Rediscovering Friendship

By ten.epacsten@asuhtreb

Published on Jul 4, 2001


This story will probably be pretty slow to develop. It's a mixture of reality and what was fantasy on my part. It'll eventually include sex between consenting adult males. If that's offensive, or if it is not legal for you to read it, please don't.

So here I was after school on Tuesday. Lugging around a bunch of books and other stuff. Most of it wasn't even mine, but I didn't mind. My friend Kris was going to be out of school, probably for the rest of the year. It's only the second day after winter break, and I'd just found out that he's had a heart attack over the break. Since Kris and I were in the same homeroom, and our teacher knew we were friends and lived near one another, he'd asked if I'd be able to essentially courier assignments and complete work for Kris. I said I'd be happy to.

This Tuesday would be the first of many such weekdays to come. I'd finish up at school, run around to all of Kris' teachers to see what assignments they had for him, and then I'd head over to his house. His mom was so pleased that I'd agreed to do this that she offered to let me stay for dinner every day. Since my mom already knew about Kris, I called her and asked if it would be alright to have dinner at Kris' house. She said I could, but also said that she didn't want me staying out too late on a school night. I asked her what wouldn't be too late, and she told me I should be home by 10:00 p.m.

The snow had let up from yesterday, but it was still Minnesota, it was January, and it was cold. The kind of cold that goes beyond skin deep and can set your bones to aching. When I finally got to Kris', I was really looking forward to getting indoors.

"Hi, Dan! Come on in out of the cold!" Kris' mom is such a sweetheart.

"Thanks. How's Kris doing today?"

"He's been sleeping quite a bit. But he's doing a little bit better each day."

"Think he's up for some homework?"

"I just don't see that he has any say in the matter. Let's go check on him."

Up the stairs we went, to the room at the end of the hall. A couple of taps on the door and

"Kris...Are you awake? Dan's here with your schoolwork."

A groggy sounding voice responded with "I'm up. Come on in."

"Dan, dinner's at 6:00. I usually make up a plate for Kris. If you'd like, you could join us at the table or take dinner up here."

I hated to think that I'd be chatting away with his mom, dad and brother while he was up here eating all alone.

"If it's OK, I think I'll eat with Kris."

"That'll be fine. See you at six."

The door closed, and I turned to Kris.

"Hey, how's it goin'?"

"I'm pretty sleepy today. There are days like that. Sometimes I'll feel almost like nothing happened and then the next day I'll barely be able to keep my eyes open."

I have to confess that I still felt a little awkward around Kris. To my mind, heart attacks were something that happened to old people, and they killed you. Since Kris was 18, age wasn't really a factor, but he'd been born with a condition that led to the heart attack. While I was thinking along these lines, I think Kris noticed that something was bothering me.

"You OK?"

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine."

"Bull. What's up?"

"I don't know. It's just weird for me to see you like this. I mean, 18 year-olds don't have heart attacks and have to spend weeks or months in bed. Christ, you used to be active in sports. It's just hard to see you like this."

"Well, I won't be this way forever. It'll take time, but the doctors say I should be pretty close to a 100% recovery. In the meantime, I doubt I'll be running any marathons."

That got a grin out of me. For a moment.

"But aren't you scared? You could have died."

"I've been scared. When the heart attack was actually happening, I thought I was going to die. Since then, I've started to look at things differently. The reality is that I've got a condition that can lead to heart attacks. It's treatable with medication, and if that means I need to take a couple of pills every day to stay alive, I can live with that."

"I'm glad. I think you're brave. I'd be scared shitless."

"You don't know that. I hope you never need to find out. And brave? I don't think so. Sometimes I get scared. So afraid of what's ahead that I actually cry."

Whoa. Major image shock here.

"You? Cry?"

"What do you think, I'm a machine? Of course there are times when I cry. If I didn't, I'd probably explode. Enough of this crap. What's on the homework front?"

"Not too much. You're actually a bit lucky, you know. You get the teachers to tell you all the stuff we're doing a week at a time. When you're done, you're done!"

"Great. What sneak peeks do I get today?"

There really wasn't that much to go over. A chapter in English. Some math problems. Other than that, Kris had actually gotten most of his required courses out of the way already. Since the rest of day was filled with elective classes, he wouldn't be overwhelmed with homework.

"Dan, I need to ask you a huge favor."

"You name it."

"You shouldn't say things like that without knowing what you're getting into."

"How bad can it be?"

"Well, here's the deal. I'm not supposed to walk around too much on my own right now. The big problem is when I have to use the bathroom or shower. It's not too much fun having your mom hanging around until you get out of the shower."

"Yeahhhh, so what's the big deal?"

"I'm sure my mom's mentioned to you that I still get pretty weak, right?"


"Well, sometimes I need somebody actually in the room when I shower. If I fell or had another attack, I don't know if I could get out of there." "Yeah?"

"Yeah. I haven't showered in a couple of days, and I'm sure I could use it. I don't want to have to ask my mom, so I was wondering if you could be my `spotter'."

Jiminy Cricket started singing in my head. "When you wish upon a star..." Did Kris have any idea that I was very attracted to him? I didn't think so, but you never know.

"Yeah." Crap, that was probably a little too eager. "Just tell me what you need me to do."

