
By Bruce Turner / Charles Turner

Published on Dec 29, 2017


Nifty readers, much, maybe 95% of this story is true. I Met John that Easter and he kept me as a slave through August when my fall quarter of classes was set to begin again. If you know the man that drank the Carling's Black Label email me at, I lost track of him and that was foolish on my part. I will always be thankful to him for reawakening my love of piss. So that should tell you that the scene in the outhouse is 100% true.

If you are in a locality that restricts this type of story telling I feel sorry for you. If there is an age restriction on the reading please respect it. If you can't tell by the section where this story appears it involves men having sex with men and men pissing on men.

Nifty survives on your donations. I am glad it is here on the internet, where else could anyone find this wide an audience for alternate sexuality? So if you can please give.


I was 22, I had two days until I was turning 23, it was Good Friday and my parents were not happy that I was going out to drink more than twenty miles from their house. I was home from graduate school on a break between winter and spring quarters. I had only returned to their home in the hope I would be able to work at the factory I worked in the summer and over Christmas, unfortunately there were no shifts available for me. I had been around the house for a week and was bored crazy.

My eldest sister lived in the city and had suggested a bar not far from her apartment that I might enjoy since it was mostly students at the two major universities within walking distance. I left the parents still bitching at me leaving at ten O'clock at night but I needed to be around some people my age and relax. I thought in the back of my head that I might get lucky and pick up a chick and not go home until Easter morning. Let them stew, I had been mostly on my own for six years only reconciling with them six months or so earlier.

When I drove into the area around the universities there were thousands of people out on the streets, exactly what I thought I wanted. I found the street my sister had told me to use for parking and she was 100% correct there were parking spots without meters that were available at that time of night. I was driving an older beater that was longer than most cars but was still able to pull it into the first spot after a cross street I remembered being in the directions she had given me. I hadn't written them down, confident in my memory. When I got out of the car I made sure I was parked safely away from the corner, police around the area were well known for ticketing students for the slightest infraction of their laws, not those that everyone else would know.

I looked both ways on the cross street and saw more traffic to my left and assumed that it was moving to the bar I was hunting. Why the assumption other than the number of people on the street I'm not sure, my sister had said that the bar held more than a thousand people and that it was nearly always busy on the weekends. As I walked down the street I didn't see any signs that helped me but I did notice that there were a number of guys around my age breaking off from the pedestrian traffic and entering an unmarked door from which loud music would blast upon being opened. I thought they looked like the type of guys I would be comfortable around and decided to go in with a group of five or so guys that might have been two or three years older than me but still dress rather preppy other than one that looked as if he thought he was the Fonz. I had noticed that there were a number of guys that had gone in the door that were dressed that way, tight, tight jeans and white t-shirts with a pack of cigarettes rolled into a sleeve.

What I hadn't noticed was that there had been only one or two females enter the place while I had stood trying to figure out where I was trying to get. The street had been brightly lit, the moment I was through the door I had trouble seeing, it seemed as if there was no lighting in the place. As I looked around trying to find out where to step I saw there was theater lighting on the steps that lead to the left. I went down five step then they turned to the right into an open bar that was packed wall to wall with men swaying to the music but no apparent dance floor. I saw the bar that stretched the entire length of the place with what must have been twelve or more bartenders and an equal number of barbacks moving as quickly as they could but still trying to be friendly, occasionally leaning over the bar to give a patron a kiss, from where I stood I couldn't tell who they were kissing.

I moved out of the way of traffic cruising around until my eyes adjusted and I was able to find a path to the bar, after all I was there to have a few drinks. It took me maybe ten minutes to traverse the room to get to the bar. A bartender brought over a Carling's Black Label and pointed to a man about six people away down the bar. I'm not really a Black Label drinker, if I drink beer it is usually one of the light beers mostly Miller's or Coor's. The man that had sent the beer was probably five or six years older than me, he nodded once and turned back to talk with the group around him, maybe as many as ten guys that were having fun pushing around a younger and shorter dark haired guy. I think it was about then that I realized that I was in a gay bar. It was the first time for me, I had been given a few blow jobs through glory holes in different libraries and one at the factory where I had worked, so I wasn't that upset being around gay men but It wasn't what I was looking for that night, I needed more than just a blow job.

