Ranch Raunch

By moc.onuj@xrdm

Published on Aug 14, 2010


This story is completely fictional. It is about the relationship between me and multiple guys and mustangs. Many forms and fetishes of bondage will be used as well as severe punishment. Many twists, turns, and surprises are in store. This is a multi-chapter story and you might have to read the ones before it to fully understand what is happening. I do a recall in the first paragraph with the highlights of what went on in the previous chapter. A full list of names and characters is available, but the names of the characters in each chapter are mentioned before I begin that chapter. If your name is used it is coincidental and the characters were based on the personality of Masters, Sir's, boys, slaves, mustangs, girls, and women I have known. I Have full permission from these personalities in the before sentence to use them however I want. If you are not 18 or if it is illegal for any reason you should not read this story and should instead leave right away.

Copyright rules apply.

If you would like to suggest a fetish with horses or something wild or crazy you would like me to include you are gladly encouraged to e-mailing me at: mdrx@juno.com

Character list: Mike: A lean fit muscular guy in his forties. Master Rick: A lean fit muscular owner of a ranch and mustang herd in his mid fifties. Master Wes: Same as Master Rick but a bit younger, does ranch and real estate. Gary the mystery guy: His purpose to be revealed today. John: Personal trainer. The voice: unknown person or group at the barn. Steve: A skydiving instructor. Bazooka: The lead stallion of the ranch that is telepathic. The herd: Tar Baby, Gizmo, Twinkie, Daisy, Phantom, Dancer, Gambit, and Thumper.

The milking farm # 22

I hear a wake up from Bazooka as I realize what happened yesterday. I got dragged and walloped hard by Bazooka and I met briefly with Gary the scientist who wants me for an experiment of some kind. I will meet him around noon today. I do not know how sore my nut sack and dick is.

I go and meet Master Rick and Master Wes in the dining room. I notice it is overcast and looks like rain. I show my dick and nut sack to Master Rick and he strokes and makes my dick hard and I cringe a little as he test bends my dick and squeezes my nut sack. Master Rick say's "a bit sore?" And I say "yes Master". Master Rick asks "you want the day off?" And I quickly say "no Master, I remember my last day off" and both Master Rick and Master Wes chuckle.

I continue saying "Gary walked in last night and he apologized for the being sneaky and he did the same with Bazooka and said he would come here around noon to explain what he wants". I ask Master Rick "if there is someone in the military nearby". Master Rick say's "yes but why?" I continue "you are not going to believe this but Bazooka wants to jump out of an airplane". "SAY WHAT!" say's Master Rick with disbelief. "You heard it right, Bazooka wants to skydive". Master Wes say's "I thought I heard everything but this beats everything in my book."

I say "another thing that Bazooka wants to try is hang gliding". Master Rick say's "oh my goodness. My lead stallion wants to be a daredevil! Did you put him up to it?" And I say "no, just interpreting his dreams. I can see by your faces that this is crazy and I would agree but this is no ordinary horse". Master Rick say's "if word got around that I had a skydiving horse I would never hear the end of it."

I say "if I were to get a DVD at the library and show it to Bazooka that might convince him to keep his hooves on the ground. I myself have never seen such a thing myself. But it probably would scare the daylights of anyone nearby". Master Rick "say's enough surprises for today. Have breakfast and then put on sweats, shoes and go feed the horses". As I leave I say "maybe Daisy put him up to it". Master Rick say's "perhaps" shaking his head.

I head out to the barn, it feels like rain in the air, and feed the horses. I feed Bazooka and mention to him that both Master Rick and Master Wes nearly fell out of their chairs that he wanted to fly and skydive. I said "Daisy put you up to it". Bazooka say's "well the wish is there". I say "there is a possibility but I would have to weigh you at a scale to find out if it possible."

Bazooka asks "what weight is". And I say "gravity. For instance if you lift me with your neck, you would need ten times the strength to lift yourself. Each of the herd is slightly different weight". Bazooka say's "I understand. In order to accurately measure your weight we need to go to a scale that can measure your weight."

