Ranch Raunch

By moc.onuj@xrdm

Published on Jun 14, 2010


This story is completely fictional. It is about the relationship between me and multiple guys and mustangs. Many forms and fetishes of bondage will be used as well as severe punishment. Many twists, turns, and surprises are in store. This is a multi-chapter story and after this one you might have to read the ones before it to fully understand what is happening. I do a recall in the first paragraph with the highlights of what went on in the previous chapter. A full list of names and characters is available, but the names of the characters in each chapter are mentioned before I begin that chapter. If your name is used it is coincidental and the characters were based on the personality of Masters, Sir's, boys, slaves, mustangs, girls, and women I have known. I Have full permission from these personalities in the before sentence to use them however I want. A few of the characters are minors, but they do not participate in any sex acts. If you are not 18 or if it is illegal for any reason you should not read this story and should instead leave right away.

Copyright rules apply.

If you would like to suggest a fetish with mustangs or something wild or crazy you would like me to include you are gladly encouraged to e-mailing me at: mdrx@juno.com

Character list:

Mike: A lean fit muscular guy in his forties.

Master Rick: A lean fit muscular owner of a ranch and mustang herd in his mid fifties.

Master Wes: Same as Master Rick but a bit younger, does ranch and real estate.

Mystery guy: to be revealed in later chapters.

Lizzy: a young adult that wants a mustang.

Lizzy's dad

Shawn: A young adult that wants a mustang.

Shawn's Mother

Joe: a leather and saddle maker.

Mark: a Ferrier.

Bazooka: The lead stallion of the ranch that is telepathic.

The herd: Tar Baby, Gizmo, Twinkie, Daisy, Phantom, Dancer, Gambit, and Thumper

The first visitor # 10

I wake up with Bazooka next to me and I say morning and he licks me. How is your dick and he says not as tender as yesterday. I am going to test bend your dick and let me know when it starts to hurt. Bazooka says it is starting to hurt. Really I say as I swat his dick, I have not touched it till now. I sense Bazooka mutter something but I did not catch it. I say constant stretching makes it longer, harder, but yet flexible.

I start bending his dick and get three quarters when Bazooka says that hurts and I hold it there for a bit then slowly release it. Bazooka thanks me by sucking my dick hard enough to make it throb but not to cum. I hear Master Wes call me and Bazooka releases me. I tell Bazooka about the two prospective owners and he does not recall them. I say okay and head to the house.

Master Wes spanks my dick to make it hard and throb and force bends my dick into a jock strap. It is tight and puts my dick under strain. We head into the dinning room and Master Rick is there on the phone talking to someone. He motions to sit on the jack stand and on it is a thick round piece of card board roll. I straddle it and I am lifted off the ground, all my weight on the base of my dick causing it to harden up and fight the strain that the jock strap is holding it.

Master Rick says today you will be in jeans and a t-shirt. One of the prospective owners Lizzy will be out later this morning. Once I am satisfied that all is in order, have Bazooka look her over and see into her mind quietly so he approves as well. I am lowered to the ground and get the jeans and t-shirt on and hear a truck drive up. Master Rick tells me to drop the Master title while they are here and I say okay and head for the door.

The bell rings and I open and a young adult woman and here father are there and I welcome them and lead them to Rick and sit them down. Rick asks if I would turn out Bazooka while he asks about why they want a mustang. I go to the barn and turn him out to the pasture and say to him a young woman is here about one of your herd. When she comes I would like to sniff her and quietly enter her mind and see if she is good enough. Then tap the left side of my hand for yes or the right for no.

I ask Bazooka to inform the herd. If one wants to go with her that is fine with Rick and Wes as well as you. I hear a door open and a girl's voice call hey Mike. I give a pat to Bazooka and open the door. I walk back and meet the girl Lizzy and say yes. Rick wants you to take me to the fence and look at the mustangs. Rick will be out with father in a few minutes. I say sure and lead here to the pasture.

I notice she is lean and a slight tan and ask her about why she wants a mustang and how much she has ridden and in what shows, all the while relaying the answers to Bazooka. I remember about the shows I did. I hear the door open and hear footsteps and Rick and Lizzy's father walk out and head toward us. I give a solid hand shake to her father and ask Rick if he approves. He replies yes I am satisfied.

Rick says that Mike here is in charge of the next part of the process. I say that for every mustang there is but one rider. All but the lead stallion are not bound. Once the choice is made for life and cannot be broken unless one dies. This is the equivalent of being in a relationship that has no end. The mustangs have the sense to know what they are looking for in a rider.

