Puppy Love

By socrazii92

Published on May 15, 2012



Ch. 2: Day 2 Party Time

{Pooch POV}

After I kissed Terrence goodnight, I went home, stripped down to my briefs & just layed in bed. I couldnt sleep, not after the night I had. My date with Terrence was mind blowing. He has the most beautiful smile, & his laugh is even beautiful. Its not everyday you meet a sexy guy who is funny, cute, easy to talk to, & kind hearted as Terrence. I tried thinkin about other things but after tonight with Terrence, what else was their to think about honestly. I drifted off to sleep with Terrence on my mind...

(6:00 AM)

{Terrences POV}

I woke up feeling like a million bucks. Even though we didnt fuck, his lips on mine felt just as good as dick, to me at least. I have never in my 15 years gravitated toward someone so easily. It was like a moth to a flame, a bee to some flowers, a paper clip to a magnet. And when we connected, I felt like nothing in the world could go wrong. Then I heard my phone ring so even though it was early I still answered...

Me- Hello

Guy- Good morning beautiful

Me- (Reconizing the guys voice) Good morning, Pooch why are you calling my so early

Pooch- I was gonna see if you wanted a ride to school

Me- Why so early

Pooch- I couldnt wait to hear your voice

Me- You are just too cute but how'd you get my number

Pooch- (Laughs) PS: Never put your number on facebook without having a private account

Me- Oh well, i'd love too ride with you

Pooch- Great, i'll be there in 30 min

Me- Wait are you that eager to see me

Pooch- Yes & no. Athletes are sposed to be at school at 6:45 for morning practice

Me- Ok, I forgot to ask you a question

Pooch- Whats up

Me- Whats your favorite color

Pooch- (Chuckles) Red

Me- Ok

Pooch- Ok

After he hung up I rushed to my bathroom & brushed my teeth, washed my face, & took a quick shower. After I got out of the shower I ran to my walk-in closet & decided on: a red & white striped v-neck, some all red cargo shorts, red briefs, & some red & white low top adidas. I only had on my briefs & my cargos hanging right under my ass when I heard a knock on my window (I forgot to mention that my room is on the 1st floor of our 2 story beach house). I turned to the window & saw Pooch standing there smiling with a red polo shirt on with some black cargo shorts & once I got closer I saw his black & red griiffies. I opened the window...

Me- You continue to suprise me

Pooch- Im just full of suprises

Me- I see, you gonna come in or are you gonna stand out in the....(notices how sexy he looks in the morning light)....as a matter of fact stay out there, I like what the morning light does to your face (I take a pic of him with my iPhone)

Pooch- What

Me- It makes you look as if you have a baby face

Pooch- Yea well I think you could get a better look if you let me in

Me- Oh alright (He hopped into my room & closed the window)

Pooch- Its getting kind of windy out there

Me- Well their is sposed to be a storm today (I went back in front of my mirror & started brushing my hair)

Pooch- (Sits on my bed) Hopefully it keeps us out of school & then I can just hang with you all day

Me- I bet you'd love that

Pooch- Yea, spending the day with my future boyfriend seems like the only good thing to do

Me- You are killing me with the "B" word

Pooch- Which brings me to my next subject, why did you say no to me last night

Me- We just met yesterday

Pooch- But you said that you feel as though you've known me forever

Me- I really hate that you remember everything

Pooch- Im serious, I like you & you like me. Why cant we be together

Me- You really want to know

Pooch- Im asking

Me- Because I dont want to hurt Trey

Pooch- What

Me- I dont want to go with you because I dont want to hurt Trey

Pooch- Wow you really are a...beautiful person on the inside. You care about a guys feelings that you dont know

Me- Yea. He seems like too good of a person to hurt

Pooch- He is

Me- Wait how would you know

Pooch- Me & Trey went out last year. Its wasnt anything big we just both needed somebody. My need for attachment fits his need for detachment, just fitting fuck & fucking fit

Me- Wow. Did yall fuck

Pooch- Yea & he can really lay down some pipe

Me- He was the top

Pooch- Sometimes. Usually he'd want me to just pull his hair & pound him doggystyle. But when he fucked me, I made sure that we'd do at least 4 positions.

