Professor Chetland's Experiment

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Sep 13, 2008




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



"I'm sorry, Professor Morrison, the university computer has been scheduled for the entire day for the exclusive use of Professor Chetland." the clerk said.

"What?" Professor Morrison spluttered. "The entire computer? But, but, there should be some excess capacity...."

"Professor Chetland specifically indicated that he would need all the capacity." the clerk blithely informed him. She had heard it all before, often.

"But my experiments are at a critical point...."

The clerk cut him off again. "Then you should have come to us soon as you knew you would need the computer. Professor Chetland booked the computer nearly two weeks ago."

"But two weeks ago... Gah!" Professor Morrison gave up. He hadn't known two weeks ago that his experiments would be ready today, he hadn't known until late yesterday afternoon, in fact, that the data would be needed today. "But I must have the computer for only a few minutes...." A few hours, actually, but he was desperate here.

"Then I suggest you speak to Professor Chetland and work something out. Next!" the clerk dismissed him.

Professor Morrison grumbled as he made his way back to the laboratory building. Professor Chetland had been outperforming him ever since he grabbed that huge grant from the Winfield Foundation last year. Now he had the entire ground floor and the basement beneath and the rest of the professors had to make do with the third floor and the annex. He'd even walled off the entire ground floor and basement next to the elevator, to keep everyone out.

He called Chetland and found he had to make an appointment with his secretary. And the earliest he could get to Chetland was five o'clock that afternoon. Given it was Friday, this was hardly a prime appointment time. Basically, Chetland was probably going to hang about after work to speak with him. Not to mention it screwed up any hope of getting his experiments done today. He spent the afternoon arranging things to let him get most of the work done over the weekend (his best hope to finish things quickly without interrupting the Lord God Chetlund's use of the computer!), and spent the last hour until then chafing at the forced inactivity. Some life for a scientist!

God, he'd have to knock at the door and then beg a favor like he was homeless, or a peasant begging at the lord's feet for a boon!

Knocking at the door didn't do a damned bit of good. In frustration, Morrison tried the doorknob. Rather to his amazement (it had always been locked the last dozen times he'd tried it), the doorknob turned and the door clicked open. Feeling very much like an intruder, Morrison leaned inside and called out, "Hello? Hello?"

No answer. But a hell of a lot of machinery. Damn, Chetland had turned the ground floor from a group of well-outfitted laboratories into a warehouse that held large pieces of machinery which were humming away, wheels spinning, belts moving, lights flashing away. What the hell was all this? Morrison walked over to one belt and looked at it. It went into the basement. So did that other one. And that one.

Whatever was chewing up all this power, using all the college computer's resources, it was in the basement. So Professor Chetland would be down there as well.

Morrison walked through the place and was astonished the further he went. What was going on here? Chetland had a grant, yes, but this...what was he doing? Some sort of synthesizing process, liquids bubbled in large containers here. It looked like Chetland was running a factory here!

Ah, here were the stairs downwards. Morrison couldn't believe the way Chetland had ripped the ground floor out like he had. Not even the stairs existed except down to the basement in this one place. It ended in a corridor that led down to a single door. No other doors, no windows, only the lights overhead let him see his way. The machines' sounds came through the walls on either side. The impression of an assembly line running at full tilt was stronger than ever.

Voices on the other side of the door. At least he would find someone. All this machinery operating and nobody about was beginning to get to him. A big project usually had someone around at all hours, to keep an eye on things if nothing else.

The other side of the door was filled with voices, all right...but total darkness. Only the white rectangle of the hall light pierced this darkness, his own body forming an elongated blob in the center of it. "Hello?" he called. "Is someone in here?"

"Come on in." came the voice. Morrison relaxed, that was Professor Chetland. "We've been waiting for you."

"So why are you in the dark?" Morrison said as he went on inside. Behind him, someone closed the door, plunging him into darkness.

"Where's the light?" Morrison said, his voice uneasy. This was getting downright creepy! "I came to discuss borrowing some time from you over the weekend for my projects, your computer usage, I mean...."

"Yes, I know." Chetland's voice was right beside him.

"Uh, could you turn on the light?" Morrison said. "I can't see a thing in here; I wouldn't want to knock over something important, maybe."

"You won't knock anything over." came Chetland's voice. Only it wasn't where it was before.

"Chetland?" Morrison turned toward the new voice. "What is going on here? I realize you may want to keep your experiments secret from the rest of the faculty until you're ready to show your results, but really, can't we go somewhere else and turn on a light?"

"We'll turn on the light." came Chetland's voice. Now behind him and to the left.

"Just as soon as we're in position." came Chetland's voice again. Beside him on the right.

"Have to have everything just so, you know." This one was further away. Quite a bit further away.

"What the devil have you done here?" Morrison said. "Come up with some sort of communications system?"

A hand clamped onto his right arm. "No, nothing like that." Chetland said as his body pressed up against Morrison's back on the right side.

Another hand found his left hand and then grabbed his wrist. From the forward position, that is.

"What the devil is all this?" Morrison asked again.