Before Lizzy can proceed, Bazooka needs to look at her Father. Lizzy's father says what is the meaning of this? And I say Bazooka merely wants to sniff you in greeting and can tell if you are okay. Lizzy's father says okay. I ask him to come inside and raise his right hand and call Bazooka. He does so and stops a foot away and I say extend out your hands.

Lizzy's father does so and he sniffs his hands and comes to me and puts his mouth on my left hand. I say that Bazooka approves of you and would like you to ride him later. I give Bazooka a carrot and he walks away.

I turn to Lizzy and say are you willing to do such a bonding and she says yes without reservation. I tell her not to be afraid. Walk out about five feet and raise your right arm in a fist gesture and call Bazooka. She does and Bazooka trots up and stops a foot away. This is Bazooka the lead stallion. I say to her lower you hand and extend it so he can sniff you. She does and sniffs all over her. Then Bazooka walks over to me and I extend both hands and put his muzzle in my left hand. I mentally say thank you and give him a carrot.

Allow me to explain what has happened. Bazooka the lead stallion is a very smart mustang. He looked at Rick's hand when he approached and it was the approval signal. When Bazooka sniffed Lizzy he smelled no drugs or fear from her. By putting his muzzle in my left hand he gave his permission for you to have one from his herd. I herd a wow from Lizzy.

Now Lizzy, walk another five feet and clear your mind of everything except the mustang you dream about. All but Bazooka will come and touch you. If one wants you, they will stay; now raise your hand in a fist gesture. I sense a starry sky and all but Bazooka nudge Lizzy. Then one by one they leave except Comet who seems to be crying and hugs Lizzy and she does the same back to him.

Rick says we have a match, Bazooka do you approve and he touches me in the left hand. I look at Rick and he nods as well. Shall we do a ride and Rick says yes. Bazooka walks up to Lizzy's father and I say Bazooka would like to have you ride him. He says I have not really ridden before. I say no problem, it is balance mainly and we are just going to a short trip to a meadow.

I ask Lizzy and her father to tickle under their chins and gasp as both Comet and Bazooka lower themselves and they get on. Lizzy say no saddle or bridle? None necessary I say as verbal command and a slight squeeze is all that is necessary. Just grab slightly with your legs only when necessary and some mane. I get on Tar Baby and Rick and Wes get on Gizmo and Gambit. I tell Lizzy to say meadow and trot. She does and the herd moves out to go to the meadow.

We reach the meadow and Rick asks Lizzy and her father do you want to go faster and both nod yes. Rick say you know the words and Lizzy says race to end. We transition smoothly into a gallop and extend fully halfway to the end. We near the end when Lizzy calls slow to trot then walk. We slow and walk. Rick says time to get off for a bit. He calls lower and all the mustangs with riders lower themselves and we all get off. Rick says graze and all spread out and start eating.

I ask Lizzy's father what do you think and he said hard to express the wonder and feeling, like floating on air. A very good feeling it is at that. I ask Lizzy what were you thinking when you raised your fist and she said stars and a comet streaking across the sky. Rick asks if Lizzy can stay the night and her father would return with a trailer tomorrow. He agreed but would need to leave now as the trailer was in storage.

Raise your voice and call his name and he called Bazooka and he trotted up. Bazooka lowered himself and the command trot home and Bazooka in a smooth trot returns home. I ask Lizzy what type of riding are you into. She replied she was into multi-challenge trail riding, simple shows with obstacles to go thru and trail riding.

I ask do you belong to a riding club and she said yes, they do both Western and English riding and they have trails for riding as well. They have lessons there and we can bring our horses there. They also have school horses but you mentioned the bond and those mustangs are bound to the owner of the stable.

I also mention that the mustang learns from the rider and the rider learns from the mustang. I ask that you must challenge him constantly. Do not do the same thing daily and mix up challenges that you both may learn. I see movement and Bazooka returns galloping at full speed and transitions smoothly to a walk to join us. I ask Rick if Comet has any tack. He replies other than a halter no, But I know a saddle maker and will call him when we get back and custom make a bridle and have him bring some Western and English saddles to fit Comet. Lizzy asks about shoes and says the Ferrier will be out in the midday.

Rick says time to head back and summons the herd and we head home trotting at a smooth rate. We return and put them in their stalls. Rick says to me and Lizzy feed the mustangs while Wes and I prepare dinner. I show how much grain each one gets and in short order we get the feeding done. Give a hug to Comet and she does.

