
By Raj

Published on Jul 6, 2002


This story contains explicit sex between two consenting men. It is entirely fantasy and does not represent any real person or event. If such writing is illegal where you are, if you are underage, or if you would be offended by gay erotica, then don't read it! Practice safe sex. And if you like this, email me (prairiedude_69@yahoo.com) and tell me what turns you on.


Hi. My name is Raj. I am a banker. I live in Calgary. I make pretty good money and have a decent life. I am married to a wonderful woman. I am in my early 30s and consider myself very attractive. I stand 5 feet 11 inches (just an inch shy of 6 feet) and weigh 155 lean muscular pounds. I am in very good shape and workout regularly. Being an East Indian, I have an uncircumcised dick. Guys always said they loved my dick because it has a dark brown foreskin and the dickhead is like a huge purplish knob. The dick is thick and usually very hard most of the times. Being brought up in a very conservative family, I could not come "out" to anybody and had to marry a woman, who is madly in love with me. I blame no one but myself for all the sleepless nights that I have spent, cursing myself for getting us all into this mess. Nobody knows that I am gay and I don't know if I will ever have the guts to spill the beans now.

It was a normal working day and I just glanced out of the window of my downtown office and saw a handsome guy walking across the street into the upper-end menswear retail store. (I am not naming the store so that I do not get any one into trouble). I thought about Nathan and my cock became rock-hard. It was lunch time and I had no urgent work, so I decided to pay him a visit. Nathan worked in that store and it was always a pleasure to watch him. I heard a rumour that all the guys who work in that store are gay, but I am not sure if that is true. It's true that all the guys there are drop-dead gorgeous and GREAT bodies. To add to that, they always wear these fashionable clothes that always show off a bit of their cleavage and enhance their abs, chest and arms. Their pants are so tight at the crotch and buns, just watching them walk can make me cum in my pants.

Anyway, I walked into the store. The handsome guy (let me call me HG) was looking at some sexy shirts and Nathan was helping him. As I walked in, the other guy who worked there, Ross, came over to me and asked me if there was anything he could help with me. "You can help me cum and I will help you," I thought to myself. I am a regular visitor to that store and always knew my limits so that I can keep visiting this store. Even though this costs me approx. $2000 each year.

"Sure" I said locking my eyes into his, "I want a shirt that is not very transparent, yet that hugs my body so well that you can almost feel that you can see my body through the shirt." Did I see a faint flicker of lust in his eyes or was it my imagination? It is hard to tell.

"We have just the right type of shirt for you," he said as he led me to a selection of shirts. We had to walk past Nathan and HG and as there was not enough space, I had to restrain myself from colliding with HG. In the process, my body touched Nathan's and my cock rubbed gently against his ass (both covered of course!).

I apologised and went ahead with Ross. I picked up a few shirts that Ross showed me and he put them in the dressing room for me. (These rooms did not have doors, just curtains). I also picked up a pair of jeans and went into the room. I purposefully left the curtain a little open. After I took of my shirt and pants, I stretched for a second and was trying on the jeans when Ross asked me how I was doing and if I needed another size. I did need another size for that matter as I intentionally picked up one size smaller.

"I am not sure if this size is perfect or if I need another one," I said pulling the curtain away so that he could see me. The jeans were very tight and the bulge was very apparent. I did not have any shirt on and my 6-pack was very proudly showing itself off. Ross looked at my crotch and my naked chest for a brief moment. In that instant, Nathan and HG came that way. "Nice pants, man" said Nathan as he walked past me, with a grin on his face. HG looked at me too.

"You'll need a size bigger than this," Ross said. "The fit is perfect for you but this will shrink and it might become small for you." he said. "Let me get the next size for you."

Meanwhile I tried on the shirt and went up to the mirrors and was looking at the fit and shape of the shirt. Ross came with the new pair of jeans. "These have buttons man," he said. "They don't come with a zipper."

"I don't know if I want a pair of jeans with buttons. I am comfortable with zipper" I said.

"Buttons are so much more easier man," said Ross. "I always fumble with my zipper and so many times I was embarrassed because the zipper got stuck." he said. "Also buttons enhance your crotch and chicks love that."

"OK." I said reluctantly as I took those from him. There's no harm in trying them. I went back into the dressing room and closed the curtain. I tried to get out of the tight pair of jeans and then it happened. The zipper got stuck. I tried for some time but it was stuck and there was nothing I could do about it. If it were any looser, I would have managed to get out of them, but these were skin-tight and there was no way out of them without unzipping them.