Me- Wow. Why'd yall break up

Pooch- Because he caught Aubrey trying to kiss me & when I tried to tell him that he was trying to kiss me, he didnt want to hear it so it was over

Me- Why didnt Aubrey tell Trey

Pooch- I told him that I wouldnt cheat on Trey so he broke us up, thinking that since we were broke up he can crash buns

Me- Did he

Pooch- Yup but only because I didnt want to be lonely

Me- Wow

Pooch- Hurry up. Im not trying to be late (Gets a text message) Never mind school is cancelled

Me- Really, open the curtains

When he did it, all you could see was tons of rain falling, the wind blowing & lightning shooting across the sky.

Me- Damn

Pooch- Yea storms get serious out here

Me- Well, since theirs no school (I dropped my shorts & hopped in my bed) im going back to sleep

Pooch- Can I just lay with you

Me- Sure (He stripped down to his boxers, turned off the light, & got under the covers with me)

Pooch- Just say it, you want to cuddle

Me- So now you're a mind reader too

Pooch- Something like that

Me- (I moved over to him & layed my head on his shoulder & his arm was wrapped around my back & he pulled me on top of him & wrap his arms around me) Better

Pooch- Way better

Me- Why do you like holding me so much

Pooch- The same reason why I used to hold Poochie so much

Me- Cause it was cuddly

Pooch- Because I loved it

Me- Oh so you love me

Pooch- Yea I do

For a second, all of the air in my system excaped my body. I know its a little premature but I loved him too. I just dont have the guts to tell him I love him too. I got off of his chest & layed on my side with my back facing him. I wonder what he's thinking...

{Pooch POV}

Oh my gosh. I finally told him & he didnt say it back. I know its only day 2 but after yesterday I can say that I know him & love him. He just got off of me. Oh no, im gonna freak out. Maybe he didnt hear me....

Me- Did you hear me, I said I love you

Terrence- How do you know

Me- Well since you asked im gonna tell you but im warning you that its gonna sound kind of cheesey

Terrence- Go for it

Me- I can tell because when im not around I just wanna be near you, & when im near you I just wanna hold you. I wanna be there for you whenever you need somebody to talk to. I wanna be able to say that you are my man without lying. I wanna make you laugh & hold you when you cry. I wanna make you smile & I wanna protect you from any harm. You are all I think about. And if it aint loving you it doesnt matter...

{Terrence POV}

Me- Why do you continue to take my breath away

Pooch- I dont know but I do know (Rolls over & thrust his hips into my ass & leaving his hard on laying in my ass like a footlong inbetween a bun & presses his entire frontal against my back) that I love you & I will do whatever it takes

Me- You dont have to do much, just promise me that you'll wait for me

Pooch- You can have as much time as you need, just make sure you dont forget about me

Me- (Thinking: I would never forget you)

After that he kind of just drifted off to sleep. I loved the way he held me. It was like I was the MVP of his life. What makes me like him even more is how focused he is on making our "relationship" strong & isnt just trying to crash buns. Im really falling in love with him....& I never fall that easy. But that look I got from Trey seems to be creeping through my mind. I already decided to go out with Pooch but im gonna go out with Trey to make this feel fair. Then as if I just got sedated I instantly went to sleep. I had a dream about Pooch & Trey fighting to the death for me. At the end of the fight, Pooch spares Treys life but as soon a Pooch turns to me Trey stabs him through his heart. The dream scared me so much that I woke up. When I looked at my clock it read 2:29. I rolled around in Pooches arms to face him. He looked so peaceful, his skin so smooth. I simply layed my head on his chest. I layed on him for a few minutes before his phone went off.

He picked it up, read a text, then sat it back down. Im very curious, so I had to ask....

Me- Who was that

Pooch- Hosea

Me- What he want

Pooch- He was telling me that everybody is chillin at Ravens house

Me- You wanna go

Pooch- I rather stay & lay with you

Me- (Gets out of the bed) Come on

Pooch- Ok

He put back on his clothes & I put on my planned outfit with a hoodie added. After we made out a little, we headed to Ravens house which just so happened to be a couple of house down. Once we made it to the door we walked straight inside. All I saw was 2 staircases, one going up & the other going down, we went down. Pooch lead me down to a small hallway with 2 closed doors, one opened bathroom door, & a door way with beads hanging instead of adoor. We walked into the room with the beads. Just by the way it looked, I could tell that their group was in here a lot. Their were pictures of all of them with their names or nicknames on the way somewhere near it, their was also pictures of them on trips or doing something fun, the walls had rainbow colors painted on them, their was a plasma screen tv hanging on the wall, & up against the wall, in front of the tv, sat 2 black leather sectionals put together forming a half oval with 2 matching recliner chairs on

each end & their everybody sat eyes dead on us. Raven was the 1st one to talk....