"First, could you go into the second drawer of my dresser and grab some underwear?"

"Yeah, I could."

When I opened the dresser, I noticed that whoever was in charge of underwear purchases must be fanatical. They all looked brand new.

"Anything special?"

"Calvins. White, please."

"You got it. Now what?"

"I need to lean on you to get down the hall. Is that alright?"

"Absolutely." I put the briefs in my back pocket and wandered over to his bed. "Um, as long as you're up, you might want to think about changing the sheets."

"Good idea. Mom! Mom, can you come up here a minute?"

A short time later, there she was, and apron around her waist, and drying her hands on a towel.

"What is it, honey?"

"I'm gonna take a shower, and I was wondering if you could change my sheets for me."

"Sure, I'll get you all set up, and..."

"That's OK, mom. Dan's gonna help me."

"That's a great idea. For both of us, I'm guessing. Sure. You two get out of here, and I'll make up your bed."

"Thanks, mom. Dan, could you come a little closer? I need to be able to reach your shoulder."

"Yep." He threw back his blanket. He was wearing a t-shirt and a pair of cutoff sweatpants. "I think it's about time you decided to do this."

"Hey, you think I don't know I stink? You try lying in bed for days at a time, working up a sweat just to reach a Kleenex!"

"Hey, sorry. I guess I wasn't thinking."

"It's no big deal. It's just that I don't like to rely on people this much."

"It's OK. God, Kris, if you're worried about being a burden, forget about it. If you ask me to do something and I don't want to, you'll know about it."

"Thanks, man. Let get a move on."

I leaned down over him, and he reached up with his right hand and wrapped it around my shoulder. He started to push off the bed and I started to raise up at the same time. When we got him standing, I had to ask "Are you alright? Need to rest?"

"Nope, I'm good. Let's go."

I let him set the pace as we headed out of his room, and took a left turn. The bathroom he shared with his brother was the next door down, and his brother's room was on the other side. There was another big room on this level, a kind of den-living room.

Once we got into the bathroom, I could see that it was a bit of a strain for Kris. His face was pretty red, and there were a few beads of sweat forming on his brow.

"OK, now I need to sit for a minute."

He maneuvered over the closed toilet, I leaned into him and we sat him down.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, just give me a minute."

I saw his mom walking by with an armload of bed linens. "Kris, where did you ever find such a good friend?"

"Homeroom since kindergarten?" he replied.

"Well, actually there was a little break in there when we went to different schools."

"Well, I'm glad you two found each other again."

I think I actually started to blush. "It's nothing, really..."

"Nonsense. You're a good friend."


Off she went with the laundry.

"Wanna close the door now?"


"Well, I think I'm ready."

He peeled off his t-shirt. I threw it in the hamper. Next came the shorts, leaving him in just his briefs. He was beautiful. About 5 feet, 8 inches tall, a thin build with well defined abs. I'd seen him in the showers at school, but since I seemed to get excited looking at other guys, I tried really hard to not stare.

"No reason to be shy, right?"

"No, I don't think you have anything to worry about."

One of the things that really gets me hot is a guy in his underwear. Since I really like Kris, and how he looked, I started to get hard when he stood up in just his Calvins. When he reached down and slid them off, I think I stopped breathing.

He slid back the shower curtain and stepped in. In a second, the water was running. I picked up his briefs and put them in the hamper. I thought I'd better stay in case anything happened while Kris was in the shower. It'd be tough to explain a hardon if he spotted it when he came out.

The water stopped running.

"Hey, can you grab me a towel? They're in the cabinet." I got a nice, big fluffy white towel for him. He slid back the shower curtain and held out his hand. I gave him the towel, and he started to dry off. When he had the towel wrapped around his waist, he stepped out of the shower and walked to the sink. There was a mirror over it, and he gave himself a good long look. "Guess I could use a shave, too."

When he reached up to the medicine cabinet, something happened, and he fell forward and down. If the sink hadn't been there, I think he would have fallen to the floor.

"Kris! Are you alright?" I ran up behind him and hoisted him up a little. He was still a little damp and smelled of Dial soap. My hands were up under his arms, and was leaning back into me. I finally got him upright and set him on the toilet again.

"I guess the shave'll have to wait."

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, still kind of weak, though. The doctors told me not to rush things. I guess this is why."

"Let's get you back to your room."

"Um, I'd rather not in a towel."

"OK, OK."

I reached into my back pocket and pulled out his clean briefs. "Here."

He pulled off the towel without too much trouble, but when he leaned forward to put on his briefs, I could see it was a bit of a struggle for him.

"A little help, man?"

I took the briefs from him. I then raised his left foot a little bit and slid it through, then his right. When I got both legs through, I started to slide the briefs up his legs. It put me in an interesting position, since I was leaning over him. When I got the briefs up to his thighs, I noticed that his dick was bit fuller than it had been. When the briefs were approaching his waist, he lifted his butt a little. I got them all the way up.

"Want your shorts?"

"No, those can go in the hamper, too." That's where I put them.

"Ready to get going?"

"I think so."

I leaned over him again, put my hands under his armpits, and leaned back while he stood up. When he was upright, he leaned forward just a bit, and kissed me full on the lips.

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Next: Chapter 4

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