Rainy Day

By Adam Hunter

Published on Sep 4, 1999


"Rainy Day 3:

Living Two Lives"

By Adam Hunter

"What time is it?" Jeremy asked.

"Is that all you can think about?" I asked in resign.

"Well...it's just...we can't hear the bell from here," Jeremy said, jumping into that defensive mode that he so often entered.

"I know, I know," I sighed, glancing at my watch. "12:36."

"Awe, man. I've just got four minutes till the bell rings."

"I've got about fifteen minutes until I've gotta be back," I said, not making any attempt to hide my gloating.

"That's not fair," Jeremy grumbled, "why do you have so much more time at lunch than I do?"

"Well...y'see Jer...highschoolers have these things called cars...so they like to go out to lunch...and it takes a little longer for people to go out to eat than it does for all you little junior highers to eat the bagged lunches your mommies packed for you," I said in dripping patronization, yet still in good fun. "And be glad...if my lunch wasn't so much longer than yours, I wouldn't have time to drive over to your school for our daily little noontime rendezvous."

"Hey, first of all...I know I'm a little younger than you...stop rubbing it in. And second of all... I don't have a 'mommy' to pack me a bagged lunch," he said, giving me a little punch in the stomach which served as retribution for my little spiel.

"No, but my mommy packed you a bagged lunch," I reminded him. "She says she's starting to feel like she has three sons now."

"I've only been staying with you a week," he shrugged.

"A week is surprisingly long in middle-aged-working-woman-time," I said, gently rubbing the flesh of his exposed chest. I suppose we were being a little risky. After all, we were lying on the athletic field in the back of Jeremy's junior high. I was shirtless, and his Hawaiian shirt (he had a lot of them...this one was dark blue) was unbuttoned. He lay, his head resting on my bare chest, and I rested a hand on his, gently massaging it. Granted, we were lying flat on the ground behind the big wire baseball thing...gimme a minute here...I'm not exactly an expert in sports...behind the...batting cage! That's it! Batting cage! We were behind the batting cage...but still...it was risky. As I recalled, in junior high, PDA's were most definitely unacceptable. And homosexual PDA's??? Now THAT would have been asking for trouble. And, of course...there was the little matter of me trespassing on the campus.

"Do you think your mom's getting tired of having me around?" He was always so wrapped up in trying to please other people...not do anything that might burden them in the slightest. I loved that about him. Then again...I was the same way. Like I've said before...I've got a big heart. It verges on being too big, at times.

"Not at all," I said. "She's got a vague idea what a bastard your dad is, Jer, and there's no way she'd send you back to that."

He smiled. "Your family's awesome."

"Even Danny?" I reminded him of my dumbass little brother.

He paused for a second. "You and your mom are awesome." And once again, he paused. Then, quietly...almost inaudibly..."Thanks."

"Awe," I said, smiling as I ruffled his carefully spiked bleached-blond hair.

"Hey!" he exclaimed, jumping up off of me in surprise.

"I'd do anything for you," I smiled at him.

"Did you have to do THAT?" he asked. He reached up, felt his hair. He found a fuzzy blond poof. "Awe, look what you did!"

"Hey, I thought you didn't care about popularity, and image, and such things," I reminded him of things he'd previously said.

"I don't...but...arrgh..." he grumbled in aggravation, giving me another playful punch, this one on the arm. "Hey...what time is it?"

I glanced at my watch.


"Shit!" he exclaimed.

I started. I don't think I'd ever heard him swear.

"The first bell's already rung! Class starts in 4 minutes!" he exclaimed, hurriedly fumbling with the buttons on his shirt...not managing to actually button a single one of them in his haste.

"Hold it," I said. "Just let me do one thing before you go."

He looked a little anxious. "Hurry up, Ben. I'm gonna be late if I don't hurry. As it is...I've gotta run to class."

"This'll just take a second," I assured him. I took one quick look around. Nobody in sight. Good. And with that, his pants and boxers were around his knees. He yelped out in surprise, but before he was even finished yelping, his soft dick was in my mouth. It was so big, and thick, and juicy, and luscious. I savored it.

"What are you doing?" he croaked.

