Private Journal

Published on Jan 2, 2004


The Private Journal of Dr. Alexander MacAfee

Part 5

by Bald Hairy Man

This is an adult gay story intended for adult gay men. If you are offended by this or are not an adult, gay or a man, DON'T READ IT. It has a lot of sex between adult men, many of whom are older, hairy, bearded, and in this case of several different races. If this offends you, DON'T READ IT. If you have any comments send them to or

I think I had been afraid of fucking a man; afraid it would be dirty or disgusting; afraid I wouldn't be able to perform well; afraid I would hurt my partner. All of these fears were groundless. I had some fundamental missunderstandings about the act. It hadn't occurred to me a man would actually enjoy getting fucked, especially by a man as big as me.

There was no mistaking Great Komodo's enthusiasm. I could see it in his eyes. More remarkably, I felt it in his ass. His ass was quivering, twitching and trying to grasp my cock. Komodo wasn't a passive recipient of my cock; he was an active bottom, fully participating in the sex act.

His ass was also tight. It held my cock tightly in its grasp. He could not control my movements; I was firmly in control, but he could effect my pleasure. I later found out that Komodo's anal skills helped to confirm his leadership in the tribe. His ability to enjoy and to give enjoyment confirmed his worthiness for leadership.

His ass tightened and I shot off. Once I started ejaculating, I couldn't stop. The sex had been good and exciting as I became accustomed to the tribal traditions. This orgasm was a new experience. Komodo tried to milk the seed from my cock; his ass undulated as he tried to squeeze every seed from my balls. Even when the main ejaculations were finished, he continued to milk my cock.

When I finally pulled my cock out, cum dribbled from Komodo's ass. His hole had been stretched to its limit and remained open. I had been fully absorbed in Komodo and hadn't focused on Little Komodo or Dragon. As soon as I pulled out, Little Komodo began to force his tongue into the gaping hole. It closed on his tongue and he began to lick the cum from his father's ass. Little Komodo went after my cock as if it was a desert after a fancy dinner party. His warm mouth enveloped my cock and my cock responded appropriately.

I had a final ejaculation in his mouth, somewhat like an aftershock after an earthquake. The spurt of cum shocked Little Dragon and pleased him to no end. Great Komodo moaned as his son shared my seed. It took a while for us all to cool off sexually. We returned to the cool pond. The three tribesmen glowed in satisfaction.

As a Victorian academic, I was fascinated by the event, shocked, but fascinated. I had only a vague suspicion of what my first anal experience would be like. It was vastly more than I had expected. I was shocked at Little Komodo trying to suck the cum from his father's ass, but I wasn't as shocked as I should have been. In reality, I was so excited by it, I almost forgot to be shocked.

We wandered back to the village. Ransom was in the lodge and he seemed to sense what had happened. He was with one of his redheaded friends and was slow fucking him doggy style as we entered.

"The High Chief looks pretty happy," he said. I smiled. Ransom understood. "Was it as good as I told you it would be?"

I said, "Yes. It was a lot better than I had guessed."

"Is "a lot better" a typical Victorian gentleman's understatement?" he asked. The two Komodos and Dragon had gone off, so Ransom and I were alone with his quivering redheaded guest. Ransom could screw for hours and had perfected the gift of combining intercourse and conversation. I told him what had happened. He was pleased.

"I know you don't want to hear this, but our future here is dependant on your cock. They love cock and you've got what they want to love," Ransom said. "You don't want to admit it, but you like cock as much as they do."

"I'm not sure about that!" I protested indignantly.

"I'm not insulting you. Believe me when I say, your cock and your suppressed sexual tastes will save us. If you could just let yourself go and be the cock hound and sex pig you are." I must have looked shocked. "Deep inside." Ransom paused. "You loved the chief's ass, didn't you?"

I nodded.

"Well, get a bit closer and let this boy get a taste of your meat!" Ransom demanded. "You'll make his day. Shit, licking that man rammer of yours will be the greatest thing that ever happened to him."

I did as he asked and as usual, Ransom was right. The red-haired man almost cried when my cock was within range. I held it and pulled the skin back, so he could see my cock head and the slit. He stuck out his tongue and cautiously licked the slit. My slit is wide and he opened it and got the tip of his tongue into the cum chute. He began to moan and twitch.

