Puppy Love

By socrazii92

Published on Jul 25, 2014



Ch. 12: With You/Without You

(Terrence POV)

Once we got to the beach, we found a spot where we were alone and laid out our towels. Pooch still looked like something was bothering him but I didn't wanna ruin the day. While we began to undress, I could see 2 familiar faces approaching us but once I figured out who it was I wasn't too ecstatic that they were there....

Laz- What do we have here Me- Pooch Pooch- I didn't Me- What are they doing here Pooch- I don't know Hosea- Wazzup fellas. What yall up to Pooch- Nothing just trying be alone with my baby Hosea- Thats cool, sup T

I gave him a head nod then walked away. Pooch talked to them while I just walked away. How the hell did they know we'd be here. Pooch said that he didn't tell anybody and I want to believe him but come on. Two of the people who despise our relationship just so happen to show up to the farthest beach away from our home, the same day we're here. Coincidence, I think not.

I have no idea how far I walked and frankly I don't care. I just can't pretend like I don't have a problem with them. Pooch can hang around them all he wants but I won't. In the future, I will try to tolerate them but the fact that we're sposed to be alone and they just show up, it makes me mad. And then Pooch taps me on the shoulder....

Pooch- Babe what's wrong Me- I'm sorry but what are they doing here Pooch- I don't know Me- Pooch stop lying Pooch- OK I'm sorry but Hosea and I was talking and I got to the explaining my plans for your birthday Me- Pooch Pooch- Babe I'm sorry. Look if it means thats much to you we can just go back to the city and find something to do Me- No I don't want to do that but I do have a question for you Pooch- What's up boo Me- What happened between you and Hosea last night at the club

Instantly his facial expression changed. He tensed up and looked at me like I had just found out he cheated or something. Damn why did I just say that. Now I feel tears building up in my eyes at the thought of Pooch bending over for some other guy....

Pooch- Nothing we just talked Me- Pooch don't lie to me. When you saw him you froze up and last night in your car when I asked you looked like you were being interrogated by the police Pooch- Because I did. What happened to the trust talk on the way here Me- I'm sorry but you just seem like something is eating you from the inside out Pooch- OK I didn't want to tell you because I was scared of what you might think Me- What is it Pooch- Me and Hosea made out on the roof

Suddenly, I felt relieved that it was only a kiss. I pulled him into a tight hug and I could feel him slowly hug me back....

Pooch- Babe please tell me this is not how you fight Me- (Chuckles) Shut up. I'm just happy it was only a kiss. You didn't trip when I kissed Trey so why would I trip

He hugged me back but tighter....

Pooch- Oh babe I love you Me- I love you too. You know you're lucky that it was only a kiss though. I don't know what I'd do if it was more than that Pooch- Na never. I love you way too much to hurt you like that Me- Good to know Pooch- You know what (Grabs Terrences hand) let's just go Me- Where Pooch- I dont care. Wherever you want to go Me- Wherever i want Pooch- Wherever you want Me- Well I do miss New York Pooch- New York sounds nice Me- I'm just playing. We can stay here. Laz and Hosea are your friends Pooch- But this weekend is for me and especially for you birthday boy Me- If I have to say it again, I'm going to kick your ass Pooch- Like you can actually do that Me- Do I have to go back to the fight in the lunch room Pooch- I wouldn't exactly call that a fight Me- What would you call it Pooch- A war. The Hunters ain't gonna give up that easy Me- Well they better be ready for another ass kicking Pooch- Terrence just stay away from those guys Me- Why Pooch- I just don't want you to get hurt Me- I'm a New Yorker. I can handle myself Pooch- I know but still Me- Why do you worry about me so much Pooch- Because I love you Me- Oh right. I'm gonna be fine. We are gonna be fine. Now let's stop talking about this and enjoy the sunset on the beach Pooch- I like that idea

Then out of nowhere, Pooch bridal scoops me and runs toward the water.....

Me- Put me down Pooch- Nope. You can't come to the beach and not get wet

And with that he sent me flying into the water. I held my breath and closed my eyes as I crashed into the water. As I came up for air, I could hear him laughing hard, so I sent a huge wave of water his way. He stopped laughing, looked and smiled at me...

Pooch- Really Me- Yup

Before I knew it, I was on Pooches shoulder being thrown back into the water. I tried to fight back but failed every time and ended up being dunked back into the water. We played in the water for about an hour and stopped right as sun set. We sat in the shallow part of the water. He sat in between my legs and I wrapped my legs around his waist, arms around his body and rested my head on his shoulder while he caressed my legs.....

Me- Babe Pooch- Yea Me- Do you think we're gonna be together after we graduate Pooch- Terrence what kind of question is that Me- A real one. Seriously I've been thinking about going to film school in New York and I know you probably wanna play football Pooch- I mean I love football but the NFL is a longshot Me- So if you got a full ride on a football scholarship you wouldn't go Pooch- Of course but I won't only pursue football. I actually wanna be a personal trainer Me- Why not be an actor Pooch- An actor Me- Yea. You got the look for it Pooch- I mean that could be fun Me- And we wouldn't have to split or attempt a long distance relationship Pooch- Honestly I don't know what I'm gonna do. I guess thats a bridge we'll have to cross when we get there Me- What about kids Pooch- I want them but not until I get out of college and get a career Me- Oh what about the white picket fence Pooch- Yup Me- And a tire swing Pooch- Mmhmm Me- And toothpicks Pooch- All that good shit Me- Ha you stupid Pooch- Stupid is a mean word Me- What are you in the forth grade Pooch- Yea but I read at a 6th grade level so bite me

I bit him on the ear....

