Private Journal

Published on Feb 8, 2004


The Private Journal of Dr. Alexander MacAfee

Part 9

by Bald Hairy Man

This is an adult gay story intended for adult gay men. If you are offended by this or are not an adult, gay or a man, DON'T READ IT. It has a lot of sex between adult men, many of whom are older, hairy, bearded, and in this case of several different races. If this offends you, DON'T READ IT. If you have any comments send them to or

I was afraid I had done something wrong when I fucked Sea Turtle and Little Mouse. I thought this might affect the selection of the new High Chief, so I went to Williams and told him what happened. He wasn't worried.

"As far as I can tell they make a differentiation between sex for pleasure and ceremonial sex." Williams explained. "They assume all men want recreational sex. All sex is good, but it's public sex in front of your fellow warriors that really counts. When Big Snake fucked Little Crow in the open air that was an official recognition of Little Crow's manhood. It was the same when you screwed Great Komodo in front of his warriors. If you had done the same thing in the privacy of a lodge, it wouldn't have meant much."

"I'm glad I didn't do anything wrong."

"Nothing wrong at all." Williams said, "It natural and expected. You can sleep and fuck anyone you want to."

"I couldn't do that, it's not right." I protested.

"Angus, you're still thinking as if you were in Scotland!" Williams cried. "Your presence here and most of all your cock is a gift to the tribe. The more you use it, the more they will appreciate it!" As we spoke a young man entered. He stood at the door and smiled shyly at Williams. Williams motioned for him to come closer.

I am a poor judge of age. Most of the men appeared to be younger than their actual years, but I would have guessed this boy was in his mid teens. He was tall, and well muscled and wore only a boar tooth necklace. He was half hard as is usual for men of his age who anticipated sex. He spoke to Williams in hushed tones. I couldn't hear exactly what he was saying, but I did catch the phrase "white god."

"This is Black Boar, he is youngest the son of Great Komodo's brother. The brother died many years ago." Williams said in introduction. "He is strong and brave. He is here to give me his seed, but he doesn't want to interrupt us." I motioned for him to come closer.

"I don't want to get in the way of your pleasure," I said.

Williams laughed. "There's not shortage of that here. I get my share!" Williams said. "You will honor him greatly if you play with him."

Reaching out, I fondled his cock. His cock and balls were concealed by his black pubic hair and dark skin. When I cupped his balls, I recognized the relationship with Great Komodo. He had inherited the families' genitals. Stroking his cock, a big, mushroom cock head popped into view. It was pink, like the red-haired men's cock heads.

I took his hand and placed it on my cock. Black Boar smiled and stroked it. Soon, he dropped to his knees and was sucking me. He was young, but obviously was experienced. I got on the floor and we sucked each other. He shot off quickly. His young cock shot off with such force it tickled the back of my throat. We broke apart and sat back.

One of the nice things about being young is being able to stay hard after and orgasm. He was smiling and talking as his cock soon returned to its excited state. I told him I was going back to my lodge, but he might come by this evening and we might play again.

As I walked away, I wondered what had gotten into me. I was arranging for sex with young men and certainly had never done anything like that in Edinburgh. The sky was clouding over and burst open in a torrential rain storm as I got back to the lodge. A storm like this would be a news worthy event in Scotland, here it was a normal event for a hot summer afternoon.

The storm was lengthy, and did not bring in any cooler winds. A fell asleep listening to the rain and the thunder. When I woke, it was dark and quiet. I ate some fruit and lay back, relaxing. It was nice to have a quiet evening after the last few days. Ransom had gone off with his red-haired men, and I was alone in the lodge.

Sea Turtle entered, with Black Boar. Sea Turtle spoke softly. "Black Boar is my favorite wife's nephew. His father was a great man and died bravely. He didn't mean to offend you."

"I wasn't offended." I said, "He is a good man."

"Forgive him, he didn't know he was to eat your seed, not feed you his." Sea Turtle explained. "He is young, he doesn't have a father to tell him all the rules. I should have done that." From the tone of his voice, I knew Sea Turtle was terrified. Williams hadn't told me about the taboo. My linguistic abilities were limited. I didn't know how to say I wasn't concerned.

I reached out and felt Sea Turtle's cock. That seemed to calm him down. "I was hungry and it was good to eat his seed." I said. "It was good. It reminded me of Great Komodo's seed." I was sitting and Sea Turtle was standing. I played with Sea Turtle's balls, then let a finger wander toward his love hole. He opened his legs to give me better access.

