Professional Assistant Corrine, TV Story

By Joyce Devries

Published on Apr 19, 2005



Professional Assistant Corrine

By Joyce Devries, MSN ID:

Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time.

My (email) name is Joyce Devries and it was a real life adventure, the male half our good friends (a couple, me with him as a male and my spouse with her) that we have double dated a few times, invited me to accompany him on a rather unique and interesting experience. When Brad, a construction engineer got a new job, and then got sent to Southern Ontario's biggest trade show in a nearby city, and he had one problem, he did not yet have a professional assistant (secretary) to accompany him.

It was April 2005, and one of my dreams was to always go and actually participate in the world dressed as a professional female business woman. Well, after I got an email from Brad asking me if would interested in "playing" his assistant for a major trade show in a nearby city. We chatted back and forth and then I realized this was not for "play", this was for real, what he needed was a woman to be his real assistant for the day. In reality, the new firm he started was not structured to have female assistances for the senior engineers, but he was used to it in his old job, so he decided that he did not want to do without for this huge trade show.

I was thrilled and immediately contacted my spouse and told her and she said, "well you certainly have the wardrobe for it!, go for it and have a blast!". Of course my first thought was what to wear and since I have almost one entire closet dedicated to professional business wear, I had my work cut out for me. I started thumbing through the choices and kept coming back to my red "power coloured" single breasted blazer. After looking over and over at the choices I decided to go with the red blazer and started looking over what to wear with it and pulled out a white silk blouse and a well above the knee black a-line skirt, and slipped them on. I immediately knew this was the look I was going for, as it was perfect and decided on finishing the look off with sheer nude hose and 3" black kid heels.

On the week leading up to the trade show, I spent quite a bit of time looking over Brad's company's Web site, and learning as much as I could about the company, their customers, etc., to be informed. I also asked Brad for the exact details of what he would need me to do and he let me know I was basically going to be keeping detailed track of all of the people and contacts he met. I was to collect business cards, hand out his, carry and organize any of the marketing material he would gather and basically ensure all was organized at the end of the day. I also told Brad exactly what I was going to be wearing, and he got back to me and told me it was perfect and would be exactly what he would expect from a professional assistant. He also told me that after the trade show, a couple of the main suppliers his firm uses sent him invitations to a get together after the show in a nearby hotel and wanted to know if I wanted to go and of course I accepted!. On another note, Brad and I chatted back and forth and decided for fun that for the day I was not going to be "Joyce" to one of his favorite professional assistants in the past, and that was a cute woman named, Corrine. I loved the idea and thought it would make the whole day and experience even more special, so I had to get used to the fact that for the day my name was going to be Corrine Lawrence.

I was getting excited thinking about the trade show and being able to spend the entire day with Brad in a role I always wanted to be in, and then got an email from Brad on the Tuesday before the Saturday that made me even more excited about the day. Brad told me that he checked the invitations again for the after parties, and they both were "black tie", and that the men were fine with suits and such, but I knew what meant for the women!. I answered back and asked how we were going to pull that off, and Brad told me that one of the companies actually had got rooms for the women to change. Of course I immediately knew what dress I was going to be wearing, and was thrilled as I never dreamt that I could get an occasion to wear this dress.

The dress I already had in mind was one I had gotten the year before off of Ebay, I love the dress, it is floor length, off the shoulder and is a blue sequined dress with the sequins over silk. I had the dress altered by my seamstress so that there was a large from slit in the front, almost to my crotch, very bold and sexy!. Problem is, except for an occasion like what Brad was going to be taking me to, a "black tie" reception, there was no place I could ever wear it out in public, except maybe a Christmas party, but not really. I told my spouse about the party and she immediately asked about changing and what I was planning on wearing. I answered her about the changing and told her about the dress I was planning on wearing and she told me that she thought the exact same thing!, and that the dress would be perfect for the occasion. So it was decided that the dress was going to be the right one and new all of the accessories that went along with it!.

The next couple of days I packed everything that was going to be necessary and knew that some things I would have to wait for the actual day, like my makeup kit, as I was going to need it for my business outfit, and would have to be packed last minute. The excitement was building to a fever pitch as the night before arrived. My spouse suggested that I sleep over that night in my room, as I would be getting up early to get ready and I might enjoy it. I did and made a very early night of it and slipped into my favorite black lingerie that Brad bought for me and cuddle up into bed and dreamt of the day ahead.

The alarm went off at 7:30am, and I got up out of bed and grabbed my comfy long terri cloth robe and headed to the bathroom, jumped into the shower and got all "squeaky clean" and then back into my robe. I headed back to my room, leaving a quiet house, as I never heard or saw Sharon, as she was still sleeping. I gathered all of my clothes for the day and laid them out on the bed and grabbed my dress for the evening which I already had back in a clothing bag with my shoes and jewelry and the special low backed and strapless bra that was going to be needed for the evening dress. I checked the clock and it was 8:15am, and knew that Brad was going to be picking me up at 9am, and quickly started to get dressed.

