Newsgroups: Message-ID: Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest) References: 45r0ch$ Lines: 22 (Scott Heitz) writes:
Anyone have some good stories about masturbating while in the military? >Did you ever do it while on duty or did you have a roommate who jerked >off while you were in bed?
I had lots of roommates who jacked off while I was in the Army. The first time was in basic training at Fort Jackson, SC. We were given a weekend pass. Most of the guys got motel rooms in Columbia. I don't remember why now, but I and three or four other guys stayed in the barracks. One of the guys who staryed behnd was a tall, handsome Cajun guy from Louisiana. I had spotted him in the showers on several occasions. He had a lean, well-defined body with a fat, long cock hanging out of his thick, dark pubic hair. That night (I guess it was Saturday night) I jacked off myself, quietly and under the covers. As I lay there about to fall asleep, I looked over towards this Cajun guy's bunk. In the light coming in from the street light I could see he had the covers down and he was stroking that big cock of his. He stroked it slowly and silently. Even though he never moaned or arched his back, he must have come because I saw him pull his underwear back over his cock, pull the covers up, and roll over to go to sleep.
You wanna hear some more?