Sandy and Bud Ricks

By tomas weston

Published on Jan 26, 2023




Benedict Mackenzie Nash ran to his brother and jumped into his open arms allowing Brad to clasp his brother's rear so as to hold him real close. The boy sprayed kisses all over Brad's face before bursting into tears. However, a few moments later Ben turned his head to shout for Petey; the name eliciting another no' from Brad. In an instant, another similarly sized dishevelled boy appeared from behind the palm trees and after yelling a wow' rushed over and wound himself around Brad's lower body- and it did not take Sandy long to notice that Petey's right hand was pressing onto the teen's groin through the scarlet swim briefs.

The commotion roused the others and shortly Bud, Dan and the naked young smuggler appeared. Sandy rushed over to Bud and pulled him into his body and this caused the redhead to press further after which the blonde kissed his younger brother full on the lips - with Bud's response ensuring that this embrace continued. Brad noticed a sheepish looking Dan wearing a half smile, along with the torn garment, and although he had been happy with the boys clinging to him, he disentangled himself and ran to embrace Dan whose cock stirred immediately and sprang from the pink fabric.

The young smuggler was looking awkward until Mason strolled over and held him close and although Ben and Petey knew of Dan's importance to Brad, they were somewhat annoyed until Chip wound his arms around them and pushed them both not only into his body but into each other as well.

It took a while to separate Brad from Dan and Sandy from Bud but eventually Chip made them collect the discarded equipment and move through the trees onto the stony beach. They sat then huddled before putting their stories together. Ben explained about their boat trip and their uncle's involvement and then Bud explained how he and Dan had become captured and finally Chip added their group's movement aimed at retrieving Bud and Dan. Dan was able to add information gleaned from the young smuggler after which Chip explained the forthcoming nine o' clock action.

Next Chip contacted Van to state, that not only had they succeeded in their task but that he was to relay information to the gunboat re the smuggler's plans. As a parting shot, Chip told Van that they had acquired a young naked teen from the smugglers who needed comforting and that he had this task if the Canadian thought he was up to the job- a grunt was all that a Chip received in response.

It was decided to make two journeys to Little Smeaton; so, Chip led the two whitie clad boys and the naked teen into the inflatable as Mason waded into the water to help guide the craft. This left Dan clinging to Brad and Bud nestling in Sandy's lap. However, without speaking of their obvious intentions, Dan pulled Brad up, then along the narrow beach and finally behind a stand of palm trees.

Sandy turned Bud, and after another long and loving embrace, confessed his love for his brother which brought forward tears, kisses and the redhead's acknowledgement of a returned love. Sandy pulled Bud very tightly into him, and then explained that he had been so worried about him that from now on, he had no intention of ever letting him from his sight. Bud's face turned bright crimson but he was very happy as the blonde lay him on his back and slipped a hand inside the pink swim briefs. As Sandy reached his goal, Bud pulled at the brief's knot allowing the garment to slide downwards. Bud felt his brother's smooth hands caress his long thin uncut cock and pull back the tight foreskin before moving to squeeze his small round hairless balls. Keeping a hand on his brother's groin, Sandy climbed on top of Bud and once more sought his brother's lips whilst with his spare hand ruffled Bud's red hair. Then, the blonde pressed down as he removed his massaging hand to hold his brother's arms up above his head whilst his body weight helped grind their groins.

As Bud squirmed in pleasure, feeling the size of his brother's cock against his body, Bud whispered that he wanted to see his brother's cock; so ,reluctantly, Sandy moved to lie on his back to allow Bud this request. As the boy stroked the thick shaft through the damp jock pouch, Sandy reached to tighten the grip on his brother's sensitive exposed cockhead making Bud yell. As the blonde gripped even tighter, Bud pulled down the jock to Sandy's knees allowing his heart's desire to spring into view. It was much longer and thicker than Bud had ever imagined, with its wide purple head dripping precum and, then, below the thick smooth cock base, the large oval hairless balls dangled invitingly.

