Revenge of a Disrobed Pal

By Sameer N

Published on Apr 5, 2007


This story in not completely fictional. It has been embellished to protect names and the place where it took place.

It was one of those lazy summer afternoons. It had only been a week since I returned college for the summer vacation. And I was already getting bored. Atul and I had just wrapped up playing cricket and we had just begun catching up on the happenings in the town. It had been a while since I'd been in his room and it took me some time to adjust to the fact that, this guy who I'd been with since he was 6 year old, had now grown into a fairly tall handsome guy just shy of 18. The difference between us was just 2 years, but we were around the same average Indian height of 5'6". We were in the middle of the conversation, when he had abruptly declared "Hey I think I'll take a quick bath. Let's meet at your house and continue talking".

I was a caught a bit off guard. I recollected myself and gradually stood up. "OK" I said and then began to leave. I felt a bit awkward hanging around while he was in the shower. Not that, thinking about him being naked, had never crossed my mind. But leave I did.

I didn't need directions out of his house and our homes were divided by a wall. The minute I reached my door, the big golden lock brought me to my senses all over again. Shoot...the key. I'd left it in his room. Luckily, the door to his home was still open, so I headed directly for his room. I almost froze when I saw his bathroom door wide open. The shower was running but all my illusions of getting a glance of his nakedness were snuffed out when I saw him, all wrapped up in a towel, searching for what turned out to be his underwear and T-Shirt.

My eyes might have been bulging out and he might have sensed something going on in my mind. Something? Well there was a storm! I sort of half stuttered , half muttered .. "I....came to get my where the heck did I leave it..". Then I heard him ... "Is it this one?" He was holding the key, but what my eyes feasted on, was the underwear that he was clutching millimeters away from the key he was holding. "aaah right..." I think I said and almost snatched the key ... unconsciously brushing the underwear as I retrieved it.

"What, you never saw an underwear in college?" Wait a minute! Had I just heard him say that? Shoot. no surprise. My eyes had really never left his underwear.

I'd done this a million times....ever since I remember ... and he had done it too... since we were in what...even 3rd or 4th grade? But this one went really wrong. There was never a real good reason or rule for doing it, but another way of achieving the same result would have been to say "Are you crazy? Who the heck do you think you are?"

But instead of using words, once in a while, I would circle my arms around his hips and lift him a good 4 inches off the ground. And on many occasions he would do the same. Well, don't know if I was off balance (physically as much as mentally) or whether I tripped on something, but the next thing I know, is of the towel sliding off his waist.... me and him racing to retrieve his dignity.... and then our toppling over in slow motion. The next few seconds were a blur. I do not recall exactly how or where, but my nails sure felt like they dug into some of his skin. The end state was pitiful. My face was on his right thigh, his entire groin in plain view. It might have been microseconds, but that part got etched into my brain like a full 4 hour classic movie.

He had a LOTof pubic hair almost as much as I did. His penis was uncut. Not surprising since both of us were Hindus. I was glad that it was not larger than mine, but of course it was shriveled up because of all the commotion that had just occurred. Still it was under 4 inches. The trunk of the penis itself was nothing to boast. Although the head was a nice bulb easily 1 and 1/2 inches thick even though it was flaccid. I managed to let my eyes travel a bit down to the opening in the foreskin that revealed only a hint of the pink lips of his pee slit. BUT ... then I saw it. Just under the bulge of the vein on his penis, little drops of blood were slowly beginning to form. "Hell, you're bleed...". Before I could finish, it was more like a slap .... "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE" he had screamed almost at the top of his lungs.

My exit from his house was quick and quiet. I thought this was the last I'd see of him for the rest of the vacation. It's not like we had never fought before. And it's not like we had never seen each others dicks. Well correction. He had once seen mine when I was a kid in 5th grade, a kid that had forgotten to wear underwear that day. Of course it displayed itself unceremoniously out of the sleeves of my shorts...but he was quick to point it out and poke fun of me for weeks that I never wore underwear. The silver line in this cloud had been that it never went beyond the two of us (at least as far as I know) and it was never brought up again.

I had just washed up and had put on my jeans and shirt on when I heard the knocking on the door. It was the back door. And that unmistakably meant it was Atul. I opened the door, hoping to see him with that weird smile on that face...what I call the "underwear smile". But he turned out much more serious. "You pulled it off by purpose!" Those were his first words.

"Oh come on! You're mad."

"Yeah all that about losing your key.... you did that on purpose too..right?"

I knew he was getting real angry. I'd seen the look on his face. If this were 5 years ago, he'd have been saying "It's not fair". But he didn't say it now.

