Rare Beauty, , High School

By Joey Young

Published on Jul 16, 2011



Usual Disclaimers Apply.

Author's Note: For all the Untitled Love Story readers, i thank you for giving this chapter a chance. I'm truly glad to have you all as loyal readers. And to any newcomers or people who just happened upon this story i say thank you and encourage you to read my other stories. (Refer to the title listed above). But most of all I'd like to thank my dear editor and friend Lisa Blackburn, for whom this story wouldn't be possible. Thank you, Lis.

-Joey Young

Rare Beauty

"You are a rare beauty, my dear," my mother said to me as she closed the door from the party.

I had heard this since the day I had been able to understand what that meant. I was a coveted soul with much to learn about the real world. I was only revealed to the public whenever the occasion was right.

Like my parents New Years Eve party, which they held annually for their friends. But to me it was like my auctioning party. Eligible young suitors were courted every year to present my family with gifts and fine luxuries long since forgotten. My parents used my divine beauty as a way to keep their fortunes supplied, but they never named any suitors for my hand in matrimony, to say the least.

Until now.

"But I was just having fun," I whined as all the boys groaned at my immediate departure.

"Yes, yes, that's all well and fine, but you have a duty to this family," she whispered harshly as the last of the doors closed off the sound of the party. "Your eighteenth birthday is next week and we have many suitors to interview and process."

I groaned as I unbuttoned my fine tuxedo. My slim hands unclasped the buttons and pulled at my constricting tie. I shook my fair golden hair from my eyes and looked at my mom, who was busy nudging me into my room or should I say my dungeon.

"Now be a good dear and stay here for awhile," she said as she handed me my laptop. "Go online, watch a movie or something. . . I'll have Bonnie come in and keep you company."

I sighed as she pushed me to the vanity mirror to undress. The laptop hung loosely from my hands. I flung my jacket at her, which she caught with a quick flick of her wrist.

"Have her bring food," I replied, as my stomach growled for the food of the festivities.

"Of course," my mom said as she fretted over my crumpled jacket.

"Oh, mom," I said just before she left my side. "You will come back to countdown the new year won't you?"

She stopped then and turned back slowly, "Of course dear, of course. Wouldn't miss it for the world."

I knew then that she was lying. Whenever she repeated herself she was usually lying. I smiled dismally at her.

"Thanks, mom," I whispered as I turned back to the vanity mirror.

There was no response. Slowly with a sigh I began to take off my clothes from the party. I stared at myself while I did. For whatever reason, I never felt like I was special, not in the least. My body was perfectly normal, apart from the creamy skin and soft features. I was handsome but in a subtle way, the way an angel would look if it were human. The only thing that set me apart were the large golden eyes that stared back at me whenever I looked into a mirror.

I looked at them now and frowned. The eyes were something of a mystery. I was born this way, but with no explanation. My mother liked to believe she had a fling with an angel and conceived me. But I begged to differ. The person in the mirror was frowning too, but they hardly looked upset. Not like me. Instead they looked vainly troubled. The person in the mirror wasn't me. It was a mirage. A rare creature that I hated to look at.

Their lips were full and pink, frowning in slight irritation. The golden eyes were very identifiable. The nose was sharp and angular, with a fine dusting of boyish freckles, even though I hardly ever got to be in the sun. Softly I felt my cheeks and marveled at the soft complexion, which made my face endearing and handsome. My soft golden hair hung lightly against my smooth forehead, where it curved upward to be lost in the thicket on my scalp.

Eventually I stood up and fully undressed myself, staring at the smooth curves of my legs and arms. The hair on my body was soft and transparent making me look like I was smooth as a baby's bottom. I faced myself in the mirror and saw that I had no ounce of fat on my body, despite eating junk food on a regular basis. My stomach was taut with a barely formed set of abs, which disappeared to my naval. A v- shaped line dragged the eye to my groin which was fairly sized and hung limply above a pair of perfectly proportioned set of balls.

Suddenly I heard my bedroom door unlock and open. Quickly I ran behind my room divider and slipped on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. With my hair rumpled beneath the quick jerky movements, I emerged from behind the silk screen. I sighed in relief. It was only Bonnie, my hired maid and only friend. She smiled easily at me as she set my tray of food near my bed.

"Your mom said you were hungry," she greeted as she began to arrange my dinner. "I have roast duck, with sweet peas, and rolls. Your mom thought you would like champagne since its new years."

At once she pulled from her apron a green bottle of bubbly liquid. I smiled as she poured me a flute of the delicious drink.

"Ugh, I was having the best time, before she made me come back," I complained as I moved to my bed and plopped down. "The boys were a vivacious bunch this time. They liked to tease and touch."

I laughed as I remembered a boy trying to take me to a private room to "talk". Bonnie joined in and sat on the bed with me. She liked hearing my stories of the boys that courted me, especially when they let their dicks make their decisions.

"Really?" she asked as I passed her my cup of champagne.

She drank freely.

"Oh, yes. This crowd broke the record for most proposals," I teased as I refilled the champagne flute. "10 proposals in one night. Can you believe it? . . . . But they probably don't even know my name."

She snickered as we finished off another glass of champagne.

"Awwh, Rory I'm sure they knew," she said with a giggle as the champagne started to take effect.

She hiccupped loudly, which made us both laugh in huge fits that had us clutching our sides.

"No. . . No. . . .They didn't," I said as I tried to speak. "They kept saying baby or honey, when they didn't know what to call me."

"Oh, that's not right," she whispered as she tried to catch her breath.

"I know," I replied as I clutched my side. "I know."

Eventually the laughs subsided and we calmed down. I fell back into the bed and stared up at the planes hanging from my bedroom ceiling. In fact I began to look about my room, realizing that in a short week I'd be leaving this place and living in a new one. An array of objects and instruments were placed around the far walls. A baby grand piano sat near the door where it stayed open for whenever I felt like playing.

A huge table stood off to the far wall between my bed and the piano. A set of half assembled airplanes and crafts sat atop the flat surface, where they were left a week ago.

"I'm gonna miss this place," I whispered as I stared around the room.

I looked to Bonnie just as she was looking around the room. She eyed everything carefully and sighed too. Her short hair curved around her shoulders as she lay on the mattress next to me. Her slightly upturned nose moved about as she stared at my room. Her brown eyes were alight from the drink and realizing that I too would be gone. Slowly she turned back to me and smiled. Her slender body turning to face me.

"Me too," she whispered. "But isn't your leaving a good thing?"

"Yeah," I breathed as I turned my body to face her. "Right now it's all fun and games. But soon, very soon, I'll be leaving this place behind to live with a man who I don't even know."

"You'll get to know him," she insisted as I stared into her flat brown eyes.

"Yeah, but I don't want to be imprisoned in another house," I whispered back. "I want freedom. I want to drink beer in a bar, not in a kitchen. I want to run through the grass in a park, not just a small lawn.

Most of all I want the choice to fall in love, rather than have it chosen for me."

I leaned on my elbow and stared at her in earnest.

"Don't you understand, I want free will. I want a life. A life outside the four walls of this room."

She stared back in unease.

"No, Mrs. Ashford wouldn't like that," she said a little worriedly.

I could tell she was hesitant about my sanity.

"But what if for one night I got my freedom," I continued. "If I did, that would be all that I wanted. And I would never speak of it again."

"Wait," she whispered fearfully. "What are you getting at?"

Quickly I sat up.

"What I'm getting at is, you're my ticket out of here," I said pointing to the key around her neck. "You have the key to release me, just for one night. Right?"

"Yes, but what if your mother finds out?" she asked as her little hands trembled.

"Then she finds out, you're coming with me aren't you?" I asked as she began to shake her head.

"I'm sorry Mr. Ashford, but I would surely be fired if I did."

I sighed in frustration.

"Don't call me that. And you wouldn't. My mother values your help more than she lets on."

Softly she continued to shake her head.

"It would be unethical for me to go, especially on a night like this."

I groaned as her unwavering loyalty to my family won over her conscious.

"Alright," I said haughtily. "I suppose you are right. I have perhaps been a little rash, but one day I will have my freedom."

"I know you will," she whispered as she began to prepare my bed.


The knob turned; the door opened. In the dimness all I could see were shadows as someone stepped through my bedroom door. I lurched from my bed and sat up looking into the dark.

"Bonnie?" I called in the cramped darkness.

The shadowy figure moved, as quick as a whip and clapped a rough calloused hand over my mouth.

Quickly I reached for my bedside lamp and swung it heavily at the strangers head. The lamp slammed into the figure's outstretched arm before flying from my grasp to crash to the floor. The figure yelled.

The yell was undeniably a masculine one. So was the flood of cussing that followed.

I backed away from the mattress and fell onto the floor, with an audible bang. My elbow screamed in pain, but I didn't even register the pain until I was well on my feet. Bright light immediately flooded the floor where I sat, making me spin and blink away from the sudden intrusion. Hesitantly I turned back and stared.

There was a boy standing in front of me. In his hand he held a small black flashlight that still blinded me with its ray. He seemed to realize I was staring at him and he lowered his hand from his knife and stopped cussing.

"You cut me," he said, pleasantly with an amused smile. "It might be fatal."

I looked at him wide eyed, "Who are you?"

"Well I guess my imminent death isn't your main concern," he said as he flicked the leaking blood from his wrist in irritation.

Instantly I regained my confidence and spun in place, reaching for a shard of broken lamp. I grabbed a small jagged piece and pointed it at him.