I just smiled up at him from his genitals. His body looked so awesome in the bright daylight. His thick, cut five incher...his supple balls...his decently sized patch of light brown pubes. Absolutely beautiful. Within twenty seconds, Jeremy's dick was hard as a rock, measuring in at seven and a half inches.

As soon as it was hard, I lifted my mouth from his cock. "There ya go," I smiled.

He looked down in horror. "Awe...damn! I'm DEFINITELY gonna be late now, my hair's a mess and now I've got THIS to deal with, too?!" he gestured emphatically at his engorged member. "Awe, fuck you, man!"

I chuckled. I knew he didn't mean it...and it was great to see this new confidence he was suddenly turning over with me. "Tonight," I grinned at him, "I promise."

Not knowing what to make of me, Jeremy jumped up to hurry off to class. He suddenly realized that his shirt was open and his pants were around his ankles. His face reddening, he pulled them up while scanning for people. Nobody. Good. And with that, he grabbed his backpack, and dashed off. His shirt was still wide open. As he ran, he buttoned up the shirt, looked over his shoulder, "Bye!" he called out.

"See ya after school," I waved. And with that...he was gone.

I sighed, smiling to myself as I watched him run. Could I possibly have loved him more?

Finally, I glanced at my watch. 12:46. Hmmm...I needed to haul ass if I didn't want to be late (as I had so thoughtfully made my dear boyfriend). I grabbed my T-shirt, stood up, and threw it on over my head. I grabbed my keys from my pocket, strolled over to the fence, and climbed over it. Soon, I was in my car and on my way back to my ever so wonderful high school.

I pulled into one of the last available parking stalls, got out, grabbed my backpack, and set off for my sixth period class, Chemistry. Oooh...fun.


I turned around...to see my best friend, Ian, running up towards me. He was a pretty good-looking guy. He was originally from Germany, and had moved to California years ago. And although he'd been here for the better part of his life, Ian still had a fairly strong accent. He was old for a sophomore, almost seventeen. And he was an avid tennis player (and pretty damn good at it too), so he had a body that was quite well built. His face was just beginning to show the signs of one day being nicely chiseled. His eyes were blue, his brow was strong, and his hair was a dirty-blond. It was pretty short, and he always covered it with a baseball cap. Today, it was a navy blue Nike cap, which he wore backwards. He wore a loose light blue T-shirt, which hid he fine definition of his upper body, and immensely baggy, old, faded JNCO jeans. He looked a little rough around the edges...a little on the grunge side...and very cute. All in all...a pretty appealing package.

"Hey, what's up, man?" I asked casually, giving him a curt nod of the head.

"Where the FUCK have you been all week?" he demanded in a not too friendly manner.

"Good to see you too," I remarked.

"I'm serious," he stopped me. "Where've you been?"

"I've been at school," I shrugged.

"Not from what I've seen," he said severely. "I came to lunch Monday...you were no where in sight. Same thing Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and today. I asked around, and heard you'd been in all your classes. So...might I ask...where the hell have you been?"

I suddenly realized...and suddenly kicked myself. All those days I'd been driving over to 'dine' with Jeremy during lunch break, I'd completely forgotten that I was abandoning my best friend at my school. Y'see...Ian and I have been best friends since we met way back in fourth grade. We've always hung out together on the sidelines, watching everybody else and commenting on their shallow nature. Like I've said before...I don't need popularity. At all. But in all my revelry in Jeremy...I'd completely forgotten about Ian.

"Oh my God..." I murmured as I came to the realization, "Dude...I'm SO sorry."

"So where were you?"

"It's a long story, I..."

"Tell me."

A myriad of plausible excuses suddenly flooded into my mind without warning. I quickly scanned through them, attempting to decide which to use in order to save my ass in the face of my best friend. But then...I had a sudden, inexplicable urge to ignore the stories...and tell the truth. Ian would meet Jeremy sooner or later...might as well tell him. Not about the whole boyfriend thing...but just about meeting Jeremy. I'd ditched Ian all week. I figured the least that I could have done would have been to tell the truth.

"I've been hangin' out at the junior high," I admitted.

"What the FUCK have you been doing there?"

Silence for a moment as he vehemently glowered into my eyes. He almost smelt of being betrayed.

The final bell rang.

Neither of us budged.