"OK Atul. See. I'm really sorry. You know that I tripped while lifting you up....really!" ... but there was no change in his expression.... "Oh come on! If I'd wanted to, I'd have just pulled the towel off"

"Don't bullshit me" was his retort.

The words I probably should never have uttered..."OK what can I do now?".

And the words that I never expected to ever hear him say ... but every word fell on my ears like a coin on a polished floor...making a million echoes of it in my brain... "You have to become naked"


"You have to take off all your clothes" The whole of the days happenings up until this moment had had little effect on my groin. But now I could feel something stirring under my jeans and before I could speak it was not just was straining.

"Atul, it was a mistake. How can making me take off all my clothes be equal to making a mistake?"

"It is fair"

"What's next? OK I touched your groin...wait... I actually scratched you know, are you planning to make that even too?" ... I was hoping he would make a mad dash for the opportunity I was practically laying down on a silver platter.

"Or are you going to whip me because I made IT bleed?" ... I was 20 and still couldn't get my self to say "penis" around him.... But for me...this was a God given moment that was tailored into my destiny....and I was not planning on diluting it with a simple `dropping of my pants'....although I was ok even if it just ended there.

I saw that look in his was the look of embarrassment. For the first time, he looked down.

Shoot. I had gone too far. And now he was abandoning the whole idea of getting even.

"It's fair." ...almost took years to say it, but he finally did.

Now, I did not know what part of the deal was fair in his mind yet. Just naked OR Naked and the scratch OR naked and whipping. But knowing Atul, I knew that he would probably settle for something I was making up all kind of mad plans in my brain.

In most of our petty disputes, we'd always make all kinds of complicated rules that gave the solution the appearance of fairness. And he was a hawk to make sure that every rule was stuck to. "OK... but there are rules..." I voice had a nervous ring in it.... "Like what?"

I was quick... "1. You can't tell anyone. 2. You can't keep me indefinitely naked. I'll give you exactly half an hour. 3. If someone rings the bell, you must allow me to dress up ....and you can't make me wait."

"Wait..." he had found a loop hole..."What if someone comes before the half hour finishes"

"Atul, let's be fair"

"OK...then you'll have to finish the half hour on another day"....

Man! Did he have any idea how long that was....and what would he be doing staring at my nakedness for a whole half hour...I had to give him something to use it up.

"OK deal....but there are more rules"

"Too many rules, man..."...he interrupted...

I hated it when he did those kind of things....and I saw my chance slipping away. Unless he allowed me to continue, I could bet that this whole affair of stripping would last under 5 minutes.

"This is important!" I was almost raising my voice. Almost like I was the master and he was the slave being punished. Actually, I was desperate.

"I know I scratched you THERE, but you cannot make me bleed anywhere."....I could see he was beginning to say I butted in again .. "Instead"...and I let it hang for just a second...before continuing..."you can whip me with a belt as many times as you want"...again he was beginning to say something....but I cut him out again ...."The only thing is"...again I was paused and saw that he was getting impatient ..."you cannot hit me anywhere where people can see marks".

Wow...I never thought he would allow me to finish.

"But..."...he began. Then he stopped. Did he just accept?

Not really. "Any number of times?". I had almost forgotten the context of what he was saying...then I remembered.

"Yes any number of times...ok...wait...50". God knows why I came to any number. It could have been 75 or 20 .. it did not matter. I think I settled on some number just to make him comfortable .. may be. Just the way he had asked had the ring of doubt.

He hadn't finished asking for clarifications..."What do you mean ^Ö where no one can see marks?"

For the first time I thought him to be dumb. "If you hit me on my arms or back or legs...or face.. people can see right?"

"Oh .. I see"...he paused ...then ... " so I can use the belt on your bum..." he was clearly shy...but then he stunned me..." I can hit your number 1, right?"

OK. He too could not get himself to say "penis". I put up an appearance to think. Then I said, "But you can't hit me on my balls" Then I added and I still can't believe how far I was going..."And you cannot poke me with anything sharp that will make me bleed. You can hit me with any blunt thing." I had not make any references to anal penetration...but there it was ... all the right words in the right sequence.

"I got it" was all he could get himself to say.

Then he was quick...even the look was like that of someone having control. Cause all this while it looked like I was controlling my own destiny.

"Where can we begin?" He wasn't even referring to `when'. He wanted to start now.

"In my bedroom. My mom will come in at 6. So we have 3 hours.....but you get only half." I said in a timid tone.

... to be continued ...

Next: Chapter 2

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