Roommate's Bitch

By Jeff Thompson

Published on Nov 25, 2023


Roommate's Bitch - Part 5

If you're reading this, then you're enjoying Nifty Archives. This is a free library for everyone, EXCEPT the host. It can be costly, please go to the homepage and donate something to help keep the archives free. Also, I love getting feedback on the story. I don't mind suggestions, but understand I do have an outline in my head. If you want the story to go a certain route for sure, then consider writing one. I'll play out the story how I foresee it in my head, but I can be open to some ideas I hadn't thought of.

Some people have asked if I have any other stories, which was nice, let's me know they enjoyed my story. I do have 3 other stories I've written, the first two were under the pen name DsmPicTakr, then the third is using this same name, DsmOralSlave.

How the Hell did I get here?, Gay Authoritarian, 13 chapters, last one posted 12/10/2007

Billy's Bitch, Bi Authoritarian, 3 chapters, last one posted 12/13/2009

Landlord Dominated, Gay Authoritarian, 1 chapter, 12/17/2020


After pulling out, Jordan pulled on his shorts and got up, heading for my bedroom door. He stopped before opening it up, turned around and said, "I have to be to work early tomorrow, I won't need you tomorrow. Since Davis is going to be out looking for a new place, we should have most of the night tomorrow night, you'll get enough of my cock then." I don't know what it was, but between the vigorous workout Jordan just gave me, and the anxiety I had all day about Davis, I decided I needed a nap. Sadly, that nap lasted until 4am, when I woke up realizing that soon it would be just Jordan and I, that there would be plenty of time for and no need to hide it.

I laid in bed, turned on the TV, opened my laptop and started catching up on the news and Facebook. Before I knew it, it was time to get up and get a shower. I heard Davis get up and out early. I was kind of glad not to run into him this morning, I felt better after our chat last night, but it still seemed kind of awkward. After starting a pot of coffee, I headed to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for the day. I shaved, then hopped in the shower. As I got all lathered up, starting to wash all over, I heard the bathroom door open. "Hey bitch, gotta take a piss, do you mind?" Jordan asked. I told him it's fine, go for it. All of a sudden the shower curtain gets ripped open, there stands Jordan buck assed naked, with his cock in hand. All of a sudden, he stands there with a grin on his face, and piss shooting out his cock, right on my cock, stomach, legs. "Kneel down faggot," he commanded.

"Kneel down, why?" I asked, afraid I already knew the answer.

"Cause I told you too, NOW bitch," he told me. So I knelt down and he keeps pissing on my dick, then moves up my chest, to my face and hair. I got piss on me everywhere. I make sure to keep my mouth closed, I'm not looking to become some piss drinking sub, never been my scene. Jordan drenches me everywhere, until his stream stops. "Open your mouth," he says, but the look on his face tells me there is no choice. I'm afraid to do it though, I just know he stopped his stream and he's gonna finish in my mouth. Maybe he'll stick it in further, to the back of my throat, so I don't have to taste it. As he puts the tip into my mouth, I notice there is a drop of piss on it. I close my mouth around this cock I love, resigned to the fact he's going to piss in my mouth. "Well wash it off with your tongue, dipshit. I'm not going around with a drop of piss on my dick when you're here." I already tasted it, so I figure what the hell, I swirled my tongue around his cock and got it all clean. Jordan pulled his cock out, looked down at me and said, "that was fun, see you tonight, have that mouth ready for a workout."

I lathered up AGAIN, washed myself off AGAIN, rinsed off and got out of the shower. Grabbed my big To Go coffee cup, filled it up and headed out the door to try to get a few breakfast deliveries, maybe some shopping orders. It was a steady day, I'd gotten some good orders. By 4pm, I was tired. I'd been up since 4am, I'd had one of the better days I've had in awhile, I decided to head home. I was hoping to have a nice long session with Jordan before Davis came home. He said he was going to look at a few places tonight after work, so hopefully he'll be awhile. I got home, nobody was there, so I decided I'd sit down and work on my budget and finances. I'd only planned on renting out the one room, but when I ended up renting two rooms, that money came in handy. I've always been the type of person that would spend what I had. This time though, I've worked on trying to get myself out of debt and I was getting there... just not quite all the way yet. Maybe if he doesn't find a place too soon, I can buckle down and get my bills paid down to a manageable amount.

Jordan arrived home about 5:45, told me he's gonna jump in the shower quick, then he'd be out for his bath, his tongue bath. I briefly thought about going in and pissing on him while he's in the shower, but I didn't wanna fuck up a good thing, we're not there in our friendship (or whatever the hell this is) yet to risk that.

15 minutes later, Jordan walks into the living room, wearing his towel around his neck. He's dried off, except his hair is dripping wet. He grabs the towel and starts drying his hair, his cock is half hard, and I can't help but to stare at it. What a huge cock, Jordan is such a man with a man-size dick, as opposed to me with a little boy cocklet. I'm just in awe of his manhood, jealous, but also feel so lucky for my access to it. "Like what you see?" Jordan asks. As I tear my gaze from his now almost fully hard cock, I look up to see the smirk on his face. "Damn what a faggot, you're drooling over a cock that pissed all over you this morning, you must have liked it?" My eyes went down to look again and he lightly taps the side of my head, "that was a question, answer me bitch."

