Private Journal

Published on Feb 28, 2004


The Private Journal of Dr. Alexander MacAfee

Part 10

by Bald Hairy Man

This is an adult gay story intended for adult gay men. If you are offended by this or are not an adult, gay or a man, DON'T READ IT. It has a lot of sex between adult men, many of whom are older, hairy, bearded, and in this case of several different races. If this offends you, DON'T READ IT. If you have any comments send them to or

The next few days were relaxing. My new discoveries of the joys of anal sex gave me another way to spend my time. There were no problems. The men who wanted to become high chief were gathering their friends and making alliances with other candidates. Ransom and Williams had a good grasp on what was going on in the tribe. Ransom may not have been able to speak the language well, but he was regarded as one of the tribe, a full-fledged member in good standing.

Williams was a new super shaman. He had a direct connection to me, the god, but he always deferred to the tribal Witch Doctors. He became their friend when he got them to adopt male orphans. This gave both the orphans and the Witch Doctors a sexual outlet and greatly improved the personalities of the older men.

I also began to understand what had happened in the battle. While the enemy greatly outnumbered us, Ransom introduced new tactics which carried the day. The traditional approach was each man for himself and they were fought in individual one on one combat. The men with red hair were viewed as dandies of no value in battle. Ransom organized them as a rescue unit, which came to the aid of whichever warrior who was in greatest danger.

Ransom came to me and asked if I would make a visit to the red-haired men's camp. The traditions of the tribe ignored them in war. Traditions die hard and even though you could make a case they had saved the day, the usual celebrations slighted them. A visit by the white god would set things right. I agreed after talking it over with Williams. He thought it was a good idea.

That afternoon, I went with Ransom to the red-haired Men's lodge. It was on a hill overlooking the main village. Their lodge was almost as elaborate as the High Chiefs, but with fewer heads and skulls used as decoration. It was covered in quite handsome wooden sculptures of birds and these gave the place a fantastical character.

The men gathered in front of the Lodge forming a reception committee of sorts. All were naked, but sported feathered headdresses of considerable elaboration. The older the man, the more spectacular and large the hat. Several incorporated the severed genitals of their enemies. I realize I was becoming accustomed to the place since this no longer struck me as odd. Most of the men were young, I would guess between the ages of 18 and 35. There were two older men. Their beards were mixed with white. It was truly odd to see headhunters with ginger beards. You would expect to see them in the Highland's of Scotland, more than a hillside in the Pacific.

They also seemed to be unusually good physical shape. The tribe in general was in good health. I attributed that to the relative isolation of the tribe and the good water provided by the mountain streams. The red-haired Men were muscular and the picture of health.

I knew Red Parrot and two of the other men. The rest were strangers to me. Red Parrot was proud as a peacock as he and Ransom introduced me to all of them. I didn't catch many of the names. Most were named after birds and I only understood Eagle and Owl, the names of the two older men. That didn't seem to be a problem. The men were so excited I was there, there was no need for me to remember a name.

The younger men were erect as soon as they met me. When I greeted them, I stroked their cocks. One shot a few volleys of man seed in response. I scooped some up and tasted it. All them men murmured in approval. By then, I was hard and the men liked that too. We wandered into the lodge and all sat. They passed around gourds of drink. I recognized it as the potion we had the last event with Great Komodo.

Two of the men got up and did a dance while three other men played on drums and a flute-like instrument. The dance was athletic involving leaping and gymnastics. I soon realized it was a pantomime of a bird hunt. It was exciting and rather beautiful, very different from the entertainments of the other men of the tribe.

As I watched, I came to see the dance was an emulation of a bird's mating ritual. The male figure was one of the older men, Owl. A young man played the hard-to-get object of his affection. Owl seemed extraordinarily agile for a man of his age. He was both athletic and muscular, but also graceful and delicate as he portrayed an elegant bird.

Owl began the dance by looking over the boy. As it progressed, he got interested and his cock began to rise. Owl's cock was long and curved. It terminated in a huge, flared, pink mushroom. It looked like an exotic tropical flower. The young man pranced around him, avoiding contact, but as the dance advanced, his cock began to respond. The young man was delicate and very elegant. His mannerisms were distinctly feminine.

The gourd continued its circuit around the cluster of men. The musicians and dancers got to sip too. After three of four sips, the liquid began to take effect. It was fermented, but also had aphrodisiacal properties. Everyone was excited.

