Private Journal

Published on Jan 15, 2004


The Private Journal of Dr. Alexander MacAfee

Part 7

by Bald Hairy Man

This is an adult gay story intended for adult gay men. If you are offended by this or are not an adult, gay or a man, DON'T READ IT. It has a lot of sex between adult men, many of whom are older, hairy, bearded, and in this case of several different races. If this offends you, DON'T READ IT. If you have any comments send them to or

We buried Great Komodo in high style. His body was glazed in the man seed of his warriors. I was the last to add my cum. As before, I sprayed him in a comet's tail like pattern. All felt this was a fitting tribute.

I returned to the lodge and had a much better night's sleep than I had thought. The next morning, things had settled down, but it didn't take long for me to realize Great Komodo would be missed. Without the High Chief confusion reigned. It wasn't as much because of his day to day leadership of the tribe. He was the spiritual center of their universe. Without his cock spewing man seed they were lost.

I had no idea how they selected a replacement, but I assumed I would play a role. I went to see Williams. At his lodge I found him in conversation with Pongo. As I had guessed Williams was on the trail of their leadership traditions. He already knew a good deal.

My assumption that the man with the biggest cock became the High Chief was a simplification. Some of the boys who protected me during the attack were well hung, but their intellects were too limited.

"They place a high value on generosity of sexual favors. Great Komodo had fucked at least two or three hundred men in the tribe and had taken the seed from as many men," Williams said. "The men with the larger group of friends will often be promoted as potential High Chiefs. It can dissolve into open warfare if things turn bad."

"By friends you mean sexual partners?" I asked, "Do you know who the possible leaders are?"

"Exactly, sexual partners are essential for leadership," Pongo replied. "Big Shark is popular, Komodo's son is too young. There may be a red haired man in the running. That is rare, but they distinguished themselves greatly in the battle. Red Parrot's father, Great Stork, is a possibility."

"The young men say Sky Bear and Buffalo are impressive," Williams added.

"I don't think I've met them. Are they members of Great Komodo's circle?" I asked.

"It appears these men become elders emeritus," Williams said. " As the new man brings his friends in, the old go out."

"Does that cause problems"

"They retire with great honor. Their cocks are just as desirable; their seed may actually be more prized," Williams said.

"Man seed doesn't get old?"

"Getting old is a great honor," Pongo said. "The gods love you if you live long. Your seed can help you to live longer." He paused. "You will soon have visitors. They will all come to see you and get your favor."

"I'm not sure I want to be in that position," I said.

"That's not your choice," Williams said. I returned to my lodge. Ransom was there with Little Komodo. Ransom was slowly pumping his cock in the boy's ass. Little Komodo face was streaked with tears. He was feeling his father's death. I sat with the boy and let him nurse on my cock as Ransom massaged his ass.

"Do you know the men who will be trying to become high Chief?" I asked Ransom. I told him the names Pongo had suggested. As I suspected, Ransom knew most of the men.

"Great Stork is a good man; he was the leader of our little war party," Ransom said. "Hung like a fucking donkey and willing to spread the wealth. Horny bastard too. Red Parrot takes after him. I though Great Shark was a blowhard, but when he got into battle, he was a terror." Ransom began to shoot off . When he was done Little Komodo left.

Ransom was going to continue the run down, when a delegation of warriors came in. They were all in full regalia, naked but with spectacular feathered head dresses. They were carrying poles decorated with the heads of their conquests. They offered me a necklace. This was an odd looking thing and I couldn't figure out what it was at first; the light was dim.

When I finally got a good look I realized it consisted of human balls and cocks strung on a cord. In the middle was a cock with a complete set of balls in the ball sack. These were the trophies from the battle of the day before.

Pongo was with them to translate. He explained these were the trophies of each man's war party. He said they wanted to offer me them since I had granted them victory. I wasn't too enthusiastic about the necklaces. I asked which were the ones of the men who killed Great Komodo.

A red haired man, who I assumed was Great Stork came forward. He was tall and thin, very muscular and had an impressive display hanging from his crotch. The cock was long, but the balls redefined low hangers. He had a necklace of one complete set of genitals flanked on each side by two penises and four balls. He had graded them by size, like pearls, with the largest one in the middle and diminishing in size to the sides. It struck me as odd this Headhunter would arrange so carefully these grizzly remains of his enemies.

