Roommate's Bitch

By Jeff Thompson

Published on Oct 28, 2023


Roommate's Bitch - Part 3

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After I was all cleaned up, I went back out to the living room. Jordan and Davis were talking about what they'd done over the weekend. Davis kinda looked at me strange again, but I'm guessing I was just being paranoid. We all sat there and talked for a bit, Davis went back to bed, he'd just come out to get a bottle of water. Jordan said he was going to finish up some work to get caught up and head to bed. "You did good today, not as good as my step brother, but damn good. You'll get there. I'll see you in the morning," he told me. I'm wondering if that means I'll be sucking his cock again in the morning? I love sex, but damn, I'm 52, I'm not used to this much sex. I headed to bed, to make sure I got a good nights sleep.

I awoke the next morning, ready to head out to do my deliveries. I'd had breakfast, done a bit of cleaning that I was too tired to finish up the night before and was watching the morning news. Davis got up, grabbed a microwave breakfast sandwich, telling me to have a good day and was out the door. I knew it wouldn't be much longer than Jordan would be heading out. It was about 8:20, he had to be to work at 9, so I was wondering if he'd be needing anything this morning. At 8:45, I hear "FUCK!" Uh oh, he must have overslept. "Bitch, get your faggot ass in here," he commanded. I ran to his door, knocked and opened it. "I fucking overslept, I don't even have time to take a shower. He stood there by his bed, buck ass naked in all his glory. "Give me a quick tongue bath, lick me everywhere I stink, starting with my feet."

"Yes Sir," I said as I dropped to my knees at his feet. He sat down on the bed. I grabbed his left foot, licking the top of his foot, then around his ankle, then the sole of his foot. Dropping the left, I picked up his right foot, and proceeded to do the same, then started licking up his leg. All of a sudden, I got a right kick lightly to the side of my head.

"What about my toes? They stink too, stupid bitch," he admonished me. I quickly sucked each toe, licking if off to make sure that it was as clean as I could in the limited time we had. After finishing both feet, I went up the front of his left leg, then the right leg. Then I raised the right up high and licked my way up to his ass cheek, paying special attention for a moment to the crease on the back of his knee. Again, repeating with the left leg. Since his left let was already raised, I slightly moved him to his right side and dove into his asscrack, making sure his hole and crack were clean. Luckily, there was just some sweat, nothing too funky. I laid him back down, flipped him over and licked up his back, the back of his neck and around his ears. I rolled him over onto his back again, licking his face, down his neck. Then I dove into his pits, which were really ripe. I don't really get off on mansmells, but if I did, I'd have probably shot a load right there. I found out though, his nipples are really sensitive. He got hard and gave a slight moan when I started licking them. He just lay there smiling. I worked my way down, licking out this 'Innie' belly button, and down to my new obsession, his family jewels, his cock and balls. I sucked his pubes clean, licked all sound, the crease between his legs and his genital area, the balls, his taint and then the prize itself, his big hard cock. I quickly licked it like a lollipop, placing the head in my mouth. I could still faintly taste a bit of his cum from last night still on his cock. He was hard, so I started working his cock, but he pushed me off himself, jumping up to get dressed. "From now on, I want you in my room at 8am, waking me up with a blowjob or asslick, I'll let you choose. It will be a quickie, so I have time for a proper shower. See you tonight, cocksucker."

"Ok, thank you, Sir," I told him.

"Yes, you should thank me and you're welcome," he replied.

After he left, I finished watching the news I'd paused and got up to leave. Shit, Davis! If Jordan wants me in his room at 8, Davis doesn't usually leave until 8:15 or so. I'll have to deal with that tonight with Jordan. I went out to work, luckily made some decent tips, getting home about 7:15pm. Both guys were home. As I got into the kitchen, the guys were talking about long days and how tired they were as they fixed their respective dinners. I said hi, went in and changed into some shorts and a t-shirt, then came back out. Both guys had gone into their rooms, so I started heating up some chili I'd made a few days ago. While I made some decent money today, it had taken a toll on me too. Nuking some chili seemed like a good plan. As I sat down, to eat, I get a text from Jordan. 'My room, NOW'. I texted him back, 'I just warmed up some chili, can I eat it first?' I didn't get a reply, so I set the chili down and headed back to his room.

I lightly tapped on his door, "Come in," he said.

I walked in, "Yes, Sir?"

"It's going to be an easy night, I want a back and neck massage. Nothing else, I'm not looking to get off, I just want a massage. Think you can do that without trying to get me all worked up?"

"Yes, Sir," I told him.