"One of my brother's friends..." okay, I bent the truth a little. The truth would have required coming out of the closet...something I wasn't yet ready to do. "...has been having some trouble at home. He's been staying at my house for the last week. We've gotten to be...pretty good friends in that time..." my voice alternated between trailing off and speeding up to a hyper rate.

And Ian just sat there...glaring at me.

I felt like dying.

My God...this was my best friend of almost seven years. How could I just forget that he existed? Saying that I felt awful would have been an understatement...and would have done no good in the eyes of Ian. I knew that simply forgetting your best friend's existence for an entire week was not something that could be remedied with a little touchy-feely apology. None the less, had I not offered some kind of apology, it would have been taken as further insult.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled, head bowed, staring at my feet. I felt like a five-year-old being chastised by a teacher.

He just stood there.

"I shouldn't have done that," I murmured.

He burst out with a sudden laugh. "No shit! How the fuck do you think I feel right now? I've been hanging around like a loser all week, wondering exactly why my supposed best friend has totally forsaken me."

This time, I didn't say anything. There really wasn't anything I could have said at that point which would have done one iota of good.

"So..." he said finally, "am I being replaced?"

"No!" I was quick to answer, "no, not at all! Ian, you're my best friend."

"Well this new friend of yours must be a pretty damn good friend for you to completely ignore me for a week," he spat back.

"He's a good friend..." I admitted, "but our relationship is..." I paused, "...different...from ours." Now that was an understatement. "But you'll always be my numero uno best bud." I tried to lighten things up a little.

I failed.

Ian truly was hurt.

"Hey," I said, putting an arm around his shoulder. "How 'bout you and me spendin' a little quality time together? Mano y mano."

Faint traces of a smile broke out on his face. "That'd be cool."

"So...whadda ya wanna do? It's up to you," I put the ball in his hands.

"Well..." he thought for a moment, and then his face lit up, "Hey! Why don't we have a sleep over? We haven't had one in ages."

I smiled. He was enthused at the idea, and I was, too. Although I'd completely forgotten about Ian's existence up until that moment...I began to realize that I'd actually missed him. I'm not quite sure how, but I had. Although I was head over heals in love with Jeremy...Ian and I shared a bond that wasn't there, yet, between Jeremy and me. I'd known Ian for years. I'd known Jeremy for a week. As much as I loved Jeremy, and as well as I did know him...I just didn't know him anywhere near as well as I knew Ian.

"Awesome idea, man," I smiled.

"My house...tonight...seven sharp," he announced.

"I'll be there," I said.

"I'll be waitin'," he said.

And with that, we went out separate ways. Although there was still a wound between Ian and me, I knew I'd just made a big move towards healing it. That was exactly what Ian and I needed. Some time together. Friends. Just the two of us.

As I walked to Chemistry (at a rather nonchalant pace, might I add. Hey, I was already late. Being less late wouldn't do me a bit of good. Late is late. Besides...I wasn't in any particular hurry to get to that class)...

...Anywayz...as I walked to Chemistry, I thought about all the sleepovers Ian and I had had over the course of our long-enduring friendship. We'd always sleep at his house, because there was the slight issue of Danny in my room at my house. Ian had more siblings than I did, but his family was a bit more well to do than mine, thus, he and his family lived in quite a house. He had a room all to himself. Perfect for a sleepover between two best friends. When Ian and I were younger, we used to have a sleepover every Friday night. It had been a tradition. Around when we started junior high, we both got busier, and it became more like a bimonthly event. As of high school...we very nearly never had them anymore. In fact, it dawned on me that I might have been about to go to our first sleepover of our sophomore year...and it was already spring.

I reached my classroom, slipped into my seat, received a nasty look from my teacher...and proceeded to not hear a word he said for the rest of class. I just sat there in my swivel chair, getting nostalgic about times past with Ian.

