Robotic Balls

By Anthony Writer

Published on Aug 12, 2023


It had been almost a year since John had been disabled in the war. A stray piece of shrapnel had damaged his spinal cord, partly paralyzing him from the waist down. He had some feeling in his legs, and a good amount of feeling in his dick, but no ability to move, get hard, or cum. With the help of therapists, the gym, and some tens units his entire body was in great shape, but he wanted to move beyond just playing with himself and his gf and actually produce some cum to open up the possibility of a family. John had tried several clinics on the outside, but after none of them could help decided to take the advice of one urologist and contact the military, specifically a robotic urology group of some kind.

John figured he didn't have much to loose, so he sent in a letter to this group. To his surprise, three days later he got a response instructing him to report to a nearby military base for a treatment session. He wasted no time scheduling an appointment and seeing the doctor. He was surprised when the day before his appointment he got a call saying his records had been reviewed, and he should plan on a two hour visit during which his semen would be harvested through a surrogate procedure.

The next day John reported to the base and wheeled himself to the doctor's office for the appointment. He was met at the door by a male nurse, who recognized him and brought him inside to an exam room. The nurse helped him out of his clothes and onto a gurney. Once his muscular, naked body was comfortably arranged on the gurney, the nurse took his vital signs, began an IV infusion and fitted John with a gas mask. As the gas anesthesia began to take effect the nurse proceeded to carefully shave all John's pubic hair, finishing with a thorough application of disinfectants. Just as the nurse was wiping John's smooth scrotum with betadine a doctor entered the room.

"Hi John. I've reviewed your records and am happy to say we can help you. On this base many of the soldiers have participated in a research program where their normal testes have been replaced with cybernetic versions. Since they no longer produce their own sperm, they're very well suited to help activate your testicles and combine your sperm with the required fluids to create viable ejaculate. All of the soldiers are completely disease free."

"The procedure will take about two hours. Seven soldiers have volunteered to assist you in this. Six of them will provide growth factors for your testes, and the seventh will process your sperm using his own genital systems. All of the men will be in the treatment room with you. You'll feel some mild pain and pleasure during the procedure, as will the other soldiers. They're all proud to be able to help you out today. Now the nurse will wheel you to the treatment room and we'll get started."

The doctor turned and left the room. John was too sedated to respond to what was happening, and barely noticed being wheeled out of the room naked. The nurse wheeled John down the hall into the treatment room and moved John's gurney into position.

The treatment room was more like a ward than a normal treatment room. Along one wall were six beds, and centered along the opposite wall was one bed and John's gurney. Each of the beds contained a muscular soldier, and each soldier was tied to the bed and fitted with a gas mask. Each of the six beds along the wall were fitted with a small machine. The six small machines were connected via tubes to a large machine situated between John and the remaining soldier.

The nurse left John's bed and moved to the first of the six men. With practiced precision, the nurse sterilized the soldier's penis, injected some sterile lube, then inserted an electrode catheter deep into the soldier's cock. As the catheter passed into the man's body, John could hear a moan escape from the soldier's gas mask. Once the nurse was satisfied the catheter was in place, the nurse proceeded to the next soldier. Within 15 minutes the nurse had catheterized each of the six men, and via the catheters the men were now connected to the machine next to John.

The doctor then entered the treatment room and moved to John's midsection. The doctor had donned surgical clothing, and proceeded to make an incision in John's shaved scrotum. The doctor first connected two output tubes from the machine directly into John's testicles, then two return tubes into the cords connecting the testicles to John's body, and finally connected internal electrodes to John's testicles. The doc proceeded to partially close the incision, then inserted a needle into the base of John's scrotum and connected the final hose to the machine.

The doctor then turned to the man next to John. Just as he had done with John, the doctor began by making an incision in the man's scrotum. Unlike John, only two feed tubes were connected to the man's cybernetic testicles. The doctor closed the incision, but continued to work on the man's genitals. The doctor took a strange split catheter and fed it directly down the man's penis. As this happened John could look over and see the man tremble as the thick probe penetrated the thick penis. The man's body convulsed and jumped from the table as the probe seemed to latch on to the inside of the man's cock.

The doctor then flipped a few switches on the central machine then turned to John. "Ok John, I've begun the sequence. It will take awhile to complete. First, the six men will charge your scrotum. Then the six men will go through another cycle to charge your testicles. During that time you'll feel some discomfort as your testicles are injected. Finally an orgasm will be induced in the man next to you, and he'll combine your sperm with his fluids in his prostate, yielding a viable load of cum for you. Just lay back and enjoy the ride."

