Row row row your boat

By Writersblock404

Published on Apr 11, 2022



Row row row your boat

This is a fictional story, and it is to be treated as such. If it is not legal to read this where you live, please don't. Any resemblance to individuals or places is purely coincidental. Copyright 2022.

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I plan on making this just a short story. Hope you enjoy it!

Now, on to the story!

James paddled just a little faster on his bike as he was nearing his destination, the rowing club. It was real sunny outside, clear blue skies. He had even put on some sunblock before he headed out. Okay, in truth, his mother had insisted on applying sunblock, he hated the sticky white stuff.

He took the next corner a bit sharp and his back wheel slid through the corner. James loved stunting with his bike, almost as much as performing stunts and tricks in the boat.

Camden, a friend of his, had introduced him to rowing two years ago. He'd never thought about it before. He knew he liked water sports because he was an avid swimmer and had even tried sailing once. His friend had invited him to a try-out one day. He was twelve years old, the same age as Camden. Surprisingly, they were nearly the same age, fourteen now. Camden beat him by only two days. Anyway, James found he loved the challenges that the rowing sport posed. Even if he had not, he secretly had a bit of a crush of his friend, and he thought himself very smart for trying out for the same club Camden was rowing for. Who knew, they might even end up in the same team!

James was now just outside of town and driving fast past the meadow that was between the water and the city. A kind of natural barrier. He pushed open the big metal gate, it was already unlocked. Placing his bike in one of the bike stands, he walked past the three big doors of the boathouse and headed into the canteen area. There was hardly anyone around, even though it was a really nice day.

Camden was lounging in one of the big, old, comfy couches when he walked in. He threw down the bag containing his sporting equipment and sat down next to his friend. He got Camden's attention away from his phone by slapping him on the knee. His friend was dressed in striped board shorts and a bright yellow t-shirt. Camden had never taken to the more traditional Lycra rowing kit for some reason. However, James adored it. He liked how it felt on his skin, and he secretly liked how it highlighted his, ehm, assets. The same could be said for seeing other guys in a nice, tight, Lycra one-piece suit.

James had not yet dressed for rowing. He loved his kit, but he was just a bit too shy to drive across town in it. He was dressed in board shorts as well, dark blue with a white stripe, and he was wearing a muscle tee. Rowing had given him some nice upper body strength, and he was just in the right part of puberty that he was able to actually develop some muscles.

"Ready to go out today?" James asked Camden.

Camden put down his phone, he knew he wasn't going to be given a chance to get back into his game now that James was here. He loved James, but he did require a lot of attention. "Sure thing, weather's great today. It's actually hot outside."

James looked Camden over and considered, quietly, in his own mind, that it wasn't just hot outside. The bright yellow shirt was tight-fitting and was literally highlighting all of his favourite parts of Camden. He knew there was an amazing six-pack hidden under there. Quickly, he brought his mind back to the here and now. "So, double's today, right?" he asked, wondering if he had remembered correctly. If they were doing double's today, he'd be in the same boat with Camden, otherwise they'd both be in their own boat.

"Sure thing!" Camden said. It wasn't until recently that James had had enough practice so that he could actually train together with Camden. Camden had been rowing since he was just 10, so he had had a bit of a head start.

Both boys stood up, ready to get going. "I'll just go get changed," James said, "Can you start bringing the oars out?" He asked Camden.

Camden shrugged, it was okay with him. He headed over to the boathouse to go put out the oars for their boat, while James took a left turn to the men's changing room.

Again, nobody was here. It was a weekday, both boys had a couple of days off from school. But it meant most seniors were still out working. They basically had the run of the place, for now. He quickly got changed, taking off everything he had on, and just slipping on the Lycra one piece. Some of the more shy boys wore underwear as well, but it got all bunched up when you were rowing. He didn't bother with it. Plus, remember, you need to show off those assets!

Pulling his gear into the right places, and doing some necessary final adjustments, James headed out to join Camden.

It was bright outside, the sun was nearly at it's peak. The water was calm, and he could see both up and down stream that there were no other boats on the water. The boy's rowing club was located next to a river that had many smaller streams running off it. It meant you could either go on straight in an almost straight line, or get lost in one of the many smaller waterways that connected to the bigger river.