I say "I will find out later today if I can take you on a drive. Oh yes Gary will be here about noon so I want you to sniff him over. I have an idea what he wants but let him explain it. If you could ask the herd to stay in today as it feels like rain."

Bazooka say's "I feel it too, though from late last night. How is your nuts and dick?" And I say "tender but I would like for you to feel me as I remove my sweat pants". Bazooka say's "good boy for asking. What is your pleasure? "As I pull my dick out of the way I get three solid hits and nearly collapse while holding my nut sack. My legs are trembling and Bazooka say's turn around. He bends my dick under me and lifts me causing me to convulse a little, my dick starting to scream at me. As he lowers me back down, Bazooka say's "you are indeed tender my boy."

Bazooka say's "put your sweats back on. The herd will graze in the rain but I will stay here". I say "okay" and head back inside and it starts to lightly rain. Master Rick say's "I think we can convince Bazooka on a safer thinking and I agree a DVD would be best to show him from the diver point of view. Go change, put on a thong and see Master Wes for a shopping list and he can provide you directions for the library."

I change and see Master Wes and he has a short list for me and gives directions and some cash for the food. I say I will not be long and return to Master Rick and I say "although my nuts and dick are sore, my chest and abs are available". Master Rick say's "here is my cell phone, call me if you have a question. Smart boy to offer what is not sore then say's on your way."

I get into my former truck and feel the familiar engine noise and say to Bazooka "I will be a couple of hours". Bazooka say's "don't be long as you know all too well what will happen if you are late". I say "I will remember that and head out."

I head into town and find the library and find a Librarian and ask "if there is any DVD about skydiving or hang gliding. An overweight friend of mine has a list of insane things to do". The Libran say's "we do not but I do know of nearby clubs that you can find on line and they can help your friend out. Another possibility is the grocery store has a bulletin board and many clubs advertise there". I say "his friends are trying to talk him out of it and the video is the best way and the librarian agrees."

I head to the grocery store and by chance on the community bulletin board there is a card with skydiving lessons on it. I call Master Rick and tell him that "the library does not have anything but I have found a local number and was asking permission to call and ask if they have a video to borrow for a day". Master Rick say's "good boy on asking, go ahead and call."

I dial the number and I hear "Steve's skydiving and I explain an overweight friend of mine was interested in sky diving, but his friends and I are trying to talk him out of it. Do you have a DVD that can show a dive? That might help convince him otherwise". Steve say's "where are you calling from" and I say "the grocery store on Main Street". Steve say's "I know the store and I will be there in a few minutes. What type of car" and I say "a red Chevy truck."

A couple of minutes later a car drives up and a middle aged man say "you the one about the DVD?" And I say "yes". Steve asks "how big is this guy" and I say "about the size of a basketball player but double wide and about three hundred pounds I guess. He requires a wide door just to get through it". Steve say's "incredible to have a notion about sky diving. Keep the DVD as long as you need it, just call and I will meet you here. I do not have extra large equipment but will call around if you cannot convince him. I thank him for his time and will be in touch tomorrow."

I get the groceries and head home. I hear Bazooka about a mile away and say "I am back". Bazooka say's "I felt you coming a bit before I heard you". I say "that was about two miles as I drive in the driveway. Anything going on" and Bazooka say's "not yet but it is still early."

I head inside with the groceries and DVD and put the food away and give the change back to Master Wes. I ask Master Wes "if he would like to watch the DVD" and he say's "yes". I ask Bazooka if he were dry and he say's "I have been in my stall slowly munching on some hay."

I meet Master Rick in the living room with Master Wes behind me. I ask "if Bazooka can see this as well" and he say's "he can see from the door there as the rain has stopped". Master Wes gets a couple old towels so Bazooka can step partially inside. I call Bazooka to walk over to the back door and step in.

Bazooka say's "on the way" and a few minutes later I see him coming and open the doors. Master Rick say's "so I hear you want to prove yourself to Daisy" and Bazooka say's "yes". Master Rick say's "well Mike arranged to see if you are willing to pay the price for this notion. Let's see what he brought us."

