Private Journal

Published on May 20, 2004


The Private Journal of Dr. Alexander MacAfee

Part 12

by Bald Hairy Man

This is an adult gay story intended for adult gay men. If you are offended by this, or are not an adult, gay or a man, DON'T READ IT. It has a lot of sex between adult men, many of whom are older, hairy, bearded, and in this case of several different races. If this offends you, DON'T READ IT. If you have any comments send them to or

My day with Big Shark was a success, but I should have known it would cause a stir. I think it would have had fate not intervened. When I got back to the main camp Ransom called me over. He was worried.

"Do you feel the air?" he asked.

"It's a bit muggy," I said.

"It's more than that. There's a storm on the way, a big one," Ransom replied.

"How do you know?"

"The air felt this way before a typhoon I got caught in eight years ago," he answered. "We'd better warn the tribe." I was a bit unsure, but Ransom knew his stuff.

Oddly the tribesmen believed me immediately. They had noted the unusual atmosphere, but were unaware of the significance. We were on high ground, but the women's camp was on the edge of a river. Sky Bear and Big Shark went to their camp and led with a group to take them to a safe place. I went with most of the other men up the mountain to the cave I had been in during the attack.

Of course I was worried Ransom's prediction was incorrect, but Ransom was one of those unusual men who, while lacking academic training, learned for the world around him. He was right. The typhoon struck at night and it was a horrendous storm, loud and violent, frightening even in the safety of the cave.

It seemed to me it lasted for almost a full day. At dawn the next morning I went out from the cave and saw a new landscape. The leaves were off most of the trees and the jungle looked as if it had been mown down. You could see for miles. I was disoriented, but I wasn't alone. Even the old men of the tribe had trouble finding their way.

It took half a day to cut and hack our way back to the camp. The main posts and timbers of the lodges remained and little else. We were surveying the damage when Sky Bear's son ran up. The entire woman's village had washed away. The river had flooded the site and changed course. Nothing was left.

We rushed over to the site and in place of the women's village was a wide mud plane, perhaps 200 yards wide. No trace remained.

Sky Bear was standing on a rock out cropping, overlooking the site. He came over to us. "Not a woman or child died," he said. I think he was in shock at the devastation, but proud. He began to sing. Soon all the men were singing. I heard a strange tone in the song, then I realize the women were on the other side, singing too.

It took a minute or two to understand they were singing a hymn of thanks to me and to my prophet, Ransom. The Tribe had accepted my divinity when thy saw my erect cock for the first time. Now I was seen as a beneficent and loving god who had come to them to save then from the storm.

I had little time to enjoy my enhanced status. My Scot's ancestry took hold and I wanted to rebuild and restore the villages. While I loved and admired my fellow tribesmen, I have to admit, their organizational skills were lacking. Took charge of rebuilding the men's camp. Ransom did the women's village. Most of the men were sent to help Ransom, since there was nothing left to shelter the women. Little Komodo and his boy, Gull the former prisoner, were the lead men for me.

Little Komodo was now known as Komodo, since his father was dead. His prisoner was now called Komodo's Boy. He was rapidly becoming a member of the tribe. He was trained as a boat builder and had an entirely new set of carpentry skills. The tribe was well skilled in sculpture, but Komodo's Boy was good at joinery. This made a great impact on the stability of the wood frames for the lodges.

Komodo's Boy was also growing to be an impressive man. He was at that point when he was spurting up several inches every month. He was getting taller and heavier, but more important to the tribe, his genitals were swelling. It seemed as if his boy balls turned into goat-like, low hangers over night. His cock bloated and looked grotesquely over sized for his body. A month later his body caught up.

Sky Bear and Big Shark were both natural leaders. Both wanted to be the next High Chief, so each tried to out do his rival. I was worried about a food shortage since the crops planted by the women had all been destroyed. Fortunately, I had misjudged the ability of the jungle to recover. Two or three weeks later all was green again. If you hadn't known what it had looked like before, you would not have known how much had been damaged.

The mud field which covered the woman's village turned out to be very fertile. Some of the women had been clear headed enough to take seed with then when they fled. Food wasn't a problem.

After several weeks of work, I recognized the need to take sometime off. The normal pattern of life for the tribe was leisurely. Hard work, such as rebuilding the villages was rare. There was always time to relax. The typhoon changed all of that. All the work without rest led to a disaster. Big Shark was tying the ridge board of a lodge to a supporting rafter and he fell. The rafter was a good 30 feet in the air and he broke his neck in the fall and died instantly.

