Pure Luck

By Don't Eat The CANCER FRY

Published on Jan 19, 2001


I've been getting a lot of e~mails about my story and I would like to personally thank you all for your support. For those that are really revved up for a superb sex scene, put your hormones in check for a bit, it'll come in time. Until then, I hope you enjoy.

E~Mail any questions or comments to dd_sp_2201@hotmail.com



Chapter 5 "A Kiss Can Be Deadly If You Mean It." There's just something about the way the sky looks on days when there isn't a cloud in sight that makes my old fashioned heart sigh. That's the way the sky looks today and it couldn't be a more perfect setting. Richard is off on a date with some new beau and it's just Riss and I sitting in the park. The grass is ever so soft under the palms of my hands. Colors I've never noticed before are coming into view right before my very eyes and I have a suspicion it's all because of my lady fair curled up next to me. I couldn't say how many times I've gazed at her, but every time I do it's like looking at her for the first. I find something new about her with each passing moment, like the gold and silver flecks in her deep brown eyes. Or the way her hair falls just so over her forehead and ears. How dainty her hands and fingers are as they trace circles around my own. Marissa rolls over onto her stomach, props her head in her palms and looks me in the eyes. "Let's dance." She says out of the blue. "What? Here? Now?" I'm a little confused. "Yes here." "But there's no music." "Sure there is, just listen." She begins to hum our song. "You've got to be joking, what if someone sees?" I say and look around. There's no one to be seen, but I'm still paranoid about being spotted doing something of that cheese factor. "So what." She pulls me up with her and drapes my hands around her neck. When she wraps her own around my waist she begins to sing. "It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart. Without saying a word...you can light up the dark." I rest my head on her shoulder and sway with her. "Try as I may I could never explain, what I hear when you don't say a thing." She kisses my eyes. "The smile on your face let's me know that you need me. There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me. The touch of your hand says you'll catch me, whenever I fall. You say it best...when you say nothing at all." I pick my head up and look into her eyes. We stay like that through the rest of her singing. "Well well well, what do we have here?" A familiar voice calls out. "A romantic moment, now if you don't mind..." Marissa makes a shooing jester with her hand. "Duck out Dick." "Dammit Rissa, you know I hate it when you call me that. I don't call you Pussy do I?" He pouts. "No you don't, ya know why? Because pussy isn't short for my name, Dick. It may be my main food group, but not my name." We all laugh at this. "So, my date with Ebeneiser Scrooge didn't go so well and I cut it short before I got to eat. What do you say we catch a bite?" "Sure, I'm kinda hungry myself, how bout you Riss?" "Well, I was planning on eating, but food never crossed my mind." She winks at me. "I guess I could go for a chili dog or something." "Sounds like a plan. Meet you guys over at Rudy's in a half an hour?" Richard asks. "Okie day." We both say at the same time. "Ya know, you guys are pathetic. Now you're even thinking the same. Just don't corrupt her Rissa, she's a good girl." "Ha!" We say at the same time once again. "Weirdo's" And with that he bolts off to his car. "Well, we got a half an hour to kill, what do you say we scare the old folks?" She says as she pulls me close for a kiss.

The bubbles tickle my back as I ease myself into Marissa's hot tub. It's just me and Richard for now because Riss is in the shower. There's a peaceful nighttime silence around the backyard and this is just the relaxation I've been yearning for.

Richard coughs and clears his throat. "So, how long have you and my Rissa been seeing each other?"

"About two weeks. I know it doesn't seem long, but I think I've finally found the girl for me." I say as I sip a coke.

"Well, I just want you to know that she's the little sister I never had. Don't hurt her ok?"

"I don't think I could ever do that. Not intentionally anyway. She means way to much for me to take advantage of her."

"I'm not talking about taking advantage, I'm talking about cheating on her. She's been through more than her share of that. To be completely honest, she's nuts about you and it would crush her if..." I cut him off.

"Look Richard, I know you have to be the protective brother figure and all, but you have nothing to worry about. I'm just as crazy about her, if not more. I couldn't hurt her if I tried."

"Well, now that that's settled. I've got something else to tell you." He pauses and scoots over toward me. "I've got a crush on you." And with that he kisses me full on the lips. I'm paralyzed. I can't push him off and I can't respond. All I can do is sit there and think 'Jesus Christ what the fuck is this kid doing?' Finally the blood rushes back to my arms and I shove him off.

"What the fuck was that? You just gave me this whole speech about not cheating on her cuz she's like your sis. And aren't you gay?" I hiss.

"Well, you've passed the test. You didn't kiss me back. And yes I am gay. You just seem too good to be true."

"Whatever Dick, that was totally uncalled for." I get out of the hot tub in a hurry and run in the house.

