S Club Ate Me

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Oct 10, 2003


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content, This eans that if features sex between consenting men, youths and maybe boys. If you don't like this sort of stuff LEAVE NOW. If you are under age in your particular are LEAVE NOW. If you're OK with this READ ON. In my alternate Universe there are no such things as AIDS and STDs so my characters have no use for condoms and the like.

GCutter66@aol.com for comments/critics and a link to my other stories and favourite sites.

This is dedicated to Funki Boi Nathan. Hope you like it Nath.


Part 2


G. Cutter

CHRIS' view

A week had gone by since S Club 8 had gone on their way. Their wasn't a night I hadn't awoken with a huge stiffy on thinking of Aaron and Calvin and their antics. I had a target a bit nearer home, a bellboy called Nathan, he was sixteen the same age as myself but smaller, anyway, more of him later.

Two days ago my uncle who manages the hotel asked me if I'd like to get suited and booted and have a go at reception and have a go at some office work, I think his long term plan was to try and train me up as an under manager or something like that. I thought, why not? It was more money and I wasn't required to do nights, the other thing was that it brought me into closer contact with the clients and the bellboys. There were only four bellboys and they were a pretty nice bunch of kids. Nathan at sixteen was the oldest and I don't know if they were picked for their size but they all looked like schoolkids. They looked like rather adorable munchkins with their tight black trousers and little cut away jackets surely designed to show off teen bottoms to the lustful.

Another thing that had happened since the departure of Aaron and Calvin was that my Uncle had given me a room on the first floor, this was basically to save me travel and he charged me a nominal price but I had the leeway to go home at the weekends provided I wasn't scheduled to work.

A very quiet day, a very bored receptionish, moi.

'We got anybody incoming today,' Nathan had appeared bearing a tray with tea and some sandwiches. 'From the kitchen,' he announced and set the stuff down on the counter.

'Nah, pretty quiet.' I looked at the kid. He was pretty tasty, he was only around 5' 5", scruffy blonde hair and very attractive blue eyes. He reminded me a bit of Aaron Carter when he was a bit younger but Nathan didn't have the sulky somewhat tough look that Aaron had adopted in recent pictures. I think I had the hots for him, Nathan that is, in fact, I was sure I had the hots. 'Not like S Club 8 night.'

'Yeah, bummer that was.' I'd got his interest.


'I wanted their autographs, maybe a picture or so.'

'I've got pics and their autographes,' I boasted a little smugly. Talk about opportunity knocks, it was battering on the door. 'Might be able to help you out.'

'Yeah,' his eyes lit up. 'I like that Calvin, he's delicious.'

'Delicious?' I looked at him and he went bright red, like a bloody cheery.

'Tasty I mean,' he swallowed and sank deeper into his own personal quicksand. 'Nice, I mean.'

'Slow down, boy,' I grinned. 'They're only kids who got lucky.'

'They've got talent,' he was calming down a bit but his little secret was out, he'd blown his cover.

'I've got pics and autographs in my room.'

'Have you.' He grinned. 'Got any spare?'

'Gotta answer a question first.'

'Is it on S Club 8?'

'Yeah,' I laughed. I dropped my voice. 'If I said you've got to sleep with Calvin or Aaron who would you choose.'

'Come on, Chris,' he laughed. 'I just like their singing.'

'Liar.' I looked at him fair and square. 'Answer the question and you can have some pictures and I'll throw in some personally signed ones as well.'


'Answer the question.'

'Calvin,' he muttered but this time he didn't blush.

'We both finish in half an hour, come by my room. You know where it is?'

'Yeah, but I've got to get changed and have a shower first.'

'You can have a shower in my room before you paw over the S Club goodies.'

The next minute stretched for ever until he finally looked at me and grinned. 'OK.'

'Be a bit discreet, don't advertise,' I grinned.

'Orrite, Chris,' he gave me a little smile and walked back into the kitchen. I pressed my midriff against the counter as I drank my tea, I was as hard as a rock. There could be bellboy on the menu this afternoon.

My relief arrived on time and I was off like a shot, I had the rest of the day free and with a bit of luck I was about to get lucky. I could have miscalculated but I thought not, Nathan was up for it, I was pretty sure about that.

There was a knock on the door, the moment of truth?

'Come in, Nath,' I ushered him inside quickly, I didn't want anyone to see me entertaining bellboys, my Uncle, the Boss would not be amused. I was glad to see that he had changed out of his uniform and was now in khaki chinos and a branded t-shirt, not surprisingly it had an S Club 8 logo on the front.

'Where's the pictures and stuff?' Nathan came straight to the point.

I waved at the bed where I'd spread the stuff the S Club boys had left me. There was quite a lot of gear, photos, some signed, pens, badges and all the kit that modern teeny groups dish out for their fans.

'Jeeezus,' Nathan almost shrieked and flopped onto my bed and started raking around amongst the heap, he was almost drooling. I looked down on his childish enthusiasm, he was sooooo cute and I was soooooo horny.

'You like,' I sat on the edge of the bed and glanced at the photographs, who needed pictures, I'd had the real thing. Bad thoughts always do the trick, I could feel my penis hardening in my trousers.

'He's terrific,' Nathan was hyper with excitement as he picked up picture after picture of Calvin and studied them from all angles.

'You fancy him?' I spoke softly, I didn't want to spoil his mood.

'He's beautiful.' I don't think he knew what he was saying.

'He's good in bed, they both are.'

'What?' That had got his attention.

'I said they're good in bed.'

'How do you know?' he glared at me and I noticed he was looking decidedly lumpy at the crotch.

'I spent a night with the two of them when they stayed here last time.'