Come into Bazookas stall. She does and I say that Comet chose you because you desired a Comet did you not. She was surprised that I knew and said there was strange music and she remembered hearing it at a mustang auction when I was younger. Me too and the source was from Comet himself. Comet was at the auction she asked. Yes he was and he was calling to you. It was the same way with Bazooka and me. Rick got them at a BLM auction at the same time. Mustangs have a way of finding their riders

What is the wildest thing that you would like to do with Comet? I will not tell anyone about this except Rick or Wes and we will not tell your father or anyone else and we will forget about it after a while. She said in a quiet voice that she would like to be seduced by Comet. I say you think your Dad would delay pickup by one day. Lizzy says I think so. He is not one to waste time waiting around for others.

I say lets go talk to Rick and let's see what happens. We head back and talk to Rick and Wes about the delay and to her surprise he had already called explaining about the tack and Ferrier and to call when ready. Mike and you will go into town after dinner and get some things you will need and get what you need for a few days.

Time to wash up and Lizzy heads for the bathroom and I hesitate long enough out of earshot to whisper to Rick that Lizzy wants a naked lick job from Comet. I get a dismissing wave and head to the bathroom as Lizzy comes out.

We have a nice dinner and Lizzy and I head into town for a few clothes and other items. I ask have you ever dreamt about out under the stars with only you and your dream mustang there. She gives a curious look and says how did you know that?. We dream alike and have done the same. I mentioned before that the mustangs are very smart and respond to hand as well as verbal command. Any other horse would not understand and ignore you.

We get back and I say did you want to spend the night with Comet. She says yes, I need to completely trust him and I see this as the best way to start. Put you stuff in my room and get a pair of sweats and wait by the door. While she is away I ask Rick if this is okay and he says yes as long as I do the same. We will get to that other thing after we get the tack and Ferrier stuff done.

Lizzy returns and we head out to the barn. I say to her we need to pay our respects to Bazooka first before we can begin. We must always ask permission from him until you leave with Comet. We stop by Comet's stall and she gives a quick pat and we head for Bazooka's stall. We both give a big hug and I say to her hand signal and simple words to Bazooka what you would like to do.

She says to Bazooka, me, Comet, sleep one. Bazooka steps forward and yanks on her sweats and steps back one pace. I say to her as I interpret him you must remove all clothing and ask again. Lizzy gives me a quirky smile and removes everything and hands her clothes to me. I say ask again. She does and I say he wants to sniff you fully, spread your arms and legs.

Bazooka licks between her legs and on her nipples and she quivers and I have to support her while she gets sniffed and licked and as a final inhale blows out between her legs causing her nearly to collapse. After Bazooka is done he nods his head and I lead her to Comet's stall. I tell her if Bazooka was not bound to me he would have bound to you. She said I got that feeling as well but the price I think would have been unreachable.

I said the price I paid was to sell everything and move here permanently. A cost I know you would pay but destiny says otherwise. Comet will be a fine mate. We enter Comet's stall and we both give him a big hug. Ask him the same way as before with Bazooka. She says Comet, you, me, sleep, and morning. Comet looks at me and I nod yes and he lowers himself and rolls on his back.

She gasps and I say you are invited to join him on his belly. Tonight as you sleep dream of what you will do with him and if you hear his music let it envelop your mind and translate you thoughts into his music. The door will be closed but not locked. I will be in Bazookas stall and will be there till morning. Happy dreams and she said the same and I closed the door.

Bazooka was waiting for me and I asked what he though of her and he said she was like me when I met you, willing to do anything for such a companion. I smiled and asked if Bazooka could trigger a bit of telepathy in Comet. Bazooka said no it was not necessary for Comet could sense what she wanted and his telepathy drew him to her. Each mustang in my herd has some and only the one rider can hear the music of that mustang.

Well I hope the bond is strong but we will find out in the morning. I ask Bazooka not to play as this night is for her and Comet and I did not want to interrupt the bonding process. Bazooka agreed saying his dick was still a bit tender and we can play after the business part gets done.

I wake up at dawn and get dressed and walk to Comet's stall. I look in and I have never seen, besides me and Bazooka, such contentment and relaxation. I lightly knock and Comet opens an eye and I say morning. He closes it saying not yet. I whisper okay half hour and put her clothes neatly by the door.

I go into the house and Rick says how it goes and I said I do not know. I knocked lightly but all I got was one eye form Comet. He must have spent half the night bonding fully with Lizzy. Rick nodded and said let's give them a bit more time. Did you do anything with Bazooka? I said no, he said he wanted to rest and fully heal and also we did not want to mentally project disrupting Comet's bonding. Rick nodded in approval.

Lizzy came through the door yawning and said what a night I never thought such could happen. Can I take a shower and tell you what happened. Rick said go ahead you must have had quite a night. Wes came in with breakfast and said he would keep warm some for her and she disappeared into the bathroom.

