Saving Me

By moc.oohay@rekihcant

Published on Jan 17, 2007


Please send comments, suggestions, etc to

Chapter 9 - Encircled in the Arms of Love

It had taken Rian quite a while to find the place. Quiet, respectable, discrete. Even then, he couldn't think of going to one any closer than Denver. His head nervously turned back and forth as he pulled into the parking lot. He slid out of the car and scampered up to the shop's door. As he pulled the metal handle open, the pit of his stomach lurched from nervousness and embarrassment. He hadn't felt this way since he was working up the guts to tell Dylen he was gay. Did everyone feel uncomfortable the first time they went into a sex shop? The last few minutes convinced Rian that the answer was yes.

Once in the comparative "safety" of the shop, Rian began to flit around, fruitlessly searching for the items he wanted. The clerk must have spotted Rian's nervousness because the nondescript gentleman moved from behind the counter and asked, "May I help you?" Rian explained his needs discretely . . . that meaning he left the impression with the man that he was planning a heterosexual night. The clerk quickly moved Rian from point to point, making a few recommendations along the way that Rian gratefully accepted. With the clerk at his side, it took only a few moments for Rian to finish collecting his items and to pay for them. Bag in hand, he thanked the clerk for his help and quickly exited. He breathed a huge, tension releasing sigh as he slipped back into the perceived anonymity of the freeway. As he accelerated away, Rian couldn't help but laugh at himself. 'Hell, on the kinky meter, this stuff is a zero,' he thought. These were things that would be found in most couple's nightstands anywhere in America. He unknowingly turned red as he remembered finding his own parents sex toy stash when he was fourteen. His mind reviewed what he saw that day and thought it would take years for Dylen and him to become that kinky, if ever.

Continuing down the freeway into Boulder, Rian began to rehearse the last minute details of the evening he'd so carefully planned. He pulled into his apartment, unlocked the door, and surveyed the place. Everything was neat, clean, and ready except for what was in his hands. He wanted tonight to be loving, passionate, sensual -- the perfect romantic night. If everything went well, Dylen would lose the last of his virginity tonight. For his angel, it must be perfect. But, as much as he wanted Dylen's night to be great, Rian was striving, as much as he could, to recapture his own virginity to share with Dylen. He didn't know if Dylen would be up to that tonight or for a long time to come. Rian knew enough about himself to know he was a top, and he surmised that Dylen was or would be a bottom. It was just another in the myriad of ways they seemed to suit each other. But, on one occasion already, they reversed roles, the night they told Rian's parents. As his imagination geared up, Rian thought about the naked image of Dylen he'd come to know so well these last two months. The toned, surprising strong muscles . . . the perfect cock and balls . . . the cute, boyish smile . . . those ever present hypnotic eyes. Rian felt himself getting hard as he thought about their previous encounters. He touched himself, pulling on his cock as if to masturbate, but now even that was different. It had nothing of the pleasant satisfaction it once did. He wanted - no, he craved -- Dylen's touch, Dylen's look, Dylen's smile. Rian let go of himself, saving everything for later. Even if things didn't work out quite the way he wanted tonight, he was determined that it would be memorable.

Rian finished dressing and prepared to leave to pick up Dylen at his dorm. To finish his preparations, he grabbed one item out of the bag from the sex shop and put the others on his nightstand. As he did, he saw the two pictures he'd put there, the only two pictures that mattered a wit to him. They were of the men he loved -- once before and now. Rian lifted the picture of Brock and looked at it. Something deep inside him knew Brock was approving, was smiling down on him and Dylen just as he said he would. With the picture in hand, he strode to his closet. Upon opening the door, he removed a box from the top shelf and opened it. Inside there were a few treasured items, the memories of Brock he had left. Candid snapshots, some ski lift tickets, the letter. Rian carefully placed the picture, frame and all, in the box.

"Wish me luck," Rian said to the picture before closing the box and replacing it in the closet.

