Sailors Are Hot


Published on Jul 3, 2012



This is a work of pure fiction. I retain all rights. Do not plagiarize. If you are to young to legally read porn, do not read this story. Otherwise, enjoy.

Sailors Are Hot

by Bill Moretini

Jesse Barns looked so sad, so alone, as he sat on the granite base of a twice life-sized statue of Bruno Turolli, a great Italian violinist; at least that's what the bronze plaque below his concrete toes claimed. Lots of pigeon poop garnished poor Bruno with birds' indifferent opinions. Tab had told Jesse to `Go to hell!' before leaving their one-bedroom apartment after eight months of not so blissful partnering. Jesse was in tears as Tab angrily slammed the apartment door for the last time.

Alone again. This time dumped by a twenty year old super hung, self centered jerk. 99% of why Jesse had nested with him in the first place was Tab's freakishly huge cock. The other 1% didn't really matter to Jesse. Such hitchings based on carnal values and little else, never ride off happily into the sunset. So the outcome was predictable. The question was, `Would Jesse ever find another cock to satisfy his over-the-top carnal needs for really big prime meat?' Poor Jesse. Poor, poor lad. In every life some rain must fall. What to do...What to do?

He began aimlessly lumbering down Hemlock street's crumbling sidewalk in the bone-chilly, ever-present mist of Seattle's winters..., and falls, and springs.

"Hey! Watch the fuck where you're going! Are you from out of town?"

Jesse was from out of town; Nashville, to be exact. He rubbed his bruised shoulder where the man had run into him, or, where he had run into the man. He wasn't sure which. He was headed toward the Warf, the lowest point in Seattle. It would twin his own present low point. He walked along the Warf with his head bent low and his nads on overflow.

"Hey! Watch the hell where you're walking..., buddy!

Jesse tuned to see who it was this time. A sailor's frowning face morphed into a wide grin, displaying blackness in two spaces formerly occupied by two teeth. A bit of a belly. Darling bubble butt! Burred blond hair. Nice package...Really nice!

"I'm so sorry," said Jesse as his gadar kicked in. "Can I somehow make amends? French fried oysters? A nice plump weenie? Maybe?"

"That last suggestion, I've got covered...buddy," the sailor said, and winked. "But my weenie is cold and needs warming up. Friction would do quite nicely, if you know what I mean."

Game on!

"Can I stroll with you?" asked Jesse, his hazel peepers never leaving sailor boy`s awesome bulge that trailed down the left leg of his navy blues.

"Sure..., buddy. Ship ahoy!"

Jesse was by his side quicker than you could say, `I'll sail where you sail...buddy'. Jesse walked slightly ahead so that he could sneak glances at the thick snake in the sailor's navies.

"I'm Jesse."

"I'm Troy."

They walked on for twenty-nine feet without speaking. Thirty feet: "Where were you headed, Troy?"

"To a special place." "Special could mean anywhere. Can I go there with you? I've no place to go anyway," said Jesse.


Did you just get off of a ship?"


Do you have a place to stay yet?"


"You're a great conversationalist, Troy."

"That's what most people say. I guess I sorta aimlessly ramble on."

"Humm. Uh, want a drink?"

"You buying?"

"Humm. How about a funny smoke my place?"

"With benefits?"

"Lots of benefits, Troy boy. You don't charge, do you?"

"For what?"

Jesse gave Troy boy a scrutinizing stare. `Is he dumb, or is it just me?', Jesse wondered. Maybe he sent me the wrong signal. Come to think of it, he never sent me a signal in the first place. Oh shit! Dump him!"

"Come to think of it, I've got things to do, Troy. Maybe another time."

"You mean, I ain't gonna get me a piece of ass?"

"Oh. Oh! Two more blocks. Cross the street. The Oaks apartment building. Apartment in the rear. Bedroom in the... uh, yes, you'll see."

"I like it with my slut bent over the arm of a sofa," said Troy.

