Quarterback Keeper

By William Marshal

Published on May 9, 2021


Quarterback Keeper: 2

Reaching an Understanding

Virginia Kesslinger gave Joe a big hug, "I am so glad you could make it to graduation. Anthony, has been worried that he pushed you too hard to take on his "new project." Your being here has helped him feel more at ease."

"I was feeling a bit trapped into Anthony and Bill's plan," Joe said, "but when I got to thinking about it, I started to get onboard, even a bit excited, about helping Tyler. Anthony knows how to sell me on his schemes."

"I'm glad. I would hate for something to get between you two, and I am particularly glad it won't get in the way of you guys having a great vacation this summer." Virginia whispered in Joe's ear, "I've never told you how important those two weeks are to our marriage. Anthony is so much a better husband, father, and lover when he comes home. That year after you had the kidney transplant and the trip was cancelled was the longest year of my life."

Joe looked at Virginia with a bit of uncertain confusion, not sure what to say.

"Anthony told me about you guys after the third year of the "boys" vacation," said Virgina with a conspirtatorial whisper.

"I'm sorry, I didn't ever want you to find out. I didn't want to hurt you," said Joe.

"It hurt for a bit, then I thought: Virginia, you are being stupid; this arrangement is keeping Anthony happy and under control. So I decided that for two weeks of the year he could be a wild boy and the other 50 weeks the respectable college professor. Plus all three of us have been friends since college, and I know you would never hurt either Anthony or me."

"I don't know what to say, I...."

"You don't need to say anything, particularly to Anthony. I just figured it was time you knew that I knew and was happy you are in our lives. So, I expect you to come over to the house for Tyler's graduation party. Plus, Grant and Gary are home from Stanford and will be unhappy if they don't get to see their godfather."

Anthony and Tyler walked up with a woman Joe didn't recognize. "Mr. Bartlett," Tyler said, "This is my mother, Mary Simmons."

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Simmons." Joe said with a smile, "You have a great boy, and I'm sure you are very proud. The only thing he can't seem to do is remember to call me Joe rather than Mr. Bartlett."

"Are you coming over for Tyler's party," asked Anthony.

"Yes, Virginia just twisted my arm, and I can't miss the chance to see Grant and Gary."

"Great, Vee and I need to make an appearance at the Board of Directors reception and Tyler's car is packed to the headliner with crap. Can you bring Mary to our house."

"Sure, I would love to, if that is alright with Mrs. Simmons."

"Please call my Mary, and I would like an opportunity to get to chat with you about stinkpot."

Everyone laughed but Tyler who suddenly was beet red. "Please mom, don't call me that," Tyler pleaded.

"Now Stinkpot," Joe said, "You just leave your mother with me. I am sure we will have a great chat on the way to the Kesslinger house."


"Stinkpot!," four voices said in unison followed by more laughter at the blushing athlete's expense.

As Mary buckled her seat belt she said, "Joe I am glad I have a chance to talk to you alone. I just want to tell you how grateful I am that you are helping my boy."

"Mary, I have to admit I wasn't too excited with the way Anthony and Bill Masterson went about arranging this mentorship, but I am not holding that against Tyler. From everything I've learned, he is a kid that deserved a break."

"Yes, My Tyler has had it rough. His father died when he was in the third grade. The coroner ruled it an accident. The report was that Fred fell asleep and drove into that tree, but I have always wondered. I loved my husband, but he was hard to live with. Today, we'd say he is suffering from depression and get him help. Back then, men were just told to suck it up."

"Does Tyler know what you suspect?" Joe asked.

"No, I keep that close to my heart because I want, maybe need, to hope it was an accident. I also think a boy needs to admire his father, even if it is a myth created by his momma. The only reason I am telling you this is because the doctor told me that depression can run in families. With things not going how Tyler had planned them, I need you to keep and eye on my boy."

"I swear Mary, I will do whatever Tyler needs. I will take good care of your stinkpot."

Mary laughed, but then got serious again. "I know that Dr. Kesslinger told you about my disability and that Tyler has been sending me money to help out. Well, I haven't told Tyler how my disability has progressed. I have been lying to Tyler. I have told him the doctor thinks it's a pinched nerve or an inner ear condition throwing off my balance, that I have early signs of osteoporosis, I have even told him the doctor is running tests for environmental toxins, but the truth is I have Multiple Sclerosis. It is in a phase called relapsing-remitting, which means that new symptoms can pop up at any time and then I will make somewhat of a recovery that can last for months or even years."