We were in the middle of eating when Lizzy came into the room and sat down. She ate a bit and said can I keep a secret with all of you. All of us said yes. She thought for a moment and said both Mike and I went to Bazooka's stall and Mike showed me how to communicate with Bazooka, Mike saying that permission was needed first from him.

Bazooka did the strangest thing but not strange to you and asked me to take my clothes off. Rick raised an eyebrow but said nothing. So I did thinking that my body language would make clear intent and you know what happened? Bazooka licked between my legs and on my chest and face. I lost my balance but Mike caught me and held me until he fully licked me. He then at the last lowers his head and blew thru his nostrils between my legs causing my chest and abs to jump and I nearly collapsed from the sensation. I nodded to Rick that this was so.

Rick said Bazooka was a little jealous as you were young and a girl and that few of the mares were in heat and he was getting his jollies at your expense. Do you want me to discipline Bazooka? Lizzy said no as I wanted his approval and was willing to do anything to get it. Okay Rick said what happened next.

We went to Comet's stall and he was waiting for us. I asked in the same way as Bazooka with simple words and he did the most amazing thing and he rolled onto his back and knickers at me to lie on his tummy. I never thought a mustang would do such a thing. Mike reminded me that these were smart mustangs and to open my mind if I heard music as I did when I summoned the herd. I fell into light sleep and remembering what Mike said about the music opened my mind and I started to translate the music into words and was completely stunned I was talking directly into Comet's mind.

I described what I wanted to do with Comet and he seemed excited about learning new skills. He understood the need for tack and shoes today and we would have fun later and the next day a journey to my home. He would meet the other horses and make new friends and allow other riders to ride him if I approved. I would never sell or leave Comet and if Comet got hurt somehow that I would call the vet and then here to leave word.

We heard a knock on the door and I opened it and there was Joe the leather guy. I introduced myself and I beckoned him in and have some breakfast and he finished what we had left. Rick said this is Lizzy and Comet will be her mount. Joe said excellent. Joe asked Lizzy what type of riding you were going to do. Lizzy said all forms. Just simple shows and trail riding, nothing professional.

Joe said well we will get started in a few minutes, meet us with Comet at the back end of my trailer and I will be out in a minute. I need to talk business with Rick. She left to get Comet and Joe said what she would need both English and Western. Rick says in return you will get a foal from one of the mares next summer. Joe was pleased and we headed outside. I asked Rick about that and he said Joe is a very gentle trainer and by summertime the mare would have weaned the foal and would need to leave anyway.

We walked out and I asked Rick if I could tell Bazooka and he said yes. I called Bazooka and gave him the mating signal and yes and he reared up happy. I said not today and he snorted as if disappointed. I went back to the trailer and Joe was measuring and fitting different bits, bridles, and pads and finally coming up with a set for Western and one for English as well as saddles and a bareback pad.

Joe said you will need to call me when you outgrow or break a piece of harness. There will be no charge as Rick has already paid for life for repair. Lizzy said thank you and kissed Joe on the cheek. Comet snorted as if jealous. Joe gave instruction as to what soaps and cleaners to use to keep the leather supple and clean.

It was lunch when Joe got done and he was invited to lunch and at that time Mark the Ferrier showed up and was also invited to lunch. Lizzy put Comet back in his stall and rejoined us. Joe gave Lizzy his business card and we finished lunch. Joe left as he had another call to do and Mark went out and we followed. Lizzy got Comet and I said quietly to her to tell Comet to relax and this is protection from the hard surfaces he will encounter. Comet breathed in deeply the snorted saying okay.

In short time Mark commented this was one of the quietest mustangs he has done before and it did not take long to finish the job. Mark said he was done and gave a business card to Lizzy and asked the usual fee and Rick said yes. Mark said I will replace the shoes for life. If it is an emergency, I will just ask for gas money. Is this okay and Rick says yes and Lizzy gives Joe a solid kiss to the cheek and Comet snorts again in disapproval. Lizzy gives Comet two carrots and leads him back to his stall.

I comment Comet was very jealous of Lizzy kissing other guys. Rick says well we cannot blame him for wanting Lizzy for himself. I think I would be just as jealous if I were Comet. Lizzy returns to our group and says what now? Rick says call your dad and you will be ready in the morning. If you have riding boots, put them on and we will go riding for the rest of the afternoon. She walks into the house and Rick says we will have the fun she desires and get a riding lesion as well.

