Rainbow World

By Steve Tobias

Published on Jun 23, 2009


*** Disclaimer -- This is a story of fiction which takes place on a fictional world. It involves incidents and situations involving explicit sexual activity (m-m and occasionally m-f for plot purposes). If you are underage in your locality to read such things, please stop now. All similarities to real persons or events is completely coincidental.

*** Author's note -- if you read the original chap 1, please note there has been a small change in the details of the story. In the original Chap 1, the Cardinal Direction for north was called "Blueward". From here on out, it will be referred to as "Purpward". "Blueward" actually refers to the Cardinal direction corresponding to west. 'Greenward' is east and 'Redward' is south.

Danforth Sean Alexander the 57th (Dirk)

Danforth Sean Alexander the 57th was laying on the beach, enjoying the last moments of peace before the onset of Green Rise. He was lying on his back, with his green arms supporting his head as he gazed at the quickly fading stars. His feet pointed Greenward, towards Lake Jade. The lake was named because of the Jade glow that erupted from the lake during the last five minutes or so prior to Green Rise -- the rising of the green sun. Today was a very special day, for it was also a true Three Suns Day. Approximately once every 50 cycles or so both the Yellow sun on the Redward horizon and the Blue sun on the Purpward horizon would creep ever so slightly above their respective horizons. You could actually see three suns in the sky at once! Normally on Three Suns Day you would only see the glow of the other suns on the horizons. If the day was clear, like this day was, it was seen by the people of the Green Realms as a omen of great things.

It was a long standing truth handed down through the generations that this was the only place on the entire planet of Prisma where such a sighting was possible, and that it was only possible here because of Mt Jade, the location of Lk Jade. Mt Jade was a geographical anomaly. It was a lone mountain that soared 7200 feet above a desert plain. On the Blueward side, the mountain loomed even higher, forming a half circle wall that protected a large plateau filled with lush farm land. On the Greenward side Lk Jade covered the other half of the plateau. It ended in a waterfall that cascaded down the green ward side of the mountain formed the River Jade, which turned the land greenward from desert to farm land. It was common knowledge in the family that Mt Jade was somehow constructed by the Ancients, but how was anyone's guess. The one other anomaly of the mountain was that the mountain face behind the waterfall was crystal. This is why the lake would glow moments before sunrise. The sun would strike the water, shine through the crystals and illuminate the water that was rising to the surface inside the mountain.

The glow of the lake brightened. Green Rise was imminent. Right on schedule Danforth Sean Alexander the 57th heard the sound of bare feet approaching him. Almost as if the lake were trying to tease him, a small breeze rolled off the water. It felt pleasant as it blew over his naked body. He had been out on this beach without clothes for seven nights and this would be his last. Soon he would be able to shed the name Danforth Sean Alexander the 57th and go back to his birth name -- Dirk.

The footsteps got closer. Five more steps and the seventh and final lady would approach with the rising sun. The Jade glow of the Lake flared its most brilliant and the first ray of the Green sun broke the horizon. At that precise moment the foot steps stopped; the lady appeared and knelt down at his side. Danforth Sean was not surprised to see the red skin of his final offer. Each sunrise for the past seven nights his father had sent forth a lady who would offer herself as his wife. Tradition, so old it was said to date back to Danforth Sean Alexander the 2nd, stipulated that one of each hue should be offered. The offering ceremony took place during the week prior to an heirs 48th season (there are three seasons in a year). Each 'offer' was a lady who willing desired to marry the heir. This wasn't usually a problem as the Alexander family was second in wealth and influence only to the Empress herself. (And some say that's only because the Alexanders don't want to be bothered with headache of ruling, which is probably true). Once the "Offering Ceremony" was more political. Each realm sent their most renowned Lady. They vied for the chance to go first, so as to convince the heir to choose her before the others had a chance.

The choosing was simple; if the heir desired one of the women to be his wife, he impregnated her. That was one of the mysteries of Mt Jade. If a couple mated on the shores of Lk Jade during Green Rise, the woman would become pregnant. It wouldn't matter if she were in the middle of her monthly 'time', she would still become pregnant with a male child. What's more, until the child was born, the father would be impotent. Once again the 'why' was not known, only the 'what'. This had been the marriage ceremony for the Alexander family ever since Danford Sean Alexander the 1st. It is whispered from father to son that the Ancients themselves gave this charge to the first Danforth.

