Saving Zach

By Saving Zach

Published on Mar 18, 2011


DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction and is not in any way based on real events. It contains sexually orientated material between two teenage boys and explicit language. If you are not allowed to read this kind of material in your country or state then please navigate away from this page. Any similarity between the characters and events in thisstory to actual events and people is purely coincidental.

COPYRIGHT: This story is the property is sole property of the Author and may not be re-posted anywhere else without specific permission from the Author. The Author maintains full rights to all of the characters etc in the story. This material has been copyrighted and any infractions will incur legal action.

Copyright 2010 Tyler Chapman, All rights reserved.

FEED BACK: I really appreciate feedback my email address is: so feel free to email me with any feedback, questions or comments about the story. Please try and be kind as this is my first attempt at writing, I realise there may be mistakes but I have tried my best to write a story that people will enjoy.

NOTE: I humbly apologise for the lateness of this chapter. Certain unavoidable events occurred in my life that I had to take care of. All is well now though. For those of you who are reading this story simply for sex scenes then you are wasting your time. Sex will come eventually but only naturally.

Saving Zach ­ Chapter 2 ­ Part 1

I walked back to form class in a kind of haze; things didn't seem all that real. It was like I was walking through one of my dreams and that at some point I was going to wake up in my bedroom wrapped in my blankets with an empty sadness inside. I spent every day walking through school dreaming of being with Zach and now I was walking through school and it wasn't a dream, it was real.

I had form class which I shared with Nate and I knew I would have a lot of explaining to do. There was going to be no short answer, I would have to divulge every single detail, every word spoken by both Zach and I. Every action and every breath. Nate would want no detail spared and he was more than adept at getting the information our of me, after 6 years of friendship he had developed the fine art of `Getting Information Out Of Jesse' to the point of being a professional in it.

Zach's form class was literally on the opposite side of school so he had to walk quite a distance to get there from the field, mine was right beside the field so it didn't take me long to get there. Even so I was still late; my form teacher was vicious and furious at everyone except Nate and me. We could turn up a few minutes before the end of class and he would smile and greet us but if anyone else turned up so much as a second late he would spend the whole remaining 20 minutes screaming at them. We had to go to form class twice a day for 20 minutes each time, it was where the teacher took the role and read out the daily announcements. In the second form class of the day we were supposed to read silently which Nate and I hardly ever did, we either talked with each other or with the teacher, his name was Mr Allum. It was quite comical because he would talk loudly with us and if anyone else would speak he would scream at them to shut up.

I walked in and took my seat next to Nate at the very back of the room; it was perfectly situated so that the least amount of other people in the form class could hear what we were saying. It was going to be especially useful for what I had to say to Nate.

I looked over at him `'You are not going to believe what has happened'' I stated. It was so far fetched that he probably wouldn't believe me.

"Tell me every single thing that happened'' Nate demanded.

So I did, I told him everything thing that happened. Everything that Zach said everything that I said. About the hug and the kiss and the admission of love. As I progressed through the story Nate's facial expressions changed sporadically between shock, stunned disbelief, excitement, more stunned disbelief and incredulity.

Nate hardly ever sweared or blasphemed, he would instead say Oh My Gosh' or Freaken Hell'. But this was not one of those times;

`'Oh my fucking God, Jess are you shitting me?'' he asked wide eyed.

'I shit you not'' I replied. I felt mildly sick after saying I shit you not'; it was a disgusting turn of phrase.

Nate sat there looking at me; I knew I was smiling like an idiot and who wouldn't be after someone you have loved for 5 years tells you they love you back. I was in a state of dream-like euphoria, I must have looked so odd with this massive smile on my face but that was of no consequence. People in my form class were used to my peculiar behaviour. I looked back at Nate who was now smiling back at me; it was a knowing smile that only Nate could deliver. There were many smiles that Nate had, each meaning something different. This was a smile of understanding and happiness with a little bit of disbelief.