I started with my favorite white lace bra, and pure white lace and satin panties, part of the matching set. I then put on some short white satin gloves and carefully put on a pair of ultra sheer toe to waist nude pantyhose. I managed to get them on without a snag, and instead of doing what I usually do, wearing a lower pair of heels while I put on my makeup, decided that I would wear the heels I was going to be wearing all day, my 3" black kid heels and slipped them on. I then went into my bathroom and slowly started putting on my makeup, I knew it was a special time and took extra care not to put on too much eyeliner, and just the right amount of eye shadow. I finished my eyes off with a health coat of mascara to make my lashes as big as possible. Next was a healthy coating of blush to give me a glow and then a light coat of my "business" lipstick, light "pinkish-red". I looked over my makeup job and thought I did a great job, perfect for a Saturday, yet would compliment the business look I was going for.

I slipped off my robe and decided it was time to get dressed, and before I did, I grabbed my Obsession perfume and put on a very light dab behind my ears and on my wrists on my breasts. I then grabbed for my white silk blouse and slipped it on and as I was doing it up realized that my bra was visible through the sheer white material and decided that I needed a camisole and grabbed one of my brand new full front lace camisoles and slipped it on. I looked at myself in the mirror and really liked what I saw, the lace was even more visible than the bra, but I knew it would have been more accepted if noticed. I then grabbed the skirt and slipped it on, and once it was on, hiked it a little more so that it was about 3" above me knees, not a mini, but sexy all the same. Finally was the red blazer and as did it up and looked at myself in the mirror I knew the look was amazing. I finished the look off with jewelry, which was already chosen, long dangly gold earrings, a gold anklet on my right ankle and all of my favorite rings, and yes, that mean my Wedding rings, I was going to be a "Ms.", on this day. Once I was all set, I strutted in front of the mirror and really like what I saw!. I then grabbed the nail polish that was the same colour and shade of the lipstick I was going to be wearing for the evening reception, which was a darker reddish pink. For the final touch was my silver charm bracelet, and it was the one that I had all of my lesbian referencing charms and such on, one of my favorites.

I grabbed my purse and then the clothing bag for the evening and took them both upstairs. It was 10 minutes before Brad arrived and Sharon was sitting on the couch in her pajamas, reading and gave me a whistle and told me that I looked amazing and I was going to be a hit. As I was talking with her, to my horror I looked out the window and it was snowing like crazy!. She saw me gasp and told me that it was alright, the walk to the car was only wet and I would be good when Brad arrived, I was not convinced but trusted her. She got up off the couch and was smiling and said, "I got something for you to make you more proper as an executive assistant", she asked me to sit down and proceeded to work with my hair and pulled it back and added a black "scrunchie" to give it a different look and then she went and came back with a bag, it was from a local Drug store and pulled out a pair of women's stylish glasses (just glass nothing else). I protested and she told me to try them and see what the whole look was like. I walked over the full length mirror in the living room and when I saw myself I nearly died!, I saw my 5th grade teacher!. I looked at myself over and over and she came up behind me and said, "now!, Ms. Lawrence, you look the part, and make sure you take of the glasses and let out your hair for the black tie reception". I hugged her and thanked her and told her I was looking forward to the day and she gave me a little kiss and smile and told me, remember, just like when you were a Bridesmaid, big smiles, Brad will want a friendly assistance on his side.

I told her I would and went downstairs to my room to grab my regular purse for the day and started checking to ensure that I had everything for the day when I heard talking upstairs and realized that Brad had arrived. I Looked myself over in the mirror and made sure my skirt was straight and then took a deep breath and headed upstairs. Brad was chatting with Sharon and Sharon had my coat, Brad noticed me and gave me a whistle as well and I spun around for him and then he walked towards me and told me how much he loved the look. He looked amazing, sharp and dapper in a blue suit, light blue shirt and a red tie, he definitely was dressed for success, and I knew he wore the tie to match my jacket and I loved it. He wrapped me in his arms and brought my face into his and we merged into a long kiss, and I felt his hands wrap around my waist as he caressed my bottom. Sharon gave out a cough and we broke our kiss I looked over at Sharon and she was smiling and then back to Brad and reminded him that for the day we could not carry on like that and he whispered in my ear that I had already got him hot and just smiled back, and said, "shall we get going sir?". He smiled back and said, "of course Ms. Lawrence", he offered me his arm and then grabbed my long winter coat from Sharon and then helped me slip into it. Sharon handed him the dress bag with my change of clothes for the reception and then we headed out the door for the car, but not before Sharon gave me a little hug and told me, "remember smile and have fun". I told her I would and out into the wet and snowy weather I went with Brad opening the door of the car for me.

I slid in and as Brad was putting my dress bag in the trunk I realized that even though it was wet and snowing, I found Brad's car warm and slipped off my coat and threw it the back seat. I then slipped in and found my skirt riding way up my thighs, but decided to simply leave it and even before I had a chance to adjust it, Brad slid in the car and made a comment on how sexy my legs looked. I made no motion to slide my skirt down and offered him my hand and he started the car and started driving to the Trade show. Before we even started discussing what was going to happen for the day, he slowly moved his free hand to my silky legs and started to slowly caress them telling me how sexy and wonderful they felt. I told him I was glad and reminded him that we had a long day ahead of us and that this was for real. He kept stroking my thighs and then I started asking about what the details he really wanted me for in the day and then for me the horror of the day hit home. I realized that we would be probably walking the entire show, and when Brad told me this, I cringed at the decision I had made with my heels, as I would be walking and standing for pretty much the entire day in 3" heels!. I knew I could not change if I wanted to at that point and accepted the fact and continued to talk with Brad. He told me that he brought me a note pad for taking noted and then told me what contacts that he wanted to look for the most.