"Is everything OK man" asked Ross from the outside. I pulled the curtain slightly to the side and peeped outside. "Actually I need some help here." Ross came in and closed the curtain behind him. The room was not very big and there was no way we both could stand in there without touching each other.

"What's the problem man?" asked Ross. I explained to him that the zipper was stuck. He laughed and said, "See what I mean, that's why never buy anything with a zipper. Let me see what I can do to help you." He went out and came back in a flash. He had something in his hand. He rubbed it on the zipper (which made me hard) and tried to undo the zipper a few times. His touch was only making it more and more difficult for me to hide my erection in those tight jeans.

"Come with me," he said. "I'll take you to the backside of our store. There is not much space here." I followed him.

"Take a seat man," he said pointing to a chair. "This will take just a few minutes" I sat down in the chair. Ross knelt down on the floor in front of me and held the zipper in one hand and pulled out something that looked like a tweezer. His face was directly in front of my crotch and if I thrust my hips forward even by a centimetre, his mouth would be on my cock (in the jeans of course).

At that moment Nathan walked in. He looked at us and smirked. He was carrying some clothes and had to put them in sorting bins, which were right besides where I sat. He came quite close to us and as he was putting them in the bins, one shirt fell from his hands (I still think he did that on purpose) and in an attempt to catch it, he pushed Ross and in the process he himself fell on me brushing his lips with mine for a brief second. Ross's face was shoved into my crotch and his mouth could feel my pulsating dick for a second. Nathan pulled himself away very quickly and apologised profusely.

"I am very sorry man. I didn't expect this to happen." and walked out of that room. (I did not see his face but I am sure he must grinning!) Ross also pulled back immediately and looked embarrassed. He was about to apologise too, when I stopped him.

"It was not your fault that Nathan fell on you and it was not your fault that my member was throbbing. So lets just pretend that it didn't happen." I said. I could see his face blush when I said "throbbing".

"Thanks man," he said. In about a minute, he was able to undo the zipper. As soon as the zipper was undone, my erection became more obvious under my underwear. Ross got up and stood.

"I see that you prefer boxer briefs. Why don't you try our DKNY. Its made of spandex and feels very good against the body."

"Sure. Remind me to buy some when you are making the bill." I told him. I went into my dressing room to try the other pair of jeans. They fitted well and Ross was right, it did enhance the crotch area. I also tried another shirt and later slipped back into my own clothes. When I walked out of the dressing room I realized that HG had already left.

I also bought some DKNY underwear and when I pulled out my wallet to pay for the clothes, I found a piece of paper in it with something scrawled on it. I gave Ross my credit card and looked at the paper again. It said:

"I saw you in that chair at the back and found you very HOT. I would love to be the sales guy kneeling in front of your crotch. Only I would be DOING something else. You have seen me and I am very good-looking. If you are any bit interested, call me at xxx-xxxx (intentionally deleted here).

Luv JC"

Who is this JC? Is he HG? Or is it another of Nathan's pranks? I looked at Nathan and he looked away from me. Is he the one who wrote this or is he merely avoiding eye contact because of what happened at the back? I'll find out soon, I thought to myself and left the store.

My mind was disturbed and my cock wanted a quick release. Even though I managed to have a few discrete sexual encounters while I was a student, after marriage such escapades were restricted to my dreams and fantasies. I never acted on them, because I was afraid of the repercussions. But now different thoughts were conflicting in my head.

"Why don't you try that phone number?"

"What if that person has a crush on me and causes my family to break apart?"

"Why don't you have sex with a guy. It's been a long time. May be that will reduce the desire."

"What if it increases more after that?"

I did not have any answers to those questions. As usual, as I have managed to do in the past, I got myself busy with work and forgot about the whole thing. When it was time to leave, I realized that I still had the note in my pocket. I better destroy it before my wife sees it, I thought and pulled out the paper from my pocket. At that moment my instinct told me to dial that number and I did just that. The phone rang on the other side.

"Hello" said a sexy manly voice on the other side. It was not Nathan. It must be HG.

"Hi. " I said with difficulty. I could not think of anything to say.

"Who is this?" he asked.

"My name is Raj. You left me a note with your phone number at the store this afternoon." I said. It was now his turn to be shy.

"Yes. I remember now. How are you?" he asked.

"You tell me. You leave a note like that in my wallet and how do you expect me to be?"