If the heir doesn't choose a mate, he loses out on his inheritance. More importantly, he loses the name and takes up his birth name again. The name is passed onto the next oldest brother who will then go through the 'Offering' ceremony. He will spend the seven days before his 48th cycle living on the beach naked, receiving the offers each morning. If the offer is not consummated by the time the Green Sun is completely above the horizon, the lady returns, leaving with the heir food for the day. He then is to spend the rest of the day in meditation and contemplation.

No, Danforth Sean Alexander the 57th was not surprised by the red skin of the seventh and final offerer. Nor that she was broader in the shoulders, slimmer in the chest, and in general more athletic than svelte. By normal standards, Danforth Sean's father had gone against wisdom. He hadn't started with the outlanders, he'd started with a local--- and not just any local but the Star Sapphire herself! The Star Sapphire was the name given to winner of the annual Physique Contest. The current Star Sapphire had been wearing the title for five seasons -- something that hadn't been accomplished for nearly five centuries. His father had then sent out, alternating purpward and redward -- Blue, then Yellow, Indigo, Orange, Purple, and now finally Red. The woman had also been progressively down the 'scale'. If the Star Sapphire was a 10, the others were 9s, then 8s. The current offer was statuesque, maybe even handsome, but not beautiful and alluring. If she were blue, one might comment she appeared to look like an Ice Princess -- not ugly in the least, but a cold beauty that tended to cool a man's fire. She was too confident and exibited an aura of power that most men found intimidating.

But not Danforth Sean Alexander the 57th. No -- his father had chosen wisely. It showed how much he loved Danforth, despite the fact that he was adopted and not truly of the bloodline. Although he still qualified for the title because he had been conceived on the Mt Jade in the proper fashion. The choice of the woman gave honor to Danforth and keeping the best for last showed that his father truly knew him. For Danforth had not been interested in the woman his father sent thus far, nor any woman for that matter. He also wasn't interested in the title. He'd much prefer his brother Chaz to inherit it. Danforth had other plans for his life. But he realized that if any woman might enticed him away from those plans it would be his childhood friend Bria. By sending Bria, his father was telling Danforth that he truly saw him as a member of the family and was given him every incentive and encouragement to remain the heir. His father new that of all the women in the world, Bria would have the best chance of snaring Danforth.

Bria had settled down next to Danforth. She hadn't said a word. She had simply settled down next to him and had begun to slowly caress his upper leg. Her deep red hand provided a vivid contrast to Danforth's lucid green skin. She had skooched over to him, so that her leg was pressed against him. Danforth raised himself up on his elbows so that his back was angled up off the ground. He felt a tingle begin at the points of her fingers and spread through his body, most emphatically in his groin. For the first time this week, he was visible responding to the initial touch of one of the Offerers. Normally his rod would only sprout after some extended ministrations. It had been easy to decline those offers. But now, he was responding to more than physical contact -- he was responding to an emotional contact as well. It would be so easy to accept her unspoken offer. Except ---

Bria was an orphan like Danforth. Her family had been forced purpward out of their realm for one reason or another, Bria never knew. They had ended up in the Green Realm, about as far purpward as a Red dared go. The farther you traveled from your sun, the harder it was to see without native lighting. As it was, a Red in the Green realm would see things as if it were dusk at high noon. If a Red actually ventured into the Purple Realm above the reaches of the Indigo Sun, they'd be blind even though the Purple Sun never set. Bria never seemed to have any problems seeing, but they each assumed it was because she had been here since she had been two seasons and had simply grown up not knowing any different. She would say that if she ever returned to the Red Realm, she would be blinded by the brilliant light.

While Bria's family were here, bandits are set upon her parents taking advantage of their limited sight. Her parents were killed in the struggle. The Alexandrian guard came upon the attackers sadly moments later. Too late to save her parents, but at least able to keep the baby girl from harm. Danforth the 56th had taken pity on the Red baby and brought her into the Citadel, the ancestral home of the Alexanders. She was never adopted, as such would cause too much of a scandal -- the Alexanders adopting a Red! (Danforth grimaced at the thought of the people's ludicrous false superiority) In the people's view it was great to provide a home for one of the other realmlings, even have the heir marry one -- this showed how they were 'subjects' of the Green Realm -- but not to raise one to the status of family.