The tribe took it well. Dying was a part of everyone's life. Dying young was expected; it certainly wasn't unusual. They seemed to be sorry Big Shark wasn't killed in battle, but I told them dying while building the village was just as honorable. That seemed to please everyone. Since I had filled him with my seed, the tribe felt his life had been complete. I had come to like Big Shark, so I missed him.

Since it was very hot, we had to bury Big Shark immediately. The official ceremonies would be the next day. I proposed we feast and relax for a day or two in his honor. Everyone was ready. Just how ready, I hadn't realized. There usually was a steady diet of sex among the men of the tribe. Normally one would have two, or three orgasms a day and there was a steady exchange of man seed throughout the day.

With the typhoon and the frantic work to rebuild the villages, this pattern was disrupted. Most men were too busy or too tired for sexual release. There were built up needs. Balls were filled to overflowing, cocks were like an over wound spring in a clock, ready to let loose.

The air was filled with song as we chanted in honor of Big Shark. To everyone's surprise, Evening Star rose and began singing a song in honor of Sky Bear. With Big Shark gone, he had decided to support Sky Bear as the new High Chief. Sky Bear had been tireless in his work to rebuild. That, combined with his prowess in war, made him the sole remaining candidate. The funeral would be transformed into an anointing of the new High Chief. A sense of relief spread over the assembly. Selecting a new High Chief could be a bloody affair. This was no longer a threat.

We sang more songs and then took Big Shark's body to the burial place. Like Great Komodo before him, his body was covered with the seed of his friends. Still singing we returned to the partially reconstructed camp and went to bed. The main ceremony would be the next day.

That night Sky Bear, Evening Star, Komodo, Dark Snake and Sea Turtle came to my lodge. I could smell coconut oil so I knew someone's ass was ready for fucking. Soon, I knew Sky Bear was ready. I had enjoyed his genitals before and watched his friends fuck him. He was a passionate man, who enjoyed sex deeply. My finger had probed his ass and felt his nut. I had watched him squirm when impaled on a friend's cock. I had tasted his ooze as they pounded his ass. Tonight was my turn.

My cock head had never passed through his ass ring, and that's why he was here tonight. His friends were here to help him and to be witnesses. They were a festive group. I fondled Sky Bear's cock. It became instantly erect and began to ooze. I felt honored he was so excited.

Komodo dropped to his knees to suck me. I was always worried I might not be able to perform, but that wasn't a problem. For some reason, when I had an audience, my cock always responded.

We sat and I got Sky Bear on his back. With my cock covered in Komodo's spit I placed it at Bear's hole. I felt Bear push and the hole opened. It welcomed my cock into the deepest recesses of his ass. His companions were in a ring around us and collectively moaned in satisfaction as my cock slid easily into the new High Chief's love hole. All was well in the tribal universe.

It was more than well for Sea Turtle and me. To say he was sexually responsive underestimated his nature. He loved it and his entire body turned into an instrument for giving pleasure. His ass was hot, steamy, and quivering. For every movement I made his ass twitched, or had a spasm. I don't know if it's possible to have a prehensile ass, but Sky Bear may very well have had one. It seemed to be able to manipulate my cock.

The other men in the ring responded. Evening Star fucked Dark Snake, Sky Bear's best friend, and Komodo fucked Sea Turtle. That was a bit unusual. Turtle was an older man. Normally he's fuck the younger. I think there was a feeling Komodo might eventually replace his father. I shot off very easily and the men left. They said they had to make preparations for the next day's ceremonies.

Later that night. Ransom returned with Red Stork, one of the red-haired men. He had been considered a contender in the race to be the High Chief. He had not been at the session with the red-haired men. We talked as Ransom fucked him.

Stork had a long, curved cock which interested me. I sat on it while Ransom fucked. It was a tight fit but satisfactory for all of us. His curved cock hit some new places in my ass. I fell asleep with him.

We got up early, since Stork had to get dressed for the day's events. By dressed, I mean he had to get his head dress ready.

As soon as the sun rose, the air was filled with chanting. It was cheerful and quite beautiful. The day was clear, but a bit dry, so it wasn't oppressively hot. They had built an effigy of Big Shark of leaves. It wore his necklace of severed cocks. It also had a quite realistic rendition of his cock poking out from the leafy body. Some men were singing to it. I wasn't sure what the song said, but Williams told me it was a lullaby.

Several men were masturbating into a gourd. Williams thought this was going to be an offering to the dead man. "I think it's the equivalent of flowers," Williams explained. I went over to it and added my seed. The elders who were overlooking the scene seemed to approve.

I had greatly enjoyed myself the night before, so I was surprised at the amount of seed I shot into the cum filled gourd. That too was noted. Williams chanted parts of the Book of Common Prayer service for the burial of the dead. That caused admiring glances from the onlookers.