When the dance came to an end, both of the dancers were fully erect. I had been talking with Red Parrot and hadn't watched closely. When I looked carefully again, I saw the young man's cock wasn't delicate at all. It was a bloated man rammer that protruded straight out seven or eight inches. At the end of the dance, the men's cocks touched.

The performance was enthusiastically received. I stood, a bit wobbly and went over to thank the dancers. I stoked the older man's cock. The younger man got on his knees and sucked my cock. He had no problem with big meat. I took the two men back to my seat and we reclined. Owl told me the boy was his son, Little Owl.

I bent over and licked Owl's cock. His pink cock head looked luscious. He had oozed considerable amounts of precum and it tasted as good as it looked. Little Owl concentrated on my cock.

Owl was a joy to suck. Every motion I made him either moan, or ooze. When we took a rest, he got Little Owl to break off his almost crazed worship of my cock and join us in conversation. Little Owl was sitting back, with his legs spread, giving me a good view of his cock and balls. He had low hangers that concealed his hole. Elsewhere in the room Ransom and another man were on their hands and knees with their asses in the air, inviting anal sex.

I lifted Little Owl's balls, so I could see his hole. Little Owl burst into a smile and Owl looked on approvingly.

"It's very soft in there," Owl said. He reached over and worked two fingers into his son's ass. This didn't bother Little Owl at all. Owl then worked his thumb and index fingers into the hole. He then opened up the fingers, holding the asshole open. "You see, it's a beautiful pink inside." Owl said. "Just like you." When he pulled his fingers out, I slipped fingers in.

Little Owl had a very tight ass. I probed deeper and encountered his prostate. Pressing this gland, I sent Little Owl to the moon. I had been afraid the ass was too tight for me to fuck the boy easily, but when I realized how tender and responsive his prostate was, I knew he would love it.

Owl was coating my cock with oil now. I was surprised Owl didn't want to take my cock himself. Thinking about it for a minute, I recognized Owl was an old man by the standards of the tribe; he couldn't expect to live much longer. It was more important for him to have his son take the god's cock. The oil felt wonderful as it coated my cock. There was a gourd of oil next to where I was sitting, so I put some on my fingers and worked it into the boy's ass.

By the time my cock was working it way up Little Owl's love tunnel, the boy was so excited any pain he might have felt vanished in the rapture. He had the penis of a god probing his ass. He couldn't have asked for more. Little Owl was tight. His chute wrapped itself on my cock and it was as if I was a piston in a steam engine.

As I pumped and thrust, his excitement continued to grow. I don't know how it happened, but his excitement traveled from his ass to my cock, spreading to my balls and up to my brain. I became totally involved and consumed. He shot off, spraying half of the lodge with his seed. It was a spectacular display. His convulsing ass stimulated my cock and I began to shoot.

Oddly, I shot off in slow motion. The pressure would build, then I would shoot a single volley of my seed into his ass. I would feel relief, but a second later the pressure would begin to well up again and I would shoot another. After several, I pulled out of Little Owl and shot a load at the appreciative audience. They loved it, but it wasn't satisfactory to me. I wanted the tight confines of an ass. Owl was next to me, so I rolled him over, got his legs on my shoulders and shoved my cock deep. His ass was already lubricated and I entered easily.

Owl looked winded but happy. His ass twitched and I felt the pressure grow again. Owl was much bigger than his son, but his ass was just as tight. After three or four thrusts, Owl became just as enthusiastic as his son. My cock continued to ejaculate, when Owl realized I was still shooting, his cock bloated and man milk spurted from his pink cock head. I stroked his cock as we ejaculated. Peaches and cream came to mind.

I finally stopped shooting and pulled out. One of the musicians came over and licked the remaining cum and lube from my cock. Little Owl looked as if he was asleep, but Red Parrot was giving his ass a tongue bath.

My cock was soft for about tem minutes, then it began to rise again. I was lying down, resting, when Ransom came over to me.

"You looked like you were having a good time," he said. "There are two happy men here."

"Three," I said. "Is that want they wanted?"

"It surely was," Ransom replied. He was squatting next to me on his knees. With his cock in range, I rolled over and sucked it. It was strange to suck his cock. I had known him before we were captured by the headhunters and he wasn't a member of the tribe. I had thought of the sexual habits of the tribe as being of anthropological interest. I couldn't say that about Ransom's Irish cock. I wasn't sure if it would be as good and the aborigines. I soon had to admit, Ransom's cock turned me on. I'm not sure, but his pre cum seemed to excite me.