"To be honest, it wasn't my favorite thing, but I guess it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I didn't really like the taste when you stuck it in my mouth, there was still some piss on the tip," I told him.

"No fucking shit! I know there was A DROP of piss on the end of my cock, that's why I stuck it in your mouth, to clean it off. Would you rather I shoved it in there while I was still pissing and filled up your belly with it, to burp up my piss all day?" Jordan asked, he seemed to be getting kinda huffy.

"No Sir," I said, "thank you for being thoughtful."

"That's better. Don't worry, I'm not going to piss on you tonight, maybe never again, but probably I will, just being honest. I kinda get off on it. If there is a next time, you'll get a better taste, I can promise you that. Eventually you'll grow to love the taste of my piss, maybe even crave it, my step bro did," he told me confidently. I'm beginning to feel addicted to serving him, but I doubt I can ever be addicted to his piss.

"Would you like to go into my room now Sir?" I asked him.

"What the fuck for? Davis won't be home anytime soon and even if he shows up, he's seen it all now. We'll hear him, we can cover up quick if he gets home before we're done," he tells me.

"Yes Sir," I told him. I can tell I'm really starting to enjoy being his bitch.

"It's time to play ball, or balls I should say," Jordan told me as he sat on the couch. "Move the coffee table, get down on the floor between my legs and start off with my balls." After I moved the coffee table, I got down there, sitting on the floor, lifting his wilting cock and start lapping at his balls like a dog. "Actually I've been on my feet all day, they're hurting. Why not give me a foot massage and maybe suck my toes a bit."

I've sucked a few guys toes before, I've never really gotten into it, but they always seem to like it, so I replied, "Yes Sir," grabbing his foot and starting to rub it, digging my thumbs into the arch of his foot.

"Get that big toe in your mouth bitch, pretend like it's my mini cock. Wait, better yet, pretend like your sucking your own little dickie, they're about the same size," Jordan laughed.

"Ok Sir," that sorta hurt my feelings for a moment, but then I realized it was true, I'm barely any bigger. If I had a big cock like Jordan has, I'd probably make fun of a guy with a little dick like me too.

"Fuck that feels good, not as good as my balls and cock do when you're servicing them, but there is something naughty about this and I love the feel of it," he tells me. I suck each of his toes, then lick the underside of his foot, before switching to the other foot, giving it the same treatment. I'd guess I probably spent a good 10 minutes relaxing his feet. "Ok Stevie, back up to my balls man, let me feel that tongue all around." I sat up and moved back to his balls, his cock was laying up on his stomach, so it wasn't in my way this time. I lift up his balls then, licking the underside and his taint. His balls are the perfect size to lick and suck, and I love that he keeps them trim. Jordan scoots down on the couch just a bit, and moans as I devour his taint. "Oh yeah, you're loving that I can tell. You're heading in the right direction too, time to move down and make out with my hole, it needs a good tongue job," he tells me as he scoots down a little more. As I'm working on his sweet ass, licking his crack and trying to dig my tongue into his hole, he gets more aggressive and wraps his legs around my head, keeping me in place.

Jordan reaches down, pulling his ass cheeks apart, telling me, "get in there, fuck my hot hole with your tongue." Oh fuck I'm loving this, in a headlock being forced to service his hot ass, could life get any better?

All of a sudden, I hear a muffled noise, Jordan releases me from the headlock with his legs, and covers up his cock with his hands quickly. "What the fuck? Did he just have his mouth in your ass?" Davis stood there asking Jordan, his eyes all wide.

"Yep, tongue up my hole man, feels so fucking good. Wanna have a go at it, you'll love it buddy," Jordan told him. I just looked down, not knowing what to think, I was so embarrassed.

"Nah man, looks crazy, but I don't think so," Davis replied.

"Ok, if you change your mind, I'm sure Stevie here will gladly do it, he loves eating a hot hole," Jordan told him.

"Just wanted to let you know, I found a place. I'm gonna move out on the 15th of next month, that work for you?" Davis asked.

"Yeah, that's fine, I appreciate the notice. I think I'm going to place an ad and try to re-rent the room for a few more months, to get caught up on all my bills," I told him. "Mind if I show the room before you move out?"

"No, that's cool with me. I'll make sure I keep the room picked up, but if you can let me know in advance if you're able to, that would be great. If you get someone that wants to see it right away though, it's all good, show it to them," Davis let me know. He's a nice guy, I wish he wasn't moving. "I'm gonna head back to my room, I already ate, so I probably won't be back out again tonight, interrupting you guys."

"It's all good dude, if you change your mind, head back out here," Jordan told him as he was heading back to his room.

"Well thanks for offering me up to eat Davis's ass," I told him, I was a little miffed.

"What? He's hot, you telling me you wouldn't do him?" Jordan asked.

"He is pretty hot, and I'm sure I would, but I'd kind of like to be there one to decide," I responded. "Not like it matters, he's not into it anyways."