Pooch- Oww you psycho Me- You told me to Pooch- Im in love with a cannibal Me- Its only cannibalism if you swallow and I don't swallow Pooch- Really, cause thats not what I heard Me- Well its not true cause I'm a classy broad Pooch- (Laughs) Babe you crazy Me- Well at least you know Pooch- You actually remind me of Trey Me- Really how Pooch- We used to have moments like these all the time. We'd just lay in my bed and talk about nothing. I really need to talk to him when we go to the club tonight Me- Yea. About what Pooch- Just us honestly. We promised that we'd stay together after we split but it seems like we just tolerate and occasionally help each other through shit. Doesn't seem too much like a friendship Me- You love each other Pooch- What! No I love YOU not him Me- Not like that. I know you love me but you still love Trey. Its hard to just let go of somebody you've been with for a long time Pooch- I just wonder how we got here Me- Then tonight have a one-on-one with him on the roof Pooch- Ok. Do you trust me not to do anything else Me- Seriously. Didn't we have the infidelity talk Pooch- Ok I'm sorry. I forgot that was one of your hot button topics Me- Its cool. Just the thought of your cheating on me is a heart attack

Pooch got quiet after I said that, as if he was thinking about something. His hand caressed my leg slower and slower til he stopped. Then I knew something was up....

(Roshon POV)

I stirred awake on some cheetah print silk sheets fully dressed and I knew I wasn't in my own bed. I felt around for somebody else but I didn't feel anything but silk. I sat up and didn't recognize where I was. It couldn't have been all that bad at least I was alive and comfortable. I got out of the bed wearing nothing but a pair of basketball shorts and nothing under them. I smelled breakfast so somebody had to be here.

I walked out of the room and leaned over the railing in front of me. I could see a guy in the kitchen preparing 2 plates so I walked down the steps, afraid of who I might see....

Guy- Good morning sunshine Me- Umm who are you Guy- Oh right we haven't been formally introduced. Marcus Patrick, Brian's mentor Me- How did I get here Marcus- Brian brought you here last night after what I heard was a pretty wild day Me- What Marcus- Yea. Brian said he threw you a Mandingo party at some strip club Me- WHAT Marcus- Yea. You got super drunk and really high and then roofied Me- Somebody roofied me Marcus- Yea. Supposedly once the "party" started you went from just fun fucked up to no idea what you're doing fucked up Me- Oh my god. Where is Brian Marcus- Out on the balcony crying his eyes out Me- Why is he crying Marcus- His ex Trey was in a really bad car wreak and shipped back to Virginia with his mom Me- I didn't know he actually felt some type of way about Trey Marcus- Yea. Brian isn't that guy everybody thinks he is, he just thinks its easier that way Me- What way Marcus- He thinks having a bunch of hoes is easier than falling in love with someone. So he made a name for himself as the biggest hoe in the city so that nobody caught feelings for him Me- He doesn't wanna deal with heartbreak Marcus- Smart man. Heartbreak is a bitch Me- Who broke yours Marcus- His name was Anthony Dalton. We hooked up our senior year in highschool. Had plans to go to the same college and get married Me- Sounds nice. Why'd it go sour Marcus- I didn't get into the same school as him and he didn't want to try a long distance relationship so it was over just like that Me- You ever hear from him Marcus- No. But if you check playgirl magazines you can probably find him

After that Marcus shoved a plate my way and walked one out to Brian. I watched Brian ignore Marcus as he tried to get him to eat. Marcus said something to him and they both glanced at me then went back to talking. It looked like Marcus was giving him a pep talk and from the looks of things it was working as Brian wiped away his tears and accepted the plate. Marcus walked back in and told me....

Marcus- You should go join him

Then he ran up into the room I came out of. I grabbed my food and walked out to Brian. I sat in the chair right next to him....

Brian- How you feeling Me- I'm fine. What about you Brian- I'm cool Me- You don't have to lie. I know you and Trey had something Brian- I'd actually feel better if we didn't talk about him Me- Ok I won't Brian- Thanks and if you really want to know what happened at the party I pulled the security footage Me- Thanks but I'd actually like it better if I don't know what happened Brian- OK. So what's the plans for today Me- I don't know. I think I'm going to go see Jerome today, spend some time with him Brian- Must be nice to have someone Me- No me and Jerome aren't together Brian- So you're single Me- Yea. I'm actually trying to avoid the whole boyfriend situation Brian- Smart Me- Yea but its also kinda lonely Brian- Thats what you got hoes for Me- I got em trust and believe but sometimes I just wonder what its like to have what Terrence and Pooch got Brian- Yea no matter how much shit I talk when I'm mad, I know real love when I see it Me- You ever want it Brian- What Me- Real love Brian- I tried but I screwed it up. Trey was everything I ever wanted in a boyfriend and I screwed it up. All because I didn't know how to be in a relationship Me- Look I don't either but that doesn't mean you have to stop trying Brian- OK so why don't you have anybody Me- I got my own mess to clean up before I get a boyfriend Brian- Mess? What mess Me- I have you and Big Sean hitting me up for sex. Jerome wants me more than a friend and more than sex. Then we have Columbus who is sposed to be my friend with benefits but he is falling hard for me and I don't know how to deal with or tell him that I want him too Brian- You have a crush on your friend with benefits Me- Yup Brian- Damn Me- What Brian- Nothing. Its just Marcus was telling me that I should try to connect with somebody else and he suggested you Me- Me. Why me Brian- Something about how y'all talked in the kitchen. He said you sounded like you cared Me- I do care but Brian you know my situation, I can't be with you like that Brian- Why? Can't you just drop those other 3 guys for me Me- I know this isn't fair but would you drop Trey for me Brian- You're right....that isn't fair Me- But its real. I like you but not like that. You shouldn't find a new guy just to get over your old one otherwise you just get your heart broken when it ends Brian- Roshon I do feel some type of way about you Me- You can't feel that way about me Brian- Why Me- I dont feel the same way Brian. Relationships are a 2 way street it won't work unless both people feel the same way Brian- But.... Me- Brian stop please. You're only gonna hurt yourself even more. Why don't you focus on yourself while you're going through this. Work on yourself