Bud licked up the precum then worked his eager tongue slowly down the shaft before in turn taking each large ball into his moist mouth. As he sucked the oval globes Sandy turned his attention from his brother's sensitive cockhead to his pink virgin hole which he stroked by using his fingernails along the outer puckered entrance before forcing a middle finger inside the tight hole. Bud spat out a ball and made the comment that as he was so tight he could never get his brother's big cock up his butt- Sandy told his brother that all of his cock was going inside his brother's butt whether he wanted it in there or not.

Bud grimaced but before they could discuss this further, the outline of the inflatable came into view so, they rose and although Bud was able to cover his erection with his pink swimbriefs, there was no way the blonde could do the same with the jock – but as Mason had frequently seen Sandy's erection, leaving it exposed was no problem. Sandy moved to retrieve Dan and Brad who were engrossed in a sixty nine position- with Brad on top- however, it was a few more moments before they made themselves relatively decent although Dan with a torn garment could not conceal his major asset.

Whilst Sandy was away from his brother, Mason made sexual contact with Bud, starting, as he also introduced himself, by tracing a fingernail over the boy's outlined erection; then, whilst exposing and playing with the boy's cock and balls, he mentioned not only wanting Chip and himself to get to know Bud intimately, but then, after Sandy had taken his virginity, they wanted to enter him as well. Finally, as the boy turned crimson as Mason started masturbating him, the diver added coarse comments and suggestions including how they longed to watch Sandy fuck Bud.

Bud had no time to reach climax for three bodies came into view from behind the trees- so he stuffed his hard cock and throbbing balls back into his swim briefs and headed for the inflatable before Sandy arrived.

During the short journey to Little Smeaton, Dan cuddled with Brad whilst Mason and Sandy swam; however, Bud, whose thoughts were alternating from the idea of being fucked by his brother to the idea of being watched whilst it was done, was gently massaging his exposed twitching erection. On arrival at the cave, Bud had decided that if he could, he would let Mason and Chip watch him lose his virginity but what puzzled the redhead was why on earth did all these thoughts excited him so.

As they stepped from the inflatable, Bud's erection- now encased in pink fabric- still raged although his brother's cock had returned to its normal size – no doubt cooled by the water. Dan's cock was still exposed whilst Brad's was clearly outlined, with the precum stains, by his scarlet briefs. They all moved to the back of the cave to find Van. He was now naked to the waist and although his shirt was on the young smuggler it hid nothing of interest as it was unfastened.

Ben and Petey were naked – their whities placed on a rock ledge- and not aroused as they were both asleep against a happy Chip who somehow had managed to strip down to his jock.

Van relayed a message that they had to remain on Little Smeaton until after the M and C action and then return to the station to await further orders. This gave then about an hour and a half, so after a biscuit and water breakfast, Dan and Brad decided to seek shelter at the back of the cave system

And Van thought that Pablo- the Canadian it transpired could speak Spanish- would be better served in not watching the assault, it was the remainder who clambered up the path to the rocky summit once Petey had helped strip Mason from his wet suit and carefully place on him a pair of short blue shorts.

On the vantage point Petey happily settled naked into Mason's lap, as Chip guided Bud to a safe point southwards near where a grinning, naked and now erect Ben was snuggled between Sandy's crossed legs.

The first noise that they all heard was the spotter plane overhead which circled a few times then disappeared westwards before a seaplane came in from the east and landed behind Little Smeaton. Its occupants my have been surprised to see a naked Ben stand and wave before being yanked down by Sandy, but the blonde hoped its occupants had more on their mind as they slowly moved the plane southwards until it was behind Great Smeaton. Then, almost simultaneously, the gunboat came in from the west and the large coastal launch from the east and the seaplane manoeuvred between the islands cutting off any escape between the two Smeatons. The spotter plane returned to circle the area and all watched as smaller boats and inflatables shot from the boat and launch cascading men and equipment towards the smuggler's camp.