As we got to the city of the show, the snowing continued and Brad drove into the parking lot of the venue of the show and I was blown away as the parking lot was packed!, and this was not a small parking lot. Brad noticed how surprised I was and offered to drop me off at the door and I accepted. As we got to the door Brad stopped the car and came around to open my door and helped me out and I decided to leave my coat in the car and grabbed my purse and carefully slid out of the car, making sure I did not expose my crotch. I stood up and could see Brad was dying to give me a kiss, but there was too many people around and told me he would be right back and that he would meet me inside. I walked towards the door hearing my heels clicking and really loved the sound and as I walked to the door a gentleman opened it for me and I entered the crowded lobby and waiting for Brad.

As I stood there I started looking around and a feeling of dread started to come over me as I looked around. There I was a woman, in a skirt that was above the knee, showing a fair amount of leg, in heels that were showing them off even more and all made up to look pretty in a huge lobby of basically people dressed in jeans and such and the majority being men. To say I was uncomfortable was an understatement, I kept on saying to myself, "we are not in Kansas anymore", was I getting looks, oh yea, was I feared I was being "read", yep, but when I looked around, I could see that all of the men looking at me were staring me up and down, especially my legs. I was getting really nervous and then I heard Brad come up behind me and touch my shoulders and say quietly, "ready for the show Ms. Lawrence". I turned around and there was Brad, I wanted to hug and kiss him, but knew that was not possible; he handed me the pad and told me to follow him. As we walked I could see that I definitely was in an environment I was WAY overdressed for, and as we checked in I was glad to see that the women at least behind the desk were dressed for business. As I looked around could see a few other men in suits walking around, but they were few and far between, and except for the girls behind the registration desk, I never saw another woman in a skirt, which started to get me nervous.

After checking us in, Brad handed me a badge to pin to my jacket, and I smiled when it had my full name on it and the name of Brad's company. Brad then smiled at me and asked if I was ready to go and the girls at the desk told us to enjoy the show. As we walked Brad could see that I was nervous and asked what it was and I told him I WAY overdressed for the show, and he laughed and said, "don't worry, dressing professionally is the way the people running the booths know if you are worth dealing with, for the firm it is probably worth $200 to $300 thousand dollars in business, you will do the company proud". So we were off, and as we entered the main area of the show I was blown away!, from what I could see the show was in what looked like a hockey arena, and from the length of it maybe two!. I could already feel my legs and feet hurting already!, I basically started following Brad around as he went from booth to booth. At first I was always looking around and again, all I could see was a sea of men in jeans all staring at my legs and heels. I was very distracted until the point that we were in the second or third booth and Brad said to me, somewhat directly, "Ms. Lawrence a business card please", I was jolted to reality and quickly got into the role and apologized with "I am sorry sir" and pulled out a business card and smiled as I handed it to the man running the booth.

After that, I realized that I did not care about who was staring at me for whatever reason, I knew for a fact I had to work as Brad's business assistant and secure contacts for his job. I quickly got serious as we went from booth to booth and gathered cards, handed out cards and wrote down every detail I could, and remembered what Sharon said, "smile", and got lots of smiles and looks up and down from the men in the booths and finally started to notice the women in the booths and they were dressed for business in skirts and some in really sharp business dresses. It was about 12 or 15 booths in and finally I found another woman dressed for business like I was, it was as we entered a booth and she was looking around and she spotted me and came to me and introduced her self and complimented me on my outfit. She was in a black jacket, matching knee length skirt, red blouse and sheer black hose and about 1 ½" clunky black heels. Her makeup was perfect like mine and she too was carrying a pad of paper, I caught a glimpse that her name was Pauline, and before I knew it, I looked over and Brad was shaking the hand of another man in a suit and they were laughing together. I looked back and was about to start introductions of the woman when I heard Brad and the man he was with call out, "ladies come over here". The woman and I looked at each other and than started towards the guys, our heels clicking and as we approached could see both men smiling. Brad then approached Pauline and gave her a hug and a light kiss and said it was really nice to see her again.

I had a bit of a puzzled look on my face, but figured that Brad knew who she was and took the lead and introduced me to Pauline and Mark, who he used to work with at his old place of work. At first I was thinking "are you nuts, this is your career", but went along with it. After Pauline and I gathered the business cards and took notes the 4 of us headed to the next booth and I walked slow enough to talk to Brad privately and asked him if he was nuts and knew what he was doing and he quietly told me that everything was fine. He explained that Pauline was not his personal assistant, but an ex-colleague Mark's, and that I looked perfect and we were going to be a great team of professional assistants as the rest of the show went on.

Well, that started another part of the trade show for me and that was interacting with another woman dressed as special as me and had a man that she had to look after in the business professional manner. Time flew as we went from booth to booth, I knew what Brad was looking for and was getting information about in one part of my brain (the male part), but in my professional assistant role, I played dumb and did what I was told. The routine was pretty much the same, Pauline and I would walk behind the guys as they entered the booth, we would look around and look somewhat interested, but once the guys started talking to people in the booths we would be right there to hand out and collect business cards, collect material and take notes. In between those times, I got to know Pauline, she was 24, and was single, we got to compliment each other over and over about our outfits and then thank heavens at one point she asked if I needed to use the ladies room. Now, I definitely did not need to use the ladies room for the "call of nature", but the thought of sitting on a seat, be it a toilet seat sounded like heaven to me.