Brian stopped talking all together and sat back in the lawn chair. I could only watch him as he thought to himself. The guy got good dick but that don't mean I'm just going to fall in love with him. Now I actually have a connection with Jerome and Columbus. Which is why I can't choose because I know that when I do I'll lose one or the other. Look at me trying to play therapist when I'm the one who actually needs one....

Brian- Ok Me- Ok what Brian- I'll lay off the relationship thing with you but I need something else in return Me- No I'm not gonna become your little sex toy alright Brian- As hot as that sounds thats not what I want Me- Oh well what is it Brian- Well I could really use a friend Me- What Brian- A friend. Just a friend Me- I think I might have a vacancy in that spot Brian- Cool buddy Me- OK pal

As soon as I picked up my fork again my phone vibrated my entire pocket. I pulled it out and looked at the name on the screen and instantly picked up....

Me- I'm so sorry about yesterday Jerome- Its cool but you are gonna make it to therapy right Me- Yea what time does that start again Jerome- In 10 minutes Me- Oh okay I'll be there Jerome- OK I love you

I choked on my own words as I tried to say it back. As if my body was trying not to believe what my mouth is saying....

Me- See ya in a minute

I quickly hang up and Brian was staring straight into my soul....

Brian- You didn't say it back to him Me- I know. But last time I said it back no problem Brian- Well now you know who to drop Me- Can you take me to the hospital Brian- Yea

Brian ran up to his room, threw on a shirt and a pair of slides. Once he came downstairs we were out the door and in his brand new silver Mercedes Benz. Then we were on the road and in a split second we were at the hospital. Brian offered to wait but I told him to just go home and that I'll find my own way home. I went to Jeromes room to find him in his bed with a very manly woman next to his bed....

Shannon- What's up you must be Roshon Me- Yes Shannon- Shannon, nice to meet you Me- You too umm can you leave us alone for a second Shannon- Oh yea I guess

Shannon walked out of the room and closed the door. I sat on his bed and turned toward him....

Jerome- What's up Me- Jerome I don't know how to say this Jerome- Wait are you breaking up with me Me- Well we've never made it official but yes Jerome- Why

He started to cry a little. Which made me begin to tear up....

Me- Please don't cry Jerome- What do you expect me to do Me- I don't know Jerome but I can't do this anymore Jerome- Why? Give me one good reason why you aren't giving us a chance Me- Because I love somebody else Jerome- What Me- The reason why we never made it official was because I couldn't choose between both of you Jerome- So you're choosing the other guy Me- Please don't be mad at me Jerome- Why shouldn't I be mad? You strung me along just to drop me like a bad habit Me- I didn't string you along Jerome- I waited for you to be ready. I waited for you instead of moving on. I stopped, paused in my path, for you and now you can't even give us a chance Me- Even if I did give us a chance right now you'd still want me Jerome- Roshon I love you. How many times to I have to say it. Of course I would and I wouldn't be worried about this other guy either because I know that at the end of the day he's just a quick vacation and I'm home Me- So you're telling me that if I changed my mind right now you'd still be with me Jerome- Look I'm just gonna accept the way you feel. That's all I can do. Just don't do like all my other eexes

He closed his eyes and slowly began the countdown. I didn't know what to do but I also couldn't stop my feet from moving to the door. Then I couldn't stop my hand from slowly opening the door and slipping out. I ran as fast as I could out the hospital and away from it as well. I dialed Columbus and he picked up before the first ring was done...

Columbus- Hey, I was just about to call you Me- Hey. Can you come and pick me up Columbus- Yea where from Me- Umm

I quickly looked around and saw a sign that read....

Me- Hotel Paris Columbus- Damn what are you doing way down there Me- Long story. I'll be chilling out front Columbus- OK I'm on my way

I hang up and notice that I had a missed call from Pooch, which is odd because I didn't even know he had my number. So I had to call him back...

Pooch- (Picking up) Roshon Me- Yea. Whats up Pooch- Look have you seen or heard from Terrence Me- No last I heard he was with you for the weekend. Why what happened Pooch- We had a fight and he stormed off. He left everything at the Hotel and ran off Me- What hotel were y'all staying at Pooch- Hotel Paris Me- Oh shit. What time was it when he stormed off Pooch- Well we had the fight in the car on our way back from the beach and we pulled into the garage like 10 minutes ago Me- OK umm. Im out front and I have been for about 5 minutes so I might see him. What is he wearing Pooch- Umm some basketball shorts and a beater with some slides thats it

I looked around to see if Terrence might be out here and there he is waiting on the curb trying to catch a cab. I hung up on Pooch and ran to him. As soon as he noticed it was me he hugged me and cried on my shoulder. I hugged him back....

