Riley's Journey: Unexpected Encounter

By Cameron Adams

Published on Aug 9, 2011



Before we start, this story is a complete work of fiction. Any names made up have been concocted randomly and any resemblance to real life people is a mere coincidence. This story does involve sexual details of teenage males, so if you don't like it then please don't read it. You can email me with any feedback here:

This is the first story I've attempted to write. Thankyou for reading, I hope you enjoy it. _____________________________________________________________________________

Riley's Journey

I'd brought his favourite flowers. White lilies. He always said they smelt like sunshine. Everybody thought he was the class-clown; the joker, but I knew that deep down he was the most sensitive person I'd ever had the pleasure of meeting.

He was with his girlfriend at the time. She was a year younger than him and a senior in high school. She told me it all happened so fast. One minute he was there, the next he was flung 50 foot by a Mazda RX8. He saved her life. Pushed her out of the way. And now we all had to live with the shocking reality.

I placed the flowers on the bank at the side of the road. It was just outside of our small town, and it resembled that of a country road. There was a field on one side and a row of houses on the other.

I sat at the side of the road and cried. Like I did every year. My Brother knew that I was gay and accepted it with open arms. My parents, however, would never react the way that Zach did. My parents were extremely religious and the word 'gay' did not exist in their vocabulary. It was never mentioned, never brought up, the topic was forbidden. If there was a show on that involved gay people, a sound of disgust would emanate from their lungs and the channel would be changed and that would be that.

I remember once, before Zach died, I must have been about 12. We were walking through town and there was a lesbian couple stood at the bus stop. They looked alike, they both had blonde hair that was about shoulder length, and they were both wearing plaid shirts and skinny jeans. They stuck out like a sore thumb, and the first thing I noticed was that they were holding hands. I thought it was cute, but my father turned to me and said, "Riley. You see that? They are the reason that our planet is corrupted. They are Satan." He said those words with such hate; with such disgust.

I should probably explain a little about myself. My name is Riley. Riley Archel. I'm about 5"10, blue eyes, blonde hair, the 'perfect' boy I suppose. I play lacrosse for my school. I started playing lacrosse when I was 12, it was my way of dealing with the anger of my brother's death. My parents never spoke about it at home; it was as if he didn't exist. From all the years of playing, I suppose I'm what girls would call "fit". Not that I'm interested in any of them. I dated my best friend, Lexi Harvey, when I was 15 before we were best friends. We never even kissed. We only dated for a week but I broke it off because I knew that she'd get too invested in me and I could never return the feelings. 3 months later, and we both confessed to each other that we were gay. It was quite ironic, really. I mean whenever people think of gay people, they think of a feminine guy and a butch girl. Lexi was drop dead gorgeous. Her figure was flawless, her hair was fabulous, and she was the nicest girl that you could ever meet. She was also very popular, as was I. That's the main reason we dated. She was the head of the cheerleading team and I was the captain of the lacrosse team. It was kind of a law at our school. Something to do with cliques, I don't know. I've never understood the high school social ladder.

In my junior year, I had my first real crush. He was a junior too, and he was on the soccer team. His name was Adam Monroe. He was the most beautiful being that I had ever set my eyes on. He was about 5"9, with brown eyes and hazel hair and a smile that would make anybody, girl or boy, go weak at the knees. I tried for most of the year to start a conversation with him but it always ended up with me stuttering and him staring weirdly at me before I made some stupid excuse and made my quick escape. There were rumours about him. Rumours that he'd fooled around with guys before, but I refused to believe them. Getting my hopes up always ended in heartbreak.

There was one day though... where it was impossible to avoid him. You see, he was not only on the soccer team, he was the captain. On this particular day, the Soccer and Lacrosse team shared the same slot for after school practice. The whole time we were playing, I'd always steal glances to watch him, and by God was he majestic and beautiful. The way he weaved the ball in and out of the players was like he was drawing art on the school field.

So after practice, I decided to be the one to pack all of the gear back into the store cupboard. It just so happened that on this day, Adam too decided to pack the soccer gear away. Skipping the awkward glances that I'd steal as he bent over to pick the stuff up, by the time we'd been to the store cupboard and made it to the changing rooms, it was empty. We were the only ones left and the janitor didn't lock up until 7pm. It was 6pm.

By complete coincidence, it turned out that Adam's spot to get changed was directly opposite me, giving me the perfect view of his bubble butt. (Okay, so it totally wasn't a coincidence. I picked this spot as soon as I noticed that Adam got changed in the same place after every practice). He bent down to take off his shorts, peeled his shirt and vest off and was stood there in only his jockstrap. I was in awe at the perfection of his body. The way his muscles were sculpted and how they clung to his body. The light frosting of hair on his skin made him look slightly older than he was, but it was the sexiest thing I'd ever seen in my life. He had a treasure trail stretching from his belly button down his Adonis body and towards his 'treasure'. I could only imagine what was held within that jockstrap.

Noticing that I was spending far too much time staring and far too little time getting changed, I started to strip off my clothes too. Now, it hasn't ever been mandatory in our school to shower after practice, and many people didn't, but I'd always been one of the only ones who ever did. Each shower stall was separate anyway, and I wouldn't have cared if they were communal showers. I was comfortable in my own body (but I wasn't sure if I would be able to suppress a boner looking at all of the hot bodies).

I grabbed the towel from my locker and wrapped it around my waist, and dropped my jock to the floor. I turned, gave Adam a slight smile, and made my way to the shower room. It was hard (no pun intended) not to get an erection, but I tried my best to push it down.

