Private Journal

Published on Jan 27, 2004


The Private Journal of Dr. Alexander MacAfee

Part 8

by Bald Hairy Man

This is an adult gay story intended for adult gay men. If you are offended by this or are not an adult, gay or a man, DON'T READ IT. It has a lot of sex between adult men, many of whom are older, hairy, bearded, and in this case of several different races. If this offends you, DON'T READ IT. If you have any comments send them to or

My experience with Sky Bear and Dark Snake was good. I discovered the sexual excitement and pleasure I had experienced with Great Komodo was not unique to relations with him. I enjoyed both men as fully as with Komodo. That was a relief to me.

When I was lapping up Sky Bear's second load of cum for the night I also realized I was no longer an academic Scot pretending to enjoy the rituals of the tribe. I was enjoying it as much as Sky Bear. The smell and taste of men in heat, enjoying their partner's cocks and asses excited me. I could taste Sky Bear's cock react to Dark Snake's pounding. I participated in the men's excitement, as they shared my pleasure.

Later I was sucking Dark Snake when Sky Bear had his turn in his friend's ass. Bear was thick and Snake's cock shrank some when the cock popped through the sphincter. The flow of precum stopped too. Bear slowed down and let Snake get accustomed to the invader in his ass. I continued to suck Snake's cock. It took a few minutes until Snake relaxed and his cock retained its previous state of erection.

He was back to full size when Bear must have hit something good deep in Snake's love tunnel. He shot a huge glob of precum. As this happened, Snake went after my cock with new enthusiasm. I was enjoying both men's experiences as well as my own. I hadn't known enough about sex before to know it had a taste and smell. I knew now the taste of a man enjoying intense sex. I could tell when a man passed from being mildly excited to when his organs and glands produced the fluids and chemicals necessary for an orgasm.

I always got excited when I first tasted the precum oozing from the piss slit. That was when I knew the man's entire body was engaged in the sexual performance. I loved the explosion of man seed which accompanies a climax. Different men reacted in different ways. Some men quiver and buck, others turn ridged seem petrified, as their body channels all of it's energy into the one bloated organ. The seed itself oozes, or spurts or explodes. It is different for every man.

I fell asleep thinking of the vast variety and wonder of a male's sexual response and woke the next morning to find Dark Snake's cock inches from my face. I had always slept alone before, but I knew the cock-to-mouth position was typical among friends in the tribe. Komodo and Little Dragon had done it.

I took Snake's cock in my mouth and worked my tongue into the foreskin. I remembered it had been in Sky Bear's ass the night before too late. However, his cock tasted only of precum and the lubricant they used, a coconut oil of some sort. It was almost as if the cock had been candy coated. It didn't take long for Dark Snake's precum to become the dominant taste. This excited me.

Of course my cock was in his face too. Somehow, over the night Dark Snake had figured out how to get more of my cock down his throat. No one had ever taken the entire thing, but Dark Snake came as close as anyone had. As my cock slipped down his throat, he swallowed and this movement made me shoot off. This inspired him and we traded our seed. It was a good way to start the day.

I went off with a group of men to the mountain pond to swim. Williams told me the tribe regarded the ponds as divine entities, so a daily dip in the pond was a necessary part of daily routine. It had struck me the tribe was healthy and strong. I wondered if the combination of the clean water from the mountain springs and the regular bathing in ponds fed by the same springs were at the core of the good health.

My body guards from the day of the attack came with me to the pond. They were good boys and proud of their service to me. Until a new High Chief was selected, they would stay near me. Black Snake was in charge of the group.

As bodyguards their status had risen. Black Snake was proud of his crew and the boys in it were now officially men and warriors. Their introduction to the world of man sex had been a success too. They enjoyed it and, as young men, they were willing to do all the practice necessary to become skilled sexual partners.

I have to admit it was enjoyable to watch their sexual play. All of the young men were noted for their enthusiasm. While many of the older men's genitals were relaxed except for when they were actually sexually engaged, the younger men's cocks were often excited; this both pleased and excited the old warriors. Most of the boys in my bodyguard were rarely at less than at half staff.