With only a towel wrapped around his narrow waist, Dylen rounded the partition that separated the showers from the sinks in his floor's community bathroom. He stopped at the first mirror and quickly looked at himself before selecting the sink he would use to finish his shower. He made his way to the selected spot, about a third of the way down the long porcelain row. After filling the sink, Dylen reached into the small plastic basket that held his toiletries and removed the razor and shaving cream. He dispensed a small amount of gel into his hand, lathered his cheeks and neck, and started pulling the razor in close, precise strokes. As he carefully watched himself in the mirror, he began thinking about how even this simple exercise was a relatively new experience. Before the summer, shaving was almost optional. Dylen was not a particularly hairy man. And what body hair he had took a long time to grow. He could go weeks without shaving his peach fuzz whiskers back then. Now, even though he still had only a dusting of body hair, he needed to shave every other day or the stubble was quite noticeable. Before his shower, Dylen thought about leaving himself stubbled for the night ahead. One of his wilder nights with Rian had been when he hadn't shaved, and Rian seemed to eat him alive because of it. But, he didn't know exactly where he was going tonight; so, Dylen thought better of it. It was best to prepared for anything.

Having finished his shave, Dylen spent several minutes meticulously brushing he teeth. After rinsing, he smiled widely in the mirror as he checked the perfect white rows one last time. Then, he gathered his belongings and made his way toward the bathroom door. He grabbed the metal handle and started to pull, but as he did, he felt the door pushing back toward him. Dylen instinctively stepped out of the way as the door flew backwards. Standing in the open doorway, Dylen saw Keith dressed the same way as he was, with what looked like a postage stamp sized towel wrapped around his massive frame. At one time, Dylen's first reaction to being confronted by a monster like this would be to instantly cover himself. But now, the thoughts of embarrassment he knew since earliest childhood rarely entered his mind. Self consciousness about his body was becoming a thing of the past thanks to his workouts and the resulting confidence he was developing. Instead of covering, Dylen stood his ground and for a microsecond, he took in the sight of his roommate's hair covered barrel chest and almost overly-muscled arms. 'Wow, he's a giant.' Dylen thought.

Keith looked over and surmised what happened. "Oh. Sorry, dude. Didn't mean to run you over there." While ostensibly an apology, Keith's tone was somewhat dismissive, only reinforcing the one hundred pound plus size difference between the two.

Dylen allowed the subtle jab to go by unacknowledged. "No problem," was all Dylen said. The roommates parted as Keith made his way toward the showers. Dylen walked the few feet to their dorm room door and entered. After shedding the towel and pulling on a pair of boxer-briefs, he opened his closet and started rifling through clothes. As he selected a pair of pants, Dylen began thinking about what just happened in the bathroom. They'd only known each other for a few hours, but it was obvious that Dylen was a let down for Keith. They were just so opposite. But, unlike the complementary differences between himself and Rian, Dylen already believed there was no way they could have any kind of meaningful relationship with Keith. For instance, Keith was a drinker -- and a heavy one, if some of the stories Keith told him were true. Dylen knew plenty of people who drank in high school, and he got along fine with most all of them. But, he'd never known a true binge drinker; now, he was going to be living with one. Keith said he and his friends got drunk two or three times a week, and Dylen would not budge from his conviction that drinking like that was something he wanted no part of. Alcohol seemed like it would be their first real problem until they hit on a compromise. Keith could bring liquor into their room when he bought it as long as he didn't store it or drink it there. It seemed fair. Keith could drink, but Dylen didn't have to deal with the trouble if something got out of hand. Besides, Dylen couldn't believe any form of alcohol would stay unconsumed around the former jock for any prolonged period of time. With this small crisis solved, Dylen had only one major concern about his alcoholic roommate. Keith Barnes was not a man to be trifled with. If he was an angry drunk, it would take all of the serenity Dylen could muster to keep him calm. But, even that wouldn't work if he were mad at him. In a physical confrontation, especially an alcohol-fueled one, Dylen had no chance against the behemoth.

Dylen allowed the subject of his roommate to vanish from his thoughts as he finished combing his hair. There were much more important things to think about. He looked good - khaki pants, casual shirt, nice shoes. He grabbed his cell phone, wallet, and keys, and made his way down to the dorm's lobby. As the elevator descended to the ground floor, Dylen's mind began excitedly racing with possibilities about this night. What would this "celebration" be? Where would they go? What would they do? Rian promised him a night to remember. Dylen's cock thumped quickly in his pants. Rian was always a man of his word.