"Whoa whoa whoa, what's the rush?" Marissa asks as I run into the bathroom. "Nothing, I just have to pee really bad." I say as I sit down on the toilet and force myself to go. My head is spinning. What in the Hell just happened? I can't believe that asshole actually kissed me. I feel so dirty. Not spank me dirty, but covered in mud dirty. I get off the pot and brush my teeth for a while until Riss tells me my gums are gonna disenigrate. She comes up behind me and snuggles against my neck. "What's wrong pumpkin? You're not acting like yourself." "Nothing. Really. I just had to pee really bad." "Well what's up with the teeth scrubbing?" "I just wanted to be clean for you." I think fast and kiss her. She pulls away just long enough to say, "Mmmmm, minty fresh." I close the door behind us and wrap myself around her, lavishing her face and neck with tiny kisses. Her hands find their way to my shirt and slowly pull it up over my head. I can feel her fingers tracing paths on my back, giving me goosebumps all over. I pull her towel off of her and rest my own hands at the base of her firm ass, bringing her closer to me. Marissa's mouth meets mine and our tongues entwine in their own frantic dance. I feel her hard nipples pressing against my own sending sparks across my nerves. We fumble our way out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. I flick the light off and then she flicks it right back on. "No, I want to see your face when you cum." She gasps. Riss throws me down on the bed and straddles my hips, never breaking our kiss. In seconds my bra is a ball on the floor. Marissa licks and kisses down my face, neck, and finally to my pert nipples. She gently nibbles on each one and I feel fireworks exploding in my sex. A deep carnal need takes over my body and I suddenly roll her over. She gives a startled yip and then giggles. My fingers investigate every inch of her body, all the while my lips and tongue knead her nipples and breasts. I lightly skim my hand from her knee to the top of her thigh, purposely avoiding her pussy. She moans and begs me to touch her, but I ignore her cries and continue to tease her senselessly. Crawling down between her sweet thighs, I blow on her swollen pink lips making her squirm and squeal. Ever so lightly I brush the tip of my tongue against her clit. Marissa lets out a throaty groan and pushes my head deep into her cunt. Suddenly the door flies open. "Rissa, whatever you two are doing, drop it now. We've got to go to the hospital." Richard says urgently. "What the..." She's still groggy from her near orgasm. " What's going on?" "George had a heart attack sweety." He throws some clothes from the floor to her. "Let's go."

A receptionist not a day over eighteen looks up from her desk. "Can I help you?"

"I need to know what room George Sabback is in." Marissa practically screams at the poor girl.

"Ok then, just a moment." She doesn't even bat an eye at the onslaught of my girlfriend. "Oh yea, he was just brought up here. Room 602. It's down the hall and to the right."

"Come on." Riss says as she drags Richard and I down the hall with her at break neck speed.

We get to the room and she bolts in the door.

"Hey pumpkin." George says from his bed. He looks like Hell in an ice box, but he sounds exactly the same. Like all he did was break a nail.

"Daddy, oh I was so worried." She says as she flings her arms around his neck. I give Cynthia a hug as she stands up from her chair. Her hair is descheveled and she's in pajama's and I can bet this is the only time I'll ever see her like this again.

"Hey careful kiddle, you'll pull out the damn tube that wretch of a nurse stuck in my arm. And I just know this hospital food is going to bite."

"And to think I was worried for a minute there. I thought you would actually let yourself be sick. Stupid me." Marissa nonchalantly smacks her forehead. "Well, I haven't eaten in a while, so I think me and Lisa are gonna run down to the cafeteria and see if there's anything good to grub on. You want anything?"

"I could go for a slushie if they have em." Richard says. He's holding Cynthia's hand as she stares blankly at the wall. Somehow I feel that this is worse than everyone's letting on.

"Mom, how about you?"

No answer.


"Huh...oh nothing dear, I'm not hungry at the moment."

"Alrighty then. Hop to it Lisa." She says as she smacks my ass. My eyes widen for a second but then I relax as if it were just a friendly little tap.

While walking down the hall Marissa grabs my hand and swings it between us like two little kids off to the candy store.

"What is this sudden pep? Do you realize that you're holding my hand....in public....in the hospital....with your dad in a hospital bed recovering from a heart attack?"

"Yea, but I overreacted. It was probably a minor one, I mean, you saw how he acted."

"Yea, but I also saw how he looked. Sweety, you know your dad never lets on about anything. Even if it was minor, a heart attack is still a heart attack. An earthquake is still an earthquake. Do you get it?"

"Please, let's just get some food and get back up there. I know how my dad is. Don't try to act like you've known him your whole life. He's my dad not yours." Her voice hitches and suddenly she's sobbing in my arms. "Oh my God, I could have lost him. I'm sorry, I don't mean to yell." She'd say more, but the tears stop her. I comfort her for a minute in the hall way, then take her the rest of the way to the cafeteria in my arms.

"Ok, you get Richard's slush and I'll get us a couple of salade's." I say and walk over to the veggie bar. Riss gets Richard's drink and sits down at a table in the corner of the smoking section and light up two cigarettes. At first I think she's smoking two, but then realize she lit one for me.

"Thanx for the smoke babe." I say

"What smoke? These are for me."

"You're kidding?"

"Does this look like the face of a joker?"

I don't argue.

While walking back to the room we hear, "Code Blue 602, Code Blue." "What the fuck!" We both say and sprint the rest of the way to the room. Cynthia and Richard are outside the door. She's bawling her eyes out as Richard comforts her. A tear slides down his cheek and he shush's her. "Shhhh, it's going to be alright. He's a tough old bastard, he'll stick it out." Somehow his words don't pacify her and she crys louder and harder. A doctor comes out of the room. "Well, he's stable now. But I honestly can't tell you how long he'll stay that way. To be truthful, he might not make it through the night. If he does he's in the clear. But this is a crutial time. You can go in now."

To be continued...

Ok ok ok, yea you've all been waiting for a sex scene....well, you got half of one. I know I'm a tease. But you'll live.

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