'Liar,' he spat the word out. The poor little sod was nearly in tears.

'Alright.' I fished a note out of my briefcase and handed it to him to read.

'Thank you for a wonderful night, lover. See you in a month or so. Signed Aaron and Calvin. And it's got three kisses on it.' Nathan read it out and stared at me. 'It's true.'

'Indeedy,' I had to laugh at his expression. 'What's more, they asked me to bring a friend next time they're here.'

'They're here in two weeks, I've seen a letter.'

'Whilst sniffing around the office?'

'Yeah, he grinned unabashed.

'Do you want to be that friend?'

'What? A sleepover with them?' His eyes were nearly popping out of his head.

'Not much sleeping,' I grinned. 'But there's a small fee.'

'Yeah?' he gave me a sly grin. 'I thought there might be.'

'Me and Aaron, you and Calvin, how's about that?'

'Fuckin' heaven.' He'd dropped the pretense now. 'So what's this fee?' He grinned like a Cheshire Cat and lay back on the bed amongst the photographs, the bulge in the front of his khakis.

'This,' I reached out and fondled his groin. Jeeezus, this kid was seriously big, I could feel the heat of his huge lump of sex and I could feel it harden as I softly massaged it. 'Wow, you're enormous.'

He grinned proudly and pushed up into my hand. 'Around eight inches last time I measured it.'

'You're joking.'

'Am not,' he grinned. 'If you don't believe me get on your belly and I'll show you.'

'Smart arse,' I tugged at his zip opening up his fly. 'Anyway I go both ways, so does Calvin ..... and Aaron.'

'I like to fuck,' he closed his eyes as I unclipped his waistband and opened the top of his trousers exposing a set of y-fronts exceedingly well stuffed with a humongous fleshy tube, it looked like a small scaffold pole, how the hell could a kid of his size own such a massive prick. It stretched out to his hip and the head inside the thin cotton of his pants was leaking already. 'But I don't mind taking it, you've got to keep the partner happy after all.'

'You are experienced then?' I smiled as I felt his yieding flesh through his y-fronts.

'Yeah. Keep going.' he moved his hips slightly, his hot meat pressing against my caresses. 'Some of our guests quite like bellboys.'

'What? 'You're all at it?'

'Gotta make a few tips here and there,' he grinned.

'Lift up.' I returned the grin and slowly pulled his khakis downwards and then eased his y-fronts off over his penis. He hadn't lied it was huge. The massive lump lay up on his belly like a battering ram and the swollen glans was shiny with precum. I grasped it softly and eased it upwards slowly moving my hand up and down the moving skin that covered the hard inner.

'Oooh,' Nathan moved his t-shirt up to expose his belly and chest upto his nipples. I haven't got much time for muscles but he displayed the beginnings of a six pack on his taut belly.

'Yum, yum,' I whispered and slid my tongue across his slit removing the pearl of cum that was about to slip down the swollen shaft. 'Omigod,' he moaned and he held my head as I swallowed the spongy lump.

'Stop, stop,' he suddenly sat up and nearly choked me with his cock.

'What's up.'

'Let's get naked.' he pulled his t-shirt off his head and kicked off his trainers.

This was to good to be true. I hurriedly shed my kit and standing naked looked at the big cocked angel laying on my bed.

'Do me and I'll do you,' he grinned and rolled onto his belly and parted his legs offering up his pert little white bottom. I knew that he wasn't a virgin but I was past caring, I got the tube of KY from my bedside drawer and knelt between his splayed legs. I squirted some KY on two fingers and slipped them between his soft buns, he flinched a bit but opened his legs to give me better access. As I said, he was no virgin and I didn't care, he was mine for the moment. I had doubts about taking his monster cock but I had to try, didn't I?

'Go on, do it,' he whispered into the pillow as I annointed his ring slipping just one finger inside to his incredible internal tightness.'Oooh,' he pushed up onto my finger and I slid it backwards and forwards a few times.

'Here we go,' I kissed the back of his smooth neck as I slipped between his outstretched legs and lowered myself until my oiled glans slipped across his super smooth cheeks.

'Yeah, go on, do it.'

I lowered myself slowly and felt my aching cock slip between his tight little globes and nudge at his ring. One push and I was engulfed by his hot flesh. He pushed up absorbing half my cock in one sure movement and I thrust home at the same time.

'You are so good,' I breathed onto his neck and raised my hips and sheathed myself once more. I began to fuck. I don't know how many people he'd had before but he was as tight as a virgin and a glorious fuck, every time I thrust down he pushed up to meet me and in no time at all I was ramming in and corkscrewing into his tight little boy fanny.

'Yeah, yeah,' he mumbled into the pillow as my full weight lay on him and I burrowed deep and hard.

'I'm cumming.' I couldn't keep it up, he was too hot. I really began to ran and thrust as if I was trying to sink forever into his soft flesh and he just pushed upwards as if willing me to go deeper. 'Jeez .....' That was it I winced and held him tightly as I felt my cum shoot up my shaft and deep into his body, again and again. I lay there breathing heavily as I felt the final jerks and I slowly stirred my cock in his spunk filled passage.

'You cum a lot,' he grinned over his shoulder and I sloppily kissed the side of his face.

'I hope you do,' I rolled him over and lay on him gently kissing his sweet lips.

'What?' He looked at me in surprise. 'I thought you'd chicken out.'

'No way,' I pressed my spunk coated cock which was now limpening against his hot monster cock, he was as hard as a fuckin' rock. I slid off him and grasped his hot meat and held it upright, he wasn't bragging it really was about eiht inches long although I was glad to say it was reasonably slender, it wasn't as fat as Calvin's for example but then Calvin's wasn't eight inches. I squirted some more KY onto the palm of my hand and rubbed it into his hard shaft.