Keith rounded the final turn and entered the dorm lobby. Short of a game he was playing in or sex with some girl, drinking was the most enjoyable pastime he could think of. The anticipation of the night ahead was almost as good as the great times and friends that went with it. Keith pushed the main door open and stepped outside. The sun was still bright, but it was low enough in the sky to start casting long shadows on the ground. He stepped out into the light and started for the parking lot where his jeep was. But, as he did so, he stopped and slid carefully out of view. Something he was seeing caught his attention. Ordinarily, this wasn't his style but what he saw was just plain weird. A beautiful classic sports car pulled up. The guy driving was well dressed, but even through the clothes, he was a hoss of a guy. Smaller than himself yes, but he could tell this guy spent years in the gym, garnering automatic respect in Keith's mind. But what was surprising was seeing Dylen, his roommate, go up to the car. The guy and Dylen clasped hands familiarly. Then, they both hopped into the car and sped away. At first Keith was bothered. Even losers, like his roomie, could have descent friends sometimes. But, there was something in their vibe. It just felt wrong to him somehow.

'Fuck it,' Keith thought as he stepped out and headed for his own vehicle. 'Quit playing fuckin' detective. Especially when there are good times ahead." By the time he'd reached his friends' dorm, he'd already forgotten that anything odd ever happened.

Rian's car sped away from Dylen's dorm into the relative desertion of the streets surrounding the University of Colorado's classroom buildings. As soon as he was certain they were out of sight, Rian slowed to a near crawl. He was so excited that he needed to feel Dylen. Just for a second -- just to know that the day he had fantasized about for weeks was finally here. His hand left the gear shift and reached into Dylen's seat. He slid his hand slowly up and down Dylen's leg. Before long, the hand arrived at the crotch of Dylen's pants. He gathered the cock inside and squeezed for a split second before letting go. Rian felt reassured, at least enough to be able to contain himself until later. Dylen, however, was getting hard fast. He grabbed Rian's hand and pressed it back to where it had been. Dylen forced Rian to hold him and inhaled hard before letting go. If he hadn't, he would have blown right there.

Rian sensed what almost happened. "Whoa, wait a minute." Rian said. "They'll be time for that later, I promise."

Dylen looked in Rian's eyes. His sex drive was aroused, and Dylen knew what looking at Rian like this was liable to do. Rian felt the surge of attraction hit him head on, as he involuntarily lost himself in the glow of Dylen's eyes. "I can't help it if your touching me drives me wild." Dylen replied. "Besides, I've been on pins and needles about this surprise since you told me. What's going on?"

If Dylen hadn't said anything about the surprise, Rian would have gone straight to his apartment. With the mention of what he'd so carefully planned, consciousness regained control, however tenuously. "Well . . . you'll just have to find out as you go along. But first - how's a little dinner sound to you?"

Dylen was never a huge fan of Italian food. He liked it well enough sometimes, but rarely. Of course, that was before tiramisu in Bryce Canyon and everything else that went along with those memories. Ever since, he couldn't seem to get enough of it. When the car pulled into range of the Full Moon Grill, Dylen felt a familiar gnawing in his stomach, a strange combination of anticipation of good food and the butterflies he felt when Rian's romantic side came out. It hit Dylen again, how insanely lucky he was to have found the perfect man. He knew he was almost obsessive about Rian, but he couldn't help it. Dylen couldn't dream up anyone more perfect than the man sitting here with him in the flesh. His boyfriend had more good looks and great body to him than anyone should rightfully have; but it was so much more than that. Dylen had fallen in love with the man inside that gorgeous shell - the thoughtfulness, the tenderness, everything that made Rian a man. Ever since that first night, Dylen had never known loneliness, never writhed in the hell of feeling unwanted and unloved. 'Rian said I would never be alone and that he would always take care of me." Dylen shook his head slightly. 'He always has.'

The car pulled into a parking space, but Dylen didn't notice. Rian looked over to the passenger seat to see Dylen with a familiar glazed over look in his face. "Whatcha thinkin'?" he asked, his usual question when he knew Dylen was lost in thought.

Dylen snapped back to reality and turned toward the question. "I was just thinking what I always do then I'm with you. I can't believe how much you love me." Rian blushed and reached over with his hand and brushed Dylen's cheek. The feelings he fought so hard to contain before were returning. They sat for a moment just looking at each other. Rian's hand slid down Dylen's arm and caught the smaller hand. He squeezed it and slid close, giving the quickest peck of a kiss to Dylen's lips. "Come on. We're gonna miss our reservation. And . . . I think you'll like this place."

