Perhaps I can even get a Rool to buy one of you...

I crawled over to Bryan, who was lying unresponsive on the floor, eyes open, unfocused.

What did you do to him? Is he going to be ok? I asked.

Sao looked down at him.

Oh... that is unfortunate... And I thought he had survived... Strangely, some

species react to our sperm in this manner. It's like his body disconnects

from his brain. He can hear what we're saying, smell, feel it when someone touches him, even see what's in his direct line of sight, but has no control f his body. A finger may twitch, or his foot jerk, he'll blink too, but that's all involuntary. Although his brain is functioning perfectly, logically as it always has, it has no control over his body, so he can't speak or even walk. I'll probably have to sell him at a discount... Tsk, tsk...

I will show you to your room now. Come. He grabbed Bryan's inert body, slung it over his shoulder and moved away.

I couldn't resist his voice, and obediently followed, along with Josh and Roger.

Sao led us down a corridor, then a narrow path to the left, finally stopping at a small door that opened at his touch. We entered a small rectangular room almost completely taken up by a large bed similar to the one we saw on the other room. Sao dropped Bryan on the bed, then stepped back.

Nourishment will be dispensed twice a day. Bodily waste is absorbed by the floor or walls, just go anywhere when you need to, he said, before closing the door. The light grew dimmer and I realised I was exhausted. I climbed on the bed next to Bryan, followed by Josh and Roger, and fell into a deep sleep

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