Private Journal

Published on Jan 2, 2004


The Private Journal of Dr. Alexander MacAfee

Part 4

by Bald Hairy Man

This is an adult gay story intended for adult gay men. If you are offended by this or are not an adult, gay or a man, DON'T READ IT. It has a lot of sex between adult men, many of whom are older, hairy, bearded, and in this case of several different races. If this offends you, DON'T READ IT. If you have any comments send them to or

The tribe regarded the Rev. Mr. Williams in an odd way. He was both touched with the divine and weak and needing help. He wasn't physically strong before the ordeal of the shipwreck, the death of his wife and capture by the head-hunters. None of that helped his health. He acted strangely. This the tribe regarded as a special sign.

Traditionally in the tribe, the weaker members receive sperm from the stronger. This usually meant the boys and young men were recipients of a lot of cum, depending on how important their family or fathers were. Eating sperm was good, but taking it in the ass was better. As far as I could tell, none of the adults had a problem with anal sex at all.

I assumed the younger boys had a problem, but no one would ever complain, or even give an indication he didn't like what was going on. This was a particular problem for the High chief's sons. They were part of a big family, so they were expected to get fucked by all of their Uncles and older cousins. Fathers were not allowed to have anal intercourse with their sons, only Uncles. I knew they all wanted me to join in, but I held back. I was going to save that for a major event. I also wanted to make sure I would stay hard through the sex act. I was a bit squeamish about shoving my cock in a head-hunter's ass. It took some time to get over this feeling.

Williams was a find from the point of view of the younger men. I had noted that some of the boys greatly enjoyed the bottom, but others were less enthusiastic. All wanted to fuck another man; this was a sign of adulthood and acceptance, but there was no one lower in status than they, thus they had no partners, until Williams.

We tend to think of sex as an aggressive act, with one person using another for his own gratification. The Tribe saw it differently. The fucker was giving his precious seed to another for that person's benefit. By our standards the tribe was poor, but they were rich in man seed. Man seed was a gift and any pleasure generated by the process of giving was just icing on the cake.

They did see a relationship between pleasure and the amount of seed shot and the force of the seed. The more pleasurable an orgasm was, the more seed a man would shoot. They also thought the bigger the orgasms, the more forceful the ejaculation, the better chance the seed would penetrate deep into the recipients body.

As the son of god, I tended to be involved in ritual exchanges of seed, but many of the men were continuously playing and exchanging sperm in less formal arrangements. I had noticed the High Chief and his top associate would often fuck in the evening. They often traded roles. I assumed this was mostly for fun and to tighten the bonds of friendship.

Williams was a high status man. He was a friend of the son of god, very friendly, and touched in odd ways that made him break into unintelligible song. Not to put as too fine point on it, Williams also liked young men's cocks up his ass. Again in our culture you would assume he was using the boys for his own gratification. Here he was doing the young men a favor.

One of the High Chief's sons decided to fuck Williams for medicinal reasons. He was a strong boy; Williams was weak; it made perfect sense. It made sense to Williams too.

Teenage boys are the same everywhere and when they discovered Williams was a willing recipient of their gifts, the priest was booked solid. I was actually a bit shocked at the priest's behavior, but Ransom thought it was good for us. He was always sensible and I came to defer to his judgement in sexual affairs. He was much more experienced and reasonable. Curiously, he also seemed to know what I would like to do sexually better than I did.

Williams had trouble walking, but with his new role as the helper of the youth, he got to spend much of his time on his back, so it worked out well. He used this time to talk with the boys and to work on his very substantial language skills. The boys, needless to say, loved him.

I realize this all must sound strange, indeed had we taken a rocket ship into space and landed on Mars, our situation could hardly have been more bizarre. Williams was a genuinely kind and good man. He discovered orphan boys were badly treated since they lacked the protection and sponsorship of their fathers. He decided to adopt them and then find men to sponsor them.

This was a very radical idea for the tribe, but since it came from such an elevated person as the Rev. Mr. Williams, it was accepted. Given his physical weakness, he was resourceful and clever. He discovered the Witch Doctors and Shamans of the tribe were forbidden to marry and have children. They were the consorts of the OhDong and couldn't be unfaithful with a woman. He got the Witch Doctors to agree to be the orphans' uncles.

This new arrangement was a great success for both the boys and the Witch Doctors. Up to this time the Shamans could only have intercourse among themselves. Williams said the new arrangement made them all less grouchy.

