
By Raj

Published on Jul 16, 2002


This story contains explicit sex between two consenting men. It is entirely fantasy and does not represent any real person or event. If such writing is illegal where you are, if you are underage, or if you would be offended by gay erotica, then don't read it!

Practice safe sex. And if you like this, email me (prairiedude_69@yahoo.com) and tell me what turns you on.

Raj (M/M) - Part 3

So far . . .

Raj and Jason are married guys who are sexually attracted to other guys. They meet at a men's clothing store. They plan on a camping trip when Raj's wife goes out of town. Raj spends the night before with Ross and has some sexciting times with him the next morning. Raj's wife returns back unexpectedly, causing Raj to cancel his outdoor rendezvous with Jason.

And now . . .

Raj was back in his office on Monday. He was so caught up in the conflict that was going on between his heart and brain, that he could not concentrate on his work. Luckily for him, there were no pressing assignments and so he decided to step out and take a walk and have a little distraction. As soon as he stepped out, his feet automatically took him to the store where Ross worked. As he entered the store, Nathan walked up to him.

"Hi Raj. Thanks for taking care of Ross." he said with a warm smile. Raj didn't know what Ross told him and what he didn't. So he played it safe. "No problem man. Is he working today?"

"Yes he is. Let me get him for you." Ross came out to meet Raj in a few minutes. "Hi Raj. How are you?" said Ross. "I'm fine. How are you doing?" asked Raj. "I am fine, thanks for the time we spent together." said Ross. Raj looked around. Nathan was nowhere to be seen. He asked Ross in a whisper, "What did you tell Nathan?"

"Nothing that you wouldn't want him (or anyone else for that matter) to know. He knows that you are a great guy who has helped me through an emotional phase." Raj sighed with relief, when he heard that.

"I appreciate you keeping it discrete. Even though you don't know how much I love the time that we spent together and how much I have been fantasising about being with you for a long time to come. But right now, I am married and am in a hopeless situation. I don't want you to get entangled in my mess." he said, looking earnestly into Ross's eyes.

"I will try not to. Don't worry too much about what is going to happen. Enjoy the moment before it passes. I did when I was with you and hope we can meet again." said Ross. He winked at Raj as he said that. Raj left the store with a big smile (and a big you-know-what).

He returned to his office and closed the door to his room. He did not feel like working at all. He checked his E-mail (there was nothing new or unread) and then he phoned Jason. Jason picked up the phone after the fifth ring.

"Hi. Jason speaking." his voice was heavy. "Hi Jase. This is Raj. What are you up to? Is everything OK?" asked Raj. "Hi Raj. I was just thinking about you. Actually I was fantasising about you. I haven't masturbated or ejaculated for the past 3 days so I was trying to shoot a load." he said. His voice was so sexy. "Did you cum yet?" asked Raj. "No. Not yet. But I am very close to cumming." said Jason. "Where are you right now?" asked Raj. "At my office in downtown. Why do you ask?" "Then give your hand a rest. I'll be with you right away. Which is your office building?" Raj wrote down the office address on a piece of paper. "I'll be there in five minutes." He ran out of his office. As he reached for the main door, he told the secretary, "I'll be back in 20-25 minutes."

Jason was waiting for him outside his office building. If you hadn't heard his conversation, you wouldn't know that he was estopped from ejaculating a few minutes ago. His hair was tidy and his clothes were proper. Nothing was out of place. He seemed very relaxed and cool. Raj almost hugged him but managed not to cause a commotion.

They both walked silently to Jason's office. Once they got in, Jason locked the door to his office and buzzed his secretary on intercom and asked her to take messages for him. "He was busy with a potential client", he told her.

As he was talking to her, Raj unzipped Jason's pants and started to suck on his dick. His cock was about 7.5 inches cut and very thick. Raj gagged and choked, but once he got comfortable, he started to take it in inch-by-inch. Jason was in a very excited condition and said that he might cum soon. Raj continued to suck and soon Jason shot a huge volley of semen into Raj's throat. Some cum managed to drain out of the mouth, which Jason lapped up with his hungry tongue. They kissed for 5 minutes. Then Jason zipped up his pants again. Raj cleaned his face with a tissue.

"That was awesome. Thanks Raj." he said. His eyes were twinkling like that of a little boy who found a quarter on the road. He then reached for Raj's crotch.

"Not now Jase. I want my first with you to be memorable. You can't satisfy me in 5 minutes. I'll take much longer." said Raj.

"But that's not fair. We have both been waiting for this." said Jason as he still held on to Raj's crotch. He started to rub on it gently. The bulge was becoming bigger. Raj stopped him with his hand.