Me- Terrence what happened Terrence- (Crying) Its a long story Me- OK we got time Terrence- No we need to get out of here

And like that Columbus pulled up on the side off us. Terrence and I got in the car and a we pulled off I saw Pooch run after us for a bit but then stops. The ride was really quiet other than Columbus asking what was wrong with Terrence. Terrence stopped crying but he was still really sad. He just stared out the window without blinking and once we got to the house he got out of the car and walked into the house like a zombie. Columbus sat back in his seat....

Columbus- Why me Me- What Columbus- Why'd you call me to pick you up Me- You're my best friend right Columbus- Yea Me- And I wanted to talk to you Columbus- Oh ok about what Me- Well I was wondering what you thought about us being more than friends Columbus- So now you wanna choose Me- Yea. I don't know just seeing what Pooch and Terrence had made me what something like that too Columbus- I don't got the phat ass like Pooch but I think I could be your Pooch

The way he said that made me chuckle a little. I'm happy to see the way he's acting.....

Columbus- So no more "oh we're just friends" Me- Yes Columbus- Damn it was the dick wasn't it Me- What Columbus- The d was so good that you just had to make me yours Me- Don't even hype your own head like that Columbus- Ha. But for real, just out of curiosity, how was I

I laughed at the way he said it....

Me- Do you want me to lie or tell the truth Columbus- Lie Me- OK. Columbus Short you were the best I've ever had

I couldn't hold back my laughs as he donned the I ate ass face....

Columbus- You ain't shit Me- I'm just joking. I mean come on it was pretty damn obvious how you were in bed Columbus- Oh is it Me- Yes it is and if you can't figure out how then I guess you don't need no more of this ass Columbus- Trust me I can go without sex way longer than you can Me- Oh really Columbus- Yea Me- Well how's about we put that to the test Columbus- OK. So what do I get when I win Me- IF you win I'll have to do whatever you say whenever you say Columbus- Ooh this is going to be fun Me- Whatever. I'll call you after I'm done with Terrence OK Columbus- OK. See ya later

I leaned over and he met me halfway and planted a soft kiss on my lips. I got out of the car and he drove off. I can't believe I'm wifed up now. I walked into the house and headed straight for our room where I found Terrence sitting on his bed starring at the wall. I sat next to him...

Me- You obviously aren't OK so that would be a really dumb question to ask Terrence- I'd actually prefer you didn't ask any questions Me- Oh he speaks Terrence- Ro what do want Me- I want to know what the hell happened Terrence- I broke up with him Me- What Terrence- (Starting to cry again) I broke up with Pooch Me- Why? What happened Terrence- We were at the beach and he was acting really weird when we saw Laz and Hosea. I asked him about why he was acting so weird with Hosea and he told me that they only kissed on the roof. Then we were just talking and I said that I would probably have a heart attack if he cheated on me...

[Flashback to the beach]

Pooch- OK. Terrence I lied Terrence- About what babe Pooch- I told you that I only kissed Hosea on the roof. I lied babe Terrence- Pooch please don't tell me what I think you're bout to tell me Pooch- Baby I don't want to but I can't go on any longer and know that I'm hurting you even more. Hosea just happened on the roof last night but then while you were in the shower he came into the room and it happened again Terrence- Wait hold on. (Stands up) Pooch- (Stands up) Baby please just listen Terrence- Listen to what. About how my boyfriends best friend can fuck him twice in less than 24 hours Pooch- Just calm down Terrence- Calm down! Please tell me how calm I'm sposed to be right now. Because nothing that sounds like "Baby I fucked my best friend...no my best friend fucked me twice". And then on top of that you lied to me 3 times. THREE FUCKING TIMES. And I'm just sposed to be OK with it Pooch- I'm not asking you to be OK. I'm asking for you to forgive me. Baby I love you. OK I love you. Its like you're home and Hosea is just a quick vacation but he doesn't matter because I'm always gonna come back home to you Terrence- So Hosea is a hotel and I'm a home. Wow Pooch- Baby please just tell me what I have to do to make this up to you Terrence- Pooch I honestly can't think of anything you can do Pooch- No Terrence please don't do this Terrence- Don't do what Pooch Pooch- (Crying) Don't breakup with me. I know that breaking up with me is exactly what you want to do and I'm begging you please don't do it. I've lost my family, my best friend, and even some of my friends. I don't want to lose you. I can't lose you the same way I lost Trey Terrence- If you thought about that last night or hell even before you lied to me, then I probably wouldn't. But I can honestly say that I don't know how long its gonna take before I can forgive you Pooch Pooch- Can't we talk about this Terrence- What exactly is there to talk about Pooch- I'll do whatever you want me to. Just please tell me what I can do Terrence- I think we should take a break. Go on to your hotel Hosea and I'll be at home figuring out how to forget what we used to be Pooch- Baby please. Look last night and this morning I had sex with Hosea Terrence- Thank you for reminding me Pooch- But baby last night I made love to you. We didn't fuck. We didn't have sex. We made love. Terrence I love you. And if you walk away from me right now you might as well put the gun to my head and kill me now Terrence- Then I'm sorry I don't have a gun...