An erect cock was regarded as a sign of beauty, power and divine favor. Williams explained this to me. His contacts with the boys were good and his mind seemed to be able to function well and logically even during his almost continuous sexual contact with the younger men. Williams must have been fucked ten or twelve times a day by the eager boys.

"Black Snake was the only one of your boys who was marked for success," Williams said. "Dark Snake is either his father or uncle, they don't seem to differentiate between a father and his brothers. The other boys were outcasts, flawed. When the raiding party appeared the tribe was overmatched, they needed every able bodied man for the fight. They put Black Snake in charge and he got the boys to help him. One of them is a close friend of his youth, the boy with the bad arm."

"They had to promise to protect you or die in the attempt," Williams explained. "If anything happened to you, they'd have been killed."

"They are so young." I said.

"Once they have matured and have full sized cock and balls, they're not boys anymore. They become men though only when they take other men's seed. That happened in the cave. They protected a god. Cum and duty make them men. This has been the best thing to ever happen to them. Their lives would have been a humiliation otherwise." Williams said. "Look at that." He was looking out the door of his lodge. One of my body guards was bent over with Big Shark fucking him.

"Little Crow is dim-witted. It would have been inconceivable that Big Shark would have given that boy his seed before," Williams explained. "Not only is he fucking him, he's doing it in public and in front of the boy's friends. It's a great honor. Little Crow is a man now and is accepted as such by the tribe's greatest warrior."

Big Shark was a man rammer. There was nothing delicate about his fucking. I was afraid he might hurt Little Crow. My bodyguard was bent over with his hands on his knees, bracing himself against the relentless fucking. I looked at Crow's face. He was smiling. I saw his cock was rock hard and drooling precum on the ground below. He was also grinding his ass to manipulate and further stimulate Shark's cock.

I went out and watched. Little Crow almost lost his balance on a particularly hard thrust. I helped to steady the boy. I also reached under him and collected some of the precum dripping from his cock and tasted it. It was sweet. I watched Big Shark and saw when his almost mechanical fucking changed to something more passionate. I realized the two men had connected. That would be good for Crow's future.

Big Shark stiffened as he shot his load into Little Crow's ass. When he pulled out, his cock was huge. I had seen him fuck Ransom and he hadn't been that excited. Little Crow stood up, took his spear and stood right behind me, resuming his protective position. It amazed me a man could change so quickly. We returned to my lodge.

The day was quiet. Komodo's son came to see me with the boy he was given to replace his father. He had been beaten up during his capture, but wasn't badly hurt beyond cuts and bruises. He was young, but would be a big man eventually. The boy was well hung, and Little Komodo looked happy with the replacement.

Komodo spoke to me. His prize was named Gull. The boy was a ship maker. I didn't realize what this meant to the tribe at first. Ransom understood immediately.

"Angus my boy, the tribe doesn't know how to make boats." Ransom explained. "This is like discovering the steam engine for them. If this boy can make a boat for them, it can change their lives."

Little Komodo was still talking. The boy was a prisoner of war himself, not a member of the enemy tribe. He had been captured with his father who also had been a ship builder. He and his father had built a large war canoe, when they finished they had beheaded the boy's father. The boy was more than willing to teach my tribe all the secrets of his trade.

I said the new High Chief would need to make that decision. I didn't know what changes a boat might make for the tribe. I did know what it might mean to me. There was a chance we could get back to civilization. Wasn't in a hurry to do this, but it was nice to know there was a real possibility this might happen.

Little Komodo left with his prize. Actually they left hand in hand. Little Komodo was older than the boy and fully mature. I was wondering if Komodo had found a friend or a son. Both had lost a father and that might link them. Ransom looked at me and smiled.

"An interesting turn of events," he commented. "We might have a way out of this place." He paused. "If we want to leave. I'm not sure I'd want to go home. I've never enjoyed myself so much in my life. The sex is good." He walked over to me and fondled my cock. "That is one beautiful fucker you have there. It's a beauty, but they'll never be able to appreciate it in Sydney the way they do here. You like it here too, don't you?"

"It's hard for me to believe I've been doing what I've been doing," I answered. "I'm not sure I knew you could enjoy anything my as this. I've almost got to the point that I can admit my genitals are a part of my body."

Ransom laughed. "I wasn't exactly a shrinking violet in sexual experience, but I had no idea it could be this good," he said. "I know you're a Christian Gentleman, but the sex is sure good when both you and your partner are willing. Guilt ruins sex."

