Pure Luck

By Don't Eat The CANCER FRY

Published on Dec 31, 2000


Hello all my happy readers. It's time for another chapter of my story.

Ok Ok, enough with the Mr. Rogers bullshit. If you're under 18 or it is illegal in your area please don't read this. You will anyway but at least I warned ya. If lesbians or anything having to do with the homosexual community makes your stomach churn than buddy you are way off course to be on this website. A special thanks to all those who have wrote to me.

If you have questions or comments e~mail me at dd_sp_2201@hotmail.com.



Chapter 3 "Every Rose Has a Thorn" "You liar! You totally did not get with her." My best friend, Nick, says to me through mouthfuls of popcorn. God, I thought gay guys were supposed to be neat. What a slob. "If you mean sleep with her, no." I pause. "It hasn't been officially said outloud, but I guess we're a couple now. I've been wanting for this forever it seems. I can't believe how totally lucky I am." I babble then take a drink of my Coke. My life has done a complete 360 in just one day. No more wishing. No more longing. I finally have my princess in my sights, not just my dreams. What a ... "Heellooo." Nick shouts and runs his hand in front of my face a few times and jars me out of my thoughts. "Ok Lisa, get your imaginary head out of her imaginary crotch and listen to me. I don't need to see you hurt by another user dike." He puts down his beloved bag of popcorn and looks me in the eyes. "I'm serious Lisa. Don't let her walk all over you like Laura did." When he says Laura, or Unmentionable as we like to call her, my head jerks up. I can't believe him! "Don't you even compare her to Laura. She is the exact opposite. Exact. She's kind and considerate. A complete sweet heart. And she's gorgeous, Laura couldn't hold a candle to her." "But that's how Laura was when you two first started dating. She was kind and considerate and a sweet heart and all that other crapp you mentioned, but then she decided that you were her bitch. And look at how it ended." He stops at that and takes my hand. "Look, I promise I'll be careful. Promise." "Pinky swear?" He sticks out his littlest finger. "Yup, I swear on your life..." And grab his with mine. "Wait a minute here....on my life???" He says, with a drama queen shocked look on his face. "Shithead you're gonna get it!" And with that he throws me back on the couch and tickles the shit out of me. "Get off of me you queer!" I shout between giggles. "Yup, that's me." He says and grins, but doesn't stop.

"So do you wanna see Charlie's Angels or Coyote Ugly?" Marissa says from the passenger seat of my car. "Either way we're viewing some major eye candy." She turns and looks at me. "Or we could just sit in the car the whole time and I could watch you."

I park the car and just sit there for a second staring at the steering wheel.

"Sweety?" Marissa asks. When I don't answer she puts her hand on my arm. "What's wrong babe?"

"I'm scared. That's what's wrong." I reply.

"What's there to be scared of?"

"Of us."

"Us? Why are you scared of us? Have I done something wrong?"

"No, it's not anything you've done. It's just I've been through enough relationships where I end up alone and crying. I can't handle it again. I don't want that to happen to us. I went around and around from girl to girl searching for someone to love me even half as much as I loved them and every single time I've been hurt in some way. I'm just scared that....are you going to be something else I have to survive? Cuz if you are I can tell you right now, I'm not up to it."

"Baby no. I....this may be a whole new concept for me. Being with another woman I mean. But it's something I have never had before. I've never been with someone that devotes their entire being to me. Guys are all in it for the sex, which I didn't really mind, but I wanted more. More that they just didn't know how to give me. And now I've found it with you. I don't know how to explain what's going through my mind. All the things I want to say to you just can't amount to how I feel. There have been times in the past when I thought about being with a girl, but it was only a thought because I never knew how it could be. I can't tell you how a lot of things work. I wouldn't have the slightest clue how to explain nuclear physics. Or be able to tell you what someone is thinking. All I know is that I wouldn't trade what I have with you for anything or anyone in the world. Nothing."

I don't know how to react to this so I don't say anything. I just get out of the car, walk over to her side, open her door and hug her like it's the last time I ever will. We stand like that for some time and then realize we still haven't even picked out a movie to see. So we get back in my car and leave. Not really aiming for anywhere, just driving til there's no more road.

It's about 5:30 in the morning when we pull up to her house. There's a light on in the living room and we can see her roommate running around getting ready for work through the big picture window. She's not wearing anything but the towel on her head and the suit she was born in. Marissa and I share a giggle fit at her nude form open for all to see. When we finaly compose ourselves Riss looks at me and I just nod. We get out of the car and walk inside. "Oh, excuess me." Marissa's roomate says, not the least bit embarassed that she's waltzing around naked with two women in the room. "My names Mandy. I take it you're Lisa?" "Ummmm yea, how'd you know?" I ask and look at Marissa to see her blush insanely. "Oh Mare here talks about you constantly. From the way she prattles on about you I was beginning to think you were a Godess or something. I see I was right with that assumption." She looks me up and down while it's now my turn to blush. Marissa steps in front of me. "Back off Amanda, she's mine." Then the two of them laugh like loons. We finish with the pleasentries and Mandy says she's got to leave or she'll be late but that it was nice meeting me and the three of us should get together and go out or something to that effect. When Mandy's gone the silence is deafening. I know I'm here, but should anything happen? Marissa breaks the silence by saying, "So, do you want to watch a movie or something?" I look at my pager for the time and see it's now 6:30. What the hell, I don't have anything better to do. So I agree and go off in the kitchen to make some popcorn, which is now becoming a steady diet apparently. "Hey, do you wanna see 'Erin Brockovich'? I bought it like a month ago but haven't had the time to sit down and watch it yet." Marissa calls from the basement den. "Sure, I haven't seen it either." The microwave beeps to signal the corn's done. I pull it out, grab two Budweisers and head downstairs. Riss's bent over in front of the TV and I almost drop everything that in my hands. I walk over and stand against her while she straightens up. My arms find their way around her waist as my lips find her neck. She leans back against me and moans in her throat like she's purring. This turns me on so much and I run my hands under her shirt on her stomach. Her skin is warm and silky to the touch and makes me want her even more. I turn her around and kiss her eyelids. My lips find every inch of skin on her face, leaving none of it left out. They have a mind of their own as they search her face and neck, touching everything as a blind man would in an unknown room. My hands feel their way around her body, reveling in this closeness, and then I pull her shirt slowly over her head. I straighten up and our lips meet softly at first, but growing in intensity with every passing moment. Suddenly I feel her hands on my ass and realize this is going way too fast. I pull away reluctantly and look at her descheveled state. "Wait... I ....this is going too fast. We've only been together for two days. I don't want to just jump into sex. My body is cursing me to Hell for this, but I think we need to settle down and maybe watch that movie." I wait for her to scream at me, but instead she just kisses my nose and puts the movie in the VCR. I sit down on the couch and pretend to be interested in the now cold popcorn instead of her topless body. She doesn't bother to put her shirt back on when she settles down in my arms. The satin of her bra teases me everytime it brushes against my skin, but self control wins out. We actually do become interested in the show after a bit of casual kissing and the next thing I know I'm waking up with her curled up practically inside me. She's got goosebumps on her arms she's so cold. I carefully pull myself away from her and get a blanket from upstairs. When I come back down she's awake and sitting up, rubbing her arms for warmth. She spots me and grins. "Well well well, good morning sunshine. Did you bring that just for lil ol' me?" She asks. "Ummm no, I brought it for me. Get your own damn blanket." My face meets with an airborn pillow. "Alright alright, so I'll share, but if you hog it I'm pushing you off the couch."

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 4

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