As they exited the privacy of the car and came into public view, the straight friends personas they cultivated automatically veiled their romantic feelings. They entered the restaurant and secured their reserved table, all the while talking and acting exactly the way people expected well mannered, college students to behave. All anyone would have guessed was they were friends here for a celebration, which was true in a way. The waiter presented the two with menus and briefly reviewed the chef's recommendations. Once the waiter left them, Dylen started reading the menu and gawked at the dishes that appeared there. These were not the things Dylen had become accustomed to as the son of middle class farmers. He looked up at Rian and, as usual, Rian knew what he was thinking. 'Like I said, this is a special occasion." Dylen quizzed Rian briefly about what he should order, but he finally decided to allow Rian to order for both of them. Given a free hand, Rian went all out, ordering the very best on the menu when the waiter returned. As their appetizer came out, they began to talk about whatever came to mind - dorms, classes, workouts, what to expect around campus the first few weeks.

Their entr‚e's had been placed in front of them, and they were enjoying excellent food before Rian broached the question of Dylen's roommate. "So, what's he like?"

Dylen's nearly gregarious mood instantly became furtive. He paused quietly before he began. "To be honest, I really don't know about him." Dylen began to describe Keith, and, as he did so, Rian took a cautious dislike of this unseen man. He'd met and known hundreds, maybe thousands, of jocks in his life. From Dylen's descriptions, he was sure this one was going to be the total asshole type - those who believe whatever minor success they may have had on the field of play entitled them to rule the world. Rian's instincts agreed with Dylen's. They would have to be careful around this guy.

In spite of his real thoughts, Rian tried to put the best spin on the situation. "Well, who knows, you may turn out to like this guy. Or, at least you could be a good influence on him."

"Ah . . . I don't think so. I think all I can hope for is that he's not one of those mean drunks."

Rian didn't want to think about that possibility or what he might do if this Keith was an angry drunk. Rian was as uncomfortable with the subject now as Dylen seemed to be. They could learn to deal with this guy later. He didn't want to think about anything else except giving Dylen the best night of his life. "Enough of that," Rian said. "This night is only about us . . . and I don't think your roommate will see you again until tomorrow." Rian smiled mischievously, "If he's lucky."

Rian's car made the final turn into his apartment's parking lot. With nonchalance that comes from hundreds of repetitions, Rian slipped the car into a spot near his door. Because it was still early this Saturday night, the area was virtually devoid of life. Most people were taking in the opening weekend of Boulder's nightlife. Rian silenced the engine and removed his keys. Dylen started to open the passenger door to get out when Rian stopped him.

"Wait, wait. I've gotta do something before you come in. But I don't wanna leave you out here; so, I've got this." Rian reached inside the glove box and removed a small, black blindfold. He handed it to Dylen.

Dylen took the object, but hesitated. "What's this for? How can I go in if I can't even see?"

Rian was confident now. Dylen really had no clue about tonight. 'Perfect,' he thought. "Don't worry about it. I'll help you every step of the way," Rian said, unable to contain a small smile. Dylen turned the blindfold around in his hands, still looking concerned. At that, Rian became serious and said in a totally genuine, disarming way, "Trust me." Dylen knew that tone of security and it was all the reassurance he needed. He sighed and pulled the blindfold over his eyes, securing it snugly to this head.

"Can you see anything?"

"No," Dylen said truthfully. With that, Rian got out, walked around the front of the car, and came up to the passenger door. He opened the door, and assisted Dylen in standing up. Rian helped Dylen grasp his forearm with both hands; then, they started moving. Rian was a good as his word. He couldn't have guided Dylen better if he'd picked him up and cradle carried him. He led the sightless young man from the car, carefully avoiding every potential obstacle and pitfall, until they arrived at the front door of his apartment. Rian placed his key in the lock, opened the door, and led them both inside.