"I said who are you?" I repeated angrily, still trying to keep my resolve.

"How very direct," he commented easily as he moved around my bed. "I am actually here for you."

Quickly my fragile confidence crumbled.

"Wha--why?" I asked as my hand began to shake.

He just raised his hands in a look of surrender, like how a cop approaches an armed robber.

"Whoa, easy there," he whispered as his eyes flew to my quivering hand. "Relax. I'm not here to hurt you. I just want to talk. . . . Okay?"

Slowly I shook my head, which was still reeling with this new information.

"Stay where you are," I commanded as he inched nearer. "Jus--Just let me--Let me wrap my head around this. . . . .What do you mean you're here for me?"

His face betrayed no emotion, instead it was steady and calm as he continued to inch closer.

"Listen lets not get into the hairy details," he said as his hands came closer to my shard of broken pottery. "All you need to know is that I'm here for you and you will be leaving with me."

"Wha-" I said, before he swiftly reached for a colored ball across his chest.

With a loud crack like shattering glass a huge plume of grey smoke engulfed me. The billowy substance smelt acrid and filled my nose rapidly. I coughed and dropped my only weapon, only to suddenly lose control of my legs. I crumbled to the floor, but not before I felt his thin muscular arms wrap around my waist and hold me against him. I stared at his blue- grey eyes, with a look of betrayal.

"Sorry, bout lying to you Blondie," was the last thing I heard before the white smoke clouded my vision.


My brain rattled in my head and I felt a sharp stab of pain lance across my temple. I groaned as my body swayed in the dark. I felt two strong girders supporting my body, which moved in slow rhythmic movements across an empty parking lot. I groggily opened my eyes and coughed dryly. I was thirsty and only the thought of starvation was prominent in my mind. My head swiveled on my neck as it dangled from someone's arms. I moved my hands, only to find them tightly bound in my lap.

"My head," I moaned as I tried to reach the throb in my temple.

In the dark I heard a low chuckle, which startled me.

"Yeah, sorry bout that Blondie," the weirdly familiar voice said as we neared a row of closely packed buildings. "I guess I should've watched your head when I took you out of the car."

Again I moaned and clutched at his shirt, only to feel the balls lining his chest. Immediately I cringed away from the deadly weapons. He chuckled again, but lightly.

"Don't worry, only three can kill you."

For a moment the hazy film in my eyes cleared and I saw his face clearly for the first time. He couldn't have been much older than I was--eighteen or possibly nineteen. He was dressed in what looked like dark scrubs--a black tight fitting shirt, trousers, and tough looking boots. He wore no jacket, and thick fabric straps crisscrossed his waist and chest. Attached to the straps were little baubles that looked like different colored balls. A knife hung against his waist, where it hung cautiously. I noticed then that his hands were slim and long-fingered and one hand was bleeding where I had gashed it with the lamp.

But that wasn't the only thing that caught my attention. What caught my attention was his face. He had the most beautiful face that I had ever seen. Tangled black hair and eyes like glass. Elegant cheekbones, a full mouth, and long, thick lashes. Even the curve of his throat was perfect. He looked like every fictional character I had ever read about in my books. A street lamp near the building we approached outlined his chiseled jaw and the slight stubble he had their. His face was boyishly handsome, and his grey eyes were quick with wit and intelligence. He seemed to be glancing at me and studying my features also, his eyes showing appreciation for my beautiful appearance. I was used to this treatment, but with him it was more personal.

Abruptly he looked away and kicked the building. A loud crack echoed into the night and I heard the door swing open and bang against the wall. I watched as his muscles tensed before he entered the dark building. His Adams apple was clearly defined in the bright light, but soon it quickly vanished along with everything as we crossed the threshold.

He evidently knew his way around or at least had good instincts, because in a matter of moments he found a small room in the depths of the abandoned building.

It smelt like asphalt and wet mildew, which I quickly got used too. He clicked his flashlight on, while still cradling me in his arms. He seemed unfazed by the placement of his hand on my ass, where he held me with one arm. He showered the light upon everything in that small room, before grunting in approval.

The room was regular in size and looked like it had been inhabited before. In the far corner there was a tub without a curtain and a toilet bowl next to it. I could see no sink whatsoever, but I did see a small twin sized bed next to use, with a surprisingly clean mattress on it.

Gently he laid me on the mattress and went to check the toilet and shower. I watched as he elegantly moved across the room and twisted the tub on with a flick of his wrist. It worked perfectly and the tub looked clean enough to use. He tapped the toilet bowl handle and waited for it to flush, before he smiled in appreciation. His smile and the available amenities, however, didn't change the fact that I was still bound and trapped in this room until he allowed me to leave.

"We'll stay here for tonight, but tomorrow we leave," he said as he tested the water in the tub. "We don't need to leave a trail the authorities can follow. . . . So take a quick bath and then go to sleep. We leave at dawn."

Immediately he stood up and walked to the bed I laid at. With a quick flurry of his hands he untied me and sat me up. Tenderly I cradled my red-lined wrists and rubbed feeling back into my fingers. Sharply he jerked his head to the bathtub and urged me to stand.

"Make it quick will you," he growled as I walked uneasily to the tub, shedding clothes as I went.

I slipped easily out of my sweatpants and stood with my back towards him. Shyly I turned my head around and lightly raised my left shoulder, hinting at my soft skin.

"Do you have any soap?" I asked sweetly, which caught him off guard.

"Umm," he mumbled after he roughly cleared his throat. "In the toilet bowl by the bag . . . . Should be. . .

. . Err, I mean in the bag by the toilet bowl."

I nodded softly and quietly sunk into the warm water. I stared at him expectantly as he eyed me half lidded. Quickly he met my gaze and blushed deeply.

"Oh, uhh, I'll give you your privacy, then."

With that he left the small room and flashed his light outside the room into the darkness. I waited until his light was fully distant before I quickly turned in the tub and reached for his bag. Inside were a few toiletries, two towels, and a cologne bottle which I assumed was his. I flipped off the cap and smelt it.

Yupp this was his.

The bottle was made of glass and was long and rectangular. Half of it was empty, but if smashed correctly could provide a very useful weapon. Silently I put the bottle into the water and smashed against the tubs bottom. A dull thwump sounded in the water, but it was hardly audible. But, the bottle remained intact. Again I slammed the bottle against the porcelain, while still watching his light swing around in the same spot.

It was strange though. The light continued to swing in the same exact circle without interruption or pause. Nevertheless I shook it off as an act of perfectionism. I continued to slam the bottle against the tub, before finally with a near silent thud, the bottle shattered in the water, cutting my inner thigh with its sharp glass. I gasped in pain as the tubs water filled with the colognes yellow liquid and the blood from my leg.

Triumphantly I raised the jagged shard of broke bottle from the depths of the water and stood. I kicked the glass away from my feet as I stepped out of the tub. A dark stream of red watery blood seeped down my leg, making me hiss as I applied pressure to that leg. The cut was deep, but not deep enough to fatally wound me.

Soundlessly I moved to the toilet bowl and reached for my sweat pants, which were slightly torn from being manhandled. I ripped the remaining pants into shreds to use as gauze for my wound. The sweat pants were no longer pants, but rather short shorts that barely contained my legs. I cussed in frustration.

The blood however wouldn't wait for me to sympathize for my clothes, so I put my feelings in the back of my mind. I looked up in alarm, but saw the light still swinging in the same motion in the same spot. It still spooked me that the light was still doing that. So swiftly I wrapped my leg up with the shredded fabric and used the rest as a tourniquet to staunch the blood.

Once I had taken care of my wound I pulled on what little pants I had left, which wasn't much. Part of my ass hung out from the bottom of the shorts, but I could manage. Then I reached for my shirt, but stopped once I saw the dark rough boots near the light fabric. Rapidly I looked up and flung my weapon at him as he towered over me.

With a little too much ease, he countered my attack and twisted my wrist in a sharp jerky move, which made me scream in pain. But I didn't let go of my weapon. This only made him twist my wrist harder. I screamed as the pain shot up my arm and made my body crumple into his.

"Let go," he growled as he moved my wrist a centimeter, making me whimper in pain. "Or I'll break it."

With a clatter of broken glass I let go of the bottle and felt my wrist release from his grip. Within the same movement he grabbed my waist and held me up against his hard chest as I cradled my wounded wrist. His calloused hands felt unfamiliar against my soft skin, which immediately made me break away in disgust. He let go willingly and flung me to the floor.

"Don't you ever try to do that again," he hissed at me with such venom, it made tears spring in my eyes.

"Or I will kill you."

I had never been treated this way before. Usually men celebrated my beauty and coveted it as their own, but he was just a boy who wanted to see me suffer. I hugged my legs to my chest and curled up into a fetal position as he tossed my shirt to me. I whimpered as I grabbed it with my good hand.

He watched me put on my shirt, without offering assistance, before he picked me up from the floor and threw me over his shoulder. I screamed again as the cut on my thigh fell beneath his grip. He ignored my pain and carried me back to the bed, throwing me onto the mattress.

"Please," I whimpered as he sat next to me on the bed. "Don't hurt me. I'm sorry. I'm just scared."

He grunted in affirmation before he roughly grabbed my ankle and yanked my wounded leg into his lap.

I hissed in pain, which he registered with a cold stare. His handsome face was set in dissatisfaction as he unwound the torn fabric. His fingers brushed the smooth skin between my thighs, sometimes even barely touching the bottom of my ass.