More hands were grabbing him now. However many men were in the room, they were enough to overpower him easily, especially since he couldn't see them and more especially since he wasn't much of a fighter even if he had been standing in broad daylight. An ineffectual squirming was the best he could do as he was picked up and carried a short way.

"This will do." Chetland's voice said and a dim light came on. Now Morrison could see he was surrounded by a complete crowd of men. The light was over them, he couldn't see much about them except there were a lot of them...and they were all naked!

And the hands were busily working at his clothing as well. He couldn't have been stripped more efficiently if he had been actively helping them do it. One pair of hand undid one set of shoelaces and soon as they were undone, a third hand pulled his shoe off. No sooner was the shoe off than another pair of hands (or was it?) sent his sock after it. His smock was peeled from his shoulders while his tie was undone and his shirt buttons undone, all at once, it seemed like.

"What kind of sick ritual is this?" Morrison spluttered. "I thought I was coming to speak to a scientist, not a devil-worshipper."

A chorus of laughters greeted that remark. Their tone was...odd. Like one man's voice recorded laughing, and then played from various speakers from various points so they weren't in synch, but still, you knew it was the same man's voice.

"No devil worship here." Chetland assured him. Morrison looked up and could just make out Chetland's face on one of the men. His eyes were adjusting to the near-darkness. "Just an odd side-effect of my experiment."

"What, did you lose your clothes as a side-effect?" Morrison said.

"Not at all." Chetland said, from another point. Morrison turned his head and saw...Chetland! But Chetland was over...yes, he was! Morrison looked back and forth between the two.

"What have you done?" he whispered.

"Think how often mistakes happen in a project due to lack of communication." Chetland said. In stereo sound. Morrison looked around and saw even more Chetlands around him. They were ALL Chetland! How many versions of himself did he have here?

"Clones?" He said.

"Clones of a sort, yes." Chetland said. "We exist in continuous and complete synchronization with each other. It's like having a dozen heads, two dozen eyes, two dozen hands, legs, feet."

"As well as other organs." another couple of Chetlands put in. "The hormones do seem to be cumulative in effect."

"Hormones?" Morrison whimpered.

"Yes, the sexual desire seems to be increased a dozen-fold here. I started with a dozen copies of myself, built them up out of organic components, using my own DNA for the blueprint. I didn't want to bring out a pile of babies all crapping their pants, but the variation in the gamma factor took care of that. So, a dozen adult bodies, all of my own, and my own brainwaves imprinted as we went along. I didn't expect to be so totally immersed in the experience, mind you, I simply thought I'd have independent copies of myself. Somehow, the mind adjusted to it, encompassed the several forms and integrated them. Fascinating."

"But...which one is you?" Morrison asked. He was completely naked now, his briefs had just been pulled from off his ankles.

"I really am not at all sure." Chetland said. "I seem to have lost myself in the crowd, as it were."

"This is madness." Morrison protested. God, now one of the Chetlands had hold of his cock and was stroking it, bringing it up and awake. Another finger was prodding at his anus. Another cock was rubbing at his shoulder, two more at his sides, left and right, the left at his ribs and the right near the thigh. "Why are you...molesting me like this?"

"My dear Professor Morrison, as I explained, the desire is multiplied here. I knew you were coming by and the simple, rather pale and amiable physical attraction I have felt for you all along seems to have turned into a sort of group lust."

"I just wanted to talk to you about using the computer this weekend, for a couple of hours." Morrison said. God, his cock was harder than ever now, one of the Chetlands had dived down and was sucking on it! Another Chetland's cock was now brushing his cheek. "I didn't come down here to be part of an orgy!"

"I know you didn't." Chetland said and the sighs that slipped from everyone's lips was like a gust of wind. "But I really find myself beyond control at this point. It was all I could do to turn off the light when I realized you were approaching. Besides, I really can't think of any better way to test the mind-bond I have with all these clones than to see if it endures climax or not. You don't mind helping out a fellow scientist for a few minutes, do you, Professor Morrison? In exchange for full use of the computer this weekend?"

It was a testimony to Professor Morrison's devotion to his project that he hesitated. If all he had to do was... "I hadn't thought about it like that." he said. Considering he was getting one great blowjob just now, he felt he was understating quite a lot!

"Know that I like you." Professor Chetland said. "I'm sorry it's blown all out of proportion like this, but I really can't help myself. I'm a victim of exponential increase here. I would have started with a dinner invitation, I just wanted to finish this experiment first before I got started on anything."

"I guess I can understand that." panted Professor Morrison. Now the cock was right at his mouth. Another was poised to insert itself (it felt lubricated at least!) into his anus. "I suppose, in the interest of science, we can make an exception here."

And that was all the Chetlands needed. A cock shoved itself into his mouth and the one at his ass began to prod itself at his sphincter. Another hand guided his own down to another Chetland cock, urged him to wrap his fingers around it.

"For me to really explore this part of the group mind." Chetland panted. "I need to feel everything at one time. If you would be so kind, Professor Morrison...."