[End of Flashback]

Me- Damn you really said that to him Terrence- Yea but I didn't mean it. I was mad. I was hurt. I didn't know what was happening and I feel like Hosea won Me- What'd he win Terrence- Pooch. Hosea liked Pooch but Pooch was with me so he broke us up so that he could have Pooch all to himself. He got his parents to let him move back in and now they support his lifestyle. Pooch uses to tell me about how much he wanted his old life back but I'd always say that I can't give that but I could give him all of me. I guess Hosea had the sweeter deal Me- No, first of all, you are more than enough to anybody. Secondly, didn't he say he didn't want you two ending up like him and Trey Terrence- Yea so Me- So why can't you forgive him? Hosea sabatoged your relationship. He knew that Pooch wouldnt want to hurt you by telling you so he'd let everything happen. Hosea based his plan off of Pooch being too caring to tell you. Pooch loves you T. You would've done the same thing Terrence- No I wouldn't because I wouldn't let something that extreme just happen. The time I kissed Trey I told him that very same night. The time Big Sean tried to rape me, I was gonna tell him but I decided to let Big Sean tell on himself Me- Wait he tried to rape you Terrence- Yea but he apologized and I forgave him Me- He didn't have to rape me Terrence- What? You didn't Me- I did and trust me he knows how to work it dwarling Terrence- You slutbag Me- I'm not a slut Terrence- You've fucked 3 different guys since you got here Me- You've fucked... Terrence- (Getting sad again) One. Just one Me- I'm sorry Terrence- Its cool bro. You helped me more than you think Me- How Terrence- You got my mind off things a little. And suddenly I feel like going back to club T's tonight Me- Just me and you Terrence- Just me and you Me- OK I'm going to tell Columbus that tonight is twin time and no boyfriends are aloud (Pulls out his phone) Terrence- Boyfriends? You Me- Yes me. Columbus and I made it official Terrence- What happened to no boyfriends I need hoes Me- Na hoes too much and too many feelings. This way I only have 2 peoples feelings to worry about Terrence- I wish what I had worked like that. We always have to worry about this person and that person and what's going on here and what's happening over there. The alone time we did have seemed to always involve someone else. Then when we really did get one-on-one time, it was perfect Me- You're talking about it again Terrence- I'm sorry. Everything just seems like something I can relate to when I was with Pooch Me- OK I know you probably won't approve but I have something to take your mind off of your situation Terrence- I'm not smoking a cigarette Me- Not a cigarette but this (Grabs a Philly stuffed with loud) Terrence- Is that weed Me- Yup. Big Sean got me right last night Terrence- Since when do you smoke weed Me- Last night Terrence- You sure he didn't lace you Me- He wouldn't do that he likes me Terrence- I guess. Do you even own a lighter Me- Yes I do. He got me this (Pulls out a red lighter with a cartoon picture of Roshon and his name in gold cursive) as well Terrence- Damn thats wassup Me- So you gon smoke with me for my birthday Terrence- Our birthday Me- Whatever you want to call it, is you gonna hit this shit Terrence- I been waiting for you to spark it nigga Me- Thats all I needed to hear

Let's just say I don't remember much....

(Shad POV)

I was sitting in my brothers hospital room waiting for him to come back from therapy. The TV was on but I wasn't really paying attention. My mind was on my old friend Columbus I saw here last night. He looks so much sexier than when I last saw him. He got some nice muscles, wide muscular chest, I'm pretty sure I saw his abs through his shirt, he still got that sexy ass smile, and I swear I saw a phatty on his back. I should've got his number.

I looked up and a doctor was rolling in my extremely depressed brother. I didn't see Roshon so I assumed he had something to do with it him. The doctor sat him on the bed and Jerome just laid on the bed staring at the ceiling....

Me- What did he do Jerome- Told me the truth Me- I'm missing the lie Jerome- He never really lied. He gave me the impression that we were gonna eventually hook up. Then today he came in here and told me, straight up, that I wasn't the only one. That he loved both of us. And that he had to choose Me- And he didn't choose you Jerome- Yup Me- Sorry bro Jerome- Its cool. I never thought it would work anyway Me- You need me to beat him up Jerome- (Laughs) No Me- You want me to beat up his boyfriend Jeriome- No dammit Me- I'm just saying. You know I ain't knocked no heads in a minute Jerome- Its OK nigga Me- So when they letting you out of here Jerome- Their actually gonna keep me until I'm back on my feet and one of my nurses are gonna take me to therapy Me- Is it a guy Jerome- Yup his name is Ray J Me- Well he sounds cute Jerome- Cute is an insult. So what's going on with you Me- Well I ran onto an old friend of mines from the boys home Jerome- Really who is he Me- His name's Columbus Short. Trust me he's like sex on legs Jerome- Damn. So when you going out with him Me- I don't know man. I didn't ask him Jerome- Why not Me- I was here to make sure my big brother wasn't dying Jerome- Yea. Well did you at least get his number Me- Yea I got his number Jerome- So what the hell are you waiting for Me- I don't know Jerome- Text him right now Me- OK damn. I guess you want your little brother to look like a thot Jerome- No I just think you could use a little romance in your boring moppy bullshit life Me- Well thank you for the honesty Jerome- Your welcome Me- (Texting Columbus) Hey...wats up. Simple Jerome- I guess Columbus: Nun much. Wat you into Me: Chilling with my brother. Wat bout you Columbus: At the house...bored as fuck Me: So you tryna chill tonight Columbus: Yea that'll be cool Me: Wat you tryna do Columbus: I think they doing a 2-on-2 tournament at Jillians @8 o'clock Me: Aight...I'm down Columbus: OK imma pick you up...jus let me know where to go Me: I'll meet you Columbus: OK cool

I couldn't hold back my smile. Just thinking about Columbus all sweaty and topless made me a little hard. I can't help it he just so damn fine....