"You're more of a handful than your worth," he commented as he looked at my deep cut.

He hissed as the last of the fabric stuck to my blood soaked skin.

"It's already getting infected with the dirty tattered pants you used to tie it with," he said with a shake of his head. "Here let me use this."

He moved his hand to one of the balls on his chest, which immediately made me squirm in alarm.

"No! Please!" I yelled as he unhooked it from the straps. "I didn't mean too!!"

I kicked my leg from his grasp and clawed at the mattress trying to get away. Tenderly he grabbed me by the waist and shushed me. His rough fingers wound around my lean waist and pulled me back gently.

"Shh, shh, shh," he whispered softly. "Its okay, I won't hurt you. . . . . See."

And with that he cracked the ball open like an egg and released a green gooey substance onto my cut.

Slowly he rubbed the goo into my thigh and around the cut. Instantly the pain dulled and the cut stopped bleeding. I watched as the sinews of my muscles formed back slightly. His hands would occasionally graze my ass, but I wasn't paying attention. Instead I was watching my cut loose its gross appearance and feel the pain disappear.

"Now, the cut isn't fully healed, but it will," he said as he rubbed the last of the goo into my thighs.

I spread my legs a bit, enjoying the cool sensation it brought to my skin. He tried to keep his gaze away from my exposed ass but I saw his eyes trail over my bare skin.

"I'll wrap it in clean clothe, so it will heal cleanly," he said trying to maintain civility.

I nodded in approval as he left my side to walk to the tub. He picked up the bag of toiletries I saw early and he brought it back to me. Once back at my side he pulled the clean white towel from the bag and cut it expertly with his long sharp knife. I watched as his muscles move elegantly within the confines of his form fitting shirt.

His long thin fingers moved smoothly as they wrapped the towel around my soft thigh. He was more tender and concentrated as he tried to not cause me more harm. His lips were slightly open in concentration and his brow crunched cutely. That's when I noticed the dog tag hanging just inside the folds of his tight shirt.

But before I could ask him what it was for he spoke.

"How's your wrist?" he asked calmly as he reached for the hand I cradled against my chest.

"It hurts," I replied as I let him grab it.

He was more cautious as he weighed it in his hand. His long calloused fingers were gentle and compassionate as he tested its movements. I hissed as he pulled it too far.

"Tender, huh?" he commented, before he let go.

He grabbed the towel again and cut another longer piece. Immediately he began to wind the white fabric around my wrist, tightly binding it in a brace. I hissed occasionally, but felt better once he finished with the makeshift cast.

"Better," he asked with a pleased smile, which met his eyes.

However I stared at him evenly. I wasn't going to forgive him that easily. He frowned in understanding.

"Look, I don't take to imminent death threats easily," he answered. "I'm just usually an aggressive person. It's nothing personal."

He grinned at me again, but I kept my face smooth and emotionless.

"What's the dog tag for?" I asked as I reached for the chain.

He allowed me to pull the chain from his neck. My finger lightly brushed his curved throat, making him shiver at the casual touch. I didn't notice before, but our bodies were closely leaned together. I sat up with one leg over his lap, while the other was wrapped behind his back. Both of his hands rested against my thigh, where they stayed unintentionally or intentionally.

I weighed the small metal pieces in my hand and read the name: Irons.

He watched me as I ran my fingers over the name and numbers. Our heads were so close I could feel his warm breathe wash over me. He smelt like peppermint and masculine sweat, which was a delightful combination. Softly I released the metal pieces which clinked together musically. He grinned amusedly as I whispered his name.


"Yes, William Irons. ID 76937633 from infantry 3 of the High Majesty Maximus Colt III."

I gaped at him in surprise as he recited his rank with uniformity and respect.

"The High Majesty Maximus?" I asked as I grabbed his dog tags again.

And clearly imprinted beneath his name was soldier of The High Majesty Colt. I looked up at him then and saw a cloud had passed over his features. I scooted a little closer and touched his shoulder, making him shiver.

"Who is he?" I asked as he looked down.

"He is my Magister," he answered with a clipped tone, like he memorized this explanation. "I am but his humble soldier and I will serve him to my very end. For he is the general of my affairs and the king of my soul. Forever shall his name be know. Hail Maximus Colt III."

I stared at him in fascination. He was either very loyal to his Majesty or a sarcastic bastard. Silently he raised his head and met my gaze.

"I am a soldier of The Legion. An army of soldiers that serves the High Majesty and obtains whatever he desires. Be it empires, cities, kingdoms, governments, industry, physical goods, or . . . . People."

Slowly I shook my head and pulled my leg from his lap. He stared at me sadly as I scrambled from his side. No, this can't be true. I didn't want this kind of freedom, only to be imprisoned in someone else's house.

"No," I whispered as I scooted to the corner of the bed. "You're lying. . . . This is a joke. . . . Please tell me this is a joke. . . . Cuz it will be funny. . . And . . . . I won't tell anyone when you take me home."

Softly he began to shake his head, which made me start to cry.

"Please, Irons," I pleaded as I drew my legs to my chest. "Please tell me you lying and I can go home. . . .

Please. . . . I wanna. . . . I wanna go home."

Hot tears streamed down my face as he continued to shake his head.

"I'm afraid that is impossible," he replied somberly. "The High Majesty has kidnapped you and will forever hold you in the manor. . . . You are a rare beauty that he has had his eye on since you came of age."

This only made my cry harder.

"He had me commissioned to obtain you, since I am the best. And he intends on taking your innocence upon your arrival. . . . You are his newest treasure and shall remain as such until your end."

This sounded similar to his speech, which only angered me. My tears quickly turned to sniffles and altogether stopped. He noticed and leaned forward to touch my arm gently.

"I'm sorry, Rory," he whispered, which caught me off guard.

This was the first time he called me by my name. I didn't even know he knew it. I hiccuped then and wiped my eye.

"You. . . . You said my name," I whispered as his eyes melted tenderly. "You know my name?"

He chuckled lightly.

"I was assigned to kidnap you and bring you to my King and the only thing you can say is, 'You know my name?'"

He grinned crookedly which made me smile in return. Softly he pulled me to his chest and held me as I broke apart. I cried for my family, whom I would never see again. I cried for my only friend Bonnie, who would surely forget about me along with everyone else. And I cried for my lost freedom. I was sure I would never experience it ever in my life. I was just a shiny bauble that everyone wanted, but really didn't need.

He was surprisingly warm and kind as he held me. His left arm was wrapped behind my back, while his right was secured tightly to my waist. I could feel the contours of his lean muscles beneath his thin clothing, but I didn't comment as he soothed me with his calming words. He spoke of the rolling hills he would show me, the lake which sparkled like blue crystal, the bustling city, which sold all sorts of colorful treats, and the home I would soon be occupying.

Eventually my tears stopped and I looked up from his warm inviting chest. His shirt was soaked with my tears, but he didn't even notice it. Instead he was staring at me softly, his eyes warm and tender beneath his long lashes. Suddenly I yawned.

"You should sleep," he said as he picked me up in his strong capable arms. "Or did you want to eat?"

I shook my head, "I'm not hungry."

He nodded in understanding and kneeled on the soft mattress. Gently he set me on the cool fabric and slowly began to let go, but I grabbed his arms. I tugged at his muscular forearm and sleepily complained of the cold. With a slight chuckle he eased down next to me and cradled me to his chest. Within the same movement he slid his right arm underneath my head and wrapped his arm around my head. I yawned again, which caught his attention.

"Go to sleep, Rory. We have a long journey tomorrow."

I nodded and felt one of his colorful balls brush my nose, which awoke me briefly.

"Irons?" I asked, half conscious.


"What are these balls strapped to your chest?"

Again he chuckled. Gently he hooked his finger beneath my chin and made me look at him.

"Their called Orbs," he replied. "And the colors represent what's inside them. The greyish white one is a sleeping draft, which you experienced."

I smiled sheepishly, which made him shake with silent laughter.

"The green one is a healing toxin used for cuts and wounds, the red one is a fire starter used for diversion or destroying of evidence, the light blue one is to extinguish fires or other forms of heat. Now don't mix that up with the navy blue one which is a memory gas, which temporarily makes you forget the past twenty four hours. The purple one is a deadly poison that attacks your nervous system, while the orange and yellow ones are just gases that slowly kill you. Both are deadly but can have different effects on people."

I nodded absently as the information seeped into my conscious.

"Now the black one is very useful. It creates a dark cloud of concealment that lets you escape from any attacker. I go through them like crazy."

I smiled dismally as drowsiness over took me.

"The last one is the pink one, it is my favorite, regardless of its innocent color. Much like you, Rory."

He chuckled then, but I was just about to slip under.

"The pink one gives you a mental jolt, which temporarily gives you full access to your brain."

I woke up a little and frowned in confusion. He smiled when he saw my attention.

"It gives you a mental ability for a short time," he explained with enthusiasm. "But the downside is that you never know what it is. . . . It might be defensive like mind reading or offensive like telekinesis, but you never know."

I sighed in fascination as sleep overtook me. But I promised myself to stay away from the pink one. It may seem amusing and cool, but it scared me. People should not have that power yet, especially when it could easily be obtained. Pink is dangerous. Only use if under fatal attack.


Rolling hills flew by as Irons sped down the road in his black Porsche. It seemed a little conspicuous driving down the countryside in a foreign car, but Irons assured me of its seclusion. My hands were bound again and rested between my bare legs.