"Don't you think he has a right to know the truth Mary?"

"Not if the truth will ruin his life. If he knew, he would give up everything to come home and take care of me. He wouldn't leave me, and I can't stand the thought of my boy putting his life on hold to watch me waste away. I would drive into Fred's tree before I let that happen. Do you hear me Joe."

"So, why are you telling this to me?"

"Because Joe, I get the sense you are going to be a very important part of Tyler's life. I need someone who can explain and make him understand, to ask him to forgive me, if things progress before I have the opportunity to do it myself."

"How will you get along."

"I have made plans."

Alarmed Joe started, "Not the....."

"No Joe," Mary laughed, "The doctor, my pastor and I have made arrangements for assisted living, and when the time comes more intensive care. My affairs are set so Tyler won't be saddled with any debt, my funeral is planned and paid for, and the house will go to the State of Oklahoma to cover part of what it will pay for my final care. When they bury me beside Fred, Tyler can drive out of Ames, Oklahoma and never look back."

Joe parked the car in front of the Kesslinger home and just stared straight ahead.

"Joe," Mary continued, "this is a lot to dump on you, but I won't be able to take care of Tyler for very much longer, and I am desperate to know he will have people around him who will look after him, care for him, maybe even love him when I can't anymore."

A tear was running down Joe's cheek, "I will Mary, I will take care of your boy."

Mary reached out and wiped the tear with her hanky and smile. "Now Joe, don't be sad. This is Tyler's big day and I want him to enjoy it. I am so proud of him."

Joe returned the smile, jumped out of the car, opened the passenger door, held out his hand and said, "Mrs. Simmons, will you do me the honor of allowing me to escort you to Stinkpot's graduation celebration." Mary laughed and they walked arm-in-arm to the front door.

Move in Day

A week after graduation, Joe was woken at 6:30 by a buzzing doorbell. "Who the hell?" said Joe as he got out of bed to find something to cover up his naked ass and morning wood before answering the door.

Finally reaching the door, he opened it to see a smiling Tyler standing on the landing. "Damn Tyler, it's fucking 6:30 on a Saturday morning."

"Sorry Mr. Bartlett,...uh....I mean Joe. I just wanted to get moved before it gets too hot. I have to make at least one more trip back home to get the rest of my things and my car's air conditioner doesn't work."

"Come in, and I'll show you your room. Have you had breakfast?"

"No, I thought I would grab something at McDonalds on my trip back to Ames to get the rest of my things."

"Well this is your room. It's not much, but it is all yours. We'll share the bathroom at the back of the apartment and there is a powder room through the office as well. Let me grab a shower while you move your things in and then I'll take you to get some breakfast. Might as well introduce you to Matty and get that out of the way."

"Matty owns the cafe, runs the town's rumor mill and dating service, and is the high school's mom-at-large. So you'd better put on your college boy charm or you'll get the social black ball in this town." Tyler looked a little worried. "Don't fret son, she has a thing for boys with muscles. Hell, she'll be staring so hard at your pecs and biceps she won't ever hear your order."

As Tyler carried his last box to his room, Joe walked out of the bathroom buck naked. Since he was toweling his hair dry he didn't see Tyler right away and ran into him. Tyler jumped when Joe's cock brushed the back of his hand."

"Sorry," said Joe, "I have lived alone for so long, I have forgotten that most people wear clothing at home. I guess we will have a few standards and expectations to discuss."

"I'm fine...I mean... well, it's your house." Unsure what to say next, Tyler ducked into his room with the box. Joe chuckled and thought, "This will be interesting."

When Joe and Tyler entered Matty's cafe, she quickly seated them in the middle of the dining room. After a few minutes of looking at the menus Tyler asked, "Why do I feel like everyone is looking at us."

"Because they are."

"Why?" asked Tyler a bit unnerved.

"Bill leaked the news that you are going to be an assistant football coach and that I will be taking over the baseball program. It seems that a few athletic boosters were unhappy about the football and baseball season this last year, so at the last school board meeting he mentioned the coaching changes to take the pressure off of himself and the BOE. Of course, you and I are now expected to spin straw into gold. What do you think, Rumplestilskin?"

"I guess it's better than Stinkpot," and both men laughed.

Not long after their orders were taken, the dance started. David Anderson, school board president and local dentist, walked over to Joe and Tyler's table. "Hey coach, I hear you're going to be back managing the baseball team."

"Well Dave, that's the rumor."