Jerome- So Me- 2-on-2 tournament Jerome- Basketball date? Really Bow Me- First of all its not a date Jerome- What is it then Me- We just hanging out. Then after the tournament I'm gonna get hungry then we gon go eat Jerome- Oh OK I see you Me- I told you I got this OK Jerome- Aight bro you be safe Me- Always

I gave him a hug and headed back home. Once I got home I found my foster moms sitting on the couch super high with some really cute guy with a fresh cut smoking a blunt....

Me- Who's this guy Rocky- Oh Shad this is Romeo Miller my weed man. He has some really good weed and he just got put of of his grandfathers house so I told him he could have the basement as long as we get to smoke for free Romeo- Wassup lil daddy Me- I hate nicknames. Just call me either Shad or Bow Wow Romeo- OK. Wazzup Lil Daddy Me- Why do you keep saying that Shannon- You are so dumb. That kind of wassup means he wants some sex Me- I'm sorry but I ain't that type of guy so I'm about to take a shower then I'm getting out of here Romeo- Normally when guys say I'm not that type of guy it means that they are that type of guy. And the fact that I can see how phat that pretty little ass of yours is from the front definitely means you're my type of guy. And don't get me started on the school rumors Me- School rumors? Oh you're that Romeo. You look completely different in school Romeo- In school I gotta look like money but outside I don't give a damn Me- What rumors you hear bout me Romeo- How about we move this convo to your room. I don't think they should here this

He followed me into me and Jerome's room and sat on my bed while I went through my dresser....

Romeo- Well there was an orgy with the basketball team Me- I got roofied Romeo- Then an orgy under the stoner bleachers at a football game Me- That was hardly an orgy all I did was hand jobs Romeo- So how do you explain the school joint sleepover with that private school Me- I don't even remember that Romeo- Lemme see: you sucked off Coach (Boris) Kodjoe while Mr. (Shamar) Moore fucked you, you let the whole football team jack off to you getting fucked by Coach (Chad) Johnson then let them all cum on yo ass, then while you was taking a break I licked it off and we cuddled which didn't last too long cuz then the wrestling team: Dwayne, John Cena, Kofie, Mike, and Randy, started fucking you out of your sleep Me- Extacy water can make you do some pretty wild shit Romeo- Then I had to keep The Hunters off your ass by pretending we were fucking Me- How can you pretend fuck somebody Romeo- You can lay them on their back, spread their legs, and just go through the motions Me- So you naked dry humped me Romeo- Yea Me- So why did you just stick it in and do it for real Romeo- Because if I'm gon fuck somebody, I'm gonna make sure they are conscious, willing, and not some bodies fresh sloppy seconds

I had to turn around and look at his face to make sure he wasn't telling stories. Then the way he keeps running his hand up his shirt, inching it up revealing his abs dusted with a little hair. And he keeps adjusting his meat in his shorts making it clear to me that hes ready to give it all to me. I know for a fact he can see my semi through my sweats...

Me- So you pretty much protected me that whole night Romeo- Well kinda. I mean I've always wanted to get with you but I just never could find the right way to come at you Me- Really why Romeo- Because you had almost every class with me since freshman year and you've never said 2 words to me even when we had to do partner work. I just thought you weren't interested Me- Really. So your way in was through my highly medicated step moms Romeo- I've been selling them weed for the longest and I swear I didn't know anything about you until 5 minutes ago when you walked in Me- So you really are living here Romeo- Yes why you gonna have a problem with it Me- No I was just thinking, the basement isn't too cozy so while my brother Jerome is in the hospital you could just use his bed Romeo- Boy stop. Now you know you want to tell me that I can just crawl in the bed with you. But just to let you know, I sleep naked

I'm actually enjoying the flirting so I walked over to him, took off my shirt, and climbed on his lap. I even made sure my ass rested on his rapidly inflating dick....

Romeo- Oh shit. I ain't cool with you playing with me like this Me- But I was just having fun Romeo- Damn that. I ain't playing about shit I said or implied baby. I'm too real to play. So imma tell you like this, I'm in love with you and I want you. And im telling you, if you get butt naked right now, you wont ever wanna be clothed in my presence

Time to tease him some more. I climbed off of him and sat across from him on Jerome's bed. Then I notices his entire outlines of his dick laying over his thigh and damn he's packing....

Me- Is that right Romeo- Its is

With that I walked to the front of the room slowly peeled down my sweats and boxers, making sure I bent over and winked my pretty pink bussy at him, then grabbed a black beater, some white shorts, and some spandex boxer briefs and left the room. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower then undressed and hopped straight in and just stood there while the hot water ran through my hair and down my back. It was so relaxing. Then I felt 2 strong hands grasp my hips and something meaty and hard hotdog in the middle of my ass cheeks, then I felt his feet on the side of mines, his pelvis on the small off my back, his abs against my back, his chest on my upper back, his mouth on the side of my neck, and his hands now caressing my sides and my abs and he started stroking me...

