Private Journal

Published on Jan 10, 2004


Part 6

by Bald Hairy Man

This is an adult gay story intended for adult gay men. If you are offended by this or are not an adult, gay or a man, DON'T READ IT. It has a lot of sex between adult men, many of whom are older, hairy, bearded, and in this case of several different races. If this offends you, DON'T READ IT. If you have any comments send them to or

Part 6

We formed a tight ring of 16 men; the seven elders, their seven proteges, Ransom and me. Williams had gone back to his lodge. After several drinks everyone was greatly relaxed and the normal sex play began. I was next to a short man with oversized genitals called Sea Turtle. I was playing with his huge balls while the man on the other side of me began to lick my cock. That was Little Mouse, who I had met at Williams' lodge. It turned out Sea Turtle was Mouse's father or Uncle; it wasn't clear which.

The younger men were newly selected, I discovered. For an event of this magnitude the elders wanted to share the experience with the next generation. Needless to say, the young men were greatly honored and very excited. I had never been to a ceremony like this before, but it's name, roughly translated from the tribal language, was the Planting Festival.

I am embarrassed to say, I first thought it was an agricultural ceremony of some sort. In the broadest sense that was true. Of course, the seed was man seed and it was planted in the rectums of the participants. A month earlier I would have been shocked and appalled. After my experience with Great Komodo earlier that day, it didn't offend me at all. I was eager to get into another ass.

Deep in my heart I didn't want to admit Ransom understood my sexual drive better than I did. As an honest man I had no choice but to admit he was right. Had I not been shipwrecked and captured, I would never have discovered the extent of my fascination with men and more particularly, with man sex and even more particularly with male sexual organs. Like the Rev. Mr. Williams, I had discovered something entirely unexpected about myself. I had also found realms of pleasure I hadn't even guessed existed.

I briefly was worried I wouldn't get hard. That wasn't a problem at all. I was shocked at how excited I was. I glanced at Ransom and he smiled back at me. I was doing just what he felt was necessary.

It didn't take long for everyone to get excited and hard. It was very different from the tribe's usual ceremonies. Most of the tribe's ceremonies were loud and boisterous affairs. This was quiet, almost private and intimate. This was more select and much quieter.

Sex was an ordinary, everyday part of the normal male's experience in the tribe, but I easily realized this was a special event. The elders had selected younger men to whom they were particularly attracted. Sexual passion was always near the surface here, but in this cluster of men it was all enveloping, like a London fog. The sexual fog enveloped me as well as the tribal elders.

Red Parrot left the ring and went to the center. He got on his hands and knees and opened his ass to the assembly. He twitched his hole in invitation. His hole was black, but at its center was a pink rosebud. The youngest of the men there scooted forward and licked the rosebud and then spit on the twitching hole. At first I thought this was an insult, but I soon realized he was lubricating Red Parrot's ass.

The oldest of the elders came forward to enter Red Parrot's love hole. He must have been well into his sixties, but his manhood was fully erect and still impressive. Little Mouse came forward to suck the older man's cock. I later found out the man was Little Mouse's grandfather. Within a minute of two, the older man's cock was entering Parrot's hole. Everyone murmured in approval. As the older man's cock entered his ass, Red Parrot began to hum and chant. He began to rotate his hips in a corkscrew motion, almost as if he was doing a belly dance on the other man's erect member. The men seemed to approve of this. This was apparently the way to get fucked in style. Red Parrot looked as if he were enjoying it; the older man looked as if he had just discovered gold in the boy's ass.

Great Komodo enter the center of the ring next. This astounded the group. I immediately realized how unusual this was. He too got on his hands and knees, opening his ass in my direction. Little Komodo came forward to lick his father's ass. I knew my duty.

They say when the Queen advised her daughter on what to do on her wedding night with the future Kaiser of Germany Victoria told her to "close her eyes and think of England". I needed no such advice. I came forward to do my duty. Again Little Mouse came over to suck me and lubricate my cock with his spit. I am afraid I was so hard he was only able to suck a portion of my throbbing member.