"Angus, my man, you've popped him. He's shooting," Ransom said, as he began ramming the man hard. He stopped suddenly and was still. I knew Ransom was shooting his seed into the man's ass. When Ransom shot off, he became entirely still, concentrating all of his energy on his spewing cock. Unconfined by a willing ass, Ransom could shoot seed a yard or two without any effort. Williams later told me Ransom shot off with such force you could feel the blasts in your ass. Of course the tribesmen loved that. The deeper you could shoot, the better it was for you.

I was able to talk to the red haired man after. I was much better with the language than Ransom and could carry on simple conversations. His name was Red Parrot and most of the red haired men were named after birds. Most of them were small boned and they regarded Ransom as a great monkey-like ancestor. I assumed he was talking about a gorilla or Orangutan of some sort. He was perhaps a reincarnation of an ancestor.

Red Parrot was 18 rainy seasons old. He was the only redheaded man in his family. They admired him, but were a bit afraid of him; he was so beautiful. Men thought he had everything, so they didn't waste cum on him.

He was a good-looking man. The copper colored hair contrasted with his dark skin. He already had a thick beard and a dusting of hair on his chest. It got thicker as a trail from his chest to his thick pubic bush. His black cock stood out against the copper display. The skin was pulled back, exposing his pink cock head.

"I want to be a great man!" he said. "I need more man seed to make me stronger."

He was squatting next to me with the cum he had shot off earlier dripping on his chest. I took some on my finger, reached over and worked a finger into his ass. "Your love hole is filled with man seed now." I said. He smiled.

"It is good. His seed has filled for the first time. Do you think he will fill me again?" Red Parrot asked. He was desperately hoping for another session with Ransom , but was afraid he was unworthy. I didn't know what the tribal word for guaranteed was.

"Yes," I said. "I will order him to, antime you want." Red Parrot beamed in pleasure and relief.

"Ransom," I said, "I just told this boy I ordered you to fuck him any time he wants it. Are you up to it?" Ransom burst out laughing.

"I think so, and if you want to give that order to anyone else, go right ahead!" he replied. "I think you are finally getting to understand these folk." He was right. I had to continually remind myself to forget my proper Scots upbringing. What was the height of depravity in Edinburgh was a common expression of friendship here. Here it was as common to fondle the balls, as it was to shake hands on Prince's Street.

Quite frankly, there was no equivalent in Scotland to finger a man's ass and rubbing the magic nut, as I was doing to Red Parrot now. Red Parrot was getting hard again and smiling.

Ransom was watching, obviously amused. "Angus, relax and spread you legs so he can finger you," he said.

"Do you think I should? He wants it, you think?"

"Of course he does." Ransom replied. "Spread wide and give him the chance. You've noticed, if it's open, it's available." I had noticed that. Men usually went around with their cheeks tightly clenched. I noticed it tended to emphasize the muscularity of their asses. If you saw a man's love hole, he was willing. I shifted my position. I was sitting near a column; I lay back with my knees spread. He would have been able to see my hole, if my cock and balls hadn't hung so low.

That wasn't a problem for Red Parrot. He came closer and carefully lifted my balls and cock out of way. Then he licked a finger and touched my ass hole. I was shocked as how excited that made me. My cock began to rise as he slowly worked his finger into my ass. He was fully hard now and precum oozed from his cock.

We continued to talk, from time to time I would gather up his precum on my finger and lick it. That apparently was just the right thing to do. I didn't know where this was going, but Little Dragon came back and joined us. Red Parrot rose to greet the older man.

Little Dragon was Red Parrot's size, but much beefier. He felt Red Parrot's ass hole and realized there was cum in it. He asked me if it was mine. I said no, that it was Ransom's. This seemed to please Little Dragon to no end. He stroked Red Parrot's hard cock and Red Parrot did the same to his soft cock. It didn't stay soft for long. Soon he was hard.

Little Dragon wasn't little in the genital area; he wasn't as big as Komodo, but he was bigger than Ransom. He was going to dry fuck Red Parrot, but I sucked him to get him really hard and coated his cock with my saliva. I think it still hurt Red Parrot, but the young man had such a look of satisfaction on his face as Little Dragon screwed him; I knew it was all right. I had guessed Little Dragon had been planning to fuck Komodo at the pond when I took his place. Red Parrot took the load intended for the High Chieftain.