Dylen was maneuvered some distance forward when Rian brought him to a stop. "OK. Just stand right here for a minute while I finish. And don't peek. I know all about you and surprises." Dylen could hear the smile in Rian's voice. Then he felt the presence of heat leave him and heard Rian's footfalls brush away. Now, totally alone and in the dark, Dylen was a little scared, but strangely excited at the same time. He'd never felt so dependant on Rian as he did at this moment, but he didn't know why. Sure, he was being guided in the dark, but he was sure that wasn't it. The strange thing was that it felt right. He wanted nothing more at this moment than to give himself totally - in every way, any way -- to his boyfriend. He'd given his love, his trust, his very person to Rian. Giving control of everything to Rian was strangely liberating. Dylen's excitement grew.

Dylen had no idea of how much time passed before he felt Rian's presence return. The "felt" form of Rian was silent, but it took Dylen's arm in a familiar grip. Dylen was led some feet away from his previous location. Dylen sensed Rian step from his side to his back, and he felt the touch reappear on his shoulders. They pressed gently forward, signaling to Dylen that he should walk. Assured by the strong hands, he was led a few more steps before the hands pulled him to a stop. Dylen sensed Rian step away, and he heard the soft click of a door gently closing. A thought occurred in this moment, a reason why Rian did this. Under the blindfold, Dylen reached out with his other senses. He thought he could feel the very body heat of Rian moving around in the room but at a bit of a distance. It was very quiet apart from a small rustling, like sheets of cloth rubbing together. There was a soft scent in the air. Relaxing, soothing. He couldn't place the scent, but whatever it was it was wonderful. Everything here seemed designed to reach into him and pull out good feelings. It was working. Whatever Rian had planned, Dylen liked it a lot.

The sound of footfalls moved from the distance to a spot in front of Dylen, and he felt that same unmistakable presence of Rian. "OK. You can take that off," Rian's voice sounded low, soft, and seductive. Dylen reached around his head, loosened, and removed the blindfold. Despite being in the dark for sometime, his eyes needed no adjustment. What he saw before him made Dylen drop the soft cloth cover to the floor. He was standing in Rian's bedroom. It was glowing softly in the light of a couple of large candles on the nightstands on either side of the bed. Standing just a foot or so in front of him, Rian was dressed in the exact old tank top and shorts he wore the night he unexpectedly stopped here . . . the night he and Rian first slept together. The look on Rian's face was more than soft and caring; it was the very embodiment of love. Seeing this sight in this light, his boyfriend looked more like a glory filled god than a mere mortal. Rian stepped closer and put a hand under Dylen's chin, lifting it slightly up. They looked deeply into each other as Rian began to speak. "The last few months with you have been the happiest of my life. It's like everything I ever remember, every point in my life, you are there with me. I can't imagine ever being without you. I love you . . ." Rian's voice cracked with emotion and a mist formed, glazing his eyes with sparkles from the candles. "SO Much." Rian took a breath as a single tear rolled down his cheek. "Our first night here, you asked me if we could do something, but I said no, not yet. It you want to . . ." Rian stepped so close he completely overshadowed Dylen, almost standing on top of him. "If you want to, I'd like to make up to you for that." Even though they were almost the same height, at this moment, Dylen felt small. He wanted to feel small, to be swept away by this man who adored him so much he was willing to do anything, everything for him and more. He yearned to feel Rian inside of him, to know that they were finally connected in the ultimate way. That they had shared themselves wholly.

Dylen leaned forward, allowing his weight to be supported by Rian's hard muscles and the strength within them. He inhaled the intoxicating smell he'd come to know as uniquely Rian - a mix of cologne and musk that only Dylen seemed to detect. Mixed with the scent of the candles, it was irresistible. Dylen was so overcome he could only whisper a reply. "I've wanted to for so long. I love you so much it hurts. Please . . . I want to be yours."

Dylen melted into Rian's arms as their lips met in a quietly electric kiss. Rian's hands slipped under Dylen's shirt and removed it, revealing Dylen's neatly defined torso. His hands moved down to the pants, unbuckling the belt and snap. They fell to the floor and Dylen stepped out of them. Rian bent down, sliding his hands along the length of Dylen's body as he pulled off Dylen's underwear. Rian then reached up to remove his own shirt and shorts. As the shirt slid up, Dylen's hands came to rest on Rian's abs. They felt the muscles, taut and strong, slide tighter as the shirt flew off into the floor. Dylen slid down, pulling Rian's shorts and boxers together into the floor, feeling the massive quads and calves as he slid to his knees with the clothing. Dylen arose and they fell into each others arms again. Rian pulled Dylen hard against his body. Dylen groaned as he felt Rian flow around him and they fell backwards on the bed, kissing.