I wanted to watch Great Komodo as I fucked him, so I rolled him over and got his legs on my shoulders. This caused a stir. I nudged my cock into Komodo's love hole and the ring collapsed as the men came forward to get a better view.

Audiences sexually stimulated me and I'm not sure I had ever been as excited as I was now. I pushed slowly into Komodo's ass. Komodo's cock was hard as steel and the Chief was proud as a peacock as his ass opened up for my member. I didn't know if the second experience would be as good as the first. If anything, it was better. I made sure Red Parrot and his partner got a good view.

The other men immediately recognized fucking as the ticket for front row seats. The group quickly resolved itself in to a ring of seven couples surrounding Great Komodo and me. At first all eyes were on us, but as the cocks worked their magic, individual lust began to take over.

Most of the men had never seen a white cock enter a dark ass and most fucked doggy style, so there was rarely much to see. With his legs spread wide and my cock slowly probing his ass, Great Komodo put on a good show.

All of the men were big, but I had a good three or four inches more of man meat than anyone else in the lodge. The longest man, other than me, had a thin cock, not even close to being as thick as mine. The men murmured approval when my cock head vanished in the black hole, but gasped when I shoved in the entire cock. They all fucked regularly and recognized what Great Komodo must have been feeling.

He was proud of taking my divine cock and wanted everyone to see. His cock was hard and leaking. I collected his pre cum from time to time and licked it off my finger. He moaned and twitched as my cock slid deeper. When I worked the last four inches into his hole he became quiet. His balls were resting on my body. His eyes had glazed over, so I just let him get used to the invader in his ass.

It didn't take long. Komodo began to twitch his ass, letting me know he was participating again. I began slow fucking him, pulling out, usually leaving only my cock head in his ass. Once or twice I pulled all the way out. When I did, Komodo's ass stayed open for a few seconds. I looked into the tunnel, seeing the pink lining of the ass.

I shoved my cock into the quivering hole and stroked him deeply. I thought of Ransom's pink skin matching the pink cock heads of the red-haired men and his comment about all cum being white. The next time I pulled all the way out, I bent Komodo's legs over his chest so all the men could see the pink lining of his gaping hole.

"Holy shit!" Ransom exclaimed. I had been preoccupied and hadn't focused on the ring of men. Ransom was in the front row and had a big warrior's cock up his ass. I didn't know Ransom would do that. I bent Komodo back and began fucking again. The thought of the head hunting warrior's cock ramming Ransom excited me.

Ransom's sense of what the men of the tribe wanted was almost always correct. I had seen the man who was fucking him many times. He was called Big Shark. The warrior was exceedingly bellicose and aggressive.

I assumed Ransom was making a useful friend. Big Shark fucked aggressively too, but Ransom was a match for him. He was grinding his ass to manipulate the cock. Big Shark slowed down to enjoy the experience. After several minutes of this Big Shark was more like a happy goldfish. He had discovered the joys of mutually satisfying man sex.

I saw warm cum splatter on Komodo's chest and gut. Red Parrot had shot off and his cock looked like a fountain it was spewing so much cock juice. The old man who was fucking him was gasping for breath, so it was obvious he was shooting off too. Red Parrot's orgasm set of a chain reaction in the ring of fornicating men.

Little Mouse put on an impressive display. Little Dragon was in his ass and filled Mouse's ass as Mouse drained his balls in full view. Ransom was next. By now Great Komodo was covered in man seed. His cock began to twitch. His ass had progressively lost it muscle tone as my fucking continued and he surrendered himself to my cock.

Once he began to climax, however, his entire love hole contracted and began to twitch. He was massaging my cock. My balls had refilled after my earlier experience with Komodo and the pressure of man seed building up was getting almost too much.

This may not be scientifically accurate, but I had the sense that with every thrust of my cock into his ass, more cum built up. My balls sometimes feel as if they are going to burst. This time, that same feeling spread from my balls to the entire shaft and head. As Komodo's ass undulated I couldn't hold back any more. I let loose.