Nate himself was attractive in a cute way, I had never been attracted him physically because he was not my type. He was slim with curly black hair that was cut short so that only people who knew him before the hair cut would know that it was curly. It looked much better cut short, I had nagged him for several years to get his hair cut short and he finally did it. He was really coming into his own as a person; he was extremely intelligent and morally developed but lacked a certain level of emotional maturity. He would often moan at me just for watching a TV show that he didn't like of if I wore something he didn't approve of. He didn't do that so much recently because his emotional maturity had finally caught up with his intellectual maturity, he still retained his quirky nature. I say quirky' but often it could be called infuriating'. People used to mistake us for a couple because we were both gay, that was just their naivety, but never once had I ever thought of being in a relationship with Nate and I never would. He was too much of a valuable friend and like I said before, I wasn't attracted to him.

`'So what now?'' Nate asked.

I shrugged `'I don't know, I have no idea what to do''. I knew what I wanted to do but not what I should do. I had been in several relationships but my heart was never really in them, it wasn't fair on the guys that I was with because they wanted me to give them everything, all of my love, but I couldn't. Zach had all of my love, he had it from the moment I saw him 5 years earlier.

Nate winced at the mention of God; he was religious but not the bible basher kind, he mostly kept it to himself and I respected that. I knew he wouldn't like me calling Zach `Godly' but I couldn't think of anything else to call him, even Nate couldn't disagree with the fact that Zach was so ridiculously attractive that it was abnormal. Abnormal in the sense that nobody came close to being as attractive as Zach, it was as if God himself had purposefully taken the time to make Zach more beautiful than any other person. I realise that this sounds unrealistic and if you think that I don't blame you, but if you actually laid eyes upon Zach you would understand what I mean.

The bell rung for the final class and everybody started shuffling about and leaving the classroom. I promised Nate that I would phone his as soon as I got home, it was `my turn to ring' he said.

The last period went by so fast that it was like it hadn't happened at all, one minute I was sitting down and the next minute I was getting up with everyone else to leave. Obviously the only thing that had been on my mind during the whole class was Zach. How could he not be after the events that had taken place earlier?

I followed the stream of people to the car park listening to my iPod as I walked. It was still on shuffle and Rammstein was playing, whenever I listened to Rammstein I wanted to become a dictator and have an army. It was such a military song; I could just picture my army marching to it as I watched down on them from my castle. I don't know why it was a castle but it seemed right. I smiled to myself at how it would be cool to have an army and a castle.

Although today had been the best day in my life I was starting to become worried, what if this was just one big joke? What if Zach and his mates were going to appear and laugh at me and my stupidity for believing someone like Zach was in love with someone like me?

I had completely forgotten that I parked next to Zach's car and when I saw the angle of my car in the park compared to his the perfect alignment of Zach's I was embarrassed. I thought that my parking had been much better than that; I had spent several minutes trying to do it perfectly but still managed to make it look like I had just swerved into the park and leapt out of my car.

Zach was standing next to his car surrounded by his mates from the baseball team, a 2008 Dodge SR10 ACR. Don't even get me started on how ludicrous it is for someone Zach's age to have a car like that, it was hugely expensive. Rich adults didn't even have cars like Zach's; he really was one of a kind. The explanation is rather simple though; his parents were extremely rich. Everybody knew it, to know about Zach was to know about how rich his parents were. There were wild rumours that spread around the school about exactly how rich they were but nobody could know for sure. Even with all that wealth Zach didn't flaunt it, the only expensive thing I had ever seen him with was the Dodge. He would wear nice brands but so did all the other Jocks.

Zach spotted me as I approached and smiled really big, all the guys around him followed his gaze to me so they were all staring at me as I approached. I was actually friends with a lot of the baseball guys, they knew I was gay but it didn't bother them. I never made any advances on them so I wasn't a threat; whereas most gays would try to get with them I just enjoyed their company. Heterosexual male Jock humour is so different from other kinds of humour that most people don't get it, most of the time I did get it and would laugh along with them but other times I would just stare blankly at them and they would laugh at me in the `you probably don't want to know what that was about anyway' way.

