Procurement and Training Center

By moc.oohay@83rekcawyllat

Published on Feb 14, 2003


Sheila Jacobs walked silently into Todd's room and smiled her wicked smile. She said his name softly. Todd stirred but did not awake from his drug-induced nap. She slipped off her robe and got into bed with him. She snuggled to him and his eyes half opened to see his new landlady in bed with him. She guided his hand to her breasts and listened to him moan. She whispered to him softly, "My little girl Todd, my little girl Todd, my little slave girl Todd, my little slave girl Todd." Over and over she whispered to him. Then she changed the phrase. " Todd is my little sissy girl aren't you Todd?" "Kiss and lick my shoes little sissy slave girl Todd, beg to lick my pussy and my ass little sissy Todd." "You are my slave and you must obey me or I will hurt you sissy Todd." " Stick your tongue out if you understand me sissy." Todd moaned in his sleep and his tongue came out of his mouth and was met with Miss Jacobs tongue. She pushed her tongue into his mouth and explored his mouth. Her hand caressed his rock hard cock and cupped his balls, gently squeezing them. After an hour of talking and fondling her new property, she gave him final instructions to follow when he awoke from his nap. " When you wake up sissy Todd, you will drink the glass of juice on your nightstand. " "You will drink it all." You will then come downstairs completely naked and come to me in my office." "You will sit down on my lap and play with yourself, do you understand?" "Stick out your tongue if you understand sissy Todd." Todd's tongue again came out and Miss Jacobs slipped out of the bed, picked up her robe and walked out of the room. Todd slept on and dreamed of the beautiful Miss Jacobs who loved him.

Todd's eyes slowly opened and he stared at his surroundings without moving. He was groggy and felt exhausted and desperately tried to orient himself. A noise was coming from something. Finally he sat up in bed and saw the clock radio and reached over and shut it off. Next to the radio was his glass of juice which he picked up and sipped on while he tried to clear his mind. He was alone and naked, but had he been dreaming or did Miss Jacobs sleep with him? He tried to sort things out but his mind was still fuzzy. He looked down at his cock and saw it waving back at him. His hand went down to it he began masturbating. He was so horny and wanted to cum but the dream came back to him and he remembered that he was to come downstairs right away and sit down on Miss Jacobs lap and play with himself there. Todd had never felt like this before. His heart was racing and he wanted to go to Miss Jacobs but

something in him said what if this was a dream? Could it have been a dream? Was Miss Jacobs, naked? in bed with him, telling him those exciting words all a dream? Suddenly he looked at the glass of juice in his hand. Sure, he remembered she had said drink all your juice! Yes, he thought, it was real, she is waiting for me downstairs. Todd took one last gulp and finished his juice. He wanted to be in Miss Jacob's lap with her playing with his cock. She was so beautiful and he had fallen in love with her. He headed out of his room, holding his cock with his bare ass swinging.

Walking down the stairs, Todd grabbed the handrail. He wondered why he felt so dizzy. It would be embarrassing to fall down the stairs he thought. He reached the bottom and walked to Miss Jacobs office. She was sitting in the couch holding a newspaper up in front of her. She did not see him. He walked up to her and waited, not knowing what to do, but something in his head reminded him, he was to sit down on her lap and play with himself. Todd sat his naked ass down on his beautiful landlady's lap and grabbed his cock. Miss Jacobs screamed and jumped up, dumping Todd down on the floor.

" YOU FILTHY BOY!" " WHAT DO YOU MEAN ATTACKING ME AND YOU ARE NAKED!" "Shame on you and after all I have offered you for such cheap rent and you treat me like this!" "WELL, WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF, YOU LITTLE PERVERT!" " I'M GOING TO CALL YOUR MOTHER RIGHT NOW!" "I am so very disappointed in you and shocked that you would think you could attack me and after only being here a few hours!" " AND YOU WERE PLAYING WITH YOUR PENIS TOO!"