We watch the DVD and Bazooka say's "how high are they?" and I say's "well birds fly at about five hundred feet. Think ten times the height and I comment they are controlling there direction with hands and feet. They are pulling their chutes and slowing down to a safe speed and are directing so they can land safely. They are on the ground now" and Bazooka say's "how long they falling and I say's about two minutes, shorter than a long jump course". Bazooka say's "no thank you."

Bazooka say's to me "thank the Masters for showing me, perhaps the other way might be better" and trots back to his stall. I say to Master Rick and Master Wes "Bazooka is not interested in sky diving but he thanks all of us for trying to help". Master Rick say's "very well" relieved. "I do not know any hang gliding clubs but look on line to see any nearby. You have about an hour before lunch time and Gary shows up."

I head into the office and look on line and find a nearby club and ask on the info about size and weight limits and give my e-mail address so they can respond back, check messages, write my parents and tell them it has started to rain today and all are well. I hear Bazooka say "Gary is coming" and I close my e-mail and head back to the living room and say "Gary will be here in a minute to Master Rick". Master Rick say's "drop the master title while here" and I say "yes Rick."

The doorbell rings and I answer and say "hello Gary" and come in. Rick and Wes greet Gary and Rick say's "ready for lunch" and Gary say's "yes". We sit down and Gary say's to me "do you know why I am here?" And I say "very little other than you are a scientist developing something and need my help."

Gary say's "you will not tell anyone about me or what I do and I agree". Gary say's "you have been under my care since you arrived here". I say "I have been?" To Rick and Wes and they nod yes. I say "continue" and Gary say's "I develop male enhancers studying how you nuts, dick and your overall muscles grow in a controlled environment. This farm has been a field trial. Rick and Wes have kept me informed of your progress."

Gary takes off his pants and say's "look at one result" and I say "wow it is a foot long and hard". I ask "may I" to Gary and he say's "as long as Rick approves". I stroke it making it harder and bend it under him. I feel him fighting the strain and Rick say's "enough" and I slowly release his dick.

I say "I think you would like a field day here but that is not why you are here. Please continue". Gary say's "you are at a critical point in my study and you would need to come to my lab for the next stage". I ask "how long" and Gary say's "a full two weeks maybe longer. There will be very limited contact to the outside and be confined unable to move for long periods of time."

I say "I would like to but the decision is not mine to make but the alpha male here". Gary asks "it is not Rick" and I say "no, he is out in the barn". Gary say's "very interesting" as we finish lunch. I ask "What do I need if he say's yes?" Gary say's "a pair of sweats, socks and shoes". Rick say's "go and change, no thong, just what Gary say's to wear."

I say "okay" and quickly change and head back to meet with Gary and he say's "I think you are excited swatting my dick and making it jump a bit". We reach Bazooka's stall and Rick say's "do whatever Mike tells you to do."

I say to Gary "clear you mind and speak clearly". We all go into Bazooka's stall and I give him a big hug. I say to Bazooka "this is Gary. Gary, hold out your hand" and Bazooka sniffs it then grabs his sweat top and releases it. I say "take off all your clothes" and he does revealing his massive rod. Bazooka's ears perk forward and he taps his hoof a couple of times. I say "Lie on the ground, relax and close you eyes". I give a nod to Bazooka and he swallows Gary's dick and lifts him off the ground as he gasps.

I ask "why you want me?" And Gary say's "you are a prime subject for what I need to prove". I ask "how long will you need me" and Gary say's "two weeks or more depending on results". I ask "you take care of your group?" And Gary say's "yes all are athletes and have a training facility with all equipment necessary."

Bazooka lowers him to the ground and taps Gary's balls. I say "Bazooka wants to milk you, you consent?" And Gary say's "yes". Bazooka lifts him up a few feet and dropping him while sucking hard. Gary says "Oh my" as he convulses for a full minute before Bazooka stops. Bazooka say's to me "you want this?" And I say "yes". Bazooka says "you realize that I will be out of range and when you get back another harsh pounding". I say "yes". Bazooka hugs me and heads out to graze.

I help Gary get up and say "Bazooka approves. He smelled you and tasted your cum and liked it. I tell Rick there is a card on the DVD with a phone number and arrange for the return of it". I hug Rick and Wes and say "I am ready to go". Gary say's "I will phone when time permits" as we head out to the car and drive off.