I had only made friends with them through classes that we shared; I never specifically sought any of them out. It wasn't some grand scheme to finally make my way to Zach, I just appreciated their humour and they appreciated mine. I enjoyed male company as much as I enjoyed female company; straight guys in particular tend to be up front. If they have something to tell you they'll just say it.

`'Sup Jesse'' Shane said as I approached. He was the short-stop and the one I spoke to most out of the group. The others all said something along the lines of what Shane said, Zach just kept grinning at me.

"Hey guys" I replied as took my head-phones out and switched my iPod off. I tried to ignore my horrible parking which was even worse close up; a few of the guys had a chuckle.

`'Who taught you to park Jess?'' Jack asked smiling slyly at me.

`'I don't think anyone has...'' Shane said laughing. I laughed with him; I was never one to take myself too seriously. I was always laughing at the things I did.

After a few minutes of laughing Jack sighed and patted me on the back 'You're always a laugh Jess'' he said. Zach glared at him like he had violated some unspoken Law of Physical Contact with Jesse'; Jack didn't see it though as his back was turned to Zach.

"We better be off anyway" Jack said signalling the other boys to follow him to his car. Jack was the only one among them that had his full licence so he drove them all home after school.

"Drive safe" Jack yelled back to me. I pulled the finger back at him because I knew he was making fun of my lack of parking ability.

Zach looked over at me and smiled. God he had this smile that would set me on fire. I wasn't used to it so when I saw it I became speechless.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

"Nothing" I said in an attempt to downplay my obvious discomfort. I was happy but didn't know what to do. This was not a situation I thought I would be in when I parked my car next to his. At the time I thought I might simply get a look at Zach as he got into his car, I had no idea that between then and now Zach would have told me he loved me. It was strange because of all the thinking I had done about being with Zach I had never thought about what I would actually do when I was with him. With my other boyfriends we would hold hands or have sex, usually the latter because that was all I wanted from them. That sounds cruel and it was, they wanted my love and I just wanted sex. There was no way I could give them my love when I had already given it to Zach. Even though during the time of those relationships I barely even spoke to Zach I still loved him.

"Oh come on" he said "I'm not fucking stupid. There is clearly something upsetting you and I want to know what it is"

"It's nothing" I repeated as I turned back to face my car "I'll see you tomorrow Zach". I de-armed my car and threw my bag in the back seat. I was just about to get in when he came over from behind me and put his arms around my waste pulling me backwards into him. I could feel his toned chest against my back.

He put his chin on my shoulder. His warm breath tickled my neck.

"Jess, I know this is weird for you. It's weird for me too, I'm running on auto-pilot here" he said `'...this is different to when I have been with girls because I actually care about you''

'I mean seriously dude, I am in love with you'' he continued in a whisper '...I don't usually talk like this. It's you Jess. You make me say these things. You are what people search all their lives for and I actually have you. I get you every day and every night. This is the kinda shit you read about or see in a movie but that never happens for real. It's happening for real Jess, for us''

I didn't know how to respond, hearing him actually say that he was in love with me was like, well, I can't even think of a simile to do it justice. Everything had happened so fast, there was no gradual getting to know each other then becoming friends then confessions of love. This was just straight to the confessions of love. I had spent more time with Zach in that one day than I had in the entire past five years combined. But the thing was that it felt natural, it felt like there hadn't been a moment where we weren't together. I just had to be myself, let go of my self doubt and insecurities and just be me.

I took a deep breath and as I exhaled I just let all that doubt and insecure feelings flow out of me. It was like taking off a heavy back-pack or finally reaching dry land after spending your life wading through waist deep mud. Liberating.

That was what I was going to do, be myself. That is all I could be.