"I am sorry. I did not intend to sound like a desperate s---."

"Why are you apologising now? I am a happily married man and I cannot even think of ruining my marriage." I was surprised how those words flew out of my mouth.

"As I said I am really sorry. I was mistaken about you and thought that you were giving out those signals to me. I promise I won't bother you again."

"Now wait a minute. What signals did I give out?" I asked. Am I that obvious?

"Your looks. Your eyes were searching for guys and every time you saw one your eyes sparkled - when you saw those guys, when you saw me, when you were in that chair. I thought that was lust. But may be I was wrong."

"No. You are correct. But I cannot ruin my marriage. Let my fantasies be mine. No harm to anybody." Why am I revealing myself to this guy after all these years? What if he blackmails me?

"I am not asking you to divorce your wife. Just a casual fling. No one need to know. By the way I am also like you, a gay guy trapped in marriage." he said. I could not believe my ears.

"Do you do this often?" I asked him.

"Do what?" he asked.

"Meet with guys for quick flings."

"Not very often." he replied "I am looking for guys like you and me, so that I can have an exclusive relationship with another married guy."

"Then why did you give me your phone number. Isn't that risky?"

"No. I usually don't do that. This is my cell phone. My wife has her own so no one can ever find out. More over you looked like a decent guy and I thought I'll take my chances." he sounded honest.

"By the way, my name is Raj."

"Jason here." he said. After a pause, he asked, "So would you like to meet sometime?"

"May be. I need some time to think it over," I said.

"Sure. Think of all the fun that we have missed out all these years and all the fun that we can now have together." he said as he put the phone down.

It took me a week to phone him again.

"What took you so long?" Jason asked.

"That's besides the point. I want to meet you, but I have a BIG question." I said.

"Now, what's that!" he was inquisitive.

"If we want this to be exclusive and ongoing, I don't want it to be secret affair." I was about to continue when he interrupted. "Now wait a minute," Jason almost yelled on the other side, "One thing at a time. First, you have decided to give this a try?" he asked.

"Yes." I said.

"And you don't want to keep US a secret? Does it mean divorces, etc?"

"No. I didn't mean it that way. I want you to be introduced to my wife as my friend and me to your wife as your friend so that we can have easy explanations for all the times that we plan to spend together." I said, proud of my reasoning.

"Sounds like a good plan to me," Jason said, "What is your profession?"

"I am banker. And you?" I asked.

"I am your client," he said. "I was actually looking for a personal banker."

"Really!" I exclaimed. This was getting easy.

"No. I am just kidding. It can be true but I don't want that to spoil anything in future. Anyway, I am a financial planner and I also attend a lot of bankers' meetings. We can easily be friends without having to tell a lot of lies. Let's meet one day for lunch and we can quickly update each other."

"I can't wait to meet you," I said.

"Me neither. How about today?" he asked.

"Sure." I said. We decided where and when to meet. My mind was so preoccupied with that lunch meeting that I could not concentrate on my work anymore. Finally when I met him at the restaurant, I could not stop staring at him. Jason chuckled.

"See. That's what I meant. You are so obvious." I blushed at that comment. We talked a lot while having our lunch. I tried not to be obvious, but I kept stealing glances every now and then. Every time I saw him, I saw him looking at me.

We seemed to have a lot of common interests. It seemed to click and fall into one piece. Finally when he said, "How about we go for camping?", I almost choked.

"You mean just the two of us?" I asked.

"Why not? It's summer time. It'll give us a lot of time to get intimate." His eyes shone with lust as he said that.

"What do I tell my wife?" I asked.

"Same as what I tell mine." Jason said.

"And that is....."

"Let me think. I have not done this before either." he said.

"I am not feeling good about this. This is cheating on our wives." I said.

"I understand. But this is the next best thing to happen to us. Except for what happens between us, we will remain loyal to our spouses and maintain marital harmony. At the same time, it gives us a chance to release our desire to be with a guy and keeps us from losing our sanity." he reasoned.

"You are right. How I wish I could kiss you right now," I said licking my lips.

"How often do you travel out of Calgary?" he asked me.

"I am out of Calgary two to three days each month," I told him.

"It will be 3 to 4 from now on." He said.

"But those are for business and I never go camping." I told him.

"OK. Then it will be business then. I travel every month too on business and we can always try to get together for a day."

"But we may not travel to the same place," I had my own questions as to how this will work.

"Leave it to me. I will visit you where ever you are. I cam manage that quite easily being the owner of my own business. Does that solve the problem," he asked.