I took the beer and started to make my way back to where I would be able to finish it and exit the bar, I figured it was still early enough to find the bar my sister had told me about. I think I may have gone four or five step when the man that had sent me the beer came up to talk. I wasn't sure what he wanted other than a general thought of sex; I didn't want to seem rude, I wasn't raised that way. So when he said hello I responded. As we were pushed closer together by the dancing crowd I saw that he was one of the most attractive men I had seen anywhere. I wondered if I had seen him in a shirt or cigarette advertisement or a magazine cover, his looks froze me in place long enough for him to talk and I was unbelievably entranced. I could hardly hear what he was saying and I'm sure he couldn't hear my responses so when he took a hold of my bicep and shouted let's go outside, I agreed.

As I have said a couple time I thought I was straight but willing to take a blow job from a guy if I was horny enough. There was no question in my mind that if this man offered I would let him suck my dick. I didn't know much more than that about what gay men do with each other and honestly can't say that I had even been curious. There was a bar outside the back door where he bought two more bottles of beer. I still had more than half of my first one so I chugged it when he handed me the second bottle. We moved away from the doorway, there were at least two hundred men outside, many of them shirtless, a few stripped down to underpants and one or two not wearing anything. As we walked through the crowd to the back fence I saw guys having their dicks sucked and when we stopped I looked around getting curious and off to our left was a kid, I didn't think he was old enough to get in the bar being fucked by another guy that was about my age. The fucker had dropped his pant around his feet, as I looked closely I thought I recognized him as a first team player at my college on the basketball team.

"I asked, are you going home with me tonight?"

"I hadn't heard him ask the question and really didn't know what to say. If he wanted to give me a blow job I might go along, but if he was going to treat me like the young kid was being treated I was going to run.

"I've never."

"Well you can come with me and you won't be able to say that again. I love to fuck ass."

"Piss? What about it?"

"You want to drink piss? Get on your knees."

I don't think I heard most of what he was saying. I had heard piss and knees but that was all. I was beginning to shake my head so he knew I wasn't going to my knees when he pressed down on my shoulder hard enough to make my knees buckle. I was struggling to stand when I realized that someone was behind me holding me down while the guy that had bought the beer was pulling his dick out of his jeans. Man, I thought this is no way to give your first and only blow job. But he wasn't hard and in a moment I understood that getting his dick sucked wasn't what was on his mind. He grabbed me by the nose, making it impossible to breath unless I opened my mouth and as soon as I did I saw the stream of piss headed straight at me. I tried to turn my mouth away but I was hit by his hot piss and held in place the entire time he unloaded.

Man, I was mad. Little did I know that was going to be the wrong reaction. While I was still struggling the guy that had been holding me down by the shoulders changed places with the man that had pissed in my mouth and all over my face.

The guy that had pissed on me first reached down far enough that he was able to pull my shirt over my head. I was glad to be getting rid of the pissy thing, but he wrung it out over my head. Strange as it sounds, I thought about my parents at that moment. I flashed back to a time when I couldn't have been even three and my father had taken me to the outhouse. For some reason he had gotten angry with me, I honestly do not remember, I was sitting on the wooden bench and he pulled his dick out of his underwear and pissed all over me. The guy in front of me now looked like a younger version of my father and I bowed my head as he soaked me down.

"You still want to go home with me? You are going to have to prove it." I heard every word of that, I was not wanting to go home with anyone any longer but I wasn't headed to my parents smelling like piss. They manhandled me until I was under a sign in the corner of the back area that had been tagged with the word URINAL. I was chained like a dog with a collar around my neck then my hands were cuffed to the fence,

"If you still wanting my dick when the bar closes I'll take you home for a fuck." And he disappeared. I couldn't believe it, I had come out looking for a chick to fuck and here I was being treated like a urinal. What had happened and how was I supposed to get out of situation? I couldn't get off my knees or move much in any direction.

"If you're the urinal open your mouth!" I had been pissed on by more guys than I could possibly remember, I was wet from the top of my head on down not missing any major spot. There had been guys of every race and color. My hair was dripping piss on my shoulders, there was piss building up under me. I had objected when the first two guys had removed my jeans and then my briefs when I was brought to the corner, That was bad but what was worse was that every time the first guy came back to release more of his beer piss my dick got hard. I think I had been there about an hour, five drinks of piss and many showers later when I felt the piss rising under me, covering my balls

The guy ordering me to open my mouth was the basketball player from my school, I thought it was lucky that I didn't hang much with the jocks so stories of this would never affect me once I was back for my last two quarters. The school was about ten thousand students so it wasn't likely he was going to recognize me or tell anyone I knew.

"John, are you taking this bitch home tonight?"

"Maybe, why?"

