Rosetta Chronicles

By Zane Rosetta

Published on Jun 28, 2000


Title: Rosetta Chronicles (5/?) Author: Zane Rosetta Email: Rating: NC17 Content: Time to drool a little and a little action as well. Summary: See above. Disclaimer: The characters are mine and cannot be borrowed without permission. Distribution: I would be more than honoured. Just drop me a line first. Feedback: Criticism hits like a stake to my heart. Praise is very welcome Web site:

Rosetta Chronicles by Zane Rosetta

The next morning my alarm had gone off. Once I slapped the alarm into submission I realised I was in my own room. Six o'clock. Why did I want to get up this early? Because I had to have enough time to get ready and go to work. I wondered out into the kitchen to get some breakfast. The site that greeted my eyes as I walked through the lounge room was pure heaven.

Dean was stretched out on the sofa bed, with nothing but a thin white sheet covering the lower part of his body. I shuddered, not from the cold but from the sheer beauty of him. He had a perfect chest, well defined but not overly so, closer to a swimmers build (which I had hoped for) and a tan almost as yummy as Andrew's. He stretched and I thought he was waking but flipped onto his back and I watched with breathless anticipation as the sheet fell from his lower half.

Boxers. Damn him.

But what was inside was eager for release, the tent he was posting could have housed a three ring circus. I felt himself moving towards him and wanting him. What was to stop me from wrapping my tongue around that hunk of man muscle? I don't know how but I reined myself in, instead I watched for a moment until my hand started to reach out. What was going on? I wasn't doing this. My hand wasn't reaching out to touch perfection but it had to. I needed to. I ran a lazy finger around his left nipple, ran that same finger over the nipple and watched it become hard and firm. My hand continued down his warm chest. He was sooo warm! Over the slight ridges and valleys of abs to make it's way to his balls. Those cotton glad balls, gliding up to the tip of his cock, which was pressing against the waistband, wanting release and needing, release. I was entranced, my hand went to cup his warm balls…

"Try before you buy?"

I spun around so quickly that I nearly fell to the floor. Andrew stood there in his red satin boxers and little else with his arms folded across his chest, a coy smile on his face. I looked at Dean and then back to Andrew.

"I was…" "Yeah, I know what you was."

I didn't know what to think what to say. I looked at both of them in turn and then:

"I need to get ready for work." I said as I nearly ran to my room and proceeded to in as many days bash my head against the wall.

The storm from last night had slowed to just a constant downpour as we approach the Computer Science building but I could tell it was just backing itself up and bringing in a little support. We had to start going in on Sundays to open up for the people who were desperate to finish their final papers. Well we didn't have to but everyone appreciated that we did, some more than others. Dean had chosen to wear a red baseball cap, a loose white shirt and cargo shorts. I told him that he was insane in this weather but he'd said that he was used to the way the weather went and that he would be okay. Running from the car to the building only served to make us slightly wetter than if a bucket of water had been dumped on us.

When we were inside I blessed the security that patrolled the place of a night for putting the heat on. Dean headed for the kitchen, presumably to get coffee while I went in a flicked the switches. Lights then computers. Everything started humming through the building. I walked into my office and checked my mail then to the kitchen to get coffee. The sight that befell my eyes was nothing short of sheer beauty. Dean had removed his shirt and was wringing it out in the sink. He turned and saw me.

"You don't mind do you?" he asked, "I guess I got a little too wet." Mind, I thought, fuck no. The muscles in his arms flexed as he dried out his shirt. You know those shorts look pretty wet too better take them off too and give them a drying, I thought. I shook my head and moved into the kitchen and placed a hand on his right shoulder blade.

Soooo warm! I thought again and then "Excuse me, I need a little coffee." Dean moved aside and I took the cup and went back to my office to check the schedule for the day. Not much when I looked at the screen but I knew better, people were notorious for just showing up. I looked up to see Dean entered the room with his shirt slung over his shoulder, he smiled apologetically and motioned to the shirt.

"Not dry yet." He said and then came around to stand behind me. "So what have we got today?" he said leaning over my shoulder to look at the screen, I inhaled deeply and took in some of his musky scent. "It may not look like much, these are the people who have the sense of mind to actually book the PC's. There'll be more coming in." "I think the weather'll keep them away, it'll be nice and quiet."