We looked around and saw a ladies room sign in the distance and told the boys we had to use the ladies room, and left them at a booth and then started walking, and I loved hearing her heels clicking with mine as we walked. We continued talking and getting to know one another and she then started talking about Brad and how much of a hunk he was and the fact that she flirted with him in the past and that she got no where and was disappointed when he got engaged. I was laughing so hard inside and will never forget the comment, "I don't know how you can be his assistant, I would be all over hitting on him", I laughed along and told her I was happily married and although he was a hunk, he was not my type. She looked at me a little funny, but we continued on and then into the ladies room.

Now, I have been in ladies rooms of all types and can say that this was of the "shopping mall" class, nothing fancy and just a row of stalls and a long mirrored and sink area. As I looked around I could see that there were about 3 girls at the mirrors checking their hair and such, and I was pleased to see two of them were in skirts and business attire, but low clunky heels. Both Pauline and I found stalls and as I entered I hung up my purse and sat down on the toilet, without lifting my skirt, and felt a sting in my feet as I took off the pressure from standing. I could feel the aching in my calves and then reached down and pulled off my heels and started rubbing my stocking covered feet. I looked down and could see I had no girls next to me and just sat there and rubbed my feet. I heard stall doors open and close and knew that the timing would be about right and that Pauline would have been one of them and decided to not raise suspicion and slipped my heels back on and then grabbed my purse and headed to the mirror. I saw Pauline standing there fluffing out her hair and then she was digging in her purse for her lipstick, and I joined her at her side and started doing the same. She saw me in the mirror and we smiled and I loved watching her stare at me as I applied another coat of lipstick, but as I was concentrating on my lips, I noticed her staring at my charm bracelet. As I put the cap on my lipstick and packed up my purse, she was doing the same and made the comment, "interesting charm bracelet", I said nothing and just smiled back but knew she was thinking after seeing it.

As we walked back to the booth, I could tell she was on a mission to find out more about me and started asking how much I knew about Brad and eventually I told her that all I knew was that he was attractive married and happy and then she made a comment that floored me. She said, I have heard that Brad is, "quite the man, if you know what I mean", I played stupid and told her that I had no clue what she was talking about and then blurted out, "I have heard that he has quite the package in his pants". At first I had no clue how to respond and laughed and quickly said, "where do you hear that"?, she told me that it was one of the girls in the office that used to date him years ago and then left the company told her, and that it was long before he was engaged. This was all too weird for me, but played along, and then she started on asking me about my husband and if I had kids and everything, but decided that would have some fun and told her all about my "husband". I told her how wonderful "he" was and the fact we did not want kids and we were happy living together, and then made up and entire story of what "he" did and how gorgeous "he" was. Pauline nodded along and said, "I am so glad that you are happy, I hope to find a man that special in my life one day", and I assured her that she would.

We found the boys two booths down from where we left them and they said that it was "about time" we showed up and both gave them a piece of our mind about how long we women take to look good. We all laughed and continued on, booth after booth, now my legs and heels were starting to really feel it, and it was approaching 1pm, now I was not feeling hungry, but should have but was concentrating so much on managing the pain in my feet and making sure Brad was getting the assistance he needed. We came to a vendor cart at the center of the trade show and the boys asked us what we wanted and they were going for the hotdogs, but Pauline and I wanted nothing to do with that and decided on splitting a chicken pita wrap, we both asked for a glass of apple juice to drink.

So the boys went off and left Pauline and I to chat, we looked around and there was no place to sit down, but the area had tables you could stand up and eat at, and we went and stood by one. As we waited for the boys to come back with food, Pauline and I chatted and she kept staring down at my charm bracelet and I was watching her and knew it was coming and she said, "I really find your bracelet interesting, mind if I look"?. I pulled up my sleeve and then she gently grabbed my wrist and started moving the bracelet around and then started asking questions about the charms. I knew what she was up to as she asked questions about the generic ones, the "Bridesmaid", the "Bride", the "Cheerleader" charm, but then came to the one charm on my bracelet that I knew piqued her interest and was the "two women embracing" charm. She looked me in the eyes and said, "does your husband know you have this on your bracelet"?. I decided that I would "come clean" and said, "of course SHE does", Pauline put her hand over her mouth and with wide eyes said, "Oh my God!", I just smiled back and told her that it was alright. She went on and on about how she would have never guessed that I was a Lesbian and she felt terrible about making the comments about Brad and so and so forth. I assured her it was alright and she also kept on saying, "but you look so pretty, how?", it was about that time I could see Brad and Mark coming towards us with food and I told Pauline that Brad or no one at work knew and to please keep it quiet.