As I sucked him, he reached over and played with my ass. Red Parrot came over to join in the fun. I had a feeling Ransom wanted him to fuck me. Soon Red Parrot's long thin cock was probing my ass. Another one of the musicians joined us, so, while I sucked Ransom, Red Parrot fucked me and the musician sucked me. It was a new experience, enjoyable, but a bit distracting. It was hard to concentrate.

Red Parrot wasn't distracted and his thrusts became steadily deeper and faster. His cock wasn't impressive when it first entered my ass, but as he continued to thrust, it became more effective as a fuck tool. When he shot off it was great. I could actually feel the man seed spewing in my ass. When he pulled out, Eagle, the other older man, came up and looked at me. At first I though he was soft, then I realized he had a cock which drooped when erect.

Eagle was too polite to enter my ass without asking. I smiled at him. That was enough. A second later his pink cock head was nuzzled in my hole. Ransom began shooting off at that point and I had all I could to keep from choking on his load. If the amount of seed a man ejaculated is any indication of pleasure, Ransom had truly enjoyed himself.

When Ransom left, the musician rotated, so I could suck his cock as he attended to mine. This proved to be a very satisfactory position. His cock curved in the perfect shape for me to suck easily. He was a skilled sucker himself. It was at this point I remembered Eagle. You would think with a name like Eagle, he would have been bold and forceful. Eagle was careful and easy as he slowly worked his cock into my love hole. A warm and comfortable feeling enveloped me as his organ eased deeper into my ass and pressed my prostate.

His cock was much bigger than I had thought. I was stretched, but Red Parrot's seed must have lubricated the inside of my tunnel. Eagle was so careful, I knew he wouldn't hurt me and I relaxed. As I relaxed, my two sexual partners relaxed and we merged into a single, sexual unit. I could taste the musician's flow of pre cum increase as he progressed toward a climax, so I slowed. When I got close to a climax the musician slowed and let me cool off.

When I slowed my oral worship of the musician's cock, Eagle increased his anal ministry. We were the perfect trio. It couldn't go on too long, however. All three of us were close to an orgasm and we couldn't stay balanced on the knife edge between intense excitement and a climax forever.

I shot off first. A mouthful of my man cream made the musician shoot, and the contractions of my ass pushed Eagle over the edge. Our three cocks were shooting together, pumping our man seed into one another. We were all satisfied. Afterward, I came very close to falling asleep. I roused myself when I heard the drums beating again. Owl and his son came by with fruit and more drink.

Of course sex was no problem with the men of the tribe, but nevertheless, they were careful with me. Since most of them didn't know me, they watched to find out what I liked. By now they all knew I liked it all. We all became relaxed and receptive to each others sexual needs.

We all went to a small pond and bathed, then returned to the lodge for another round of activities. The musicians began to play again and Eagle danced with another young man. This time it was his nephew and the dance was a recounting of the recent battle.

Ransom came over to me and explained the afternoon's entertainment. The men measured the success of a visit, such as mine by the number of orgasms. Sexual interludes were separated by dancing and feasting. That way the men had a chance to refill their balls for the next climax. The dancing gave each of the men a chance to show off, and the sex following was a chance for them to exchange seed.

My intercourse with Owl and Little Owl was a sign of approval. Ransom suggested I show the same consideration to the other dancers. "Of course, it isn't required, but it would be good if you did," he said. I wasn't sure I could have sex with all of the men, but I said I would do as much as I could.

"I know you will," Ransom replied. He was smiling. Ransom always thought he knew me better than I knew myself. I hate acknowledging he was right, but as usual, he was. Ransom didn't think I would have any trouble pleasing all of the men. I didn't.

As a good Scot and Presbyterian, I had some tendencies to see events as predestined. I came to understand, if God wanted to equip a mere mortal to play the role of a cock god to a tribe of headhunters, he could hardly have given any more physically beneficial traits more than I.

I had a huge cock, balls filled with cum, and an ability to stay hard for hours. In addition, I had no problem with multiple orgasms and seemed to feel no diminution of my sexual urges after multiple orgasms. My body and mind were perfectly suited for the tasks demanded of a male fertility god.

Next: Chapter 11

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