Irons had offered his shirt to wear around my waist, but I declined. I didn't need another reason to be physically attracted to him. I watched him now as he concentrated on the road. One arm rested lazily on the steering wheel while the other laid on his muscular thigh. His short black hair was waved back in dark tendrils and revealed his handsome face and blue-grey eyes.

His broad shoulders were held back with a seatbelt, much like the one I was confined with, despite my objections. The radio was barely playing in the background and I felt comfortable, even if we were driving to my new prison. We had become well acquainted over the last night and he seemed at ease talking to me.

"Where did you want to eat?" he asked as he flashed me a broad grin, while keeping the car on the road. "My treat."

Quickly I looked away before I hyperventilated.

"Ummm," I said as I stared skyward, trying to come up with a good meal. "A place that serves a double bacon cheeseburger, with seasoned fries and extra bacon."

He grinned widely and chuckled deeply.

"Nice," he commented as his eyes sparkled. "It just so happens I know the perfect place."

I smiled in return, which made his grey eyes melt into soft silver.

The diner was called Red's Diner and looked quaint with its old classic look. A handsome boy waited on us. He had soft brown hair and beautiful brown eyes, but he looked extremely troubled beneath his warm smile.

"Hi, my name is Tristan, and I'll be your server today. What can I get you?"

Irons smiled at him and ordered the classic burger. The boy turned then and waited expectantly.

"I'll have the double cheeseburger, with extra bacon and seasoned fries," I said much to his surprise.

"Okay, then," the boy replied and closed his notepad. "I'll be back with your ice teas."

Irons smiled and nodded, before handing the boy our menus. I watched as he gave the boy only a momentary glance, but kept his grey-blue eyes on me. He smirked handsomely as he folded his hands together.

"So? What do you think?" he asked lightly. "You like it?"

"It's nice. Quaint. Very quaint."

He smiled triumphantly.

"I knew you'd like it."

I rolled my eyes, but smiled back.

"So is Irons your real name or just like a moniker?" I asked as I pointed to his dog tags.

He pulled them out and eyed them calmly.

"My real name is William," he replied softly. "William Irons, but the academy thought Irons sounded more elite. More tougher. . . . And it was."

I watched as his face clouded with hidden secrets.

"Academy?" I asked in puzzlement.

Quickly he smiled.

"Yes, academy. How else was I supposed to become an elite soldier."

"So you're not a regular muscle head soldier?" I teased, which made his eyes sparkled like silver coins.

"No, I'm one of the High Majesty's elite soldiers. We were trained in the deadliest arts of defense and learned to survive at a young age."

"Wait," I whispered and leaned toward him. "Young age? So you've been there since you were small?"

He nodded calmly, "Yes, we are trained at a very young age. . . . We are taken from our families as a sign of respect and are trained until the age of sixteen, when we began to take on missions and protect the High Majesty."

I stared at him in wonder. How could he be so casual about his unorthodox upbringing?

"What about your family?" I asked still whispering. "Don't you miss them?"

"I have no family," he replied coolly. "We are trained to cut all personal ties from our families and to remain celibate till our very end. We all have no families. We are soldiers."

I blinked in shock. No families?

"What if you refuse to serve the High Majesty?"

"You don't. It's an honor to be considered for the role of a soldier and to turn it down would be disrespectful to the country and its beliefs. . . . My family knew what they were getting into."

I shook my head in disbelief. How could he be like this, even when he treated me with so much compassion and tenderness?

"You are puzzled by my ways, I understand. But you must see from our point of view. We choose this path ourselves. Angels could guide our destiny our whole lives, but it's our decisions that keep us on the right path. It's the small siblings you left behind that fuel your desire to fight. It's the man you protect that keeps you fed and supplied. It's the boy you grow fond of that keeps you loyal to your master.

These things are only the milestones of our destiny and I believe every step is decision made by our actions. So please don't judge me for my choices, because you have made the same."

I stared at him astonishment. Did he just accuse me of being as callous as he was? But before I could start an argument, the waiter returned with our food. He placed our plates in front of us and refilled our half-empty glasses. Once he was gone, I had regained my composure and understood Irons point of view.

I had left my family. I could very well scream to everyone in the diner that I'm being kidnapped, but here I am nibbling on a fry. I had a chance to reveal my capture, but I didn't. And now I forgot all about my love for my family and have already accepted my new fate. He was right. I had taken my first few steps into my new destiny and now am realizing the benefits and disappointments of that destiny.

"Did I offend you?" he asked, still staring at me.

I didn't know. I was frozen in place until he reached across the table and grabbed my hand. His long thin fingers were warm around mine.

"No," I lied as I grabbed his hand and squeezed back. "Quite the contrary actually. . . . I was just considering your ideals."

"And?" he pressed as we both stared at each other.

"And I agree. . . . I know what I have chosen and I stick by it, even if it turns out bad. I chose to keep on this path and I plan to see it through. Hopefully with you."

Abruptly he pulled his hand from mine.

"What?" I asked as he started to eat.

"Nothing," he answered with a smile that didn't quite reach the tension in his eyes.

However, I brushed it off and took a bite of my burger. My thoughts were racing with the new found inspiration and courage.

"Tell me more about this High Majesty," I said as we continued to eat.

And he did. He told me about his reign as the King of his small hidden country. He told me about the many improvements the Magister made to his country. He also told me about the constant war between the Colts and the De Luna's. The De Luna's were a neighboring country that was slightly larger than his. They feared the growing power of the High Majesty and thwarted every attempt at his personal or military pleasures. He also told me of the rebels who agreed with the De Luna's. They believed the High Majesty had run his course in office and wished to see him surmounted. I listened in fascinated interest, until he came to my side of the story.

I was the Key to the country's success. The High Majesty had lost his passion for anything. War, battle, politics, economics, even sex. Everyone in the kingdom knew he preferred men to women, but many had tried to appease his passion, ultimately failing in the end. But word had gotten to the king of a beautiful boy being offered to appropriate suitors once he had turned the legal age of eighteen.

However the High Majesty didn't believe in buying his possessions. They were usually offered to him, so when he couldn't obtain me through offering, he moved to the next best thing. Kidnap.

That's when the High Majesty had his best soldier commissioned to kidnap me and return me to the country, where the High Majesty would take my innocence and regain the confidence of his nobility and of his people. So now we were on the way to the kingdom, where I would be de-flowered on the night of my arrival and forever remain as the High Majesty's possession. We were only a day's ride away from the country and soon I would be in the arms of man I hardly knew.

I so badly wished I had take up the offer of one of my many suitors sooner. But immediately disregarded the feeling and waited for Irons to pay for the bill. I stood absently at the entrance and looked around the small diner. An older woman was handing our waiter a few pies as he conversed with her. She looked motherly and caring as she stared after the boy. I watched as the boy moved from tables the same smile on his face. Two other waiters tried to keep up with him, but they had their own hands full and continually asked for his help. The girl was a bratty whiner I heard throughout our meal, while the other boy was level headed. A little too level headed. He always had a sarcastic remark and annoyingly calm demeanor.

Irons suddenly appeared at my side and grabbed my arm, startling me.

"Ready?" he asked softly.

I nodded tensely and let him lead me from the diner. However, we were barely to our car before I felt a sharp sting on the back of my neck, which made me turn in the direction it came in. Irons looked too and cussed loudly as he bent my neck over in horror. He cussed again as my legs gave out under me and I felt another sharp sting in my forearm. I noticed then that he reached for the red orb and was about to throw it, before I stopped him.

"NO! Not here, please Irons," I said as my body became numb. "Irons? Irons, I can't move."

Again he cussed loudly, before he hefted me into his arms and sprang for the car. I could hear the pursuit of my shooters as they ran after Irons. He was however, quicker. He immediately got in the car just as two guys in dark suits ran toward the car. I was wrapped securely in his lap as he started the car and revved the engine loudly. He held the car in place with his breaks before letting go and knocking the two men down with the end of the car. His face was stern with aggression, which I knew was his survival mode. I stared at him confusedly, which he noticed.

"Those were De Luna's," he answered my questioning gaze. "How they knew who you were, I don't know. But we need to get to a safe house before I can help your paralysis."

I blinked twice to show that I understood and he smiled firmly.

"I can see that you're resourceful, Blondie," he said with a hard smile as he glanced in the rearview mirrors. "Fuck! They're right on our tail. . . . . I'm going to move you, Rory, but I can't put you in a seatbelt, so you must try and hold on, okay?"

I blinked twice again and he nodded.

"Good, now hang on."

As gently as he could he slid me into the passenger seat and fixed my legs onto the floor. The car however stayed fully on the road. Suddenly the car swiveled sideways and he rolled down the driver's window while he reached for the red orb. With a quick toss he threw the red ball into the oncoming cars and completed a full spin with the car. The front faced the way we were going and he accelerated once again. I could see in the rearview window the huge explosion as the orb came in contact with one of the cars, taking out another. Nevertheless out of the wreckage two more cars emerged and gained our tail once again.

I could feel the tension and anger radiate from Irons as he stepped on the gas pedal. He had run out of his solitary weapon and all he had was his poisons and concealment weapons. His secret orb was of no use during a high speed chase. His knife might be useful, but I doubted it, so we just had to lose them on this flat stretch of land. He seemed to be reading my mind as he spoke.

"We have to lose them," he said as he continually glanced at the cars behind us. "There's a safe house a few miles ahead, but we can't bring them there. We need to find a dirt road and go on foot."