I jumped in the shower and turned it up high. I liked my showers hot. Steaming hot. There's no point in having a cold shower, it defeats the purpose of opening up the pores. Ideally, a sauna would be great but the school didn't have the funds, so whatever. I closed the curtain behind me, and started soaking under the hot jets of water. As always with my after practice showers, I started to sing. This time it was "Talking to the moon" by Bruno Mars, with all of the harmonies. I prized myself on my voice almost as much as my sporting talent. I'd been a part of the choir for a couple years, and we'd won a few awards. I thought people would give me shit for it but they were cool with it. I also thought it would make people suspect my sexuality, but who would doubt the captain of the lacrosse team when he said he was straight? Nobody.

"Nice voice. You can really sing." I heard somebody say from the cubicle next to me. I hadn't even noticed that the shower neighboured to me had started going.

"Err, thanks", I mumbled, stopping my singing.

"No, it's cool. You can carry on, I like that song. And your voice is pretty sexy too."

"Excuse me?", I coughed. I was completely taken by surprise. Sure, I'd been hit on by many a girl, but this was the first guy that had come on to me.

"You heard what I said." He was cocky, and I could almost hear the cocky smile on his face.

"So, Adam right?" I stuttered.

"Sure thing. Hey dude, mind if I join you in there? It's a bit lonely in here."

As those words passed his lips, I just about choked on the air that I was breathing. Before I could reply, the curtain to my stall was opening and the next minute this gorgeous guy was stood beside me.

"Hi", he whispered sexily.

"Hi...", I stuttered, "Y'know, I don't actually know what's happening right now. Is this a joke or something?"

"Oh, it's no joke, Riley. Don't think I haven't noticed you staring at me. It makes me horny thinking about you thinking about me. Just relax..."

And then he kissed me. His lips were hot like lava, but soothing at the same time. I opened my mouth and let his tongue invaded it, and our tongues battled in our mouths. His hand reached behind my neck, tilting my head to the side. His other hand roamed my chest, feeling my pecs, and squeezing my nipples. It went further down until it reached my belly button.

I glanced down for a moment, without breaking the perfect kiss, and realised that we were both hard as hell. He was longer than me. His was about 7" and mine was about 6.5". His purple head throbbed as the water from the shower hit it, and the vein running up the side seemed to pulse with blood. His foreskin was retracted over the head, and his balls hung underneath. Almost clutching to his skin.

I took the opportunity of the moment, and grabbed his dick with one hand. He moaned into my mouth and I bit his lip slightly. I broke the kiss for the first time, and brought my mouth to his nipple. I sucked on it and squeezed it gently as I tossed him off with my other hand. I brought my head back up to his mouth, slowly kissing my way up his body, and restarted the kiss. We had the perfect rhythm going, and he grinded his hips against mine, rubbing our dicks together.

I was leaking precum everywhere, and he was eyeing my dick up like it was an expensive piece of jewellery.

He broke the kiss again, and the words that escaped his lips made me melt.

"I want you in my mouth..."

He slowly descended towards my dick, never breaking eye contact with me. He licked his way down my torso and down my stomach. He reached my pubes and nuzzled his face in them, licking the skin beneath them. He reached my manhood, and looked at it, as if inspecting it. His eyes looked up and he made an approving nod.

He took one of my balls in his mouth to start, swilling it around his mouth and sucking on it hard. It was the best sensation I'd ever felt in my life. He brought his mouth to the tip of my dick and licked the head ever so slightly.

"Please...", I whispered. "Please just suck it."

"As you wish", he smiled.

And then he opened his mouth, almost swallowing it whole. His tongue flicked over the slit and under my foreskin. He bobbed up and down on it like he as a pro, for all I knew he was. He pushed it all the way to the bottom of his throat and starting making a swallowing movement, and my dick felt like it was in a velvet heaven. The pressure from the back of his throat added to the movement of his mouth sent me over the edge.

"I'm gonna... I'm gonna cum", I sighed, afraid to be heard.

He lifted his mouth to the end of my dick, right on the most sensitive part. He started sucking like he was on a mission. His tongue flicked and swished in a particular rhythm, twice fast and then once slow. I groaned as I felt the build up coming. The noises escaping my mouth were animalistic, lust-filled, and he loved every single one of them.

With one last moan, I came in his mouth. It started to drip down the side of his mouth, and he swallowed most of it. He stood up, took the bit of cum from the side of his mouth onto his finger, and raised it to my lips. I parted them slightly and tasted my own jizz. And I liked it.

"Thanks for that", he said, "I needed a pick-me-up."

"W-What?" I stammered, unsure of what I heard.

"My girlfriend just dumped me; I just needed some hot heated sex. Thanks dude, I really appreciate it."

And with that Adam left the stall. Those were the last words he spoke to me and the last time we ever spoke. It took me a while to get over him. But not a month after his little blowjob performance, he was boasting about fucking some big-titted girl at a college party and that they were dating now. He gave me a small wink when he was telling everyone.

Although the experience was fucking amazing, it helped me realise that I needed more than just a quick meaningless fuck. I was ready to start a relationship with somebody; to find somebody that I truly loved and that loved me.

Junior year passed relatively un-interestingly, and before I knew it I was starting my senior year. That was the year that he transferred. I saw him on my first day back. The most perfect boy I'd ever seen in my life. His name was Tucker. Tucker Black.

I hope you liked the first instalment of the story. It was just something I came up with really quickly in about an hour, so it's not polished off very well. It was just supposed to be the quick, sloppy opening to a story I've been wanting to write for a while. Let me know what you think about it!

You can email me here:

I'd really appreciate some advice on the story and some reviews. This is the first time I've ever written anything this sexy before! I'm not really sure how I conveyed everything in this story so any feedback on my writing style would also be appreciated. Criticisms and compliments guys! :)

Thanks again for reading guys!


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