"Hahaha," Jordan laughed, "I wouldn't be so sure about that. You didn't notice he had a hardon from watching us?"

"Oh bullshit," I replied, "he did not, you're just teasing me, trying to get my hopes up."

"Whatever man, I'm telling you he did, that's why I offered you up to him and why I told him if he changes his mind to come back up," Jordan said. "Ok, he's gone now, get that tongue back up my ass."

Jordan scooted back down, pulling up his legs to his chest, giving me full access. Damn what a hot ass he has, I think I could eat his ass for hours, I'd at least love to try someday. "Mmmmm, I do love your ass Sir, thank you for allowing me to service it," I told him. I went back to devouring his hole, licking it, fucking it with my tongue, sucking it.

"Nice, you got me hard again, get up here and let's see how much of my cock you can get down your throat tonight," he told me. I moved up to his mighty cock, stuck it in my mouth, getting as much as I could. "That's better than the last time, keep trying, I know you can do better." I kept at it, going up and down on him, trying to get further without gagging. I had a pretty steady motion going and I could tell Jordan was enjoying it, because he was moaning quite a bit. All of a sudden, he pulls his cock out of my mouth. I looked up to him to see why he took away my favorite toy. When my eyes met his, he slightly looked over to the hallway, and I saw why he pulled out for a moment. There stood Davis, rubbing his cock through the shorts he'd changed into. It looked to be a nice size dick too.

"Hey Bud, come join us. You don't have to play if you don't want to, but you can watch if you want, I don't give a shit, I love an audience," Jordan told him. Davis walked over and sat down in the chair closest to the couch, his eyes are glued to what was going on. "Hang on for a bit, I was almost ready to shoot, it won't take me long, especially if someone is watching, this is fucking hot. You can have a go with him after I'm done, I'll leave if you want, give you some privacy."

"Oh, I don't know, I think I'll just watch for a few minutes," Davis responded.

"Suit yourself," Jordan said, "watch all you want." Well damn, life is getting crazy. I got a hot alpha stud feeding me his cock and a hot shy guy enjoying the show. Jordan really went into overdrive now, holding my head in place, fucking his big cock up into my mouth at a rabbit like speed. After 3 or 4 minutes, Jordan yells out, "Oh fuck yeah, suck it bitch, fucking suck that shit. Fuck I'm gonna shoot, take it, fucking take my jazz down your gullet, swallow my fucking load, cocksucker!" And swallow I did, this was a bigger load than Jordan usually has though, I was afraid I couldn't keep up. I don't know if it's because I didn't get him off this morning, or it was having Davis watching, probably both. "Damn that was good, bitch. Give me my usual wake up service in the morning. He's all yours Davis, don't be shy, he wants to blow you. Hell, he'll suck your cock, lick your balls, eat your ass, lick your pits, suck your toes... anything you want man, go for it." Then he went back to his room, leaving us alone.

Things got awkward, I felt bad for Davis, hell I felt bad for me at this point. Neither of us knew what to say, or do. Finally I spoke up and said, "you don't have to do anything, I understand if you're not into it."

"I didn't think I'd be into it at all, but after see you guys yesterday, then again tonight, I don't know. It's been awhile since I've gotten any lately, so I guess I'm just horny, but don't worry, I don't expect you to do anything."

"Well... I will if you'd like, he was right about what I love to do and I'd be more than happy to help you not be so horny," I told him.

"Fuck it, ok, I'd take a blowjob, I don't know about the other stuff, we'll have to see," Davis agreed.

I walked over to him, got down on my knees, pulled down his shorts and got my first look at his nice looking cock. He wasn't all trimmed like Jordan and 1-2 inches shorter, but he had a nice fat cock. I looked up at him, making sure he was cool with what we were doing, he knew what I was thinking and gave me a nod. I put his cock in my mouth, starting to go down on him. I sucked on it for a few minutes, going up and down, he was nervous I could tell, but he was definitely liking the feel of my mouth and tongue on him. "Oh shit, oh shit," he said, and then he flooded my mouth with my second load in 5 minutes. Damn, that was quick. "Sorry, I didn't mean to shoot so quick, like I said, it's been awhile and I was so horned up after watching you and Jordan."

"It's all good, I enjoyed it, I'd be glad to help you out again if you'd like," I told him.

He had that look on his face a straight guy gets after he's just let a fag blow him, that... what the fuck did I just do, look. I could start to see the panic on his face, but then he said, "Oh thanks, I don't know though. I gotta get to bed now though, thanks, see you tomorrow."

I told Davis good night and went into my room. I got onto Craigslist and FB Marketplace, to place an ad for the room. I decided after the way things went with Davis and him moving out, I should probably be upfront about being gay in the ad, so I don't have to worry about them find out and freaking out after they've moved in. I put in the ad, I'm just looking for someone to pay rent on time and pick up after themselves, trying to sound business like, not like some latch trying to score some live-in dick. I got the ad posted, ate some leftovers, watched some TV and then went to bed, knowing I needed to get Jordan up in the morning.

Next: Chapter 6

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