Lizzy returns a few minutes later with worn riding boots. Rick says go get Comet, brush him and put on the English saddle and bridle. Mike you get Bazooka and have him calls the herd and tells them we are going for a ride today. Bazooka calls a summons to all the mustangs except Comet. He comes out being led by Lizzy and all the mustangs' knickers' in approval. Rick checks the tightness and length of the tack and says good for now.

We all get on mustangs, me on Bazooka and Rick says Lizzy take the lead. Both Wes and I will be right behind you and Mike take up the rear. We will notice right away is something comes loose. Rick says old house and trot. We trot off and Lizzy posts well and looks smooth as if riding with a friend. We get to the first meadow and Rick says okay for a gallop and she nods yes and we transition smoothly into a slow gallop.

We transition back to a trot and Rick asks if Lizzy is okay and she said when we get to the next meadow we need to check as I feel off balance a bit. Rick says okay and we continue to the next meadow and stop. Rick get off his mount and says shift your weight and she feels better. Rick says the girth strap is new and will mold itself to Comets belly. It will take a month before it will be fully molded. Lizzy asks full speed to the old house and Rick says yes. We go at full speed and laugh when we reach the old house

Rick says to all but Comet to graze. Rick says I will give you a lesson in how to signal and how to hold your reins right. He points to several markers that define an arena and proceeds to instruct her on transitioning and other little pointers. After about an hour Rick says enough for now. Dismount and put the tack and saddle on the log and tell him to graze. Comet does not go far and starts grazing.

We go to the old house for refreshment and I comment we were so busy that we forgot to grain this morning. Rick says go ahead and grain them. You know where the stuff is. I say to Lizzy come on. We go to the generator room and get the buckets and grain. All the mustangs sense what we are doing and gather so we do not have to ring the triangle. I say eat and the noses bury them in the grain.

We head back in and Rick says how did it feel being on Comet's back with a saddle and she said like floating on air. All we need is wings. All of us grinned and had something to drink. Rick said we have something in mind for you. Do you agree not to tell anyone and do you trust us. Lizzy says yes. Rick says describe your wildest dream. Lizzy says being tied and licked by Comet. Rick says I think we can handle that. Wes goes to get the backpack and we head outside and Rick says Lizzy summon Comet here and he shows up a moment later.

Rick says as you guessed it, the mustangs here are telepathic thanks to Bazooka's smarts. Comet is attuned to you and can talk freely between yourselves. I do not know how far apart or the range and Comet and you will say only what is necessary. You will need to decide what is important and what is not. But that is for later now take off your clothes and fold them neatly.

Rick says let Comet know that you will under stress but that no harm will come to you and to watch. She nods and Comet nods yes as well. A hood is put on and restraints attached. We lead her to the log but Wes pulls out a triangle plank and lashes it to the log. My dick jumps a little as Lizzy is lifted and placed on the plank and gasps as all her bodyweight is thrust onto the sharp edge of the plank.

Rick motions me to get behind her and support her. I do so and squeeze her nipples and she starts convulsing and sobbing and says that hurts. Comet does no seem happy as he senses the pain in her mind and paws the ground as if giving a warning. We keep her on the plank for another minute then lift her off the plank

We lash her to the log and I hand signal Comet to lick between her legs and breasts. He happily does so and Lizzy starts to moan and twitch. I notice Comet getting a hard on and mention to Rick that he might ram her and he says in a strong voice: Comet no dick. He takes a long look at Lizzy and returns to licking.

About an hour later Comet stops licking and knickers to us and we untie Lizzy and slowly allow here to rise and lead her to the old house and to sit. We take off the restraints and hood. She is tired but okay. Lizzy asked what was going on when I heard Rick's voice and Rick replied he was going to ram his dick into you. Lizzy said thank you for watching out for me. I think his dick would have torn me internally apart. We will discuss later things we can and cannot do.

Lizzy puts her clothes back on and saddles Comet and we head back home. We return and put the mustangs back in their stalls and go inside for dinner. After dinner we sit in the hot tub and Rick mentioned to do lessons with a trainer and to send pictures of awards to us. After the tub Lizzy asks if she can be with Comet alone and Rick says okay. Remind Comet about boundaries and have happy dreams with him.

Lizzy leaves to spend the night with Comet and I ask Rick about the other rider and Rick said his name was Shawn but was unsure about him. He is a bit physically challenged but loves mustangs. I will contact him now and see if he is still interested. He made the call and said he will be out in the morning but his situation has changed and he wanted to talk to me directly. I said that is the right thing to do as you must be sure. Rick say's lets go to bed.

If you would like to suggest a fetish with mustangs or something wild or crazy you would like me to include you are gladly encouraged to e-mailing me at: mdrx@juno.com

Next: Chapter 11: The Shawn Challenge

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