Chaz, Bria and Dirk (he was not given the hereditary name until first day of the ceremony) had been fast friends. Bria had no interest in playing with dolls or dressing up or going to teas. Although whether this was her true preference or whether the other girls simply made her feel uncomfortable, Danforth had never figured out. Instead, Bria always hung out with the guys. She did her best to prove she was no different than they. Danforth smiled as he remembered the time Chaz had teased her because she couldn't pee standing up. She had asked were he and Dirk kept going to pee, as there were no chambers around here. Chaz, who had just had his lesson on male and female anatomy, preceded to lecture her on how boys had penises and girls didn't, which made boys better "'cause we can pee standing up." Bria took that as a challenge. A week later, when Chaz and Dirk had gone to pee, she followed them. Chaz tried to stop here, to which Bria had replied that she could pee standing up now as well.

There was a spot at the edge of the field in which they played that dropped off to a gully about ten feet below. Chaz and Dirk liked to have contests to see who could send their piss out the farthest. They had been doing this since Dirk had been 18 seasons, and Chaz, less than two seasons younger them him. It hadn't taken long for the boys to add consequences for the loser. The loser had to shake the pee of the winners rod and wipe it dry. They soon realized it was kind of nice for a foreign hand to play with your tool.

Back when they thought there was no way it could happen, they had added another consequence--if either of the boys pissed far enough to hit the gully floor without hitting the side wall, the other would have to lick the winner's rod clean. What had been a pipe dream (no pun intended) had become reality shortly after Chaz passed his 36th season. Chaz had not only begun to have his change, but he also realized that if he drank a pitcher of guma juice before they left and held onto his bladder till it hurt, he could shoot out a forceful stream of liquid. Sure enough, he started and immediately his stream cleared the wall and made it to the floor. Dirk was so amazed that he released his bladder without aiming and didn't even make it into the canyon. Two things happened that day. First, Chaz insisted Dirk endure the consequences. He balked, but Dirk realized to himself it more because he thought he should balk than because he didn't want to lick Chaz's privates. He'd shaken Chaz's rod many times -- they were close to even on who won the contest. He'd always thought it was fun to play with Chaz's tool for a moment of two. For the past several seasons they had also discovered that the shaking started to felt really good and they would continue until the other's rod grew. It was not long after that they had learned in classes about a man's seed. It wasn't much of a stretch for the boys to extend the 'shaking' until the other 'planted his seed' on the ground.

On this occasion, Dirk noticed that Chaz's rod already seemed to be sprouting. The dark green tip of his rod was expanding and lifting off the ground. Dirk had whispered a husky, 'OK'. He dropped to his knees and licked the liquid on the tip of his brother's rod. Chaz's knees buckled and he almost fell over. 'Do that again.' He groaned. Dirk took the tip in his mouth and ... through the trees came a couple of Guardians. The Guardians were set over the boys to monitor their play. The boys had only seen them on four occasions their entire lives. They were supposed to remain hidden and blend into the background. Those four occasions had all been times that Chaz or Dirk had managed to place themselves in mortal danger. "Break apart, boys," came a voice from behind the armored mask. The Guardians were covered in full body armor. The coloring of the armor matched the Guardians' back ground, helping to render them invisible. "I suggest you finish relieving yourselves individually and then put your clothes back on." The shock of their sudden appearance had caused both boys rods to shrivel up to a size they hadn't been since they had been 3 or 4 seasons. They quickly had placed their clothes back on and returned to Bria.

The second thing that happened is that Dirk learned about the ceremony for the first time. When the boys had returned to their home, Danforth the 56th was waiting for them. The Guardians had apparently shared the details of the afternoon with him. That in and of itself was unusual. The Guardians never spoke of events they witness, under penalty of death -unless their was a danger to the line. Apparently almost tumbling off a cliff (the event that first brought the Guardians into the open) was not considered a danger to the Family Line. But somehow what Chaz and Dirk had just done was. Danforth the 57th explained. The first time the heir planted his seed into another person must be during the ceremony. To do otherwise would be to bring to an end to the Family Line -- which must not happen. It was ok to plant their seed in the ground, in their bed sheets, even onto each others hands. But they must never place their rods into another person's orifice until the ceremony had been successfully completed. (Their father had intrigued and embarrassed them when he explained that orifices meant mouth, a girl's vagina, or someone's butt hole. This led Chaz and Dirk to discover the joy of massaging each other 'up the chute') Chaz was under the same ban, as he would succeed Dirk as heir if Dirk turned down all the offers. Dirk had not only learned about his inheiritence that day, but he also realized that he didn't want it. He didn't want a wife. She wouldn't have that one thing he had grown on instant craving for -- a Rod.