He moaned and groaned and I think he thought he was going to cum as he held my hand and stopped me. 'How do you want to do it?'

'It's so big,' I looked at it in some trepidation. 'I'll sit on it then I can take my time, then we roll and you can come on top.'

'What? A full frontal.' he grinned.

'Yeah, eyeball to eyeball.'

'Go for it.'

I did. I applied some more KY to my own hole and squatted above his upright penis. This was the only way I knew to control the rate of entry, I didn't want him slapping it in and hurting me. I knew I could take six inches as that was what Aaron was but eight was another matter,

'Jeez,' I felt his slippery glans enter me and then the gradual filling as I slowly and very gently lowered myself on his hot meat. He lay perfectly still and looked at me intently. Getting there,' I groaned as I felt a brief twinge and then more cock. 'Aaah, that's better,' I sighed and started to move up and down sinking a little bit deeper until I felt his pubics brush against my bum.

'That's nice,' he whispered and gave a little hump upwards. I was still moving up and down and his length was now gliding in and out quite easily. It was time for him to take charge.

'Roll on your side and don't let it slip out.'

'Orrite,' I felt him slide in tight and his pubes mash up against my slippery bum, the whole eight inches was now formly embedded in my body. I'd done it.

'Now you go between my legs as I lift,' I demonstrated by lifting one leg and turning, it's a pretty straightforward maneuver but you both need to know what you're doing. However, he got the idea and I felt his hot cock tight up my arse as he moved around and my legs moved up onto my chest, he was in the superior position. 'Now we're eye to eye,' I grinned.

'Yeah,' he smiled back and gave a little thrust.

'Ouch, take it easy,' I held his hips, I didn't want him to go mad. 'Now nice and easy.'

'Right,' he put his hand flat either side of my body and kissed me long and hard, our only bodily contact was his slippery penis slipping in and out of my hole and his lips.

It was amazing. He drew right out just leaving his knob end in and then slid right back in upto the hilt. He was going faster, sweat beaded his forehad and now he was into fucking for real. He was slipping out and ramming back in with a grunt. I could feel it, I could feel every inch of his hardness and surprsingly enough it felt good.

'You alright,' he panted as he dug in deep and hard.

'Yeah, go for it,' I groaned, believe it or not I was hard again, my erection bounced up and down as he slapped in again and again.

'I'm gonna .....' He did, I felt his massive cock swell inside me and then the glorious hot splashes as he came and came. The movement became easier and messier as his organ was lubricated by his own spunk and he eventually slowed to a standstill. He lay atop me and he kissed with his wet tongue entering my mouth as his softening eight inches slowly slid free.

We lay and cuddled, I think we were both drained for the moment but we had lots of time. A shower and who knows what would follow.

After that day we got into some sort of a routine. We didn't mix work with pleasure but I think all the other bellboys knew or at least suspected. He began to sleepover weekends and sometimes even of a weeknight, God know's what his parents thought of it all but no doubt he cooked up a story.

A few days before our celebrities were due I got a phone call and no prize for guessing who it was, fortunately Nathan happened to be in the room at the time.

'Hi di hi, Chrissy Baby,' the Cornish accent was unmistakable.

'Aaron,' I grinned and beckoned Nathan over. He came over and draped his arm around my shoulder and kissed me. Did I mention we'd become a bit more than lovers, we were an item, about the only one who didn't know was my uncle but then again he might, he had spys everywhere.

'How are you, lover?'

'Fine.' I looked at Nathan. 'Is you're friend around.'

'He's here. first I want to say we're arriving Friday night and we're up for the week ..... just the two of us staying, just like last time.'

'One difference, I've got a sixteen year old fan wants to look after Calvin.' I looked at Nathan, he was beaming.

'Christ, we've got sixteen year old muppets coming out of our ears,' Calvin's voice came on the line.

'Sixteen year olds with an eight inch dick.'


'You heard, his name's Nathan. I think he wants to fuck the arse of a certain Calvin.'

'Eight inches,' I heard Calvin giggle and Aaron in the background. 'Is he nice?'

'Beautiful,' I laughed as Nathan playfully punched my arm. 'But he's mine, no kidnapping.'

'He's older than me,' Calvin squeaked. 'Will he be there Friday?'

'I'd have a job stopping him,' I pushed Nathan back, he was trying to climb down the phone to get to his idol.

'Right, we gotta go,' Calvin got serious. 'We'll get some food and stuff in for ten and fix the security if you can come up around ten fifteen ot ten thirty.'

'I think we can manage that.'

'Can you stay the night?'

'If you can get us out in the morning.'

'Yeah, no probs,' Aaron was back on the phone again. 'We've got a publicity thing around midday so all you have to do is stay in the room and leave after us.'

'Right, we'll look forward to Friday night then........'

'Lets have a word,' Nathan tried to grab the phone and I handed it over, I'd never hear the end of it else.

'Aaron, Calvin?'

'Calvin now.' Nathan grinned, I held my head close to the phone to hear what was going on.

'I love your music and.....' Nathan was curt short.

'I love the idea of a sixteen year old with a big dick,' Calvin chuckled over the phone. 'Gotta go, see you Friday.'

I heard the phone click off and Nathan looked a bit disappointed for a moment but stood up and punched the air. 'Yessss.'

The great day came and we were both done up like dog's dinners. I was in casual gear but Nathan had overdone it, his normally scruffy hair was gelled up in spikes and he had his usual khaki chinos on, the outfit was spoiled somewhat by a Black Sabbath t-shirt. He didn't care he just wanted to get naked with his S Club 8er. I was just getting sick of their fuckin' records but I was looking forward so much to getting inside Aaron's sweet boy fanny again that I'd forgive anything. In actual fact, Aaron's smaller cock would give my arse a rest, Nathan was like a rabbit, he never stopped.