"Not now Jason. I promise it'll be soon. I tend to be vocal when I am having sex and I can't enjoy when I know that I might be caught. It's not safe for us, if some one hears my moaning in your office." he said. Jason pulled him closer and kissed him for what seemed to be an eternity.

"I like you Raj," he said. "I hope things will work out between us."

"I sure hope too." said Raj. He gave Jason a brief kiss and returned back to his office. He realised that he is getting adventurous and bolder as far as his appetite for men was concerned and that he needs to play it safe from now on. What if he got caught with Jason in his office? There wasn't much work so Raj decided he'll go home earlier than usual. He phoned Anita to ask if she needed him to pick up anything from the grocery store. She said she didn't remember if she wanted anything.

Raj came home and decided to cook supper and work on the garden. He loaded the dishwasher after he finished cooking and tidied up the kitchen. Then he changed into a pair of shorts and a tank-top. It was July and it was hot as hell in Calgary. As Raj was mowing his lawn, his neighbour Marty walked across the lawn and approached him.

"Hi Raj," he said as he neared him. "Hey Marty. How's it going?" asked Raj. "Good. Listen. Can I take you up on your offer that you made the other day?" he asked. "You mean regarding building my deck?" "Yes. Is the offer still good?" "Of course it is. Why do you ask?" "I am short of cash for my annual down payment on the house and I was hoping if I can count on your deck." said Marty. "Sure man. No problem at all. When do you want to do it?" asked Raj. "This weekend if it is OK with you guys."

"Absolutely. I am free this weekend and so I can help you, not that I am of much help building anything." Raj laughed. Marty joined him in his laughter. Raj is good with numbers and computers, but he was not a handy-man. Marty always ended up helping him, be it nailing down the house number on the garage or adjusting the height of lawn mower blades or building the fence. Marty was a construction worker and worked as an independent subcontractor. He was always working on something or the other in his garage. Even when the outside temperature was minus 30 degrees Celsius, he would still be there with his block heater. Marty was single and was doing quite nicely for himself at his age, which Raj guessed to be almost same as his. He never talked with anyone and kept to himself for most of the time. Raj somehow managed to become good friends with him. They came from different backgrounds and had practically no common topics at all. Yet there seemed to be a strange connection between the two. Raj was happy to have a good neighbour.

. . . . Raj moved to Canada about 7 years ago. He and Anita were married for 3 years when they moved. Though Raj knew about his gay feelings when he was in senior high school (that was in mid 80s), he could not share those feelings with anyone. For one, he was in India then, where being gay was taboo and gay people were looked down upon. Then there was the hot topic of AIDS which was all over the news, how it kills people and that it was caused by homosexual activities. Raj withdrew his gay feelings into a tight shell and hoped that they would magically disappear. He married Anita when he was in mid-20s in early 1990s. He didn't know if he hoped that the marriage will erase his gayness or if he was so scared of rejection by the society that he sucked up to it and ruined his only chance to true happiness. Well he acted in a hurry and had a lief time to repent.

Anita was born in Canada. Her parents were very traditional and orthodox. They wanted her to marry a guy that they chose for her, which was not acceptable to her at all. She, being raised in the western world, did not believe in arranged marriages. However, she decided to give them a fair chance. And when she met Raj before the marriage, she liked him. Except for the gay feelings that Raj had inside him (which bothered him a lot), which Anita did not suspect one bit, theirs was a perfect marriage and she could not thank her parents enough for it. She loved Raj dearly. . . . .

Over the years, Raj's desire to be with a guy increased multi-fold and now threatened to destroy his marriage. Where once he thought he could control it, now Raj was a helpless victim. Thoughts of hot guys filled his mind day and night. May be it was the fact that he was not getting any younger and the fear that once he is over 40 no one may be interested in him; or may be it is just the simple fact that he is truly gay and has come to accept that - whatever be the reason, he was now in an emotional turmoil. May be he should seek counselling.

Raj finished mowing the lawn. It was still hot, so he decided to water the lawn after it cooled down a bit. He was sweating profusely, so he took his tank top off and dried his chest and back with it. He decided to get back into the house and have some chilled beer. When the cold beer flowed down his throat, it felt good. He put the can on his forehead. He thought about Ross, then he thought about Jason. Is he doing things too fast, too soon? His dick became hard when he thought about Jason's cock in his mouth and Ross's cock in his ass. Is he "what-they-call-a-bottom"? He sure enjoyed it. He needed a release. He started to stroke his dick under the shorts. He didn't realise that the curtains were not completely closed and that Marty had a very good view of Raj masturbating.