"You mean you felt guilt?" I asked.

"Not me, but I've had a few partners who had the problem," he said. "I don't know about you, but I've never felt better. I think the free flow of cum keeps you healthy!"

"I'm beginning to feel the same way," I admitted. "There's no sexual tension here. Everyone is interested and everyone is willing."

"There is one problem here. Big Shark asked me to talk to you about it."

"What is that?"

"Well, Big Shark is a big man with some mighty big meat," Ransom said. "He got a tiny ass hole. Your cock won't fit."

"It doesn't need to fit." I said. "I don't need to fuck him."

"Your still thinking like a Scot, not a god!" Ransom exclaimed. "You fucked Great Komodo and he became a great hero. The next High Chief must have your cum shot deep into his ass, or he won't be the High Chief."

"Are all the men who want to be the High Chief planning on this?"

"They are. Most of them are, and most want it." Ransom answered. "I would bet most of the men here dream of your cock. I do." I looked at him.

"You do?"

"I don't know if I can take it, but I would sure like to try," he said. "Not today, but some day."

"Do you think it would be that good?" I asked.

"I think it could be that good. I'd be willing to try." Ransom replied. "Big Shark is afraid of it. He wants it but can't take it."

"Have you tried him?" I asked.

"Yes, but I didn't get too far. He's one tight ass man," Ransom replied.

Pongo entered the lodge. He came over to me and said he had friends who wanted my help. I knew what sort of help he wanted. The conversation ended and Sea Turtle and Little Mouse entered the room. This was a social call. Sea Turtle was a small, but well endowed man. Little Mouse was his son, a tall strapping young man. I had watched him fuck Williams several days earlier.

I stroked Sea Turtle's cock. Little Mouse dropped to his knees and licked my cock. I moved forward so he could get closer. He took full advantage of the opportunity. My cock responded immediately, as did Sea Turtle's impressive member. We talked as well as my limited vocabulary permitted. Sea Turtle wanted me to give his son my seed.

"I am an old man, my son needs your help." The older man said. I would have guessed he was 45 or so, that was old for this primitive tribe. "Let him drink your seed. It will protect him."

"He is a good man. He is a strong man," I said. "He will do well." Sea Turtle smiled as I said this. I had been stroking his cock and I'm not sure if it was my words about his son or attention to his cock which pleased him. Opalescent beads of precum emerged from Turtle's mushroom. I took some and tasted it. Creamy and thick, it had the texture of cum, but the sweetness of pre cum. I bent over and licked it. Intending just to lick the cock juice up, I got carried away as Sea Turtle's excitement built and the flow of his cock juices increased.

Ransom had joined us. It was only moments until the four of us were linked, cock to mouth. As I deep throated Sea Turtle I smelled coconut oil and I knew his ass was already lubricated. I hadn't expected that, but I knew I wanted to penetrate and occupy his love tunnel. He was a small man and it didn't seem possible it would fit, but somehow I knew that wasn't going to be a problem. I also suspected Sea Turtle wanted me to fuck his son. I wanted to fuck Sea Turtle and for the time being, I was a god.

I shoved a finger into his ass and Sea Turtle almost shot off then and there. He calmed down some. I didn't want to hurt him so I got on my back and made him staddle me. He sat back on my cock, working it into his ass at his own pace. It was slow going at first, but as my cock went deeper into his ass, he looked deeply satisfied.

Ransom was fucking Little Mouse doggy style. He move the boy over me so that Little Mouse could suck his father's cock while I sucked Little Mouse's big cock. Ransom shot off first, filling Mouse's ass. His father, Sea Turtle climaxed next. As soon as his father got off my cock, Little Mouse got up, rotated and impaled himself on my cock. The second his ass rested on my pubic hair, Little Mouse's cock exploded in an eruption of sperm. Had he been a volcano, another Pompeii would have vanished.

Little Mouse's ass was hot from Ransom's fucking and filled with Ransom's man cream. His quivering and contacting ass pushed me over the edge. Sea Turtle held his son on my cock until the last twitch, and he was sure I had no more seed to shoot into Mouse's ass.

Next: Chapter 9

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