Todd was crying uncontrollably and was on his knees rambling and sobbing. He was almost out of his mind with fright. What had he done? What was happening to him? He had dreamed a sexual fantasy and had thought it was real and now he was ruined. His mother would die of embarrassment and shame. His brother would find out too and everyone else. He was so humiliated and scared. He crawled on his knees to Miss Jacobs who was holding the telephone in her hand. "Please Miss Jacobs, I am not well." Something is wrong with me and I am so sorry!" "I will do anything to make it right with you but please don't tell my mom, it would kill her!" "I had a dream and it seemed so real and, oh, I don't know why or how I could have done such a thing!" " I promise, I have never done anything like that before and I will never do it again!" "Please give me a chance to make this up to you, I will work for you all day and all night, please don't call my mother, please, please!" Todd was shaking and crying so hard, his tears were all over the beautiful hardwood floor. Miss Jacobs was bursting with joy at his breakdown. She had the little pussyboy right in her hands. It had been so easy. His sheltered upbringing with no man in the house had made him easy prey. She sat down in a chair and held her hands to her face and faked a good cry causing Todd to kneel down kissing her shoes while still slobbering how sorry he was and begging for forgiveness.

Sheila Jacobs was excited as she looked down at the naked boy kissing her shoes. Her shoes were getting wet from his tears and his penis had gone soft and shrunk to half its normal size. She could see He was shaking in fear. His Mother had not even gotten home yet from bringing him to her and she had Him shivering like a dog with his cock between his legs. She stood up and walked away from him, crying Saying, " I should call your mother or the police." Todd crawled after her on his knees begging, "Please Miss Jacobs, I will do anything if you give me another chance, anything you say, I will work for you for Nothing, but please let me stay." Sheila stopped crying and turned around and looked at him, anger showing on her face. "So, young man, you like being naked, do you?"

Todd cried, " No Miss Jacobs, I think I am sick or something, I don't know what has happened to me!" "I have never done anything like this before, I am so sorry, Please, I will do anything for you, please let me stay and show you, please!!" I will go upstairs and put my clothes on and come right back down but please don't call my mother or the police." "I promise I will be so good!" Miss Jacobs stamped her foot down on the floor hard and screamed at him, " NO YOU DON'T, Until I decide what to do about your filthy behavior, you will wear NO CLOTHES!" "DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?" Todd cringed and Hastened to agree with the angry woman, "Yes Miss Jacobs, whatever you say Miss Jacobs!" Todd's' hands were in front of him in an attempt at modesty as he was still shivering in fear. Miss Jacobs sat down on the couch again and eyed him making his humiliation complete. "Put your hands down to your side, young man." "You seemed to want me to see your privates earlier," Miss Jacobs sneered at him. "I am inclined to give you a chance to make amends, Todd, but if you show me the slightest disobedience I will not only call your mother, but the police as well," Miss Jacobs stared at him and hissed, " Do you understand?" Todd thanked her and thanked her, " Miss Jacobs, I promise you won't be sorry, I will do everything you say or want me to do, I promise, thank you, thank you!" She lowered her eyes to his penis and Todd turned red with embarrassment and shame. "It would seem that little soft protrusion is what is causing your problems, would you not agree Todd?" Todd's embarrassment was total, but he knew better than to disagree with Miss Jacobs and quickly said, "yes Miss Jacobs." Miss Jacobs seemed in deep thought as she kept her eyes squarely on his penis. Todd suddenly realized he was slowly starting to get excited and knew his penis was going to show it in a moment. He remained standing naked in front of the beautiful Miss Jacobs, trying to think of other things. He thought about baseball, football, politics and masturbating. The thought of playing with himself took over all his thoughts and his penis took advantage of it and sprang to life in defiance of him. Miss Jacobs laughed to herself at his predicament. She had purposely crossed her legs and allowed Todd to see the top of her nylons and he had lost the game. "TODD," she screamed at him and got up and grabbed his ear and marched him over to the corner of the room and held his nose to the wall. "You will stand in this corner until I tell you to move, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?" Todd stood shaking and crying uncontrollably, his penis once again had retreated and his balls had disappeared. He could hear Miss Jacobs talking on the telephone to someone. She was telling him that there had been a problem with one of Her students and could he come over and tell her what she should do. Todd was frightened beyond belief as His tears continued to fall. Miss Jacobs came over to him and began talking in a soothing voice as her hand gently wiped tears from his eyes. "I don't know what has happened to you Todd, but I am going to try and help you if I can." "Would you like me to help you honey?" Todd could only nod his head as Miss Jacobs's hand softly pet him. Miss Jacobs continued talking to him; I have an acquaintance who is a police Officer and he is coming over to visit with me about what to do about your behavior towards me." " He is Probably going to want to talk to you and I suggest that you listen to what he has to say because he will try And talk me into filing charges against you and take you to jail." "If I am going to be able to help you and spare your mother a great deal of pain and hurt, you will have to learn to obey completely." "Do you hear What I am saying Todd?" Todd answered, "yes Miss Jacobs, I will obey everyone, I promise." "Please give Me a chance to show that I am a good boy, I promise I will obey you." Miss Jacobs smiled as she dropped her hand down his back, slowly rubbing him and watching as his cock started growing again. She turned Todd around and hugged him to her and let both her hands rest oh his ass cheeks and felt his hard-on poke her. Todd threw both arms around her neck and continued crying. "There, there my little sweetheart, I will try and talk Mr. Allen out of filing charges against you, but you must promise not to cause any more trouble and especially with him, do you understand Todd honey?" "Yes, Miss Jacobs," Todd sobbed.