This was incredible, I was sitting in Chris' room all tarted up for a night with S Club 8, well at least two of them Calvin and Aaron. Calvin was the one, I'd dreamed about him ever since he'd first hit the scene, he was a real kewl kid, someone I could get to identify with, someone I could really get to have super dooper sex with. The thought of his little tight bubble butt around my cock and the thought of his fat cock up my rear had me dribbling in my briefs.

I glanced down and I looked a bit bulky down there probably because I'd wrapped a couple of tissues around the end of my cock, I didn't want damp patches on my khakis. Chris was sitting by the phone waiting for the call, I wondered how he felt, I knew that he had a thing for the other one, Aaron but I also knew he had the hots for me. I think we were falling in love, sex is OK but we were getting a bit beyond that. Both he and I knew that what we had going with the S Clubbers was only temporary, they had their career and we had our more down to earth one. they werten't like Steve Gateley, they just couldn't declare their bent, they'd destroy the group, they's cost powerful people a lot of dosh.

'This is killing me,' I walked over to the window and looked down onto the dark street. 'What's the holdup?' We'd heard a few fans earlier on outside the hotel but hey seemed to have dispersed. 'How big is he?'

'For fuck's sake,' Chris laughed. 'how many more times. He's about five and a half inches, six inches. I never measured the bloody thing, but it's pretty fat. Aaron's is a little bit smaller.'

'Both tight arses?' I grinned. I knew he was getting annoyed.

'Tighter than yours,' he grinned sarcastically. Yeah, he was getting annoyed. Time to ease off.

'And you reckon they'll want to go for mixed doubles?'

'I reckon so, they're a pair of little randy sods, they'll keep us busy all night.

'Good,' I shivered with anticipation. 'You're my main man though. You know that.'

'I hope so,' he stood up and reached out, I slipped into his arms and he gently kissed me. 'These lads are a bit of fun, a lot of fun, but in a week we'll be here having to earn a living and they'll be back on the road again.'

'Enjoy whilst we can.'

'You said it.' It was just then that the phone rang ,the internal phone.

Chris picked it up, I saw him nod and he just said: '1424. Same as last time.' He put the phone down. 'We're on buddy, Security is fixed, we just walk on up.'

'Wow.' What else could I say. They were on the fourteenth floor and we were on the first so it took us a little while but we got there in the end after what seemed an eternity, I was a bundle of nerves. We took the lift up, there was only one security man sitting at the end of the corridor reading a magazine and he just looked up and gave us a slight grin, I wondered if he knew ..... he must have.

'Calm down, Nathan,' Chris smiled as he knocked on the door. It was immediately opened and my teeny idol was standing there with a broad grin on his face.

'Chris, nice to see you.' He looked at me curiously.

'Nathan, my partner,' Chris patted me on the shoulder. Partner, I liked that.

'I hear big things about you,' Cal giggled and held his hands apart like a fisherman describing a catch.

'Baby's arm,' I smiled happily as we went into the room.

'Bragger,' Cal smiled and took me by the hand. I was being held by the most glorious boy in the world. The hottest of the hot.

'Size is nothing if you can't snog.' Cal looked at me expectantly, I glanced at Chris but he'd grabbed hold of the other boy, Aaron and they were sharing a pretty heavy kiss, I could see Chris already had his hands on the kid's arse and was into a heavy petting session ... of the bum you understand.

I felt a pang of jealousy but grabbed Calvin, my Calvin. Sod it, it was party time. He didn't mess, this kid. His lips settled onto mine and as I fondled his firm bottom and he grabbed mine I felt his sweet lips open and I stuck my tongue down his throat.

'Gawd,' I moaned as I felt him ease me onto the bed and his hands were everywhere. Hang about, I was supposed to be Mr Dominant and this kid had me flat on the bed and his soft lips were already on my belly where he's shucked my t-shirt off. 'Slow down, Calvin,' I stroked his messy hair. I thought it was styling but his hair was a right mess but his lips and mini kisses were all over my body as he started to undress me. He didn't have too much on himself, he had on what appeared to be a pair of old football shorts and a wife beater, he was bare footed and I guess he was just about stripped for action. I reached for the fork of the shorts and he was hard, and as Chris had said it was a fatty, fat and so fuckin' stiff.

I glanced over at the other two and they were slowly undressing themselved, I noted that Aaron had a firm suntanned body, he was nice, not as nice as Cal but quite munchable all the same.

'Don't worry about them,' Cal gave me a little nip and unclipped my khakis and unzipped. 'Wow, Willy Wonka,' he grasped my swolled meat through the thin material of my briefs. 'What's this tissue for?'

'I was dribbling,' I felt myself redden a bit.'

'I'll take that as a compliment,' Cal laughed and tugged my briefs out and down taking the sodden tissue with them. 'Oh, my!'

I pushed my hips up a lkittle and my eight inches at full stretch slipped straight into Cal's mouth as he dived straight onto the oozing knob.

That was it, as I felt his wet mouth engulf my straining glans I tugged the front of his shorts and his fat cock sprang out, the foreskin had gone home and his gleaming head got nearer as I moved, we were getting into a sixty niner.

'Gonna suck ya and fuck ya,' Cal grinned at me wolfishly as he frantically struggled and got shot of my trainers and slipped my trousers and briefs off leaving me naked from the chest down, all I had left was the t-shirt around my upper torso, I got rid of that. This was how I liked it, totally naked and totally ready for action.