He had an impressive voice. They regarded it as some sort of divine magic. They didn't know how incongruous it was to be done nude. He had taught some of the younger men the words and they joined in.

By the end of the morning they carried the effigy to the burial site, and Big Shark had been sent to the dreamland in style. I asked Williams if he thought the Christian prayers had any effect.

"Of course they did. Big Shark was a good man. Had he met Jesus, I'm sure they would have gotten along. I'm sure he was welcomed in heaven," Williams said.

The afternoon's events were more festive. Young men passed out some of the tribe's magic brew. By mid afternoon everyone was half drunk and 100% hard. There was no formal start to the ceremony making a new High Chief. The chanting intensified. I was sitting on a raised platform under a canopy of palm leaves with Ransom and Williams. Pongo had rejoined us to translate. Pongo had found true love with a warrior named Blue Lizard. His new love occupied all his time, so we hadn't seen him in a while. Fortunately I understood much more of the language than I had before and Williams understood much of it.

Sky Bear came into the middle of the crowd. The men stood back and formed a wide ring. He got on his hands and knees and exposed his hole to me. His ass was firm and muscular, in the middle his hole was swollen, a mound of flesh centered on a dark hole. He pushed and the hole opened. He twitched his hole in invitation.

Several men came forward. I saw they were older men, several I knew were Bear's friends. Next, all of his former rivals came forward too. Each man was rock hard and their cocks glistened with oil.

One by one they plunged their cocks deep into Sky Bear's ass. The men pumped furiously until each had an orgasm. Then each one pulled his still spurting cock out and the crowd cheered. Another man immediately took his place and repeated the ritual.

Sky Bear's ass was oozing cum after the fourth of fifth man. He seemed happy and was enjoying himself. He had no problem with the ritual. After their climaxes, the men came over and joined me on the platform. Each licked or sucked my cock in greeting. We were drinking the tribal brew. It tasted differently than before and was milky and thick. To the side I saw several men shooting their man seed into a gourd. I knew why the drink was thick. Truthfully, I had tasted enough cum during my time with the tribe not to mind man seed in a drink.

I didn't know if every man in the tribe was to fuck Sky Bear. I knew he liked sex, but that might be too much. After Komodo fucked Sky Bear he came over to Ransom and led the red-haired bear to Bear's oozing ass.

When Ransom plunged his cock into the quivering ass the entire crowd cheered. Ransom and Sky Bear put on a good show. Sky Bear was still enjoying the cocks in his ass. The tribe was getting excited. Many men were penetrating friends. The chants were turning into moans.

I saw Ransom reaching his climax. When he pulled out, four men picked up Sky Bear and carried him to me on the platform. The men had been fucking Sky Bear doggy style. At the platform they laid him out spread eagled on his back, so the entire tribe could see him. His cock was so bloated it looked as if it hurt. He looked tired. His ass was oozing cum from twelve or fifteen men.

He was on a pedestal of some sort so all could see. His head was lower, but his ass was at my cock height. Something got into me and I pushed back his legs and spread then, opening his hole wide. I bent over and licked some of the cum oozing from his hole. My tongue caressed his soft, swollen anus. It was almost hot. I got up, licked cum from my lips and mustache. I looked at him. He smiled, then plunged my cock deep into Sky Bear's ass. The crowd went crazy.

If Sky Bear had been tired, my cock revived him. I had planned to follow the lead of the other men and ram him fast and shoot early. As it was Sky Bear and I had a good experience. We took it slow and easy, milking our bodies for every possible pleasure. The afternoon turned into a celebration-orgy of great intensity for everyone. Restraint and reticence were not a tribal characteristic and no one held back.

Men would come by the platform and watch our lovemaking. Some would suck him or feed him their cocks for added enjoyment. Sea Turtle licked his hole as my cock fucked and tried to get his tongue in the anal opening with it. Red Parrot got behind me and slipped his well-oiled cock into my ass. He massaged my prostate with his cock head.

When I finally shot off, Sky Bear popped. One of his sons took his father's seed. We all sat for a banquet. The food was good. I got hard again and Sky Bear sat on my lap, impaling himself on my cock. They brought a bowl of drink for us to share.

I took the first sip. It was a bowl of cum. Williams whispered to me, "Every man in the tribe made a contribution to it." That took some getting use to. It was very thick, warm and sticky. Sky bear and I traded sips. Ransom saw I wasn't enjoying it much. He came over, dipped his cock in the gourd and I licked it from his organ. It was much better served that way.

The event didn't stop, it just faded away. I had cum four or five times and I think most of the men there had done the same. Everyone was exhausted, but deeply satisfied.

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