"It's about time. We should'av never let you give up coaching. When you've gotta winner, you do whatever it takes to keep him. I can tell you the BOE is looking forward to a solid program and maybe another conference championship. Whatta you think?"

"I think we've got a young team. If we put too much pressure on them, they will fold like a cheap ladder. So, I'm going to work on the fundamentals, build their confidence, bring them along slowly, and kick the ass of any parent, booster, or Board member who even thinks of pissing on their shoes."

Dave laughed, "Damn, it's good to have Coach Joe back. And who is this young stud?"

"Dave you know good and well this is Tyler Simmons. Let's just put an end to this show." Joe stood up and said for everyone to hear. "Okay Rattlesnake friends and booster, let me just get this out of the way. First, the rumor is true that I am returning as head coach of the Rattler Baseball team." The patron broke into applause and cheers. "Second, this is Tyler Simmons. Many of you know he was the quarterback of the NOSU Jets until he was sidelined by an injury. He will be teaching social studies and will be assistant coach for the football team and my assistant baseball coach." More applause and cheers.

Joe continued, "I know ya'll want to ask about baseball and meet Tyler, but we're trying to get him moved today so he can start football camp with the team on Monday. So if you let us eat our breakfast and get back to moving, we will be back this evening for pie and ice cream and to talk sports with anyone who wants to." There were nods of approval and more applause.

Matty, brought Joe and Tyler their breakfasts and said, "Damn you Joseph Bartlett, Jr., now I have to spend my afternoon baking pies."

"Matty dear, just so long as you have a pecan pie for me and Tyler to split."

Joe and Tyler were left alone to finish their breakfasts and when they got up to pay, they were told it was already taken care of by one of the Rattlesnake boosters and that their pie and coffee were already paid for that evening.

Joe's apartment was above the grocery store and across the street from Matty's. As they walked back Joe asked Tyler how much he had left to move. "One, maybe two, car loads," said Tyler.

"Why don't I take you in my pickup. We for sure can get it all and I have air conditioning. It's going to be a hot tamale before you get back."

"That would be great...if you don't mind."

"I have nothing else to do today, and I just threw you under the bus back there, so it is the least I can do for feeding you to the snake pit."

"Snake pit?"

"Yeah, that's what the coaches call the booster club."

Joe and Tyler were in the truck and just leaving Salt Fork when Joe's cell rang. Joe looked at it and saw that the call was from "A.D. Bill Masterson." Joe laughed, "This ought to be interesting. Keep quiet and I'll put it on speaker."

"Joe, I just got a call from Jerry Wilson. He's hot Joe. Something about a meeting at Matty's tonight and you're stirring up the snake pit. What is this all about?"

Joe told Bill what happened at breakfast. "Well," said Bill, "sounds pretty harmless, and I guess we kind of deserve it after serving you and Tyler up to the boosters and the BOE to take the heat off the athletic department. I'll make an appearance tonight to keep the peace. By-the-way, has Tyler finished moving in yet?"

"I think he has one more load to get."

"I'll have to have a talk with him. Warn him to keep his hands over his hot jock boy ass on the way to the shower."

"Fuck," yelled Joe after he spit out the Coke he had in his mouth. "Why would you say that?"

"First, because you stirred the pit on a Saturday morning. Second, because you have me on speaker -- Hi Tyler. Third, even us straight guys know he has a hot jock boy ass." Tyler was snickering and Joe was blushing.

"One last thing," Bill said, "you're probably going to get a call from a pissed off football coach. Do you want me to head that off?"

"No, I'll deal with Jerry--and, I'll deal with you too buddy."

"Promises, promises...see you tonight."

Joe looked straight ahead, "Well Tyler, I guess we are going to have to talk about what Bill just implied."

Tyler smiled, "I guess so."

"But not for a couple of days. I think I would die of embarrassment right now. Plus, that conversation will require a fridge full of Budweiser."

Joe's phone rang again. This time it was Jerry Wilson. Joe smiled and answered on speaker. "Hello, Jerry what do you need this lovely Saturday morning."

"What I need is for you to stop stirring the snake pit and keep your nose out of football business. Everyone knows the boosters think the sun rises from your ass. But that doesn't give you any right to talk about other programs."

"I don't know what you heard was said..."

"I don't need any fucking explanations, I just need you to stay the hell out of football!"