Those sleepovers had been so much fun. I couldn't believe how long it had been since our last one. How could we have let the tradition escape us? I, at that moment, decided confidently that we would most definitely have to restart the tradition. They'd been so much fun. Ian and I would stay up almost all night talking, hanging out...and just having fun. We would even share the same bed. We'd merely started out doing so, as little kids, not thinking much of it. It was always something of a non-issue. By the time we'd reached the age where it would be considered taboo to do so, neither one of us had said 'stop'...so we'd never stopped. In fact, when we were younger, we would even sleep naked. That, too, had been a non-issue. In fact, I'd had my first sexual explorations with Ian. One day, while in fifth grade, Ian came to me with the exciting news that if you rubbed your dick, it felt good. That night, at a sleepover, he demonstrated on me. With that, I had my first dry orgasm, induced by the hand of my best friend. After that, we would often jack each other off. A few times, we even rubbed our bodies on top of each other. But we never thought to suck the other's dick. It had been fun. We'd both enjoyed it. But then...at one sleepover while we were in sixth grade...I'd just slipped my underwear off (hoping for another night of exploration), when Ian announced that we would no longer be sleeping in the nude. I whined "Why not?" His face flushed, and he just responded that we weren't going to anymore. Sheepishly, I pulled up my briefs (which I wore at the time), covering up my little boy erection. And since then...I'd never seen Ian naked again.

Once puberty hit the next year, I became increasingly aware of strong feelings I harbored for my best friend. Feelings which had either just appeared, or which had been there all along...and I'd finally identified. Either way, it was because of Ian that I'd identified myself as gay. And ever since then, I'd had feelings for him. The degree and strength of those feelings had fluctuated over the years...but they had always been there. They were still there. Being with Jeremy, and all...I kind of felt guilty for having them. But then, I'd scold myself. Of course I'd have feelings for other guys. Just as long as I never cheated on my sweet lover, nothing would be wrong. I was sure he liked other guys, too. I mean...who wouldn't? (Besides straight guys and lesbians, that is. But...I've got to wonder...how can they not like guys???) And besides, it's not like anything would ever happen between Ian and me. I knew he'd outgrown that stage of innocent experimentation with boys that night he'd said 'No more.' But...damn...I sure wondered what lay underneath his pants. I hadn't seen his dick since its little prepubescent stage...and that didn't do too much for me. I wanted to see what it was like now. I bet it was big. Hella big.

The bell rang, and I suddenly realized that I had an absolutely monstrous erection straining in my pants. Casually covering myself with my thick chemistry book (WAY too thick, might I add), I made my way to my seventh, and last, class. French 3. Ah, oui...franais. J'aime beacoup parler franais. C'est la langue de l'amour. Et j'aime Jeremy de tous mon cĎur. Donc, un jour, je devrais lui parler en franais. Comme je vous ai dŽjˆ dits...il est la langue de l'amour. Okay. Enough French. As if I wasn't going to get my fill of it in the next period. An hour of studying the ever-so-fascinating subjunctive mood. Would the wonders ever cease? As much as I wanted to continue thinking about Ian during French, it was impossible, seeing as how we had a quiz. But the quiz itself wasn't too easy to concentrate upon, being that my raging boner stayed through the whole class.

Hmmm...'Il faut que je _____ mes devoirs.'

A) fais

B) fasse

C) ferai

D) sois

Finally...the torture was over. I loved French...but enough for one day! The time had come to go pick up Jeremy. I rushed to my car, eager to see my lover-boy once again. Soon, I was at his junior high, and he was hopping into the passenger seat.

"So, how was your day?" I asked.

"You mean aside from the tardy?"

"Yeah, besides that," I grinned, keeping my eyes on the parking lot before me. WAY too may cars picking up the kids there. I had a feeling we'd never get out.

He shrugged. "Pretty good." He paused, "Except one thing."

"What?" I asked.

"I'll show you," he responded. Next thing I knew, Jeremy had his rock hard dick out of his fly. It was sticking straight up, and the tip was capped with a small fountain of glistening precum.

"What's so bad about that?" I asked.

"It hasn't gone down ALL AFTERNOON," he informed me, crossing his arms and giving me a playful glare. "This is your doing, you know."

"Sorry," I shrugged. "I'll never blow you again. How's that?"

"No good," he shook his head, "all that I ask is that you finish next time."

"I think that could be arranged," I nodded. "Besides...you're not the only one who's had a problem this afternoon."

"Oh?" he asked. I loved this new flirty side he was beginning to show with me. When I'd first met him, Jeremy had been so quiet...so reserved...so timid. Even over the last week he'd remained that way to some degree or another. But finally...he was really starting to loosen up around me...to show me the 'real' Jeremy.

