Sandy and Bud Ricks

By tomas weston

Published on Oct 20, 2004



Sandy steered the launch into the creek channel and explained to the corporal about the three areas that once landed cargo along this stretch of coast. The teen knew he could moor the vessel at Second Stand but with the tide now ebbing there was no possibility of this happening at the other stages. However, Chip explained that Mason, as the diver, would give access at those stages and then he enquired as to the possibility of any other landing site. Sandy mentioned that theoretically anywhere was a landing site but mud, tidal rips, snakes, and mosquitoes made boat landings treacherous but individuals could if they were really careful wade ashore. As if to make any landing seem feasible, Chip commented that he had never lost a diver yet but there was always the first time- with the comment receiving a wry grin from Mason but with so laid back an attitude he passed it off with his usual air of indifference.

Then, there were few verbal comments until Sandy pointed out the remains of Third Stand at which point Chip ordered the launch slowed until he lowered a minor anchor-weight to stop the vessel drifting in the ebb tide and provide stability. Then, Corporal Chipperfield ordered Mason to strip as he opened out the wet suit. Sandy was sure the diver was used to changing in company but the supposed difference in rank between the marines was ignored although Mason always seemed to do as he was told. In fact, he was already stripped to the waist and bending forward to unfasten his boots when Sandy concentrated on the diver's rear at the same moment as needing to lean forward to hide his erection. Mason's swimmer's body was so far hairless-except for the head- although clearly having received a recent marine haircut, the diver's light brown hair was nothing but a mere stubble.

After the corporal laid out the black wetsuit, he began a search inside a different bag. Sandy was occupied as first Mason unbuckled his wide belt, then, second slid his cammo trousers down and off, leaving him in a thick pouched faded cotton jock strap. Sandy focused on the bare white cheeks held firm by the tight jock's straps as they clung onto flesh. Without even glancing at the diver, Chip ordered him to remove the jock which resulted in a low laugh from Mason. This action left the diver naked with a semi-erection pointing towards the shore and then Sandy noticed that Mason had no body hair below his neck but unlike most of the guys he knew, excluding his brother, the marine did have a foreskin.

Mason stood still as the corporal, with a jar at hand, moved to stand behind him and then liberally sprinkle white powder over the naked body. Once Mason was covered from neck to heel, Chip began massaging, working the powder into the skin and ensuring that all areas received attention. As if he knew what to expect Mason also raised both arms as well as spreading his legs. Then, after had the diver had bent forward to receive a prolonged application to the area beneath his legs and just as Chip applied the powder using only one finger, Sandy felt a climax starting- and he was just beginning to realise how watching guys in action was really turning him on.

When Mason turned to face the corporal, Sandy was unsurprised to see the diver's full erection whilst Chip seemed uninhibited about his hard long shaft. However, as the marine sprinkled extra powder over the front of the diver's body he ensured a large amount fell on the cock. As a result, Sandy's emotions were now in overdrive as strong hands worked in the powder- nipples and navel were massaged before Chip started on Mason's feet. Next, as strong hands moved up to the diver's thighs, in order to prevent his immediate climax, Sandy readjusted his crotch which when noticed received abroad grin and wink from Mason. As the corporal cupped then massaged the hairless balls, Sandy's mouth gaped and he was ready to saturate his whities as the diver's long shaft received slow and sensual attention. Then, finally whilst holding the erect shaft in one hand, Chip pulled sharply back Mason's foreskin- resulting in a gush of sticky pre-cum ejecting from Sandy's crushed cock into his whities and an involuntary jump from the diver. The exposure of Mason's wet red cockhead and a final heavy application of white powder to this exposed area which was very slowly rubbed into the sensitive flesh with two broad fingers caused Sandy to leak more pre-cum. Once satisfied that Mason had a full covering of powder, Chip gave the diver's erect cock a hard slap and ordered him to put on his wetsuit. As he turned to face Sandy, the corporal ordered the teen to stop gaping and move to help Mason put on his gear. The impact of a this job released some thoughts from the teen's mind and as he stood the sudden need to climax subsided

Sandy helped haul up the black wetsuit and held its rear as Mason expertly slipped his arms into the upper jacket. This left the head piece hanging back and the front zip to fasten. It was clear that the diver had no intention of fastening that himself and he left it to Sandy to take hold of his erect cock and move it under the fabric. Once the zip reached Mason's neck, Sandy stood back then looked down to see how the tight suit really did outline the long swollen cock. There was a wink from the diver and a low level comment, that the corporal would not hear, envisaging a talk later and a lesson in deep diving that had nothing to do with water. Mason fixed his headmask and with Sandy's help attached the air cylinders to the gear and accepted a smoothing of his black covered rear from the blonde before he slipped over the side to began his search.