I blinked once in his direction, which made him chuckle, despite our situation.

"Don't worry, Blondie, I've done this before," he said as he swerved sharply to the right. "HANG ON!!"

To what? I felt like screaming as my body went careening into the middle console. My head went flying between the seats and my body bent backwards towards the backseat. My spine screamed in agony as the road got bumpy and rough the further we drove. Eventually Irons found the time to lift me from my predicament and eased me back into my seat.

"I told you to hold on, Blondie," he teased with an easy smile as we went further down the road.

I tried my best angry look, which must have registered on my face, because he chuckled lightly.

"That's my boy," he said still smiling. "Damn and I just bought this Porsche. The High Majesty owes me a new set of wheels."

I glared at him. How can he be so cavalier when were being chased by assassins who wanted my blood?

After a few hundred feet we must have reached the correct point, because he started to slow down and spin the car towards our captures. With a quick jerky twist he moved the car beneath the shade of a tree and turned it off. Our pursuers were still a mile away, but bridging the distance quickly. I watched as he swiftly grabbed me and hauled me from the car.

His hand went immediately to his chest straps and he grabbed an orb I never saw before. It was translucent and almost invisible, which was probably why I didn't see it. He rapidly uncorked the balls contents and poured it all over his car. I stared in amazement as the liquid slowly began to spread like paint on sloped surface. The clear liquid diffused beautifully across the surface of the car, making it invisible the further it moved. He smiled excitedly at me as the car disappeared before my eyes.

"Come on, Blondie," he said as he cradled me in his arms and began to run to a distant location.

My head bobbed against his shoulder as he ran. My face was turned to look backward and I saw our pursuers catch up to us fast. But Irons still continued to run, not even losing his breathe or breaking pace. The cars, however, were much faster. One circled us and stopped our progression with a light cloud of dust. The other stopped behind us and revved its engine menacingly. Irons just stared at both of them with contempt and courage.

Slowly both cars quieted and the driver and passenger got out.

"Irons!" one called from the driver side of the car in front of us. "What a pleasant surprise. Still doing the High Majesty's dirty work I see. . . . What a beautiful specimen. The De Luna's will be pleased with his offering."

Irons throat rumbled beneath my body as he stared angrily at the suit clad stranger.

"Just give us the boy and you can leave in peace to tell the High Majesty he can find another passion."

"You lie like a coward, Octavio," Irons replied evenly, his eyes ablaze. "Tell the truth for once."

The man merely shook his head and gestured the two behind us to approach. I saw them as they neared Irons. Reflexively my hand moved and my eyes bulged as I regained control of my right hand. Irons noticed this too, but he didn't comment. The two men behind us drew closer as Irons spoke.

"What does the De Luna's want with him?"

The man smiled and wagged a finger at him.

"You are not privy to that kind of information little legion soldier," the man replied with a sneer as he took a clear gun from his breast pocket. "But you can be part of the legend. . . . A brave soldier who fought to the end."

My finger scrubbed against Irons shirt as the men were getting extremely close. He nodded subtly, which I knew was the sign. Quickly I used what little control I had over my hand and reached for either the orange or yellow orb.

"Legend?" Irons asked as I attempted to get the essential orb.

"Yes," the man breathed with over exaggeration. "With that creature you hold in your arms, the De Luna's will become a legend for their discovery."

Irons faced blanched in surprise.

"Creature?" he exclaimed in a quick breathe. "What do you mean?"

"Again with the questions," the man replied a little impatiently. "Just hand us the boy and you can go. I swear by the house in which we are both members of that no harm will come of you."

Softly I tapped Irons chest and released the yellow orb. It rolled across my body and landed in his left hand just as the two men grabbed his shoulder. With a move so quick it practically didn't exist he twisted in their grasp and grabbed me in one arm, while slamming the orb into one of the men's chests.

The ball of yellow glass erupted in a billowy tendril that seemed to find its way to the two men's mouths, ears, and nose. Their eyes immediately clouded over and their lips began to foam with poison.

I tried to look away from the madness but I couldn't. My body was trapped in its paralyzing state and I couldn't look away. I watched as they died in short sporadic jerks and the life drained from their body in disgusting liquids.

Quickly Irons readjusted me back to both his arms and turned to face Octavio. The man's jaw was cocked and he stared at us in fury. But that wasn't what I was looking at. No. What I was looking at was the clear gun he had pointed at me, which held a clear liquid bullet of no source I knew. He smiled cruelly at me, before he signaled the other man to start the car. I watched as the man moved from Octavio's side and got in the car. The car purred to life and revved readily as Octavio once again spoke.

"Release the boy, Irons. I tire of these games and with to end this. Any false move and he dies."

Irons tensed as he held me. Octavio noticed and smiled evilly.

"Ahh," he breathed. "And we get to the crux of the matter. . . . You're falling for the boy."

He laughed darkly as Irons kept his hold on me.

"Oh don't be ashamed. . . . It's hard to resist his species especially when there as lovely as they are.

Certainly I wouldn't expect less out of you. . . . . But you really wouldn't risk your life over a piece of ass, would you?" Irons didn't answer. " . . . . . So just hand him over and leave freely."

It seemed like a decade of moments passed before Irons made a move. Very slowly he pulled me away from his chest, inviting Octavio to take me from his arms. My head lolled towards him and I stared at him in desperation. What was he doing? All of a sudden I sensed the movement of his muscles and felt the jolt of being airborne. The wind whistled past my ears as he threw me skyward.

I flipped in the air, suspended for a brief moment as I got a glimpse of what was going on below me.

Irons had grabbed the black orb, just as he ducked from the gun fire from Octavio's hand. I heard it crack like lightening, but that was it. There was no scream or yell from Irons. However, all angels must fall from heaven and I did. I fell just in time to be engulfed by the black cloud of concealment Irons had released from the orb. It spiraled upward in a pillar of feathery diffusion and hid us from Octavio's deadly hand.

I heard him cuss as Irons caught me and whisked me away into the depths of the dark cloud. Once it reached its apex the cloud dispersed horizontally and radiated a couple hundred feet, creating the perfect cover for a good twenty minutes. Irons kept his hold on me as we continued to run to the safe house. And I couldn't have felt much safer.


I shook fragilely as Irons ran down a dark stone corridor. My body felt out of my control and cold sweat began to spread across my forehead and neck. I wasn't quite sure, but I could feel the leakage of blood from my nose and lips. He would glance frantically at me upon occasion as he held the flashlight in his mouth. The bright ray would wash over my scared face and would make him run even faster. I knew I was being jostled by his movements, but I didn't feel any of it. Instead I just felt fear and suffocation.

"Were almost there, Rory," he whispered urgently as he came to a halt. "Which one? Come on, think. . .

. . Fuck."

He veered to the left and continued to sprint down the echoic hall. I watched as his neck muscles strained with the effort, but still he persisted. His biceps were wide and bulging beneath his torn shirt, where he caught himself coming down. His short dark hair hung in sweaty tendrils across his smooth forehead, above his surprisingly fierce silver eyes. Suddenly I coughed and felt a warm splatter of liquid run down my chin. He gaped at me in horror and growled wordlessly as he burst through a thick metal door.

We had all along been near the safe house, when we had hidden the car. The only problem was Octavio and his men. We had to give them the slip, before we disappeared beneath their feet. Once the concealment cloud had covered us, Irons revealed the hidden trap door near the tree we had stopped at. He quickly jumped through, cutting his arm on the edge of the door. I had heard the loud clang of the door slam shut and we were in complete darkness.

Now we were in a bright modern operation room. It had a small wall full of screens and a huge control panel at the bottom. Each screen gave a view of an empty corridor, where they used night vision to watch any incoming visitors. Irons moved to the door we had just come through and rapidly entered in a set of numbers, before the door slammed shut and loudly locked. The code seemed to work for other things too, because as soon as he entered it the corridors on the screens lit up and a wall of to our left opened onto a room fully furnished.

I stared curiously at it, but Irons didn't go towards it. Instead he carried me to a medical table at the other side of the operation room. Beside the table sat an array of colored orbs locked into a thick clear case. Irons waved his dog tags across the scanner placed at the lip of the box and waited for the box to open. With a loud hiss the box opened releasing a clear spray of condensed air, which blew over my cold face.

I whimpered as I felt another shiver rock my body and more blood leaked from my nose. He spun to face me and gently grabbed my head and tilted it back. My eyes started to blur and his handsome features morphed into a contorted blob of colors.

"Hang on, Rory," he whispered with a strained voice. "Just hold on for me, okay?"

I tried to reassure his fears, but slowly I started to drift into unconsciousness. I could hear him grabbing random glass orbs as their containers clinked softly. It seemed like eons before he finally placed something to my lips and made me drink it. I sipped it freely, but tried to regurgitate it. It tasted awful.

"Shhh, Shh," he soothed softly. "It will help you. Just drink it."

I listened and drank the whole orb. I could already feel the effect on my brain and my limbs. I sighed gently, which made him chuckle harshly. I felt his hand grab mine as the effects of the orb spiraled throughout my body. Gradually I began to drift off and could feel my eyelids droop. I tried to keep them open, to see him, but he insisted I slept.

"Sleep, it's okay."