Pauline's face was red with embarrassment as the boys came back with the food and I was not happy having to stand in heels for the duration of eating lunch, but I did and rocked back and forth to ease the pain. We all chatted and it was civil conversation, but I kept looking over at Pauline and could see that she was thinking about who and what I was and kept looking me up and down. Eventually we all finished and Pauline looked at me and suggested a trip to the ladies room and I knew my lips would need fixing and agreed to join her. We headed off looking for a washroom and eventually found a sign in the distance and started walking towards it. Once we were out of earshot of the boys, Pauline started drilling me with questions, not in a negative way, but more to learn about me and my Lesbian relationship with my spouse. I answered all of her questions and had a blast doing it, the overwhelming question of "you are too pretty to be a Lesbian", kept coming up, I just kept laughing inside. We eventually got to the ladies room and as we entered, I could see that it was the same as the first one we went in, but smaller, and found a stall and quickly sat down and did my business, taking care pulling up and down my pantyhose. I was first out and was fluffing out my hair when Pauline came up beside me, I smiled at her and she started doing the same. I then pulled out my lipstick and touched up my lips and as Pauline pulled out her lipstick, she looked over at me and said quietly, "I never knew Lesbians wore lipstick", I smiled back and just kept applying my lipstick. After I packed my lipstick away, I looked over at Pauline and she too was packing hers away and we left he ladies room and back to the area that the boys were waiting for us.

On the way back Pauline was still asking questions about my lifestyle and such and I had a ton of fun explaining, but as we got back to the boys, I asked her to not talk about it and she said it was my secret and she would not. When we got back to the food area, both men of course commented on how we women take so long to go to the bathroom, and as Mark and Pauline walked ahead of us Brad leaned down and whispered how sexy and luscious my lips looks and how he would love to kiss them. I looked back at him and just smiled and glanced down at his crotch and could see he was straining at the front of his pants. We then continued on and the routine of the booths happened again, and I was literally walking slower as my feet and calves were absolutely aching!. As we went into the different booths I kept on following Brad and as I did my job, kept people watching and saw at least a few more girls dressed for business in skirts and such, but saw enough men and women in jeans to "sink a battleship". Finally 5pm came and I was so glad as my calves and legs were long over being sore and I was so glad to hear the announcement that the show was over and waited for Brad and Mark to finish up the last booth they were in and then they came to Pauline and I and we commented on how glad we were that it was over.

The four of us started walking towards the entrance of the show, which was a long, long walk, as we walked well behind the boys, Pauline asked me if I was going to the reception and I told her I was and she asked if I knew were I was changing. I told her that I was told that the company had booked a room for people to change and that is where I was planning on changing. She smiled back at me and asked if I had something special planned to wear for the reception, and I smiled at her and told her, "oh just wait and see what I have planned". She laughed with me and said, "Oh I can just imagine what a Lesbian at a cocktail party will look like". I told her I was waiting for a chance to wear this dress I had in my closet and she laughed harder and said, "sorry, I envisioned you in a tux, not a dress", I laughed back and told her that she was going to have to change her perspective of Lesbians after today, and she laughed back and said she already had started. When we got to the doors, I was blown away at how much snow that had accumulated!, it was April already!. Brad and Mark went and got the cars, saving the walk to the cars in the snow with our heels on.

They came and parked in front of the doors and Pauline and I went out and they both opened our doors for us and I slid in and allowed my skirt to ride up and even tugged it higher to expose maximum leg. As Brad slid in, he could see what I had done and as Mark and Pauline drove off, leaned over and grabbed my head and moved his lips to mine and started kissing me like no tomorrow. Before I knew it he was caressing my legs and then moaning and telling me how hot he was, his tongue was snaking in and out of my mouth and I reciprocated, I reached down and slowly caressed hi very hard member straining against him pants. I broke the kiss and told him that we have to get going as Mark and Pauline were going to wonder where we were. He begged to go someplace so I could take care of him, but he came back to reality when he started thinking with the right head, and realized that it was more than daylight and the only option we had was in the back seat of the car. I grabbed some tissue in my purse and gave it to him to clean off my lipstick on his face. I also cleaned myself up as he drove and eventually we got to the hotel for the reception, it was rather close, only about 5 minutes of a drive away.

Brad dropped me off at the door of the hotel and told me that he would bring my dress bag back when he parked the car. I walked into the lobby of the hotel and was impressed, it was an upscale hotel, a Hilton actually, and the chandelier in the lobby told me it was upscale. I grabbed one of the very comfy chairs in the lobby to rest my feet and legs and wait for Brad, and looked around could see some of the couples heading to the Reception, and already was getting excited as some of the women I saw were already in evening gowns and from what I saw, knew what I picked would fit right in. Brad came into the lobby and asked if I was ready to go and told him I was and then we walked to the front desk and he asked about the change room that had been arranged and we were told they were on the second floor, and there was 3, two for women and one for men. We got into the elevator and we were not alone, and headed up to the second floor and found the rooms, Brad handed me my dress bag and I smiled at him and told him that would be as quick as possible and he quietly whispered he was looking forward to seeing what I picked and I smiled at him and told him that he would not be disappointed in the least.

I then entered one of the rooms that had a "ladies" sign on the door and was not sure what I was expecting, but it was not a bunch of women standing around in lingerie, lounging and changing. Rather it was women either in clothes from the trade show, or already in the their dresses. One of the women who already was in a lovely long powder blue gown and strappy heels came and greeted me and asked if I was there to change for the reception and I told her I was and she told me that both the bathroom and the en-suite bedroom here occupied, but I was welcome to go in next to either when they came free, and told me there was champagne near the window of the room if I wanted. I hung up my dress back along side of a few other dress bags and went and got a glass of champagne. I was smiling and making eye contact with some of the other women and was about to talk with one, when the bathroom door opened and out came Pauline, who already had changed. She was wearing a hunter green figure hugging spaghetti strapped dress, the front drooped down that showed off her cleavage nicely. She had darkened her makeup, her pouty red lips looked very kissable and she added pearls and pearl drop earrings and was wearing matching elbow length satin gloves. She had teased her hair up and looked very elegant, her heels were strappy and higher than the ones she wore during in the day and she was carrying a dainty hunter green satin clutch purse.