"You know" he said staring directly into my eyes "I really do love you Jesse Williams. I hope you never ever have to doubt it"

Guilt is a horrible feeling; it sucks the will to live from you. It's your own personal punishment for the bad things you have done. A human who doesn't feel guilt for the evil they have committed is not a human at all. Sometimes, however, we feel guilt for things that are out of our control, it is that guilt that is bad. Guilt had washed over me like a tidal wave, sinking into every pore of my being. I had doubted Zach's love for me. He had done nothing wrong but I had doubted his love for me. The reason for my doubt was that it seemed too good to be true what had happened today. `Things this good don't happen to me' I thought.

"I love you too Zachary Jordan" I said humbly. I accepted it then, Zach loved me and I loved him. We were together and that was it. No longer would I question it or doubt it.

"You wanna do something tomorrow night?" he asked still staring into my eyes.

"Yeah, any ideas?" I asked softly. By this point I was leaning heavily back into Zach, he was pretty much holding me up with his arms which were wrapped tightly around my waist.

'Well...'' he said with mischief in his voice '...there are a few things we could do''

I couldn't help but laugh, a few hours into the relationship and he was already thinking about sex. However, I had five years head start on him. Zach unbeknownst to him had been the object of my fantasies for several years already.

We had been standing there in each other's embrace for about five minutes and we were getting some not so accepting stares from other students. We reluctantly let go of each other and went about getting into our vehicles.

"You gunna have to pull out first" he said taking a jab at my shabby parking

"K" I replied shutting my door and feeling good about the fact he couldn't see me blushing.

I took my dash shade down and put my sun glasses on. Looking at myself in the rear-view mirror I thought; `Yeah you go Jesse. You just hooked up with the hottest guy in school. Yeah. Yeah. WoooohWoooh'

I turned my stereo up as loud as it would go and put Skillet: Whispers in the Dark on. It was a heavy metal Christian band that I loved. My music taste was extremely diverse.

As I approached the exit I could see Zach approach in his car from behind. He lifted a finger from his wheel to acknowledge my being in front of him and kept staring ahead.

I pulled out and drove home.

Nobody was home when I arrived which meant I could just relax and do what ever I wanted. And that is exactly what I did until 10pm when I medicated myself and went to bed. I was so fucking excited to see Zach the next day that if it wasn't for the medication I would never have been able to fall asleep.

I woke up particularly early so that I could get to school on time. Not on time for classes but on time to see Zach when he arrived. I didn't want to miss out on any time with him, now that we were actually together.

I arrived at school, parked the car and quietly got the day's books out of the back seat, checked my time table and got out of the car arming it as I walked towards the school.

I went to the library which was always open from 8:00am. I sat down on one of the sofas and started reading a book. I was so lost in my book that I lost track of time and before I knew it the bell had rung.

I was looking forward to seeing Nate and telling him everything so that we could plan a vicious revenge that would never take place but was still fun to discuss. I walked into form class searching the heads for his but it wasn't there. I sighed; the day was already off to a bad start. No Nate.

I had plenty of other friends, close friends; Becca and the girls, for example. I was very close with Becca; I considered one of my best friends. Even though there was no list I liked to think there was. It's not good to list your friends, but my mind just worked that way. Things always fell into lists. For example: My Death List was very expansive and covered everyone who had ever wronged me with graphic descriptions of how they were going to die when I eventually got around to killing them. I wasn't actually going to kill them, well maybe a couple, but it was fun to imagine.

I had Physics first period so would get to see Zach.

He was waiting outside the door when I arrived and was smiling that electric smile of his;

`'Took you long enough'' he said cheerfully. He had waited for me; Zach Jordan had waited for ME to get to class. This was really happening.

I shrugged and returned his smile `'Yeah, I guess. What's the time?'' I asked.

We walked into class together which turned a few heads, we weren't holding hands but nobody had seen me interact with Zach at any point up until then so it would have strange to see us together.