As the doctor turned and left the room, John noticed that the first of the six soldiers had started to moan and thrash around on the bed. The catheter had begun it's work in the man's cock, and the gas mask had begun to administer the key ingredients in poppers to increase blood flow in the soldier's body. As his body started to sweat John could see the man's nipples become erect, his testicles pulled up to his body, his torso broke out in a deep red flush, and only five minutes after the stimulation sequence started, the man let out a scream of pleasure and came in what must have been a gusher had a catheter not been in his cock.

John was amazed by the strength of this soldier's orgasm - it was better than porn! John almost forgot that he was in a hospital when he noticed the machine next to him come to life, and then felt his scrotum being injected with something. The nurse must have noticed the look of horror on his face, because he turned to John and said:

"Don't worry - the machine extracts just the proteins and chemicals needed to stimulate your genitals. It's perfectly safe."

As soon as John felt the injection stop, he noticed the second of the six men start to move around under the influence of his electro catheter. The man underwent the same series of changes, with the same result. This sequence repeated with each of the men, and at the end John was surprised at how large his sack looked with the output of the men inside.

The sequence now returned to the first of the six men. John immediately noticed that something was different. Instead of pure pleasure, it was clear the electrode was creating jolts of pain in the soldier. The soldier's body jerked violently on the bed, and it almost seemed that the catheter had a life of it's own and was trying to impale the man by burrowing into the man's dick. With a huge yell (more like a scream), the man appeared to have some kind of climax, and then slumped back onto the bed. The machine clearly was done with him.

John started in shock and didn't notice the machine next to him activating. Instead of a gentle charging of John's scrotum, the machine forced stimulants extracted from the soldier deep into John's testicles. It felt like spikes were being driven into the center of his nuts, and for the first (but not last) time John yelled out in a mix of pleasure and pain.

The machines continued down the line of men, harvesting them and injecting John with the results. Each injection seemed as painful as the first, and by the time the sixth man had collapsed onto his bed, John's whole body was flushed and sweating from the treatment.

Now the machine visibly switched gears. John heard a gasp from the table next to him, and noticed that the muscular man was being aroused by the monster probe in his cock. As the man started to moan and sweat in the bed next to him, John was surprised to feel the stirrings of an orgasm in his own body. It had been before his accident when John last felt anything like this. He felt his body going through the familiar ramp up to orgasm, but just as he felt like he was going to cum, the electrodes in his scrotum changed pitch, and John felt like he was cumming and like his nuts were being squeezed dry at the same time. The sensations almost made John pass out.

On the table next to him, the soldier began to reach orgasm a split second after John. The machine timed the man's orgasm perfectly, and the first of John's extracted sperm reached the cybernetic testicles just as the soldier reached orgasm. As the soldier's orgasm began, the thick catheter engaged and began forcefully extracting the soldier's ejaculate as it mixed with John's sperm. The soldier initially enjoyed the sensations of orgasm, but as the catheter came to life in his dick and prostate the man began to yell as his urethra was massaged, milked and bruised by the moving raspy surface of the catheter. In a daze of pleasure and pain, he watched as the machines harvested the combined effort of the 8 men into a small vial. As the last of his ejaculate left his cock, the machines relented and allowed the sweating, spent soldier to collapse back onto the treatment bed.

The nurse quickly removed the vial and put it into cryo storage for John's future use. As the nurse finished with the vial, the doctor returned and proceeded to disconnect the men's scrotums from the machine. John was wheeled out of the room as the doctor moved to the soldiers to supervise their recovery.

Back in the exam room, the nurse cleaned John up, made sure bandages were in place for the incision, then helped an exhausted John back into his wheelchair. The nurse told John that the procedure had been a success, and that the vial would be available for John whenever he needed it.

John returned home, and eventually was married and had three strong sons. They were very much their father's sons, and everyone remarked on how much they resembled John. Somehow they seemed stronger than John remembered himself at their ages, but he just chalked that up to his parenting. Sometimes at night John would think about the treatment and the help those 7 men had given him, and wonder what it would be like if that technology could be used to help him orgasm just for fun, but never managed to get up the nerve to call the facility again.

Next: Chapter 2

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