I did have a chance to look her up and down but only briefly and she gave me a knowing smile. As she came out, she turned around and asked if I could finish zipping her up and I did and noticed she was wear a black lacy strapless bra. I grabbed my dress bag and about that time the en-suite door opened and another girl came out changed and another mentioned she needed the washroom, so decided to take the en- suite to change. I smiled at a few other women standing around and entered the room and put my dress bag on the bed and looked around and smiled right away as it fell so feminine. The smell of perfume was in the air from the last few women that had changed and the well lighted makeup mirror and stool, it reminded me so much of Stage West and the times I sat and did my makeup, I was in heaven. I could hear more women outside the doors and knew I could not take that long and quickly unpacked all of the accessories I would need for my dress and than started to undress. I stripped down to my panties and pantyhose and removed my earrings and then slipped on my uncomfortable strapless bra, and then grabbed for my dress, but not before dousing myself with more Obsession perfume, which definitely would get smelled. I slipped it on and then zipped it up as far as it could go and then slipped on the 4" sparkly silver heels, removed my glasses and black scrunchie and fluffed out my hair and then grabbed my makeup bag and sat down and started working on my look darker and more elegant. I applied thicker eyeliner and then darker blue eye shadow to match the dress and then a darker coating of blush. Finally, I put on my long dangly blue sparkly earrings, and sparkly earrings, I finished the jewelry off with my sparkly gold watch. I was just packing all of my makeup in my little silver sparkly clutch purse and noticed I had not applied my new darker formal reddish lipstick and grabbed for the "colour last lipstick", and applied a nice coat and sealed it, and I was done.

I packed up my clothes in the clothes bag and then put it all away and then looked at myself in the mirror and then twirled around and loved the look. I grabbed my purse and bag and headed out into the room, and the first to see me was Pauline and she put her hand over her mouth and turned as I came out and the followed me to the front door of the room and I could tell she was checking me out, and a few of the other women who already changed had started to compliment me as I walked towards the door, I smiled back and thanked them. As we left the room, both Brad and Mark complimented us over and over on how we looked. We walked to the elevator, I could see that Brad was more than enjoying my look as I quickly glanced down to his crotch. When we got to the elevator, Brad took my dress bad and told me he would put it in the car, and Mark did the same for Pauline. That left Pauline and I alone and she started gushing over me and telling me that I looked better than her, and loved the slit on the front of my dress and how it showed off my sexy legs. Again, she made the comment that she never thought Lesbians were supposed to look so good. After a couple of absolutely stunning 30 something women walked by us, dressed to the nines with their handsome partners by their sides. We caught each other staring, and then started to giggle, and she made the comment, "now that is something, wonder if they all knew they were being 'checked out'", I giggled back and admitted I was not checking out the women, more the fashions they were wearing. She laughed a little more and said, "oh and the fact the one girl had her breasts barely covered never caught your attention?", I smiled back and said, "no, not really, but I could definitely tell how cold she was without a bra on". She laughed and told me I was terrible and it was about that time the guys came back and off we went to the reception.

I personally have never been to anything like this before, so I will have to describe what I saw, it was a well lit large room, with servers walking around with trays of finger foods, and others with trays of wine filled glasses. I grabbed a glass and then with clutch purse in hand, started following Brad around, we lost Pauline and Mark in the crowd, but before I knew it, Brad was introducing me to people and I remembered what Sharon said and just kept smiling and exchanging pleasantries, and almost all of the women I was introduced to complimented me on my dress, and I of course returned the compliment even if I thought the outfit was horrible. The place was packed, I guessed about 200 or so people, all of the men in suits and all of the women dressed to the nines. As I looked around, I saw so many different styles of dresses and outfits, some were very sexy and some were just too funny to look at, with long sweeping trains to feathers. I also kept looking over shoes and the most predominant style was strappy heels, some clunky and some higher than mine, very few women I saw were in heels that were stiletto like mine. Speaking of heels and legs, and calves, I do not know what was worse, the day or the evening, as standing still in one place in 4" heels for hours sure was painful.