Raven- Hey new bestie

Me- Hey whats going on

Raven- Just sitting here, talking

Me- Why is it so quiet now

Christina- Cause you're both standing there like manikins

Me- What

Nicki- Lemme put this in a nice way, sit ya asses down

We both sat in the reclining chairs on the end & again Raven started talking.....

Raven- So did yall have fun last night

Hosea- Damn you nosy

Raven- No im not...im curious

Pooch- Im requesting a change of subject

Trey- (With attitude) Yea me too

Chris- Ooh look at him turning green, change the subject before he start screaming "Trey mad"

Trey- Shut up (Throws a pillow at Chris while everybody laughs)

Christina- Oh Terrence I forgot to introduce my boyfriend (Scoots over a little & reveals a light skinned guy) This is Christian Keys

CK- But everybody calls me CK

Me- Im Terrance

Raven- Kelly & Ryan is in the back room

Hosea- (Gets a text) Ay yall since the rain stopped Coach Martin texted me & said, "All basketball played & cheerleaders got practice"

Christina- What about girl basketball players

Hosea- Nope

Chris- Dance team

Hosea- Nope

So after that Hosea, Pooch, Ryan, Christian, Kelly, Keri, Nicki, Adrianne, Keily, Sabrina & Ti all left. But before Pooch left he kissed me & right after Trey was staring at me with the same look as yesterday. The only people left was me, Chris, Raven, Christina, & Trey. Then he said...

Trey- Damn you really know how to piss people off

Big Sean- (Coming into the room) Whats wrong with you

Trey- Nothing

Chris- That sure didnt sound like nothing

Trey- Forget about it

Me- No, go ahead

Trey- Ok. The reason why im mad is because you knew how felt about you & yet you went on a date with my ex & acted like I wasnt gonna care. Then on the same night you let him crash buns. Now yall wanna act like yall aint do nothing when we all know yall did

Me- First of all, all we did was kiss & cuddle. Secondly, I didnt know how you felt all we were doing was flirting. And most importantly, I didnt know he was your ex til this morning.

Trey- Fuck you

Me- No thank you. I dont feel like just pulling hair & pounding you doggy style

Pooch- (Runs back in) I forgot my keys (Noticing the anger on Treys face as he walks past him & leaves) Whats was that all about

Me- I'll tell you later

Pooch- Ok (Leaves)

Chris- Damn

Me- Im sorry yall. I'll just leave

Raven- Dont leave. Just go chill in the back room & one of us will come & check on you

Me- Ok

I went to the back room & sat in a recliner chair & leaned back. I was so mad, not only did he try to insinuate that im a bop, he also made me look stupid talking about how I knew he had feelings for me. All we did was flirt. How do you get "i love you" from flirting? He had no reason to go off on me the way he did. Its natural to have an arguement like this after a few months or at least some weeks but on the 2nd day this shit is insane. Its ok though cause im bout to tell Pooch "Yes". Obviously if Trey isnt man enough to step to me correct then he doesnt deserve me. I could hear everybody else talking about what happened, & it made me happy to hear that they were on my side. Maybe 5 minutes later, Christina came walking in....

Christina- Hey

Me- Hey

Christina- You ok

Me- Yea just a lil frustrated

Christina- (Sits down on the bed) Im listening

Me- Its nothing really, just me getting caught up in my emotions. I got a really big choice to make

Christina- Like what

Me- If they were single who would you chose to be with out of Pooch & Trey

Christina- Well Treys problem is the way he's constantly assuming & Pooches problem is he falls too fast & too hard. So if it was me i'd pick Pooch but im not you so it's not my choice

Me- Thanks

Christina- Dont sweat it, im sure you'd do the same for me (Leaves)

My talk with Christina really gave me some good insight on Trey. As I was thinking Chris came into the room...