Taken by surprise, there appeared to be little resistance from the smugglers; any that had tried to run were quickly chased down and both the smugglers' boat and the boys' uncle's launch were captured. There was shouting in the distance but no gunfire and they could see men being rounded up and taken aboard the gunboat.

As the plan was coming to its conclusion, Sandy looked to his left to watch a now naked Mason lead a near naked Petey down the slope- for the boy had found a pair of blue shorts to wear as a hat.

Now that most of the military action on Great Smeaton was over, Ben's interests refocused on the blonde teen as he wriggled in Sandy's lap and giggled a lot- any attempt the teen made to keep the boy still was handicapped by young hands tickling and groping teen flesh. Ben stopped and blatantly asked Sandy if he could hold his cock as he had heard how really big it was. The teen happy to oblige lifted the boy from his lap allowing Ben to reach for the jock's waistband.

As Sandy was happily preoccupied, he would have failed to notice that Chip had removed his jock and, with Bud sitting on his lap, the marine's massive shaft was up between the boy's legs dwarfing Bud's smaller but hard cock which Chip had pulled out from the side of the redhead's tight

pink swimbriefs. As Chip wrapped both his hands around their cocks and squeezed tightly, the boy was stretching and squeezing the man's large oval balls. Chip had suggested some explicit sexual thoughts to the boy including his own addiction to redheads and his desire to fuck him. Bud's new found desires welcomed this attention but it was Chip who insisted that Sandy be the first to fuck Bud and this statement led to a discussion which concluded in the boy enthusiastically agreeing to let Chip and Mason watch the brother's first fuck. Satisfied to wait for that action, Chip let the horny boy play with his cock and balls.

Ben's mouth gaped wide at the size of Sandy's cock. I took a moment for him to say he'd never seen one so long but Sandy decided not to ask him as to how many he had seen. Undaunted, the boy had no hesitation in close examination of the shaft and cockhead, before moving to clasp a hairless ball in each hand. Then Ben moved his lips to kiss and lick the wide purple cockhead eagerly taking on board the salty precum that was oozing from the open cock slit.

Sandy was beginning to be aroused by the boy's gentle touch and he moved his own hands to cup Ben's smaller cock and balls. Both failed to see both Bud and Chip pass by until Bud, now halfway back to the cave, shouted to his brother to make sure he left some juices for him.

Ben stopped and went crimson but the blonde forced the boy's mouth back onto his cockhead. Eventually and before he was nearing climax Sandy pulled the boy away but maintained his grip on Ben's genitals giving them a half twist before release. The boy grimaced before laughing and throwing himself against Sandy where he whispered that he'd like to get fucked by the blonde's monster cock but he was worried- so could he have just a bit of it in. Sandy commented one day he'd do it to Ben but he had to see to Bud first- Ben said he understood but before he'd let the blonde up, he made Sandy promise that he would fuck him.

They made slow progress to the cave as the boy kept reaching for Sandy's cock but the blonde was able to keep him at bay with conversation during which he found out that he'd fucked Petey and that Petey was Brad's suck slave. This information failed to make Sandy's cock soften so, a half hidden erect teen cock along with a fully viewable erect boy cock entered the cave along attached to their owners.

After a wait of an hour, during which they dressed, collected equipment and planned their return, three trips saw the pseudo fishing vessel and the smaller craft filled and making steady progress back to harbour. Mason had left the inflatable in the cave after informing control of its damage during operations but, for Sandy's ears only, Mason was able to assure him that it was working fine; for some reason, as well, the walkie- talkies had disappeared during the action as well.

At the Outer Sound and, after the Canadian had assured Sandy and Bud that he would visit them, Van, along with Pablo, took the larger vessel back to the gunboat whilst the remainder squeezed into the smaller craft.- however, it took Sandy, Brad and Mason to take to the water to prevent two trips. They journeyed through the Inner Sound and into the harbour which being empty allowed them to enter the boathouse unseen.

Next: Chapter 13

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