'You ain't the only one who gets a fuck, you know.'

'I know, I know,' he giggled and took as much as my raging hard-on as he could into his sweet mouth. I got my mouth around his and we were away. I explored nearly every inch of his smooth body, his skin was like velvet and he groaned and wriggled as my fingers slipped into his cleft seeking his secret treasure. 'Aah,' he flinched a bit as I slipped a finger into his little hole and then he clamped on it and sucked me like a lollipop as my finger moved in and out of his tight little ring.

'Aaah, Chris.' I heard from the next bed. I was trying not to be nosy but it's hard when you're having sex n one bed and your partner was having it about four or five feet away. Aaron was on his back with his legs on Chris' back and Chris wasa tonking him like a good 'un. I could see the sweat flying, they were having a ball.

'Eeep.' That was me, crafty Cal must have had some KY or something hidden because he just rammed two fingers straight up my arse and it hurt.

'Watchit, you cunt.' I could have bit my tongue off. That was obviously my evil twin speaking, but it was alright.

'Sorry, sorry, sorry,' Calvin gabbled and kissed and slobbered on my belly and started to slowly withdraw.

'Nah, It's alright,' I tried to chill. 'Keep 'em in for a minute.' I clamped on his greasy fingers and returned to his oozing cock, Even his cum tasted delicious and he wept precum by the bucket.

'Can I do you before I shoot?' he looked at me like little boy lost with the slightest of smiles.

I just grinned at him and let him go, a quick shuffle and I was back up the bed again alongside him and attacking his beautiful lips. 'Do it, Cal.' I lay on my back and raised my legs, full frontal, no messin,.

He got between my legs and positioned himself, a look of pure bliss came over his handsome face and he pushed againt my sphincter and slid in. Gawd, it was so fat, I even felt a little pain as it spread my ring but he wasn't stopping now, he was moving to and fro feeding this hot hardness deep into my body and I was loving it, Calvin Goldspink fucking little ol' me.

'You alright,' he whispered and grinned down at me.

'Yeah. Kiss me.'

He glued his mouth onto mine and started to pump, I could feel his pubic bush slap against the underside of my tight ballbag and my hardness jerk as he fucked and boy, did he go. He was like a fuckin' stoat. Gawd, he was even moving me up the bed with the force of his thrusts. I glanced over to the others with teary eyes and they were relaxing and looking at us performing, Chris gave me a thumbs up but then Aaron leapt on him, thery were off again. I was being fucked by Calvin and think of Aaron's, slender tanned body pinned under my eight inch assault. Whatta slut.

'Gonna cum, Nath,' Cal grunted and thrust even faster and harder.

I held his sweating body as he groaned and thrust for the last time. He must have been saving it up, I felt his fat cock spurt, splash and ram hot cum up into my belly. God knows how much he came but it seemed to go on for ever, he was still slowly moving to and fro on his coating of creamy spunk and I could feel his penis soften. I was flooded.

'Cor, that was good,' he kissed my sweaty nose and grinned his famous wide mouthed grin and gave a couple of thrusts with his softening cock.

'You're played out, mate.' I grinned and clamped my anal muscle expelling his cum soaked organ, I felt it smear the backs of my legs as I dropped them and cuddled my little sex toy, he was well and truly drained.

We must have laid there for a full ten minutes, caressing each other, snogging and stinking in our combined sweat. Aaron was giving Chris a good seeing to on the ajoining bed and we watched in silence. God that Aaron was tasty, I was tempted to hop over and stick mine up his tight little arse whilst he was doing Chris but my target was laying alongside me and he came first.

'We gonna have a drink?' Cal;vin nodded at the drinks trolley and I saw it carried a good load of the low alcohol and Breezer type drinks.

'I'd rather .....'

'In a minute, let me get my breath back,' Calvin hopped from the bed and grabbed a couple of bottles and swiftly uncapped them. He came back and placed one on my chest. Christ, it was freezing.

'You gotta take it easy with that thing,' he softly squeezed my erection. 'I ain't done one that size before.'

'But you're not a virgin?'

'Do me a favour,' he guffawed. 'Aaron and me have been at it for over a year now and don't forget Chris.'

'And the others?' I probed.

'Ask no questions, get no lies,' he grinned. 'For tonight, it's we two and they two ..... makes four, yeah?'

'That'll do me,' I could feel my hardness easing off a bit and the drink was cooling me down but I was going to take this beautiful boy soon, very soon.

'Gawd, I've gotta have that, he grabbed my erection which was slightly off the boil and managed to spill Breezer all over my belly.

'Jeeezus, that's it,' I leapt up as he collapsed in hysterics. I put my own bottle down and leapt on him.

'No, no, no,' he giggled and squealed as I rolled him onto his belly. I hoped to fuck the walls had good soundproofing. 'Geroff, geroff,' he was helpless with laughter as I forced his legs apart and put my hands onto his tight little boy buns and spread them exposing his tight pucker. 'Aaah, Nath,' he sighed and relaxed. I felt my cock, it was as hard as a rock, it was ready. I sighted the blue tube of lube and grabbed it and smeared a healthy glop onto my hot meat.

'You ready for this,' I slipped my hands between his cheeks and annointed his ring.

'Yeah. Take it easy.' he whispered and clutched the pillow.

My oiled glans slipped between his cheeks, he flinched a little but relaxed almost immediately. I felt the resistance of his tight little ring but then as he groaned I felt him open up and I slipped into his delicious internal heat. Got, he was so tight. I felt his ring stretch as my bulging well oiled knob slipped inside and then it clamped onto my shaft as that too began to enter. 'You OK,' I whispered.

'Feels like a log,' he laughed softly.