Sandy turned to face the corporal only to be confronted by Chip holding up the blue cotton shorts previously worn then discarded by Coly. Sandy replied by stating that they were his so Chip ordered him to put then on. There was nothing for Sandy to do but, with the marine's eyes fully focused forward, start by opening the top button of his cut-offs. He slid down the fly zip exposing his tight whities which was less than easy as his cock was again hardening. He slipped them down and off and reached forward to accept the shorts. However wearing whities were I no way acceptable to Chip so with slight hesitation the blonde hooked fingers at each side under the waistband of his underwear. Sandy did think of turning around but he doubted if the corporal would accept that so in one swift movement he yanked the whities down- then once off he placed them on top of his cut-offs. His white cotton tee ended between crotch and navel giving a full view of the very long semi-erect cock and large low hanging balls. A short comment of admiration came from the marine making the teen's cheeks crimson but with Chip still holding on to the shorts Sandy's cock just kept hardening until fully erect with its very impressive length involuntarily causing the corporal to lick his lips. Eventually the blonde received the shorts and hurriedly put them on.

Unfortunately the nature of Coly's shorts would ensure either an erect cock would stick above the waistband or freely out of a leg opening and in relation to the blonde's length when limp hang freely below the hem line. As well when Chip moved forward to examine the shorts he folded over the waistband ensuring that the hem line was lifted and Sandy's exhibitionism was complete.

Ordered to sit where he had no option but to spread his legs, he gave the corporal a constant full view of the waxing and waning of his cock. To order- as they waited- Sandy gave a summary of his life story; then, just after he had given Bud's age, height and hair colour to the very attentive marine, the water rippled and Mason's head emerged, and after sliding back his goggles he indicated his lack of success. Sandy moved forward to help the diver scramble on board which made his now limp cock swing free from the shorts- and never one to miss an opportunity Mason kissed and licked the shaft as the blonde with his back to Chip made every effort to force his cock onto the diver's face.

With Sandy now resigned to showing at all times, he sat to steer the launch towards Second Stand whilst the two marines ignored each other. At Second Stand, Sandy was able to moor the launch and carefully all three climbed the old steps. From the decking vantage point the area could be scanned and Chip suggested that this was as likely place as any to hide goods or money. The corporal ordered Mason to dive and search between the stand and then search the creeks- stating that after he could then search the derelict building and follow the trackway inland to see if had recently been used. He ordered Sandy to remain on the decking as he helped Mason with his head gear and new air cylinders before the diver disappeared to start the search. Chip returned to the decking and made Sandy strip naked before throwing from the boat Mason's fading jock strap which he instructed the teen to wear before being ordered to get down on all fours facing the sea. Chip climbed onto the decking and thrust a hand between Sandy's legs to ensure that the jock pouch held the teen's cock and balls in place Then, there were a few moments silence before in a matter of fact way he announced that Sandy was going to be party to a session in which he would eventually be fucked so he would fully understand the relationship that existed between marines and blonde boys.

Even when on all fours Sandy was aware that Chip had stripped to the waist before he stood before him. The blonde's long hard cock was attempting to burst through the now pre-cum sodden pouch but the tightness of Mason's garment just kept paining the straining flesh. Chip forced the blonde's head upwards and then he thrust his cotton clad crotch into the teen's face with the heavy scent of marine and cum filling Sandy's nostrils. After a further thrust into the blonde's face Chip unbuckled and removed his thick leather belt which crashed down on Sandy's tender rear before the teen was forced to lick then kiss the marine's heavy black boots. Next, with Sandy aroused further by these actions, Chip ordered the blonde to undo the marine trouser fly buttons using only his teeth. This took time but Sandy worked happily ensuring the eventual liberation of a coarse cotton jock pouch.

After Sandy had licked the entire pouch, he sucked at the course material where pre-cum had stained the cotton, as the marine pinched his own large flat nipples creating two centres of delight.

Next, once more following sharp orders, with his teeth Sandy opened the top trouser button causing the marine's garment to part and to give Sandy the first real glimpse of the substantial thickness of Chip's cock - knowledge now that caused the entry of this monster into his rear to suggest in his mind that it would not be quite as easy as all the other forceful fucks he had received.. Satisfied that the blonde had succeeded in wetting the off white pouch to his satisfaction, Chip told the teen to chew on the understraps informing him later to bite through them -- and as Sandy finished working Chip delved through blonde hair. Eventually, the pouch flipped upwards and released a heavy scent of musk as the thick cock pointed upwards. Below the massive shaft hung two very large balls, pushed outwards by the marine's stance, and then without being ordered Sandy began to suck them- drawing the hairy flesh into his wet lips- before moistening the cock shaft in order to add copious lubrication as he was told that a blonde's mouth juice was the only attention it would receive before being rammed up his rear.

Whist the thick but awkward shaft was in Sandy's mouth and being copiously moistened, the blonde came to realise how thick it really was -- more like a coca cola can than a candle and the fact that it was not of his or in fact Mason's length did nothing to alleviate the discomfort that he felt he would receive once it had been quickly inserted. In this oral inspection Sandy also noted that the pointed crimson head was even wider than the shaft with the slit noticeably open no doubt allowing thick streams of hot cum to gush- and in addition the occasional feel of coarse cut short pubic hair against his face made him realise that this was one marine who at least was not cock shaved.