They rolled around on the bed, first Rian then Dylen on top. Their lips stayed together, their tongues fervently exploring the mouths they knew so well. Finally, with Rian on top it was time to step things up. He rose up, reached over to the nightstand, and withdrew a bottle of scented massage oil. He returned to Dylen, bent down, and kissed him gently on the forehead. Rian's hand brushed through Dylen's hair as he said, "The most important thing is that you are relaxed, and I can't remember anytime you were more relaxed than when I did this." Rian slid down the bed, squeezed a dollop of the oil into his hands, and started to rub it into Dylen's chest. Dylen immediately fell into the massaging hands, every thought, every care abandoned to their supple caresses over his body. All he cared about, all he wanted to care about, was feeling. Nothing felt better than the strength in those hands and the gentle kisses Rian would occasionally bestow on the body part he was caring for. Being putty in Rian's hands was a poor metaphor at best to describe what this felt like, but they were the best words Dylen would ever be able to come up with.

Although much faster than the first massage in Bryce Canyon, Rian was no less careful, tending to every detail as he lovingly rubbed Dylen's naked form. Soon, Rian had Dylen perfectly relaxed. Now, he wanted to give Dylen just a taste of what was to come. Rian repositioned Dylen on the bed so that while he was still comfortably on his back, Rian could easily access Dylen's ass. Once satisfied, Rian reached back to the nightstand for a bottle of lube. He placed a generous dollop in his hands and used it to coat his index finger and Dylen's ass.

Rian leaned forward and whispered in Dylen's ear, "Stay just like this. Don't move. Don't think. Just feel." Rian righted himself and moved back to the position he'd made for himself. He reached down, spreading Dylen's legs to reveal the soft pink orifice he was looking for. He paused for a moment, playing with Dylen's tightened hole, teasing it with his touch, eliciting a groan from Dylen. Dylen was so involved in the feelings that he relaxed even more. That allowed Rian to slip his finger inside. Dylen had been so distracted that Rian's finger was more than halfway in before he could react to the sensation and tense up. Although it wasn't painful, it surprised Dylen nonetheless, producing the natural reaction. It was a strange sensation, unlike anything he'd felt before, but Dylen found it strangely pleasant, like he was being completed. Rian remained perfectly still until he felt Dylen relax again. Then, he slid more of his finger inside and he began.

It didn't take long for Rian to find Dylen's prostate, and once he did, Rian began a gentle, rhythmic massage. Dylen's breath immediately sharpened, and a pleasure-filled wail escaped his lips. It was as if he were drowning in liquid sex, like every nerve in his body was charged, tingling with overwhelming sexual power. Every sense was heightened as surge after surge of sexual excitement flew through him like tidal waves. Rian smiled, seeing Dylen's immediate reaction and he intensified the massaging. With his free hand, Rian reached up to Dylen's cock, and wrapped himself around it. He began simultaneously working Dylen's cock and prostate. Dylen's cock was rhythmically bouncing, his heartbeat in time to both the surges of pleasure and Rian's pumping motion. Dylen tried so hard to hold onto the feeling, to resist the growing urge to cum, but within moments these new sensations burst through his resolve. Nothing could make him hold back. Rian felt a tightening around his finger and saw Dylen's back rising into the air. He knew what was coming. Dylen's cock exploded, the thick white liquid covering him from head to abs. Rian continued everything he was doing as pulse after pulse flew out of Dylen. Dylen's eyes rolled back in ecstasy as Rian kept him going and going and going. After what seemed like hours, Dylen finally began to slow. While still keeping himself buried in Dylen's ass, Rian's free hand left Dylen's cock and began to swirl the liquid on Dylen's stomach, occasionally lifting his hand up and cleaning it with his tongue. He savored every drop. He'd never seen Dylen like this and it only excited him more, knowing that the best for both of them was still to come.