"Coach Wilson, before you say another word, let me remind you I am the local teacher's union president. Ask yourself how many times I have gone to bat for you and pulled your ass out of the fire. Also, ask who gave up a month of Saturday mornings tutoring your oldest son so he could get the ACT score he needed for his college scholarship. Finally, ask yourself who is your biggest defender to the faculty, administration, and boosters."

"You are." The wind was gone from Jerry's sails.

"Look Jerry, we were having breakfast at Matty's and the boosters were closing in on our table, so I simply said we would be back for dessert this evening and they can ask about baseball and meet Tyler then. The only thing I said about football was that he is an assistant coach and will be at football camp on Monday." "Look Jer, this is what we are going to do. You're going to be there tonight along with a couple of your seniors. You, Tyler, and the players will sit at one table and field football questions. I and Bill will sit at another table and answer baseball questions."

"I guess that will work," Jerry said noncommittally.

"Matty is baking Tyler and me a pecan pie."

"Oh, I love Matty's pecan pie."

"Then we will see you this evening at 7, and if you are on good behavior, you can have a piece of our pie."

"Sorry, I jumped to conclusions and accused you of interfering in football."

"Hey, don't think anymore about it. Just remember, I am your biggest supporter."

"Thanks Joe, goodbye."

After a bit of a pause Tyler said, "I am amazed with how well you handled the boosters, Bill and Coach Wilson. I don't think I will ever be that confident in those situations."

"You'll figure it out. The key is to know your stuff, do the right thing, and defend your friends and kids. If that is who you are, you will be a true champion regardless of your win/loss record."

When Joe and Tyler pulled up to the Simmons home, they found Mary sitting on the front porch in a well used wooden rocking chair. She smiled and said, "I thought you got lost and had forgotten to scatter your bread crumbs to find your way home."

"No mom, Joe bought me breakfast and let's just say I didn't know what a small town coach has to go through to keep the boosters happy. Hell. The politics are worse than running for state senator."

Joe laughed, "Good morning Mary, how ya doing."

"Just fine. That is, it will be just fine, when I get Stinkpots crap out of my new quilting room."

"Mom, I am 21, going to be 22 in 9 days, can't you please not call me that."

Joe suddenly piped up, "Did I hear right, Stinkpot has a birthday coming up."

"Yep," Mary said, "May 27, 1995 at two-fucking-forty-six in the morning Tyler Winfred Cummings took his first breath."

"Winfred?" mused Joe with a smile.

"Yeah, Winfred was Fred's real name. We decided to make Winfred Tyler's middle name because Fred didn't want him and Tyler to be known as Big Winney and Little Winney at his family reunions."

"I think we will have to have a birthday and welcome to the Salt Fork Coaching staff party for Tyler `Little Winney' Cummings."

"No, please Joe," Tyler groaned.

"Oh, yes. Would you join us Mary?"

"Thank you for the invite Joe, but I think this party will be something a mother should let her young man experience alone. But I do insist that you and Tyler come over the Sunday after. I will make Tyler's favorite birthday dinner and you can tell me all about the party."

"That's a deal," Joe said and Tyler groaned again as he knelt down to tussle with a golden retriever that was brushing his leg.

"Sunshine," Tyler said to the dog, "you are the only one who cares about my feelings. Joe and Momma just want to have a laugh at poor Tyler's expense." Sunshine licked Tyler's face and then looked at Joe and growled a little.

"Protective of Little Winney are we?" Joe said. Then he reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out a piece of a Slim Jim meat stick and held it out for Sunshine. It didn't take long for her to reevaluate her hostility to Joe and walk over and take the offered treat."

"Et Tu, Brute," Tyler said with mock betrayal.

It took Tyler and Joe a little over an hour to finish loading the rest of Joe's possessions in the pickup and tarp it down. Mary called them into the house for ice tea and cookies.

Finally Joe said, "I guess we'd better get on the road so we can get you unpacked and grab a shower before it is time to get over to Matty's for pie and coffee."

Joe noticed that Sunshine was sticking close to Tyler and sensed that something was different about his leaving this time. He looked at Tyler and said, "Do you want to bring Sunshine?"

Tyler looked at his mother and she said, "Go ahead and take her. I have my two cats and Sunshine needs more attention than I can give her."

Tyler smiled and grabbed a leash and Sunshine's water and food bowls, kissed his mother, and got into the pickup before he started to cry.

"I'll give him a minute. Here is my phone number and email," Joe said to Mary. "If you need anything, just give me a call."

"I'll be alright, just take care of my boy."

"I will," said Joe as he gave her a hug.