I bellowed as the contents of my entire genital system tried to force itself into Great Komodo's ass. My slit is wide and so is the chute that supplies it. It wasn't wide enough to handle the demands of this situation. Usually I feel some relief once the orgasm starts, not so this time. Ejaculation followed ejaculation in an unending series.

I don't know how long it actually went on, but it seemed like an eternity. Komodo was in heaven. As a good Scot, I thought of myself as the strong silent type. Everyone knew what I was doing; I couldn't seem to hide anything. When the ejaculations finally diminished, I pulled out of Komodo's love hole. I felt drained.

My cock and balls weren't drained yet. When my cock cleared the confines of Komodo's love hole, it began shooting thick and broad ribbons of man seed. My cock twitched each time and shifted, forming a fan-like pattern on cum on the Chief's chest. He was already randomly splattered with the seed of at least five men. Mine formed an orderly overlay.

The men gaped in amazement, then began talking excitedly. I couldn't understand what they were saying at all. The next day Williams explained it to me. When the men shot off spraying their seed across the chief's skin, they saw this as an image of the Milky Way. I could see their point, the specs of white on the Chief's dark skin could be seen as stars across the dark sky. I had ejaculated a comet.

The comet was the most terrifying of cosmic phenomenon to the tribe. They thought I was the cock god of fertility, but when I ejaculated a comet's tail, they realized I had either had intercourse with the sky god, or was the son of the sky and cock god. Not only was I divine to an extent almost beyond their ability to imagine, but I was willing to bestow my seed on mere mortals.

Apparently they hadn't visualized their gods enjoying their procreative work. The understanding that they could provide enjoyment for the gods was a new, but interesting concept for them. The Shamans and Witch Doctors were trying to figure out what this meant.

We had been talking for a while when I noticed there was considerable commotion outside. A young man raced in and spoke to Ransom. Ransom translated for me, "There's a big raiding party on the way." The tribe which caught us is coming back for revenge," he said, "You must go with this man to a place of safety." I didn't want to go, but he insisted. "If you stay here, they will try to protect you rather than defeat their rivals, you must go!" Williams insisted. I did as I was told.

Outside the lodge all was confusion. There was a troop of five or six young men waiting to escort me to safety. They were young, but all were muscular and strong looking, all had fully developed cocks and pubic hair. We rushed into the jungle. As I left I saw Ransom leading a group of red haired men toward the sea.

We moved quickly through the jungle, but the boys were careful to cover our track where ever possible. When we got to a stream, we went into the water, then walked up into the mountains. I remembered reading in novels that American Indians used this trick to hide their destination. Several hours later we arrived at a waterfall which concealed a cave. We entered and went deep into it.

There was light deep inside, a rock had fallen from the cavern ceiling and created a natural skylight. This was our destination. The boys relaxed.

The walk against the rushing water had been difficult and exhausting. I fell asleep. When I awoke it was dark and the cave was cold. A full moon gave off a dim light filtering through the hole. This was the first time I had ben cold since leaving England months earlier.

When one of the boys saw I was awake he brought me some fruit. I loved the coolness, but the boy was shivering. I had him sit next to me and I put my arm around his shoulder. It was odd, but the boys may never have experienced cold before.

They maintained a close and careful watch all night. Two boys were on watch, while the other three were inside the cave huddled with me for warmth. The leader of the group, who had been the youngest man at the ceremony the day before, spent the entire night on watch. At dawn he came to sleep with me while he sent the others out to find food. His name was Black Snake. He told me the other boys couldn't fight with the adult men because they were "unfinished."

I had noticed one of the boys had a weak leg, another a bad arm. I asked if that was what he meant by "unfinished". That was the case. The other boys were physically strong, but weak in their minds. That they were assigned to protect me was the greatest honor to ever befall them. I played with his cock to let him know I appreciated his efforts. He fell asleep.