I was dark in the lodge, so Black Boar didn't know what I was doing with his uncle. I reached out and felt Boar's cock and then his hole. Working my finger into it, I pulled him closer and we formed a tight-knit threesome. Their cocks almost touched as I pulled them closer with my fingers, hooked in their asses.

I really wanted to get my cock into Black Boar's ass and find out if it felt as good as Great Komodo's lone tunnel, but I didn't know the polite way of doing that. Sea Turtle was well endowed and I wondered if it would be only polite to fuck him first. I had fucked him earlier and perhaps that was enough.

Suddenly, I burst out laughing. I thought my life back in Scotland. Nothing there in my impressive education prepared me for this situation. Indeed, it would have been impossible to pose the question. I couldn't visualize myself at a lecture at the university asking, "Professor sir, what do you think the proper order for fucking headhunters is? By age, rank, or physical attractiveness? This may sound like an unusual question, but I have a premonition, my life may someday depend on this?"

I wasn't able to explain the real reason for my laughter to Sea Turtle and Black Boar, so I told them I was happy to be with such brave men. Fortunately for me, there were no clear standards for how gods should act, and I guess they must have assumed my laughter had something to do with my divine status.

Remembering William's conversation of earlier in the day, I realized it didn't make that much difference. It was dark in the lodge and we were alone. It was private intercourse, with no public aspect.

I made them sit next to me. I told them we were friends and they didn't need to worry about offending me. I was trying to understand the feelings of the tribe's men, so I wasn't worried about formalities. Sea Turtle had relaxed and was jovial. I told Him I had enjoyed feeling the inside of his love hole, then asked if Black Boar's hole was as enjoyable.

Of course I was stroking both men's cocks as we talked. Black Boar's member twitched when I mentioned fucking. I knew he was interested.

Sea Turtle gave me a review of Black Boar's sexual strengths. It was almost as if he was giving me Baedeker Guide description of a good hotel. He had never been in Black Boar's love hole, but his brother and a cousin had shot loads in it and were happy about the experience. "They say, it's a good, tight hole, and he doesn't lose his tightness even after multiple penetrations by many strong warriors."

Even in the dark I knew he was rearranging his position so it would be easier for me to fuck him. I was hard as a rock, already and repositioned myself at Black Boar's ass. For a second, I was afraid the boy didn't realize how big I was. That was silly. The size of my cock had been the main subject of conversation ever since they saw it for the first time. Everyone knew I was big. Black Boar knew exactly what he was getting into.

Sea Turtle produced some locknut oil lubricant and coated my cock and Black Boar's ass with it. I began working my way into the boy's love hole. It wasn't easy for him, so I took my time and let him adjust to it. He wanted it, but it was big.

Sea Turtle was right behind me, telling me what an honor it was to bless this boy this way. His cock was rubbing against my ass. It was slippery because Sea Turtle was oozing precum. When I was six of seven inches in Boar's ass, it all became easier. I was quite sure it still hurt, but my cock's pressure on Boar's prostate was so great, the pleasure more than counter balanced the pain.

I began making deeper strokes, pushing in a little deeper with each thrust. It was then I realized, Sea Turtle's cock was still at my ass and was actually nudging at my hole. My ass was virgin, but the pressure of the headhunter's cockhead was stimulating and exciting. Sea Turtle had a huge cock head which crowned a thick shaft. I realized he had coated it with oil and he was close to breaking through the sphincter and entering the tunnel.

Losing one's virginity may be a traumatic event in the lives of Victorian virgin, I was only excited by it. I had no real vison how it might feel and hadn't considered the possibility. I only felt excitement as Sea Turtle began the thrust harder and I felt my hole losing the battle. I thought, "what the hell," my sphincter gave way and the cock plunged deep into my ass.

As Sea Turtle rammed me, I rammed Black Boar. He gasped as I totally occupied his ass. I felt a brief twinge of discomfort, then a wonderful pressure on my genial organs. All genital stimulation had been from external sources, my hand, a mouth or an ass. The pressure on my prostate was a shock. It was very different from anything I had experienced before.