Little Dragon had the stamina of a horse and I was afraid he would wear out the young man, but Ransom solved that problem. He got under the coupled men and licked Little Dragon's goat-like low-hangers as he fucked. That was too much for the older man and Dragon shot off. Red Parrot looked as if he had died and gone to heaven as Little Dragon's seed filled is ass. There it mixed with Ransom's cum in what Parrot had to regard as a particularly potent brew of manly seed.

When they broke apart, Little Dragon rested with me. Parrot rested with Ransom. Komodo came back with several other men, all excited at the day's happenings. They were talking excitedly and I couldn't follow the conversation.

Fortunately Williams came to visit and he was able to translate what they were saying. When my cock touched Great Komodo's prostate the world changed for the tribe. A god had come to earth and he was willing to directly connect with them. Komodo wanted the tribal elders and the up and coming men to see and experience the communion. He was going to have a great love festival.

The other men were more than excited. I asked Williams, "Do they all expect to get fucked? I'm not sure I can do that."

"No, no. Remember they believe in pleasure and virtue by association," he said. "If you watch an event you can partake of the virtuous and uplifting character of the event. That's why Little Komodo and Little Dragon wanted your seed. Even second hand, sucking from your father's ass, it is good."

"You know about that?" I said, rather taken back.

"Of course. You are the god, or the descendant of the god who created their tribe with his sperm." Williams explained. "Taking sperm in the mouth is food. It is a great honor and good for you as food. As far as I can tell, it is a great improvement on an older tradition of eating children. This tribe figured out sperm is necessary to make children and made the logical assumption that eating cum is as good as eating children with less mess and trouble."

"Taking seed in the love hole is very different. When they shoot it in a woman's hole, it makes children. In a man's hole it grows into virtue and strength." Williams continued. "You have to admit there is a certain logic to the thought."

"You have learned a lot since you've been here," I said.

He smiled a bit wistfully. "There are many boys in this tribe. They all want to help," he said. "You may not believe this, but they see me as a magician in need, sickly. Do you believe that?" Williams was delicate and his mental state was worrisome, but he didn't see himself that way. He continued, "They think if they fill me with their young cum, I will be strong again. All good things come from man seed. Rain is the sky god's cum, springs are the earth god's cum, vegetable and fruits are the tree and plant god's cum. Their cum will make me healthy again, they think. They also talk while they fuck me. The boys tell me everything."

"You are good to do it." I said.

"I hope you won't feel badly about me, but virtue has nothing to do with it." Williams said under his breath. "I had sex with my school friends when I was a child. I liked it then, but never did it again, until I came here. When the first boy slipped his cock into my ass. I couldn't even come close to understanding the depth of feeling which swept over me. When that first cock penetrated my sphincter and drove deep into my gut it was as if the sun came out in a world which had always been overcast."

"At first I though it was that particular boy, but I soon found out it wasn't. He was older and bigger than many of the others. All of them have the same effect. Back in England it was the bad boys who did it to the younger ones. Here it is so innocent. It is all children's games, harmless and enjoyable. Ransom was a shock, though."

"Too big?" I asked.

"No, many of the boys are better equipped than Ransom, it was his attitude." Williams said. "I had thought of him as a crude and unlettered man, not of my class at all. He is more like the boys in the tribe than I had guessed. He did it for enjoyment, plain and simple and that's the way it felt to me. I had thought he was one of the bad boys. I was wrong. When his cock entered my ass,,, it felt the same as with the other boys. I know he's not innocent, certainly not a virgin. His cock has been in many asses, but I felt the same joy."

Little Komodo came over to me and asked me to join the elders, so the conversation with Williams came to an end. They passed around a drink of fermented fruit. This was always a sign of high hospitality. There were seven elders seven younger men. I realized each elder has his replacement in training with him. Rather to my surprise Red Parrot was with Little Dragon. Little Mouse was there too.

The men all sat down, but lounged informally rather then the stiffly formal pose they affected in major gatherings. I noticed none of the men had the tightly clenched asses that were typical of major meetings. Then men seemed excited but relaxed.

Next: Chapter 6

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