My hands, I thought errantly as I clenched and unclenched my fingers. They cracked loudly as I moved them across a soft satin surface. Groggily I opened my eyes and tried to sit up, but immediately experienced vertigo. So I just laid back down and curled up on my side. I realized I was in the other room, when I saw the dark tapestry that hung from the four poster bed. The bed I laid on was huge and had many pillows and silk blankets. I marveled at the fine fabric and stretched my legs freely.

Where's Irons? I thought absently as I scooted up on the sheer pillows.

Then I heard the shower running in a connecting bathroom and I sighed in relief. I felt safer knowing where he was at, especially in this big empty maze. Once satisfied knowing where my captor was I started to test my ligaments. I moved my wrists and ankles feeling a new buoyancy to my joints. Gently I hoisted myself up and leaned against the headboard. My head immediately began to clear and my vision was better than ever.

I wiped beneath my nose to check for blood, but there was none. Either I had hallucinated the blood or Irons had wiped it away for me; I suspected the latter. Hesitantly I moved from the soft bed and slid to the cold stone floor, which made me gasp in shock. I cracked my toes and pulled what little shorts I had left down over my ass. I hugged my chest in hunger and started to explore the small room.

The walls were wall papered with black and maroon strips halfway across each wall, but the rest of the walls were lined with wooden planks. I brushed my fingers along the walls as I stared at different paintings depicting scenery. I guess the people who made this place wanted the residents to feel like they weren't trapped beneath the ground. Each picture was a large painting of sunny hillsides, vast oceans, and endless fields, but none of them had any people in it. Softly I shivered.

Suddenly I heard the bathroom door open and spun around quickly. I froze. He was so beautiful and magnificent as he slowly wrapped the yellow towel around his waist, barely revealing the meaty shaft I just got a glimpse of. His abdomen was lean and had hard planes of muscles running up to his thin pecs.

He was lean but powerful as his broad shoulders move with his body. A dark trail ran from his flat naval to the hem of his towel and disappeared to the muscle I saw between his legs.

His grey eyes had a tint of blue to it as he stared at me with a crooked grin. I smiled back impishly as he reached for his head and rubbed his wet hair. He looked handsome as he began to rub his neck with chagrin. His bicep looked wider and sinewy with muscle as he flexed his arm. There seemed to be no ounce of fat on his body, which was something to admire.

"I can see that you feel better already," he said as his Adam's apple quivered with each word.

I gulped as I moved my gaze across his curved throat to his full lips and chiseled jaw.

"Umm, yes," I said as I felt suddenly conscious of my bare legs.

I pulled at the frayed hem of my short shorts and tried to cover up my bare skin. He noticed and pointed to my hurt leg.

"Do you mind if I check your wound?" he asked as he approached me.

I merely nodded and let him lead me back to the bed. His hand found mine and he helped me onto the soft mattress. I scooted back a little and waited for him to sit next to me. He leapt onto the bed and grabbed my leg, placing it between his towel covered thighs. My leg curved outward, my knee pointing to the wall as he slowly unbound my latest cut. I hissed as the cold air met the wound, making him look at me with compassion.

"Did I hurt you?"

"No. . . . Just the cold air."

He smiled warmly and pulled my leg around his waist. My other leg was already behind his back and my inner thighs were lightly touching his waist. I rested my hands behind me as he revealed the cut. It looked so much healthier almost completely healed, with just the tiniest hint of blood. It looked like a long paper cut, no longer a thin gash showing tissue and muscle. Gently he ran his finger over my thigh, making me shiver.

"It healed perfectly," he said as he looked up at me.

His hand continued to glide over my thigh, despite the obvious completeness. His grey eyes were warm and liquidity rimmed with light blue fire. Subtly I scooted closer into his side and rested a hand on his towel covered thigh.

"I heal fast," I breathed, making him smell my sweet breath.

His eyes blazed with blue flames, but his silver irises kept him in control.

"Some say I'm an excellent healer," he countered as his hand moved farther up my thigh. "Do you contest?"

Delicately I shook my head and stared at him beneath my lashes.

"Quite the contrary actually," I replied softly biting my lip, which made him flinch in hunger. "I wanted to thank you. . . . . For saving my life."

He smiled playfully and placed his hand beneath my tattered shirt.

"It was worth it," he teased, which made me smile. "Besides I don't know what I would do if I had lost you to Octavio."

His silver eyes blazed as he said this and all the playfulness evaporated. Lightly I moved my hand from his thigh and placed it on the side of his elegant cheekbones.

"I don't know either," I replied tenderly as I reached for his lips with mine.

Softly they touched his and I felt my pulse race in response.

"We shouldn't be doing this," he said as his lips whispered against mine. "The High Majesty wou--"

But he didn't get to finish his sentence before my legs wrapped tightly around his lean waist and his towel slipped away from his groin. He groaned dimly but swiftly placed me on his lap and kissed me back fiercely. His lips were like electric pulses to my heart, making me gasp with each breath. His tongue entered my mouth and fought valiantly with my tongue, both enjoying the taste of the other. Our breathes hitched and I began to grow dizzy from the lack of oxygen.

Abruptly he pulled away and reached for my shorts. With one rough tug I felt the sheer fabric leave my body and fall to the floor. In the next moment my shirt was also ripped from my chest and flung to the floor, where it was forgotten. Gently he laid me on the mattress and ran his hand along my back, enjoying the smooth texture. As his hand moved across my back his lips kissed me delicately, each one making my skin burn with passionate heat.

Once his hand found my ass he stopped and softly kneaded it with his hands. I groaned at the sensitive touch and waited as his kisses trailed from the small of my back to the mounds of my ass. Tenderly he kissed each one, only lightly biting them with his teeth. I gasped at this new sensation and slipped my legs apart. However it wasn't far enough. Kindly he pushed them farther apart and lifted my butt up to his eye level.

I waited for his fingers to enter me, but instead felt a warm laceration across my pucker. I gasped and shook frantically as my asshole twitched in excitement. What was that? I turned around and saw him grinning widely at my reaction. Then again he buried his face in my ass, connecting his long tongue to my hole. I moaned loudly as it slipped past the threshold and entered me. I could hear him growl with each thrust of his tongue, which was sporadic and deep.

He did this for quite some time, enjoying the taste of my sweet hole. His tongue would dart in and out of me, making me gasp with each touch. He spread my ass fully and eventually began to slather my asshole with his tongue. He worked his saliva around my pucker with a long thin finger, which made me quiver in ecstasy. Finally after lathering up my hole with enough slick spit he slid two fingers into my tight hole.

I groaned loudly and grasped at the blankets as he continued.

"Aahhhhh," I breathed as his fingers went deep.

I waited as his fingers reached the knuckle, before I relaxed again. But once I did he removed the thin intrusion and went back to the knuckle again, making me sigh with pleasure. He continued to do this while his other hand held me up by my belly. His hand was rough against my soft skin, but I liked the feel of its texture. After awhile once I got used to two fingers he switched to three, which I got comfortable with. Then after I had adjusted again, he pulled them out and let go of my belly.

I turned head around and watched as he smoothly wanked his hard rod. It was menacingly huge as he yanked at its base. His lips slightly parted as he touched the tip of his dick to my ass. Gently he applied pressure and entered with just the tip of his mushroom head. I clenched my ass as I tried to stay on all fours. I yelled in pain as the pliable head entered me again and again. Swiftly he stopped and stared at me.

"I can stop, if it's hurting you."

I shook my head before he even finished.

"I'm fine. I'll get used to it right?"

He stared at me blankly.

"I don't know. I've never done this before. . . . . I've only slept with girls before."

For some reason that hurt me more than it should have. Roughly I grabbed his dick in my left hand and eased it into my ass. I buried my head into the mattress as he entered me fully. I stifled a scream as I bit into the blankets. My hand fell away from hard member and he took over. Slowly it slid into my ass and I sensed his hairy balls against my inner thighs. However, he stopped and didn't move until I looked at him. His eyes were apologetic and tender. His long thin hands held my waist as his abdomen leaned against it.

"We don't have to do this," he whispered so softly it made me want to cry.

"No, we do," I said with a gasp as I moved my ass in a certain direction. "I--I don't-- I don't want him to take away my innocence. I want you to have it."

I could see his eyes melt and knew that I said something right.

"I'll be as gentle as I can," he whispered as he gently leaned over and kissed my shoulder.

I sighed at the compassionate touch. And I knew. I knew I was in love with this boy. I knew I could never live in the High Majesty's country without him by my side. I knew I couldn't live without him at all.

Somehow I sensed this from him too, but he was afraid to just believe. Believe the truth that we belonged together. Believed that our fates had intertwined to create the best possible future for us.

And as I watched him make sweet, sweet love to me, I saw his body tense and glow with newfound power. Sweat rolled down the flat planes of his chest and perspired on my lower back and ass. He groaned and moaned like a wild animal as he planted his seed deep within me, making me gasp in ecstasy. His face was a look of pure pleasure and elation as he drained his dick of every drop. I stared at him in awe as he literally glowed for a minute, his head looking to the heavens.

His muscles were outlined with a soft glow that emanated from within him. The glow was more brilliant where we connected in pure rapture. His muscles were coiled with a stupor only known to higher gods.

For a moment his eyes glowed a dull silver before he collapsed beside me, his dick slipping from my ass.

I watched as his eyes closed and he immediately went into a deep sleep. The glow that flowed through him dimmed instantly and disappeared altogether.

And just before I collapsed in exhaustion I saw the faintest wisp of golden light trail around my head.

Softly I felt my balls tighten and dark cum squirt from my dick. Silently my eyes closed in sleep.