Sheila patted his ass cheek with her hand and turned him back into the corner. "He should be any time now and I think it would be wise for him to see you being punished like this, don't you Todd? Todd was Embarrassed to think that a man was going to see him standing naked in the corner like a small child and He asked Miss Jacobs if he could please put some pants on before he arrived. "Oh no Todd," Sheila quickly said, " It will be better that he sees that you are being punished this way, and I can talk him out of taking you to jail." "Yes Miss Jacobs," Todd meekly answered.

Todd heard the doorbell ring and listened to Miss Jacobs's high heels clicking across the floor. He heard a mans' voice talking and then a door shut. They had gone into another room and he could faintly here them talking more. It seemed to Todd as if he had been in the corner for over an hour, when he heard the door open and footsteps across the floor. Miss Jacobs spoke, "Todd, you may turn around now and say hello to Sgt. Allen." Todd turned around and stared into the face of Sgt. Allen. He must have been at least 6ft. 6 and he was not smiling. Todd's already soft cock and balls retreated even further as Todd could not control His trembling. Miss Jacobs continued, " Todd, Sgt. Allen seems to think he should take you in and book you but I am not so sure." I have asked him to at least talk to you before he makes up his mind and I will have to abide by his decision, I'm sorry." " I have an appointment at the beauty shop so I must leave, but Sgt. Allen has agreed to stay with you and interview you before he makes up his mind. I will be back in about two hours." "Please obey Sgt. Allen for me honey." Miss Jacobs then grabbed her coat and went out To her car.

Sgt Allen and I were alone in the house and he stood there staring at me. I finally broke first, saying, "Listen Sgt. Allen, I'm really sorry for what happened, I cannot explain this logically but" Before Todd could say another word Sgt. Allen stepped forward , his hand shot out and slapped Todd across his face knocking him into the wall where he slid down to the floor stunned. Sgt. Allen then calmly reached down and grabbing a handful of Todd's hair slowly pulled him up to a standing position. His face came closer to Todd's and he smiled, saying, " What you say and what you do between now and when Miss Jacobs comes Back will decide your future for the next 15 years and indeed the rest of your life." "Do you hear me punk?" "Yes," Todd murmured. Sgt. Allen smiled; Sheila had accurately described the boys' demeanor. If he had any balls, they had been left behind with his mother he thought. He always liked this part of the breaking in process. In less than 6 hours, this boys' life had been turned upside down. He was a young man full of excitement at being away from his mother and in college, living in a beautiful mansion. With a beautiful woman. He had been thinking of having girls over to show them where he now lived in sumptuous surroundings and hoping to get into their pants but now... Well, now, Miss Jacobs had him by the balls such as they were and he was here to convince him that he was now totally owned and operated by Miss. Jacobs. He would not be going to college, He would not be fucking girls, He would not even be masturbating unless he was given permission. Yes, It was safe to say his life would never be the same again. Sgt. Allen pulled Todd along to the bathroom and to the stool. " Piss now." Todd reached down and took his penis I his hand and immediately peed long and hard. When he was done, Sgt. Allen pulled Him by his hair again to Miss Jacobs office and locked the door.

End of chapter 2 Email the Author To be continued

Next: Chapter 3

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