And Morrison began to suck on the cock in his mouth, let the one at his ass plunge on in (it was doing so anyway) and jerked the cock in his hand.

A symphony of groans rose from the assembly around him. Chetland had mentioned a dozen copies, but there it seemed there were more than that around him. Confound this dim light! Like a filthy backroom sex den, it distorted and made unreal what was happening.

Was that good or bad? Morrison was surrounded by grunting, panting men, even those who were merely holding onto him were gazing upon him, their faces slack with lust. Even the lips of the Chetland sucking on him was blissfully moaning around his cock as he continued to ply smooth, silken lips around Morrison's prong.

"Ah, ah, ah, I'm coming, I'm coming!" the Chetland Morrison was sucking on moaned. But only him. "Get ready, here it comes, ah-guh-HUH-GUH-HUH-UHH-KUNNNKHHH!"

Salty splatters of come splashed into Morrison's mouth, he sucked it down best he could while he looked about. Only the one Chetland was coming. The one climaxing, the one squirting hot jizz down his throat had his face screwed up with the lines heavy as an old man's.

Like an old man's!

Just plain old!

As the come-load ended, the Chetland clone above him was visibly aging. It backed away, and Morrison was grateful for that, for it seemed to be falling apart.

"UH, UH-GUH-GUH, UH-KUUUHNNNNKKK!" came the one he was jerking.

Knowing it was happening, Morrison watched the face. Yes, indeed, the mere act of climax was enough to wear down the clone's body patterns in some way. It succeeded in its completion of the orgasm...but that was its death knell. Other Chetlands crowded in as the group moved a bit away from the now-faltering clone.

Well, now that he knew what to do to end all this, Morrison could manage. A dozen clones, two down, that left ten to go. Both his hands found hard dicks and began to pound them. His ass opened willingly for the next cock going in, his mouth made an oval in parting for another hard dong to slide in.

Pump them down, wear them out. The one left standing after it was all done would be the original Professor Chetland. And Professor Morrison could get out of this place!

It proved absurdly easy to get these clones off. They were feeding off of each other's sensations, after all, it just took a bit of direct contact to make it happen. Twin jets of sperm flying at him from both sides meant his hands had done their work. The Chetland sucking him stepped in to get some action for itself and straddled his chest, fed him his cock.

Passed around like a bowl of popcorn at a family movie-night, Professor Morrison sucked and got fucked and jerked. His own orgasm was delayed more than a little by all his work, but he found after taking down about ten of the clones that he was ready to let one of the remaining clones siphon him dry. He dropped the cocks of the two Chetlands he was jerking, grabbed the Chetland's head sucking him and hunched at it (his own ass was vacant just at this point, so he had free range to move) and Morrison's joy climbed up his spine to his brain and exploded! He hadn't had a climax like this one since that time some years ago when...but never mind, it was a long, hard, multi-gloried orgasm that sent his brain reeling.

Done, tired, he panted, and felt the cocks pressing at him anew. How many were left here? He'd only started with a dozen, and...that couldn't be right.

He fended off the cock now fishing for his mouth and sputtered. "I thought you said there were only a dozen."

The lights came up more, and now Morrison saw Chetland standing in a room somewhat above this one, behind a glass. Studying the clones that were group-banging Professor Morrison.

"I said I started with a dozen." Professor Chetland said. "It only takes about ten minutes to conclude the process with full computer access. It's why I needed all of it, you see."

"Professor Chetland." that was all Professor Morrison got out before his mouth was stuffed with cock again. The sounds he had encountered when entering this area suddenly made sense, an unending line of Chetland clones coming off the assembly line!

"I wasn't exaggerating about the shared sensations." Professor Chetland said. "It's like climaxing over and over again. I quite enjoy it, and I'm sitting up here, comfortably observing, while I'm also feeling a multi-dimensional joy washing through my body. Fascinating sensations."

Professor Morrison got this clone off and when his mouth was free again, said, "You must set me free. Now"

"I will, Professor, I will." Chetland said. "As soon as my data is all complete. I have all weekend to gather it. And so do you."

"Oh, my God!" Professor Morrison moaned. The entire weekend, he would be here, in this room, being fucked and sucked and having load after load of hot, undiminished jizz squirted at him from body after undrained body of Professor Chetland clones.

Twelve clones every ten minutes over a weekend containing sixty-four hours between five p.m. on Friday until nine a.m. on Monday. Could the human body even endure that much sex, having that much sperm pumped into him from both orifices? With 4,608 come-loads at an average of a teaspoonful each, that would add up to six gallons of seminal fluid! A frightening number, best to call it instead one and a quarter pints every hour right around the clock. Could he survive that? Yes, by spitting out and squeezing out of his ass as much as he could. And using his hands as much as possible. He could cut down his actual intake to a tolerable number, he felt sure. Though he would be well coated in jizz by weekend's end!

Still, he had crunched the numbers now. Professor Morrison set out to survive this sexual excess as only a true scientist could. Professor Chetland had started the experiment, but Morrison would garner his own data and with any luck, could rush his own paper into publication first!


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



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