"Ok great, just keep working on my muscles until I fall asleep. I worked out over my lunch today, and I've been sore ever since. I didn't get to stretch enough, fucking meetings. Remember to be in here at 8am tomorrow though, I know I'll be ready to drop a load in your mouth then," he reminded me.

"I'll be here, Sir," I said. I didn't understand what meetings had to do with stretching out, maybe he just had so many meetings, he had to shorten his workout, I dunno. Anyway, he was laying on his stomach, naked. Oh how I wanted to dive into his ass, but I didn't. I worked his muscles, prompting a few moans and groans and oohhs. I could tell he seemed to enjoy. To be honest, I kind of figured I'd be there for an hour rubbing his back, but after about 20 min, his breathing had become more shallow, his eyes were closed. I stopped, and after he didn't say anything, I slipped out of his room.

As I was walking away from his door, Davis came out of his room and asked, "Hey Steve, were you looking for me?"

"No, I was looking for Jordan, I tapped on his door be he didn't answer. He looked tired when he went to bed so he may be out already," I told him.

He gave me a funny look, but said, "oh ok, yeah he said he was really tired and sore. He probably is out."

Shit, I forgot to tell Jordan that Davis is still home at 8, what if he sees me going into Jordan's room at 8 tomorrow morning? I'll have to be careful and worry about it in the morning. I didn't feel like waking him up tonight and discuss it. I stayed up until about 11pm, after watching the 10pm news, I watched a few episodes of Big Bang Theory on my DVR and then went to sleep.

Getting up at 6:45, I showered quick, then while making breakfast, I watched the morning news, setting my alarm for 8, so I didn't get engrossed into a story, making me late to wake up Jordan. I suspected he'd probably be awake, since he was asleep so early, but no need to chance it. Besides, I hadn't gotten a load now for a few days, I was ready to get one now. Davis went into the bathroom about 7:55 to shower, so I decided this was perfect, he wouldn't see me go into Jordan's room and would figure I was in my room when he goes to leave.

I opened Jordan's door, there he was, asleep on the bed. He was laying on his stomach, sprawled out on his bed, covered up. I gently lifted the sheet and comforter from his body, dropping it beside him. O M G, even though I'd just seen it last night, he had the ass of a greek god statue. It was perfection. I crawled up on his bed, between his legs, parting his cheeks and tentatively licked, starting at the base right behind his taint, up to the top of his ass crack. Nothing. I repeated the action and did that again. This caused a slight stir, so I did it one more time, licking the base to the top of his asscrack, but this time, I licked back down. His head turned on the pillow this time. So I decided to focus on the hole, quickly flicking my tongue up and down just the hole. He moaned, but didn't say anything. I stiffened my tongue, sticking it into his tunnel of love, which caused him to for sure wake up. "Good morning to you too, just remember, that tongue is all you'll ever put up my shithole. But keep going, that feels so fucking good."

Thank you, Sir. I'm enjoying it too," I told him.

After about 5 minutes of me making out with his hole, he flipped over onto his back. "Balls." That was all he said, just Balls. So I worked my way back in between his legs again and started licking and sucking his balls. Then all of a sudden, "Ouch, fuck, just lick them."

"I'm so sorry, Sir, I didn't mean to hurt you," I said. What the hell, I hurt him. I didn't know if he'd hit me or not let me suck him anymore or what. I felt like the most worthless cocksucker in history.

He wasn't mad tho, "it's ok, I should have told you. I had an injury to my left ball years ago, and periodically it gets sensitive randomly when stimulated with a lot of pressure. If you lick them, it won't happen."

"Ok, I'll be sure not to suck them again," I told him. "Again though, I'm really sorry."

"It's all good, don't worry," he told me. Wow, he's really being so nice about this. "Damn, when you lick my balls though, it feels so good.. I mean really good. Just keep licking my balls, all around and under them, licking between my balls and hole too."

"Yes, Sir," I loved his balls, he keeps them smooth and they are big, this was just fine with me.

"Yeah, just like that, let me feel that tongue," he commanded. He started jerking his cock, really hard, I could tell he was ready to shoot that load and this is how he wanted to get off. "Oh yeah man, that's it, keep that tongue going.. keep it going.. let me feel it.. fuck FUCK, here it comes."

He was a little loud, so I kinda freaked out, but he grabbed my hair and pulled my head up so my mouth was right at the head of his cock. He jerked a few more times, then started shooting into my mouth.

Right then though, there was a TAP TAP at his door. The door opened up and Davis looked in and said "hey Jordan, your car is parked behind mine and I need to get out. Oh fuck, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were..." Then realizing what he's seeing, he added, "oh fuck, what the fuck?" Then he quickly shut the door and ran out to his car.

Next: Chapter 4

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