The arrangement also provided a detailed information for Williams' investigation into the tribe's beliefs and traditions. He liked to talk with whichever young man who was plowing him. They told him all of the legends and mythological stories of their tribe. I think he was as interested in the stories as in the sex, although there was no question he like the sex too.

I was amazed at his ability to accommodate many cocks. In a single day, he might well take the cocks of ten to twenty boys and all their cum. Ransom said, Williams was a great fuck, especially at the end of the day when his ass was filled with boy cum and smooth as silk.

"When I shoved my love stick up his hole, the cum was squirting out of his ass and dripping on my balls!" Ransom said. "There was that much cum in his ass. I've never felt anything like it. It was great, and as you know, I've tried out one or two asses in my life: Williams was unbelievable."

"Did he mind you fucking him?" I asked.

"Hell no. I figured he might like some white man's cum up his ass. I don't think he gives a shit, but he didn't mind either." Ransom said. "The Reverend said all cum's white. He's right about that. Given how much they like man seed, I think we're lucky their cock juice isn't the color of coffee. I think we'd be up the creek." The tribe did seem to be very literal in their approach to life. Matching cum and Ransom's red hair meant a lot to them.

I had a long talk with the Reverend Mr. Williams a day later. He was with a young man, who was fucking him with great gusto and enthusiasm. The boy was growing a beard and had some hair beginning to sprout on his chest.

"This is Little Mouse," Williams said.

"He doesn't look that little to me," I said. Williams laughed. "When his father dies he will inherit his name if he's lucky. He has many younger brothers, but he is the oldest, and they figure none of his brothers is likely to be bigger than him. When a father dies his spirit passes to his favorite son. This boy is a favorite son. He will be a great man if he isn't killed along the way." I was amazed Williams could talk since Little Mouse was an exceptionally vigorous lover. The young man had just pulled his cock out of the Priest's ass. He was well equipped and would have no problem ascending to the leadership of the tribe.

He and Williams had an extended conversation, then he poked his cock back into Williams' ass and began to pump again. Williams looked satisfied and moaned when Little Mouse's big cock was fully lodged.

"This is the first time Little Mouse has fucked a man. He was afraid he wasn't doing it right. He wasn't sure if it was acceptable if he stopped, or was it necessary to fuck until you have an orgasm." Williams said.

"What is the answer?" I asked.

"Perfectly acceptable. They think the more pleasure you generate, the more god-like you are. You can stop and start as many times as you want, as long as both of you are enjoying it. The Great God loves sexual pleasure and its product, man seed." Williams explained.

"I think Zeus thought that way too." I said.

"I imagine so, but he continually had to deal with Juno and her bad temper. This tribe has solved this problem by having no goddesses and restricting sex to men, except for the annual breeding time." Williams explained. "When you feel sexual ecstasy it is a gift of the gods. You may have noted the tribe which captured us were poor specimen compared to this tribe."

"Do you think it's due to this tribe's selective breeding process?" I asked. "Are you familiar with Mr. Darwin's book?"

"I am and feel it is well reasoned. It contains many useful thoughts. I would assume the physical prowess of the tribe is an example of Mr. Darwin's selection process, but there is another aspect of the scheme. When only the strong breed, there is a normal reaction of the lesser specimens to get jealous and rebel," Williams mused. "Here, the continual sexual activity keeps everyone happy. It is not exclusively the preserve of the great. Sex is perhaps the true opiate of the masses."

"I can see you are a man of catholic taste and broad reading habits." I said. "They think strength is conveyed through sperm, thus when one of the underlings is fucked by one of the chiefs, he is honored and pleased. No one since Charles II has tried that in jolly old England!" I commented.

Williams appreciated the comment, but Little Mouse was reaching his climax and that occupied him for a while. I had to admit the whole scene and conversation excited me and I was hard again. When Little Mouse saw my cock, he was awestruck. He had pulled his cock from Williams' ass. Cum was still dribbling from his half hard member.

"He's a very nice boy, you'd do him a great favor if you fucked him." Williams said.

After explaining I'd never fucked a man before, I said, "I was thinking, if I were to fuck a man, the High Chief would be the man to start with."

"You may well be right about that." Williams replied. Poor Little Mouse was hard again. Williams said something to him. Little Mouse broke out in a wide grin and went back to Williams. He spit on his hand, lubricated his cock with it and worked the cock back into the Priest's ass.

Little Mouse was more relaxed this time, slowly thrusting deep into Williams' ass. He was watching Williams' face. When the Priest reacted, Little Mouse would try to repeat the same action which caused the reaction. I had to admit both men were enjoying it. I had watched many men fuck since I have been with the tribe, but this was the first time I had seen men making love.