Chip released his cock from the teen's mouth and walked to Sandy's rear- the blonde braced and prepared himself- by firmly grasping the decking boards and, as the marine placed large hands on his rear, Sandy automatically spread his legs further exposing the puckered tight pink hole in front of which Chip placed the moist fat head steadying himself for that one sudden fierce thrust

At a moment of anticipation, Sandy's preoccupation with the plight of his own cock- painfully uncomfortable in the tight pouch- became nothing as the quietness broke when the teen let out a wild shriek as Chip thrust. The noise reverberated around the desolate area as the fat shaft plunged all the way in and as Chip's balls slapped against teen flesh it just signalled the beginning of the constant in and out motion of the young marine's throbbing cock.

Tears welled in the blonde's eyes for the thrusts maintained a rhythm as the rape fuck continued- but Sandy having never experienced such a fuck of discomfort and joy quickly settled to enjoy the pain which eventually became shrouded by pleasure with the noises and coarse comments now coming from the marine- largely incoherent noises permeated with the words blonde and fuck.

That feeling of a surge at the base of Sandy's own twisted and tormented cock started as the marine neared climax. Suddenly and wildly Chip yelled incoherently. Then he thrust violently letting his copious hot juices shoot into Sandy. Retracted the now cum dripping cock still oozed white as the marine strode to Sandy's front in order to insist on a teen's oral cock clean.

As the blonde licked, he felt his own cock shaft throb and pain as well as feel a trickle of juice from his rear opening.

Now quieter and cleaner, Chip withdrew his cock from the willing mouth and redressed- leaving the blonde still in a state of near climax. Sandy when ordered stood to attention with his hands on his head; then he needed nothing more than the marine's squeeze to his bulky jock pouch to feel his hot teen cum gush into the cotton pouch -- with slowly white droplets continuing to seep through the material to become visible and trickle down over the wet cotton

Finally a fully dressed marine ordered a naked Sandy once more to attention then when he left the teen holding Mason's cum filled jock pouch to his lips with the order to eat it all out before replacing it, he went in search of his diver. As Sandy gulped, the air cooled his naked body and swayed the thin thread of cum which dangled down from his cock slit- its length increasing as the last remnants of his sticky juice seeped from his spent shaft

Being The Guardian of the Gulf had lost its appeal to Bud, as he and Dan were now out of the coastal area, languishing in The Outer Sound with no other humans in view. Dan had had every intention of persuading the boy to return soon to harbour but Bud had other plans and started the process by announcing he was going for a quick dip. This idea immediately prevented Dan from explaining his need to go ashore for after the boy hurriedly removed his outer clothes, Bud was left clad in the tight pink swimbriefs which were just about covering the only features for which Dan was prepared to delay his return.

As Bud swam very near the boat flipping and diving to ensure that Dan caught sight of the now even tighter wet swimbriefs, the teen had to remember his promise to his closest friend that Sandy was to have his brother's cherry and no matter what temptations lay in front of him Dan knew that he had made that promise- but of course Dan was fully aware that other stimulating boy activities beside cherry popping had forced his cock to erection.

As Bud scrambled aboard, Dan watching intently noticed that the rear of the boy's swimbriefs had lowered to expose all of the boy's firm round white cheeks whilst in front the bright material precariously hung from just above Bud's semi-hard cock which was in fact all that held up the garment. Also, it was apparent that, Bud had purposely untied his swimbrief cords before coming aboard as the ends were dangling down each side of the uneven pink cock mound.

The boy made no attempt to pull up the swimbriefs as he towelled himself and as he happily watched Dan clearly focus on his groin, Bud took the opportunity to coax himself to full erection which allowed its shape to mould itself against the wet pink material whilst also allowing the briefs to slip slightly showing off the ample thick base of his hairless cock.

Bud now semi-dry still made no attempt to cover up his erection as he moved towards Dan and after reaching for food and drink he sat and spread his legs. Dan found time for a drink but remained focused on Bud noticing that the erect boycock now lay to one side but that the lowering of the swimbriefs had spread up the leg openings exposing two perfect marble sized hairless balls which made Dan literally lick his lips.

Under Bud's spell it was no surprise that the teen readily agreed to one last search around the Smeaton Islands-and although Bud added that Great Smeaton Beach was where he and Sandy had run naked, Dan was still fully focused on a now twitching but still hidden boycock.

Dan sat at the back of the boat to guide it eastwards- Bud still with his swimbriefs lowered stood at the front looking out to sea for pirates. The two mounds of bare smooth soft boy flesh on which Dan was concentrating had from the start of this journey to Smeaton Island questioned further his ability to maintain his promise to Sandy.

Next: Chapter 7

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