They had done something to the balls and cocks to preserve them, they felt leathery. I examined Great Storks necklace carefully making sounds the men interpreted as praise. I played with his balls and cock as I examined the cocks. That too was regarded as good.

I then had each of the other warriors come forward and I did the same. Sky Bear had four cocks, strung end to end. He had run the string through the piss slit and flanked it with the dead man's balls. Sky Bear was massive and compact. His beard was turning while as was the hair in the middle of his chest. Bear's balls were big and compact, his cock lay on his balls as if they were a cushion. He told me his story of his war party's prowess in battle. Pongo translated. I worked a finger into his foreskin and got a taste of his precum.

Buffalo was tall and a bit ungainly. I realized they had never seen a buffalo, they had only heard of it. He had a long and thick cock. His necklace was a random collection of balls and cocks rather haphazardly skewered. He was a bit shy and smiled most of the time.

Big Shark I knew. As far as I could tell , he had the disassembled genitals of eight men wrapped around his neck.

Two other men were in the group. Dark Snake was small and wiry. He was older than the other men and his hair and beard were bushy and white, as was his chest hair and pubic bush. His cock and balls were oversized for his small body. His necklace had four complete amputated genitals, ball sacks and all. He was bubbling with enthusiasm. This was the greatest kill of his long life. He was a very happy man.

The final warrior was called Morning Star. He was a Witch Doctor who led the older boys into battle. He was very tall, almost my height and was dressed in his medical mask, rather than the warriors' head dresses. He had four cocks on his adornment.

If I picked a particular necklace I guessed that would be sign of favoritism and might effect the High Chief selection. I asked the men to sit down. Pongo brought a drink for the men. It wasn't as strong as the drinks I had a few days earlier, but it did relax the men.

I finally made a decision. "All have been so brave, I can not select one. I ask that each contribute one set of cock and balls for a new necklace made for me." The men looked shocked, then pleased. I had guessed correctly they wanted to keep the adornment for themselves; this arrangement suited all of them.

I saw Ransom looking at me, with approval in his eyes. The men went out, talking excitedly. After a short while they returned. Great Stork came forward with my new necklace. I could see his design sense in the resulting work. At the center was the genitals of the man who had killed Great Komodo. The remainder were selected for size or state of preservation. While I had no desire to wear the severed genitals, I didn't shiver when they draped it over my head.

I liked Great Komodo. He had been good to us. If he had been a different man, our heads would be on the poles. Oddly, when his killer's balls flopped against my hairy chest, I felt some satisfaction. It didn't bother me at all.

The three prisoners were brought in. These were young men, barely into their teens. All were bound, blindfolded and terrified. Ransom came over to me and whispered in my ear. He said he didn't want to eat them. I heartily agreed with him. He returned to his seat.

Williams came into the room and sat next to Ransom. They were talking, then Ransom came back to me.

"Williams points out, we lost three men in the battle. We captured three men. He thinks it was meant to be," Ransom said. "We might give them to the families of the dead men."

"Are the boys willing?" I asked.

"Rather than being beheaded and eaten?" Ransom asked incredulously. "I don't think that will be a problem. Williams said, it has been done before, not recently, but it has been done."

I stood. "It seems to me these are mere boys, hardly the equals of the warriors killed in battle," I said. I was stoking the severed cock of Komodo's killer. Pongo translated for me. "They were great warriors, killed by even greater warriors. We would get no further honor by killing these men. We should give these boys to the families of our dead warriors. They can help to replace the loss. They can hunt and gather food for their new families." There was silence.

Dark Snake got up and spoke. "This would be good. It is only just, three died and three were captured, but they might run away."

"They have no tribe left. All the warriors are dead," Great Stork stated. "There are no boats."

"They could take the Great Oath," Morning Star suggested. "I will put a curse on them should they betray our great mercy." The Witch Doctor's proposal met with general approval. The boys were unbound. They spoke much the same language, so they knew what was going on. They threw themselves on the ground, afraid to look at their benefactors. They clearly couldn't believe the change in their fortunes.

The Witch Doctor made them swear to serve their new families and then placed a long winded and gruesoms curse on them if they betrayed us. I was sitting to the rear of the boys with Dark Snake and Big Shark. As was normal, we were playing with each other genitals. Both men were impressive and since one might become the High Chief I felt it would be good for me to get better acquainted.