Fair enough. I started to slowly and gently move to and fro sinking bit by bit into his beautiful bum.

'Yeah, yeah,' he muttered quietly into the pillow and spread his legs a little which pushed his bum up onto my advancing shaft. 'Go on,' he urged in almost a whisper.

He was alright, I could sense it. I began to move faster and sink a little deeper at each thrust. I was half in now and going for gold.

'Aah, ahh,' he was louder now but I was on my way.

'Take it, Cal. You know you want it.' I grunted and began to sink almost my full length into his sweet kiddy fanny.

'Yeah, I know,' he laughed and forced himself up nearly swallowing my entire length. That was it, I rammed in hard and deep. He was mine, I had him, I screwed in with my pubics mashing against his soft arse. Now it was time to fuck. I tortured him for ever, every time he thought I was gonna cum I eased off and relaxed. It must have gone on for half an hour and I was shagged but the heat was still there.

'You gotta cum, please.' He begged as he rammed his sweaty little fanny up into my groin.

'Yes, Yesss.' I thrust down pinning him to the bed and forcing his legs even further apart, his little bum came up even further and I slipped into his hot slipperyness for the last time. God. My cock felt so swollen I thought it was going to self destruct but then the blessed releif as I felt steam heated spunk shoot up my shaft and splatter into his tight tunnel.

'Oh, shit,' he wriggled and pushed up as the second spurt splashed up his fanny and then the third and fourth. I dunno how many times I squirted, I lost count all that I do know is that I felt like I was fucking into a hot liquid, his bum was so bashed and battered I was shoving in and pulling out cum between his cheeks and onto my pubics and the bed. Whatta mess, it was glorious.

'Now I feel fucked,' he turned his head to try and look at me as I kept him pinned to the bed with my body. 'Kissy.'

I kissed the side of his face, he was soaked in sweat. 'Where's the other two?'

'In the shower, I think, I lost track a bit.'

'I bet,' he grinned and winced a bit as I slipped my long, limp sausage from his flooded passage. There was spunk everywhere, God knows what the hotel people would think in the morning. 'I've never been done like that before,' he grinned tiredly. 'Good job we've got all night.'

'For a second round.'

'And a third,' he giggled. 'Anyway, I want Chris tonight and Aaron wants you.'

'How do you know?'

'I was watching him when you were fucking me silly, he was laying there with his eyes open, his mouth open and his fanny open. He was fuckin' green with envy.' He chuckled. 'Jealous bitch.'

Just then the other two came out of the shower with the hotel fluffy robes on. I had a closer look at Aaron, yes indeedy, he was tasty. I felt my dick give a twinge, I thought I was all dried out for the night. There were two small sofas in the room with a low table between, the clean pair sat on the one and Cal and myself flopped naked and grotty in the other.

'Bed's wrecked,' Aaron spoke generally with a shy smile in my direction.

'No matter,' Chris grinned. 'As long as your security doesn't hassle me I can get fresh bedding in about ten minutes.'

'Whatever,' Cal draped his arm around my shoulder and kissed me on the cheek. 'I think I've gotta go,' he stood hurriedly and shot for the bathroom. 'Don't come in anybody,' he called as he closed the door.

'Abortion,' Chris grinned.

'Yeuch,' Aaron looked all prim and proper, this was the guy my partner had been fucking an hour ago. I looked at him again. Yeah, he was fuckin' nice. I idly wondered how the wife swopping was going to work, I was soon to find out.

'Oi.' It was Cal, his head peered around the bathroom door. 'Wanna share a shower, sugar buns.'

'Sugar buns,' I groaned and looked at the other two. 'He is such a tart.'

'I'll second that,' Aaron grinned.

I left them and went into the shower to find Cal humming one of his hits and soaping up, he looked adorable with his wet hair plastered to his head and his fat limpness all soapy and dangly, I could feel myself hardening up again.

'Move over, sex bomb,' I got in beside him and luxuriated in the warm flow, I could feel his slippery body slide into my arms and his arms went around me ..... twice. 'Hey,' I tried to turn but Aaron was in behind me and craning my head I saw that Chris has also come in and now the four of us were in a shower that barely contained two.

We spent a frantic five minutes soaping and groping and I could feel Aaron was making a move for my arse, I was a bit inclined to let him he was bigger than Cal but it wasn't so fat, a bit like Chris' as it happens and that was a familiar size. He he.

'This is ridiculous,' Cal finally spoke out and I noticed he was clinging onto Chris like a lost boy, what made me think the wife swapping was about to begin. 'Two have to go, it's too crowded in here.'

'Yeah,' Chris looked at me. 'Let's have a vote.'

'Aaron,' Cal got in quick.

'Nathan,' Chris was just as quick.

I looked at Aaron and he gave me a shy grin. 'Nathan.'

'Gotta be Aaron.' I pulled him closer and our wet stiffnesses slid together. 'Aaron and me'll go, we've got things to do.'

'Yeah,' Aaron agreed. We left the other two together, we were current, they were history. Back in the room Aaron turned all the lights off just leaving the one over by the wine bar and TV, I noticed that it had just gone midnight and I felt like I'd been in here for a lifetime already but Mr Dick was hard and pointing the way.

This is cosy, I sat on the bed recently vacated my my partner and now occupied by my temporary partner surfer boi, Aaron.

'You are so nice,' I tilted his head and kissed him gently on the lips.

'They all reckon Calvin's the good looker,' he sounded a little jealous.

'Yeah, he's the cheeky boy next door type, you're the more mature teen dream type.' Flattery gets you everywhere.

'Do you think so,' he grinned as I kissed him again and forced him onto his back on the bed.