Me- Mmm what are you doing Romeo- I told you how I felt so now I'm showing you

He used his feet to turn on the stopper and the tub started to fill up with water. I grabbed a bottle of passion bubble bath and some drop into the tub and put it back. He spun me around, slapped my ass hard, gripped it then picked me up and slowly descended to the shower floor. His hard dick teases my hole, slapping it, as he grinded into me. Then he shocked me by beginning his journey down south. He kissed and sucked a trail down my neck, over my chest & nipples, down my abs, then he wasted no time swallowing my 7in of steel. I was actually surprised at how talented he is. He swirled his tongue around it as he went down then sucked hard as he pulled it out. Each time he pulled it out their was a pop, and he'd flick my head a few times then he'd repeat his actions. I was in heaven and I didn't didn't feel like I could get higher, until he popped out my dick then went down to my ass and ate it like it was its last meal...

Me- Oh shit. What you doin to me baby Romeo- Making you mine Me- Mmm don't stop Romeo- I don't plan to

And he didn't. He used his fingers to open me up as far as he could, then he french kissed my hole as slowly and sensual as possible. As much as I tried to keep it in, I couldn't help but let out a high pitched moan...

Romeo- You ready for this dick Me- Mmm. I don't know, you gotta fat ass dick and 8in long Romeo- Na. Its only nine long but baby trust me, I won't hurt you Me- Aight Romeo- Get on yo stomach

I did what he asked me. I could feel his eyes lingering over my tight bubble butt. So I decided to clap it a little...

Romeo- You shaking like a stripper, tighten up

He slapped my ass then parted my cheeks and kissed my hole one last good time, then I felt him rest his head by my entrance. His head had to be at least 2 times the size of my hole. I bit my lips as I felt him push against my hole. I tried to relax but I could help but think about the pain....

Romeo- Baby just relax Me- I'm trying babe but i haven't ever took one this big Romeo- Just don't think about the size. Think about how good its gonna feel

And then his dick broke through my tight anal ring. But instead of excruciating pain, it was pure pleasure. I moaned through his entire intrusion, my walls expanding around his thick shaft, my breaths were rapid, I swear I felt like a virgin under him....

Me- Mmmmmmmmmmmm, oooooooooh, fuck daddy damn

I was relieved when I felt his hairy crotch rest on my ass. He pinned me down, and laid over me. His wide muscular frame enveloped my small thin body. He whispered in my ear...

Romeo- I told you. I got you

Then he started kissing and sucking on my neck while he grinded into me. All I could do was moan. He didn't make any wrong moves and it all felt great. Its like he was just try to fuck, he was making love and I was loving it. He got back on his knees over me, presses me down by my lower back, and slowly starts pulling out. Again, nothing but moans of pleasure. Then he stopped halfway out and rammed back in. He literally knocked the breath out of me with that thrust. He rested for a moment then started pulling out again, and rammed back in again but harder. Earn a whimper out of me...

Me- Baby thats too hard Romeo- Shut up and let me make love to you the way you know you want me to Me- Mmm OK

Its hard for me to say no when he's already inside of me. He started stroking slowly and jamming my prostate hard. Every time he hit my spot I let out a small cry of pleasure, and he never missed. I swore I felt him in my stomach. He had me feeling like the last man on earth. I was so wrapped up in my pleasure I didn't hear his moans and sighs of pleasure...

Romeo- Damn, this ass is perfect Me- That dick perfect daddy Romeo- You should ride this dick Me- Mmm. You not ready for my riding skills. I'll have you calling me Daddy Romeo- Oh really Me- Mmm hmm

To my disappointment he pulled out. I turned around and he was sitting down stroking his hard dick....

Romeo- Come hop on this dick lil daddy

See and I haven't even got up on it yet. I got on my knees, shoving my ass in his face receiving a brief lick from Romeo. Then I stood up, he stretched out until his feet touched the other end of the tub. He was slightly slouched which was the perfect position for me to hop on. I keeled down both knees on either side of him, hovering over his long hard pole. I made out with him as I lowered myself onto his dick. Then I could feel his moans against my lips.Once it was buried inside me, I started riding him like a horse and his groans were encouragement....

Romeo- Damn lil daddy you wasn't lying Me- Told you

I would go down, rotate a bit, then back up. Then i started riding him back and forth. He was moving up & down against the tub...

Romeo- Oh shit. Ride that dick, lil daddy Me- See I told you Romeo- Fuck you Me- OK

He grabbed both of my ass cheeks and slapped one of them as I started to bounce up & down on his dick. Both of us were moaning not caring if anybody heard us. While I continued to ride him, he started biting my nipples and licking them. He was making me go wild on his dick. I swear nobody made me feel this good in a while...

Me- I'm bout to cum baby Romeo- Lay on your back

I hopped off his dick and laid right on my back spread eagle. He got on his knees and climbed inbetween my legs while I wrapped them around his waist...

Romeo- Takes your legs down babe. My surprise won't work that way Me- Surprise Romeo- Take em down Me- Aight big daddy

I unwrapped my legs and threw them on the sides of the tub. He stuck his dick all the way in, then surprised me by bending over and stuffing my dick in his mouth. Then he repeated his same actions from earlier, but with his dick inside of me I knew I wasn't going to hold out much longer. He started matching his thrust with his mouth. As he jammed my prostate, my dick was pushed as far down his throat it could go. Then as he drew it out, he swirled his tongue around my dick on the way out. As predicted I didn't last long, he got a few more good strokes in the I exploded into his mouth. He swallowed each drop before shooting 6 wide loads into me....