"Yeah. I've had a real problem indeed," I nodded. And with that, my dick was out of my fly as well. It, too, was hard as granite, and jutted out at a sharp angle from my body. Although it wasn't as long as my boyfriend's dick, it was still fairly sizable.

Finally, my car made it to the end of the line in the parking lot...and we were on the road.

"Maybe we should do something to alleviate this problem we've both got when we get to your house," he proposed, grinning suggestively.

"What an original idea. Not like we don't do 'something' to alleviate this problem everyday first thing when we get home," I said, stealing a glimpse at his dick, which still protruded from his pants. When else were we gonna do it? By 5:30, Danny was always home from basketball practice. From then on, our opportunities were shot.

"Okay, fine then...we won't do it when we get back," Jeremy said as I slowed to a stop. Damn red light. "I'll just take care of it myself."

And Jeremy proceeded to begin jacking his dick.

"Hey! No way! That's my job," I complained.

"Well, I don't want you to get stuck in a rut," Jeremy replied innocently. That is...as innocent as he could look as he slowly stroked his engorged monster of a dick.

"Oh, don't you worry about me," I said. And with that, I reached over, pushed his hand away, and began jacking.

Jeremy closed his eyes...clearly enjoying the 'favor' I was doing him. He moaned softly.

"Still wanna take care of it yourself?" I asked.

"Hell no," was his response.

"Good," I grinned. I happened to look up...and saw a middle-aged woman sitting behind the wheel in a Jeep, looking down at what she saw going on in our car in disgust. I smiled, waved...and then the light turned green. I was forced to put my hands back on the wheel (sigh) and continue driving.

"Y'know..." Jeremy said, eyes still closed, smile still broad... "Maybe we could do something different today. It is our one week anniversary, after all."

"Yeah," I said. "The big seven days."

"Hey...shut up," he said, looking a little hurt, "I've never had a boyfriend before. This is really special."

I smiled. I saw where he was coming from. "Me neither. You're right."

"Let's do something tonight," he suggested. "Maybe you could drive us somewhere...to the top of a hill or something. Maybe we could have a big picnic under the stars...then we could make love to ea..."

"Oh crap."

"What? What is it?" He asked, slightly disturbed by my sudden outburst.



"Ian. I forgot about Ian," I murmured.

"Who the hell is this Ian?" Jeremy demanded.

"You mean that I haven't mentioned Ian once all week?" I couldn't believe it.

"No. Who is he?"

"My friend...since fourth grade...my best friend," I said. "In all this time...I haven't mentioned him once?"

"No. What about him?"

"I...y'see..." I didn't know what to say. I'd dug myself in real deep. "I...okay...every day, when I go to your school and see you at lunch...y'see...Ian and I always hang out at lunch. And I totally forgot about him all week long. I saw him today...he was PISSED."

"Why didn't you tell me about him?" Jeremy looked a little hurt.

"Like I said...I totally forgot about him. I was so wrapped up with you, his very existence just slipped my mind," I explained.

I could see Jeremy attempting to hold back a smile. After all...him causing me to forget about my best friend of years for an entire week WAS something of a compliment.

"So what's the problem, then?" Jeremy asked. "What does Ian have to do with you and me making love under the stars? Planning on inviting him or something?"

"Well...y'see..." I began, "When I ran into him in the parking lot today, I felt really...and I mean REALLY bad for having ditched him all week long. So...I kinda told him I'd sleep over that night."

Silence for a moment.


"So...you've got the same reaction I had," I said.

"What the hell am I supposed to do tonight?" Jeremy said...reverting to the hurt boy I'd picked up a week ago. He once again looked lost...abandoned...like he didn't know what to do with himself or where to go. I looked over at him...and saw his dick...which had been hard all afternoon, unable to go down...was now as limp as could be...as was mine.

"Well..." my mind sped, "maybe he'll let you come. Ian's a really nice guy."

He looked up at me hopefully. "You think?"

"Yeah. I mean..." I paused, "you're my boyfriend...he's my best friend. You two are about the two most important people in my life. You've gotta meet eventually. Why not tonight?"

Jeremy smiled, looking slightly uplifted.

