Sandy and Bud Ricks

By tomas weston

Published on Jan 28, 2023




After Sandy had tied up the boat, he with the others grouped at the back of the boathouse, whilst Chip, the only one appropriately dressed, went to the operations room to discover who was in charge. He returned quickly to tell them that Frank and Joe were still here and that the relief was not due back till later that night.

Thus, Bud was sent to collect towels and Sandy to get spare clothes after the blonde collected a message from Frank concerning his father.

Sandy met Frank at the operations door and was ushered inside where the two cadets happily squeezed the blonde's jock pouch as he read the message. Sandy noted that his father had been delayed until tomorrow and then he fell in with Chip's order to help his brother much to the cadets' annoyance.

When Bud and Sandy returned, stripping from wet or unsuitable clothing had begun. Mason was being helped from his wetsuit by an already naked Ben and Petey, whilst Brad and Dan were both naked and in an embrace. With the towels distributed, Ben and Petey fought to see who would dry the lower half of Mason as Dan and Brad dried themselves although whilst facing each other they were happy to swing their erect cocks

Bud lowered his brother's jock and began by drying the blonde's cock before moving to other areas. As the redhead dried Sandy's hair, Chip moved from watching his brother and crouched to rid Bud of his pink swimbriefs and then dry the boy.

Clothes were distributed as far as was feasible so a jock-strapped Sandy and a whitie clad Bud had to pull on their cut- offs and Chip and his brother their uniforms. Brad regained his basketball shorts whilst Dan gained the college boy's low cut vest over a pair of Sandy's whities and Petey and Ben gained Sandy's t-shirts over Bud's whities. In their various garbs, they trooped to the kitchen to put together a hearty breakfast whilst Chip returned to contact the gunboat and Sandy collected together the used clothing happy to keep as souvenirs two young boys worn and sandy whities.

As he re-entered the kitchen to join the others for a meal, Sandy decided not to make known his father's delay in returning but just helped himself to coffee and food. Mainly replete, most of them nibbled at extras except for Brad who seemed to have a bottomless pit of a stomach and was downing another waffle when Mason asked Sandy what had happened to his brother. Armed with food and coffee, Mason made for the operations room knowing probably that Chip was not in any state at that moment to handle either food or drink.

Then, Brad left to phone home whilst the others sat round grinning and making coarse comments about what they wanted to do once they arrived at Brad's home. Once the college boy returned it was learnt that a taxi was on its way and therefore goodbyes were in order. With the promise of quick returns to visit Sandy and Bud and not just for the return of the clothing, Brad and most of his troop traipsed out and onto the coarse gravel to await the taxi. Ben hung back to hug Sandy and he reiterated the blonde's promise of a fuck which the teen had no choice to agree with again; As the taxi came into view, Mason appeared from the operations room with an apology concerning his brother's absence as Petey came to hug the marine and inadvertently pushed his hand through the man's half open cammo fly to grope a white jock pouch. After both Petey and Ben were finally coaxed from their respective holds, Brad took the taxi's front seat whilst the two boys fought on the back seat to be the one to sit on Dan's lap.

Mason left to find his brother, leaving Sandy to tell his brother that as their father was now not due until tomorrow afternoon not only could they sleep together without fear of discovery but have a sleep-in .

As the younger brothers entered the operations room, they found a jock wearing Chip eating whilst Mason was jacking off one of the cadets who Chip introduced as Joe. Frank came to introduce himself to Bud and led the boy over to a corner where he soon had the boy naked and sucking cock. Sandy discussed a possible sleepover for them all but Chip mentioned that they were likely to be recalled to the gunboat. Hearing guttural noises caused Sandy to look up to see Joe spurt his load over the floor and watch as Mason divert his attention to Frank and Bud, encouraging the redhead to finish the cadet by hard jacking his throbbing cock whilst Mason reached one hand to stroke Bud's cock and insert his other's hand middle finger into the boy's tight hole. After Frank had shot his load, Mason led the naked Bud back to where Sandy and Chip sat. As Chip reached over to pull back Bud's foreskin and squeeze the exposed tender head, Mason mentioned that his brother had decided that he boathouse was the best place for Bud to lose his virginity but if Sandy and Bud thought there was time to prepare for sex they were mistaken as Chip led Bud by the cock and Mason led Sandy by the arm, out of the room.