'I know so,' I nuzzled at his brown neck and rolled one of his dark brown nips between my fingers.

'Aaah,' he clasped the back of my neck and held us together as his flickering tongue plundered my mouth, I could feel his hard cock pressing against my leg.

I explored his body, it was a nice body. He had the begining of the belly muscles, quite a good show, the famous six pack. A nice little treasure trail just ending at his navel and big balls. That was the thing I noticed, he wasn't enormous, probably five and a half to six inches, pretty average, in fact, pretty good for a kid his age but big balls. He must cum a gallon, they were relaxed at the moment, loose in their sac but he'd just had sex, he needed a little while to top up and I was going to have his juice, I was going to drain him, do or die.

'That is so big,' he gently squeezed my hardness. 'Jeez, you've just done it and you're hard already.'

'Sex beast, that's me,' I grinned at him and swiped my tongue across the end of his cock, it twitched and he groaned.

I heard the other two come into the room but to my surprise they got under the bedclothes and went into a muffled snogging session, it was probably drier inside the bed than laying on top.

'Shall we get in? It's cosier.' Aaron looked at me and I knew he was up for it, I sense these things.

'I'll turn the light off, you get in.'

'Yes, master,' he smiled and slipped off the bed to turn down the bedding

'What time we gotta make a move,' I asked the other bed before joining Aaron.

'You can 'officially' have breakfast with us,' Cal yawned. 'We haven't got anything on until lunchtime I think.'

'We've got the weekend off,' I told him and slipped into the bed. I nestled against Aaron's warm smoothness, as he said it was cosy. His cock was slippery, the crafty sod had oiled up whilst I was doing the lights. 'If I lie on my side and you stick that in me, you'll have to fuck me.'

'What a surprise,' he chuckled and snuggled up against me as I turned away, I felt his oily cock slip between my cheeks, this was gonna take time. We'd both had sex and we were both well loosened up already, it would take time indeedy. Great.

''Aaah, Chris.' This was followed by a giggle. It sounded like Cal was having his second boy of the night. Sounded like a pair of junior vampires but it was nice that they were having fun.

I felt Aaron hold my hips and give a gentle push, I gave a little groan as I felt his hot meat slip into me and he gently rocked to and fro sheathing his stiffy deep inside my flesh. He was nice and gentle, he was fuckin' nice full stop. 'Grrrr,' he was trying to sound butch as he moved a little faster and I felt his chest press against me, he was trying to roll me onto my tummy.

I went with the flow and turned and presented my face to the pillow and opened my legs. I know that I didn't like doing it on my side, you always seemed to finish up with one arm getting cramp. He slipped on top of me and I felt his hot breath on my neck as he spread my legs even further apart and started to dig in. I clamped my cheeks on his oiled erection as it slipped in and out of my bottom. I always had myself down as a bit of an 'alpha male' but I didn't mind doing the bottom bit now and then, with Aaron I was actually enjoying it, I could feel my own eight incher hard and tight between my smooth belly and the bed. I pushed up onto his advances, if my cock kept on rubbing against the bedding I was going to waste all my creamy juice on the sheets and I didn't want that.

'I'm gonna cum,' he whispered as he really began to ram into my arse. He didn't need to tell me, I could feel his slender cock seem to grow inside me and then the luxury of his hot splashing and spurting. He didn't do a lit but it was nice and squishy, I wrigged back onto his cum stained cock as he slowly moved it in my now totally relaxed hole, my well filled Tunnel of Love as you might say. He, he. Dontcha just love pop stars?

'I'm fucked,' he breathed in my ear and slowly and carefullt slipped free. After all we didn't want a soggy bed inside as well as on the top.

'Not yet you ain't,' I rolled from under him and rolled onto my back, he slipped on top of me and his softening cock with it's spunky coating slipped against my own erection. We hugged tightly forcing our bellies together and our organs to mash. 'Come up the bed,' I whispered but didn't really have to, I could hear the sounds of frantic sex from the next bed, they were past eavesdropping on us. Calvin or Chris was getting a good seeing to.

'Up the bed, what for?'

'Just do it, lover boy.' I stroked his slender hips as I felt him move up the bed and his slippery cock move up my belly onto my lower chest. This is one I'd tried with Chris on one of our earlier jaunts and it seemed just about right for now. As I felt his balls clear I grabbed my hardon and stuck it between his legs and pointed it upwards to the fork of his body. 'Now start to come down again.' I think he'd got the idea when he started to move down again and my erection homed in just behind his balls and slipped into place.

'Aaaah,' he gave a long shuddering moan as my now weeping glans pushed at his sphincter and met resistance. 'Go for it,' he muttered hotly in my ear and kissed the side of my mouth. I did, I gave a little push and I felt his sweet ring yield and my knob glide in on a thin coat of precum, slide in through his rubbery ring into his hot flesh. 'Aaah,' he moaned again as he moved down onto me in little jerks and I slowly filled him with little upwards fucky movements. I dunno if he'd done this before but the best was yet to come.

He'd probably got about half of it it when I clasped him in a bear hug and suddenly rolled him onto his back. He gave a startled sqwark as I grabbed his legs and hoisted them back to his chest. He was mine now. I started to fuck into his tautly spread ring and I was nearly there.

'Aah.' No great conversationalist our Aaron. I started to whack in deeper and deeper finally bottoming out with an oily slap. 'That's so big,' he moaned but held my hips with one hand and tried to drag my head down for a kiss with the other. I kissed him sloppily and slipped my tongue into his mouth as I really slammed in making his body jerk. That was it. I fucked the arse offa him for about five minutes and he loved it, squirming and all his whimpers and yells were lost in my mouth which I kept glued to his. All good things cum to an end and they did. I must have cum more on the second go with him than before, the cumming was almost painful. Jet after jet, streamers of thick creamy cum filled his cute little bum and even his back and my belly, some sort of miracle, he even spurted a couple of mini squirts which spashed onto our bellies making even more mess. We subsided in a mass of sweaty, spunk soaked heaps of tired boyhood. We were totally wiped out and we slept sodden and smelly. It was terrific.