"I'm so sorry, man," I said, heartfelt. "It's just...this is kinda hard for me. I feel like I'm leading two lives. There's the life with you...where you're my boyfriend, and I love you...and I want to spend all my time with you. And then...then there's the life with the rest of the world...and with Ian. And in that life, I have to pretend that I'm straight, and all that dumb shit. And it almost feels like these two worlds of mine can't mix." I paused. "But I want them to mix. I love you, Jeremy. I want to bring you into the rest of my life...I don't want to walk the line between two 'worlds' anymore. I want you to meet Ian."

He smiled. That was all the response that was required.

"Don't you know what it's like?" I asked, "Haven't you kind of had to rebalance things in your life over the last week?"

"Of course I've had to rearrange my life. I mean...I'm, for all intents and purposes, living with you now," he paused, "but don't forget. Before I met you...my life sucked. I was living with an alcoholic dad, and I didn't have any real friends."

If I hadn't been driving, I would have wrapped my arms around the boy at that point. I loved him so much.

"Y'know...you're lucky," he said. "For me...meeting you totally flipped my life around. But it was all for the better. Finally, my life feels good. I'm happy. I haven't been happy in...I don't know how long. But for you...I mean, I know you love me...and I know that you're happy to be going out with me. But this didn't change your life like it did mine."

"It changed my life," I said.

"Yeah...but the reason you're lucky is that your life didn't need changing anywhere near how much my life needed changing," he said...and then his tone softened. "I mean...have you ever contemplated suicide?"

"No...never," I didn't even need to think about it.

"Well, I have," he replied.

And then, we were quiet. We'd said all that needed to be said...and now, we just basked in the warm, loving energy that filled the car. Although Jeremy's admission to having contemplated killing himself was disturbing, the knowledge that now he was happy...that that thought would never enter his head again, now that he had someone to love, and someone to love him. Now that he had me. The feelings in the car with us were almost tangible. I felt as if I could almost reach out and scoop up a handful of love.

"So..." Jeremy finally broke the silence, "you really think Ian will let me come?"

"Absolutely," I nodded confidently.

"Hell no!"

"Dammit Ian, come on!" I cursed into the phone.

"No," he said firmly. "You've been with this Jeremy guy all week. Now it's time for you and me to have a little time together."

"But he can't go back to his house..." I insisted.

"Well, if he's such good friends with your brother, like you said, what's the big deal?" he asked.

I kicked myself for having said that.

"Well..." I didn't know how to respond.

"You can see the kid again tomorrow. Hell, what's so big about him? You've only known him for a week. You've known me for, like, almost seven years."

"Yeah," I grumbled. "C'mon, Ian. You'd like him."

"Introduce us some other time. Tonight, it's gonna be Ben and Ian. Just like it used to be...a week ago. Just like it's supposed to be. Like you said...mano y mano."

How could I have said so many things that I regretted saying in just one day?

"Yeah...I did say that..." I muttered.

"Cool. So I'll see you at seven. Later, man."

And with that, I heard a click on the other end of the line. I sat there for a moment, and then slowly placed the phone back on the hook.

I looked over at Jeremy. He looked sad. Betrayed. Hurt.

"W...what am I gonna do tonight?" he said. If I didn't know better, I'd say he looked frightened. "I don't wanna go back to my dad."

"No way you're going back to your house," I said with conviction. "You've stayed here every night for the last week...you can stay here again tonight. There's no rule that says I have to be here for you to stay here."

"But...but what about Danny?" Jeremy said with the biggest sad puppy dog eyes I'd ever seen. "He doesn't like me."

"Danny'll live," I said, rolling my eyes as I thought of my ass of a brother.

Jeremy was quiet for a moment. "I don't want you to go." He paused. "I need you."

"I love you," I whispered as I took him into my arms. "I'm so sorry."

And we stayed like that, in a warm embrace, for quite some time. Neither of us wanted to let go. But eventually...we did. And not long after that...it was time for me to go to Ian's house...and time for Jeremy to face Danny.

----------------------- And there you have it. "Rainy Day 3." I hope you all found it to be a worthy continuation of the story. Be sure to be on the look out for "Rainy Day 4," so you can find out what happens that night. And, as always, I'd love to hear what you all thought of this latest installment. All your comments and compliments (I love those) are more than welcome at cute_gay_boy@hotmail.com. Buh-bye fer now.

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