When Dylen's orgasm subsided, Rian slowly removed his finger. Dylen hadn't realized how accustomed he'd become to having a part of Rian there until it was gone. He missed it a lot. Rian took a moment to clean himself and re-lube before returning to Dylen and attempting to insert two fingers. This was much more substantial in girth, and it took more time for Dylen to overcome what was now discomfort, but again, he soon grew to love the feeling. As Rian worked at him, the few non-primal thoughts Dylen had were, "If this feels so good, what will Rian really feel like?"

He didn't have much longer to wait. When Rian was satisfied that he'd done all he could do to help Dylen get ready, he pulled his fingers out. After cleaning them, he slid up the bed so that he could kiss Dylen. Dylen returned it eagerly, longingly, already in awe and gratitude for what Rian was helping him experience. Rian reached to the table for a condom and lube. He rolled the condom onto his long, thick, engorged cock and lubed it generously, even to excess. He also lubed Dylen's ass again. Rian rose up, "Are you ready?"

"Yeah. I'm ready."

Rian slid around, positioning both Dylen and himself the best way he knew. Hopefully, he could avoid what he and Brock and done. With no experience and only a couple of barely lubed condoms, they ripped each other apart their first night. Rian's whole goal was to make sure that never happened to Dylen. "OK. Anytime this starts to get too much, I'll stop and wait. Just tell me."

Dylen didn't quite understand as he saw Rian positioned himself, appearing to totally overshadow him from his point of view. So far, it hadn't been that uncomfortable, just a little surprising. Once he'd gotten used to it, it felt tremendous. Already, this was something he knew he could never do without again. Dylen closed his eyes as he felt something both chilly and fervently hot touch him. Dylen tried to relax the way he'd learned to do with Rian's fingers. As he did he felt an unknown pressure as something began to enter. It seemed to pull him open . . . further and further and further open. This was way bigger than what he'd felt before. Quite suddenly a pain, like being torn in half, ripped up through his body. Dylen yelled out as the ripping fire consumed him. Rian stopped immediately. "I've stopped," he said. "Take your time. Get used to it. We'll go as slow as we need to." After a minute or so, Dylen signaled he was ready for Rian to continue. Rian started to push again, and he felt more of himself slip into Dylen before Dylen cried out again. Rian tried to comfort him. 'The worst part is over. It gets easier from here."

So it went inch after inch. Dylen found that it was indeed a bit easier that at first, easier being a very relative term. It still hurt, sometimes a lot. Finally, after another eternity that lasted only a few minutes, Rian's voice sounded in Dylen's ears. "I'm all the way in." Rian stopped moving anything except his hands, which started to gently massage what parts of Dylen's sweat-drenched body he could reach. Rian was scared. He'd tried to hard to make this comfortable. And it was much easier than when he'd fucked Brock the first time. But still, no matter how much they both wanted it, he was hurting Dylen. That thought caused him as much pain as Dylen experienced.

Rian was tempted to stop all together when Dylen reached down and took one of Rian's hands. He squeezed it reassuringly and said softly, "Keep going." His once sharply pained breaths were less harsh now. And as the pain declined, he began to feel something beyond experience. It was beyond merely physical, like an echo sounding within every cell of his body. He could actually feel Rian in him in ways he never conceived of. The pain was worth it just to feel this. He was supposed to be here, now, with this man. Every molecule of his body testified to it.

Rian, feeling that the time was right, began to pull himself out in what became a long, slow, careful motion. At first, Dylen felt some pain again, but he also found he craved more of Rian's cock inside him the less of it was there. Then, Rian's motion reversed, and Dylen felt himself filling up again. It was at that precise moment when something burst through all the pain and anxiety. It was that same wildly electric surge that seemed to instantly wipe away everything. It was quiet and slow at first, but within a few moments, it was even more intense than before, if that was possible. Dylen moaned loudly expressing ecstatic passion instead of pain.

Rian was also forgetting his misgivings as his pace quickened a little. He'd never felt anything like this during any sexual encounter he'd ever had. As soon as he knew Dylen was feeling satisfied, he allowed himself to start enjoying the waves that poured through his own body. Dylen was like a fish in water, quickly learning how to help the experience along with the result that Rian was nearing orgasm already. He fought off the urge, wanting to extend this for both of them. As Rian's speed increased again, the two lover's breaths became synchronous, the sweat dripping from them mixing together, their feelings of pleasure and love merging to become greater than either of them could have felt alone. In any way that was important, they really had become one being.