"I beg your pardon!" said Jesse, offended by the slut word.

"A sofa! You got a sofa?"

"Geeze. Yes, I've got a goddamn sofa! We cross here."

"Nice building. Is this it?"

"Yep,' said Jesse.

"You don't talk much, do you?"

"No..., but I throw a goddamn good fuck!"

"Got lube?"

"I've got lube. I've got booze. I've got weed. I've got a sweaty jock strap you can smell to turn you on while you fuck my goddamn ass!"

"Are you upset, Jesse?"

Jesse again locked his eye on the awesome bulge in Troy's skin-tight sailor uniform. He had a thing for uniforms.

"No. What made you think I was upset? Never mind. Up one flight. The door with all the graffiti. If you need a shower, don't! I like sweat. Lots of sweat."

"You're funny, Jesse."

"That's what most people say."

Humm. Someone else said that recently. I can' recall who."

"It'll come to you. Step in quickly and don't let the cat out."

"I like pussies."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Troy."

"Huh? If you don't like cats, why do you have one, Jesse?"

"So my company will have something to play with when they get bored with me. Quickly, now!"

"Oh..., isn't he purrrrty!"

"It's a she. No balls. Bad breath. Bad temper too," said Jesse. "Weed or booze?"

"Both, please."

"Okay, both you get. I could use both too."

Jesse's thoughts were in warp speed as he fixed two very strong sloe gin drinks. `Talk about dumb blondes. That monster thing running down his leg had better not be a fucking drawer full of sox. He likes pussies..., fuck!

"Okay, Troy, here's to a good time in bed. Oh, I forgot..., you want my belly draped over the arm of my couch. Well, okay, if there's a good bit of other kinds of foreplay to warm things up."

"Oh, I liked getting sucked too," Troy said as he took the drink from Jesse. Heck, I like getting my ass licked too. Thanks for the drink."

"Drink a good slug while I roll a joint."

"You got a cute butt, Jesse. How much can it take?"

"Lots if I get plenty high. So, how much have you got, Troy?"

"Fourteen. Fifteen if I have enough incentive."

Jesse's drink slipped from his hand. Booze and ice splattered over everything within a ten foot radius, including his shoes and sox. He silently cursed. `Is this guy human? If not, take me to his planet' !

"Fourteen, huh? Do you know many guys who have taken your whole cock up their ass?"

"No, you'll be the first. I can hardly wait. Is your ass tight?"

"It's not the Holand tunnel!"

"You've got a great sense of humor, Jess."

"Yeah, I'm a barrel of laughs at parties. Can I freshen your drink?"

"I'd rather have a full glass," Troy said, and guzzled the remainder.

"Can you get it up when you're plowed?"

"Oh sure. And with a puff of weed, I can fuck all night and on into the next day."

"I am soooo glad to hear that!" Jesse said sarcastically.

"I'm really glad, Jesse. Most guys can only go twice. I think it's because of my size."

"Now who would have guessed that? When does your ship cast off?"

"Not for another six days. We can have lots of fun in that amount of time, huh, Jesse?"

"Sure..., lots. Here's your second drink."

"Aw gee, Jesse..., who counts when you're having fun?"

Jesse turned away and rolled his eyes. `Am I getting upset over nothing? Is that really just a cucumber in his bellbottoms'?

"You know, Jess, some silly guy once compared my cock to a huge cucumber," said Troy, and then chuckled. "Isn't that funny?"

"It's a gas, man! Is he still living, or did he die from a hernia?"

"I suppose he's alive. That's a silly question, Jess."

"I..., I forgot about a couple of joints already rolled. I'll be right back."

"I'll be waiting. I think I'll surprise you when you come back."

"You do that. Everybody loves surprises. Drink up, there`s plenty more!"

`If I can just get this fucker drunk, I'll tell him his boat captain had a change of plans, and he needs to rush back to it...and take that CANON WITH him! Wait! I really want to see it if it's real.'