Raj's cock was now thick and throbbing. Marty was looking through his binoculars with one hand while we was jacking-off himself with the other. Marty was a closeted-gay guy and no body knew except the few guys that he met and fucked in gay bars that are such a secret that no one even knew that such places existed in the city. He had a crush on Raj the day he first saw him. But knowing that he is married to a woman, he didn't act on his feelings.

The other night, when Raj came home with a cute looking guy, Marty at first did not suspect anything. But when the guy did not leave all night, Marty wondered what was happening in Raj's house, as he knew that Anita was going to be out of town that week. Very early next morning, Marty decided he'll peep in to see what was the matter. He walked across the lawn and went closer to the guest bedroom, because that was where he expected the guest to sleep. Being the corner most houses in the street and having no houses facing them, no one would know that Marty was taking a sneak-peak. He could not see anything as the blinds were closed. But Marty did not give up. He went close to the window and managed to take a faint glimpse of two naked bodies in a tight embrace, on the bed. He didn't see the faces, but they were obviously two men - Raj and his guest. Marty's dick jumped in his night robe, when he saw this. He quickly went back to his home and jacked himself off fantasising about what might have happened between the two last night. He now saw a very good chance of himself becoming physically closer to Raj and that excited him.

When Raj was getting close to shooting a load, Marty stopped ejaculating and picked up the phone. He dialled Raj's number. Marty's number was unlisted and he knew it would be safe to call Raj.

"Shit." shouted Raj as he stopped stroking and fumbled to pick up the phone. He had to wait a moment before he answered it, as he was panting.

"Hello!" he almost yelled into the phone. "Hi," said Marty in disguised voice. His voice was now very sexy. "Who is this?" asked Raj. He never heard that voice before. The phone clicked on the other side. Raj put the phone down. Marty phoned again. The same thing repeated. When he called the third time, Raj did not bother to pick it up. His cock was still hard but his desire to ejaculate disappeared for now. It was another hour before Anita would return. Just then the door bell rang.

"Who would it be at this time?" thought Raj as he opened the door. It was Marty. Raj could not help staring at the tent in his shorts and Marty made no attempt to hide it.

"Sorry to bother you, but I need help in bringing down some stuff from the attic. Could you help me?" he asked looking into Raj's eyes.

"Sure. What do you have up there, that you cannot get down yourself?" asked Raj. "My dick full of cum!" thought Marty, "It is this heavy wooden shelf. I can bring it down, but the stool is kind of unsteady. I need you to hold the stool for me." he replied. Raj put his tank top on (which Marty hoped he didn't) and locked the doors and went with Marty. They went straight to the third bedroom, which opened into the attic. Marty pulled the stool and stood on it. Raj held the stool. Marty pretended to look around in the attic to see where the shelf was. He turned around on the stool. His crotch was directly facing Raj's face. His dick was moving freely in his shorts as he did not wear any underwear. Raj could not help but stare at Marty's throbbing member.

"Here it is." said Marty as he picked up a wooden shelf. He pretended to lose his balance. Raj instinctively held him tightly by his hips and stopped him from falling. Marty decided to see how far this went and he shoved his crotch into Raj's face. In the process Raj lost his balance. They both fell on the floor, Marty on top of Raj, his dick throbbing on Raj's lips. Raj opened his mouth a little and Marty's dick probed in a bit. Marty immediately got up and with a manly tug, got Raj standing on his feet again. Raj did not know how to react to all this. He was excited when he felt Marty's cock in his mouth, but he did now want to lose a good neighbour and also he did not risk being "out"ed. Marty looked into Raj's eyes and he did not see any anger or disgust in them, instead he saw Raj's dick was hard and throbbing in his shorts. Marty pulled Raj closer and kissed him on his lips. Their cocks were pressed against each other and Raj was now at a point of no looking back. He needed to shoot a load and he had to do it now.

Raj let go of all thoughts and doubts and decided to enjoy the moment as Ross had suggested. He kissed back Marty with passion and hunger. They got naked in the blink of an eye. They were on the floor, side by side facing each other. Marty held both cocks in his hand and started to stroke them as he continued to kiss Raj. Raj grabbed his ass and pulled him closer. Marty went down and took Raj's cock in his mouth. His mouth was hot and moist. He started to give Raj a mind-blowing, nuts-draining blow job. It did not take long before Raj started to cum in Marty's mouth. The ejaculation didn't seem to stop but Marty slurped it all up. He then whispered in Raj's ears, "I want you to fuck me."

What happened next? The 4th part starts off with Raj topping Marty. Will Raj and Jason ever get to go camping? Who does Raj like more - Ross, Jason or Marty? Will Anita ever get to know about Raj's gayness? Some of these questions will be answered and some more questions arise in the next part. Thanks for your responses to this story so far. Please keep them cumming :)

Next: Chapter 4

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