"May be, but how about this camping thing?" I asked.

"If that is going to be difficult, forget about it. I thought it would be romantic if for our first time, we both could be naked out in the open in some deserted location and make love under the stars." My cock stiffened when I heard that.

"Let's do it." I said without any hesitation.

"But won't your wife suspect?" Jason asked.

"No. She will be visiting her parents for a week and she does not need to know." I said.

"Excellent." said Jason. We both were excited.

It was the night before the day, when we were to go camping. Jason said he'll look after all the details. He said the only thing I need to do is prevent myself from masturbating for at least 2 days before that day. He said he'll also pent up his desires for those 2 days. It was hard for me not to ejaculate, especially since I do it twice a day. But I managed to hold off till that night. My wife left that morning. She took a flight to Vancouver and called me as soon as she reached there.

As it was getting dark, I became more and more horny. I had to shoot a load or I thought I might just go crazy. I decided to go and rent some "xxx" videos from the video store and spend the night watching them. That might help me a bit, I thought. I usually rent such movies whenever I get a chance to be alone at home.

So I pulled on that "buttoned" pair of jeans (that only made my bulge look bigger) and a tight muscle-t shirt, that accentuated my chest and hugged my torso like second skin. My hard nipples could be seen under the shirt. I drove to the video store and was checking out their video collection, when I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Hi man, how's it going?" I turned around to see Ross. He looked hot in those leather pants. His shirt was so transparent that it was as if he had no shirt on. My dick throbbed again. I could still feel his mouth on my dick on that day.

"Hey Ross, good. How about you?" I asked, still checking him out.

"Looking for a video. I see you are wearing those jeans and the t-shirt that you bought the last time. You look great in those," he said, looking me up from top to bottom.

"Thanks man. You look very sexy yourself," I said, fully realizing that I used the word SEXY.

"Thanks." He smiled at the compliment.

"With those clothes on, you should be painting the city red in some dance bar. What are you doing here?" I asked.

"My partner stood me up. I have no other plans for the night, so I thought I'll fetch some movies and watch them."

"I didn't know you stayed here. I stay quite close by. I've never seen you." I said.

"I work all day and I study in the evenings. I hardly have any time for showing up in public areas." he said, "Very rarely I get a chance to have fun and now even that's ruined." He looked so cute with his pouted chin. I felt sorry for him.

"Hey. Don't get so disappointed. I know life must be hard as a student. I have been there myself and it is not easy at all. But at the end of this dark tunnel there will be a silver lining." I said.

"I guess so," he said. I could sense that he was trying hard not to get emotional. I gently patted him on the back.

"Look. I am all by myself tonight and wouldn't mind some company at all. We can rent a few movies and watch it all night." I offered.

"Thanks man, but," he stopped.

"I understand, you have other plans. That's OK" I said.

"No. It's not that. I don't have any plans," he blurted out. "I don't want to be a burden. I am not feeling very sociable right now." he said.

"Now come on!" I said, "Then it's all the more reason to come with me. It helps to talk about stuff and get it off your chest. Don't let little things accumulate and create a big mess. Come on with me." I said. He needed no more prodding. We picked some videos and headed back to my place. He didn't have a car so he came with me.

Back in my house, I put his movie first. We both watched it as we had some beer and pizza. Towards the end, his cell phone rang. He excused himself and went to the adjacent room to take the call. I paused the movie so that he does not miss anything. I could hear him talk.

"Where the fuck have you been?" He yelled.


"I was waiting for you for more than an hour there. Why didn't you call me?"


"Don't bother telling me all your stupid stories. Don't even bother to call me any more" He hung up. I was walking towards him when he yelled. He turned around and collided into me. He was shaking and I held him. At that instant, he broke down. He started to cry. I held him closer. He did not stop crying for some time. Finally when he did, I noticed my t-shirt was all wet.

"I am so sorry." he said.

"That's fine. Is everything OK?" I asked. He did not reply to that question. He merely shook his head to say no.

"Want to talk about it?" I asked again.

"No." he said and I didn't probe any more.

"Why don't we watch the movie some other time," he said. "I think I'll go now."

"Do you stay with some one?" I asked.

"Yes. You know Nathan from my store right. We share an apartment. But he won't be in right now." said Ross.

"In that case, I don't think it is a good idea for you to go. Sleep over here for the night. You can leave early morning." I said . . . no . . . I ordered. Ross tried to resist but he was weak and vulnerable and gave in quite easily.