Pauline found me and asked how I was and I told her quietly my legs and feet and calves were killing me and she giggled a little and told me she could not figure out how I lasted today and told me that it was time for a trip to the ladies room. I did not really have to go, but excused my self from Brad, and never one to turn down a trip to the ladies room, followed Pauline out of the reception and then into the lobby, and she said she knew were to go and to follow her. As we entered the ladies room, a flood of memories of New Years eve came flooding back as the room was laid out almost the 100% the same, way and as I looked around, I saw that there were TWO huge leather couches in the main room, and a few women sitting on them. I whispered to Pauline that I did not have to use the facilities and she smiled and told me she did not either I followed her over to one of the couches and felt relieved as I sat down, and saw that I did not take care of the slit on my dress and pretty much left all of my leg, almost up to my thigh exposed. As Pauline sat down next to me, she smiled and looked my legs and whispered, "very nice". Sitting down was incredible for my feet and I reached down and did not care, but slipped out of my heels and started rubbing my feet, it felt Sooooooo good. After I slipped my heels back on, I looked over and Pauline was checking her lipstick, and I opened my clutch purse and grabbed my compact and decided to do the same, but even with all of the eating and drinking my "long last lipstick", was still perfect. After I packed my clutch purse, I chatted with Pauline and she told me all about her outfit, and I loved hearing all about it. I also liked watching the other women coming out of the stalls area and then sitting down at the vanities and touching up their makeup and fluffing out their hair and then finally to one of the large floor length mirrors adjusting their outfits, before heading back to the reception.

Pauline and I started talking about this and that, we lost track of time and I glanced at my watch and realized we had been in the ladies room for over 30 minutes!, I also noticed it was 12:45am!, I guess when I checked the time when we went into the ladies room I had no clue what time it actually was, no wondering my legs were killing me, I calculated almost 16 hours almost straight in heels. I closed my eyes and could hear Sharon in my head telling me how foolish I was with my choice of heels for the day. Pauline and I quickly decided to get back to the party and she got up and I tried, but my heels were to high to elegantly get out of the couch and stand out, without exposing my panties to everyone one in the ladies room. Pauline saw this and offered a gentle hand and helped me up, we then made our way to the full length mirrors and adjusted our dresses and then headed back to the reception. It took a while of walking around and eventually we found Brad, Mark was no where in sight, but Pauline left me with him and went off, and that was to be the last time I saw Pauline for the evening. It was funny as I approached Brad, he was flirting with a 20 something girl in a short sexy dress, very cute and very single. He heard my heels and turned and said, "Oh hi Ms. Lawrence, this is Stephanie, and Stephanie, this is Corrine my assistant". We shook hands and looked each other over and complimented each other on our outfits. Stephanie left and then I quietly asked Brad if he was ready to leave and he told me that he had to say goodbye to a few people and that I should follow him.

So, going on now umpteen hours in heels and no sitting, I was not really happy but followed Brad around smiling and shaking hands goodbye and then eventually, I looked at him, with a pleading look and he told me it was time to go. I told Brad I had to make one last trip to the ladies room, and started walking to out of the hall and to the lobby and then to the ladies room. As I entered I could see that it was not very busy at all and headed to the other part and found a stall and sat down and sat down and did my business, after I was done, I carefully pulled up my pantyhose and then smoothed out my dress and headed out to the vanity area and grabbed a seat, and there was lots to choose from as I was the only one sitting down and adjusting my makeup. I saw my lips needed a little touching up, as I wanted them to be perfect for Brad and then also fluffed out my hair and applied a little more perfume. I looked at my watch as I backed up my clutch purse and saw that it was approaching 2am, and met Brad in the lobby, and he had my coat and told me he already had gone and got the car. He helped me on with my coat and we walked out to the car, he opened my door and I could see that he had lust in his eyes and a looked down and saw a bulge in his pants.

I slid in and allowed my dress slit to fully expose my leg and opened my coat for Brad. After Brad slid in, I could see that he noticed that I was showing myself for him, and knew he was hot, but could not do anything as we were in front of the entrance and lots of people were around. As we drove to leave the parking lot of the Hotel, nothing was said, nothing as Brad drove, his caressing of my silky legs told me that he was very hot. Instead of heading for the exit to the road, Brad pulled around back of the hotel to the back parking lot and went to as far away as we could and parked. I was about to ask what he was doing, and he leaned over and grabbed my head and pulled my lips to his and started kissing me like no tomorrow, his tongue snaking in and out of my mouth. He was caressing my legs and groaning like crazy, and I slowly reached down as we kissed and caressed his crotch that was absolutely straining against his pants and he desperately begged me to unzip his fly and take care of him. I broke our passionate kiss and told him that I would love to but a couple of problems, firstly, I was not going to be bending over a stick shift, nor was I going to risk getting caught in public performing a sexy act. He then, through his heavy breathing came to his senses, and I told him that when he got me home I would be more than glad to take care of him. He calmed down and agreed and started driving back, and I was glad and told him to concentrate on driving as it was late and it was a hour to get home.

As we drove, Brad kept on telling me how he hated how I teased him all evening and he continued to caress my silky legs and he drove. Now the drive was long and it was a lot of highway driving and I was exhausted and found myself falling in and out of napping, only to be woken up on occasion by Brad's caresses on my silky legs. As we turned off the highway to the exit to my house, I awoke fully and could tell that Brad was getting more and more excited as we approached the house. He asked about me taking him in the house and told him, that I really did not want to, as Sharon was most likely be sleeping. He was a little disappointed, but I knew that I wanted to service him orally and mentioned that the back seat was big and a nice place. He smiled and said, "just like being teenagers, are you sure", I smiled and squeezed the large bulge in his pants and licked my lips. It was not long before we pulled into our driveway and could see that our house and the neighbor's house had the lights off. He was really hot and I asked him to keep the car running and he leaned over gave me a long and lingering kiss and kept caressing my legs. He got out and came around to open my door, and I stepped out, night in the snow in my heels, but did not care and slipped off my coat and slid into the back seat. After Brad closed my door, he rushed around and slid in the other side.