Within ten to fifteen minutes after opening the building was packed to overflowing. Dean and I both worked our way around the room solving minor problems, which the students saw as major catastrophes. I past Dean on my way to another problem and said.

"Oh yeah, nice and quiet." He gave me a wain smile and moved on as I settled into another computer problem. As soon as I saw the screen I knew what it was. Margins. Margins were the bane of my existence. We would start the day by checking each and every computer and within five minutes people had margins two inches wide on both sides. I felt compelled to push the young lasses head into the monitor but instead remained professional and reset all the margins in her document, she was ecstatic and I got a hug for my trouble. I quickly moved out of the embrace and to my office for a break and welcome cup of coffee.

There was a thunderclap as if directly overhead sounded throughout the entire building. Some of the girls squealed, probably hoping that some strong jock would come over and hold them tight. Not very likely. I caught Dean's eye as the lights dimmed and motioned for him to follow me. We had protection against surges from a storm but the alternative? I went on to my office and headed for a large metal cabinet I could sense Dean behind me and turned to hand him a box of disks.

"Give on of these to anyone who doesn't have one." Dean took the box and moved out into the room. My announcement although only a precaution brought fear to even the steeliest jock's heart. "Okay, Dean is handing disks to anyone who doesn't have them. If you have a disk, save your work now. This is merely a precaution against the storm." As I finished talking I heard keys tapping away to save their work and final papers from electronic oblivion. Another thunderclap a minute or two later plunged the rooms into darkness. As was custom several of the girls squealed again and they were silenced when I produced a flashlight and aimed it at the ceiling to illuminate the room. "Okay everyone don't panic I'll call maintenance and get them to fix us up." But someone had started clapping and then the whole room was applause and cheers, even Dean stood in the corner clapping with the rest of them, I was being slapped on the back by a couple of guys as I made my way to the office. Once in the applause died down and I placed the call.

"Hello this is maintenance, Jake speaking." The accent was unmistakable and one I loved. The Latino accent. "Hey Jake it's Zane in CS." "Zane my man, thanks heaps for fixing my computer man. I can finish writing the maintenance logs, you are a lifesaver man I don't know how I can repay you." "Well I can think of something." There was a small silence on the other end and then. "You're real bad man," I could hear the smile in his voice. "You're real bad." "Well okay then before that, how about you come over here and help us out." "What's up?" "We lost the lights and computers here, we need your expertise." There was silence on the other end for a moment "Well now I guess you have to repay me in your own fashion." He said, once again I heard the smile in his voice. "Deal. I'll see you in ten?" "Count on it." The conversation ended there and I looked up to see Dean coming in. "About fifteen minutes." I said. He smiled and adjusted himself quickly before going back into the room with the good news but before I could get my mind into Dean's pants let alone out of them another face appear at my door. "Hey." He said. "Hey, what can I do for you?" the guy came further into the room. He looked like the jock type, broad, muscular shoulders and biceps straining at his shirt. He worn jeans but they were also tight and hugged at his legs and showed off quite an impressive piece of meat through the denim. "My name's Steve, you fixed my computer yesterday." My mind searched for the name but came up blank, Steve obviously sensed my confusion. "I was at practice, you spoke to my roommate Luke." Suddenly it clicked into place, this was the guy whose roommate gave me a real good fucking the other day. "Okay, nice to meet you Steve, so what can I do for you?" "More like what I can do for you." Now I was curious. "We're having a party to celebrate the beginning of the end of the year and finals," he smiled "And after fixing my computer and saving my final paper from dieing a slow painful death I wanted to know if you wanted to come." Hmmm, lots of good looking jocks getting drunk and very easy sounded like my idea of a party. "I'm there. When and where?' 'Well the dorm, which you've been to, probably this Friday but I'll get back to you with details cause we owe you thanks." "We and me?" I asked. "Well the PC you fixed, it's kinda a group PC for some of the dorm when we can't get in here. You saved a lot of guys butts." It's not the only thing I do with guys' butts I thought. "Well, I feel honoured and I'll definitely be there." A buzz from a box on the wall told me of Jake's arrival. "I gotta go and let another miracle worker in to give us back lights and power." I moved out of the door and slide past Steve, as I did I felt a hand caress my ass but when I turned Steve had also turned and was heading back to the main rooms. I smiled and made my way down to the main entrance of the building to find handyman stud Jake soaked to the bone and flicking water off himself.