James saw that Camden had already gotten all four oars out, and was preparing the boat to go out. He joined him indoors and helped to do the final checks. Everything in order, they both put their shoulders under the boat and Camden, being the more experienced one, gave a command so that they could lift together at the same time. With the boat now secure on their shoulders, they walked to the water's edge and carefully put the boat to the water.

James looked to his left as they both bent their knees putting the boat into the water and was treated to the sight of his friend's shorts stretching tight and the shirt riding up his back, showing a nice bit of skin, which turned almost golden in the bright sunlight. As soon as the boat was in the water, he got up and turned his back to Camden for a moment, quickly adjusting himself. It's hard to hide a boner in Lycra, but you don't need it to tent out on you as well.

Like the well-oiled machine they were, the oars were quickly locked into place in the boat and both boys got themselves seated. The boathouse and the club could remain open, as other members were still expected. Plus, they lived in a small town, luck enough that they even had a rowing club, but burglary was not something that happened very often.

Pushing off, the boat was quickly swept away by the light current in the river and with just a few strokes the boy's boat was well onto the water.

"Okay, what do you want to do?" Camden asked, looking back at James, who was sitting behind him.

James considered for a moment, he was already burning up in the sun. To be very honest, he was not feeling like a really hard training today.

"Can we go into one of the channels and explore for a bit? I'm not feeling like sprints today," James asked Camden.

Camden just shrugged. It was okay with him. Camden was a very much non-verbal kind of guy. If he could answer or respond with a shrug, or a shake of his head, he would. James was one of the few guys that could entice Camden to an actual conversation, or to just casually say something.

With James being in the back seat, he was automatically the 'designated driver' of the boat. Meaning, he decided where the boat went, and he gave commands whenever he needed Camden to help with steering and manoeuvring the boat. Secretly, that was also something James really liked about rowing. If you were in the right place, you got to boss everybody around. He loved giving commands and people having to follow them.

In a few minutes, the boy's had turned the boat into one of the side channels, and they were enjoying the quiet wish-wash sound of their oars entering the water and pulling the boat along. In, out, in, out. A very natural rhythm, for teen boys. They took a couple of extra turns, they knew most of the maze-like waterways by heart, having explored them so many times.

Without even realizing it, James had guided them to a tiny lake in the middle of all the waterways. It was surrounded by trees and reeds for most of it, but there was a section that had a boarded side and grass behind it. It was also used by people canoeing or supping, there was even a campfire pit in the grass. James checked with Camden what the time was, he wasn't wearing a watch himself. Apparently, they had already been on the water for fifty minutes.

"God! I need to cool down! I'm melting here!" James exclaimed.

Camden looked back and noticed James had not been exaggerating. Sweat was pouring down his face and his Lycra one piece had some very dark wet patches. "Dude, it looks like you pissed yourself!"

"Ha ha, funny. I can't help it, it's sweaty dick syndrome!" James jokingly returned. Lately, he had started sweating much more heavily, and in the weirdest of place. His back could get soaking wet, and he had noticed as well that his boxers could get soaking wet when he was out on a long bike ride. And no, he did not have a bladder issue!

Camden looked at the grassy area, he figured they'd be able to land the boat there safely. He pointed at the place, "Why not get the boat there and get out for a bit? Stretch our legs, cool off in the grass?"

James considered. He did not have Camden's extensive experience, and getting the boat safely 'parked', was quite a challenge. But, he loved challenges!

With a big grin, he started pointing the boat to where they needed to go. "Please, go slow on me," he asked Camden.

"No, I'm going to plow you full force into the shore, dimwit!" Camden replied, it had seemed rather obvious.

Expertly, James manoeuvred the boat into place and they were able to step out of the boat. The boat seemed content to stay into place just the way it was.

James stretched and felt the Lycra pull tight around his butt and his crotch. He didn't mind showing off a little for Camden. He was still hoping to catch him looking or give any other sign that he might even be slightly interested in a bit of an adventure with him. He had spent many a night fantasizing what it would be like to get together with his best friend. But, like these things go, sometimes the fear of ruining the friendship with your best friend mean you don't make a move. You essentially place yourself into an eternal friendzone. The last couple of weeks, this eternal friendzone feeling had starting gnawing at James's feelings though, he wanted more. It was all very frustrating!

Unbeknownst to James, Camden was in fact enjoying the show quite a lot, but he was just as careful not to be caught out. The whole eternal friendzone thing, well, it turns out it can go both ways.