I awoke at the crack of dawn busting for a pee, Aaron was cuddled against me and I could feel his heartbeat against my back, I could also feel his stiffness pressing against the underside of my bum. I could have done a little wiggle and he's have slipped straight back into the ol' honey pot but I had to have a piss. I looked at the clock and it was only six o'clcock and I'd been told that breakfast was ordered for nine o'clock ..... all the time in the world.

Once I'd done my toilet I decided to have a shower, why not the others were asleep and I didn't really want to wake them although I wouldn't mind seconds on Aaron. I slipped into the shower and skid the glass door to, in a way it was nice to be one your own for a bit and to unwind. My mind drifted back to last night, a double header with Calvin Goldspink and another double with Aaron' lots of gay boys out there would give their right arm for a treat like that. I was idly soaping my self up and to be honest giving myself a good feel up when I heard someone else come in the bathroom and the sound of the toilet being used, not for pissing for the other. Whew, sorta gross.

Toilet done the vague shape and that was all I could see through the water beaded glass slid open the door and slid in alongside.

'Morning, sweetnuts.' It was Calvin looking like a shipwreck, his eyes were mere slits and his hair looked like a haystack in a high wind. He was gorgeous.

I just looked at him and grinned stupidly, I wanted to grab him and make out but I didn't know if he was a morning person or not, some people aren't. He solved the problem and grasped my by the waist and joined me under the direct flow of the warm jet.

'Enjoy last night?' He grinned, he was about my height and he leaned in and gave me a butterfly kiss on the lips.

'Yeah, great.' I pulled him in tighter and encircled him in my arms, natrurally enough my hands dropped to his wet bubble buns, they were delicious. The old phrase came to mind, you know the one ..... a bum like jelly on springs.

'You're hard again,' he giggled grabbing my soapy penis which had shot to a full erection. He worked the retreating foreskin to and fro until the pink head was fully exposed under the falling water, I noticed his own had risen to the ocassion as well. 'Fancy it?' He whispered.

'What?' Did I tell you I get thick spells.

'Don't be a wally,' he laughed and turned his back to me. 'Wash my bum.'

'It's got to be clean inside as well as out,' I kissed his wet neck and slipped a soapy hand bereen his cheeks and fingered his slippery ring.

'Yeah, gotta be,' he jerked as two fingers slipped into his hot tunnel and began to ease the muscle and clean him out.

I gave him a good wash both inside and out and all the time he whimpered and pushed back onto my exploring fingers as if demanding more. I could live with that. All of a sudden he shot out of the shower and spread a couple of towels on the bathroom floor.

'Whatcha doing?' I looked around the shower door and turned the water off. What the hell was he upto?

'Use this,' he took a jar of hand cream from the bathroom cabinet and handed it to me. 'For this,' he added and dropping to his knees took up a doggy stance on the towels.

Jeez, I didn't need telling twice. I had the quickest dry off in history and I was kneeling between his smooth legs greasing up my revitalised penis, the old boy was up for some action.

This time there was no rush and no panic, I placed one hand on his hips and guided my straing hardness with the other.

'Morning, girls.' It was Aaron. 'Don't start without me.' He shot into the shower.

'Fuck him,' Cal groaned. 'For fuck's sake do it, he can catch up.'

Once again I didn't need telling twice. I positioned myself once more at his tight little pucker and slowly pushed. I felt the muscle yield and by cock end slowly force it's way into the hot flesh within, Cal grunted and pushed back hard, he really wanted it.

'Hey, hey,' Aaron burst from the shower laughing and still soaking wet, he knelt behind me between my legs, I knew what was coming. 'Bend over buddy.'

'Where's, Chris?'

'He's sleeping like a log,' Cal chuckled. 'Don't stop, I'm getting used to eight inchers.'

'Slut,' Aaron chuckled and I felt his oiled organ at my back entrance, I was going to be the meat in a fuck sandwich with my favourite two boy singers.

I think I made the big push slipping my glans deep inside Cal the same time Aaron rammed into me pushing me even harder into Cal.

Talk about heaven the three of us fucked slowly and then faster as we felt our various heats arise. Cal was the first to come, I was wanking his fat cock at the time and I felt it jerk and spurt his thick pearly juice onto the towels beneath, as his arse clamped on my cock I came, a good one this time, cum after cum, steams of thick spunk up into his tight little arse. Finally, Aaron after a frantic burst of lunging and plunging jetted his sticky goo up my bottom. We fell onto the bathjroom floor and slowly slipped free or each other and I lay with an S Club 8er in each arm.

'I'm fucked,' I grinned at the ceiling and hugged my companions,

'I'm fucked,' Cal grinned at me.

'Same here,' Aaron grinned.

'Not quite,' I looked at Cal and winked. We both leapt on Aaron and in a thrice he was on his belly and hip legs were spread. 'You or me,' I griined at Cal.

'We'll take turns,' Cal grinned and positioning himself between the giggling Aaron's legs shoved his semi stiffy deep and hard into his mate.

I just sat their in the fug of the bathroom and wanked myself back to life. I was going for another fuck and I didn't really care if it was Calvin or Aaron, they were my S Club Eighter partners and we had a whole weekend to go.

The End

(and this time it really is)

GCutter66@aol.com for criticism/comments or list of other stories.

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