Over the next dozen seasons, Dirk (now Danforth the 57th) became more firm in his resolve. He had discussed this with his father and with Chaz. They were both supportive of his desire. After all, for one of Dirk's preferences and social standing there was a perfect alternative.

"What are you smiling about, Dirk?" Bria asked in a low voice, as she continued to lightly caress him. Her hand had moved up to his stomach. She was playing with fuzz of hair that linked his belly button to his crotch. Involuntarily his stomach started to spasm. He gasped at the power of her touch. When he recovered a little he shared, "I was thinking of the time you showed Chaz and me that you too could pee standing up."

A small smile split her lips. He could see her white teeth highlight her rose colored mouth. "I do believe I won that day." And boy had she ever. She would never tell either of the boys how she had been able to aim her flow. "Now, about my offer?"

Those words poured over him like a bucket of freezing water. Danforth sat up and turned towards her. Any blood that had been flowing to his nether region had instantly fled at his change of mood. "What about Chaz? How could you just leave him for me? Were you worried I would change my mind and choose some Red whelp to bear my litter? Were you afraid you would be able to be chosen as the heir's wife? Do you think I care so little for Chaz?"

If Bria had felt the rebuke, she didn't show. In fact her smile deepened, like it always did when she was about to point out to either Chaz or him something he should have figured out already. It wasn't a condescending smile at all, more like the smile of teacher who knows she's about to teach an important lesson to a student. "Whose idea do you think this was in the first place?"

Now Danforth felt like he was treading in deep water and wasn't sure if he could hold on. "Wh..What?" he stammered.

"Listen, Chaz adores you, you know that. You adore Chaz. His biggest regret about the day he pissed on the gully floor is that he never got to taste you before the Guardians showed up. Did you know that? What's more I adore both of you, and you just proved that I apparently am not as bland to you as the typical woman."

"So, what, Chaz is giving you to me? If he does like me, like you say, how does that do him any good? He'd lose out on everything. Me, you, and the Title."

"You may be older, but your brother is the smarter one," Bria smirked. Her hand went back to caressing Danforth's leg. He didn't push her away and she could see that he was starting to respond again. "We talked with your dad. You do know the Two Decrees passed down by your ancestors about the marriage, right?"

"Of course, 1) The first coupling must produce a heir and 2) The man may have no other woman in his life."

"Exactly -- no other woman. Chaz asked your father if that prohibited another man in the Heir's life. Your dad replied, (with I dare say a sly look in his eye), that it did not! He then talked to your father about his idea. They shared it with me and we all agreed it would be an excellent idea -- if you want it."

"What plan is that?" Danforth asked, but he had an inkling. The possibilities that were entering into his mind traveled from his big head to his little head.

Danforth's reaction to Bria's word did not go unnoticed by her. She leaned in closer and placed her hand on his hard green shaft. He was so warm and a live. She hadn't realized until that moment how much she did want this to happen. As she slowly stroked him, she explained, "You except my offer, plant your seed with in me and give me your heir. I don't think you would find that too unpleasant," she had begun to rub her thumb on the underside of his shaft head. Some pale green pre-cum was starting to leak out, which she used to lube his tool. He closed his eyes as small shudders ran through his body. "Then you invite Chaz into our room. You plant your seed in him and mark him as yours. Chaz and I, by your leave, would be free to play with each other when you were satisfied. We might even be able to work together."

Danforth sighed contentedly at the idea. It was an amazing option. Was it worth giving up his other desire, to be a trainer for the Emperess? Yes, it was. Bria's smile broadened as Danforth realized he had spoken those last words a loud. She pushed him on his back and prepared to straddle him, never taking her hand off his cock, nor stopping the light circular rubbing of her thumb. Danforth let Bria take the lead. He laid his head back and pushed his groin up to be able to meet her. He suddenly imagined it was Chaz over him lower his body towards him. And then ... He blew his load. He shot several sprays unto his stomach. Bria had been inches and seconds away from mounting him. Now she stopped feeling the multiple convulsions of Danforth's rod in her hand.

Dirk looked in horror at the mess on his stomach and chest. Then he looked at the greenward horizon. The Green Sun had cleared the lake. One of the anomalies of Green Rise on the occasions of a mating, is that it took as long as necessary. If the coupling took fives minutes, so do Green Rise. If the coupling took five hours, so did Green Rise, at least from the perspective of the couple. But with him blowing his load, Green Rise was finished -- and the offer had not been completed. And now it never could be. He was no longer the heir....

To be continued....

Comment? Let me know -- sttoby1990@gmail.com

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