Camden quickly lay himself down on the grass, looking up at the sky. James came over to him and stood over him. As Camden looked up, most of what he could see was James' Lycra wrapped package. And it looked rather, enthused. He could clearly make out the two balls, now slightly compressed together because of the elastic fabric. He had almost reached out his hand to grab a feel.

"Dude, your balls are blocking my sun!" He told James, grinning.

James looked down and realised the angle his friend as getting of him. At first, he wanted to step away. Then he decided to just lower himself down. As he had stood over Camden with a foot on either side, as he lowered himself, he ended up placing his ass on Camden stomach.

"There, I'm out of your light." James said, putting his full weight on Camden.

Camden tightened his abs, he knew he could take the weight, easily. And, honestly, this felt just like what he had imagined what it would feel like if a naked James had sat down on him. He could clearly feel both muscular globes against his abs, and, if he was not mistaken, he could even feel James' balls resting on his chest. Thinking of James' balls did cause a rise in his own shorts, he was glad Camden was sitting on his abs, and not his lap.

James was surprised at how comfortable he felt, sitting on his friend. He could feel the abs below him lower and rise with Camden's breathing. However, he wasn't one for sitting still and he considered he had Camden in a perfect pinned down position. Quickly he placed his hands in Camden's armpits and started tickling him furiously. It had been a game they played a lot when they were younger, and it had been ages since either had initiated a tickle war. Perhaps they were growing a bit too old for it, but not today.

With Camden squirming all around beneath him, it took more and more effort to keep into place and into position for tickling. Slowly he slid down his friend's abs and he felt something hard bump against his ass.

Immediately, he felt Camden freeze beneath him. Realising what he must have bumped into, he froze himself a second later. Without thinking, he reached back and felt around, only to find his had wrap around something long, hard and hot. Just as quickly he let go.

"God, Camden, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to!" James sputtered, still sitting where he was.

Camden had turned beet-red, breathing hard and shallow. First feeling James' butt slide against his rock hard tool, and then have his friend grasp him, even if just for a mere moment, had gotten his hormones raging. He did not know if he was shocked, aroused, annoyed or intrigued. Perhaps a bit of everything. All he knew was that his cockhead was still pressed tightly against James' hardly covered ass. Involuntarily, he moved a little, increasing the contact. He closed his eyes and moaned.

James was baffled. He felt his friend raise his hips slightly beneath him and the pressure on his crack increased. Then, he thought Camden's eyes were almost back into his head and that moan! His own erection happened in a record time, and he could feel his own hard pole pressed between himself and Camden's abs.

Shocked with what was happening, he quickly rolled off. He was sporting a serious tent, tucking it to the side was not going to improve things much now. His own breathing was now just as fast and shallow.

Camden opened his eyes again, the weight on him was gone now. For a moment, he thought he was in his own bed, at home, just coming out of an amazing fantasy. As his ceiling resembled nothing like a blue sky with a flock of birds, he quickly realised where he was and that it had not been a fantasy. Shocked, he looked to his side to see James lying there, looking right back at him. Both boys looked down and noticed each was hard as a nail, with James not leaving very much to the imagination.

"Okay, so, well, that happened," James said, the more talkative of the two.

Camden looked back up and shrugged, "Guess so. Now what?"

James considered. "I can only think of two things," he said. "We either have a wank right now, or we go jump in the lake to cool the hell off." His heart was throbbing, he could feel it all the way in his throat. Had he taken it too far?

Camden was surprised. He had seriously not thought that James might like him, like that. But the almost obscene boner, and the suggestion of having a wank, together, sure seemed to indicate something else. He didn't need long to consider this opportunity though.

Pulling his shorts down, and his shirt over his head, he quickly lay down mostly nude next to James, "Why not do both? Wank, and swim?"

James' outfit was a little bit more of a struggle. The wet Lycra clung to him like crazy. It seemed to cling even more tightly against him, the more he wanted to tear it off. Camden came to his rescue, and as James sat up, Camden carefully peeled loosed the stretchy fabric and pretty much undressed James. It was insanely hot to the both of them. As they were now both sitting up, shorts and Lycra thrown to the side, nude as a bird, both took the time to look at each other. This was something different than peeking at each other in the showers. They were fully exposed to each other, excited and hard. James noticed how dark and hard Camden's nipples looked, while Camden somehow really noticed the stark difference between light and dark on James' tan line.