"Let me change into something more comfortable. I'll also get some sleep clothes for you." I said. I took the t-shirt off and went into my bedroom.

"What would you like to have - pajamas or boxers?" I asked.

"Actually I am fine. I don't need any. Thanks." he said from the living room. I took my clothes off and put on my favourite cotton boxers and a tank top. I have the habit of sleeping naked. But until Ross sleeps, I have to have some clothes on me.

"Are you sure?" I asked him as I walked back to him.

"Yes. I have the habit of sleeping in my underwear." said Ross. He was staring at the tent in my boxers. I showed him his bed in the guest room. He thanked me. I shut the VCR and switched all the lights off. Then I went to my bedroom and climbed into my bed. I took all my clothes off and covered my naked body with a comforter.

It was quiet for a while. I fell asleep and was lost in my dreams. In the dream, I and Jason were already camping and we were undressing each other. Our cocks were excited and it felt good to hold each other's cock and stroke gently.

Then I heard the sobbing and incoherent talking. I woke up not realising what was happening. I did not remember the fact that Ross was in the other room. My dream felt so real that when I woke up my cock was hard and oozing precum. I went to the bathroom to take a leak. When I walked back to my bed, I heard the crying again. I remembered about Ross now. I put my boxers on and went to his room.

Ross was fast asleep. He was crying in his sleep and muttering something that was not clear at all. He must be having a bad dream, I thought. I gently rubbed his hair and tried to set his comforter when he rolled over revealing his near-naked body. In the process my hand got pressed under his chest and I could not move. I gazed at his beautiful body. His tight boxer briefs left nothing to imagination. He had a nice, tight butt and a fairly well-developed body. He must be in his early twenties. He looked so sexy that I did not feel like moving away. I moved closer to him and tried to remove my hand from under him. He turned and held my hand with his. He was mumbling something.

"Its going to be OK Ross." I said. "Now sleep happily. Everything will be alright when you wake up," I said. I rubbed his back and patted his forehead again. He was so sexy that I wanted to be with him all night and make love to him. But he was vulnerable right now and being at least 10 years older than him, I didn't want to take advantage of him. I was about to move away from him, when he opened his eyes.

"Thanks for everything." he said sleepily.

"My pleasure." I said. He took my hand in his.

"I don't want to look clumsy like this, but can you hold me near you all night?" he asked.

"Sure." I said and I slept beside him. He put his head on my chest and held me tightly. I put my arm around his back and patted him to sleep. We both drifted to sleep very soon.

When I woke up next morning, I realized that some time during the night, we both got rid of our clothes. Ross was still asleep. He was sleeping with his chest facing my back. His boner was pressing into my ass cheeks and his hand was holding me tightly. I was getting excited very soon at this unexpected happening. I moved a little. Ross also stirred in his sleep and buried his cock deeper into my ass cheeks. His hand slid from the chest and was touching my cock. My cock was pulsating and his hand held it gently and started to stroke it. I got up with a start. I didn't know where this will lead to and what complications it will bring with it. When I got up abruptly, it woke Ross up. He did not know where he was at first. Then he looked at himself and then looked at me.

"What the . ... What happened? I am sorry. Did I...?"

"Don't be sorry. We were both fast asleep and nothing happened. I heard you cry last night and came here to check. You wanted me to sleep next to you. And that's all there is to it." I said. I wore my boxers as I headed back to my room. Ross followed me with his erection.

"I need to thank you for being such a gentleman." he said. I turned around and he took me by surprise. He held my face in both hands and kissed me on my lips passionately. I resisted a little but was so overcome with desire that I held his naked body in my hands.

"Oh. Ross. I want you so much." I began to kiss him as he took off my boxers. We were both totally nude and our cocks were pressing against each other. We were swept away in a tornado of passion as we devoured each others lips. Our tongues probed further and locked into a delicious french kiss. We were holding each other so tightly that we had to pause for a brief second to catch our breath. When we resumed again, it was more gentle. I ran my hand over his back sending shivers of pleasure in him. He started to lick on my nipples. We both climbed into my bed. He was on top of me and I was holding him with both my hands. His cock was stroking against mine. At that time, my phone rang. It was a message from my wife.

"Hi Honey. Due to a sudden change in plans, I will be coming back to Calgary tonight. I will tell you everything when I get there. Be at the airport to pick me up at 7.30 PM. Bye."

To be continued

Next: Chapter 2

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