Jesse did indeed have a half dozen already rolled joints that he wouldn't disclose to others for fear they'd insist on sharing every one of them. He put two in his shirt pocket and left his bedroom.

If he had had another drink in his hand, he would have dropped that one too. Stark naked and looking absolutely AWESOME, Troy was standing and whirling his half hard weapon in pinwheel circles with one full fist. His balls swung from side to side like twin pendulums on London's Big Ben clock. Jesse could barely restrain from pissing his pants. Troy's cock was PHENOMINAL!

"I s-s-s-see you're already un-n-n-ndressed," stammered Jesse.

"And waiting for some sweet lov'n..., honey."

`Honey? What comes next, a marriage proposal?' Jesse thought.

"You look really great, Troy," Jesse said in a weak projection.

"Hurry and get undressed, Jesse. I feel really horny."

"Horny. Uh...yeah. Get undressed...yeah, right away."

Seeing Jesse hesitate, Troy rushed up to him and started undressing him while Jesse stood in denial. Troy's dong kept bumping into Jesse's knees as he rapidly striped off Jesse's clothing.

"Pink lace? I love lace!" said Troy. "You look darn purty in it. But I can't poke you with your underwear on. It's gotta go. We probably will need lube."

Yeah, a ton of it, thought Jesse, `and a surgeon standing by to sew me back together.' "I've got plenty, Troy! Want to smoke?"

"Does a cat eat mice?"

"My bitch doesn't. I mean, sure, let's take it to the bedroom."

Being an atheist, normally, Jesse crossed his heart. He threw back the covers and slid across the cool silk sheets and scrunched up against the wall. Then he panicked and slung open the night stand drawer and grabbed the economy sized tube of KY. Troy grinned and slid over, nearly on top of Jesse. Like a bee to a rose, Troy's finger honed in on Jesse's tight pucker.

"No! Not without lube," said angst filled Jesse.

"Why sure, Jess. Wouldn't want to hurt that sweet little thing. How come you're not getting hard?"

"Let my cock worry about that. What in hell were you eating when you grew up?"

"I get asked that a lot. Just plain ole' farm food. I'm home grown, you know. Spuds and such. Cornbread and potatoes."

"It was just a rhetorical question, Troy. That must be a pound of foreskin. How do you find underwear to package all of that cock and balls?"

"Who needs underwear. I swing free like in nature," Troy said, and raised Jesse's legs and slid between them on his knees.

Troy dove for Jesse's man pussy like he hadn't eaten in a week. He was good! Jesse gasped as Troy's tongue invaded his anus and wiggled around. He braced himself as the long tongue lovingly caressed his prostate. Troy grabbed hold of Jesse's balls and gently twisted. Jesse moaned and squirmed. Troy removed his tongue.

"Man, that's good eat'n Jess. Ready for the real thing?"

"PROMISE that you'll go in nice and easy like!"

"Sure, baby, all fifteen inches of me." "Oh fuck!" Jesse exclaimed, thinking how painful it would be.

First, with Jesse on his hands and knees. Too big. Then on his back. Better, but still too big. Then sitting on Troy's cock and sliding down it.

"Oh! Whew! OH! Easy, man! Aw...,that's a little better. Slower. More lube! More lube, man! How much is in me now?"

"About eight, honey."

There he goes with that 'honey' shit again. That thing is way past my prostate! Will he try to take me all the way? Humm, maybe if I just squirm around in little circles to kind of get my gut adjusted.

"Oh fuck yeeesss! That's one talented ass! Take a little bitty bit more!"

"Hell, Troy, I'm not made of rubber! It does feel a bit better though. Okay, I'll slid on down. Stop pulsing it! I can feel your blood throbbing! Aw, that's better. How much more is there?"

"Not much. You're tighter than most guys. Feels really great, honey."