After a head-spinningly short time, Dylen could feel a change in Rian's pattern. His breath became faster, his grunted voice grew louder. Dylen used everything that came to him to turn up the moment to its maximum. He felt Rian run hard into him, and heard a roar bellow from the great man's chest. Dylen felt a shudder inside of him as Rian came. The sensation was too much for Dylen and he exploded again. That strange feeling they'd experienced a few times before -- the feeling of space and time and the whole universe stopping -- enveloped them. The climax of the two lovers seemed to go on and on forever, encircling them both in the arms of their mutual love. The pure beauty of this moment would stay with them the rest of their lives.

Finally spent, Rian collapsed on top of Dylen's exhausted body, his softening cock pulling and pulling and finally slipping out of Dylen. They lay for a moment, both consumed by the most satisfied exhaustion they'd ever felt. Rian slowly slid his way up Dylen's frame, placing small kisses as he went until he arrived at Dylen's ear. He nibbled a little while grinding himself down into Dylen, nearly crushing Dylen under his weight. He panted, "Well, what do you think?"

Dylen turned his head. He brushed his tongue across the unseen stubble of Rian's beard. "Thank you. I never knew I could ever feel that way ever. I didn't think I could love you anymore than I did, until now." Dylen felt his stomach flip as strongly as it did the first time he felt love for Rian. Tears welled up in his eyes. "I love you so much." Rian leapt onto Dylen's open mouth, their tongues ravaging each other, tasting each other anew. After a moment, Rian pulled away. He was getting hard again and so was Dylen. They had another moment of mutual mind reading.

"You want to go again?"

"You don't even have to ask." Rian reached for a fresh condom, both of the lovers relishing the anticipation of joining again.

Dylen lay in his spot -- the only perfect spot on earth -- nestled in Rian's bed. He was held tightly around the chest by Rian's arms and their legs knotted around and through each other. He heard Rian's soft, regular breathing as it expanded the dense, yet relaxed pecs into Dylen's back. Dylen was very sore and exhausted, but that didn't matter at all. Sleep was the last thing on his mind. They had gone at it for hour after hour, doing anything, everything, sharing their all with each other. Something in him said this was his calling in life, that he'd truly found his home.

Rian became more aggressive as the night went on and Dylen invited it to happen. They both wanted it more and more. It felt like they'd been made hand and glove for each other. But, through it all, there was no doubt in Dylen's mind that Rian loved him more than anything, more than life itself. He was safe here, happy. In this bed, with this man, nothing, no one could ever touch him. Here, Dylen could be who he wanted to be. He could surrender himself totally to another. There would never be any pressure, any push to be or do something he wasn't. Could love be so strong that it could defeat the whole world arrayed against them? He felt the dense flesh of the arms around his chest. He thought back to the ultimate expression of love they'd shared tonight. 'Yes, yes it could.' Dylen decided.

Even as they'd cleaned up and prepared for sleep, Dylen felt different. He'd always wondered what being a virgin no more would feel like. Of everything he'd imagined, he'd never thought he'd be fulfilled, whole, completed as he felt now. Dylen closed his eyes and slid closer to the heat behind him and to the certainty that he knew what love could truly be.

Keith fumbled his key into the lock and carefully opened the door to his dorm room. He'd been drunk so many times he'd forgotten how many. Hundreds? Maybe a thousand? Even so, tonight had been a hell of a good ride. But, he was tired now and wanted to go to sleep. Keith reached a hand in the partially opened door and flipped on the light. He expected to find his roommate asleep in bed. But, he was surprised when he saw the bed was empty and untouched. The kid hadn't been back since he left.

Keith shook his head. 'It's fucking weird' he thought. He was a decent judge of people. Granted he'd never hung around religious people, but staying out all night just didn't seem to be Dylen's style. Something was wrong about this. All wrong. He'd felt it before while they'd been talking, when he saw the dude in the car, but he'd chalked that up to religion. No, it was definitely something else. He was sure of it. But now was not the time. He was too tired and too drunk to care a lot about a kid he'd known for less than a day. But, he hoped that he would remembered this when he woke up. There was just something about Dylen Mason. He had to know what it was.

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