As I wrote this last sentence, I realized it wasn't strictly speaking true. True, it was a good idea to know the men better. In this tribe to know a man and to know his genitals were the same thing. To be honest, I was interested in men and even more so in their cocks. Great Komodo was the only man I had ever fucked, and I was looking for a future partner. The pleasure and ecstasy I felt with Komodo, I wanted to feel again. I knew that any man in the tribe would willingly submit to me, but I wanted someone like Komodo. I liked and admired him. I also had to admit I enjoyed cock play, plain and simple.

Morning Star was finishing up his curse and the boys were getting up. He told them to turn and greet the Angus. I stood. The boys' eyes opened as wide as dinner plates when they saw me for the first time. They had never seen a giant white man with a enormous, erect cock before. They had never seen a divine being before, but they knew a god when they saw one. They collapsed to the floor, begging mercy.

I told them to leave and go to their new families. Everyone left except for Ransom, Williams and me.

"That turned out better than I would have guessed," Williams said. "No beheading, no cannibalism not even a single ritual amputation."

"You look good in the necklace. It picks up the color in your eyes," Ransom said, mock seriously.

"Would you like wear it?" I asked.

"I would like to try it, do you mind?" he asked. I took of the grizzly trophy and gave it to Ransom. He put it on immediately.

"I think this would be quite an attention getter in the Albert Hall," he said.

"White tie with medals?" Williams asked. We all laughed. "You do realize those severed genitals are the origins of all our medals and awards. They are the original trophy. The cock or the head."

Ransom fondled the severed cock at the center of the necklace. "I watched Great Stork cut it off," he said. "It cleaned up pretty well. I have to admit, cocks are more fun when they are still attached."

"I was thinking about the same thing," I said. "I can understand how a steady diet of sexual contact can be habit forming."

"You miss Great Komodo already?" Ransom asked. I was shocked he knew. "He was a good man, we'll all miss him. I watched you fuck him; I could see how good it was for you."

"Fortunately there are many men who are willing to let you fuck them. Any one of them, I would think," Williams added. "The sex here may seem informal and easy, but I'm not sure it's sex in the Western sense."

"Well, it sure gives my cock a lot of exercise for something which isn't sex!" Ransom exclaimed.

"That is true, but sex here doesn't have the deep emotions and complex associations with evil it does in the west," Williams continued. "In England, sex is hidden behind locked doors and never discussed in polite society. There is no question in my mind Victoria and Albert had a rich and intensely pleasurable sexual life. That has never been mentioned or commented on."

"Sex is restricted in every way possible by law and convention. Here it is open, natural and unashamed. Sexual arousal and expression are accepted as part of every day's round of activities. Sex between friends is no more significant than shaking hands or patting someone on the back."

"That may be true," I said, "but the intensity of the feeling generated by stoking a man's cock is much greater than a hand shake."

"Very true," Williams said, "I think it's the glue of this culture. Laws and organization don't seem to play much of a role here. Shared sexual pleasure makes it all work." Big Shark came to the entrance of the lodge and motioned to Ransom to come and see him. Ransom left.

"I have been thinking deeply about this place," Williams said slowly. "In England it would be viewed as depravity of the deepest and most sordid type. Abomination upon abomination. To see it that way would be very wrong. There is no sin, no intention to do evil." With that comment, Williams returned to his lodge. It was late and darkness enveloped the village.

I was alone until Dark Snake and Sky Bear entered. They were the oldest of the men I had met that day. Bear sat next to me as Snake licked my cock to attention. I fondled Bear's balls and cocks. His cock was massive, if short. His balls gave promise of thick cum. I leaned over and sucked his cock head. He was already excited and oozing precum. The head was big and the slit was wide, so I could work my tongue into the slit, intercepting the precum as it flowed form his balls.

The smell and taste of manly sexual excitement overwhelmed me. By now Dark Snake was trying to get as much of my cock as he could into his mouth. He moaned. I realized I had just started oozing some cock juice myself. Eventually Dark Snake moved and Sky Bear sucked my cock as I sucked his. He was able to get really into swallowing my entire cock.

I felt Sky Bear's ass. It was slippery with oil or grease. Dark Snake reappeared at Bear's ass. Suddenly his low hanging balls were flopping against Bear's compact set. I knew his cock was buried deep in Bear's ass. The sex juices began flowing like a mountain stream.

I though of how much Great Komodo would have loved this and surrendered myself to enjoyment.

Next: Chapter 8

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