`'Dunno but class started 10 minutes ago'' he said casually. We sat down the back of the class room, Zach walking straight past a couple of guys from the swim team that he usually sat with. They didn't seem to notice and Zach didn't seem to care. He kept looking over at me once we were sitting down with a huge smile on his face, it was as though he'd just won the most amazing prize on earth.

Mrs Turner was yapping on about something completely unrelated to the curriculum that she was supposed to be teaching but that's why I liked her so much. She would go off on these tangents and get ridiculously side tracked and the thing was the students loved it because was so interesting compared with what they should actually be learning.

Half an hour after we walked into class Zach got a mischievous look on his face then reached over and stole my eraser.

`'Zachary, did you just burglarise my eraser?'' I asked.

Zach frowned at me `'Well, yeah. I did'' he said before smiling mischievously again.

I grinned back at him `'Give it'' I said as I reached to get it back. He moved his hand out of the way just in time so reached in the new direction but he moved his hand again. It was at that point that I launched myself off my seat and onto Zach who managed to keep his balance whilst simultaneously keeping the eraser just out of reach.

`'GIVE IT GIVE IT GIVE IT GIVE IT'' I demanded as my arms writhed about trying to get the eraser back. At that moment I remembered we were in fact in a Physics class which was full of students who were all delightfully watching the spectacle playing out before their eyes. Strange happenings like the ones they were watching didn't happen all that much at Auckland Grammar which made them all the more gossip worthy when they did happen. This was one of those things: Jesse Williams writhing over baseball captain Zach Jordan. The news would sweep the school within hours. It didn't bother me, people new I was gay but they didn't know Zach was. If certain people found out, which they would, it could ruin everything for Zach. He could be kicked off the baseball team and God knows what else.

As a kind of immediate reaction I leapt back off Zach and fell onto the floor. It was mildly embarrassing only because of the loud SMACK I made as I hit the ground. Zach pretty much dove off his seat to help me up.

Once I was standing I looked into his eyes trying to figure out what he was he thinking. He just winked at me and turned to the face the class full of students staring directly at him.

'Man, all I wanted was to borrow his eraser'' Zach said casually as he shrugged '...who ever said that gays are pussies needs to get their facts right. This guy just fucking leapt on me over an eraser. Dude, that's fucked up''. The whole class erupted with laughter; they knew how crazy I was and weren't shocked to hear that I would leap on Zach for an eraser. I was laughing hysterically as well, it was funny.

In saying those few words Zach had dispelled the entire situation. All the guys believed him because they were either of the baseball team or wanted to be. All the girls believed him because they wanted to be with him so badly that they would take any excuse.

I had English second period which Zach wasn't in so we let go of each other and went to our separate classes, he had PE and was most stunned to discover that I quit PE in my second year of high-school. That was as early as I could, the first two years of high-school PE was compulsory but after that it was elective. I detested the very thought of it but loved that Zach liked it so much; I wouldn't have it any other way.

English was always entertaining because the teacher was hilarious and let everyone get away with quite a lot. Though everyone knew there were boundaries and didn't cross them, if they did then they were punished accordingly. But what was worse than detention was losing the teacher's, Mr Matthew's, respect. He would never treat you the same if you crossed him, as long as you were on his good side then things were great but you only got one chance and that was it. No more chances. So you just don't fuck up.

It was halfway through English and having a rather lively discussion about narrative styles with my friend Elliott when Jack appeared in the doorway. I was kind of shocked because he was supposed to be in PE with Zach. He was looking at me as he spoke to Mr Matthews who then walked over to me so he could say something; `'Jesse...uh, something just happened with a Zach Jordan while he was partaking in an activity in Physical Education Class. Apparently he is in quite a bad way and demanding to see you'' Mr Matthews said quietly. A few girls turned their heads at the mention of Zach Jordan and their eyes widened when the discovered it was me he was demanding to see. I immediately packed my things and left the room.

`'What the fuck happened?'' I demanded of Jack. He was just turning his head from side to side as if in a state of disbelief. He looked over at me, his eyes were wide and damp.

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