"He was the TA for one of my required course and marked two papers down so bad that I flunked that course and had to take it again last quarter so I could stay in school. So if you take him home be sure you bring out the best of your whips."

"Maybe you should take him home. You seem to enjoy pissing in his mouth. You could punish him with that monster you have in your pants."

"Nah, I'm taking that fine brother home, we're going to spend the night fucking and I don't intend to stop until Easter evening when you give the flogging show at David's."

"Did you show him this human urinal? He's been drinking beer all night and could give this bitch a load."

"I'll bring him over."

"Great, he needs all the piss we can get him." I didn't understand what he was saying but a few minutes later the second guy brought over a group, maybe eight guys?

"John, these guys were telling me about one of the games they played when they wanted to get a fraternity pledge to drop out before becoming a full member. Do you think they can show me with the pig?"

I'm no pig? But kneeling here in eight inches of piss with it dripping from my hair and having swallowed at least seven loads what else could you call me?

"Let's see it. If he doesn't last then you're my fuck boy for the night."

"Hell, I better go have a couple shots."

"Open your mouth pig." It was one of the group, but with John standing there I knew for some reason that if I ever wanted out of the piss pit I better obey him. Suddenly when I looked up there were eight cocks pointed at me from all directions. I hadn't seen that many cocks since wrestling as a junior and senior in high school. They were all shapes and sizes, some had small piss holes and others seemed to have holes that could piss a river. Without anyone saying a word I knew that all eight were going to be aiming for my mouth and they would be disappointed if the piss flowed over my hairless chest not down my throat. Before the first stream started they all raised their beer bottles and toasted to filling the pig's stomach with piss!

I tilted my head back just a little to help me catch and swallow what was coming. I had been trying to let most of the piss that had aimed at my mouth slosh out while John wasn't around. How I knew it, I don't know, but I closed my eyes so I couldn't see how much piss they were filling me with, I had already pissed myself twice from the amount of piss I had swallowed; this was going to be unbelievable: I would do what I could, I don't know why, I wanted to leave but was I going to do what he had suggested I need to do to be his I didn't even try closing my mouth a little, I held it as far open as I could even as I felt three then five than six and then eight streams of piss. I tried hard to swallow as much as humanly possible. One of the streams had been so hard I thought I was going to be gagged but it cut off quickly and a second one and they announced as they finished. I kept swallowing hoping that it would stop soon, I was having trouble not allowing any piss to flood out of my mouth. I thought I could feel them slowing down when I felt two streams hitting me full force with pints of stronger piss. I hated it, what was the deal, why did it taste like ammonia?

They must have been replaced by others, for at least five minutes there were streams of hot rank piss filling my mouth, never giving me a seconds break. Then it was diluted beer piss again, not just one or two streams but I could tell that there were more than five.

"John, you've got yourself a keeper."

"I think he might just be the urinal I've been hunting. I'll see if he makes it to Sunday night."

I couldn't decide whether I should be insulted or thankful that he thought of me that way. What was going to happen between now and Sunday?

"I know you hate hauling boys that have had golden showers in your car, do you want me to take him over to your place in the truck?"

"Thank Chet, but I think this one gets to ride in the Triumph. I could use a blow job while I'm headed home."

"Wow, are you going to call him Uri, too?"

"No, I'll wait a couple nights and see what he is really good at. He might be a better piece of ass than urinal, you never know."

"But my ass is virgin."

"Not after tonight."

I knelt there for what may have been another thirty minutes until John came back, he looped my own belt around my neck and lead me through the bar, it was the first time I had ever been the only nude person in front of so many people.

"John, I never get a chance to leave the door when they are short bartenders can I use your boy's mouth? I really need to piss. bad."

"Butch, you are always welcome to my boys." I was being tugged to my knees by the belt, the guys exiting the bar at the same time as us stopped and watched and Butch pulled out what must have been more than ten soft inches of cock and aimed for my mouth. "Open up, Butch always has a full load by this time."

I rode to John's, soaked in piss without being given my clothes, we passed many people walking on the sidewalks that shouted out catcalls and whistles. He had the top down on the convertible as the day had been hotter than any so far that spring. He parked on the main street and had me open his door for him before taking hold of the belt and promising me a night different than any I could image. I was sure that was true, it already had been for three hours with me on my knees with as many men pissing on me that wanted to. What the night had coming I was unable to guess but John had said that he was going to fuck me and although I had never had anything in my ass I thought it might be just what I needed.

Next: Chapter 2

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