It was a long day. They weren't to go back until they definitely got a report of the battle. I went exploring the cave and found it was a ritual center of some sort. Very ancient, so said the boy with the weak arm. It was a left arm, and he was right handed, so his infirmity didn't effect him much. He said he was 14 rainy seasons old. I told him, "all of the growth that didn't go into your arm must have gone into your cock!" That both pleased and excited him. His erect cock was impressive. The sky turned black and there was a terrific thunderstorm. Everyone came into the cave for the storm. No one would attack in a thunderstorm, I was told. The gods were angry and if you died during a storm, they would turn you into ghost and never let you sleep again.

It was a lot more than a simple thunderstorm. It lasted for good 24 hours. The boys were very uneasy about this, but Black Snake organized a nice fuck session to cheer everyone up. I just watched, but it was enjoyable to see the teenagers exploring anal sex so totally.

I found out the tribe's sexual initiation took play in several stages over a period of years. Only at the end of it were you a full fledged warrior. Black Snake figured four additional warriors would be useful here and now, so he rushed the process. They were lucky to be teenagers, with an unlimited amount of cum and an ability to get hard again in minutes.

As the oldest person there I got to select who got to fuck whom , and who got to suck the next spewing cock. It was dark, the storm was still raging and everyone but Black Snake and I were asleep when I let him suck my cock. When I woke the next morning, Black Snake was still nursing my meat. By noon the storm abated, and they posted guard again. Just before dusk, Little Dragon appeared. The battle was over. There had been great losses, but the tribe had triumphed again. Sadly, Great Komodo was dead. We all walked back to the village. I was deeply shocked.

Returning to Great Komodo's lodge, I found Ransom, exhilarated and flushed with victory. He had his red haired men had carried the day. Komodo had died a great and honorable death. He had been trapped stranded in the middle of the enemy tribesmen. Surrounded by at least twenty of them, ten were dead before someone crushed his skull. Ransom counterattacked before the enemy had a chance to behead his body and had killed another five of six before they drove the attackers back to their boats.

The old men said no one had ever been so brave or so strong. They would sing songs forever to his honor.

I would have thought the tribe would be mad at me, since it was obvious to me my cum wasn't strong enough to save Great Komodo. That isn't the way they saw it. I had transformed Great Komodo into a hero. To kill one or two of the attackers was considered an achievement to kill ten was the stuff of myths.

This was settling in when Big Shark returned with three prisoners and baskets of enemy heads. The storm had destroyed the attacker's boats as they tried to escape. These three were the only survivors. The three men were mere boys, terrified and pathetic.

I went to see Great Komodo's body. He was on a platform, and looked as if he were asleep. I saw the back of his head was smashed in, but his face looked peaceful and almost serene. His beautiful cock was soft, but still impressive even in death. Williams was there, repeating parts of the Book of Common Prayer funeral service.

He had an honor guard which kept flies off the body and looked at Williams as he were the Shaman of Shamans. They had no idea what he was saying, but sensed the gravity of the words. Williams came up to me.

"We have to bury him quickly. The temperature you know. They usually cut of the head, but I think you might have a talk with them about that. I think since he kept his head in battle, he should keep it in the afterlife. That makes sense, doesn't it?" I said yes, but my vocabulary was not good enough to express it. Williams said he would handle that.

A large group of tribal elders came for the funeral ceremony. As far as I could tell, Williams told them Great Komodo needed his head in the next world so he could suck the cum from my divine cock, and moan in pleasure when I fucked him in the next life. It was hard for me to believe how far Williams had strayed from the Book of Common Prayer.

This proposal seemed to strike a responsive cord among the elders. They murmured in approval, and Great Komodo kept his head. It was getting dark, and the men brought out torches and carried him deep into the jungle to a place near his favorite pool. The dug a hole and laid him gently in it. The men began chanting and passed around gourds of the drink we had at the ceremony several days earlier.

Williams chanted the Christian funeral service, impressing everyone by its mystical grandeur. As we sang, I realized the drink contained an aphrodisiac and I was getting excited. I looked around and saw everyone else was feeling much the same. Williams came over to me and whispered, "They cover him in man seed. You need to shoot your load over his body. It is a great honor."

Next: Chapter 7

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