I awoke to a loud banging against the outer door, where it was sealed by Irons. The bed next to me was empty and I saw a blur of movement from the corner of my eye. It was Irons and he was half naked. He ran back and forth grabbing different objects as he went. He kept moving back to an open black bag, which was filled with medical supplies, clothes, and bottles of water. He didn't notice me until I spoke.

"Irons?" I said softly as he stopped mid-stride and turned toward me.

He was just wearing a pair of black briefs, which outlined his greatest muscle nicely.

"Hey," he said with a soft smile. "Don't be scared, baby. We just have to get out of here soon. . . . Before they break in."

Just then a loud ear-splitting screech sounded against the metal door, making Irons freeze momentarily.

"Fuck. . . Fuck. . . .we need to get out of here now," he said as he reached for me on the bed.

He wrapped the sheets around my lean figure and hoisted me into his arms. Rapidly he carried me to the bathroom and placed me on my feet. He threw a handful of already prepared clothes on the sink and ordered me to get dressed. Quickly I let go of the thin sheets and grabbed the clothes. They were a dull blue with the faintest tint of silver whenever it caught the light. They reminded me of Irons eyes.

He was already dressed in his same gear, but this time his right arm was cut off revealing his clean tanned arm. His upper bicep was wrapped in white gauze, while the rest was bare and lightly dusted with a downing of hair. I slid the soft pants onto me and buttoned the form fitting shirt around my chest.

It was like a formal pair of breathable pajamas, which moved with my body instead of hindering it.

Rapidly he slipped a pair of sturdy flexible boots onto my feet and dusted them off with one quick jerky move. Within the next movement he sprang up and grinned calmly at me. He placed his hands on my shoulders and held me steadily. His grey-blue eyes zeroed in on my golden ones and held it in a gravitational pull.

"Now, don't be afraid, Rory, they're dumb creatures. Just aim for their head and you'll surely take them down, but only if you have too. . . . . One more thing. Stay right behind me and keep a hold of my hand, you hear me?"

I nodded jerkily.

"Yes," I breathed shakily. "Irons?"

He grinned warmly.

"You know you can call me Will," he said with a light chuckle. "Only those I care about call me Will, and I care about you."

I gulped and placed my hands onto his face.

"Will," I whispered as I leaned toward him. "I love you."

The moment I said this, my lips connected with his and I kissed him with feathery breaths. He kissed me back but more harshly. Our lips molded to each other and sparked like little fireworks. His tongue found mine and tasted it. His breathe was sweet and heady as I inhaled it. Abruptly he pulled away and reached behind him. He grinned mischievously as he produced a firearm.

"Use it well," he said, before he gave me a quick kiss and pulled me from the room.

We ran to one of the paintings on the wall. A huge fresco of a distant country side. The painting was beautiful and had made the sunset look so real. Suddenly he ripped it from its frame and threw the canvas across the room. He reached for his bag near the bed and swung it over his right shoulder. With the same movement he grabbed my hand and pulled us down the hole in the canvas.

The hole in the frame was rectangular and sloped upward the farther we ran. I could hear behind us the screech and loud metallic bang of the large steel door falling. Instantly my blood froze and I ran alongside Irons. That's when the sound reached us. The loud heavy panting and scratching of claws on the cement floor. A howl rang out as the creatures behind us caught our scent. I screamed in fear as the sound pierced my ears.

"Will? What are they?" I yelled frantically.

"Don't listen, just keep running," he yelled back as we rounded a sharp corner.

The straps that crisscrossed his chest were all stocked and ready to be used, but he didn't reach for them. Instead he kept running to a distant shaft of light. The creatures however, seemed to be gaining on us and I could almost feel their heavy breathes on the back of my neck. Irons turned then and released a dagger from his waiting hand into the darkness behind us. A loud whine sounded out as the weapon found its mark, making the others growl in anger.

I waited as the shaft of light grew brighter, until we were practically under it.

"Rory! Push your legs out in front of you!" Irons yelled as his right arm flexed. "Now!"

I did. I extended my legs out while still holding onto his arm and felt my body slide forward. He did the rest. Roughly he shoved my falling body forward towards the shaft of light, where I slid right under it. I saw what it was. It was a small window that faced the upper ground and I caught a glimpse of the sky.

I stopped a few feet out of the lights ray, but Irons had spun in place before the shaft of light and faced the oncoming creatures. I stared at him in horror as I rolled over onto my stomach.

"Irons!!" I screamed as I saw the faintest shadow of a creature lumbering toward him.

However he seemed unfazed. And then I saw it. The red orb in his left hand. With lightening speed I saw his wrist flick and watched the orb arc into the throng of creatures before it exploded on impact. After he had thrown the orb Irons had turned and ran toward me. He slid his legs out like I did and slipped right next to me. In the same movement he threw his body atop mine and covered our heads with his bag as a wave of blistering flames rolled over us. He huffed in surprise as the flames dance all around us.

His body wasn't heavy against mine, but I was fully aware of his strong arms holding my head and protecting me. I clutched him to me as the fire blazed, then dimmed, before it was completely extinguished. Swiftly he stood up and dragged me along. The whole hallway was ringed in flames that stopped at intervals of about 10 feet. I watched as he twisted the round wheel on the ceiling where the light was coming from and opened it with a rough shove. Instantly the sound of air and birds filled my ears.

"Come on," he said as he lightly placed his hands on my waist.

With a small bend of his legs and a great heave, he threw me through the tight door into an unknown wilderness. Within seconds his bag shot up and landed near me, before he did.

"Where are we?" I asked in awe as I stared at the piney woods and grassy floor.

"Your new home," he said with a sad sigh, which made me look at him.

But his face was an unreadable mask as he shouldered the duffel bag again.

"We don't have to go," I said as he started to move through the foliage. "We can leave. Be together. You know you want to."

He stopped then, with his back turned to me.

"Rory, I have already defied my High Majesty by making love to you," he said with a soft voice. "To defy him again would be treason. He is my Majesty and I will serve him to my very end."

His motto lashed at my freshly beating heart.

"So last night meant nothing to you?" I asked with a broke whisper.

His back tensed but he didn't turn around.

"Last night was a mistake. I fell for your bewitching charms." he turned then and looked at me emptily.

"My general warned me of your beauties embrace and I fell for it anyway. So no, last night meant nothing to me. Just avid pleasure."

I shook my head sadly as tears sprang from my eyes.

"You're lying," I said sobbing softly. "I know you're lying, cuz you are."

In actuality I didn't have evidence he loved me. I was just a young boy, who fell in love for the first time.

It could have easily been just my imagination or false seduction.

"I'm nothing if not honest," he replied smoothly. "By the house that we both belong to, I swear that I am telling the truth. For the High Majesty should be the only one to ever touch you. And to lead you on is just another travesty."

Hot tears stained my cheeks as he stared at me emotionless. We were back in his country now, no longer alone on the road. Silently I pulled myself together and stared angrily at him. He seemed to understand my new resolve and turned to lead the way. I followed in his footsteps, experiencing my first heartbreak.


"AHH! My dear Irons," a tall muscular man exclaimed as we entered the Great Hall. "You please me, with your follow through. . . . . So this must be the infamous Rory Ashford, the angel incarnate."

I stood resolutely as he glowered down at me hungrily. He snapped his fingers and at once two burly soldiers grabbed my arm and took me from Irons custody. Irons stood stonily as they placed me in front of the High Majesty. I glared at him as they threw me to my knees at the large man's feet. The man laughed and roughly grabbed my chin, making me look directly at his eyes.

"What divine eyes," he whispered as he titled my face left and right. "Such beauty on so young a face is mindboggling. How would they intend to use it, when adults could decimate nations, crumble empires, destroy kingdoms, with its power."

Harshly I ripped my chin from his neck and spat at his feet.

"Beauty is hardly that powerful," I replied icily, before he struck me in the face.

I fell back against the hard floor and rolled onto my stomach. For a moment I was vulnerable with tears as I locked gazes with Irons. Irons face was hard with anger as he stared beseechingly at me. I could feel watery blood leak from my mouth as I stared at him, but it made me resolve brighter. Quickly I regained my strength and turned to face the High Majesty, who was smiling triumphantly at my tight-fitted clothes.

"You are a devil in angel's skin," he said calmly as his eyes zeroed in on my face. "What is your lineage? .

. . . Answer me!!! . . . . ." I just stared at him defiantly. "Irons bring me the truth orb."

I laid on the floor and watched as Irons walked around my limp form. His back was tight with tension, but he handed the High Majesty a brown orb. Without hesitation the High Majesty threw it at the floor before me and waited for the brown smoke to find my nostrils. My back arched as the billowy substance found my nose and entered intrusively. I coughed as the truth cloud wound its way to my brain and made everything clear and calm. I was no longer angry or scared. I was just serenely calm and focused.

"Now tell me your lineage, young one," the High Majesty commanded as the soldiers yanked me from the floor.

"I am Rory Alexander Ashford, the only son of Russell Maximus Ashford and Amelia Lynn Ashford. The only grandson of Lord Henry Ashford II and Lady Edith Jane Ashford. I am from a long line of noble Ashford's who run the independently owned business Ashford Co."

The High Majesty frowned in confusion.

"Tell me who fathered you?" He asked as he moved back to his vacant chair.

"Your Majesty, must've misheard," I replied indifferently. "I am the only son of Russell Maximus Ashford and Ameli--"

"Yes, yes," he replied impatiently with a wave of his hand. "I'm asking you of your real father."