We go about a mile and Gary say's "drink this" and I drink it without question. Gary say's "where we are going is private so you will sleep for a bit then when you wake up in a room. Just stay in bed and you will have instructions on what to do next". As I doze off I say "I like your dick, I desire a longer harder and stronger dick just like yours."

I do not know how long I was sleeping but I open my eyes and I am in a very small room and I am on a bed naked. I sit up and see a table with pills and water with a note saying take pills, drink water and relax. I do so and lay back down. My eyes wander around and note a video camera and think I am under surveillance. I do not hear any noise so I must be isolated.

About a half hour later Gary walks in and says "welcome to what I call the barn, you have any questions?" I say "yes, how I may address you?" Simply Gary will suffice. I have others helping me and they have badges and they will tell you as you meet them. You are not to ask any questions about outside or where you are". I say understood."

Gary continues "you will be doing many different tests, equivalent of an astronaut. You will be pushed and you will do your best" and I say "yes". Gary says "there will be times you will be in a helmet like deep sea divers for long periods of time". I say "no problem. I ask about peeing and shitting" and Gary say's "all that is measured and weighed as well as food. Food will come and you will eat it all regardless of what it is or hungry or not."

Gary says "how do you feel" and I say "my heart rate has gone up, feel heat on my face, and my dick is throbbing a bit". Gary say's "good, right on time. Put these socks on and follow me". I follow Gary to a hallway to another room and step through and stop as the door closes behind me.

Gary say's "go to the lighted spot and wait. Do exactly as told. You will hear voices but speak only when spoken to". I go to the spot and wait. A few minutes later a voice say's "hello there, how should we address you", I answer "Mike". The voice says "very good Mike, now I want you to position your legs and arm slightly out. Now cameras will orbit around you. Just stay relaxed, very good now tense and hold your muscles, good. Now pump your dick and a hand starts stroking my dick causing to harden fully. Good now Mike, is this as long and as hard as you can go?" And I say "yes". The voice says "good Mike, you can now relax."

The voice continues "you were given questions at the start, you want to add anything? "Yes" I say "heart rate is still above normal, face is still a bit warm. New is seeing the color blue stronger than any other color and my dick will not relax". "Well done Mike" say's the voice, "a door will open and walk directly to it and wait for instruction on what to do next."

I walk to the door into a hallway and am met by a young guy in a lab coat with an ID name of John. He say's "put this on", and on it say's "Mike" and has a bar code. John say's "you are not to take it off unless someone else does, they will put the tag back on when done". I ask "how may I address you?" And he say's "John" as I note a similar tag on his coat. John say's "follow me" and we walk to what I assume is next to the kitchen by the smell of food cooking.

John asks what would you like to eat and I say "a chief salad with shredded meat, cheese, and a glass of milk". John say's "good choice, while you wait, here is a survey questions about what you like and do not like. Just mark the box and I will be back in a few minutes."

As I go through the survey, I answer all on what I like or not, allergies and so forth. John comes back with the salad, milk, and pills. I finish the survey and John sets the plate before me and say's "wait till I get back" and he takes the survey and comes back with a meal for him.

You may eat now and I start. I have questions for you like what type of exercise you like. I say "I am an all around type guy. I like working out on various exercise equipment and free weights. I like outdoor type sports, all water sports, biking, and laying out in the sun. Only sports that not so interested are high stress on knees like basketball and net games."

John say's "well you are a well rounded athlete, would you try and cheat" and I say "never. There are possibilities like high altitude training but I assume that would be figured in on any test. There also is the possibility of something undetected in food. I prefer hard training and well rounded diet". John asks "how long before you shit and I say about a half hour after eating."

I finish with the salad and am led back to the room I started. John say's "rest now, it was good meeting you and I will see you later". I lay down wondering what will happen next.

Gary comes a few minutes later and say's "I am pleased that you are doing well with all the questions. I want you to rest and sleep. You want music in here?" And I say "soft mellow type". I say "I will need to shit soon" and Gary say's "put this diaper on and I do." Now relax and sleep and I do.

Next: Chapter 23: Day of Preparation

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