Joe and Tyler traveled for quite aways in silence. Sunshine, nuzzled into Tyler and he petted her softly. Finally Tyler said, "Why won't she tell me the truth, I've seen the brochures for the assisted living centers. I know her neighbors check on her every morning and evening. Why won't she just let me help her?"

After driving a bit farther in silence Joe finally said, "You are helping her. What she wants more than anything is to know that you will be alright. She needs to know that you can stand on your own feet. In the last years of my mother's life, her biggest fear was that I would need her and she wouldn't be around to help me. When I finally realized she didn't need me to take care of her, but to show her that I could take care of myself, it lifted a burden from her heart. We had three wonderful years together, not just mother and son, but also as friends."

Nothing more was said for the rest of the trip back to Salt Fork. Tyler thought about what Joe had said. Joe thought about what Tyler would need from him. As for Sunshine, nothing mattered as long as she was with Tyler.

13 Steps

"Damn Joe," Tyler said and he peeled off his sweat soaked t-shirt, "I have got my workout for the day, maybe the week. 13 steps up and down for every load, I feel like I've been running the NOSU stadium steps during summer conditioning."

"Well, if that has you winded boy, you are in trouble when baseball season starts."

"Why is that?" asked Tyler as he took the glass of iced tea Joe handed him.

"I have alway done conditioning drills with the boys. Run the laps and the sprints. Worked out in the weightroom. Whatever I told them to do, I did with them. But now I have a fresh outta college stud to take over conditioning and I expect he will be the model of the work ethic I want on my team. FYI: my teams are always the best conditioned in the entire Cherokee Strip Conference."

"Okay then. I'd better keep working on the three G's"

"Three G's?"

"Yeah, Guns, Guts, and Glutes," Tyler said and he struck a muscle pose for emphasis.

Joe's cock twitched at the sight of the 6'3" 210 lb. muscular college athlete shirtless and flexing, not to mention his cock was easily outlined by sweaty athletic shorts. "Fuck the kid is commando," Joe's inner voice said--no, screamed. "This is going to be a lot fucking harder than I thought."

Seemingly unaware of his own sexy hotness, Tyler continued, "Hell coach, from what I saw this morning you could still outwork a bunch of teenage boys."

"Enough sucking up to the landlord, college boy. We both need to grab and shower and a bite to eat before we head over to Matty's for dessert. On the weekends I usually eat just a sandwich and either soup or salad in the evenings. If you want more than that, you will have to make it."

"That sounds good to me," said Tyler. He sniffed his pits and said, "But, I think I better grab shower before sitting down to eat."

"Yeah Stinkpot, I think the food will taste better."

Tyler flipped Joe off as he started to the back of the apartment and the shower.

Joe had put a couple of sandwiches on two plates and was finishing a salad when Tyler walked into the kitchen-living area buck naked. "What should I wear tonight."

Joe's cock instantly got semi-hard and he was glad he was standing behind the kitchen island so Tyler couldn't see him chub. "I don't know what ya'll wear in Ames when you plan to meet your athletes' parents and the Board of Education; but in Salt Fork, we wear clothes." Tyler chucked and Joe continued, "I put a couple of sacks on your bed. Why don't you see if that stuff will work for you."

In a few minutes Tyler returned wearing a black and yellow Rattlesnake Athletic booster polo, black chino shorts, and a big smile. Before Joe knew what was happening Tyler had him and a bear hug and said, "Thanks man, you are the best."

"You're welcome," Joe replied, "but, I still haven't showered. You don't want to meet your team all man stinky do you?"

Tyler laughed, "I guess not if I ever want to dump the stinkpot nickname."

The Snake Pit

"Why do you keep looking out the window?" Tyler asked.

"I want to make sure that Bill and Jerry are there before we go over. That way they can deal with the bullshit. Bill will deal with the policy and politics, and Jerry can answer football questions. That will leave you free to get to meet parents and kids. If someone asks you something you don't have an answer for or you don't want to answer, just send them to the guys who get paid to shovel manure."

"What will you be doing?"

"Well son, I will be rebuilding the reputation of the baseball program. The last six years the major problem has been a lack of discipline and character in both the coaching staff and the team. Tonight, a few players and a lot of parents will be introduced to the Bartlett System of Baseball."

Exactly at 7 p.m. and five minutes after Bill and Jerry arrived, Joe and Tyler stepped into the cafe and were greeted like they were Norm and Matty's was really Cheers. Tyler made his way over to Jerry who immediately started introducing him to players and parents. Clearly since the conversation that morning Jerry had figured out how to use Tyler's celebrity to recruit players and convince the booster club to buy the new scoreboard he wanted.