Everything about me is oversized, my body, my cock, my balls and also my ass hole. That was a new discovery as Sea Turtle's cock slipped into my ass. I knew that taking a big cock could be a problem. While Ransom could take just about anything in his ass, up to and including Big Ben, he told me of his efforts to introduce men to the joys of anal sex. He was slow and careful, since that made it more likely for the man to come back. Some men, I knew weren't.

I had never had another man's cock in my ass before and it was both sexually exciting and pleasurable. It was also painless. Once it was in, I had no conscious control over it. My mind played no role except as the passive receptor of pleasurable sensations.

In spite of my efforts to change my thought patterns, my mind remained resolutely Scots and that of a Victorian Gentleman. Both Williams and Ransom pointed out this pattern could have been our downfall. Fortunately, whatever glands or organs controlling my sexual reactions seem to have had a mind of their own. They were receptive and responsive to any and all sexual situations. My mind was that of a Scot's miser, my genitals were generous in the extreme. I am reserved, my cock is out going and welcoming.

While my mind was engaged with Black Boar, my ass and especially my sphincter played with Sea Turtle's cock, like a kitten with a mouse. Once the cock was in the tunnel, my sphincter clamped shut, trying to trap it. My hips undulated to force the bloated organ into untouched portions of my ass. My ass was virgin when he entered it, and thoroughly explored by the time he shot off.

His orgasm taught me another thing about my ass. It was sensitive enough to feel his cock twitching and the cum spurting. That little bit of additional stimulation was enough to force me to a climax. As Sea Turtle's seed shot into my ass, I filled Black Boar's ass with mine. It was a wonderful feeling.

I had many good sexual experiences since I had been captured by the tribe. Being fucked while fucking was new and vastly more intense that anything I had felt before. The two men left and I was alone.

Ransom returned. I told him what happened. He approved. To say he approved was an understatement. We talked for a few minutes then he raised my legs and slipped his cock into my empty hole. His cock wasn't as massive as Sea Turtle's, but it felt good too. We continued talking as his cock stimulated my ass, and my ass seemed to respond automatically to the intruder.

"You're a wonder Angus," he said. "I've never felt an ass as responsive as yours. It's warm, soft and comfortable. Is that the oil or Sea Turtle's seed I'm feeling? It's smooth as silk. I could spend hours in there."

"Is that your plan?" I asked.

"Probably not. Red Parrot and I have a good long session. He and his friends were very generous with both their cocks and asses," Ransom replied. He pulled his cock out of my ass. Collecting some of the lubricant on it with his finger, he then tasted it. "I think it's about 90% Sea Turtle's seed," he pronounced. "I'm a bit worn out, but may be getting my second wind. How are you doing?"

"Amazingly relaxed." I said. "Ever since I shot off in Black Boar's ass, I've been relaxed. He did remind me of Great Komodo. I was a good feeling."

"I'm feeling good too," he said. "I was with ten or twelve of the red-haired men. They were feeling their oats after the victory the other day. Apparently they were thought of as dandies and of little use in war. They all did well and wanted to celebrate. I'm a member of their group now."

"It was a wild romp. I hadn't realized so much of what we had been doing was religious. It's hard to believe, but the sex I'd experienced here was subdued and ritualized, not plain old fornication." Ransom said. "It felt like fornication to me, but that was just in comparison to my former sexual experiences. Tonight was a new experience. Has Williams ever talked to you about the lack of guilt here?"

"Yes, we did."

"Well, tonight there was no guilt, but no deeper purpose either," Ransom continued. "The sex we've had here had been functional, giving seed and strength to a man who needs it, or getting more strength for a man who can give it. Your cock is a fountain of blessing and power. Because we are clearly related, my cock has the same beneficial features."

"Do you feel cheap and used?" I asked while laughing at the thought.

"I am cheap and more than willing to be used. That's not the point," Ransom said. "Tonight it was pure sex. It was a contest to see how much fun a dozen men with hard cocks and a will to please have?"

"I take it, you were able to generate a great amount of pleasure?"

"That's an understatement. A gross understatement. As I said, every cock was hard, every ass was open."

"Including yours?"

"Including mine," Ransom said as he thrust his hard cock deep into my ass. "Am I right in thinking your ass is going to be open a lot more in the future?" Ransom was thrusting hard and deep now.

"Before you answer that question, would you mind it I shoot off in your as right here and now?" I told him it wouldn't bother me at all.

Next: Chapter 10

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