"So it's a bit wet outside." I said. Jake looked at me and smiled. "Not as wet as it could be." It was my turn to smile now. Jake wet was much better than Jake dry but only by a little. His blue cotton shirt clung to his body outlining the muscles underneath. I smiled again. "So, where's this problem of yours?" he asked.

Down in the boiler room was oppressive compared to outside. We both entered the basement at the same time. It didn't take long for Jake to find the problem and it didn't take an electrical engineer to see what the problem was, the entire fuse box had blown but Jake the consummate professional had calmly said "Not a problem, fifteen minutes, tops." "I hope you're not that quick with everything you do." He looks over his shoulder and smiles at me as he takes blown fuses out of the box. "I'll go up and let them know how long it will be." "Don't worry, I'll still be here." I quickly climb the stair back up to the ground floor of the building and am about to head up the next flight when I collide with someone in the darkness. I know it's a guy, a mans smell is unmistakable. I take the opportunity for a quick feel of the person and realize who it is. "Dean?" "Zane?" "Damn you gave me a scare, I was coming down to see what was happening." He said. "And I was coming up to let you know." We both laugh and I tell him our situation. "That fast huh, you'll have to thank him for everyone up stairs." Dean said. I very much intend to, I thought. "Okay, but you better get back up there and let everyone know what's going on. I'll be up once we get power back." "Cool." He walked back up the stairs and I imagined that ass moving with the steps he took. "Steady now Zane, you don't even know yet." I said to myself and walked back down to the basement where the site was beautiful. Jake had stripped to the waist in the heat and his coffee-coloured skin was slick with sweat. I took a gasp of air as I took him in. He turned to face me and I watched mesmerised as a drop of sweat trailed down his firm chest I was snapped out of it by his voice.

'I'm done." Oh no, far from it, I thought and then. "Really, damn that was fast." He finished packing away his tools and turned to face me again. "Well there are some things that I'm equally good at, but nowhere near as fast." He was close now and I could smell the sweat on his body as he almost glowed in the dim light of the basement. Now no more than a foot away he spoke again. "Would you like a demonstration?" My mouth was dry and I found I couldn't swallow. My shirt was being opened and hot breath against my chest followed closely by the warm wetness of a tongue, Jake's tongue. He worked his way around each nipple making it hard at erect. It wasn't the only thing. As he worked on my chest I felt my jeans fall to the floor, his hands caressing my shaft inside boxers soon Jake was kneeling in front of me nuzzling at my growing member. The warm wetness of Jake's mouth followed. No pretence of asking if he could but I didn't care, he was working it like a pro. In a couple of moments I shot a load over his sweat covered chest. I was breathless leaning against a cool wall with my jeans and underwear around my ankles. Jake was wiping the come from his chest with a rag and then pushed me impossibly more into the wall and into a crushing kiss. "But sometimes when I need it I can be very quick." He moved my hands to the buckle of his jeans and I was running on automatic my hands slipping into the warmth of his jeans and immediately felt a long piece of man meat, at least six inches soft and rapidly filling with blood. "No underwear?" I queried. "Cramps my style," he said, and then. "So you want it." "More than you can imagine." He pulled away and I looked at him asking why. "Anticipation heightens the lust." He said but before he could get too far away I was down on my knees and had his meat in my mouth. He seemed taken aback as I worked up and down his cock taking it all into my mouth. "Ohhh, woah, mmmm, yeah." He was getting more and more hard as I stroked at his balls, pretty soon I could tell he was as hard as he could get. I was sending him to the edge and he knew it. "Oh fuck yeah, I'm gonna come." I immediately stopped got up and kissed him with all I could muster. He looked at me the same way I had just done to him. "Anticipation, remember." I flicked the switch and the building came back to life, a cheer could be heard up stairs. I got dressed and walked up stairs behind me I heard. "Later?" I turned to look at him still standing there practically naked. "You'd better believe it." I turned and walked back out of the basement and back upstairs. be continued...

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Next: Chapter 6

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