It was messy. Williams' ass was drooling cum from Little Mouse's orgasm, but it was sexually stimulating, rather than disgusting. The ass liquids coated the large fuck tool and gave it the look of metal. He was hard as iron, but the large vein,s which supplied the cock with blood were emphasized.

The slow thrusting had a much greater effect on Williams than the vigorous early fucking. Williams was thin and tall. He wasn't muscular and while his health had returned, he was not a strong man. His cock seemed average and nondescript. I have to admit, I had fallen into the tribal custom of evaluating men by the size of their genitals. Williams wasn't impressive by this standard.

Williams' cock had just lain there half erect when Little Mouse fucked him the first time. As the big black cock continued its travel into his ass, Williams' cock began to respond. Williams himself was twitching and he was moaning. I soon realized the cock hadn't been half erect, it had been a third erect. He had, what Ransom described as a classic white snake. It was perhaps 7", when the pink cock head finally emerged from the skin.

Little Mouse was watching it grow with fascination and interest. The cock was no more than an inch in diameter, but a good eight inches long. He said something to Williams. Williams smiled.

"He thinks my cock would be good for his younger brother." Williams said. "He would like for me to be the first to fuck them." The humid tropical air had just touched the tender gland at the end of Williams' cock, when he began to shoot. it was a huge load. Little Mouse pulled out and shot a second load over the Priest's chest, mingling their seed.

The two men were exhausted, so I went back to the Chief's lodge. We had figured out our names. They thought Angus was a divine name; the Chief was called Great Komodo, his associate was Little Dragon. His son, Little Komodo joined us. Even for a day in the tropics, it was hot, so we went off to one of the pools. They took me to a new one, further up the mountains than the ones I had visited before.

This was Great Komodo's favorite one and was apparently for his private use. The water was cool compared to anything else in the area and was refreshing. It was a quiet and peaceful afternoon. I was in the water next to the Chief. I slipped on some rocks and went under the water. He grabbed me, afraid I might hurt myself. I was fine, but was touched by his concern. I held on to him as I got my footing again.

I let my hands slip down to his buttocks and didn't let go. I gently pulled is ass cheeks apart and with one hand fingered his ass hole. From Williams I had found out they called it the love hole. In their language the mouth was the food hole; ears, the sound hole; the piss slit was the seed hole and the ass, the love hole.

He looked at me as if he was an ugly spinster who had just been proposed to by the handsomest man in town. He was almost crying he was so happy. In the water he was light and I lifted him off his feet and carried him to the side of the pond.

I have mentioned earlier Ransom had told me I would enjoy anal sex once I did it. He was right. I had never felt so sexually driven and excited in my life. I wanted to bury my cock deep into the Chieftain's ass. I didn't care what he felt, I just needed to drain my balls 12" into his body.

Things did not turn out the way I expected exactly. Intellectually I knew the tribe admired cocks and man sex. With my European background, I had assumed it was all part of a ritual initiation, so common to primitive tribes. I assumed the pain and humiliation of forced anal sex would be submerged in pride at overcoming the ordeal. It hadn't occurred to me a real man might genuinely like it. I had watched Williams and knew he liked it, but I assumed it was because of his slightly feminine nature.

Great Komodo was all man and aggressively so. If possible, he wanted my cock probing his inside more than I wanted to fuck him. He was lying on his back on a rock and he put his legs up on my shoulders. I used spit to lubricate my cock. I then fingered his ass.

I was afraid saliva would be inadequate as a lubricant, but his ass had already been lubricated. I assumed Little Dragon had been planning to fuck him. I got several fingers in his ass; he was moaning.

I positioned my cock at the love hole and pushed. There was a little resistance at the sphincter, but not much. Once my cock head cleared the entrance I shoved deep. My entire cock vanished into the black hole. It was tight, but somehow soft and very hot inside the tunnel. I felt a wave of emotion envelop me. It was as if my cock had been an orphan, which had just found a home.

I began to stroke slowly. Physically, I had never been so connected to a man. I had expected this; I hadn't expected the emotional connection. I glanced down at Great Komodo. He was quivering in sexual excitement. His head was thrown back, his eyes had rolled back and he was gasping for air. I was worried for a second until I saw his member.

He was well endowed and I had seen him hard many times before. I had never seen him this hard; it was magnificent.

Dragon and Komodo's son came over to watch. There was no question in my mind; they thought I was making Komodo greater.

Next: Chapter 5

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