I stared at him in morbid confusion.

"My High Majesty," I heard Irons masculine voce pipe in. "I believe Rory has no recollection of another father. I believe he is who he says he is."

The High Majesty scoffed angrily and got up from his chair.

"Then why do the Priestesses of Olivia accuse his mother of infidelity with an Angel?" he asked, before clicking his fingers again. "Go and fetch the Priestesses. I need to hear this again."

With that the men he summoned disappeared through an outer door and went to find the women the High Majesty asked for. The truth orb seemed to be wearing off, because I started to breath heavily. I was no Angel? Certainly not a son of one. The only father I knew, was left behind in my home town. If I was an Angel, why didn't I have any divine rights to my freedom? Why was I constantly being bartered to power hungry men?

Suddenly the outer court burst open with commotion and three women came through with the soldier that left. Behind them was a mob of spectators, all wearing modern clothes. The women were tall and statuesque with unbelievable beauty. But that wasn't what caught my eye. No what caught my eye was that they look similar to me. Soft golden hair, angelic features, and beautiful gold eyes. They stared at me in astonishment and whispered amongst themselves.

"Christina, Lamia, Ellie, its nice to meet you again," the High Majesty said with fake ease. "Please will you elaborate your divination of this creature's past."

"As you wish, your High Majesty," the one name Christina said as she bowed and gestured with her head to the other two.

Instantly the other two began to weave my history with their words.

"Many years ago, when we were only but a few decades old, Lamia had a dream spun from the angels themselves. They whispered into her ear of a child born, with divine beauty, and an immeasurable gift given by the angel Azazel himself."

"The child was born to the Ashford family, unbeknownst them. The mother begged to the gods for a blessing to grace her house of divine beauty that would rival others, but she did not know her prayers would be heard. So in the cover of darkness the angel Azazel snuck into Lady Ashford's dream and made love to her, planting the seed of the child within her."

They looked to me then and gestured to my beauty. The High Majesty smiled in approval.

"Nine months later the Lady Ashford had her first born son, Rory Alexander Ashford," the one named Ellie continued and stared at me. "He has thus grown up to be a coveted young man, with many possibilities ahead of him. But his beauty and innocence is not the only thing they covet."

The one named Lamia grinned evilly, which made my heart beat rapidly. She was wickedly beautiful which was a deadly combination. Then she began to speak.

"He has a rare gift, bestowed by the angels themselves," she said with a giddy grin. "It was whispered into my ear that the night the gives his body freely to whomever he loves, he shall bestow upon them the greatest gift man can achieve. The gift of assured victory in any conquest."

The room fell silent as everyone stared at me, especially Irons.

"However," the evil Priestess added, filing the silence. "The gift can only be given once and once it's given it can never be offered to another. And it is said, 'The bearer of the gift shall pass it along within the embrace of true love, where he loses his innocence to the one he chooses. There the gift shall be respectively offered for eternity.'"

I froze in horror. Irons. I looked to him, only to find him staring at his bare hands. Quickly I looked away and saw that Lamia was staring evilly at me with a sly grin. The other two women were still reciting the prophecy about assured victory in battle, wits, life, and love.

"Excellent!!" the High Majesty exclaimed as he clapped his hand together. "Now how do we know if he is the real son of an Angel?"

The three women looked at me and immediately surrounded me. Silently they began to recite words to themselves, before they produced vials of golden liquid. It looked like blood but in golden form. It coagulated in the vials, which they uncorked. Swiftly at the same time they threw the golden liquid onto me, making me cringe in fright. They all laughed excitedly as the liquid soaked into my skin and started to make me glow from within.

"Angels blood!" Christina exclaimed as she backed away in awe.

I stared at her for a moment before I looked back down at myself. I was glowing like a bright candle. My skin radiated the light in interchangeable patterns, which resembled flickers in the fire. The crowd gasped as I lifted my arms in astonishment.

The High Majesty laughed in excitement as the light started to dim.

"Fascinating!!" he shouted happily as the last of the flickering lights left my skin.

I stared at Irons, who was staring back. His eyes held mine with strength as we knew what was about to happen. He smiled faintly, before he subtly moved his hand to his straps.

"Priestesses, thank you again, for proving your prophecy," the High Majesty said with a wave of his hand. "You'll get your pay. . . . . Now. Take him to my chambers and ready our bed. . . . We consummate at sundown."

I gasped and swirled around just in time to see two soldiers coming towards me. I turned then and tried to escape them, but they caught me before I could even move a foot. I screamed as they roughly grabbed my waist and harshly pulled me to their chests. Suddenly their hold loosened and let go altogether.

"Irons!!" I heard the High Majesty yell above the screams in the Great Hall.

I fell to my knees and turned to see Irons standing over the two dead soldiers, holding a long dagger. He smiled crookedly at me and re-hilted his dagger.

"Nobody touches you without my permission," he said as I took his extended hand.

Tears welled in my eyes as he kissed me lightly on the hand. The High Majesty screamed in anger as Irons pushed me behind him and faced the man he vowed to protect.

"You ungrateful swine," he said to Irons as he grabbed a silver plate from his personal table. "You made a vow to this house to protect me and no you mock that oath for a treacherous slut? . . . You will pay dearly."

With that he flung the silver plate at us, which we ducked with ease. I didn't notice before, but the High Majesty had orbs of his own that were placed at his waist. He reached then for an ice blue one, which he cracked with his hand and let it leak to the floor, where it started to freeze in long watery shards of ice. I gaped at the huge sword like weapon he had in his hand. Swiftly he swung it sideways and nearly struck Irons in the chest.

"Run, Rory!" he bellowed as he took an orb from his chest.

I spun then and ran for the entrance, but suddenly felt a sheer fabric wrap around my ankle and I fell.

Irons had thrown a dark maroon orb at the High Majesty, which created a gooey tar around his legs, making him immobile.

"Will!!" I screamed as I saw the three Priestesses emerging from the thin curtains of a secret room.

Lamia held a squiggly dagger in her right hand, which was pointed at my neck, near my jugular. Irons spun around and yelled my name, before throwing a yellow orb at Lamia's head, which exploded on impact. She screamed as the yellow gas scalded her hair off and seeped into her skin. Her knife clattered to the floor, only to be picked up by the other Priestess named Ellie.

Christina tended to Lamia, chanting words I couldn't understand, while Ellie towered over me. She stared at me compassionately, but still aimed for my neck. I could hear the High Majesty and the crash of his ice sword against the floor. I knew Irons victory was assured. He had the gift I gave him and only one opponent while I had two. I saw the last twitch of Lamia's body before it went still with death.

"I'm sorry divine one," Ellie said as she pushed my shoulder down and held my left hand beneath her knee. "But it prophesized your blood can grant immortality, which we so desperately need."

"How could you possibly know that?" I asked in desperation. "Why take the risk?"

"Because it is not our lives on the line, it is yours." she replied profoundly. "Either way, your death is imminent."

Suddenly I heard Irons shout my name, making me look up. I was pinned beneath both women now, Christina had my right arm under her leg as she waited for Ellie to draw my blood. I watched as Irons threw an orb at my head only to be caught by Christina. She stared at it in confusion, which momentarily distracted them. I knew what it was the moment I saw it. The pink orb.

Swiftly I hefted my right leg up and kicked Christina in the head, making her drop it onto the floor next to me. The orb shattered into a million pieces releasing the pink smoke, which I breathed through my nose. Instantly I felt the full access of my frontal lobe and I knew what to do with my newfound power. I stared sharply at the dagger in Ellie's hand which hung loosely. I concentrated on the dagger and began to move it with my eyes. With one quick look I stabbed it into Ellie's open throat, spurting warm blood all over my chest.

Once my hand was free I swung it heavily to connect with Christina's neck, where she reeled in shock.

Then I reached for the dagger lodged in Ellie's throat and yanked it out, only to shove it back into Christina's head. She thudded to the floor and died horribly in front of me. I cringed in shock and horror but got up and reached for the dagger in her head.

I fingered the handle in my hand as I stared at the High Majesty and Irons fighting, only to throw it in the air and use my new found power to send it straight through the High Majesty's wicked heart. Irons saw the blade fly truly to its mark and wedge to the hilt into the High Majesty's heart. The High Majesty screamed a low guttural scream that must've called someone's attention, while Irons swiveled on his heel and sprinted toward me. I opened my arms as he folded me into his long muscular ones. He breathed heavily as he kissed every inch of me from my neck to my face.

"I'm so sorry, Rory," he whispered against my lips as we kissed. "I should've listened to you when we had the chance."

"It's okay," I breathed as I felt his heart beat between us.

He was safe. We were safe. That's all that mattered.

Abruptly we heard the outside corridor fill with the sounds of soldiers, each yelling for the High Majesty.

Irons froze and grabbed my hand.

"We have to go," he breathed as he pulled me to the curtained exit.

But just before we entered the room he pulled me to his chest and kissed me again.

"I love you," he said with such conviction it couldn't be contested.

I smiled triumphantly at my valiant warrior. He still looked beautiful even to me. His lopsided smile easily shifted into a loving expression. His muscles were firm beneath his shirt and his heart beat steadily beneath his chest. My one true love.

"I know," I whispered softly as he quickly pulled me through the doorway, just as the soldiers burst into the Great Hall.

I had finally gained my freedom.

The End.

Please send comments to untitledlovestory23@yahoo.com

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