Romeo- Oh shit. Damn baby. You got some good ass Me- You got good dick Romeo- So what you doing today Me- I was trying to go play some basketball but after what you just did. I don't think its gonna feel so good Romeo- I don't know about you but I could go for round 2 Me- Me take that dick twice in one day, might as well get a wheelchair Romeo- Maybe well could switch it up Me- Now that sounds fun

I don't know what to tell Columbus and right now I don't care. I mean look what I have in the tub with me....

(Pooch POV)

Me- (To Hosea) And thats what happened Hosea- He just dropped you like that Me- Yea, he wouldn't even talk to me when we got back to the hotel room. He just grabbed his stuff and left Hosea- (Rubs his back) It ok bro. Let that shit out Me- (Crying) No its not ok. I love him and I wanna marry him one day. But I don't know how to come back from this Hosea- Maybe you should just move on Me- To who? I can't love anybody the way I loved Terrence Hosea- What about me Me- You? You were the reason we broke up Hosea- Its not my fault Me- How the hell isn't it? The reason we broke up is because you seduced me while I was drunk, then used that to get me to let you fuck me again Hosea- So does that you're not gonna let me fuck tonight Me- Hell no. You're never getting a damn thing from me again

He stood up and stripped....

Hosea- Shut up and suck my dick Me- No Hosea- Man suck it Me- Hell no Hosea- (Tries to grab Pooch head and Pooch grabs his wrist and uppercut Hosea) What the fuck Me- Get the fuck out of my room

With that I left him on the floor and walked into the bedroom and closed the door. I flopped on the bed, on my stomach. I tried to keep from crying but I couldnt help it. It just hurt way too much knowing that I had lost Terrence without any chance of getting him back. All because I couldn't resist Hosea. I shouldn't have never allowed him to do that to me. If I had said no I would still be here with Terrence trying to figure out where to make love at next. I had to have be crying my eyes out for about 20 minutes before I started to get sleepy. Then as my eyes began to close, I felt someone jump on me and pull my hands to my lower back. Then metal cuffs being locked around my hands and feet and I could feel a long chain from my hands to my feet. I knew it was Hosea on my back but the rest of his help wasn't clear to me until they positioned me in the center of the bed and flipped me over. Laz was holding a black duffle bag while The Hunters rubbed their crotches and licked their lips staring at me, while Hosea donned a twisted smile...

Me- What is this Hosea- Don't act like you don't know Tiger- The fight was only yesterday Soulja Boy- And now its time for some payback Thugzilla- Some good hard and painful payback Hosea- See you should've just let me get what I want from the beginning Me- Fuck you Hosea- Whip

Laz sits the dufflebag on the floor and unzips it, then pulls out a mid-lengthed 9 tailed whip. He swung it around and whipped me across my chest. I grunted with pain, refusing to give him the satifaction of making me yell. I could feel the blood from the cuts sitting on my chest...

Hosea- Laz get the water ready Laz- Ok

I saw Laz pull a bottle of water from the dufflebag and a pill bottle from his pocket. They all took 2 pills and dumped the rest into the bottle and shook it up...

Hosea- If you're wondering, its extasy

I don't care what it is. I'm not taking it. But as if they heard my smart ass comment they all looked at me and appraoched me. They each held me down while Hosea held my nose and mouth. Laz put the bottle in my mouth and Hosea held my mouth closed around the bottle as they forced me to drink every last drop. Once the bottle was empty, they let me go and got undressed...

Me- Please let me go now and I'll forget any of this happened Hosea- I don't care what you say, you're gonna suck every dick in here then you're gonna get fucked by every dick in here then we are each gonna dump our cum on your face and leave Me- I'm not sucking anything Hosea- (Whips Pooch across his thighs) Sorry to inform you but you don't have a fucking choice. Laz cut off those shorts, let's get this party started

Hosea climbed over my face and forced his dick down my throat. I couldn't keep myself from gagging around his phat dick as he fucked my throat like he did my ass earlier today. Laz cut off my shorts and threw them away. Then I felt a warm mouth around my dick causing it to rise...

Thugzilla- Laz he gets no pleasure at all

And there goes that. I managed to breath out of my nose while Hosea went ham on my mouth. His balls were slapping my chin and I could feel precum dripping down my throat...

Hosea- Tiger get that camera rolling

Tiger pulled a tripod out if the bag and started recording, then Horse climbed off of me...

Hosea- So for everybody who thought that fight in the atrium was something, this is just to show you how we get down. Here we have one of the lil bitches involved, Marion "Pooch" Hall Jr. Now Thugzilla read off his crimes Thugzilla- Disrespecting a hunter, leaving marks on a hunter, drawing blood from a hunter, not giving up the ass upon request, and cheating on his boyfriend Hosea- Damn you a real baddie ain't you Me- Fuck you Hosea- This ones so disrespectful

He whipped me across my face and left a cut under my eye....

Hosea- Now gag him

Laz pulled out a ball gag and strapped it around my face. I swear when I recover from this I'm gonna break every finger from each of their hands and beat their faces in....

Hosea- Soulja tell me, how shall we punish him for his crimes Soulja- Well see Im thinking we just make him take 2 at a time after you get done Hosea- Perfect maybe this lil bitch will learn his place after that

As Hosea lube his head while staring at me, I could only think about Terrence. If I never hurt him, id be with him right now instead of them. But then again if Terrence was here, they probably would just take us both....



Next: Chapter 15

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