Camden reached out, and traced the edge of James' tan line on his legs. Then he let his finger slide up along the inside of his leg. He hesitated a moment, then let his finger softly trace up along James' nutsack and next the shaft. It was only the softest of touches, but James could have sworn that Camden had caused sparks to fire from his finger as he traced up. He couldn't take it any longer. He pushed up, threw himself at Camden, who fell back in the grass with a hungry and horny James in his arms. Their bodies were mushed together, sliding along each other as both boys were still rather sweaty.

Dicks pressed together and now grinding. Nature had clearly taken over. For a moment, James had been afraid he knew not what to do. Now, he didn't need to do any more thinking. His hips were grinding almost automatically and he suddenly felt Camden's tongue pressing against his lips. Had they been kissing? They must have been. With another first in a couple of minutes, both boys had their first french kiss. James sat back up on Camden, now seated on his upper thighs. He grabbed a hold of both cocks and started pumping up and down feverishly.

Camden was overcome by all of the feelings rushing over him. And James now working both their cocks, it felt amazing. He lay down, arms stretched wide, and just let it all happen to him.

James felt almost as in control as he had been moments ago in the boat. Holding his friends cock had somehow given him control over him. He could give, and withhold pleasure. For a moment, he stopped stroking. Camden glanced up at him through one opened eye, looking at why James had stopped. James decided he wanted to nut just as bad though, so he quickly resumed stroking them both. In his hand, it felt like they were both not just of the same age, but also of the same built. Their cocks could have been twins. Right down to the few soft pubic hairs right above each.

Suddenly, he felt one of the two cocks beginning to spasm. He wasn't sure for a moment if it was his, or Camden's. Next, a splash of some watery liquid spurted out on Camden stomach, and, seeing that, suddenly his own orgasm hit him and he contributed his own load to the wet mess on Camden.

Both boys were panting, hard. James' hand was covered in both of their juices. He had seen porn movies where cum would be eaten from each other's body, or fingers... he was not ready for that. To him, it was still just a sticky mess, he quickly wiped it off on the grass. Not improving things by much.

Camden looked down at his stomach, covered in boy juice. He grinned at James, "Guess this is where we move on to the swimming part, right?"

James looked at the mess they had both made, "Yeah, we'd better. But I don't have any swimming kit with me."

Camden looked dumbfounded. "Dude, you just came all over me. You worried about wearing shorts!?"

James laughed and got up. "True". He grabbed Camden's hand and pulled him up. Still holding on to his friends hand, he started for the water's edge, pulling Camden along behind him. Both boys jumped in at the same time, feeling the cool water hit their bodies.

James ran his hands all across Camden's stomach, trying to wipe away all of the evidence. It took a bit of effort. At first, he was left with stringy white stuff on his hands. But, soon, he felt the stickiness go and all he could feel was Camden's firm abs. Sneakily, he brought his hand down and felt Camden's now soft dick beneath his hand. Soft it felt just as amazing as hard. Just imagining how, just moments ago, it had pulsed in his hand and had, in just a moment, given him all his dreams! Literally.

The cold water prevented them from getting another erection. But that did not mean there wasn't a lot of ass grabbing and cock pulling going on. After half an hour, both boys were truly spent, and they got back ashore.

"Guess we better head back," Camden said, looking at how low in the sky the sun had gone.

James would rather have spent the rest of his life right here, with Camden. They did have to be back with the boats before the sun went down though. Reluctantly, both boys got dressed again and back in the boat. It took them just thirty minutes to row back, now that they knew where they were heading.

As they arrived at the club and the boat was back next to the dock, Camden leaned all the way back until he was almost lying over James' feet. "Kiss me," he whispered.

James looked alarmed, there were people walking in and out of the boat house. They would surely be seen!

Camden noticed James looking alarmed and at the people ashore. "Don't care, kiss me!" he said again, now more forcefully.

James relented. leaned forward, and planted an upside down kiss on Camden's mouth.

Within seconds, they could hear hollering from people on the shore. Clearly they had been seen. But, rather unexpectedly, the kids hollering were actually from James' last year team and they were cheering them on. "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

With that, James full on frenched Camden, still upside down, causing much laughter and cheering from the kids standing in the open doors of the boat house.

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