Chris- Hey sexy, you straight

Me- Na im gay

Chris- (Laughs) Great, so am I

Me- What you want Chris

Chris- Just checking on you

Me- Im fine

Chris- I see that

Me- Are you flirting with me

Chris- Na just trying to cheer you up but if I didnt have a man I would

Me- Chris you crazy

Chris- You know Trey didnt mean it like that

Me- Look I know he's your friend & all but im cool on him. Maybe if he apoligize I might consider going on a date with him but until then its me & Pooch

Chris- Ok (Leaves)

I cant believe Chris thought i'd still be interested in Trey. After the way he treated me. You foolin. After about another 5 minutes in walks Big Sean....

Big Sean- You cool

Me- Yea

Big Sean- You sure

Me- Yea

Big Sean- You wanna talk about it

Me- Not really

Big Sean- You wanna talk about that kiss yesterday

Me- Fuck no

Big Sean- Aight (Leaves)

Pointless but once Raven walked in I knew that I was in for a hell of a conversation...

Raven- (Sits on the bed & faces me) You cooled off

Me- Yea thanks for sending them back to check on me

Raven- I didn't send them, they just came

Me- Well thanks anyway

Raven- So how'd the date go

Me- Oh my gosh, it was amazing. We went to the diner & had a ball. Then he drove me all around town. Then to this valley that overlooked the entire city & we kissed

Raven- Ok but what do you think about Pooch

Me- He's so much fun, & so sweet. He is so different from other guys. When im around him I just cant help but smile

Raven- Sounds to me like you in love

Me- I am but I dont know how to say it

Raven- You dont have to, let your actions speak for you

Me- I will, thanks for the talk

Raven- No problem

Once Raven left, I layed in the bed & started to doze off...

WTF. Im naked. Laying im my bed. When I tried to get up I felt 4 hands hold me down. Then I looked up & saw Pooch & Trey also naked & kissing each other. I was getting so turned on. Then, as if my lips were being pulled, I slowly rose to the sexy adonises kissing above me & joined their kiss. I swear this was all too real. Once my lips touched thiers, they both turned their heads toward me & launched theirs tongues into my mouth. We fought with our tongues for positions. The turnout was me on bottom, Pooch in the middle, & Trey on top. So after we kissed for a little bit longer, they pushed me down again. Pooch started making a trail with his tongue from my neck, to my chest/nipples, down my abs, outlining my V, & then his stopped at the 8 inch treasure at the end on the trail. Meanwhile, Trey told me to flip over, I did, then he got in front on me & held his dick in my face. After staring at the 9 inch monster I hopped right on it. I dont know why but I

was blessed without a gag reflex. So there I was giving Trey probably the blow job he ever had. Then I felt Pooch separate my ass & I felt his thumbs pulling my tight hole open. As if he was a hungry dog, Pooch dove into my ass with his tongue sticking straight out & started going to work. I swear I was in heaven, I had Trey moaning to the high heavens & Pooch was eating my ass like it was gonna be his last meal. Then at the same time I felt Pooches tongue hit my Noise Maker (prostate) & Treys precum hitting my tongues, suprisingly it taste good. Since Trey was precumming we started to move along. So here we are me on my back with my legs on Pooches shoulders, Pooch lined up with my hole, & Trey behind Pooch with his hands on his hips. Then Trey moved into Pooch slowly, earning a high pitched moan from Pooch, & to move things along Pooch pushed into me, causing me to moan loudly. And just like that we were all begining increase the speed. After about 10

minutes of dirty talk & fucking we switch around. Pooch was on his back with me riding him while Trey was on all fours taking my dick with kissing Pooch. Treys ass was so tight, & his cheeks were so soft. Then I grab Trey by his braids & started pulling his hair. He stopped kissing Pooch & started moaning & yelling "Fuck that ass". I was really hitting it then he hopped off my dick came behind me & slide inside me with Pooch. Initially that shit hurt but once the pain went away & I was in a state of euphoria. Then just like the last dream, as soon as we reached our climax together I was woke up...

