Rise of the Tower

By Jelly Muffin

Published on Sep 28, 2024


Rise of the Tower 6



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"You with me Nathan?" asked The Tower as he stood in a large dimly lit room.

"In it to win it," replied his sidekick beside him, cocking his guns. "Where are we Big Guy?"

Moments before, the pair had been in Their Doctor's bright laboratory.

Now however the two were in another world entirely.

"Not sure, Little Buddy... but I think there's something wrong with the floor..."

It was sticky.

Every square foot of it was covered in a mysterious substance nearly an inch deep!

"Maybe we aren't in the right place," continued the huge giant as he peered into the darkness.

"Tower," whispered his lithe soldier friend. "There's someone over there."

Sure enough, half way across the room, a solitary figure was laying on their back across the floor.

Naked and glistening in the black.

As the duo slowly approached the man, they could see he was moving.

Rubbing his shiny bare flesh with whatever liquid had somehow flooded the room.

"It's you Tower!" said Nathan, the breath taken from his chest. "It's him! The Dome!"

The heroes had come here to save the man.

Save him, and end the broadcast that was leaking into all nearby dimensions, including their own.

Staring intently at the muscular naked, cum drenched body of The Tower's alter ego, Nathan Quick had more relevations to discover.

"They really did take his tower, Tower...." said the boy in disbelief. "But what the hell is that in its place?"

The Tower also loomed over his obliviously masturbating other self, trying to discern that odd indentation on the man's crotch.

"I'm not sure Nathan..."

"It looks like another butt?" said the lad, still confused. "Why would they give him another butt!? Kinky bastards!"

Finally, seeing the pair standing over him, The Dome's eyes went wide, recognizing his own face!

It took the horny man awhile to process what it meant. Still too hoarse to talk however, he could only gesture at the cameras on the side of the room.

The heroic rescuers turned to see the blinking lights, which had been recording their arrival.


But it was too late!

Klaxons filled the air!

"We've got incoming Nathan!"

Within seconds, soldiers were streaming into the underground room, bullets flying!

The sidekick dived out of the way.

The Tower... charged!

Barreling into his foes like a bull, the gargantuan stud knocked his armored enemies aside as if they weighed nothing, flinging their limp forms clear across the room to impact heavily against the far walls!

Bullets ricocheted harmlessly off his handsome furry frame, shredding only the hunk's clothes, as The Tower tore through any and all that stood in his way.

The man was a beast!

A whirlwind of violence and mayhem!

A concussion blast personified itself!

The still standing soldiers started to flee!

But were meant by a hailstorm of fire from the ends of Nathan Quick's uzis.

The acrobatic gunslinger continued his constant stream of metallic death all the way through a series of dizzying somersaults and backflips, never letting any return fire ever find its mark.

When the boy finally landed his floor routine, the room was now silent, his hero breathing heavily beside him. Every last enemy lay incapacitated on the floor of the cum soaked room around them both.

"That was fun," panted the sidekick.

"Definitely," agreed The Tower, his huge chest rising and falling for air.

More klaxons, however, ended their brief respite.

Hatches in the ceiling flew open, and soldiers once again started to fill the room, sliding down long black ropes to land all around the pair.

"Time for some Disco?" yelled his best friend, once again dodging out of the way of harm to begin another set of deadly twists and twirls.

"Fine!" sighed the hero. If he must!

The giant then began to thrust his muscular hips, sauntering toward his enemies in a dance to music only he could hear, all without raising his fists in violence even once.

Stunned by The Tower's bizarre behavior, his enemies eventually just stood still in their tracks to watch. When the huge man had finally reached the center of their group, shaking it the whole time, he once again called out to Nathan.

"But why do I always have to be the ball?"

The lad then erupted with fire aimed directly as his hero, as the man continued to dance oblivious to it all. Ricocheting off his flesh harmlessly, the bullets found their second targets expertly, downing the enemy soldiers scattered throughout the room as The Tower undulated his hips to their doom!

Once more the room fell silent.

Once more their foes lay felled beside them.

"There better not be too many more," said Nathan Quick winded. "I might start to get tired."

"You baby," winked The Tower at him.

More klaxons.

"I'm going to need to exit Stage Left here Big Guy!" said the sidekick as once more a battallion began to storm their location.

"One door, coming up!" replied the hero as he bolted toward a nearby wall, using every last one of his muscles in awesome coordination to heave himself through the barrier without breaking a sweat.

The boy was through the hole in a flash, while The Tower returned to the center of the battlefield.

"Hold the fort while I'm gone!" called out Nathan as he darted down the adjacent hallway.

"What else would a Tower do?" said the hero, grinning.

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