Although Jesse wouldn't admit it to Troy, he too was really enjoying that monster fuck. Slam! (in) Ssuuuk, (out) Slam! (in) Ssuuuk, (out) etc, etc, etc. Troy rolled them over onto Jesse's back. Then he exploded into rip roaring action. Jesse grunted. He moaned. He Groaned. He gasped. He squealed. He loved it!!! And they hadn't even taken one drag from the dubbie. Nor had Jesse taken all of the dick that Troy had, but Jesse didn't know that...yet.

"I'll slide on in to home base now, Jesse."

"You're not there now? Aw fuck!"

"Just an ittsy bit more, Honey. You feel really great!"

"I feel like a stuffed turkey on Christmas day."

"A puff of that wed would relax you, Jesse. Want to?"

"Need to would be more like it. Damn, you're big! Don't move! The matches are in the nightstand. I'll light this joint."

Jesse filled his lungs to capacity and held the joint to Troy's lips. It was really strong grass, and both of them were soon feeling super. Jesse's sphincter relaxed and he slid on down on the rocket and came to rest on the hairy launching pad. Soon, his face was all smiles, as was Troy's.

"Sock it to me, Troy. Bred my bad ass. Fill my gut with your love spunk. Yes. Oh yes. Fuck me hard!"

"This should take some of the smartness out of your lip, Jesse. What you needed was a real man to make you show respect. How does this feel?" Jesse said, and rammed in as hard as he could.

"OH hell! Damn you're big! Feels good! Fuck me, Troy!"

Troy began slamming his cock into Jesses hot, slick hole while Jesse greedily demanded more and harder. The scent of sex and sweat was intense and heady. Troy's face hovered over Jesse's. Sweat dripped from his nose onto Jesse's lips. Jesse stroked his cock with one hand and tweaked Troy's large nipple with his other hand, sending Troy into a fuck frenzy. His long weapon was charting new territory in Jesse's gut, and Jesse was loving every vicious thrust.

"I'm getting close, honey," said Troy. "Are you?"

"Yeah! Real close! Shoot in my gut and then suck my cum!"

"Oh! Ooooh yeah! I'm shooting!" yelled Troy. "Hold yours, man!"

Jesse stopped jacking immediately. He felt volley after volley of warm jizz deposit in his gut. His prostrate was demanding.

"Take my cock, Troy! Can't hold any longer. Suuucck it, man!"

Troy pulled out, cum still squirting from his pee slit. He quickly went down on Jesse's gushing geyser. The aroma of semen saturated the ambient air. Jesse's bountiful blast filled Troy's mouth to overflow, dripping into Jesse's patch of black pubes and on his balls. Jesse quivered as the last spurt of his thick cum pasted Troy's cum-coated tongue.

Troy wasn't through. He raised Jesse's butt high and began slurping up cum from the fuck-hole he had moments before pummeled. Jesse strained to push more jizz out. With all traces lapped up, Troy lowered Jesse and laid on top of him and put their mouths together. He spit the cum into Jesse's mouth.

"Want to fuck me now?" asked Troy.

"No way! But maybe tomorrow night."

"Are you asking me to stay over, Jesse?"

"Yep. Every night till your ship goes to sea."

"Oh? Didn't I tell you? Yesterday was my last day in the navy."

"The, uh..., the last day?"

"That's right, honey. I could move right in."

"Move in! Into my apartment? With me?"

"Yeah! Isn't it exciting?"

Jesse felt faint. His asshole felt worse. He thought fast.

"Oh! Didn't I tell you? I'm getting a job transfer and have to start packing tomorrow. Sorry, Troy."

"Aw, that's too bad, honey. Well I've no job yet. Maybe I could go with you."

" Russia?"

"Oh. Well, maybe not. Anyway, it was swell fucking your sweet butt. But you`re gonna miss me."

"Oh I will, I will! Here's a joint and matches to remember me by."

"Well thanks, hon. Bye now."

Jesse closed the door behind Troy and locked it. Then he went to the bathroom, drew some very warm water, and soaked his throbbing anus. He swore that if anyone called him honey again, he'd slug them.

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