Pooch- Hey babe wake up

Me- Hey

Pooch- My bad for being so late after practice we all went to LaRosas

Me- What time is it

Pooch- Like 9:30

Me- Damn im hungry

Pooch- Well its some pizza & wings out there

Me- Ok. Is Trey still out there

Pooch- Umm no but what happened with y'all

Me- We had an arguement because he assumed we fucked

Pooch- Oh are you ok

Me- Yea after talking with Christina, Chris, & Raven I went to sleep & dreamt about you

Pooch- (Flashing his money making smile) Come on, we bout ta watch a movie

Me- Ok

Once we got out there I noticed everybody was sitting down eating. Pooch & I grabbed us some food & sat down & watched "Insidious" with everybody else. After lots of: jumping, questions, statements, assuming, & a twisted ending, the movie was over & Nicki broke the silence...

Nicki- Who tryna go to Club T's

Keri- Ooh Club T is the spot

Kelly- Yea it is

Me- Whats Club T

Chris- Only the hottest teen club on the west coast

Adrianne- And we get VIP perks

Me- How

Sabrina- My careless ass dad owns the place

Me- Whats the perks

Hosea- Alcohol

CK- VIP section

Nicki- Direct dj request

Chris- And the privledge to clear the center of the dance floor

Me- Wow. All yall can dance

Hosea- All of us can move but real dancing is split up between Chris, Raven, Nicki, Colombus, & Pooch

Pooch- (Looks at Hosea as if he said something wrong) Thanks

Me- When you say "really dancing" you mean

Chris- Well Nicki is the best clowner we got

Nicki- While Raven holds it down with amazing foot work

Raven- Colombus is the krumper

Columbus- While Pooch is our breaker/stuntman

Pooch- And Chris got it all

Raven- So everybody ready by in 30

All- (Scattered) Yea

As soon as I got in my room, I ran straight to my closet. After a series of self debates, I decided on: a neon blue shirt, with some khaki cargos, neon blue briefs, blue Obois, & blue frames. After skanning myself in the mirror, I ran back to Ravens house to see everybody dressed & ready to go. I saw Pooch standing up against his truck rocking a white V neck with a red bubble vest, some black jeans with red designs down on leg, some red & black adidas, & some red shades that made his smile even more sexy. As soon as I was thinking about Pooch, I saw Trey walk up next to him & shake his hand. Then before I could proccess any type of thought Raven said....

Raven- Damn boy. I so wish you were straight

Me- Too bad but not even a gay guy can get me

Pooch- Why not

Me- (Walks up to him & grabs him by his vest) Cause im taken (Pulls him into a kiss) (Everybody else "Ooooh") Thats right, you are my boyfriend now so stop trying so hard

Pooch- Yes sir

Chris- So are we goin or not

Laz- Yea lets go

Before we got into the cars, I noticed that Trey had on the same thing as Pooch but all of his red was orange, and Chris's was yellow. I thought it was cute though. We drove to the club. When we got there, we parked and walked up to this flat single story building. Honestly, I thought it was gonna be lame but when we walked in and the floor began to slowly drop I was amazed. All I seen was rainbow lights flickering all around, thousands off bodies dancing around, the dj booth was made out of glass in between the bottom floor & the upper floor & so was the upper (VIP) floor. Man it was amazing. While we were making our way through the dance floor, the mc yelled out really loud....

MC- Oh snap Royal Family is in the building, yall know what the mean

Me- Who is Royal Family

Raven- Us

As the crowd cleared, they all formed a circle and started freestyling. First Nicki started going in on all of the audience members & I was getting weak. Then Raven with krazy footwork. After that, Columbus started goin off. Then, Chris showed off his fancy moves. Out of nowhere, Pooch flipped out a started breakdancing. They were amazing & I was so amazed. Then the worst thing happened, Chris & Columbus pulled me onto the dance floor. So I had to make a name for myself. After my debut, the MC slowed it down with "Lost Without You". I looked at Pooch & said....

Me- You wanna go sit down

Pooch- (Grabs Terrence hand) No I wanna dance

I wrapped my hands around his neck, & he put his around my waist. We moved to the beat, letting bodies do all the talking. His said "I just wanna be close to you & I wanna crash buns". Mine said "I gotta have you right now". I was looking over at Trey dancing with that pervert Brian White. He was looking right at me. I wonder what he's thinking about...

{Trey POV}

Damn I wish I never argued with him. Im not even mad at either of them. If anthing im jealous....


Next: Chapter 3

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