To say he was hot was an understatement and we immediately started kiss like no tomorrow, his hands all over me and I had to stop him and remind him to slow down and be careful with the dress, as the sequins were delicate. He was caressing my legs and groaning over and over, and I reached down and slowly started caressing the bulge in the front of his pants, which made him groan even more. Brad could take no more and as we kissed, I felt him reach down and before I knew it, without missing a beat while kissing, he pulled down his pants and underwear to his knees. I reached down and slowly started caressing the massive member, feeling the pre-cum and using it for lubricant as I slowly caressed him up and down. He was stiff as a rock and could tell he was more than hot, he broke our kiss and said nothing, but grabbed the back of my head and gently pushed it down towards his waiting member. I slowly lowered my wanting lips to the head of his wet and waiting member. I got comfortable and then stuck out my tounge and started cleaning all of the pre-cum that had formed, and there was a bunch.

I then started licking and sucking and could hear Brad groaning and could feel his hands on the back of my head as I bobbed up and down, and I did what I usually do and feather my tongue up and down his shaft, while caressing his balls with one hand and stroking the head of his cock with the other. He was really groaning and moaning and it was only about 5 minutes of licking and sucking and I could tell he was getting close to coming and moved my mouth to the head of his cock and he started groaning and calling out my name and unlike New Years Eve, I did not tease him to prolong his orgasm and continued. It was about the second time he called my name when I felt the first blast from his cock hit the back of my throat. I quickly started slurping up what Brad was feeding me and it did not stop there, it went on for at least 30 seconds and I struggled to keep up with the blast after blast of cum Brad was feeding me. He eventually stopped and I took time and cleaned him up, slowly licking up and down his shaft, but this time it was different, after I was done, I started to slow sit up and Brad was not moving his hands off my head and moaned over and over, "no more, more, more", and he pushed my head down and I slowly start to lick and suck him.

I was shocked, within about 1 minute, his huge member came to life again, and I started all over again, licking and sucking and caressing him, and he kept groaning and moaning my name and the name Corinne, I was having fun listening to him and was licking and sucking for a very long time, he would get super hard, then soft, then super hard, then eventually there was no soft and he stayed hard and then I was getting tired and wanted to finish him off and started pumping up and down and licking faster and faster. I eventually heard him build to a fever pitch and then grabbed my head and held into place and before I knew it he started to cum, and it was not that long or hard, but I slurped up all that he had to offer. When he calmed down I started to clean him up and he was definitely done and could feel him being very sensitive as be was jerking from being so sensitive as I licked.

I sat up and started fluffing out my hair and then eventually adjusting my dress and such and looked over at Brad who was panting and he looked over at me and then leaned over and kissed me on the cheek and thanked me for the release. I was smiling as I watched him pull his pants and underwear back up, when he was done asked if I was ready to go into the house and I smiled and hold him I was, he then leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek and got out of his side of the car and came and opened my door. I grabbed my clutch purse and coat and he surprised me and as I stepped out, he swooped me into him arms and proceeded to carry me to the back door, saving me from walking in the snow in my heels. As we got to the back door, he let me down and as I fumbled for the keys, Brad went and got my dress bag from the car and just as I found the keys and opened the door, Brad came and walked with me into the house. I thanked him for a wonderful day (never told him anything about the throbbing in my thighs), he gave me a light kiss on my cheek and then left me in the kitchen as he left.

I looked at the clock and was blown away, it was 3:15am!, I opened the fridge and needed something to clean out my mouth and found a cooler that Sharon had in the fridge and opened it and started drinking it. I kicked off my heels and felt the pain shoot up and down my feet and thighs and then grabbed my heels and the dress bag and purse and headed down to my bedroom for some much needed sleep. I got to my bedroom, and sitting on my bed was a dozen pink roses and a card that read, "You were great tonight Corrine, thanks for helping out". I was too tired to put the flowers in a vase, and just slipped out of my dress and into the lacy black lingerie that Brad had bough me almost a year ago and slipped into the lingerie and then grabbed my favorite vibrator and then slipped into bed and turned the vibrator on and started to slowly move it up and down my crotch and eventually got release with memories of the day flashing through my mind.

I quickly got up and went to the washroom and then allowed the contents of my latex vagina to drop to the shower floor and then wiped up and put on a new pair of panties and headed to my bed for a well- deserved sleep.


I tried to get out of bed around 11am the next day, but I literally could not walk. I had to call Sharon to help me up the stairs.

Sharon had a huge laugh at my expense about the fact I was wore 3" heels for the amount of time I did.

Brenda sent me an email to get together for lunch the week after the date and asked me to wear what I wore on the date out with Brad.

The evening you have read about was totally 100% reality, and was exactly what I enjoy when dating my dream date,

So here is the offer: This 37 year old, petite, passable TV, would love to entertain you if you are in my area, Toronto Ontario, as described in the story above. I love to be the girl of your dreams, and as long as I can remain the girl at all times, I would love to hear from you. I am not interested in being a TV/TS "girlfriend" and "BI" sex, but rather I will be the woman of your dreams for a wonderful and possible formal evening, I promise, you will not go home frustrated. If you are a NON-smoking male or female, that would like my company for the evening, please contact me, kisses,

Joyce Devries, My MSN:

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