Tyler was a real hit with the team. The Rattlesnake polo highlighted years of work in the gym and planted the seed in young minds that, with hard work and dedication, they could aspire to also be an Greek god. Aside for his clear alpha body, Tyler was easy going and young. He would soon have his own posse. Joe made a mental note that he needed to chat with Tyler about how to maintain a distance with players, students, and love struck teens.

As Joe was watching Tyler interact with the football players, a father and his son came up and introduced themselves. "Hey coach, I'm Kenny Claflin and this is my son Kenny Jr." Joe could smell the beer as Kenny Sr. spoke. "We just moved to Salt Fork three years ago, so you might not know about Kenny Jr.'s arm, but he will be a Feshman at the high school next year and will be your starting pitcher."

Joe looked at the obviously uncomfortable young man and said, "Is that true, son." The kid replied, "I think I'm a pretty good pitcher, but I will play wherever you need me sir."

"Bullshit, Kenny," blurted out senior, "you're a pitcher and that is all there is to it."

Joe recognized a kid living in a bad situation and Kenny certainly fit the profile.

Senior continued oblivious to the embarrassment to his son, "Jamie West and I coached the Tigers travelin' team. Last year we won tournaments in Tulsa, Little Rock, and Plano. So, if you need help with the team I and Jamie are happy to give you a hand."

Joe recognized an egohole--his term for a boasting asshole--and decided this wasn't the time to get into it with a drunk parent. But then Senior said something that Joe couldn't ignore. "Yeah, Jamie and I figure you've been out of cochin' for six years and will need some help gettin' up to speed and figuring out which kids got game and which ones don't."

"Mr. Claflin, I was going to just be nice and forget this meeting happened for the sake of your son, but now I need to make two things perfectly clear. One, parents don't help coach my teams, and I don't care what positions parents think their boys should play. Two, no one--parent, booster, coach, or Board of Education member--will show up to a game or event drunk."

By now people were watching the interaction and the room was tense. Kenny Sr. was getting more belligerent, but Joe just put his hands on his hips and slightly widened his stance so that his entire physical presence commanded the room. At, 6'2" and 190 lbs. Joe did not look like he was a man considering retirement. Broad shoulders, large biceps and pecs, and a thin waist were held up by legs that could easily do 60 mile per day bicycle road trips. The only hint to his actual age was well styled salt and pepper hair.

A man Joe recognized as Jamie West and a woman he presumed was Mrs. Claflin took Kenny Sr.'s arms and started to lead him to the door. Senior gave a show of protest but didn't resist enough to actually stay. Even in his inebriated state he recognized Joe would hand him his ass in an actual fight. Kenny. Jr. was left behind and didn't know what to do next. So, Joe stepped up and said, "Kenny, do you want to play ball for me?" The young man just shook his head yes. "I think there is a spot on the team for you," Joe said as he put a hand on the boy's shoulder. "When your dad is feeling better, bring him around and we will hit the reboot button." Junior smiled and said, "Thanks coach," then followed his parents out the door.

Soon the evening returned to joking, sports talk, and local gossip. Matty brought out a pecan pie to Joe. "Here's you pie coach. Just glad I didn't have to clean stupid daddy off of my freshly waxed floors." They both laughed. Joe took a piece of pie to Tyler and Jerry who were holding court for the football boosters. For Jerry, having a happy booster club was a welcome change.

Joe next took a piece of pie to Bill who accepted it and asked, "Are we friends again?"

To which Joe replied, "That depends on whether you have any more schemes."

"I still need an assistant cheerleader sponsor to fill." After a second both men burst into laughter.

At 9 p.m. Matty said, "It is an hour passed closing and I have to get my beauty sleep." Finally at 9:30 she managed to shoo Joe, Tyler and the last boosters out of the cafe and lock the door.

As they walked back to the apartment Tyler asked, "Are the boosters always that eager."

"One way or the other."


"If you're winning, they are eager to shake your hand. If you're losing, they are eager to display your head on a pike on the school lawn."

"I see."

"Hey, don't worry kid. It's the coach's head they want......they put just the assistants testicles on a pike....or in your case, toothpick."

Tyler laughed, "Now, I see what it is like to be at the bottom of the totem pole."

"Yeap, when you've been at the top so long, you forget the bottom guy gets all the shit," Joe said with a grin.

Next: Chapter 3

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