The cadets had received orders that Chip and the others were not to be disturbed and the marine hoped that their recent climaxes would satisfy Frank and Joe's insatiable appetites- well, at least for the next hour or so.

Once inside the boathouse, Mason gave orders for Bud to strip his brother to his jock and it took no time at all for the blonde to be left in just his white garment. Sandy was already aroused under the pouch and it took two seconds for Bud to have his brother's erection in his mouth- well, being honest only a portion of it but the boy was already adept at biting and chewing on his brother's cockhead- whether it was through the long foreskin or with it retracted to tease the sensitive head.

As the brother's foreplay continued- by now the redhead was naked, and taking his time by sucking slowly in turn each of Sandy's round hairless balls- Mason positioned himself by kneeling on the floor and ordering his brother to lie face down with his legs away from him but with them spread. Then, whilst Sandy's cock was bouncing up and down and Bud, with his teeth, yanking the blonde's balls downwards, Chip removed his uniform and tight white briefs and lay in position, as Mason unzipped and yanked his erect cock downwards before wedging it between his brother's cheeks.

Mason called the younger brothers over and told Bud to get on all fours and let Chip suck on his erection. As Chip eagerly swallowed the boy's shaft, Mason threw a tube towards Sandy who immediately squeezed out some gel and applied it liberally to his brother's hole.

As the blonde's fingers delved deeper, Mason noticed how the boy's round cheek mounds were squirming in pleasure and, in no time at all, both Chip and the boy were grinding out guttural noises- and just as he forced Chip off the redhead's cock, he bent forward and bit into Chip's neck creating a low howling sound from his brother.

After Sandy had worked gel onto his long stiff cock, the blonde moved forward to hold tightly his brother's head before moving lower to lick the boy's back whilst Mason began grinding his own throbbing cock over his brother's rear.

Now that Mason could see that Sandy's cock was coated with glistening gel, he told Chip to turn Bud, lay the boy on his back and push his own balls into the redhead's mouth. Then, as Mason pressed harder into his brother's rear, Sandy reached forward to lift Bud's legs into the air, which when spread as far apart as he could manage, exposed the boy's tight pink puckered virginal hole.

The force of Sandy's entry caused Bud's back to buckle and lift off the ground and it elicited a banshee screech reinforced by Chip having bit into the boy's scrotum as the redhead arched his back. Disregarding all of the coarse words and choking noises from the others, Sandy continued his relentless push of his thick shaft into his brother. For the blonde it felt not only so right to be the first inside his brother but also the tightness of entry and thrust was sending ripples of pleasure up and down his cock. The blonde realised that it would take plenty of practice before Bud could take his whole length so Sandy settled on about half of his cock inside the hole before he began pumping it in and out. In previous fucks, notably doing Dan, he had been able to withdraw most of his cock before thrusting it back in right up to the hilt; so, he employed similar tactics with his brother, retracting until it was only the head inside, then ramming real hard that delivered- in one quick movement- half of his pulsating shaft up Bud's hole

Whether the boy was enjoying his first fuck was unknown to Mason who was noticing that during the rapid thrusts, Sandy appeared to be totally engrossed- with pleasure now heightened by crude comments of affection and needs that were necessary for him from sex with Bud's body. Next, Chip leaned forward and became engrossed in torturing the boy's exposed cockhead with his fingernails and teeth- and so as his rear was lifted off the boathouse floor, happily for Mason he was able to thrust his erect cock into his brother as well as wrapping his hands tightly around Chip's twitching shaft.

It was Sandy who spurted first leaving his entire load inside his brother- then he withdrew- and spent- lay motionless on the floor. Soon after, Chip curled upwards as Mason reached climax making Bud release the marine's balls. After Mason pulled out of Chip and began licking the white from his fingers, he noticed a near motionless Bud raise himself up, look downwards and watch his own long thin hairless cock jerk a dry orgasm.

Finally, the participants remained silent, as two separate heaps of spent flesh, once Bud had crawled over to lie across his brother's chest.

Next: Chapter 14

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